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@Manaಠдಠ I read that as "$10 for beyond good! And evil, oh my god!
@Manaಠдಠ Why does that sound familiar?
Have you said that before?
@GnomeSliceツ No.
@GnomeSliceツ are you thinking of the band pig with the face of a boy?
@Wipqozn To Moscow I came seeking fortune.
@Wipqozn N...No.
@ArdaXi But they’re making me work til I’m dead
@Wipqozn The bourgeoisie have it so easy.
@ArdaXi The Tsar’s putting gold on his bread
@Wipqozn They want to make sure you don't come back as a revenant.
@GnomeSlice I'm actively seeking good indie band names to take for my own
@Wipqozn The people of Moscow are hungry.
@ArdaXi But think what a feast there could be
although I've already figured out my future band name
@Wipqozn If we could create...
@Manaಠдಠ Tell me it's not Pig Shoes
@ArdaXi a socialist state that cared for the people like me
@Wipqozn I am the man who arranges the blocks that descend upon me from up above.
@GnomeSlice It's not, no worries. I refuse to say it to anyone but my immediate family though because I know some jerk's going to steal it and ruin my day/year/life.
@ArdaXi They come down and I spin them around Til they fit in the ground like hand in glove.
@Manaಠдಠ The Mana Batteries?
@Ronan, where are you stuck?
God I love this song. Thanks @GnomeSlice, because of you I am now listening to it.
Here, have a star.
Me too.
@Wipqozn NOOO
@Wipqozn Which song.
Oh... I can't find anything @GnomeSlice has said worth starring... nevermind
The markets are free so much money for me tell me why should I care for peace and love?
Ooooh....That was harsh.
I hate you people.
@ArdaXi I think that's my favorite part of the song
@Wipqozn I like that bit afterwards too. And now the wall is down, the Marxists frown...
@Wipqozn Wow, this is a great song!! I love your taste in music.
@Manaಠдಠ Yeah, I'm pretty awesome.
@GnomeSliceツ I'm really tempted to star that, but I shall refrain from doing so.
@Wipqozn How many times is this going to be linked & starred in here.
@GnomeSliceツ I'm not sure. How many times have I linked it thus far?
At least three times I think.
@Wipqozn Why, everyone already thinks I'm a douche, judging from a list of my starred messages.
It's a rather excellent song, worthy of several links.
@GnomeSlice D: Woah wait, you don't take this stuff seriously, do you?
I hear the guy who ran TwitPic isn't happy... then again, if you build your entire business model around a feature not being implemented in another product, you're going to get burned when said product gains said feature.
@Manaಠдಠ No, not really.
@GnomeSliceツ you dick l o l. MAking us all concerned.
Heh. I successfully transferred all of that to @GnomeSlice. :D
now I'm listening to this
@Wipqozn Hah, I linked that months ago.
@GnomeSliceツ It's fairly awesome.
@Wipqozn This is hilarious!
I think I need to fire my campaign staff. Not only have they not brought in any big name endorsements, they haven't managed to bring in even a single comment.
> Mozilla To Remove User-Facing Firefox Version Numbers
@Wipqozn Sure is.
I'm watching planet of the dead.
So, now extensions will randomly break and users won't even know why.
@ArdaXi Thoughts?
@Wipqozn Well I only just started.
The only reason I still have this shitty game is for the music.
@bwarner there you go
@Wipqozn Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip are much better for Brit hip hop.
@ArdaXi oh okay.
@Manaಠдಠ Professor Elemental is another good one. Although I might have his name wrong.
No, no I don't.
@Wipqozn Sure, take their side.
Anyone heard of Atom the Immortal ?
Here, I'll leave a real comment for you
@GnomeSliceツ You are such a link hipster
He tries to use all kinds of sciency words in his raps.
@FallenAngelEyes I didn't say "Before it was cool"
@fredley The minecart's not there but the pistons still active
@bwarner you're welcome
Oh dear. Was the minecart there originally?
I heard Minecraft talk.
Oh, did you release your adventure map @fredley?
Trying out an adventure map I made: goo.gl/T2Y3u
That's the one
@fredley Cool, I'll try it out.
@fredley I don't think so, maybe...
also i blew up, chalenge 1 gave me level 1, i pulled it and it went boom!
This is why we test :-)
i thought it was because we can
ok just loaded it up and no minecart!
and gold levers should be 1, 3 and 4?
oh i pulled iron
but it does just say:
pull lever
ok I'll update the signs to be a bit more specific
i think the words accurate
I guess these things are just obvious when you're building a map...
also the wiring back there for #1 is bugged, it all works, but it's bugged
the repeaters aren't powering the wires they're pointed at
As long as it works I don't care!
Heh, somehow I managed to land in the water at Challenge 3, even though I blindly walked off the cliff.
it doesn't that's the point, pick up and replace the repeaters
Okay, that's enough ELU chat for now.
Back in the Bridge. wheee
Circuitry working for me
in the minecart challenge?
@Manaಠдಠ oh thank god, you're back. We all missed you.
yeah, maybe now the minecart's going round it's updated and now works...
@Wipqozn starts sobbing uncontrollably IT WAS HORRIBLE
@Manaಠдಠ well, this is awkward... I need to leave now...
seriously though, heading home. toodles all.
peace man
@Manaಠдಠ Bring on the hot chicks, because I'm a hot stud!
@Wipqozn @Mana Sometimes it seems like you're all teenagers.
@Arda I am still a teenager, thank you!!
I guess Jeff was right, ELU is just a haven for questions about anatomy and dirty jokes.
@Manaಠдಠ I thought you were twelve or something.
@Manaಠдಠ We have actual girls in here and we don't make a fuss about it.
@badp Plural?
@badp I was joking, maaaaaaaan. And so were you.
@GraceNote counts as half
on average
@GraceNote is in a superposition of both genders.
Every time you observe him she has a different gender.
so if you say she is it's +1 and if you say he isn't it's +0 so on average +0.5
female != girl however
good point
what's the implies symbol?
or rather ->
Gender and sex are two different things anyway
@Manaಠдಠ 20:31:19 at the time you posted that.
but girl -> female
bakes pie
@Manaಠдಠ o'clock you mean. cooks bacon
surely 15:41 is pi o'clock
@RonanForman 14:15, rather.
it would depend on the radix
Or 3:14
that's as precisely pi time as most people can ever get
yeah sorry 15:14
because who's baking pie at quarter past 3 in the morning?
a really dedicated raider
or a professional baker
I mean if you need it ready at 6am
it's more than dediaction, it's delusion
No, delusion would be a schizo pi
much like a cutie pi but utterly insane
the two form a joint set at the Vicky Mendoza diagonal
@GnomeSlice I've got the best hash-tag for you: twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23replacemovienameswithbacon
apple pie get in my belly
I like the one "Is it okay if I do this with Babe"
> No Bacon For Old Men
No wonder @Powerlord talks about it so much. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
they have heart disease you know, it's quite the tragedy
Is there a thing where we can see user's stars/posts ratings?
Sorry that was mean. I don't actually think you're old @Powerlord.
oops i tagged @GnomeSlice in that... sorry @Powerlord
#replacemovienameswithbacon Bacon.
I'm guessing the original was Jaws
Could be anything.
The (Power)Lord of the Bacon.
The Baconing... oh wait, that's a game, not a movie.
Q: What is the name of a NES platformer where you attack with a metallic bird?

AubergineThis should be an easy one if anyone actually played this, since I remember plenty of details but simply cannot find the game itself. This game was a platformer for the NES, and I believe I played it around the early 90s (though it doesn't necessarily mean the game itself isn't older). The char...

(I was trying to do The Shining)
@Lazers Can't read the entire question, but as I recall, Mega Man 4+ had Beat.
it's not mega man
the boss battles as described don't fit
I was mining very low in this Minecraft world
unless they radically changed the formula in there somewhere
then suddenly a zombie steps unseen into lava
lava bath?
@WorldEngineer Yeah, Gaming is blocked at work, so I can only read the summary as posted by Lazers.
> I say name each version after the first thing you exclaim when something goes wrong. "In other news, Mozilla shitf**kdammit will replace the address bar with an animated monkey who suggests up to three web sites to you."
(OK, I censored that, even though it's a quote)
@Powerlord This should be an easy one if anyone actually played this, since I remember plenty of details but simply cannot find the game itself.

This game was a platformer for the NES, and I believe I played it around the early 90s (though it doesn't necessarily mean the game itself isn't older).

The character you controlled was dressed in red with a red mask covering his eyes, and you had some sort of metallic bird with you (I don't think it was always visible). You would throw the bird to attack enemies, and it would then return to you. Proportion-wise, I think the character was pretty
The current posted only answer so far is "Yo, Noid!"
which does look like it fits the bill for the most part
Scary part: I have a deck of (never used as far as I can tell) Avoid the Noid playing cards.
I was Germany when that was released and I didn't own a console until 1999
I've had way too many consoles over the years.
I was a computer gamer from 1991 or so on
I've never had a console.
I've had lots of consoles... Atari 2600... NES... SNES... Genesis... PlayStation... N64... PS2... GameCube... Wii... Xbox 360... PS3...
That's not counting handhelds, either.
(which were GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, DS Lite, DSi XL (which I got because my Lite had buttons that stopped working and one of the hinges was breaking))
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon was one of my favorite games.
It was the first thing that I ever played for the GBA and probably my favorite thing that I played for the GBA.
@Manaಠдಠ Really? I thought it was the weakest of the 3 Castlevania games on the GBA.
GBA had quite a few interesting games. I really liked the remake of Metroid (Metroid: Zero Mission)
@Powerlord Well, they got better as they went along. But...it still holds a special place in my heart just for being such a damn good launch title.
I have... mixed feelings about Metroid: Fusion.
yeah, I still hold a special place for Commander Keen
even though there are many better 2d platformers out there
Sonic 2 as well
Never really got into Commander Keen.
@Powerlord I preferred Metroid: Zero Mission for gameplay but I loved the atmosphere in Metroid: Fusion.
It's one of the few games that I actually found scary, and for a GBA game that's saying a lot.
It didn't help that the Metroid story had essentially been finished with the end of Super Metroid.
It really didn't help that, prior to his death, the Metroid series producer, Gunpei Yokoi, had essentially said that the Metroid series was over, but we'd likely see Samus again in a new mission.
Gunpei ;_;
SPOILER ALERT: Every Metroid game has Metroids in it.
I mean, I know it's a huge spoiler being in the title and all...
Commander Keen died off really for two reasons, the rise of Doom made it unnecessary for the company to continue to make that kind of game and the departure of Tom Hall from id
It's the Zelda problem
@WorldEngineer Did Tom Hall move on to Apogee itself? I seem to recall Duke Nukem 1 and 2 played a lot like Commander Keen.
@WorldEngineer There have been Zelda games without Zelda or Ganon in them.
by then it was 3D Realms
Majora's Mask being the big one.
and yeah I think he was there
My first Zelda was Link's Awakening
so I didn't meet Ganon for a while
or Zelda
Link's Awakening technical has Ganon in it, but only as one of the last boss's forms.
The best part of Zelda: Majora's Mask: the very beginning part where you control Link and you do backflips up a bunch of platforms.
I never did get the chance to play that one much
beat Ocarina of Time on a borrowed console
So yeah, Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask don't have Zelda or Ganon. The Oracles games don't either. Kinda.
Such an awesome animation. Compared to the standard hop that he does in OOT I was really impressed just by that beginning part.
I actually quite liked Majora's Mask but I know a lot of people that hated it
@Powerlord But... she's in the title and all!
@FallenAngelEyes I feel that it's the weakest game in the series.
@badp Well, I said kinda. I don't want to spoil things.
Majora's Mask has a farily awesome TAS
also I felt super guilty whenever I failed the Kafei and Anju sidequest
@badp Liiiiiiiiink meeeeeeee
It takes IIRC 5 ingame days and 23 hours and 40 minutes
My biggest problem with Majora's Mask is how, if you don't complete something in time, you end up having to roll time back to the first day and make your way back to whatever you were doing.
2 of which are spent waiting
I always seem to get tired of the game around the third temple.
it's very much the Final Fantasy 9 of Zelda
@badp At least you can forward time by half a day... repeatedly.
@Powerlord that's obviously what he did.
yup! he uses two cycles
You failed to save Romani from the aliens! Since it happens at 5am (I think), you have to reset back to day 1, go to Romani Ranch, skip to 6pm, then wait for 11 in-game hours.
Oh, and there's another event on day... 2? That requires you to have done that first.
@WorldEngineer I thought people hated 8 more than 9
I seem to recall it was annoying to get the Gold Sword, too.
or was it because Zidane wasn't emo and whiny like Cloud and Squall
Did you guys get your tickets?
I loooved FF9
@Powerlord is it the one that required waiting 2 days?
@badp You had to beat Goht (the temple 2 boss) on day 1, pay to get your sword upgraded to the Razor (?) sword, then on Day 2, win the race to get the gold dust and take it back to the swordsmith to get him to upgrade your sword again, then remember to get your sword back on Day 3 before resetting to Day 1 to continue the game proper.
@Powerlord I remember that.
@Powerlord Oh god... the flashbacks...
Or at least that's how you're intended to do it.
I hated that race.
yeah, then the TAS spends 2/3rds of the second cycle waiting for that.
The game is a pain if you're trying to collect all the masks, too.
Q: Baldur's Gate: what shield size should I use?

azeraIt's basically what the title says, I'm not used to A&D at all and haven't played many games like this before (I played Dragon Age: origins). Tried to look on the web but there was very very few info. There are 3 size of shields, and I don't know what the advantages and disadvantages of each...

@Powerlord Yeah, I did that.
I loved Majoras Mask. One of my favorite zelda games.
I enjoyed it as well and I certainly don't harbor the outright hatred for it that some do
One thing I hated about watching the game is that huge always-on clock. Was showing four digits and a colon too simple or something?
My favorite Zelda has still got to be A Link to the Past.
Funny thing, I received both that game and Dido's No Angel album for Christmas that year and because I played the album while playing the game, the two are kind of linked in my head.
I...I liked Zelda 2 :(
@FallenAngelEyes I found FF9 to be too cartoony. FF8 was very emo, but it's a final fantasy game, so, meh. I really liked the junction system, even though it was fairly easy to get absurdly powerful characters.
@sjohnston Did you remember to draw Leviathan?
@sjohnston Come on, Final Fantasy games don't have to be very emo. FF6, bro!
@sjohnston "FF8 was very emo, but it's a final fantasy game" Let me guess, FF7 was the first FF game you played?
Speaking of which I never finished watching the FF8 TAS.
That's the only thing I hated about VIII. Perma-misses like that.
FF games prior to 7 weren't really emo.
@badp Don't you mean a colon?
Yes, I do. Thanks
@Powerlord FF4 was pretty dark for a good bit, at least until you swap classes
8 was my first
I think the switch to voice acting really changed the tone of FF games for me, I dunno.
I didn't play 7 extensively until 2004
8 was my first as well, haha
and I didn't much like it at that point
I've played a lot of the others on emulators
I actually still haven't finished 7
I believe I've played the first 4 FFs and 7 through 12. In my experience, the earlier FF games had a story that could fit neatly on a postage stamp. It wasn't that they were less emo, it's just that the emo wasn't very thoroughly developed
9 and 10 are probably my favorites
this is partially because I had an ex-b/f who thought that FF7 was the BEST THING EVAR
FF6 was the first FF game I experienced, although it was my brother playing it, not me.
I would just watch with the intensity of a thousand suns, taking every detail in.
Saga Frontier was technically my first Square game
@Powerlord FF games prior to 7 were also good
downright excellent even
My first Square game? Gyromancer. I skipped through all the cutscenes :P
@sjohnston I know FF1 wasn't really developed (seriously, the plot was "4 warriors had 4 crystals that went dark! Relight the Crystals!"), but even the SNES games had quite a bit of development.
FF12 was good except for Vaan
delete him and the game is excellent, otherwise it's terrible
@WorldEngineer I need to finish that one too and that's what I hear all the time
I got tired of running around in circles to replenish my MP :(
I was just out of WoW at that point
so I found it to be boring after a while
I never started FF12.
what do FF12 and FF1 have in common even?
Is there something all the FF games have in common besides being an FF game?
@Powerlord Sorry, I just don't find most of those characters or settings particularly memorable. I'm not one of those people who believe FF7 is capital-A Art, but I also don't believe that the earlier games were vastly superior to their modern counterparts. I do think it's one of those comparisons that is heavily tinged with nostalgia for many people.
@badp A guy named Cid/Sid?
@badp Moogles?
@badp The completely absurd claim of finality?
@sjohnston lol
pcworld.com/article/238047/… <-- Hmm, this could cause Apple a lot of trouble.
@Powerlord sad trombone
@sjohnston Why? That's good news!
so what's apple suing for exactly? a company other then them has the nerve to make profit?
it's the Patent wars
world gone mad I tell ya
@Wipqozn To block the Galaxy Tab 10.1 from being in sold in Europe because it looks too much like the iPad 2.
Which means that falsified evidence distorting the dimensions of one of the products is pretty damning against them.
Oh man, the Bangai-O Spirits tutorial dialogue. "If you time it perfectly, you can unleash UP TO 100 MISSILES 4x THE NORMAL SIZE!!! ...by the way, sometimes they won't all display due to screen limitations. Sorry---" "Isn't that a bug...?"
@ArdaXi That was just a textual sound effect to accompany Apple's fail. It was not indicative of my overall emotional response to said article.
To make things perfectly clear, Apple already has gotten sales of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 blocked in Germany. Other EU countries may also choose to block sales of it due to said injunction.
Q: How do Minecraft Mods really work?

KnotHeatherI have found a few mods for minecraft I like a lot. I know you cant use them all at the same time. I know that some go together well, so how do I find out what goes with what? And is there a way to load some for now, and unload them later so that I can change them out? I got a patch device but I ...

@Powerlord So you hate both Android and iOS
so what do you like?
Well, s/iOS/apple, same thing
@ThomasMcDonald You asked for it. Clearly, I like .
I'm fairly system agnostic but I'm not much of a gadget guy
@ThomasMcDonald I never said I hate Android. I think Google is guilty-as-hell in the Oracle v. Google case, and they knew very well that they would be, but that doesn't mean I hate Android as a platform.
Of course, to avoid that lawsuit, Google could have just used Sun's GPLv2 OpenJDK instead, but that would cause its own set of problem (such as requiring them to release Honeycomb's source)...
Apple fire and motioned the hell out of the market
and Google took the quick way
google could have fairly easily put it's weight behind a python JIT thing but that'd taken 5 years to get off the ground and working
Java had the user base
Q: How many endings are there to The Stanley Parable?

Tobias KienzlerI found six, which also are shown here. Are there any endings left?

I'd assume Dalvik was chosen to help with patent issues as best as could be done and also because it runs as a register machine
@badp Chocobos AFAIK
I'm trying to think of a funny way to make a Secret of @Mana reference, but I can't think of one.
Q: How to do Leg Grab in Mortal Kombat 4?

nnbnnbnnbSonya's Leg Grab is D + LP + BL, where + means, I suppose, to press/hold simultaneously. This is the only regular move that's marked with a plus and I cannot perform - I've tried a number of keying techniques. How do you press it?

@Lazers 4 is not 9...
@Powerlord: Yeah all my other old games work. The drive is crappy, but it's not yet broken.
Oh guys, I'm making some gaming posters, any suggestions?
Q: Would you be interested in printable Gaming.SE posters, to give out and/or put in your local gaming store?

Brett White ΨAdding to the long list of things to Get Done, here's another idea that FallenAngelEyes brought up and discussed with us in the Bridge yesterday. Basically, would you all be interested in a printable PDF poster that advertises Gaming.SE, for placement in your local gaming stores (or coffee shops...

Oh, I'm behind
@badp or @Grace: Can we merge the and tags on Meta?
I thought you meant gaming in general, not for the site. Oops.
Q: OpenTTD: Multiple trains using bridges and tunnels?

fbreretoIs there a setting to permit multiple trains in a tunnel or across a bridge at one time? I can't seem to find anything related to it, yet I would imagine with more complicated layouts this kind of setting would become essential. If it is not possible, what are some tips/tricks to maximize crowde...

@FallenAngelEyes Done
I'm currently making a one with mario looking over a scene from a castle at another one with the caption "Can't make it to the other castle?" and then "Ask for help at G.SE" or words to the effect.

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