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Q: What is the best overall youth / first team training camp in Fifa Manager 11?

NoCanDoWith so many choices I'm not sure what to choose. Which camp is the overall best one for the youth team and first team in Fifa Manager?

@Powerlord Given that the new rule has been added for F2P games, I actually think the rule forbids games from shipping with an autoupdater.
If you are coming through Steam, all your bits will go through Steam. Period. I don't see anything wrong with that.
@badp As far as I know, all MMO games ship with their own auto-updaters, including Spiral Knights.
Spiral Knights only does patching and validation steps.
I still can't wrap my head around that. It's your customer service page. This means there is a good chance someone visiting this page is pissed at your company, so shoving ads in their face will just make it worse.
I haven't seen it download anything.
Obviously autoupdaters typically include advertisement positions you may have to stare at for some time.
Need For Speed: World uses its autoupdater to shove paid bonuses in your face, e.g.
I think the LoL launcher does the same, although not as much
@badp "Hey! Thanks for buying our product! NOW BUY ALL OF THESE TOO!"
@Wipqozn NFS:World is F2P, P2W
@badp It is? :/
@badp Ah okay, that makes more sense.
Yes. Unless you play Pursuit or Group Pursuit
then you're either playing alone, or playing with and not against other people.
Group Pursuit is actually quite fun.
They added a group pursuit mode? That sounds pretty cool.
@Manaಠдಠ you sound pretty cool
Pursuit was the only reason I ever played NFS:World
@Wipqozn Thank you! :)
@Manaಠдಠ It is.
To be honest, I've never even heard of it before. Probably because I strongly dislike the NFS series.
The drawback is you have to do the pursuit along "railroads"
@badp Oh...lame.
Not really, I can't imagine how you could do it otherwise
Basically you have this looooooong track filled to brim with roadblock and police cars.
There's a time limit and a finish line.
Hit the finish lime in the time limit and you magically evade.
@badp that's the most fucking stupid thing I've read all year
The more people evade the more/better goodies each person gets.
esp. the comparison to Gamestop and Amazon
So while you'll get idiots trying to ram you into the walls, resisting your takeovers, people will actually want you to succeed
@Thomas I found that a lot more amusing when I thought you were replying to "Hit the finish line in the time limit and you magically evade"
And people in front will have to do all the hard risky work of smashing through.
@Manaಠдಠ Especially when you're racing at 70kmh on two wheels at heat 4
Most Wanted was the peak of that series
I wonder if NFS:World has added helis already, but I think the game's been pretty much abandoned.
Yeah, plenty of Steam MMOs use their own updaters... But I can't think of any non-MMOs offhand </late>
@Brant I guess they cannot change terms for games put on before the policy change
wow, so I left a textbook open for a week, and I can't close it now ಠ_ಠ
but I'd hate the thought of using an launcher + auto-updater to launch a launcher + auto-updater
@Brant Most non-MMO/multiplayer games don't patch as often, so they don't really need it
You have to use Europa Universalis's Launcher to patch it
though the launcher has to be done manually
@Brant Non-MMOs aren't updated that often. Except TF2, which is a Valve game already.
TF2 updates through steam.
@Wipqozn I heard about that a while back.
no multiline markdown
Hey @Powerlord, this made me think of you.
@ThomasMcDonald thanks
I can't think of any (recent, non-MMO) games that have their own external updaters though.
@GnomeSliceツ inb4 that is powerlord
I wish my mobile didn't need to act as a deep packet inspector and mangler
@Wipqozn I already signed up
although... although then Steam would download hundreds of MBs of TF2 updates through Steam.
I guess it's a double edged weapon.
@GnomeSlice Please tell me that wasn't one of your tags.
@Manaಠдಠ I'd like to.
My fist is going to be shattered from slamming it into your tags' nether-regions soon, you realize?
Wait, that sounds wrong. Horribly wrong.
So after everyone left the chatroom last night, I used Dwarf @Mana and Dwarf @GnomeSlice to chase elephants into cage traps. Now I've got 12 elephants locked in cages.
I think we will eat them.
I understand now why we can't allow silent tagging. Thanks for teaching me @GnomeSlice
@Wipqozn Silent tagging?
@RavenDreamer anything special happening with Dwarf @Wipqozn?
@Raven Sounds like a plan. Thanks for reminding me about what I have to do today, too.
@GnomeSliceツ to retag without bumping to the front page
@RavenDreamer Which one of us trapped more elephants?
@Manaಠдಠ play DF?
@Wipqozn He got corrupted and I had to restart. :/
@Wipqozn Actually, I didn't retag it with , I asked it with it.
So it would have been on the front page anyway.
I do have a new militiadwarf I can name after you, however.
That happened a while ago.
@GnomeSlice It was sort of a group effort.
@RavenDreamer well dang
@RavenDreamer Good work, team.
Thank you, Steam, for letting me know the 3,632 untranslated game marketing blurbs are now 3,636
Additionally, I think the embark screen lied to me. I was promised metal, but all I have is coal. :(
@RavenDreamer Coal is more useful.
@badp get on with it then
Old King Coal: Grubby Boiler Monarch
@ThomasMcDonald Nah. All we need is 3,632 people who would like to become Steam translators for Italian.
Wait, how come retagging the Raptor Safari question pushed it to the front page?
@GnomeSlice - coal is only more useful if you have a reason to use it. It's like finding a cache of iceskates in Egypt. Sure, they might be useful, if you were ever to go iceskating... but you're never going iceskating because there's no ice to be found.
@GnomeSlice any edits to anything push it to the frontpage.
@GnomeSliceツ Retags are edits. Edits push to the frontpage.
Also, Banjo-Tooie == Awesome.
I thought we had 'silent retagging' now.
Whoops. Here come more elephants.
I think the subsequent variations of this logo are going to be better.
oh ffs
why is my user profile not loading
let me log on and play tf2 :(
How come replies to things I post always get starred.
But not the thing that I posted which elicited the reply.
@GnomeSliceツ Because... we don't like you and want to make you jealous.
(I knew someone would star that. ;D)
@Powerlord ಥ_ಥ
How long can a tag wiki be?
@FallenAngelEyes But you could tell them that...
Wiki or Wiki excerpt?
no idea.
If you hit that length limit you're probably doing it wrong
Mash keys on your keyboard until it says it's too long.
but I want to hit the length limit because it would be amusing
2 mins ago, by GnomeSlice ツ
Mash keys on your keyboard until it says it's too long.
@GnomeSliceツ Needs a hidden creeper face in the roots, like the QR Code
but then it wouldn't be well structured
@Brant Heh.
@GnomeSliceツ We should probably just star everything that is a reply to something @GnomeSlice says
@Wipqozn Go away.
raises hand
raises hand
reraises hand
raises other hand
@RonanForman ...lowers?
@GnomeSliceツ No.
raises both hands
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@badp You win.
40 secs ago, by badp
raises both hands
points with the first raised hand at the second hand raised
I'm rather enjoying this.
@GnomeSliceツ points at @badp's hand
@Wipqozn Why is that that's always at my expense around here...
@GnomeSliceツ You sound like @ArdaXi
Q: Why does Age of Empires II think my disc isn't valid on one computer only?

MachaI have the Age of Empires II Gold Edition which contains both Age of Empires II and the Conquerors discs. I have lost the Conquerors disc, so I am trying to play just Age of Empires II. However, on my laptop, if I run the Age of Empires II (not the expansion), it tells me "Please Insert the corre...

@badp No he doesn't.
If anything it's a cheap imitation.
It still qualifies as 'like'
@Lazers @Macha You tried other discs on that computer to make sure the drive hasn't gone bad?
@badp Only in the sense that Yahoo! Answers looks like StackExchange.
Also, if you're using pure white lighting, f.lux is useless.
flags as spam
@ArdaXi I had to stop using that because it overrode the gamma settings in my video games :(
@ArdaXi =[
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, me too.
Using the option for turning it off for 60 minutes didn't work either, I had to completely kill the process. :/
So at that point I said fuck it
@ArdaXi f.lux?
raises hand
@fredley that's quite a puzzle, i can't do #1
It scares me how many 10 hour loops there are on youtube
@GnomeSlice It looks like there's a giant muscular creeper underneath the tree.
@RonanForman what puzzle is this now?
his adventure map
@RonanForman oh okay, gotcha. Should give that a DL later.
2 hours ago, by fredley
Here's a link: http://goo.gl/T2Y3u
Score! Caught a Giant Leopard.
@Manaಠдಠ I think I like that for some of the wrong reasons.
@GnomeSliceツ Such as?
@Manaಠдಠ Wait... his username...
"IT'S TIME [insert his username]"
Yes, GnomeSlice. That is the point of his username.
@GnomeSliceツ flags
@Manaಠдಠ I don't... did he make the username specifically for this post.
@GnomeSlice Could you pause saying anything for a bit? I need to go out and buy some more flags.
@ArdaXi Quiet, you.
/me lends ArdaXi a dozen flags
@GnomeSliceツ No.
@WorldEngineer Thank you!
@GnomeSliceツ Talking back, are we? flags
@GnomeSlice Here is his account. I'm certain you'll figure it out.
Sics Fem-Shepard on him "Who's your favorite now? You pig!"
Also, Reddit is a site filled to the brim with stupid novelty accounts.
@Manaಠдಠ I can't tell if I should be disgusted or proud.
@ArdaXi You're going to make such a wonderful mod
@WorldEngineer I've actually never done a Renegade playthrough of ME or ME2...I should.
@Wipqozn A vote for me is a vote against @GnomeSlice as a user!
@ArdaXi That should be your slogan.
That sounds like a great slogan. I should make buttons.
@ArdaXi We can sell them on the Gaming.SE store!
@ArdaXi Wait... did I nominate? I don't remember.
...I hope nobody votes for me.
I have to support the home team, chapter 12
@GnomeSliceツ Trust me, you don't need to worry.
@WorldEngineer Okay Carlsson and Peters.
@Wipqozn I know a place where I can get custom mousepads with free worldwide shipping for very cheap.
See people get that joke here
@GnomeSlice You were pretty drunk at the time--oh my god BGAE
@WorldEngineer No, just me and @Mana.
it's nice to not have to explain it
My Femshep is a feisty Red head. No way that blonde bimbo is my Shepherd.
@WorldEngineer could you explain it please?
What's going on?
@Wipqozn No
It would ruin it.
My father thought that was his name.
@Wipqozn Just play Beyond Good And Evil. You won't regret it.
@Wipqozn Mine is "A vote for me is a vote wasted, 'cause I'm not entering"
Here I'll make it easy
@WorldEngineer No way. Play it on the Gamecube.
@Manaಠдಠ I actually started playing it, but didn't get far. Another game on my to do list.
I have it for PS2 and PC
$10 for Beyond Good And Evil?! Oh my god.
@Manaಠдಠ It's also gone on sale several times
it also shows up on Gamersgate and GoG I think
You can get the remastered HD version of the game on XBLA too.
Q: Where are that Pig's Shoes?

GnomeSlice ツIf anybody remembers playing Beyond Good & Evil a while ago, maybe you can help me. I've just finished going through the Slaughterhouses, and am now told that I need to find the ship that Pey'j hid somewhere on the Home island. I've found the two hidden consoles beneath the boards depicting...

@Manaಠдಠ Worth every penny
Pig Shoes is a good indie band name

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