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@Fluttershy wooooooooooo
@Fluttershy No more meat?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I deal in lumber now. :P
@Fluttershy So you've gone from meat to wood.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Correct.
@Fluttershy ♫ I am a lumberjack and I'm okay ♫
Q: my friend can connect with me but i cant connect with her

myaMy friend and i both have kindle fires. Her kindle is one model older than mine, but she can still connect with me. I however can not connect with her. Does anyone know why?

Late to the party, USA USA USA
Q: guys help me please, clash of clans

user80421I have level 7 barracks and don't know what troops to train. My army camp has 175 spaces, help me !! I'm tired of training the same troops all over again. I loose a lot of battles, I'm sick and tired of that.

@Unionhawk Did USA beat Germany...?
Oh, did the USA proceed into the finals?
USA lost, but Portugal won, and USA advances
So... Steamworld Dig is pretty fun. :o
@Fluttershy It really is :)
I don't care about cards, and have cards 4 and 8 . A friend of mine is looking for cards 2, 5, and 7. Anyone with 2,5, or 7 like to trade for a 4 or 8?
I have it on my 3DS, and it's pretty good
@Wipqozn I've sold all mine
My gf started playing skyrim ... and keep me asking stuff >.< (but I never ever played xD~).
She's being attacked by common citizens in Ivarstead. She doesn't have vampirism nor werewolf diseases. Also she has no active bounty.
People run after her shouting that they will "teach her a lesson"
anyone has any clue on how to "fix" it?
I saw a solution that would be "create a bounty and pay it"
@Michel That might be worth trying, yeah. Something might have happened (which wasn’t directly caused by her) which the AI interpreted as a hostile action.
Skyrim is a little bit…quirky, that way
@Brant thanks =)
(Fortunately the game is fun enough that it’s easy to look past the bugs)
@3ventic: You around?
@3ventic err, nvm. I was looking at the wrong profile.
was regards to this
21 mins ago, by Wipqozn
I don't care about cards, and have cards 4 and 8 . A friend of mine is looking for cards 2, 5, and 7. Anyone with 2,5, or 7 like to trade for a 4 or 8?
But was looking at the profile of the person directly below you in my friends list
@AshleyNunn I started reading American Gods. Have you read it?
@spugsley Yes I have :)
@AshleyNunn So far it's fucking weird and I love it
I'm about 70 pages in
@spugsley Yeah it is a weird as heck book
Okay, I should go to bed. I'll talk to you wonderufl people tomorrow.
@spugsley I stopped about halfway in.
It just didn't go anywhere.
I don't get pings from mentions..
@3ve wait what
@Unionhawk I totally wasn't pinged by that
maybe I haven't restarted my browser since I tweaked my sound settings..
try now
@3ventic hi.
Pinged, thanks
@3ventic pong
oh god somehow I opened a weird view of Steam and I can't figure out how to get out
Oh, there we go
that was weird
@3ventic No, tehre was blue everywhere and everything was big and weird
I have no idea how i got there
sounds like big picture
It's 5 am, I'm going to bed. Good night everyone.
Bandcamp got a visual upgrade
It's subtle but it's there
The buttons are different
What is up with guitar chords!?
@Frank You accidentally a word in this comment, and that makes it sound much more rude than you probably intended. <_<
D is okay, but C is wacked
I don't think G is actually possible
@Fluttershy Oh, derp.
@GnomeSlice And what else is new.
Greenlight is like a firehose these days
A pretty meh firehose
Q: Is there anyway to move Saved Battle Replays off of a 3DS "SD" Card?

Shadow ZorgonIn Pokemon X and Y, you can save re-plays of your battles to re-view later. They get saved on the consoles "SD" card. Is there anyway to move it off the SD card and put into a video or into a different type of media?

@RedRiderX Don't you just use your thumb and pinky on the E strings, and then middle (or index) finger on the A string? Everything else is open.
@MBraedley I've been told to use the ring finger on the Low-E string
@RedRiderX Yeah, that works too. It's stronger than the pinky.
But it's more of a reach
I might try with the thumb too, but I've been advised to avoid having the thumb creep up on to the side of the neck
Mind you, I don't play guitar, but I thought that's how most people played that cord
Eh it could be, I'm pretty new at it but this is how this teaching thing told me to do it.
@RedRiderX This is sound advice.
Your other option is to just not strum one of the E strings
It's not really a G chord at that point though
Sure it is. You have at least one of G, B, and D. It might be in an inversion, but it's still a G cord.
Bottom string - Middle finger, third fret. Fifth string - index finger, second fret. Second/Top strings - ring finger on third frets. G!
@Fluttershy My hand doesn't contort like that
@MBraedley It shouldn't really require any contortion. :o
@LessPop_MoreFizz You may be interested to know that InSomnia was greenlit
shrug that's what people do now
@GnomeSlice I'm not interested because I'm not interested in whether or not something is green lit on principle.
@Fluttershy Also, you can leave the second string open. It's tuned to B, isn't it?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought you only used Steam?
maybe not
@GnomeSlice I don't only use Steam, though it is absolutely where the vast majority of my game purchases happen. My opinion of Steam Greenlight, however, is very very low. See also: My opinion of Early Access, and the vast majority of Kickstarters.
Greenlight isn't exactly the same as either of those things.
But okay
@Fluttershy Eh that still seems to require a bit of hand cramping, but I might try playing with that too.
Maybe I just should look at somebody doing it...
@GnomeSlice No, it isn't the same as either of those things. But it's also utterly irrelevant to the factors that I am concerned with.
To Youtube we go!
Jeez, fine
I am tired of having to be happy with getting unfinished media
It's nice when I can buy something on Steam, but I am just as content to buy something not on Steam.
no one goes here have most of a book kinda sorta
@AshleyNunn So much this.
@MBraedley It's tuned to b, yeah. But the sound you're going for in a G chord, specifically on the second string, is a D. So letting it play a B wouldn't be the right note. :P
I'm not interested in incomplete games unless the developer has a specific track record with which I am familiar and which I am fond of - and even then, I am not interested in playing the game until it is finished, though I might follow it's development and progress in order to keep track of when it is finished, the better to play it at that point in time.
It is just stupid. And why I avoid a lot of PC gaming
@AshleyNunn it is 100% of why I have completely tuned out and ignored the vast majority of the indie game scene for the past two years or so.
And no offense, @GnomeSlice but it is the number one reason that i tend to ignore most games that you link.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I keep wanting to like it but I just...I can't
@LessPop_MoreFizz What is?
A lot of the stuff I link is complete.
A lot of it isn't as well.
@GnomeSlice the preponderance of unfinished games.
between that and voxel graphics and 8 bit graphics, I have really given up
@GnomeSlice I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure out whether or not it is generally.
is that good
@GnomeSlice no.
This seems to work.
@GnomeSlice It's not anything. It just means that I'm not interested in expending the effort to figure out whether $IndieGame is actually finished and being supported and worth my fairly limited playing time. There are critics, as well as friends and other people I know whose opinions I trust and I listen to them about what games I should play.
@Fluttershy I think I was reading your directions upside down :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz Am I one of them?
@RedRiderX Bottom string = E. Top string = e. :P If that makes sense.
Directions unclear. Guitar now playing me.
Thickest to thinnest.
@Fluttershy Yeah I thought by bottom you meant the physically lowest since I'm right handed.
That makes much more sense :P
My problem is I just get too excited about stuff even before it's finished
@GnomeSlice Sadly no, because you often seem to have absolutely no filter in what you pass along. I am utterly unconvinced that your tastes align with my own, and that means any recommendation you make to me is going to require more effort on my part than I am interested in putting in to shopping for games.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hah
I don't often recommend things to you specifically
I think
whatever, it's cool
@GnomeSlice You don't, and the stuff you don't target to me tends to be way outside of my own gaming interests.
The venn diagrams of what we like overlap at times, but they are very much not a circle.
If it looks like I would hate it you usually like it
Just kidding
but no, I don't think we share many common interests
@GnomeSlice I mean, I appreciate your enthusiasm for indie stuff, but we do not like the same things, which means that when I am looking for a new game, my thoughts do not go to "Hmm... what does @GnomeSlice like lately?"
I don't think anybody thinks that
@AshleyNunn That's Big Picture mode. You probably hit the Home/Xbox button thing on your controller.
Also, it has been over a decade since I was punk enough to care about things like "I am going to actively like this product over that one because it's not from a big corporation! Fuck the man!" There are specific big corporations which I would avoid doing business with, sure, but my threshold for that is generally much higher - or, to put it better, operates along a very different ideological axis - than the sort of petty anti-DRM warrior stuff that gets most gamers to boycott AAA titles.
(i.e. I'm much more concerned about things like industry labor practices, etc. and in that respect, I can often do more harm than good by avoiding AAA's. I'm not really convinced that indies are the sustainable answer to the fundamental problems of the games industry as a labor market.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't really give a shit about DRM personally, but I care for the sake of the industry.
Also holy cow that was a lot of big words
@FAE oh, okay. Norbert kept knocking it on the floor, so that makes sense
@GnomeSlice Not really? The only words over two syllables are: Corporation, Specific, Corporations, Business, Generally, Operates, Different, Ideological, Warrior, Industry, Practices, Avoiding, Sustainable, Fundamental, Industry.
Which ones of those did you have trouble with? :P
None of the words, just the overall thing
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am not convinced either, tbh
also I was mostly joking because huehuehue Gnomeslice so stupid
@GnomeSlice it was more 'a lot of words' than 'a lot of big words'.
I feel like they are actually doing more harm than good.
@AshleyNunn Yep, that'd do it!
@AshleyNunn Yeah. I mean, for every Notch, there is a Holy Cow who are people who are working their day jobs and losing money and doing this out of love, and that is great and all, but saying that this is the future is like saying that Macklemore means we don't need record labels anymore, and I can assure you that that is fundamentally a very very untrue and dangerous idea.
@FAE It was so weird and strange
@AshleyNunn It's very handy for TVs and stuff.
You can exit in the upper right.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh yes, I will not argue that one bit
The thing about creating art is that it's a highly risky investment that requires a lot of frontloaded capital, and that when it does pay off, it pays off in a bonanza, but for the vast majority, even breaking even is an incredibly massive struggle.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah the fact that stuff like the Crunch is still an acceptable (and regular) practice in game development shows how little power the labor force has in the industry.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If somebody's making a game as their hobby while working a normal job, they probably don't care a whole lot about making a lot of money off it.
In fact, I think that sentiment is, itself, dangerously counterproductive.
@GnomeSlice That's... not true at all.
@GnomeSlice oh no sweetie that is likely the opposite of true forever
I dunno, look at the people who make free games
@LessPop_MoreFizz I hate that idea
Ugh, Banished and Europa Universalis IV are both on daily deal but uuuuuuuuugh I've gotten so many games already.
@FAE Get Banished.
@GnomeSlice If somebody is in a band as their hobby while working at a retail store during the day, they probably don't care a whole lot about their music or making money from it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is that not true?
@GnomeSlice If somebody shoots an indie movie by maxing out their credit cards on the weekends and waits tables to pay the rent, they probably don't care about making money from it.
The part about money, not the music
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's not really a hobby then
@GnomeSlice you can't always make money immediately with whatever it is you do
k so there's two types of people I guess
I get what you're getting at
@GnomeSlice I would think they would prefer to make money doing their passion rather then whatever.
@GnomeSlice How exactly, do you propose that this person making a game, or being in a band, or working on a movie, will feed themselves and find shelter and finance their product?
@LessPop_MoreFizz they have a normal job
A lot of games I know about are made by people in their spare time.
And are either very cheap or totally free
Yeah that doesn't mean they wouldn't like to make money
@GnomeSlice you just said these people with normal jobs don't care a whole lot about their games/music/*hobbies*
@RedRiderX Sure, but it's more important to them that people play it than that they make a ton of money off it
@Chippies about making a lot of money from it
@GnomeSlice "a lot" is subjective
@GnomeSlice The attention of the consumer public is a limited commodity. More people will play your cheap game than your expensive one.
@TimStone :OOOO OMG <3
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, exactly.
Unless your goal was to decide which game to play in which case uhhh my bad
@TimStone Can you gift me soundcloud oneboxing?
@GnomeSlice Lots of People * Low Price > Few people * high Price in terms of raw dollars earned generally.
A low price doesn't really mean anything about how much money the developer intends to earn.
@TimStone Haha, I do want to play both. Thank you so much! :D
pricing is about a very precarious economic math that is as much black magic as any sort of science.
F2P is a prime example of that
Has anyone played Train Simulator? I love trains so I want to love it but it is more than I want to just like impulse on but traaaaains oh man
@AshleyNunn I have played it, it was bundled on groupees once
@FAE Welcome! I feel a little bit better about myself if I give something to someone else during the sale, heh.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What about totally free games then?
There's a ton of people who just make freeware.
@TimStone Now I'm worried I've ended up an enabler. <_<
@GnomeSlice Maybe. I'd actually gift all the chat features if I could, but alas.
@GnomeSlice They probably realize they couldn't charge people for those games.
Letting @TimStone get his fix isn't "enabling." It's "helping." :P
@RedRiderX Octodad?
@FAE Naaaaah.
Granted, they made a paid sequel
@GnomeSlice Exactly.
@GnomeSlice Google ad revenue from a download page can be substantial.
@RedRiderX Many many years later
That's almost the classic Rap model
Other times it's a portfolio piece, aimed at getting work elsewhere
At least I bought things with my credit card this time, so I get cash back. And I don't think I bought nearly as much as in previous sales, heh.
I wish someone would remake MindMaze.
@Chippies was it fun?
Still other times, it's about establishing a reputation in order to raise investment (nowadays, kickstarter funds) for future work.
Release free mix tapes and build up an undergound following, and then "hit it big" with an album
I mean I just love trains and I want to set up trains and just trains yay
@AshleyNunn it's... operating a train. Take what you can from that.
@Chippies so yes
Also, I need to finish Child of Light so I can get Valiant Hearts. :3
And yes, there are true hobbyists who just do shit for the hell of it. But I'd dare say that they are outliers.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That makes sense I guess, but I'm still pretty sure there's people who make games for no financial reason.
@AshleyNunn it was quite fun, I have to admit, for the first hour
but I haven't played since
I am trying to be responsivle this sale because all my saved money is then for boyfriend visits yay
@AshleyNunn pfff use boyfriend's money for that
@Chippies Yeah, I just have a really odd love for trains
@GnomeSlice boyfriend has no more money than I havem oney
@GnomeSlice Sure. And what I'm saying is that those people are outliers and should not be the ones you look to when trying to understand the future financial viability of the games industry as an industry.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I wasn't
was I?
@AshleyNunn I can give you Trainz Simulator 12
I have no idea
I don't understand big concepts
not sure how much different it is from Train Simulator
@Chippies Reaaaaallly?
Its trains
I will like it
@WorldEngineer gave me Railroads once
I played it a lot
Q: Wololo? Roggan?

congusbongusThe unit speech in Age of Empires seems like a made-up one, a kind of "Simlish" (warning TV Tropes). Is it completely made up, or was it somewhat based on a language? Some of the responses sound vaguely Latin, with the -us suffixes.

@AshleyNunn I have a spare copy from some bundle and I doubt anyone else will ever care, so it's just rotting in my google docs spreadsheet :P
@Chippies oooh me me me pick meeeeeee
(sorry, I know I am weird as heck about trains.)
@AshleyNunn do I have you on steam?
(I also like other public transit)
yep, I do, you're not online
I should be now :D
Okay, stayed up way too late farming in GW2, need to pass out. <_< Thanks so much again @TimStone. :D
No problem, have fun!
@StrixVaria How are you enjoying Kingdoms of Amalur?
@Fluttershy It's pretty entertaining so far.
Healing is surprisingly expensive, through potions or the healer in town.
And now I sleep
then there will be trains in the morning
@AshleyNunn g'night!
@Chippies thanks again btw
You're welcome! :)
How does Kingdoms of Amalur compare to Dark Souls?
@GnomeSlice I bought Dark Souls during the sale but I haven't launched it yet.
@StrixVaria You'll need to fart around with making a GFWL account if you don't have one already
@GnomeSlice from what I've heard, it looks similar, it plays similar, but it's not meant to be a hardcore asshole about everything, like Dark Souls is
@GnomeSlice Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
My other friend says it's nothing like dark souls
but he's dumb
@GnomeSlice well, that's a more accurate statement than "It's very much like dark souls"
@StrixVaria Let me know when you start playing it proper. I'll make a new guy and we can help each other through it.
@Chippies you said similar a bunch of times
@StrixVaria Bonus dismay points if the GFWL integration requires an alphanumeric password like Lost Planet did
The worst. shakes head
I have Lost Planet on X360
Except it was cross platform with PC players so you got murdered
@GnomeSlice Dark Souls is about being hard and making you a better player (through many asshole moves)
Also because it had tons of exploits
that's not what KoA is
@StrixVaria I wrote a tiny bit today!
@spugsley Yay!
and I found a copy of Stephen King's "On Writing" at my used bookstore! YAY!
@GnomeSlice It is absolutely nothing like dark souls.
KOA has more in common with Skyrim than Dark Souls; but it's like a bad second rate knockoff of Skyrim.
so it sucks
Honestly, the game that reminds the most of Dark Souls that isn't just another game from From is Shadow of the Colossus. They don't necessarily play similarly, but they have a very similar spirit to them.
I haven't played for very long, but the combat in KoA seems better than Skyrim's. The everything else is probably worse.
@GnomeSlice It's not a very good game unless you're already the sort of player that's given to deep diving into any open world rpg you can get your hands on.
@StrixVaria It's been a while since I've played, so I don't recall how expensive it was. But I'm glad you're enjoying it! :D I liked it quite a bit. Was sad to see 38 Studios go. But man, Schilling was dumb.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I still haven't played that.
@GnomeSlice You really should. If for no other reason than that I can guarantee you it's been a profound influence on the developers of somewhere between 75 and 90% of the stuff that comes out now that you do really like.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can kind of see where you're coming from with this, I think.
SotC is an Important game, and very much part of the canon, in much the same way that one might say Dickens or Shakespeare or Austen are part of the english literature canon and critical to ones understanding of new work in that realm.
@Fluttershy Both games inspire a similar sense of learning through repetition and failure.
I did play Titan Souls, and it was pretty cool.
I suck at playing good games though
I always play bad games
@LessPop_MoreFizz Despite past conversation, you may be interested in this when it's completed.
I suck at it
I got lost and died to a mutant or something
then gave up
I'm gonna wait till it's done then give it another go
@GnomeSlice ...You are not very good at this whole retention of information thing.
Not bad.
Shufflepuck is a remake (?) of some classic game. Subject 9 and Oknytt are supposed to be pretty good. Dunno anything about the other one.

Proposed Q&A site for firearms, shooting sports, and ballistics

Currently in definition.

Q: Is the 1.8 snapshot safe to build a world

kingbluesapphireI would like to make a mini game world for minecraft. I would like to use the 1.8 snapshot to get the new blocks and mobs. But can it ruin my world because its a snapshot

Gaming Challenges

Proposed Q&A site for people who want to propose gaming challenges for other users that require challenge and skill to complete. No hacks allowed. Must be legit. Provide evidence.

Currently in definition.

Men in Technology

Proposed Q&A site for men in technology and supporters of men in tech.

Currently in definition.

Q: How can I get Shadowmere back after riding another horse?

Blue_Dragon360During one of the imperial attacks on a stormcloak fort, I accidentally picked up a new horse. This caused Shadowmere to disappear (he had wandered off during the fighting) and I've been unable to find him. I've checked both sanctuaries, no luck there, and I've killed the new horse and waited a w...

@spugsley On Writing is such a good book!
Also the outside cats are fighting so I am startled and awake. Guess I will play more games on my phone. :p
@AshleyNunn Boo
I mean yay because hi, but boo for not sleeping
This coffee was so much stronger than I expected, holy shit
I never get caffeine jitters, and when I go to starbucks or whatever, I generally order a drink with 4 shots of espresso, and yet this cup of cold brew stuff is kicking my ass.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Just wow
@lesspop I would be so dead by then. One strong cup of normal coffee makes me jittery, and more than that means the paranoia sets in
@AshleyNunn Yeah, no paranoia, but Ihave def jitters.
Fortunately, I have a refrigerator full of solutions.
@lesspop well that's good at least. :p
The question is, do I continue to work on perfecting my mai tai recipe (it seemed appropriate to learn to make one so i bought ingredients), or do I go for safe old reliable beer?
I am waiting for my heart to stop racing post cat fight outside my window.
How adventurous are you feeling at the moment?
@AshleyNunn Fairly... but the choice is really not one that is about adventure.
Fair enough. Perhaps stick with what you know then?
@AshleyNunn I know either one! it is just a question of alcohol concentration!
One is fruity and full of rum. The other is Beer.
I don't think I can handle NOPE right now. It's just too much
Personally I pick fruity but that is just what I want right now :p
Q: Is there any other uses for "Clear Sky"?

Memor-XDuring Skyrim you're given the 3 words and knowledge to perform the shout "Clear Sky" which is required to reach the Throat of the World where Paarthurnax is. The shout is used in this part to clear away the fog which saps at your health but i am wondering, outside of this can Clear Sky be used ...

A Legend of Korra game for the PS4 by Platinum Games
Q: Is there (currently) a way to install the Xbox One controller firmware updates from my PC?

Jeff MercadoI am one of the many who have purchased an Xbox One controller who doesn't actually own an Xbox One. I purchased it with the intent that when the PC drivers came out, I'd use it on my PC. Specifically, I purchased the Titanfall themed controller. Well, the drivers have been out for some time n...

Wanna know the pwd for the Brasil world cup security center WiFi nw? It's on the whiteboard ;-) #fail http://t.co/XD6ujqk5nq
> b5a2112014
@PrivatePansy How did they manage to look this crappy with a new, current-gen game?
@MartinSojka does that look crappy?
wait. Once I do zoom in it does look crappy.
Hahaha, great. Constitutional Court declares Austria's data retention as unconstitutional. About damn time.
Yeah, low-poly models, bad shading, almost no AA ...
@MartinSojka maybe they're hoping on 10 foot hiding this stuff?
It seems like the least you can tip is $1
That might be a couple orders of magnitude too much
When a random ero-game company (Illusion), which are usually tiny, can make cell-shaded characters look an order of magnitude better (link is SFW), you have a problem.
morning guys
@badp 5 cent should be minimum IMO
@MartinSojka Yeah, they're missing bits and pieces there like a line running between the legs but other than that...
@5pike Especially when Wallet makes payments a two-click affair.
Eh; maybe small payments would make transaction costs skyrocket.
@badp I'm sure they figure something out that doesn't involve transaction fees.
The way most web sites do it is that you have a "tipping pool" you first pay money into, then give out tips from - as small or as large as you want.
The smallest amount is usually something like 5 or 10 cents, I think, while the smallest amount you can pay into the pool something like 5 dollars.
@badp Oh god tipping
That feature won't be abused at all!
@MartinSojka Reminds me of flattr
This is one of the about 3 videos at 60fps on YouTube
If it picks up like 480p for you, go fullscreen and watch the quality climb; once you get to the 60fps notch the difference is immense.
HI CHAT. Should I drink more rum?
@LessPop_MoreFizz You can still type, so yes.
@5pike OKAY! Another mai tai it is.
@5pike Also typing skill is a poor judge of sobriety in the era of autocorrect.
just saying
@LessPop_MoreFizz It still requires a bit of concentration to get the right word, so drink up.

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