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WebShot sounds like a bug type move
Comparatively, the newly introduced bugs in Gen 4 were all no-egg-move-capable, most became yet more Bug/Flying, though at least Vespiqueen threw in a different approach to that category, and they compounded limited movepool potential with mediocre stat distributions that didn't work off of their strengths. It was a mess.
Gen 5 gave us awesome new combinations, and what were pre-existing combinations were done with interesting attributes and movesets and builds. It was very well setup.
It also apparently gave the most bug type moves of any gen though
In gen 1 bugs were entirely useless due to moves (scyther excepted due to non-bug moves), and in gen 2 Heracross got the only non-useless bug move, IIRC
the CSS class for that preview thumb is "mShot" so I suppose it's not the one in that article?
...bug moves still mostly suck though I think
ah no they look okay now if not especially diverse, mostly due to gen 4 and 5 moves
I think the moves are alright... but the type is pretty weak
Well, the sound move buff was very nice for Bug buzz in Gen 6
isn't really effective against a lot of other types and gets stomped by most
lol more non-bugs learn Megahorn now that bugs
Only 3 types are actually SE against bug. Bug also actually has critical resistances to Fighting and Ground that are extremely handy.
It's not terrible defensively, it just doesn't excel at it.
It's also not very effective against a hilarious breadth of types
Offensively is where Bug actually is meh, and them being bad against Fairy really didn't help.
bug isn't weak against ice?! WTF
They didn't need that at all.
@BenBrocka Every time I see these statements and it always baffles me how people are surprised by the coverage and not coverage.
but are there actually any viable bugs for competitive except Volcarona
couldn't think of one
@Jutschge Scizor, Mega Pinsir, Heracross, Ninjask, Scolipede, Galvantula... I could keep going honestly.
well cold is like the primary weakness of real world bugs
Ninjask is?
it's a booster
i don't really like using them...
Ninjask is an excellent passer and also is a counter to pass-type Scolipede and (mega) Blaziken
90 Atk isn't actually horrible once you've got Swords Dance setup, he has a weakness to priority but you can still work well with him.
but mega pinsir? when did they allow mega evolutions?
Bug also has the distinction of being the most inane and illogical set of type relations. Grass is the only type to which Bug both resists and is SE against, while Fire and Flying are the only types that Bug both is weak to and is NVE against.
They're of limited use anyway due to one per fight and they use up the item slot
...and half of them aren't even THAT good, not compared to other ones
still it's basically an uber in a team
most of the ME have legendary stats and a lot of them also have a great movepool
MeGengar is uber? :(
SE vs: Grass, Dark, Psychic
NVE vs: Fire, Flying, Fighting, Poison, Steel, Fairy, Ghost
Weak to: Fire, Flying, Rock
Resists: Grass, Ground, Fighting
Look at all that completely unmatchingness.
Bug's type relations are "lol, bugs makes NVE against everything"
Poison's type relations are pretty illogical too
But I mean...WTF is poison anyway
This question just feels....wrong
And also fairy, but fairy was made up on the spot to counter dragons so that's why
I considered editing it to remove the part looking for the earliest revolution and just changing it into a "how can I revolt quickly" type question, but I can't pin down a reason to do so.
14 mins ago, by Frank
@Lazers The ITG close reason has the wording for historical trivia.
> Questions asking for help identifying a game, whether based on a description, or feature list, or any other set of criteria (i.e. "What was the first game to…") are off-topic; this blog post might help. We allow an exception for identifying games based on an actual piece of the game, such as screenshots or audio clips.
I don't see it
@BenBrocka Fairy is like the fair folk. You might consider it like a "magic" type except with an association to it.
That's why for example it's weak to Steel.
"what was the first game to" != "how quickly has someone done X in a game"
> The Legend of Korra arrives on PS4 and PS3 this Fall, and will also feature a few surprises that “scream” PlatinumGames. Whatever that means, it’s probably amazing.
So it will sell 18 copies worldwide
@John CLose enough, I feel. It's still trying to find a resource meeting specific criteria.
I suppose the recommendation reason would also work.
@Frank It's not a recommendation though. There is an objective answer, somewhere..
Q: How to get "normal" spawning behavior after installing Spigot (Bukkit)?

JohonnMy brother in law is running a small server for a few of us to play on. He recently installed Spigot so that we could have a Dynamic Map. However, after he did that, I noticed that spawning behavior (among other things) has changed. I have two questions: 1: Why does Spigot default to changing spa...

Can we find it? Probably not
But it's still there
@John Nope, there's not.
Depending on how the game works, there is an objective gameplay answer as well (i.e. due to game rules, the earliest revolution can occur is on turn x).
@Frank Somewhere, someone revolted faster than everyone else.
There's no way to prove whatever is answered is the criteria.
@John Prove it.
@Frank I can't prove any exact case to be it. No one can. We just know that that case exists.
@John And that makes incredibly bad criteria for question answering.
Yes, this exists. Now prove it.
It's the whole reason we don't allow dev design and unreleased game information.
Because we are not a news site.
@John Basically the problem is it falls under the "What games that fit these criteria?" kind of game-rec perversion.
Q: The altruists GTA V website

RainbowsWhat is the meaning of this website and what does it say?

The best reason to explain why that should get closed is that we have a blanket ban in place for those questions.
@badp It's not asking for other games to play, though. It's like asking "what's the highest score ever achieved in Pac-Man?"
@John The step from "What games are fun?" to "I think I'd have fun with games that have X, Y and Z" to "What games feature X, Y and Z?" is not a large one.
@John Which is historical trivia, and off-topic.
That said
This in particular is not a question that asks for games
I think what he's looking for is a "revolution%" speedrun in a specific game
is trivia really off topic?
@Jutschge It is the epitome of, "Not a problem".
Not to mention, it doesn't play to our core expertise.
I hate the "not a problem" thing, but he was asking for something impossible: proof that a given "revolution%" speedrun is the fastest out there
@Frank well trivia does play to our expertise, historical trivia... yeah there I can see your point
@Jutschge If it ain't in-game, chances are extremely good it doesn't belong here.
well there's a lot of trivia you can find out by playing games or research about a game of course
@Jutschge Playing a game = fine. Researching a game = not so fine.
That said, now that @badp has modified the question to focus more on how to do it in-game, I retracted my close vote.
And now that he's altered it (again) to ask for videos and articles, I want to VTC it again.
@Frank Well everyone who does research about a game while playing it will know a lot more about it than the one who doesn't. And Moar Knowledge = Moar expert
Okay, I interrupt this discussion to say that the current StoryBundle has SO MUCH GOOD STUFF in it (mostly the music). SJ Tucker! Heather Dale! This is some magical awesome stuff.
@Jutschge Knowledge not gleaned in-game is not expertise that plays to our strengths.
For the record? The phrase "we are not an asset location service" is....not precisely true.
Q: how to buy the walking dead season 2 (game)

user69492I want to buy the walking dead ep. one at a time, and not have to buy them all on one disk, at one time. Is there anyway to do that? season 2, by the way.

@Frank Defining that, when you might know nothing about the game, however, is more difficult.
(aka that GTA question that was about the game)
@Frank Well as long as it's about gaming or a game i think it should be. I mean we answer questions. I wouldn't know how to calculate a WoW spell scaling without external resources..
@Jutschge External resources as answers are fine.
Questions about external resources are not.
@Frank I think you are being way too broadhanded with that brush.
But that is just me.
@Frank yeah but still it's information that's basically impossible to gain by just playing a game.
@AshleyNunn I believe we should be limiting our expertise to a narrow scope.
@Frank But if we overly narrow it, it will also screw us over.
Trust me.
@AshleyNunn R.I.P. libraries? :(
@KevinvanderVelden laughs Partially, yes. :P
I mean it's not like we are struggling for anything as we are
and yes, we want quality, which makes sense
but I think "asset location" is a bit....broad and not well explained? And sounds kinda rude.
There are likely better ways to say that that don't make people angry
well i gotta agree with frank that these "Where can I find a website about..." are more a job for google than for us
woohoo, I got a captcha. my answers must be getting better.
@Jutschge Oh, yeah, I am not saying that those are good questions (because hello, Google, you gotta show some effort)
@TZHX You're secretly a robot.
@Frank Let's make a website about Duck Tales games released in the 21st century in Portugal cities that have a prime number of letters. Copies bought on a Thursday only! :)
@badp Oh....I bought mine on Wednesday.... :(
But questions about gaming related website content could be on topic i guess. I mean we should have the knowledge of giving additional information to it
@AshleyNunn Well, maybe it was early enough on a Wednesday that it was Thursday in... no that's not how timezones work. I'm sorry
I think asking for "video proof" of high scores for games released on DOS is being quite hopeful. And, I don't think it's a good question by it not being "useful", but none of the none of the close reasons seem to fit.
@badp oh. boo. sad forever
@TZHX Yeah....I think they are asking for something that is likely impossible.
Q: Website Questions and the FAQ

JutschgeWell there's this thing about the website questions. As you may know I started a proposal about the Closing reason external resources and there I got redirected to the Discussion about whether or not those questions are allowed (and the last time this post was active was like 2.5 or 3 years ago)....

Which is a whole other problem.
@StrixVaria What's wrong with Car Mechanic Simulator? It looks kinda neat.
I actually removed some stuff from my wishlist yesterday.
i think there should be some sort of "close" or "leave open" rule for this... otherwise questions about this topic will randomly get closed and reopened...
@Jutschge Welcome to the downside of any community - to make that rule, we will need to have a series of likely long drawn out meta threads that will ultimately result in a lot of arguing and even after we make a "community consensus" there will still be people who don't like it and feel their voice was not heard.
It is not an easy thing to do.
Not saying it isn't worth doing, but it will be a process that takes time.
Q: What are some AOE/multi-unit damage items in dota 2?

sundarWe recently had a game were a PL settled on that hero at the last moment, and our team has no heroes with AOE abilities. Pick strategies aside, what are some items we could have gotten to do AOE damage and identify the illusions?

Q: How many possible times can one play through Altered Beast?

Stephen B.My brother and I played through this and got part way through the second run before we died completely. Is there a limit on the number of play throughs, where meaningful changes will occur to the sprites and the game play? Or is there a final 'win' that you can attain?

Today's Listening | Jazzy Electronic
@AshleyNunn I don't think it's all that narrow. There's a vast amount of topicality within that expertise alone.
@Frank See, I am, at this point, not even sure what expertise you mean
@AshleyNunn Questions about something in-game.
Even if we narrow our focus to that information exclusively, I think there's an incredible breadth of expertise we can use for that.
@Frank well that's your expertise but not the one of the community. That's a difference
@Jutschge Actually, my expertise probably runs outside of that.
@Frank Either way, it isn't just about what you know, or might know, or can find
it is about the community's total wealth.
I feel that we should be limiting Arqade to that, and I've continually prefaced my opinions with that.
@Frank I know.
@AshleyNunn Have you made any more progress in Ramble Planet?
I understand we're part of a community, and I'm fine with being the crochety old man who doesn't want the young'uns on mah grass.
@GnomeSlice No, I've gotten distracted by a different game.
I see.
Q: Is that possible to create a Villager who sells pufferfish?

LOLipopIs that possible to create a Villager who sells pufferfish? When I'm typing /summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:10,buy:{id:388,Count:5},sell:{id:349,Count:3}}]}} he sells raw fish. I tried to type "349:3","#0349/3", even "minecraft:fish 1 3" But always, he either gives me raw fish,...

@Frank Can you see, though, how that can be kinda rude and awful to new users, or people who don't understand YOUR view perfectly?
(whether or not it is the community's view is a whole other pile of beans)
Like this morning, with the GTA question. One comment asking if that was in game was likely enough.
50% off Poof vs the Cursed Kitty on Steam. If you enjoy Super Crate Box or similar games, you need this.
@AshleyNunn And I continue to work on that; I'm making large inroads on that.
But when I'm discussing something here in the Bridge, I will argue my view with all the passion and articulation I have.
@Frank Yes, and I will do the same damn thing.
I'm not going to hold a grudge if the community decides against me, either.
@GnomeSlice I like it for the name alone :P
Although it is likely a game that would frustrate me
It's a lot of fun.
But I suspect it's not your kind of game
@GnomeSlice Probably not, from the video. :)
System Shock 2. That's a cult classic, innit?
@GnomeSlice I dunno, it's a game I am NEVER GOING TO PLAY
(aka it scares me)
I hate scary games
@GnomeSlice scary done right or scary "BOO HAVE A JUMPSCARE?"
I hate jumpscares
Jumpscares scare the shit out of me
@GnomeSlice then from what I've rad you wont' have a problem with systemshock
It's scary because of all the right reasons (ambience, environment, etc)
Eh, I've never really been interested in it anyway
It's shuffling hard
Haha, I picked Green because it's my favourite colour
you picked green?
Or, no, I guess it was automatic
I was going to pick it though
I saw somewhere that you can pick, can't you?
Q: Where are void container mods located?

SquiddyI would like to get Shotgun Spaz which is listed on the wiki as being found from a void container. Does this mean it drops from any breakable container within a void mission or from a locker? Also, is there a good place to search for these? What I've been doing is running various tier extermina...

Q: In Sonic-All Stars Racing Transformed, why does my car lose velocity for no reason?

Twilight SparkleI notice that quite often my car engine stalls causing the car to decelerate and eventually stop. This is despite my finger being firmly on the accelerate button. I found this problem rather odd and annoying as I've lost many races because of this.

Q: Successful Tactics In Air Combat

maxywbI have a 0% success rate when engaging in air combat because I can't figure out the right approach to take. What are some successful tactics to use when fighting in air combat?

@GnomeSlice You can buy a thing that lets you change teams
Man, M.SE gives out upvotes like candy.
@AshleyNunn meta? maths? music? maples? meth?
@GnomeSlice You're only upset because you didn't think of it first.
@AshleyNunn It also gives out downvotes like they're running out.
@badp Meta!
@JasonBerkan I'm upset they made it to #9 in the rankings.
@Frank I have yet to get any!
@GnomeSlice Now that I know about it, I'm upvoting it. It'll be a great game!
@JasonBerkan >_>
@badp Although, I suppose as a Canadian, maples.se might be more of my forte?
@AshleyNunn goes hunting
@AshleyNunn I don't know how strong the "racial" bonus is.
(There must be a better word that still works in an RPG sort of way)
@GnomeSlice Plus, the project author is on Team Green. We've gotta stick together.
This is getting out of hand
That looks awesome.
I still think Simulator 2013 Simulator 2014 is the best out there
With Tree Simulator, think of all the available DLC! There's thousands of different kinds of trees.
It'll make that railroad sim on Steam look like nothing.
I don't want yet another digital store to keep track of.
Train Simulator isn't that bad for DLC compared to some others.
@TZHX You can still have DLC for a wide variety of things visible around your tree
Buy the railway DLC and then the train DLCs of your choice
You'll see them around every hour of in-game daytime!
Do you prefer birds? Oh boy do we have bird DLCs
@TZHX There's like $2200 worth of DLC for sale.
Unless you've the England expansion, where they'll be irregular and unreliable.
@JasonBerkan so?
You buy the bits of it you want.
@TZHX So what are these "others" that have more DLC?
It's not like they're multiplayer maps or gun packs you've got to buy to play with your friends.
FSX, FS2004, X-Plane, Trainz.
@FAE the steam market thing is working now
@TZHX Any game that has enough content to require $2k+ for the full package then better do my dishes, fix my roof and do my groceries for me too. Because that is a stupid amount of money for a single game.
But you viewing it as "the full package" just shows you're coming to it with the wrong mindset.
I agree with @Arperum here. That amount of DLC tells me the base game (and thus, all the DLC), isn't worth it.
The developers are engaging in what I perceive as underhanded or unethical business practices.
You buy the bits of content that interest you. It's like saying someone shouldn't buy one mills and boon romance novel because to buy them all would cost lots of money.
@TZHX You're comparing apples and oranges
As are you.
Q: My Minecraft Won't Launch

CDazI was having problems loading snapshots for 1.8 and I saw a suggestion to delete your minecraft folder and backup your saves. So I deleted my minecraft folder, and I tried to launch minecraft. It would not take me to the launch screen where I could press play. It stated: FATAL ERROR: net.minecr...

It's not buying one romance novel, and comparing it to all of them.
@Frank I see it as you being able to choose your experience.
Like those pick and mix trail mixes at the grocery store.
the DLCs in train sim don't really interact with each other, they're kinda separate
It's comparing it to buying one romance novel, with bits of the story added on as extra for-pay content.
No, it's not.
therefore by not having all of them, you're not really missing out while playing with the other specific content
Much of it is in perception.
That's not how the game works, at all.
You see it as separate items.
Everyone does realize that it is a Train Simulator game and the DLC is simply more different engines, rolling stock and areas to drive your train in?
I see it as a whole product.
@Frank No.
@JasonBerkan I do!
You absolutely do not need to purchase all the DLC to fully experience the game.
@Frank if you buy something and then later an extension gets made for this item, does your initial item become less valuable to you?
if you buy a base game and a DLC gets made later, does your base game lose content?
@Chippies Depends on the extension.
no, it does not
But that's sort of the point I'm making; it's a perception issue.
when you bought the base item, you bought it for the features it had with no extensions in mind
just because there are more stuff you can add to it, doesn't make the base item lesser
@Frank See, I can buy train simulator RIGHT NOW and play it likely for many hours happily. My experience will not be lesser because I don't have specific trains, because they don't add to the base experience, other than MOAR TRAINS.
@Chippies It depends on how you perceive it.
It's not necessary to have ALL THE TRAINS to have fun.
and in the case of train sim, you can't use all the DLC at same time
Why don't you guys just let him think what he wants, and keep thinking what you want instead of having this pointless argument.
because it's mostly new trains, which you can only use one at a time
@Frank Yes, and we perceive it differently.
D3 makes a good example; the base game, I bought, and was happy with it.
@GnomeSlice But someone is wrong... on the Internet!
:16298552 Because this is the internet! What else do we do with our time!
Because he's wrong, and the internet rules of life demand I make him realise it.
@Frank Why is the train thing any different?
After the expansion came out, though, those base features were devalued due to the features added by the expansion.
@Frank This is not true of the trains.
@AshleyNunn It's not; it's all perception.
@Frank now imagine if there were 2 expansions for D3 that each added a set of features, but you couldn't use them at the same time
More trains does not make original trains less train-y
@Chippies I'd call that seriously bad design.
It just means that you have MORE TRAINS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Q: Is there a way to get infinite gold in Majesty 2: Monster Kingdom (Steam)

OthyaWhen playing Majesty 2 on steam, I can edit lib files to make extort (Rogue ability) cost -2000 gold, effectively giving me 2000 gold whenever I use the ability. However, in Monster Kingdom, I couldn't figure out what (if any) lib files to edit. Is there any way to cheat and/or get infinite go...

@Frank it would be, in the case of D3, but that's the case with train sim and it works
@Chippies It is definitely not a model for everything
But really, it's like owning a real train table
you are not going to own ALL THE TRAINS
you are going to buy the ones you like and use them on your table
Yep, you're just playing with trains
@AshleyNunn Not at $300 per, I'm not. :(
you can't fit all the trains on your train track
@JasonBerkan Yeah, it gets crazy.
DLC gets a bad rap, though, due to the perception inherent in for-pay content. Remember on-disk paid DLC?
@Chippies Nope! So you only buy the trains you are gonna use!
And leave the rest.
@Frank Nope.
I actually am a model railroader - one of the regular ones with a room full of unfinished stuff that I will never finish until my kids leave the house and I retire from my job.
I understand both sides, if a game has a ton of DLC, I am less likely to buy it, because I want ALL the DLC
@AshleyNunn There's been several instances of games either holding back content to be paid for later, or actually including it on the disk, and making you pay for it.
but in the case of train sim, you can't use all the DLC at the same time
@JasonBerkan I keep wanting to do that! but I don't have space or money. So I like going to the events where people show off their tables. It's so neat.
so it's pointless to have all of the DLC if you're not going to use them
buy what you want and play with that
@Frank shrugs it's no different than now, just the media is different.
shrug It's a perception problem. It's what I've been saying from the beginning.
on-disk DLC is bad, shitty DLC practices are bad
I see it as dirty pool, but I see where you guys are coming from as well.
We'll have to respectfully agree to disagree.
@AshleyNunn Can you see this Facebook album? The local LEGO group builds a giant LEGO layout at the local model railroad show.
@JasonBerkan OMG this is amazing
All the little details!
This looks pretty fun for a free iOS game
@AshleyNunn The skill of those guys (and the amount of LEGO they own) is crazy. They all went to BrickCon and one of them won an award for a LEGO SNES he built.
@JasonBerkan That is wicked cool. I love Lego stuff. People get so creative.
@GnomeSlice I am sad this is not for Android
Q: Does League of Legends needs leveling as in other mmorpgs?

vasili111Does League of Legends needs leveling as in mmorpgs? For example in World of Warcraft you need leveling to get in top level raids. Is there any kind of content in League of Legends that can be accessible only after leveling? Or maybe player needs leveling to be strong enough for comfort playing? ...

Q: My sister can't destroy in minecraft

emileeShe can't destroy in creative or survival.She is also never on adventure mode, and when she clicks and holds, it does nothing. I'm tired of having to destroy for her. Is there a solution to this problem?

@AshleyNunn Me too. It's from a guy who only makes iOS games.
Also it looks like after a time he makes them free with ads, so if you get in while it's early you don't have to pay later to get rid of them.
Interesting model.
That's an interesting way to do it
Welp, I'm done staring at numbers going up and down for the day
Germany won. America is still in the next rund though.

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