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@FAE You were at -3hp out of 71. After having already been shot and healed.
@Sterno ...holy shit. I don't really know anything about this game, incidentally, but negative health is always bad.
At 0hp, you have a 50% chance of survival post-mission, and it drops every HP below that (though I'm not sure by how much... but people at -20 don't survive)
If it's any consolation, I won't let any other soldiers take your laser rifle with them out on missions. YOU EARNED THAT.
Oh wow.
Even though we only have three.
@Sterno pff, didn't you teach @FAE about sharing?
@KevinvanderVelden My laser rifle, mine!
@FAE didn't you learn anything from watching MLP?!
@KevinvanderVelden MLP didn't say anything about laser rifles.
@KevinvanderVelden Nah, it's just Chris from Alestorm doing crazy with a second band...
@FAE they really should've, would have drawn much more interest
Okay, time to head out and get my nails mangled painted.
@FAE have fun!
Shall try!
Q: How do I unlock more bonus worlds in Metal Slug Defense?

TonsensonIn Metal Slug Defense for iPhone and Android the game sporadically tells you about a bonus world which will be playable for around 5 to 60 minutes. After freeing every Prisoner of War (POW) in each level of one bonus world the world becomes permanent playable and will not disappear anymore. My ...

@agent86 turns out I'll have to wait on the main quest storyline. My sneaking is abysmal and in my quest to go for highest numbers all I've got is heavy loud armor.
@badp pff, heavy armor wuss, get a magicka regen robe and summon minions to fight for you, much better :D
My current run is "Spawn minion, pelt enemy with arrows that are on fire, the minion is also on fire"
but numbers!
@badp But lower weight means more loot!
@KevinvanderVelden but sellers all have very limited cash supplies!
@badp I've not found that to be a problem, but then I play with a economy overhaul
I have some valuable jewellery stashed in my house because I literally can't sell it
Jeah that happens sometimes
But in my experience that's mostly because there's like, one shop that buys that shit
Armor isn't an issue, scrolls generally aren't either, potions I dump at the alchemist and the general store
And books
@KevinvanderVelden that's relaly nice. Damn.
user image
Soo... anyone have an extra #3 or #7 to trade for #9?
@Yuuki Yeah, I do actually.
I have two of each actually.
As in two extra of each.
still can't sneak for shit
That terror mission did not go well.
@Sterno Xenonauts also has terror missions or are you back to XCOM?
@StrixVaria Xenonauts has terror missions.
Xenonauts is basically original XCOM remade
Yeah, exactly. XCOM with better ui + some improved changes
I never played the original.
Original XCOM is like the one you played, except with more troops in battle at once, multiple bases (that you can put anywhere on the globe you want), aliens attacking your bases, multiple UFOs coming in from all over the place at once, aliens building bases if you don't shoot them down, and basically more everything
@Sterno That sounds way more intense.
It's pretty awesome.
and free targeting, so you can blow holes in walls, shoot cars, etc
I'm strongly considering hiring a squad of rookie soldiers equipped with c4 so that they can arm it and charge the enemy
@badp Grab a bow and sneak attack random animals/bandits. that helps pretty good with raising your sneak.
@badp light armor FTW. if you build up your smithing skill, you can make some game-breakingly-powerful light armor.
@Sterno Do it.
@Sterno Name all of them after mods.
Q: CK2 - Goad foreign power into attacking.

Nick FooteSo I noticed once upon a time, while defending Jerusalem from a Jihad that I was getting a +75 vassal opinion bonus from defending in a holy war. This came in handy when my character died and was replaced by his son in the middle of said war. Instead of panicking about huge negative opinion vas...

The original XCOM looked amazing especially for it's time, but was really overwhelming and a bit too RNG based for me (having multiple people panic and shoot other squad members to death on the first map is annoying)
I am agent numbers, KING OF NUMBERS. I decree that light armor effin' ROCKS
@StrixVaria ugh
dragur crypts FTW
@StrixVaria yup, because running while sneaking is a thing.
also learn muffle
also; getting disarmed sucks. Now where the hell is my one-handed
Troops can panic in Xenonauts, but it's generally only if they're taking a lot of fire
@badp It's a physics puzzle!
@StrixVaria It would be if I didn't lose it a few minutes ago for this "boss" fight
IIRC in xcom they can panic on the first turn in combat
@badp I lost a weapon permanently in a boss fight once.
Was it the guy who shouts at you from across the chasm?
you should add to the long list of "where is my weapon???" dupes on the site by asking it
Nah. Just the one by the kill shout/beacon thing
@BenBrocka The panic is one thing they improved. there are now 3 panic states: Panic, where they just lose a turn; Fleeing, where they drop their weapon and run for a turn; and Berserk, where they shoot someone at random. Panic is the most common of the three, following by fleeing, and following by Berserk in a distant third (I've only had it happen twice, and I've got over 20 hours).
Urg I hate that stuff too. I don't like any sort of permanent, not somewhat easily avoidable losses
Due to the electricy company that decided yesterday that it as a good day to start making holes in my wall and switch some cabling out I had to make a couple rooms empty so they could actually do it today, so I missed the SGDQ run I wanted to see :(
@Wipqozn maybe I was unlucky but I recall virtually every panic resulting in someone shooting someone else, usually to death in Xcom 1
@BenBrocka I'm takin about Xenonauts, not the original.
@Arperum I bet you can re-watch it later.
@badp light armor!
I got literaly 5 minute warning about "yea, we want to replace that electric thing in your house, but the new one doesn't fit in the same spot, can we start making holes in your wall to mount the new one on some other spot?"
@Wipqozn oh I figured you meant newxcom which I also haven't played
@KevinvanderVelden but playing the whole game crouched is awful
@badp It's a toggle, at least, so you don't have to constantly hold the crouch button. And it's not as low as crouching in other games.
@badp play half the game crouched!
I was like "No you don't, I decide where you'll place the new thing. WHen do you people start tomorrow, I have to leave at 8:30AM, then I can see tonight where I want it."
Did they bring spears back in Skyrim?
@BenBrocka No
Skyrim is a game where the minute-to-minute gameplay is never really that great, but the overall experience is pretty good.
Boo hiss
@BenBrocka No, but you can mod them
Jumping 100 feet in the air and spearing people were my character's main personality traits in Morrowind and now neither is in the game
@StrixVaria want
When is it coming to holland :( In paperback
@KevinvanderVelden The Dresden Files book is tangential to the reason I posted the picture.
Although I do need to read more of that series.
I've read...I think 4. Maybe 3.
@BenBrocka Morrowind's jump mechanics were the best.
@StrixVaria I don't understand... dresden files... tangential? How
@StrixVaria I could jump the ENTIRE length of Balmora
But yes I do see and hate you for it
@BenBrocka boots of blinding speed + magic resist ftw
@StrixVaria Morrowind as a whole was a great game.
@BenBrocka I forgot the name of the spell, but the one spell that just buffs your jump for a long time was really great.
they killed Hover too. I understand why, to tighten up level design, but damn jump was great
Except when it wore off mid-air.
I had 100 jump, I rarely needed jump buffs
@5pike The combat in Morrowind was possibly the worst I've ever seen in a game (even for its time it was really terrible). There are a lot of good parts to make up for it, but it still really kills a lot of it for me.
player created ships in Resogun are pretty great. Wish you could change their stats though
Skyrim's combat is...fine I guess. It's not awful but it's nothing special either.
Combat wasn't too bad except the random miss chance was HORRIBLE
@StrixVaria Oh yeah, the swings that completely miss were annoying as hell.
The random miss chance on bows was triply horrible.
Is there a way to fast travel out of a cleared place?
weapon training on mudcrabs.
@badp Every dungeon generally has a shortcut back to the beginning from the end of it.
Other than that I don't think so.
This one had a nice dead end
It seemed that there should've been one but it was blocked off
No matter, I backtracked all the way and unlocked a few doors and found some more loot on the way out
Is there a list of mods to unfuck Skyrim like there were with morrowind?
Those Vanilla faces...
@BenBrocka Oh yes please. I made the mistake to buy it on release.
@BenBrocka PcGamingWiki suggests of a few, but they seem to require paid membership to the nexus website
There's the skyrimgems.com website
@badp nexus has free accounts
I've downloaded many many mods from there, no paid membership required
@KevinvanderVelden Not along the sign-up path they want you to take
@badp What?
@badp they're checkboxes, don't tick any of them and you'll be fine
Well there was a mod amongst the suggested ones that made a huge deal of load order and whatnot and how the nexus mod manager would handle that all for you, but to download it you need to be a member and they were asking like £40, or like £20, or at least £1.79 pretty please?
The only things premium has over free account is a forum rank with no real effect on anything, uncapped downloads, premium-only download servers and full history (and no ads, but pretty much everyone blocks those anyway)
yeah, nexus is free, don't let them make you pay
@5pike I bought it for $5 just to have it I guess. I got Oblivion's collector's edition and was underwhelmed but $5 seemed okay
I've used it for years for skyrim, fallout, etc
yeah I used Nexus for Fallout...briefly, I basically quit before using anything
@badp It was probably offering the premium membership, but it's possible to download everything with a free account
In particular this one, I think
you can also download mods from the steam workshop, iirc
Oh, that's nice
some require SKSE, which is just a mod for modding
yeah, the unofficial <game> patches are always a good idea
@agent86 Yeah, I got SKSE separately and SkyUI from Steam.
Oh you mean this page: forums.nexusmods.com/…
The second line quite clearly says if you don't want to buy, skip this step..
@badp did you buy the DLC too? Or just the basegame?
@Arperum Just the base game
Is the DLC worth it?
@3ventic Well, it was sufficiently buried that they lost my registration :P
Q: Best way to see complete heists and on what difficulty

ElliottI am currently trying to get some of the masks that you get from completing all the heists on specific difficulties and at the moment and not able to figure out which heists I have actually completed and at what difficulty I completed them on. Is there an easy way for me to see what heists I ha...

@5pike Haven't tried it out yet... I own the DLC for a long time now though.
I figured mods would trump DLC so didn't bother with it, especially since it added 120% to the price
Bethesda DLC has always been iffy. There are some great ones (Shivering Isles) and then there is horse armour.
so unless there's an alternative way to get that mod, I'll just skip it
@badp well, you failed then
expansions are usually good though
Stop failing and create that damned account already badp =p
The random vampire attacks from Dawnguard basically require a mod (run for your lives or something along those lines IIRC) to save some NPC's though.
@KevinvanderVelden I failed? Their monetization funnel failed.
horse armor seemed like a lame preorder bonus gone out of control
Dawnguard was pretty good, Dragonborn was better, Hearthfire I just got as part of a bundle
The amount of interest I have in installing and maintaining 15 potentially incompatible modding frameworks in order to get basic shit in games working has crumbled immensely after Steam
@Wipqozn Odd. I'm trying to post a trade offer but your inventory won't load.
SkyUI seemed like a ton of pain to install, but just subscribing to it in Steam did the trick
@badp well, the nexus mod manager makes it just as easy
(well and the pain of getting the scripting thing going)
But jeah, modding is still difficult, and it will probably always be
@KevinvanderVelden but it and steam won't talk to each other and will end up getting in a conflicting scenario where everything is fucked up
It's a lot easier than it used to be
There just used to be one megamod where you would just drag and drop files in place :P
@badp nope, unless you try to install the same mod via both steam and NMM nothing bad happens
what about "load order"?
loot.github.io exists for that
Generally not an issue (and you can't even control it with the default mod loader, nor with steam)
So we've gone from 1 to 3 things for the same problem
I hope you see the issue here
@badp no, loot is optional
What's SkyUI? Does anything bring back Morrowind's hideous but useful interface?
I've heard bad things about Skyrim's UI, especially on PC
We've gone from 1 closed platform that does half the features to 1 semi-closed platform that does all the things
It's just a different platform
@BenBrocka it changes the UI from one clearly optimized for consoles to a more informative and mouse-friendly UI
@BenBrocka SkyUI is a better interface for skyrim, including search functions for your inventory and a column for value/weight
So more like Morrowind then?
Most of Skyrim's interface seems better optimized for mindfuck
@Blem That's so not a life hack.
no two dialogues work alike
well...better than Oblivion atl east
GIANT JOURNAL SKEUOMORPH eating 50% of screen real estate
SkyUI also adds the mod configuration menu used by pretty much all mods that change anything significant nowadays..
Also a good thing!
@Frank how is that not a lifehack?
It's not a life hack I've been doing it every day of my life
@badp Damn, I wish I waited till the mods...
This is what it looks like by default
@Blem not enough 10 dollar gadgets required
Oh okay that's not better than Oblivion. Barely
It's... usable, mostly
As long as it doesn't fuck up and not properly register which option you're clicking on
Most of the UI is a clusterfuck anyway
That happens sometimes
You know Dead Space had a much better UI and it was optimized for consoles. It doesn't have to be that awful
Most but not all of the time you can click to select. The rest of the time you must put your choice at the middle then hit E
If you plan on using the dialog options with a mouse, you better get a mod to fix that too..
Most but not all of the time you can scroll through options with the mousewheel. The rest of the time you must use the arrows
There's also a mod that fixes alt-tabbing sometimes not hiding the cursor
Most but not all of the time you click on an option to use it. The rest of the time you click an option to select it then press a button to use it.
That's a requirement, and a mod that fixes the random hang while loading
I think ENB fixes that too, @Kevin
I had briefly forgotten the pain of actually playing a Bethesda game
@3ventic possibly, I've already got a different mod for it though
Most but not all of the time you craft things by selecting ingredients first and then getting a result. The rest of the time, you select the result first and the ingredients next.
SKSE 1.7 has the fix for not-enough-memory crashes
need to activate it through .ini though
Most but not all of the time you quit the interface and go back to the game by hitting ESC or TAB. The rest of the time you also need to confirm you want to resume play by clicking on "yes" in the confirmation dialogue.
@badp where do you select the result first?
@KevinvanderVelden Cooking e.g.?
You just select the result, you can't control the ingredients there
Well it's still inconsistent :P
Most but not all of the time you can navigate around with the keyboard. The rest of the time, you need to click around the edges of the screen to move.
Yes, crafting from a predefined list is indeed different from crafting by combining items randomly
I don't think that's much of a complaint to be honest =p
(I can't believe the skill trees work like that, but they do)
You can use the arrows there as well
Geforce Experience tells me I'm downloading 1.5GB/s. Somehow I don't trust it.
@KevinvanderVelden Yes. From that screen I return to playing by pressing the down arrow.
or clicking at the bottom of the screen.
That's about it.
I just spam tab when I want to return to gameplay
You can select different skills with left/right, go into the tree with up, then navigate the points with left/right/up/down and when you're on an edge go to a different skill with left/right or back up with down
@KevinvanderVelden No.
I am trying this right now. It does nothing.
oh wait
it does - if you use WASD
@3ventic whereas most but not all of the time you move around the interfaces with the arrow keys!
Anybody want to buy my vote for the community choice?
Why would you use arrows, if you use WASD to move?
@3ventic WASD to move around menus is dumb.
I use WASD to navigate interfaces..
Almost nothing does that.
when I don't use my mouse that is
which is basically never
and even then the thing doesn't make sense
@Frank Both choices are not that interesting IMO.
I have my hand on WASD, so of course I'll use WASD to navigate..
@5pike Hence why I'm selling mine.
QUICK: what happens when I hit up?
It probably jumps all the way to the top
because it's horrible to navigate on PC
@Frank What do you take for payment?
@5pike Probably a promise, and nothing else.
@Frank I can give you a star.
@3ventic Yes, of course it does that.
@5pike Good enough.
To go to the next item in that branch you hit up and then down.
As I said, horrible to navigate without a controller
And I'm saying that the interface is overall terrible.
@Frank Mhhh... How about... Female protag
I'm glad we're in agreement.
SkyUI makes it good enough for me
the default is absolutely horrible though
The interface is terrible after skyui
I wonder if there's a mod to change the skill tree interface..
Fallout New Vegas didn't have any of these problems
Gah! The vote button! It does nothing! Stupid Valve!
@Frank It's probably just slow
There we go. Refreshed the page, then it worked.
when I tried to vote one day it said error, try again later. I refreshed and I had already voted
@Frank voted for female protags. They Bleed Pixels is cool, but hard
@BenBrocka @5pike already bought my vote for that one.
What is Miracast Virtual Audio and why does it come with NVIDIA drivers?
@BenBrocka I voted for the other one, so that one will win. I have an unbroken streak of always picking the losing option since the second choice this sale...
Morning, Bridge
@Arperum You've got an extra o in there
@SaintWacko No longer.
About the community games that are currently on - Any recommendations?
@badp F:NV wasn't Bethesda
@Arperum :D
Rule for the sale
@5pike I hear Pixel Piracy is pretty decent. Haven't played it, though.
@SaintWacko Thanks for pointing it out, I keep making stupid mistakes like that.
If you don't have KSP, and it goes on sale, get it
And yes, Pixel Piracy is cool
They all look somewhat fun, but 2 of them are early access.
I haven't played it in a while, so it's probably even cooler than it was when I played it
@SaintWacko They're so similar, it might as well have been.
I have the fear that I'll play it now, loose interest and then, after a while, it gets some cool stuff, but I lost interest.
I still have two -25% coupons for pixel piracy.
@Arperum I think everyone has.
@Arperum Me too
@5pike I gave up on early access for that reason.
Zenimax did a great job emulating the Bethesda Experience. Bugs included
I think I'll just buy Noir Syndrome and SAWA
I've only bought the don't starve expansion this sale, and that's it.
@Yuuki Huh? Inventory? What you are you talking about? Just send me your address on steam when I get home and I'll mail you those keyboard keys.
(I'm so sorry I'm such a horrible person and that wasn't even a good joke)

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