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imho, there's no excuse these days for not building a scalable online solution, especially for these companies that do these kind of launches routinely.
they could be incompetent - the games industry has a lot of turnover and appeals to a lot of younger, less experienced folks. or they could be cheap. chances are it's some of column a, some of column b
My thought was b). Demand will skyrocket on the first weekend and then drastically drop off. Why pay money to deal with the first weekend when you don't have to?
It's not like these rocky launches are affecting sales.
yeah, but a lot of cloud providers these days will let you scale to your usage. so they get hit with one big bill for the launch and then not again as the demand dies off.
I guess they could not want to pay that first bill, but it doesn't seem like it would be a drop in the bucket of the long term support for the game
and I imagine the customer escalations are costly too when they fail, y'know?
it seems like also with preorders and such they ought to be able to estimate the day 1 load pretty accurately, or at least ballpark it.
In general, do the game companies use a cloud provider, or do they do it all custom in house?
that's where I don't know. the tech exists, are they using it? they could build their own private cloud and have it scale that way too. ie, move resources from an unpopular game to a game you're about to launch
they need server capacity, that much is clear. the means exist for them to estimate load, and to handle load if required. they just seem to fail at it for whatever reason. years and years in a row
There's a local computer store that went out of business a couple years back.
Went by there today, and turns out, all their crap is still there.
And everything must go.
@Frank How much did you haul bakc home?
@Arperum Not a thing.
They want brand new prices for things discontinued, and obviously not brand new.
@Frank ...
Oh right, I forgot I can close questions as duplicates by myself in the java tag on SO.
@Arperum Welcome to this computer store.
It was their modus operandi when it was open.
@Frank I understand why they went out of business.
yeah, actually a lot of liquidators are that way in the US
if a store goes out of business, they'll put up "99% OFF!" kind of tags everywhere and then vastly overcharge
He wanted $200 for a "brand new" Cooler Master Cosmos 1000.
Opening it up, it looks shiny, but it certainly doesn't look brand new.
I worked for one of those shady computer stores in high school.
they were constantly the lowest bidder, but provided sub-par parts
I once had to replace a whole classroom's worth of optical drives because they all failed within a month of the sale
another time we got a bunch of PSU's in and they weren't the spec that the customer ordered. so what did the owner do? he called his guy in hong kong and then told us to wait for the shipment. two days later, a box of labels arrived. he had us peel all the labels off and told us they were the right wattage but just mislabeled. yeah right.
Sheesh. At least in my high school job, the owner only ripped off the movie companies - not his customers.
he eventually canned me, because he thought I told a co-worker to talk to the dept. of labor about them cutting her hours.
Does anyone have any tips for a new game?
what new game?
The dead linger looks like fun, but it is way to beta now
I like survival games like State of decay
but would like to see more of the building stuff
I don't realy need the enemy to be zomies ;-)
can't say I've heard of it. you might also try reddit.com/r/shouldibuythisgame
@Coolen Played Rust?
@Coolen I've heard nothing but terrible things about this game. :(
@agent86 I have. I've heard TDL is pretty good even in its current state.
@Fluttershy Wait, what?
State of Decay is realy wurth it.
But i played it to long
Ok I try this rust game
Check those out.
Thanks, why are the people naked in rust, is this some sort of sexgame?
@Frank Absolutely worth it. I also played 24 hours yet, but I have serious issues of lack of time. (cc @Wipqozn)
@Coolen Uh... no, it's not.
@fluttershy, what game is terrible?
@Coolen The Dead Linger, from what I've heard.
It looks realy bad
I can't stop playing Battleblock Theater. Seriously, this is one of the funnest things I have played in forever
@AshleyNunn Yayyyyy! \o/
@Fluttershy I am trying to make myself stop to make dinner but I keep going "oh, just one more level..."
@Coolen Have you played Minecraft?
You'd probably like that if you haven't.
@Arperum I'll probably wait for an even deeper discount.
No never played minecraft, but the graphics are realy bad
I think 7daystodie looks nice
@Coolen 1) once you start playing, you don't care anymore. 2) texture packs.
@Coolen 7 Days to Die is really similar to minecraft. It's gotten mixed reviews, but I know some people who really like it.
The Forest ^
@Frank I skipped a whole night sleep for it, I don't tend to do that much lately. I started playing the second I got home from work, and stopped playing the second I had to prepare to leave for work (barely on time)
@Arperum That's a good recommendation.
@gnomeslice, thanks for helping, the foprest looks good to
@Coolen Happy to share. :)
@Frank @wipqozn has 100+ hours on record in the game.
@Arperum He has more in Monster Hunter.
@Frank True. But it's something at least.
Why is the chat so much nicer then the forum here?
I am not sure about nicer
Because there's no rules here.
also, SE is not a forum
Well I mean there are, but not the same ones.
And there are different expectations in chat than on the main site.
Which is why we directed you here.
how would you call it?
A QA site
We most definitely are not your run of the mill forum.
@Frank Oh no. Most definitely not.
well the arcade part is way better then the stackoverflow. If you don't ask your question just as the want you to, then your downvoted.
@Coolen We still do that.
Not by all people, but there are some people with to many points who downvote everything that they think is not a good question. Stopped there with helping en ask questions
We just get less questions than they do.
@Coolen That could potentially still happen here.
There is a certain expectation of quality across the entire network.
there are fora on the internet that are way better (with scripting)
I don't think this question was really bad?
Q: connecting 2 databases trough mysqli

CoolenI want to make a query with 2 databases on 1 server. normaly I would do: $qry =" SELECT A.id, B.id FROM databaseA.tableA INNER JOIN databaseB.tableB ON A.id=B.id "; But now I work with Mysq...

You're asking the wrong people.
@Coolen Yeah, this is the Gaming and general SE randomness chat...
It was just to point out that the arcade part is much nicer
@Frank @Coolen My point exactly
Lots of stars tonight.
@spugsley o/ \o o/ \o o/ \o o/ \o o/ \o o/ \o o/ \o o/ \o o/ \o o/ \o
I am confused why I am getting so many stars.
@Coolen It's not really so much about niceness. Helping users is a byproduct of building a repository of knowledge.
@RPiAwesomeness This is confusing to interpret visually :P
Lots of waves!
I think somebody is autostarring @AshleyNunn
@AshleyNunn High fiving and arms in the air.
@AshleyNunn :16262720 A visual interpretation of Frank's message
@Frank I realize that, but if you consider the heads to be middles, not edges, things get weird.
@GnomeSlice It almost would seem so....
@AshleyNunn Maybe they're boobs
@frank Quess your right, but scarring people away should never be the right way. But that is the choice of the website
@GnomeSlice Oh dear
but then the arms are still in the wrong place
@AshleyNunn Oh, missed that.
@RPiAwesomeness huehue
@GnomeSlice I see the arms as edges of the torso
@Coolen Again, it's not about niceness, scaring, or anything personal whatsoever.
@GnomeSlice You don't watch AshleyMarieGaming do you ....
There is certain level of quality expected.
@RPiAwesomeness ?
Some people struggle with that.
@GnomeSlice She says huehuehue a lot.
At least in the comments, I don't watch her videos
@Coolen It's not about scaring people off, it is about wanting to make the internet better by providing good quality questions and answers
(Gee, it's like I say that a lot)
Yay tacos!
@AshleyNunn And part of that goal makes helping users a byproduct.
maybe so, but don't think this is the way
Yeah, it happens, but nowhere is it the primary aspect.
Are there problems? Yeah, every community has problems. It's not perfect, and we're not saying it is.
I don't share my knowlege there anymore. So are a lot of people.
@Coolen Well, it's a way that has worked well for a long time and it is unlikely to change. It is certainly not for everyone - the bigger the site, the harder it is to catch the learning curve
@Coolen It is far from a sinking ship though
Either y'all like me, or I gotta get my starhammer out.
your right about that
@RPiAwesomeness I picked that up from one of my friends playing dark souls
It's a bad habit.
But for some reason it makes me giggle
It's fun :)
Alright, I'm off to eat.
Shrek you later Bridge
The website is doing a good job, but still the knowlege is very low. But it is ok, it will be better i quess
Heehee ^^
@Coolen I am not sure what you mean by that.
The vast majority of the disconnect is that most newcomers think SE is there to help. And it's not. It's jarring when they realize that.
I hardly think that any of the network sites are low on aggregated knowledge.
o/ guys...Mexican food is calling...
the website in doing great in google, but this overflow part does not have people with a lot of knowlege
sorry for my bad english
@Coolen Really? SO is the place for programming questions.
@Frank Well, it is there to help, but not to hand hold. And the bigger the site, the less people are going to reach out, and the more they expect you to do your own stuff to help yourself, like research before asking, read the help center, look to see if it already has an answer, etc
@Coolen That is so far from true.
you find better answers on the forums
@Coolen I sincerely doubt that.
I mean I sound like a rabid SE fan (and maybe I am) but wow, no, SO is not lacking in people who know things.
@AshleyNunn The helping comes as a byproduct of building the repository.
It is, perhaps, lacking in tact, or something, but it is not lacking in knowledge.
@Frank Yeah.
There is only so much you can really do - people have to be willing to also try to adapt to a very different community from things that they might be used to.
I have to disagree on that, a lot of answers are outdated or not complete. But new members have no way of changing that
And, yeah, it is expected to put some effort into what you are doing before you ask. @Coolen Before you go bashing SO, you might not realize that the amount of junk SO gathers is incredible.
@Coolen Actually, you totally do.
You can answer it.
No Im not bashing it, that was not my intension
@Coolen You can answer, comment, vote, bounty, etc etc etc etc etc
sorry if it sounded like that
And yeah, you can't do all of that off the bat, you gotta earn it
Which sounds crappy, but it is encouraging people to contribute things that the community feels fits their standards.
@AshleyNunn And you can thank spammers and socks for most of that requirement.
well maybe your right and it just isn't the place for me
@Frank Kinda? There is also a "hey we don't want to be <insert competition here>."
@AshleyNunn That, too.
you cant build a perfect site for everyone ;-)
@Coolen It might not work for you in the way you want, and that's perfectly okay. It can't be all things to all people.
Anyways, I think you may be coming at the SE network from the wrong perspective.
We don't try to be everything to everybody. We have a specific way we like to do things. And some people don't agree with that.
I quess so.
@Frank Heck, we don't agree with each other half the time ;)
And that's fine. It's not supposed to.
@AshleyNunn We've had several arguments just between me and you. :)
And will probably have lots more.
@Frank laughs Yes, yes we have.
And yes, we likely will.
For the gaming this site works perfect for me, for the scripting there are better sites (for me)
The point is, we're a community. We disagree.
(I was speaking more in a general sense, but you know :P)
Any community that is in lockstep all the time is the scariest damn thing ever.
Or just straight up tyranny. Either or. :P
@AshleyNunn General sense don't work so well. :P Provide examples!
@Frank ITG, Lore, Game-rec... :P
@AshleyNunn I was more playing off the fact that Meta (ANY meta) doesn't work so well without concrete examples to point at.
@Frank Truth. Hypotheticals work terribly
Roam around Skyrim
Lydia disappears
Lydia disappears for good
Fast travel around
Lydia is still nowhere around
Fast travel to a temple to cure my sickness
No Lydia in sight
Cure disease
Turn around
Lydia says: "Still here~"
..so she's a creepy ninja who doesn't like you being diseased.
This is starting to sound like creepypasta
oh, Lydia
@badp The disease was that you couldn't see Lydia.
@Frank hahahahahahaha
Actually it was half magicka regen, but sure.
@badp You didn't mention that, so nope, you're wrong.
You just couldn't see Lydia.
...The mobile button is way too close to the Arqade logo.
relevant song.
@Arperum Too much headbanging.
and Lydia vanished again
@AshleyNunn "Half the time" is a very generous estimate.
@Frank I saw them live last friday, it was awesome.
so much for being sworn to protect me
@badp Right behind you screen cuts to black
I need to start pickpocketing all the things so I can buy the +100 to carry limit upgrade
also, the upgrades screens in Sykrim are awful
Hmm... Age of Wonders?
Q: How do I find my follower if and when they leave me?

Patrick KlugI had parked my follower at an inn with a bunch of valuable items that I didn't want to carry. I guess I have been out a bit too long as this message appears: Your follower tires of waiting and leaves. There have been other situations where my follower has mysteriously disappeared as well...

actually even once modded the UIs are all awful. Every single crafting screen is different from the other
41 mins ago, by Arperum
@Frank I skipped a whole night sleep for it, I don't tend to do that much lately. I started playing the second I got home from work, and stopped playing the second I had to prepare to leave for work (barely on time)
See that as a "Yes, it is good."
@badp What mod do you use for the UI? Do you have SkyUI?
@Arperum Yes
but that doesn't do any crafting screens, so I still get to experience some of the brokenness
@badp Yea, those are terrible.
@Arperum I don't know anything about it, so question: offline plays?
They're all different
Sometimes you need to pick things from separate lists
Sometimes you need to pick things from the same list
@Yuuki shush you ;)
Sometimes you select things and it crafts them
Sometimes you select things and then you need to press a different button to craft them
@Yuuki Yup, for convenience you have to sync your steam and (optional) triumph account.
Alchemy asks you if you're really sure to stop alchemy things, but the others don't
I had no issues with it, but @FAE had some problems with getting them linked IIRC.
@Arperum Yeah, something was wonky with my Steam. If you're offline or showing offline on steam or otherwise not connected, you can't connect.
Oh, boy. I now have downvote privileges on SO.
@Arperum So the syncing is optional? What happens if I don't have a Triumph account? Does sync happen every time I start the game up?
@FAE Does that mean I can't play the game in offline mode?
Also: bedtime for me, tomorrow at 7AM some morons are going to be here for doing stuff to my electricity. they wanted to start today around noon already (I got no warning at all)
@Yuuki If you're taking the chance with Steam's offline mode, you're running a risk anyway.
@Yuuki It only means you can't sync your Triumph and Steam accounts. You can play a guest account for however long that doesn't need to register and you can move that save file over later if you decide to register.
@Yuuki AFAIk you can play in offline mode. the only thing the triumph account is for is for syncing to some cloud storage AFAIK. not sure.
@FAE My Internets is kinda nonexistent right now, so I only have internets when I go on campus.
@Yuuki Ack, what happened?
@FAE Something something family drama something something no internets.
@Yuuki Erk, I'm sorry to hear that. :(
So, now I have no internet blagoblag and have to tutor my sister in math over the summer.
@Yuuki Quality time with your sister at least?
@FAE Teaching her math is like pulling teeth. It's not so much that she has a problem with doing it, she just kinda doesn't like illustrating her procedures.
And half the time, her procedure is guessing until she gets the right answer.
@Yuuki Oy.
I just kept counting up until x was the right number.
Funny thing, my sister lives closer to you than to me. :P
A physicist, she will not be.
(she lives in Austin)
@Frank The other worrisome thing is that she doesn't want to learn math because she's convinced that she won't be going into any STEM job.
No concept of "having options".
@Yuuki Math is incredibly useful, in any field you go into.
Heck, I didn't think I needed physics in my job, and really, I don't, but it's still come in super handy in some personal coding projects.
@Frank Even if you're not going into STEM, having good math grades gives you a lot of options just in case you didn't pick the right thing your first year.
@Yuuki And keeps the doors open.
Math is the base language of the universe.
I haven't done any math in forever. x_x
I did up to calculus in high school but haven't done anything since then.
@FAE Aww.
There's something just...clean, I guess, about doing math.
Bad descriptor, I know.
One of the reasons Jochem decided not to go into chemical engineering was because of all the math required. He was not a fan.
I <3 math
When I went to college, there wasn't math required if you were doing a foreign language.
So... I heard someone mention Nidhogg earlier?
@Yuuki You did indeed.
the free game on GoG changed. it's now Torchlight, def worth grabbing for $0.00
Also, Math is the worst.
@Fluttershy We are no longer friends.
@agent86 I also have like 2 or 3 copies of Torchlight. Also for free.
Or Steam cards if you want to give me something.
I also have one copy of Nuclear Dawn.
I just looked at my humble collection and realized I have a lot of dupes.
I think I have FTL, Fez, Bastion, Strike Suit Zero...
And two coupons for 25% off Pixel Piracy.
@agent86 Yeah I have to go through mine and figure out what dupes I have.
@Yuuki Those are expired aren't they?
@Yuuki yeah, hah, I have 2 of those coupons.
@FAE mine are good through 2015
like april.
they don't stack, though.
Oh I read the year wrong.
Valid through 2015, yeah. Also, looks like I'm not getting Age of Wonders.
I love buying games with the money I got from selling cards.
@Yuuki Aw, how come?
@FAE PC-only and my PC is currently non-mobile so I wouldn't even be able to install it.
@Yuuki :(
@Yuuki Ah. :/
I'd have to lug it all the way to campus if I wanted to install it.
@Yuuki USB stick?
oh, frozen synapse.
So I had this stupid idea for living out of my car.
Yup, that's stupid
Q: Seifer's Scar And Related Plot Points?

EliasIn Final Fantasy 8, the nurse and Quistis make a big deal about Squall getting his face cut during the opening sequence wherein he is having a training session with Seifer. Why do they not make a big deal about Squall returning the favor and giving Seifer a similar scar? Why does Seifer not hav...

@Fluttershy Ehhhh. I saw it as a lore question.
Would a PC fit in the space under the driver seat?
@Yuuki Not a good idea. Especially in your heat.
My brilliant plan is working out!
@FAE Yeah, would not be good for components.
@Frank It's never explained in the lore, so it'd be more of a developer intent thing.
Q: Seifer's Scar And Related Plot Points?

EliasIn Final Fantasy 8, the nurse and Quistis make a big deal about Squall getting his face cut during the opening sequence wherein he is having a training session with Seifer. Why do they not make a big deal about Squall returning the favor and giving Seifer a similar scar? Why does Seifer not hav...

Now all they know is that they're looking for somebody that isn't @Wipqozn.
And demonstrates the thin line between dev design and lore.
@Frank The dev design close reason includes "narrative."
@Yuuki Depends on your tower, but still not a good idea.
@Fluttershy Technically, every single "poke the plot hole" question could be closed under that.
@Yuuki Don't you usually have like pedals there
@badp ... why would your pedals be under the driver seat?
@Yuuki oh there? but there's going to be plenty of metal junk there for seat repositioning purpse
@Yuuki depends on the PC and the car, but I'm going to say "not likely"
and you aren't going to be able to fit a laptop in there let alone a desktop computer
Now, to play more Atelier Escha (@GraceNote), or work on my super shiny gold-plated model (@FAE)?
Maybe you could just put it in your trunk and run the wires through the seats, but I'm not sure how you'd power it
@Frank @GraceNote vs @FAE: Match BEGIN!
@Frank Oooh shiny.

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