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@BenBrocka Haha, wow, that's funny that they've been keeping an eye on the exploits. Cool of them to keep the old scores and reset the leaderboard.
@BenBrocka omg, Demolition sounds crazy fun
Q: Can you check if a PSN code is valid without redeeming it?

Dominic De CocoI have a code for additional content on a Playstation game, and I want to know whether it is still valid, but I don't want to redeem it for myself. If I enter it in the Playstation Store (on PS3, PS4 or the website), does it get redeemed to my account automatically, or can I enter it without red...

So, Metro: Last Light is currently non-functional on my Mac.
F--k Apple.
@BenBrocka I have the PS3/4 version of Child of Light, haven't played any on Vita. I got the fancy EU-only Deluxe edition too, with the artbook and stuff.
Yeah, I'll probably get the season pass. Housemarq actually haven't had the best of luck with non-standard modes (bomber mode in Stardust is a chore) but this sounds pretty good
@Yuuki Have you read the book?
Yeah, I'll pick up the season pass as well.
@FAE You can use the Vita's touch screen in remote play as if it were the Wii U gamepad basically, touching directly where you want to go instead of moving a cursor indirectly
@FAE I finished Child of Light. I had quite a few weird graphical errors though.
Also, I'm not entirely sure I 100%-understand the story.
@BenBrocka Ah neat. I usually play with Jochem controlling Igniculus on a second controller.
@Yuuki That sucks, PC version? I haven't finished it yet, I got distracted by some other things (steam sale, PS4 purchase...) but I need to finish it.
@FAE Yeah.
This is somewhat horrifying.
@Frank hahaha
Granted, I got it right before my internets went down so I might have missed a few first week bugfixes.
@Frank the bayo costumes are pretty awful honestly
the link one is okay
@FAE I hope more devs do stuff like that with the Vita, it's perfect for remote play even by your TV
the nintendo-themed bayo costumes, that is
@FAE I played on the controller while my sister controlled Igniculus with the mouse.
The peach one looks nothing like peach and the samus one's "helmet" is super weird and the lack of varia suit spaulders is disapointing
Q: Why I get so low fps in Assassins Creed 2?

user3052023I have AMD 8650G+8570M gpu , and AMD A-10 5750m processor. I think these are enough to run a game like Assassins Creed 2 on a decent fps of about 40-50. But I only get 20-25 fps. Not only this game , but on every game between 2010-2012 , I get so low fps. Why? I even checked at Can enter link des...

I watch the trailer for Bayonetta 2, and my first impression is, "Devil May Cry".
@Frank guess who made the first DMC
@Frank Same director
@FAE btw if you're going for the "save all humans" thing (for trophies or just power ups) remember to watch the background too, sometimes the green ships spawn far away
@BenBrocka Yeah, I learned that the hard way when I started playing. Which ship do you usually use?
I was playing the medium difficulty on the normal ship for a while, but I think I need to go through and get better at the levels and patterns first, so I switched to the lower difficulty to do that and to work on the humans trophy.
@FAE Well, I suppose I may have to pick that up, then.
I loved the original DMC.
@Frank I really enjoyed Bayonetta 1. The combat was really fun and satisfying.
I read an article today that said Bayonetta was designed to appeal to women
@agent86 ................haaaaaaaaaa
@FAE the max maneuverability one, because I almost never use overdrive, I prefer the mobility and the homing shots are useful
@BenBrocka Yeah, that's what I was using on lowest diff as well. I don't really use overdrive either.
Though the difference in firepower between that and the heavy ship is appreciable in their normal shots.
> Hideki Kamiya categorically asked his staff to design Bayonetta with realistic, attainable features to make her stand out from all of the other characters out there with "big boobs that show a lot of cleavage" - because she's better than that.
But now that there's custom ships, I can make something to my liking! Potentially.
> He also fought tooth and nail to make sure that Bayonetta wore glasses, to differentiate her from other female characters as well as give her a "sense of mystery and intelligence".
@agent86 She has like super long giraffe-legs.
@FAE overdrive would be mostly useful for bosses and most bosses are all but immune to it
Ugh, tf_bot_quota_mode fill doesn't work right with replay... with bots join after players that is.
@FAE and as I recall, she gets super naked. I guess that appeals to a subset of women, though.
It considers "replay" to be a player
@agent86 Yes. "Realistic".
when I think of ways to appeal to women, I think naked fighting girl, but with glasses
The first word that comes to my mind when I see Bayonetta is not "realistic". Maybe "spaghetti", but not "realistic".
@agent86 She does, kinda, yeah. She's still not like... proportionally appealing though. She was created deliberately out of proportion. Her limbs are all super long, especially her legs and yeah, that's just... an odd statement.
Q: In Starcraft 2, what is a good Terran anti aircraft strategy if you are on the move?

HeyWatchThisMarines seem to be a good cheap and quick to build up anti-aircraft unit, but my question is more about "strategy" and not just a "unit". I was using Banshees (which have cloaking) to startle some Protoss units, and in come their ground units which Banshees can handle. But then in come some Pr...

Q: minecraft command block /setblock is innacurate

mdlp0716I notice when I use command blocks and /setblock, i will always have to subtract the x-value by 1 for it to go in the correct place when i check where the coordinates for the block i want to be set. is this something with the programming, is this a glitch?

fuck yeah
@FAE well, that's what you get when you have guys design things they think appeal to girls.
I better be able to alter those stats when I download it though
@BenBrocka ...?
@agent86 Yeeeeeah... :|
@BenBrocka I was just wondering if that's possible or not.
@Yuuki It's Resogun's ship editor, you can make your own voxel ships
@FAE I looked at the cover art for the first Bayonetta. Her legs are twice the length of her torso. That's messed up.
@Yuuki Yep.
I just looked up this lady and yeah no not appealing even a little. She just looks weird. And uncomfortable.
Gameplay's really fun though if you're into those types of games. The boss battles are crazy and there's scoring on each level section that you can compare both globally and to your friends and such.
Honestly? Baynoetta appeals to women as much as the Hustler...
Kamiya games are always bought for gameplay. The wacky over the top style (which is ridiculous in different ways but pretty much always ridiculous) is a bonus if you like it at most, it's never been a primary draw of them
@BenBrocka I'd say Okami was an exception there.
Okami is a bit of an oddity--but it's not like they're all ugly--W101 looks fine and cartoony, but they're definitely all weird
@BenBrocka That's true
So, Point & Click won Community Choice. I have to say, I'm kinda surprised.
@Yuuki Huh, guess I'll have to wait for work to end to see which 4 those were as I've forgotten.
@Powerlord I think one of them had "Myst" in the name, but I'm not sure if it's actually a Myst game.
@Yuuki It was RealMyst, I think
@5pike If it's not the recently released remastered version, it's probably overpriced even on sale.
RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition being the remastered version
It's the remastered version. Plain realmyst is $3 no reason to further discount it
It is that
I'll probably get it, I kinda want to rebuild my Myst collection, not sure I have all the disks anymore
I kinda wish I could get the lovely worlds without quite all the puzzles though
I'm not really a fan of point and click games.
but the alternative community choice wasn't appealing either.
yeah realmyst + other one sucking is why I voted for this one
@5pike I can't even remember what the alternative was.
@Yuuki Sports simulation - 2 golf games, 1 Nascar and 1 F1 if I remember correctly
oh right that's why I voted
@5pike Oh yeah... I'm now no longer surprised that Point & Click won.
hm if I get realmyst it'll be the first thing in this sale I bought with my own, not trading card money
How much is RealMyst Masterpiece anyway?
$18 new, $12 currently on sale, IIRC it's going to be ~$7.5 on flash sale?
Hmm... what should I make for lunch today?
@Yuuki oh gods no
@KevinvanderVelden I don't have any bread so no sandwiches.
Well that's good at least
Course, you make sandwiches with the weirdest things inside of them, why not make the outside out of weird stuff as well
I had roasted potatoes yesterday. I cut them into halves and tossed them with olive oil, salt, pepper, and rosemary.
geez, the moment steam got new sales, their servers got slammed so hard, it gives errors trying to load pages
@KevinvanderVelden I only make unappetizing sandwiches. Everything is roughly normal.
Oh god. The Community Choice. I can't decide.
Broken Age on one side, World of Goo on the other...
I'm going for Fun - Great Soundtrack
@5pike Yeah, I ended up with that too. I'll pick up World of Goo and Awesomenauts if it wins.
I've paid for World of Goo probably half a dozen times over now.
Though I do own everything else in Casual. And seriously, Dungeons of Dredmor in Casual?!
@Yuuki but everyone already has world of goo, plus dungeons of dredmor! (which everyone also already has)
splinter cell: blacklist is def. worth $7.50 imho. it's a very good stealth game, and the co-op is a blast.
people tend to go crazy for brothers, but I didn't really like it personally
Anyone who doesn't buy Brothers A Tale of Two Sons for $3 is crazy.
@agent86 You monster.
@Fluttershy indeed.
I just found it... trite, I guess.
I thought it was gorgeous. The music was great, too.
@Fluttershy it was on my "buy when on sale" list
brothers used feels. but it wasn't very effective :(
@Fluttershy I have been told that I could be declared clinically insane.
Age of Wonders 3 for $20. That's the most tempting offer, and still not very.
yeah, I'm tempted by it. not sure I'm going to bite just because for the summer sale, $20 is a lot. another one of those "if I can be patient, I can get more for less" situations...
@Frank I would say it's definitely worth that in game hours for price. (CC: @Arperum)
Also you'd be supporting my local economy. :D
(Triumph Studios is like a 15 minute bike ride from my house)
you should go over there and organize a giveaway! :P
"I have come from the internet! Give us free games pls!"
@agent86 I've talked with them via FB before, they unfortunately don't do visitations/tours.
klei entertainment wrote me back! sweet!
@agent86 Cool, what for?
@FAE oh, I asked for a preview copy of invisible, inc. they said they're not giving them out yet, but I can buy the alpha if I want to.
trying to do more coverage of indie titles beyond my monthly steam library dives. I did factorio in may, which was fun.
@agent86 Ah, cool.
I'm also going to try to do infinite space 3 here at some point.
@agent86 Yeah, that's a ton of fun.
I wasn't really expecting a reply even, so that was delightful.
gog rotated the free game to be "still life 2"
do a search for "free" and you should find it on their front page.
Bridge, should I get nidhogg, yay or nay.
@agent86 Thanks!
3 hours ago, by agent86
@5pike you're welcome.
@FAE I think it's couch coop only, isn't it?
@FAE I tend to strongly prefer co-op to competitive games, so it's a no on my list. however, your preferences may vary
@Fluttershy nay
at least it doesn't say that on the page
it mentions networked play on the store page
@FAE yay!
I just bought it and played a game with my friend online
it works pretty great and it's pretty hilarious
Well dang. The only reason I hadn't grabbed it yet was because I was under the impression that it was local coop only.
Nope, grab an always on VOIP and HAVE AT THEE
@agent86 I've always thought about doing game reviews, but I don't have the money nor the will to play a new game every week or so.
@Yuuki I've found that the problem with opinion content tends to be more having people care about your opinion. news is kind of the same way, it's pretty generic and easy to come by. mostly the stuff that I do is aimed more towards information or strategies these days.
the Cot5 stuff is mostly a reason to motivate myself to play the games in my steam back catalog. hardly anyone reads it.
the indie stuff is just because I think there are interesting games there flying under the radar. discovery is difficult, essentially. there's a lot of crap though.
@agent86 Yeah, but my problem is that I'm not willing to devote the time to coming up with a new opinion every week or so. I feel that's just as important as having an audience.
Oooh, Riven's on sale too.
I think I may get that just to have the luxury of not swapping between 5 CDs when I play it.
@Yuuki yeah, I don't do it that often. once or twice a month, usually, and only when I feel like there's something worth saying. honestly, the articles tend to write themselves. for me it's more of a conversation I'm having with a friend who is interested in video games, trying to convince them to play it.
and my Cot5 series is all about stuff I didn't buy when it first came out, things I blew just $5 or less on, so the cost isn't that big a deal. trying to see if I can't convince folks to give me stuff in return for reviews, so far it's worked only occasionally :)
we're getting to a size though where I don't have to pretend to be legit. :P
Oh shit, Italy is in a real pickle. Uruguay is in the lead with 1 goal and Italy has lost 1 player.
@BenBrocka Silly child, cartridges aren't a food
@BenBrocka Wow
@BenBrocka Someone should teach that kid how to use pockets. It clearly doesn't know
man, I remember that magnifier thing for the original game boy
I think it had a tiny light bulb too
Q: How can I cheat in items

user3583166I've been having the same question for ever: HOW CAN I CHEAT IN ITEMS? I've been wanting to cheat in items like Travel Tickets so I can get more Miis married faster and other things, too. Also, I'm not going to use action replay codes so I want to do this in-game, not with codes.

@agent86 Yes, you can see the off-on switch in the picture
yeah, this was just before the advent of LEDs. so imagine like a night-light strapped to a crappy lens and a hunk of plastic.
we walked both ways in the snow for our black and white graphics and gosh darn it we liked it!
@agent86 Dude, I had one. I KNOW
The struggle is real.
@5pike would you like a cat gif?
there you are. qty one (1) cat gif.
It looks sad
Oh, oh, oh. @FAE! Procrastinating paid off, Chrome updated and my looking into why chat wasn't working turned into me doing nothing because it resolved itself. So thanks for the reminder. :P
@TimStone haha, it worked!
Sort of.
@agent86 :D
@5pike to be fair the gameboy didn't fit in pockets
I'm glad I waited and got a gameboy pocket
at least he's not chewing on the batteries. that would be a bad idea.
@BenBrocka True, but the cartridges.
although it seems like he has at least like 3 of the same game there.
parents must have bought him "all the nintendos" for christmas
@5pike are delicious
you only really needed 2 carts max unless you were going on a trip anyway
@BenBrocka They sure are.
tetris, and also tetris.
I was thinking more Pokemon and whatever not-pokemon I was playing at the time
I still can hear the title screen music from that game in my head.
I never owned pokemon :(
@agent86 Tetris on Game Boy is what started me on gaming.
that reminds me I want to play the DS remake of FFL3 still. aaaand translation still not finished. crud.
@FAE so it's in your head too, right? do-do-do-do-do-DO! do-do-do-do-do-DO! DOO DOO DO DO DOODLY DO DO DO
@agent86 that worked oddly well
@FAE Sonic 2 in a daycare sorta thing for me. We got an SNES and Yoshi's Island for me and DKC for my sister (she was never too great at it though)
@FAE I didn't think I could do it justice with dooos, but it worked!
@BenBrocka I was like 5 years old and my uncle had it and let me borrow it. I didn't want to give it back. Parents bought a Nintendo for me soon after. We had that and the Genesis but unfortunately, I never had a SNES so I missed a lot of games there. :(
Uruguay is advancing - Italy is driving home
@5pike This World Cup.
We skipped NES and got the SNES pretty late (but I was 5 when yoshi's island came out so it wasn't very late for me)
@StrixVaria Yepp, It just ended.
We had a NES but not many games. There were no stores that had games. We had to drive to Munich to get games. And they were pretty expensive, if I remember correctly.
Until the PSX the only way I knew about new games was Nintendo Power, which is probably why I didn't have many non-sonic Genesis games
I bought a NES really, really late, because my (or any) computer at the time was far more powerful than a measly 8 bit machine.
@BenBrocka I had a bunch of really fun, weird Genesis games that I miss playing. Some good co-op stuff too that I played with my sister.
Wiz'n'Liz was really fun to play together.
we had an NES the year the SMB/DH/WCTM bundle was released.
Cyan World's complete pack (including 3 myst games and Uru) is on sale for $9, didn't see it on front page http://store.steampowered.com/sub/15168/
I was a total nintendo fanboy and demanded a SNES the year it came out
I figured all flash sales would be listed on the front page but this isn't
got a genesis late in the cycle for sonic
we had n64, but I eventually traded an old video card for a PS
I got a genesis and a Dreamcast...I actually never knew the Master System or Saturn existed until gen 7
oh god what did they do to kennedy?
mr president, sir, please wash the lumpy mashed potatoes off your face.
also if you could take off that beret you dropped in your hot chocolate this morning, that would also be great.
Looks like Kennedy x Leisure Suit Larry
We had to make due with the nes for many years. I convinced my father to buy a used PSX (came with twisted metal 2).
he looks like a bank robber wearing a kennedy mask
that you get from the dollar store and they just sort of paint it differently if they want to make Reagan
@BenBrocka You didn't know the Saturn existed til gen 7, really? :o
@5pike We scored one goal in three matches. It's kind of the necessary conclusion
the saturn was kind of a footnote, iirc. I saw one in TRU once and I was like "wtf is that"
@FAE I also didn't know the saturn existed
I had a friend with a master system and that's the only reason I knew it existed.
if the red hadn't been given, if the bite had been seen and sanctioned, if Costa Rica didn't have players found positive to doping... we still didn't score
Maybe we could've faced Colombia and that's it
@badp Well, you tried.
Q: What missions unlock all the skills?

ChaseCI've hit a point where I have 6 skill points but all of the skills are still locked. At what point do the skills start unlocking and is there a point at which all of them unlock at once?

@FAE Never met anyone with one, only ever had PS or Nintendo focused magazines
@FAE I also never saw a console and neither a game.
@BenBrocka Huh, funky. I would've thought you would've seen them in like, console retrospectives or something before now I guess.
Virtual console was the first time I heard of Turbo gfx and SMS. I forget where I heard about the poor Saturn
another friend had a sega CD. I played whatever rogue squadron game was for that thing.
I only know about the Saturn (and some other consoles) due to emulation research.
@BenBrocka I'm pondering this but 2 games of it are the first Myst, so I'm not sure if I want to get yet more copies of the first game.
Uru and Myst V are great though
@BenBrocka It's weird how that has two versions of Myst 1, plus Myst 2 and Myst 5, but skips 3 and 4.
I assume the non-myst games can be completely ignored (Uru is a Myst game in basically every way though) and I figure Myst remastered/realmyst make up for me not getting realmyst masterpiece thing
@BenBrocka Yeah, I may just get those piecemeal. Though I have a physical copy of Myst V CE in a huge ass box sitting behind me on my bookshelf.
@Powerlord Different publisher.
yeah I have no idea where 3 and 4 went
They were done by Ubisoft.
I dunno, the first two were good, the rest were kinda meh imho
I thought Uru was Ubi too though
I played all of them all the way through years ago.
I seem to remember #3 being particularly bad
but it's been a long time
they weren't as monumental but the environments are still great
I've owned Myst Masterpiece and realMyst for a long time. The realMyst: Masterpiece edition that's on sale now is an updated version of realMyst with better models/textures and stuff.
though I don't recall as much of 2, 3 or 4 honestly
@agent86 3 was the first one where they went out of house
That went to the people who did The Journeyman Project.
@FAE I just remember it not being nearly as interesting
I did like journeyman project 2 though. I loaned that to a girl and she never gave it back :(
I seem to remember that too, though I did finish it.
I started IV but didn't finish it at the time and I've purchased V's CE and not opened it.
Riven felt like it was so hard at the time.
yeah, back in the days before you could just look up a FAQ and be done with it
I actually played a little of Uru Online through Gametap back on '07.
@badp when this first popped up I thought you were showing us something NSFW
But I didn't stick with it because I didn't have friends to play with and help me with puzzles.
@agent86 Same
he actually bit him?
@FAE yeah, I feel like I had uru online but only played the single player?
or maybe I'm remembering things wrong
@agent86 Uru's release was... complicated.
@badp now THAT would be a red card. The other was a yellow at most.
Uru online (whatever it was called) was included in Uru I think but died pretty quickly
the single player part was released and even though it was intended to be multiplayer, the MP part got delayed
then died
I was surprised to see a screenshot of it on steam...I figured it was totally swept under the rug
then popped up for "free" on Gametap
@FAE well, myst as a whole was complicated, so I guess it fits :P
(had to have a Gametap subscription)
then it died again
then, IIRC, it had another launch
I used to follow it pretty closely
I'm a nerd who actually wanted to learn D'ni when I was younger
I loved the lore of that series in the first few installments.
I had calligraphic pens and I'd practice the writing
and look up websites for the language
Q: What type of kill do I need to get a fully recharged charge meter with the Tide Turner?

ZibbobzI checked the patch notes recently on the new Tide Turner, and according to the notes, shield bash kills are now supposed to recharge your meter as well as kills from the critical hit with your sword. Except I've noticed that I've gotten kills with Nessie's Nine-Iron and my shield equipped, ye...

oooh, neat
and I've read all the books
@FAE I liked hte books.
fistshakes at the likely never occurring Book of Marrim
@FAE sighs
well, it looks like the color rotation is not sitting well with the steam folks. purple's not pulling away today like the other colors have been in rotation.
@Lazers It wasn't working correctly after yesterday's update.
or so people on the server I was on were saying.
Nidhogg for $5.09. Hnnngh
Q: Why can't I start a crusade

PenguinAgenI am playing as Empire of Britannia. I am the reformed norse version of the pope. I have all the holt sites. The year is over 1100 and both the muslims and the catholics have called crusades before. I have even started (and won) 3 great holy wars, but I don't know why I can't do so know. Why can...

nooooooooooooo, nidhogg, why are you crashing on startup
A few more delete votes required to burninate
@StrixVaria Mod meta answering powers activate :P
Q: Is it allowed to ask tips about new games I want?

CoolenIs it allowed to ask this communinty about what new game to buy, giving information about genre and gameplay?

@AshleyNunn You beat me by 3 seconds :|
@StrixVaria Mwahaha....though I think yours is a better answer.
posted on June 24, 2014

Yesterday our sites were down for approximately 40 minutes. The direct cause of the outage was an accidental misconfiguration of the router that caused us to stop announcing our IP block over BGP. Once we realized that NY was unreachable, we initiated failover to our secondary datacenter in Oregon. Once in Oregon, we had stability issues due to a bug in the code path that flips our Q&A appl

Q: Why did Command and conquer generals 2 releasing is cancelled?

Bilal AyubI have been waiting for command and conquer generals 2. I have played command and conquer generals so much. Now got known that second generals 2 releasing is cancelled. I am not sure that it will be released then or not. I want to know that why was it cancelled and it will be released then or not?

@AshleyNunn @StrixVaria You didn't link the blog article!
no michel bey. stahp. pls no
Q: Do sharks attack you if you're using a water vehicle?

ChaseCI have a real-life phobia that, unfortunately, carries over to video games when I play them. I don't like swimming and not being able to see below me. So when I swim, I'm unable to see sharks and jelly fish and whatever else is in the water. Luckily for me, there are plenty of water vehicles in ...

@agent86 God, they look super creepy and wrong.
@agent86 This is @Wipqozn's family.
@agent86 How to ruin someones childhood by Michael Bay...
and megan fox of course...
@StrixVaria in that they are failures and ruiners, yes, I completely agree.
@agent86 You're just jealous of our shells.
@Wipqozn kinda, yeah.
@Jutschge Megan Fox definitely didn't ruin my childhood.
Q: What are the balls of yarn for?

Ashley NunnI've figured out that I can use gems to free other prisoners, but what about the balls of yarn? What are they for?

@agent86 shredder looks okay. Everything else is awful
@BenBrocka He needs more blades tho
this whole weird "uber-complex character model" trend in these movies needs to end
yes hopefully that's not even his final form
@agent86 yeah shredder having uneven blades looks wrong
I see @AshleyNunn buckled her pants, grabbed a b-ball and BOOM SHAKA LAKA.
not to mention literally everything about the turtles
like I don't need every square inch of these guys to be a distinct texture that is "ultra realistic" or whatever.
(Also, this game is AMAZING)
they're goddamn cartoons, y'all
@agent86 That looks so, so bad.
Michael BAy, you're basically the worst human being who has ever existed.
Yes, literally worse than @agent86.
@AshleyNunn I want to play this based on this line alone.
What game is this, anyways?
battleblock theater, I believe
@AshleyNunn It is so much fun! If you don't worry about the A+ rating and just enjoy the crazy levels, it is even more fun.
@Wipqozn how many literal @agent86'es is he?
@JasonBerkan I'm not defending anything involving vanilla ice.
@agent86 86 and a half.
but even those movies weren't this bad.
@Wipqozn it's a good number.
@Fluttershy I am just having a crapton of fun with it. It is ridiculous and amazing.
Q: How can I get my Steam Game to Launch?

Josh OhmI just bought Sonic CD on my Steam account. Whenever I try to play it, A window opens up giving me two options: "Play Sonic CD", or "Video Setup." If I choose "Play Sonic CD", Steam will go to a loading screen for a second or two and then just bring me back to the Steam Menu. If I choose "Video S...

@Fluttershy: Age of Wonders 3 is on sale for 50% off btw
@agent86 I'm trying to decide if the franchise moving from Vanilla Ice to Michael Bay is moving up? down? sideways?
@Frank Battleblock Theater. It is AMAZING. Seriously. And still 50% off, which isn't as good as the sale it was on yesterday but damn it is such a fun gaaaaame
@JasonBerkan we should just put vanilla ice and michael bay in a cage and sink it to the bottom of the ocean. it's the only way to be sure.
@AshleyNunn I bet it'll come again during a flash sale or the last day.
@agent86 Agreed.
of course they'd probably come back as some sort of obnoxious super-monster and ravage the west coast.
@5pike And then everyone should pick it up because I LOVE IT and you should too
@Wipqozn I saw. I squeed about it. I'll pick it up after work today.
@agent86 with massive CGI explosions set to a crappy musical number.
Needs more dubstep.
@AshleyNunn I already picked it up. I bought it as soon as it was a daily deal
@Fluttershy wub wub wub WUB WUB WUB wub wub wub
@agent86 Better. :D
A postmortem explaining yesterday's #stackoverflow and #stackexchange outage is up on http://stackstatus.net/
Q: Where is the origin settings?

user80262This may seem like a stupid question but I am on a mac and I don't know where the settings are on origin. I am trying to make sims 3 install to a external hard drive.

@OKAY,PANIC. Am I the only person who somehow read "outage" as "f*ckup" at first?
@OKAY,PANIC. stack overflow crashed. due to a stack overflow. lulz
@Fluttershy good. GOOD.
@agent86 This is so true ;_;
@Wipqozn He seriously squeed in capslock when he texted me about it.
@FAE Excellent. This helps balance out his hatred of popcorn, cake, and rainbows.
Age of Wonders 3 is good for hot seat gaming too.
Assuming that's your thing
@BenBrocka I'm watching a video of people checking out the custom ships people have made in Resogun so far. Someone made a really good Giraffe.
@agent86 koth_wubwubwub!
(that's an actual TF2 map)
Q: What are the conditions for the start coins in Mario Kart 8 multiplayer?

Mathias711I played online a little in Mario Kart 8 and I noticed that my starting coins are different every time. Sometimes I start with 4, sometimes with 0. I believe in single player you start with 5 (at the 1st race of a grand prix), and every next race with 0. I thought it had something to do with coi...

Steam metagame changed, huh.
> Starting today, more people will win free games!
1st place team
30 team members who scored points will win 3 games
2nd place team
20 team members who scored points will win 2 games
3rd place team
10 team members who scored points will win 1 game
Wonder if this is in response to the huge leads or if they were planning that from the outset.
I dunno. I personally think Valve has rigged the Summer Adventure and is letting everyone think they are doing it.
Q: Does the Spell Fencer benefit from higher magic levels?

StrixVariaFor example, both Fire and Fira would imbue my Spell Fencer's attacks with fire damage. Does using Fira (a level 3 fire spell) over Fire (a level 1 spell) cause my attacks to deal extra damage, or are they both just now "fire" attacks and the extra MP I used for the more expensive spell is wasted...

> Sony is charging up to $5 for a four-hour rental period and up to $30 for 90 days of access to a game like Final Fantasy XIII-2, a game that sells new for roughly half that price on disc. A game like Guacamelee costs $15 for either a 90-day rental or a full download on PSN.
And they expect people to go for this service?
I almost called it Gaikai but it's called PlayStation Now now or something
@Powerlord Those three quotes - sometimes I wonder if the companies even bother "fixing" network congestion during launch, or if they just wait for the number of people playing the game to go down on its own.

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