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@Arperum Sounds like a defcon challenge
@badp It's a real life situation.
And it is indeed more VB
> <meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" content="Visual Basic .NET 7.1">
So some 2003 version of VB aparrently.
Joy, go go gadget decompiler =p
@KevinvanderVelden reflector is launching.
I've got 24 .dll's in the bin folder only though...
And 6 more in subfolders, and then I don't know how many strewn all over the rest of tyhe project.
@Blem Noooooo, foiled by that damn Italian plumber again! Bah, scumbag @badp and his turtle hopping ways.
and things having a descriptive name like yaf.dll is also not helping.
@Arperum does it have a forum? yetanotherforum.net
I can eliminate half of the .dll's because I know what migradoc and pdfsharp are, so that helps quite a bit.
@KevinvanderVelden No clue, the first thing I'v seen f this mess is an errorscreen.
But that eliminates yet another dll!
Well, yaf.dll seems to be that thing I linked
Or at least, googling yaf.dll leads to that site =p
the original makers are quite the fan of buying stuff from other things thoguh "sqlwherebuilder.DLL"... if you can't even build a where part of your query yourself, don't go making a website... (or possibly even a CMS)
oh god, "groupradiobutton.dll" HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE.
I... what
Is that just multiple radio buttons or check buttons disguised as radio buttons?
@KevinvanderVelden no clue, but if you need that, that can't be good. ALso: multiple unrelated pdf-generation libraries.
I mentioned migradoc and pdfsharp, those two are related, but ABCpdf.DLL is definitely not related to the other two.
Though... they do (IIRC) have different methods of building pdfs
@KevinvanderVelden No clue, I have no idea yet what is the dll of original dll even though.
pdfsharp basically allows you to write your own PDF, ABCpdf converts html into a pdf
@KevinvanderVelden migradoc can do that too.
Did I mention things like Microsoft.Web.UI.Webcontrols.dll?
It keeps getting better.
Or MagicAjax.dll
It's magic! Just toss it in, what can go wrong
@Arperum (Self)Destruction increased to 99
Hmm, might have found the right dll, it has no assembly trademark/anything info.
I'm too stewpeed for all this microsoft stuff
Ima stick to python ^^
Python is pretty fun
oh god, why does this class related to a single page has more then a screen of class variables.
@Arperum because every aspx control is a variable
Autogenerated code
@KevinvanderVelden Not if most of them are arraylists and bools.
@KevinvanderVelden well I like it because it's easy to learn (i'm a horrible noob)
@Arperum recoils in horror
if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.Application["alloweddomains"], "", false) != 0)
bool flag = false;
foreach (string str in Strings.Split(StringType.FromObject(this.Application["alloweddomains"]), ";", -1, 0))
if (str.Length > 0)
str = Strings.Trim(str);
if (Strings.InStr(this.Request.Url.Host, str, 0) > 0)
flag = true;
if (!flag)
HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Unregistered domain name. Action aborted!");
yup, definitely some kind of a CMS. fuck this. Irresolvable. I'm going to make some simple homepage thing in html.
That doesn't sound like "Challenge Accepted" to me :P
Jup, abort and queue this:
Today's Listening | Electronic/Ambient/Downtempo
@KevinvanderVelden I just reported "I can't get anything out of this, I'll make some kind of a temporary homepage."
@KevinvanderVelden you mean more like
No, cause image not found
damit.. now that's awkward
"But do we have anything of layout or anything?" "I'll have a look what I can find, maybe there is some css or something I can find."
@Jutschge That one has been posted here before, IIRC @uni had saved the url somewhere for reuse.
@Arperum i love NOPE gifs... especially in combination with spiders
It's a content delivery network for: imgur.com/MHuW96t
or League patches...
by the way does anyone of you guys own a WiiU? and if yes how are the controllers? they look pretty weird...
More "yay", the only css I can see immediately is the css for the backend of the CMS...
Awesome, now I can design a homepage in a design that I have no clue how it looks...
ANd then my boss got a brilliant solution: some web archive thing
Q: What's a good tactic to defeat Giant Piranhas?

AnzeoOften, I encounter a flooded room with around 3 Giant Piranhas inside. Normally, when overwhelmed, I would retreat behind the door, so only one enemy is able to attack me at a time. In this case, that's not always (I'm not sure about this, I have not yet encountered an instance where the room wit...

@Arperum Wayback machine?
Google I/O is tomorrow!
@5pike some variation off it.
Excuse me, that exact one. But only the homepage has ever been cached :(
Oh well, now it has a (ugly) homepage again.
@Arperum Best kind of home pages.
Especially for sites you just dredged up from death.
@Frank It's a site for some gambling thing, it looks terrible. But at least it exists.
Anyone mentioned that pre-order bonuses have gone totally insane for Assassin's Creed Unity?
@Frank More insane than Watch Dogs?
@Frank pre-order bonuses are stupid.
@Frank sorry I'm going to need an SKU bonus matrix here
@BenBrocka Your pre-order "bonus" is a slot machine.
@Frank So, when you pre-order, you get the chance to win something on an online slot machine?
@5pike Yep.
@Frank ah so it's like Steam's "competition" except stupider (though with better prizes, and for games you can't play yet)
I wish pre-order bonuses and retailer-exclusive crap would die. Your pre-order bonus is playing it day one. And the retailer crap is just assinine
@BenBrocka A pre-order bonus should be a little discount, tops. Like the 10% on steam.
Speaking of the steam sale, there's basically no way this thing isn't rigged, right? Every day a completely different team has an absolutely overwhelming advantage and all other teams are roughly on par
@BenBrocka "But...! How else are we supposed to pull customers into our shitty store, if we don't offer exclusive content!?"
@BenBrocka Apparently, reddit coordinates it.
@BenBrocka I think it's the users colluding, not valve.
@5pike yeah, 10% seems okay, and so does PS4's preloading. But when it affects content I hate it
But IDK...
@5pike really? Huh. Why not just target the same team each time?
@BenBrocka Because they want it to be fair? IDK man.
@BenBrocka there's a sub for 'steamteamwhite' where they worked out a rotation.
assuming they've got the collective leverage, they're going to run back through the colors again now that everyone's won once
there's a serious chance of some "prisoner's dilemma" type antics though.
@BenBrocka Team tokens are too expensive to do that
> Wait, I can win "the Assassin's Creed Studio in Montreal"?
> Pre-order bonuses really have gotten out of control!
@agent86 steamteamwhite was created later then the whole rotation system was made.
@Arperum but did the chicken come first, or the egg???
teampurple did a try on day 4 to break the status quo. But got beaten back into submission by the whole stored up power of whatever team was planned to win that day.
@agent86 The egg, dinosaurs layed eggs before they devolved into chickens.
@agent86 wrong, best guide to the steam sale
wow, I can't get anything right today. I bet I don't even know who was phone :(
@agent86 was it gabe? I bet it was gabe
> Simulator 2013 Simulator 2014
@StrixVaria yeah, I lol'd
> Oh yeah, please remember, according to the instructions: "Test cannot be done while RJ45's copper screezers are not totally pressed." For the sake of your children, don't forget to press the screezers!
Q: Why can't I puppet a City-State in Civ V?

eimyrI started a game of Civilisation V with God & Kings expansion (GOTY edition, so a bunch of DLC as well). Started as Genghis Khan and warred a bit for prospective expansion areas, gaining an enemy capital, that I happily annexed. Then I turned my eye towards neighbouring city-states aiming to clai...

Q: How Do I Turn My Mic Off Ingame?

EthanBaconGamingI just got Plants Versus Zombie Garden Warfare for the PC and absolutely love it accept for one thing, your microphone is turned on by default so every one can hear you! I searched the settings for a way to turn this off but there is nothing. I know you can mute other players but that doesn't t...

@Chippies Did you ever find that Diversa album?
@badp Throne of Games?
@Jutschge No games there, just keyboards taped to a chair.
@Arperum also slightly molten keyboards
A comment on /. pointed out that Mozilla's attempt to run everything in the browser is the Inner-Platform Effect. I don't know how I didn't realize that earlier.
The inner-platform effect is the tendency of software architects to create a system so customizable as to become a replica, and often a poor replica, of the software development platform they are using. This is generally inefficient and such systems are often considered by William J. Brown et al. to be examples of an anti-pattern. Examples Examples are visible in plugin-based software such as some text editors and web browsers which often have people creating plugins that recreate software that would normally run on top of the operating system itself. The Firefox add-on mechanism has b...
@Arperum true... this is more appropriate
@Jutschge That's a ton of famicom games.
The caption there was "Throne of Gaben"
@5pike I hope those are one dollar bills.
@Frank they're uuh, a president
I think
I think they are
@GnomeSlice Nice
For all gamers:
Oh, apparently they had 4 secret flash giveaways during this sale
This being one of them
@Frank Bundles, nerd.
@Powerlord Oh, sneaky buggers.
Bundles are a great way to buy a bunch of shitty games for next to nothing.
And occasionally some good ones.
But especially, cc @AshleyNunn, @FAE, and others on a budget.
Actually, is today the last day of the GOG sale? They have more flash sales than normal.
Morning, Bridge
@SaintWacko Morning SaintYakko.
looks again
er... SaintWacko
Morning @SaintWacko
@Powerlord >.>
@Powerlord and this is why we have autocomplete
Animaniacs is an American animated television series, distributed by Warner Bros. Television and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. Animaniacs is the second animated series produced by the collaboration of Steven Spielberg and Warner Bros. Animation during the animation renaissance of the late 1980s and early 1990s. The studio's first series, Tiny Toon Adventures, was a success among younger viewers, and attracted a sizable number of adult viewers. The Animaniacs writers and animators, led by senior producer Tom Ruegger, used the experience gained from the prev...
@Powerlord Welcome to the club!
@Powerlord yes, autocomplete will not lead you astray though Yakko taunts you
omerta: city of gangsters is free on gog.com for the next hour give or take. you'll have to scroll down through the flash sales until you see it. it was on the left hand side for me.
@5pike you're welcome.
@BenBrocka What I hate is that it then pulls even more business away from what few small, non-chain gaming stores there are.
@FAE We've got a single non-chain game store in the area I grew up in.
@FAE yeah, that's lame too, not sure how many people buy for those though
When I go visit my family, I make sure to buy at least one game from it.
@BenBrocka We supported the one in our city for a few years until it was forced to completely close due to not being able to compete. :(
What would have been really bad for non-chains would have been the Xbox One used game crap. You just know Gamestop would have been fine and little stores would be screwed
Just to help support that store. The owner's a really great guy.
I don't go to those stores (any stores I can avoid, really) but it was cool to go to the one in my college town
It was awesome, everyone who worked there knew what they were talking about, and they wouldn't try to upsell you or bullshit you or anything.
I was so upset when they had to shut down. :(
I bought my whole xbox360 library from the same used-games store.
I got lots of used in college due to, well, collegeness. Now I only do that if something's long since out of print and I can't find a reasonable new copy, or if it's really THAT cheap
I dunno if we have any small game stores near where I live or not.
I need to scour some local places to fill out my gen 6 and earlier library though
The sad thing is, we used to have a really good game store in the area... and it was actually a chain store.
Then Funcoland became GameStop, they fired the good manager they had working there, and their customer service went downhill.
I love this store. It has tons of good PS2 and GC games.
@5pike Yeah, the old one here even had Genesis and SNES stuff, some Nintendo and Atari.
Wow, that's been a long time ago, and I still remember the manager in question was named Sarah.
There's a small store in the city near where I grew up that has that stuff too.
@FAE You can only find such old stuff on flea markets here. Very very few second hand stores actually will take those.
I guess I need to rebuild my retro collection too...I guess I let my parents give it away when I was in college. Callege me (3 years ago) is a very dumb me
@BenBrocka My parents turned in our Nintendo and Genesis stuff so they could get us a N64 back in the day. I had a lot of Genesis games too, 30-40 I think.
Ouch. It pains me to hear people talking about trading in or selling old consoles/games
I regularly troll my local Kijiji for retro games.
My sister has our old nes + games (thank god).
I've picked up so many classics.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I didn't have any real say in it then.
@BenBrocka And the point of that is....
@BenBrocka Laser pointers - turning cats crazy since ~1980...
Q: Can't connect to any servers on minecraft 1.7.4

Juan Emilio De la ConchaI normally play minecraft on my pc, it works just fine, but one day i tried to play multiplayer on mi dad's mac, but it will just stay on "connecting to server". When I try to add the server instead of connecting directly, the blue line just keeps moving, about a minute later it stops and says "c...

@FAE did you try the ship editor in resogun yet? I couldn't download any ships last night so I didn't bother with it yet
R E S O G U N!
@BenBrocka Oooh, not yet. I might do that later. I didn't know they were bringing one out.
@BenBrocka We should play sometime.
Yeah the update came out last night and it seems there's DLC that I assume comes out today/tomorrow?
Yeah we should play, I beat the game in Master but haven't played in a while
Hiya @Grace.
Heyoheyo @FAE
@BenBrocka I'm not that good yet, haha.
I can play in whatever mode you want
Was hoping to find a fun new ship to try though, surely someone's made opa opa or something
@BenBrocka I don't have a mic yet for my PS3/4 though. I'm getting a new set of headphones for running though soon that work as a phone mic, so that should work in the DS4 controller.
unfortunately most of my fav ships are 16 bit and far too large to make in resogun
@BenBrocka eyebrow waggle?
The earpiece the PS4 came with has a mic
@BenBrocka That thing is like bottom of the barrel quality, man.
it's probably bad but better than nothing. I can also just do skype or whatever
I haven't actually used it, or the PS4 camera's mic in a call. Or used a party at all
What's this Resogun jazz all up ins?
@BenBrocka Me neither. I haven't picked up a camera yet.
@GraceNote PS4.
oh also the resogun update lets you change control schemes
That... manages to answer my inquiry without answering my inquiry. Somehow.
@BenBrocka Do you know if the camera is worth it/will work in small spaces? For example, I can't use a Kinect because my living room is tiny and my coffee table is real, solid wood and heavy as hell.
I know some people whined about dual stick controls even though it's not a "twin stick shooter" by any but the most irrelevant of description
@GraceNote I consider that a successful Grace-answer then.
Ooh, it's made by Finns.
It's housemarque
they did Super Stardust
@FAE I used it for Playroom and Octodad without much issue, my TV is like 5 feet from the couch
Neither of those names ring any bells, apart from the first one being recognized as the name I read just earlier to identify them as Finns.
It's mostly worth it as an investment at this point--only useful for Octodad, Just dance, sportsfriends and Playroom game-wise. It's also useful for chat and streaming, but the real kicker will be Morpheus and future game support
@BenBrocka You've got to be straight in front of the tv, I assume? I usually play in an easy chair that we have sitting off to the side of the where the tv sits and turn the tv a bit.
I got it because Octodad and morpheus, and I assume more indies will make use of it at some point
@BenBrocka Hm, I'll ponder. Honestly, I don't even know if they're available here. We still have problems with controller supply.
@FAE Just point it at you, not straight forward
I have it slightly angled since I sit on the left side of the couch not in the direct middle
Playroom works pretty well as a test/calibration too. And most Move games really just use the camera as a reset for motion controls
Also, @Grace, I don't know if you saw in the Minecraft chat, but the Mumble isn't up anymore, and unfortunately, we couldn't give any warning about it because the company that owned VPS he was renting apparently went bankrupt swiftly and without warning. Like, they emailed and then everything was down within a couple days.
That's rather distressing.
@GraceNote Yeah, it was a pretty crappy situation all around. He'd just paid for the next month's rent too.
And I'm going to take it that they won't return the money from said payment?
@GraceNote they make pretty good shmups, Super Stardust is a solid twin stick game for PS3, there's a Vita version now, and Resogun is really good. Two directional 2D "arena" sort of thing that wraps around horizontally in 3D space, voxel graphics
I know @Arperum and @KevinvanderVelden knew about it going down but I wasn't sure if they'd mentioned anything in here.
if I may suggest an alternative VPS vendor, I have liked buyVM pretty well of the several providers I've messed with over the years.
@BenBrocka Defender, basically.
@FAE I didn't and don't recall Arperum talking about it, but then I just realised that meant mumble was down when you said it
@GraceNote Nay. Don't think they had it to return.
Uf. That's ill.
It wasn't too much money, mostly just sucks that everything imploded without warning.
@GraceNote it's compared to defender a lot yeah, though the multiplier drives play pretty significantly if you want score
@BenBrocka So, it's Defender meets... every Cave Shmup
a lot of VPS providers are very fly-by-night affairs, unfortunately.
@agent86 Yeah, that's what Jochem said, that it was a calculated risk kind of investment anyway.
the ones that stay in business tend to have pretty poor uptime records for the most part. I once had a VPS host take me down for a week because of a bad drive.
I really enjoy Resogun. It was the first game I downloaded and played on my PS4, haha.
it's like, seriously guys. go to frys. order from newegg. dig under the couch cushions. find a damn drive and stick it in...
I suppose. I haven't played many cave games beyond a few on my phone. I decided against the ~$800 I'd need to pay to get the shooting collection AND a JP 360 to play it with, and almost none of their stuff is elsewhere
a lot of them oversell capacity, too, so you never quite know if you're going to get what you paid for.
and while their games are surprisingly competent on mobile I still don't care to play them that way
@FAE It's really good, sad there haven't been any other shmups to follow it
I hope that Raiden game comes over
Will be very annoyed if someone JP shmups are xbox exclusive for some absurd reason AGAIN this gen
anyhow, if advice on the subject is needed for cheap or reliable VPS hosting, my opinion is available.
@agent86 Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. :)
@FAE it is worth precisely the amount you will pay for it ;)
@BenBrocka Also, holy crap, PS4!Flower is so prettyyyyyyyyyy.
Does anyone know how well the ps4 camera works for voice chat? IIRC the PS Eye wasn't too bad
(I have one but haven't used it to chat)
@BenBrocka Oh hey, I do have an Eye still.
@FAE yeah, it's lovely. Goes to show resolution isn't that overrated
@BenBrocka The grass looks fantastic.
yeah, the grass is still amazing
I know the Eye doesn't work as a camera on PS4 (they needed better for morpheus), not sure if you can just use it as a mic though? I never tried
@BenBrocka I'm so glad I have someone to nerd out over the prettiness of virtual grass with.
plenty of people were nerding out about the grass when it came out. A bit of a shame Journey seems to have almost entirely overshadowed Flow and Flower for a lot of people. Great game, but at least respect Flower
@BenBrocka Did you ever play Cloud?
@BenBrocka I didn't have a PS3 on release so I missed the virtual grass nerding then.
@GraceNote I'm playing the latest Atelier games. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed them.
@FAE hadn't heard of it actually, can you get it somewhere?
@StrixVaria: I am now a Level 1 Trucker.
Speaking of VPS, I currently use NFOServers, but I'm also leasing their single core Linux system which is their least expensive option.
@BenBrocka It was thatgamecompany's first game before they became thatgamecompany. Sec, lemme find it. It was free back in '06 or whatever when I played it, if it's still up, should still be free.
(I use it to host my TF2 test server and Linux compilation environment)
@BenBrocka Here you go
@FAE thanks, I'll definitely check it out
I played their original Flow too
@BenBrocka Yeah, same, it was why I was so excited when I heard about Flower being made way back.
There was this article in Game Informer, it's listed on the Cloud site, "Top 10 Games You've Never Heard Of" and Cloud was listed in there, so I went and downloaded that and a bunch of others.
That's also where I found Soldat, N, Façade, and Narbacular Drop.
One of them, Ocular Ink, would've actually worked really well on either Vita or 3DS nowadays, with the swiping you have to do.
@Wipqozn Nice.
@FAE You hadn't heard of Narbacular Drop? I thought the people in here knew about it since the team that made it went on to make Portal
I just spent close to $200 on doorknobs. Owning a house :|
@StrixVaria doorknobs :|
@StrixVaria I believe I spent somewhere around those lines for curtains, when I first bought my place.
@Frank I don't know how much was spent on curtains because my wife was in charge of that.
@Frank that's... pretty cheap for curtains I believe
They're usually freaking expensive
Anyway the doorknobs moved up the list because I got trapped in the bathroom this morning when I tried to open the door and the doorknob came off instead.
@Frank Nicely nicely
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah. It was more one of those, "I have never done this before, and now I'm buying curtains, of all things", because of a house.
@Powerlord I hadn't heard of it in 2006, which is when I read the article.
@StrixVaria Whoops.
@StrixVaria I think we paid the builder at least that much so we'd have handles instead of knobs :|
@FAE Oh, 2006. Yeah, that'd be after Valve hired them but before Portal came out (it came out in September 2007)
freaking home ownership
@StrixVaria Doorknobs are one of those things you never really appreciate until they stop working.
Oh hi.
@Powerlord Yeah, I know.
@FAE Yeah it's weird.
I only know Portal's release date off the top of my head because TF2 came out at the same time.
my younger brother used to joke that he frequently visits Renters Depot, which is like Home Depot except it's just a bunch of people standing around and saying "yeah, i called the landlord to fix that"
@StrixVaria And then it's like, "Oh god, no."
Anyway, home time
Cya chat
@KevinvanderVelden Wel thuis!
@FAE Like today! I had to just yell until my wife woke up and could assist me.
@agent86 I don't want handles. They're harder to child-proof.
@StrixVaria hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaah
child proofing is not.
@StrixVaria Oh man, that sucks.
@StrixVaria Whoops.
I had some of those knob covers, and the kids broke them in half. then I duct taped them back together. then they figured out how to open them without taking them off
@agent86 Cool.
my 2-yo daughter now will take the seat cushions from the dining room, stack them up in front of the front door, and then completely defeat a deadbolt lock to open the front door.
Buy a really high-up locking device for the basement door. Got it.
A lot of the doors, at least the front doors here don't have knobs, they have sliding things. And locking the door is always a deadbolt.
Oh, I thought childproofing doorknobs were meant for making sure they didn't hurt themselves while running around, not preventing them from opening the portal
And even on the inside, you need a key to lock/unlock the deadbolt.
sigh another openssl update on Ubuntu?
We're getting these once a week now.
they haven't figured out how to get into the cabinets yet, since it requires that you open them partially and then apply downward pressure. but I think given enough time, they could break the plastic. thus I don't keep anything I think they could get themselves in trouble messing with on the lower cabinets
but yeah, I do plan to buy some lever handle locks
I didn't want knobs in some parts of the house because some of the doors are close to one another, and it's possible to "lock" two knobs together with enough force
You should invest in keys. That way, their only means of entry would be to learn how to pick locks, which is a useful skill.
my wife was a quiet, only child and so I have to warn her about the shenanigans that children will get up to if left to their own devices.
@GraceNote yeah, there are some rooms that are key-locked where the key is hidden high out of reach.
@GraceNote This is seriously how kids here can't get out the front doors.
@GraceNote Are you encouraging agent's kids to become master thieves?
@Frank As an aspiration, but really just a base class thief to start.
hey, it's a living.
I'll just keep an eye on their clothing. if they start wearing green things with hoods and carrying tiny swords, I'll know they're up to something.
Master thief status would be when they learn to pick agent's pocket when he comes home while they're hugging him on his return, without him ever realizing it for 23 years.
@FAE I hope more PS4 games let you use a vita for swipey/pokey controls like Child of Light, works very well with Vita
I already don't need to be there for them to quietly drain my finances.
though the touchpad is fine for imprecise swipes rather than pointing
they're crafty
I guess it was just surprising to me how terrible most "child proof" things really are.
@GraceNote I'm not sure how that'd be possible unless you replaced it with a fake wallet with somehow perfectly passable fake money
Most child-proof things now just annoy and keep me out of whatever it's meant to protect.
at which point stealing seems unnecessary
@agent86 I just assume that most child-oriented stuff is designed by people who don't have children.
@BenBrocka I more meant stealing the key
Use the key to open the door and then return the key without him ever knowing.
@BenBrocka Oooh, thanks for the link.
I tend to assume that it is likely to give me enough time to intercept them before they cause me to be inconvenienced. any notion of safety from one of those devices is an illusion.
@BenBrocka some days I can't remember if I'm wearing pants.
You could always tape mittens onto your children and force them to incompetently fumble everything with their lack of fingers.
And again, if it backfires, they'll have learned a useful skill in mitten manipulation.
like I get to work and I go "am I wearing pants today?" and then I have to mentally remind myself that I can feel my keys in my pockets, and thus I must be wearing pants.
... Am I wearing pants?
I think step one of the kids' master plan to become master thieves is subjecting me to years of sleep deprivation. thus I am more likely to become distracted.
Oh, man. I'm so gonna love Hyrule Warriors.

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