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This is all @fei's fault.
The US Portugal game?
So... USA advances with a win, a draw, a Portugal win, or a Portugal draw.
Portugal win being the least favorable situation
What's the next tie breaker given a tie of points and goal differential?
(given a Ghana win by 1 and a USA loss by 1, for example)
That would be 4 points and 0 goals a piece. So... Then what?
Would USA advance with the win over Ghana?
Is there a "woo sports" SE I can ask at?
ah, total goals scored. So...
It'd depend.
A folded up grocery bag makes a shitty, but serviceable mousepad.
Humble SGDQ "bundle" — humblebundle.com/sgdq
Pay what you want so long as it's $25!
Oh my god how could you pick fantasy Hack and snore over 2D retro wasn't there skyrim sale enough?!?!
you have failed me
I have been failed
@badp Hahah, yeah cause the 50th time Skyrim goes on sale is definitely the time I would buy it :D
@badp I am disappoint
But not in Pink team, because we're winning.
@badp Why is "bundle" in quotes?
Just kind of seems like the ultimate Pay To Win sort of game :D
@badp What else was in the 2D retro? I know Half Minute Hero was, and Luftrausers, but I can't remember the other two.
wtf nothing is working today
dark souls won't let me invade any body any more
metal drift servers have disappeared
galaxy on fire 2 my gamepad seems fuct
reticle keeps jumping around
for no reason
1 file keeps failing to validate on GoF2
Steam is such a piece of shit
I might have to declare a new Today's Listening...
Does anybody know how to fix a repeated '1 files failed to validate' issue in steam?
I've validated it like 5 times now and it keeps saying 1 failed and will be reacquired.
Yeah steam can be a jerk like that sometimes.
How do I fucking fix it
You might have to redownload.
@RedRiderX I've tried like 5 times.
The game used to work fine.
I played it a couple days ago even and it was fine.
Geez Pixel art is popular on wordpress.com
Now my controls are fuct, I'm guessing because of this messed up file
Yeah hard to say then.
it's 'reacquired' it like 5 times
this is pissing me off
ascendant cards are expensive...
@Fluttershy Good luck with that.
@GnomeSlice Thanks! I don't expect it to sell.
Try $10
Most I sold one for was $8
Q: Wii U content management system

JShoeIs there anyway I can use my Wii U to play movies I have on my computer? So if I have purchased a movie through iTunes for example?

Q: What is the purpose of a D Flip-Flop in Minecraft?

JasonBased on the design of the circuit and on the description, what is its purpose? It says that it transfers the state of D to Q. This means it can store one bit. But what is the purpose of a D Flip-Flop when I can just pick a lever on a block? This also can store one bit.

1 hour later…
Q: Why is my closed off space lit up in Minecraft?

user80166I just built this mob spawner, one of my first, and while I was headed back up to check on it the light glitched out and went from completely dark to completely lit. I've attached a video and some stills to demonstrate the problem. ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz I am pleasantly surprised by the voice acting.
Gaming Challenges

Proposed Q&A site for people who want to propose gaming challenges for other users that require challenge and skill to complete.

Currently in definition.

I don't like that proposal.
yeah, I don't think that should be a thing
I couldn't tell if it was objectively bad or if my grumpy state was making me hate stuff.
(day two of a lot of back pain, tough work shift, sunburn, mosquito bites, and a nice side of migraine)
I am not a good judge of anything right now
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment wouldn't that be like the gaming equivalent of code golf?
Q: Titanfall periodic stuttering?

Megaman1574I just downloaded Titanfall because it was free to play for 48 hours and on my i5-4670, GTX 770 Phantom 2GB, 8GB RAM system I get 60 fps maxed out except every ten seconds the game freezes for half a second then keeps going. If I watch my fraps counter it says 60, then drops to 34 and zooms back ...

@RavenDreamer It really is top notch.
Have you gotten to the hotel yet?
Or met the sisters at the nightclub?
Because those two set pieces are both super early game and are super awesome.
Q: Where can i find the size for the Latest Wii U Patch

Memor-XIn the past i have put off the Wii U because i heard that the initial update was close to 5GB and i would want a premium Wii U + an external harddrive, with no good JRPG release at the time i had no incentive, however with Nintendo showing off a new Zelda (non re-release) and Xenoblade Chronicles...

The latest Dresden book is really good.
cc @Sterno
Q: I can't play Reus on Steam

adiosToreadorIt's the Steam Summer Sale and I bought a game called Reus. I downloaded it clicked play and then it asked for the administrator password, I put it in and then my Steam crashed. Why did this happen?

Q: How do I go up staircases?

SternoA lot of maps seem to have stairways on them. As far as I can tell, I can't walk up them, but sometimes I see NPCs running around up there. Is there a way I can have my troops go up staircases?

@Fluttershy O_O No
@spugsley HI
14 losses in a row, most of them either a leaver or just like that. Any ideas? Am I supposed to 5v1 the entire enemy team regardless of what my team does? OR maybe I should take my hopeless luck at RNGing a halfway competent team and go win the Mega Millions Jackpot...
@spugsley wait what?
Q: How do I split a combo in osu?

FabiánI did like 20 circles in one single combo, and I want to split it into many different combos. Is there a way to do that?

Q: Is there anything to do except surviving in the summer

KonerakDuring the summer, plants wither, stuff gets set on fire, you overheat... it's worse than winter ever was. Two existing questions on this site answer how to prepare (How do I prepare for summer heat?) and how to survive (Summer has come and I don't know what to do), but none of those really answ...

Morning Bridge.
@badp because it is not a bundle, it is a way to raise money for charity, you just get some games if you pay more than $25
@Arperum It's dinner time!
@LessPop_MoreFizz but I just had breakfast!
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's some ungodly hour called 8:45 AM.
@LessPop_MoreFizz UGT
@Arperum I think you accidentally an A (tlantic) for what should be a P (acific).
Sep 26 '13 at 12:35, by kalina
@PrivatePansy http://www.total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html
@Arperum Overrated.
@LessPop_MoreFizz 3/4 current chatting people agree with me, so that obviously means you are wrong.
@Arperum No, it just means that I am more courageous to be right in the face of such overwhelming odds.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's too early for pedantry. I'm not awake enough yet, so have it your way.
I just noticed spelunky in the steam sale, went to look at the page to see if I would buy it "you alreadey own this game" "Oh, some bundle I guess?"
@Arperum Shout be in your account details, I think
@5pike Not a bundle, previous sales apparently.
My backlog of games I need to play is too big.
@Arperum Same. So many games and platforms, so little time.
@Blem D: Armed @Wipqozn Followers!!!
Q: How do I log into another Battle.net account in Diablo 3?

SeanI can't find a "log out" option in-game—how can I switch accounts? Is there some feature that will make this easier to switch in the future?

Hi @fredley.
@5pike Hi @5pike
Could you sticky a link to the SGDQ website? It seems relevant.
@5pike eh?
That will be $5 please
@fredley I'll make a donation in your name.
Q: How to get past Vim Adventures Level 10 Puzzle

MowgliI am stuck on the following part of Vim Adventures: And I have the following keys available: Six key presses, but I see 7 sections to delete. I'm so lost. Is this even meant to be done?

> How An Argentine Celebrates A Goal
First time I heard it, I thought it was faked.
@badp wow... that's weird
This one doesn't have subtitles, but it doesn't need them.
in the beginning he sounds like schwarzenegger lolwut
Q: How do you kill the man eating plants?

ninesidedIn several of the dungeons there are giant man eating plants that snap at you if you get too close, the first one I came across I killed easily with the shotgun, but now nothing seems to kill them. Is there some special trick to it that I missed, or have I accidentally skipped a dungeon and the g...

@LessPop_MoreFizz i got Aslan!
@Blem Someone did this for a year
@5pike The week thing is the joke though.
@5pike that is the point
Ah, the onion
user image
Mark Trapp shall live on forever, in our hearts, and in our computers
@Blem that's basically every humble bundle ever
You always have had the option to donate 100% of proceeds to charity
@badp this one you don't have the option to not give 100% to charity
@TimStone RIP Mark Trapp
Q: Is there a way to reset an island in Campaign mode?

Michael CampbellIn Tropico V's campaign mode, you cycle between islands, doing missions on them. If you do a mission on an island you have been to before, the island is pretty much in the same state it was in when you left it. So, when I did a mission which involved building an invasion force, I stuffed up and ...

RIP Mana
RIP Wipqozn
rip RIP
RIP in peace
SHRED quietly
bbl pizza
@5pike The redundancy. It hurts.
@Arperum I know. Just like PIN number.
@5pike Yup, that killed more braincells then my headbanging this weekend.
the PIN isn't even personally identifying
you are not the only person with that number on Earth ever
I think you can buy more cells. Just get some money from an ATM Machine
PIN is simply a dumb name and "PIN number" is the proper way to celebrate the dumbness of it all
Woo! More dumb for everyone!
ISBN Number
slowly backs out of the room towards the nearest cliff
@Arperum Do you need a GPS system to locate the nearest cliff?
@badp starts screaming uncontrollably while running away
@badp It should have just been PAN
RAS syndrome (short for "redundant acronym syndrome syndrome") refers to the use of one or more of the words that make up an acronym or initialism in conjunction with the abbreviated form, thus in effect repeating one or more words. A common example is "PIN number" (the "N" in PIN already stands for "number"). Other names for the phenomenon include PNS syndrome ("PIN number syndrome syndrome", which expands to "personal identification number number syndrome syndrome") or RAP phrases ("redundant acronym phrase phrases"). A person is humorously said to suffer from RAS syndrome when they redu...
@TimStone how about WYK
what you know
so it doesn't have to be a four-to-eight digit number even now that we're in 2014
@5pike You are a horrible person.
also the city I live in has decided that no one shall sell pizza on Mondays
@Arperum I do what I can.
so no pizza for me
@Sterno In other news, next time I restart Xenonauts I've decided I'm going to hire 4 rookies right from the start, and then have half my team be rookies and the other half the soldiers I start with. I'll swap out the 4 experienced every mission, and keep the 4 rookies until they get more experience. When I finish my first base I'll transfer 4 of my now experienced soldiers over to the second base and then hire 4 more rookies.
@badp I don't believe you. That's not going to happen in Italy.
@5pike Tsk. We're in Europe. Mandatory rest days should surprise no one
@badp I refuse. There has to be some place.
While the situation here is infinitely more lax than it was in Munich, this is still the country that fined Top Gear for working on a Sunday
@badp We should make them mandatory sleep days. Enforced day long comas for all
@5pike There probably is but the ones I know are closed, which makes me think that the city I live in just said "pizza places (or just all businesses) all have their rest day on Mondays"
so pasta it is!
@badp Fair enough.
also pizza for lunch isn't the Italianest thing ever
I mean I could go to the local mall and eat there but :effort:
they don't do real pizza there anyway
@badp what is the Italianest thing ever?
being a plumber and saving princesses
well, he already does like to abuse Turtles.
and in a way, you could say that room ownership is the princess, which he keeps taking from me, the evil turtle king... and being an Arqade mod is basically the same thing as plumbing..
My zeus, @badp and Mario are the same person!
@Wipqozn It's hard to say. Italians are weird and italianness is not a linear function.
Pizza is Italian. Pasta is Italian. Pasta on top of pizza is minus infinity Italian.
Today's Listening | Electronic/progressive/ambient
@5pike loooooooool
@5pike Get off imgur
@fredley Same to you
@5pike This must have been set up, why else would somebody be recording it
protip: cold pasta salad works best if you actually cool the pasta right after draining
@5pike Don't listen to @fredley more imgur the better!
Pls to keep imgur in imgur
@5pike The guy with the glasses is just so confused.
It's hard to fail at icecream so hard
@5pike Exactly
Have fun elsewhere please
Pizza Pops and Samurai Cats Pizza next on SGDQ
man this must be the seventeenth repeat of the intro loop
@Blem it's not very waterproof tbh
@badp yea, but there is no claims to it being waterproof, though i had the same thought when i read drop
"never loses your data"
I would have thought that would be a Wii title
@Fluttershy I wouldn't call spending 6 months of your life on that impressive.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, not yet. Mostly I've just broken into a hospital, stole some morphine, and blackmailed a surgeon for $75.
...in the game, that is.
@RavenDreamer Sure, in the game... of life!
@RavenDreamer what game is this? Real Life: The Story of @RavenDreamer?
damn it @Blem, you stole my joke!
You time travelling future thief!
Yea, i have invented a time machine just to steal puns/jokes from people
why get rich when you can say funny things on the interwebs!
@Wipqozn Terribad traffic this morning. I resorted to taking the MacDonald Bridge. Still unsure if it was the correct decision
@MBraedley This is why I work 7-3.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I was just getting out of bed at 7
@Wipqozn That sounds terribad
@badp You get used to it. I just shower the night before and make sure I'm in bed by 10.
It's nice since on the weekends I'm always up by 9 at the latest, but normally awake between 7 and 8. It's nice when sleeping in doesn't mean waking up at noon.
I like morning. nice and quiet.
Q: How to kill Lord Dredmor?

DrakeFinally I reached 15th floor and met Lord Dredmor for the first time (Dwarven Moderation + Permadeath). I tried to fight against him but some of his magical attacks do an insane amount of damage (more than 60, almost half of my total life). Furthermor Dredmor has a lot of HP. I obviously died, a...

@Blem https
Humble clone?
@Wipqozn V colon TM colon B
@RavenDreamer I keep meaning to play that.
Q: what are the optimal video settings for stable fps?

Broken_CodeI'm a league of legends gamer. I would like to know from players who play the game what the most optimal settings are to get stable fps. I currently get anywhere between 30-70 however it is sometimes stable at 60. I have noticed that most streamers always have a stable fps either 150+ or 100. My...

I was so confused.

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