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@Sterno A normal human has 10HP. My arrows do 3d6 damage. Any of that that makes it through armor is then doubled.
At 0HP, you fall unconscious. At -1xHP, you roll to see if you die.
A normal human has 10HP. This conversation has done 12HP of damage.
When one arrow = one kill, tracking them makes more sense to me. In a game where you need half a dozen or more to kill something anyway, it just seems pointless
@Sterno The campaign we're doing right now is us fighting against D&D adventurers.
I'm able to ignore the silliness of D&D-style hit points and damage when playing a fantasy game, but if you play a more modern game, I cannot manage to suspend disbelief when it takes, say, 10 shots with a .45 to kill someone
@OrigamiRobot A1-A4 ftw!
@Sterno rubber bullets
@kalina What's worse is that often in such systems, things like that are actually more effective because they'll say something like "rubber bullets only do 1d4 instead of 2d8 damage, but they have a 10% chance to knock out the enemy" or some shit like that
well if it was supposed to be realistic the instructions would say "GO OUTSIDE AND EXPERIENCE THE REAL WORLD"
I prefer not to be shot at in the real world.
Then we get into LARPing.
@Sterno GURPS uses a more realistic damage system.
Which is it's own bundle of silly.
@OrigamiRobot I know.
Like you can't kill someone be shooting them in the arm.
I'm just going to pretend I know what LARPing is
In real life, you can kill someone by shooting them in the arm.
The resulting blood loss might kill them, but not the initial injury.
Oh, okay
@kalina Take D&D, and then make it live action.
I think @kalina is pretending she doesn't know what LARPing is.
@Frank sounds like Final Fantasy, with all that turned based waiting
@kalina Probably. I wouldn't know, as I don't do it.
The only good thing ever to do with LARPing was Role Models.
why do you have a blue name
If that counts as LARPing, I LARPed TMNT every single day in preschool.
I was Michelangelo, ofc
@StrixVaria interesting
@OrigamiRobot Donatello is better, but at least you didn't say Raphael.
@Sterno He's cool, but rude.
My wife thinks Raphael is the best TMNT.
I don't get it.
He's clearly the worst by a huge, huge margin.
The best TMNT isn't a turtle.
It's clearly Casey Jones.
@StrixVaria well 'grats
We made him fulfill every promise he's ever made.
Well, kicking WorldEngineer is still a WIP I think.
@kalina Thanks!
I also unfortunately do not plan to rename @GnomeSlice to @SexRobot unless he is really, really annoying (please use this as a deterrent).
Yesssssss, I'm finally trading my Marsh Flats. Thanks @StrixVaria
@OrigamiRobot What are you getting for it?
It's trade by mail, so I'm getting points that represent money.
Then other people can send me cards I want and they get my points.
> You have sent 50 cards with a total value of $1,008.82 and you have received 128 cards from other members with a total value of $942.98.
That's not counting the $250+ that I am currently sending.
I thought you wanted 4 of each expensive dual land thing.
Why are you getting rid of this one?
That's a lot of dollar units
@StrixVaria Because they went up in price and I think they will be reprinted soon.
@OrigamiRobot Ah ok.
Also I don't really have a use for them anymore. They're not that good in EDH.
I mean, I'll use em if I have em, but they don't add $50-$100 worth of value to the deck, which is what they're worth.
They were worth $20 when I sent mine to you.
That price went way up.
Q: What kinds of things can I do to play Abathur better

McKayAbathur seems like a very difficult hero to play effectively. Should I be moving around between lanes a lot? Some players stay by the core, and others move all around the field. How do I decide who I should be helping?

@Arperum It's one extra "u"! Right after the first "u"! That hardly counts as a name change!
@Yuuki It still counts. Your avatar is also somewhat in the same colorsheme, so you are still recognizable. Barely.
Oh god, all our stars are at least half a day old.
I really need to find and sell my magic cards
One of them's 2 days old!
Guys, we need to fix this!
Why is your name now Yuuki?
> My metaphor for describing PHP is just in line with the traditional "tools in a toolbox" one.

Although, a rather big difference with mines is PHP is more like a rotten dusty sandwich you forgot at the bottom under some tools, and you tried to hammer a nail with it.
Don't star this.
@Sterno I felt like I needed a name change but didn't want to make it too radical?
In fact, don't star anything.
Make @Yuuki suffer for changing his name and gravatar.
@OrigamiRobot Maybe we should make @fluttershy roomowner agian, so he can clear all the stars.
That would just expose other stars
Then he'd have to clear those.
He said Every. Last. Star.
@Sterno But these would be even older, so it would annoy @Yuuki even more!
Or something to that effect.
I can't handle the extra U. Too British.
@OrigamiRobot I couldn't find the SNL Celebrity Jeopardy video where the category is "Don't Do Anything"
@StrixVaria They're going back down so I was really trying to get them out.
@badp is there a way to turn off the fake start icon in Windows 8.1? It catches my mouse but serves no actual purpose
Not sure who at MS thought making freaking everything at the edge of the screen catch your mouse was a brilliant idea
@Sterno Filmed by taking a film of the screen of a potato camera with a potato camera.
@BenBrocka we know
But yours has even more...
@5pike wow even for memes those are lame
(I didn't actually read them I just wanted to mock them)
@StrixVaria personal space
@StrixVaria This is what @spugsley does to her cat.
For real.
@BenBrocka That's... really lazy.
Like... as lazy as you can be.
yeah when I heard of it I figured it was more than just lazy text entries on signs
@Yuuki What's the real kicker - this is the only purpose these things have
Q: Freeing Up Data On A Laptop

user77503Recently, I have bought 'Skyrim Legendary Edition' on Steam. I would like to install it but I need 8827 MBs' of data, of which I only have 4131 MBs. Is there any way I can clear up all this data - I have deleted all my picture files and documents and other pointless downloads.

introducing the ugliest and possibly most dangerous Xbox One accessory so far
I like that they left the laser warning sticker on the xbox too, classy
@Lazers The fact that someone upvoted this saddens me greatly.
pitty upvote. I hope
It did nothing though, all rep gained from it is gone already.
@badp No idea
And I think opacity is the point
(not to scale, actual product may be larger)
Zeus damn it, Mario Kart 8 costs $65 in Canada. I really hate that "You live in Canada so pay $5 more" bullshit charges company put on games. Also everything ever.
It must suck to live in austrialia, because I know it's even worse there.
$100 for new games or something ridiculous.
@BenBrocka Looks roughly the same size as the original XBOX controller.
@Wipqozn Do they still have this harsh censorship?
oh buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn‌​nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn‌​nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn‌​nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
@5pike I believe so.
also I think they have a lot of taxes on importing or something equally silly.
@Wipqozn Desire to buy it is waning.
Q: Blacksmith legendary and set plans: is character level a factor?

Will R.I've been collecting set and legendary Blacksmith plans as I level my characters, and I teach each of them to Haedrig as I find them. Recently, though, I've started to notice that only a few of these plans are used to make level 70 items, so I'm hesitant to keep collecting them unless I'm playing...

> Yes, that's just what the world needs: the rigorous code quality of PHP combined with the high performance and lightweight Java Virtual Machine.
@5pike they added a new adult category for games. Then proceeded to continue banning the games anyway
@BenBrocka Poor sods
@Wipqozn At least it's not as bad as Brazil.
I feel so bad for @Michel and others there. Gaming is a luxury.
@Frank dammit you! Ninja'ing my answer by 50 seconds!
@Arperum I'm even at work, so you have no excuse!
@Frank I'm also at work!
Q: Are Trade Privileges shared among islands or multiplied?

Armen TsirunyanThe number of patricians (trade privileges) that I can have on an island = 60% of the number of citizens on that island + number of envoys worldwide/110 (improvable by certain attainments). Suppose I have 550 envoys on my oriental island. Does this mean I get 5 additional trade privileges in each...

@BenBrocka "fake start icon"?
the one windows 8.1 adds
@BenBrocka I've got no clue, but if you change your taskbar position you can have two on screen at the same time!
Gah. My coworker is blasting music so loud I can barely hear the music I have playing rather loud...
@badp Huh I didn't see it do that while I was messing with it. I just have it clone the taskbar on all screens, kind of nice for fullscreen
I wish they'd somehow force "fullscreen" to secretly be/act like fullscreen windowed
@Arperum LOUDER
@BenBrocka How is it that no OS does fullscreen sensibly any more? Where did we go wrong?
I played some Wolfenstein: The New Order last night and after the first 10 minutes of on-rails tutorial with nonstop cutscenes, it was actually kind of fun.
Yeah, I've been enjoying it so far
@fredley did they ever? I've only ever had multiple monitors on Win 8 and 7 and they're both equally bad at it
@fredley He is using the surround system my boss has installed through his house, and it echoes into the office area, I'm just using my laptop speakers.
@fredley They give the application exclusive access to the video card, which is what fullscreen is supposed to do.
Some games are better than others but many still result in 5+ seconds of flicker across all screens
@Powerlord Except that the second screen still keeps rendering whatever is going on.
It can't possibly be exclusive access since other monitors still work (though interacting with them is a no-no)
@BenBrocka What's wrong with 7?
@Sterno Yeah, I've heard good things.
@Arperum Hack his speaker system.
@BenBrocka Hey, I don't make the rules. Speaking of The Rules, here's how it works in Direct3D 9.
I'll probably pick it up during the winter sale.
@Arperum Your office is in your bosses house?
Apparently UPlay is barfing all over people trying to play Watch Dogs. Hooray for DRM!
@Wipqozn Yup, the house is still being worked on though.
Yay. Salesperson has a call with the VP of a client, and she wants me there.
Almost guaranteed to throw me under the bus.
@Sterno Ubisoft DRM is the worst.
@badp Throwing up a gallon of blood would be quite a feat, considering that's all the blood in your body.
@Frank Where is the client?
@Wipqozn Ubisoft ANY DRM is the worst.
@Wipqozn Dunno. It's a phone call.
@Wipqozn No. Origin.
@Frank I've always thought Steam DRM was DRM done right.
At least it was since they got Offline mode working fine.
@fredley open full screen game. Alt tab out. All 3 screens flicker black/colored for several seconds. Some window positions may change. Repeat if you re-enter the fullscreen window
@Wipqozn To a degree. It's not perfect, but it's the best we have so far.
@Frank ooooh, thought you meant the client wanted you at their office building.
Steam also allows games to be DRM free
@Wipqozn If it was that, I'd have no issue with that.
Free trip!
yeah, I was wondering why you were complaining.
@BenBrocka Windowed mode forever
I mean, aside from the fact you just like to complain, @Frank.
At a guess, Direct3D's "Devices" aren't referring to physical devices... this is supported by IDirect3D9::CreateDevice's specs (adapter is the first argument)
@badp Exceedingly few games have fullscreen windowed mode and plain windowed mode is generally unacceptable for anything first person
@Wipqozn I get blamed for problems that aren't my fault, and clients have wholly unreasonable expectations for what I can do with technology.
@BenBrocka I play 99% of my games in windowed mode
@BenBrocka Exit fullscreen, many zooming animations, everything glidey swooooosh
even now
If I can't share that with those who do the same thing, who can I share it with? :P
@badp yuck
[Mac OS]
@Frank This seems to be fairly common in the techspace.
I just need to have an eye here
Mac OS would be great if it ran more than like 5% of anything I cared about, which it doesn't
@Wipqozn Yep.
It's business as usual.
If I had a second monitor I probably still would appreciate being able to move the game window around
@Frank One huge benefit to my job is my clients are just the company I work for, so it's a lot easier to tell them "No, that's not going to happen".
Also some pixelart games are basically unplayable without fullscreen when they don't have scaling options
@Wipqozn Heh. So are my clients. You learn quickly that just saying no to them means, "Ask again later, or someone else"
Anyway, the point is, when an application is running in real fullscreen mode on a monitor, nothing else is being rendered on that monitor. Whereas, fake fullscreen can (and does?) render the contents that are hidden but running behind it.
@Frank That just results ain a second no then I assume?
This is why real fullscreen has better video performance.
@Arperum Sadly, there are many IT people who don't have backbones.
And that gets exploited mercilessly.
@Frank These are horrible.
@Arperum They will learn eventually, but until then, it's the role of more war-torn vets to intercede on their behalf.
@Frank And then stuff break in expected and completly stupid ways.
@Powerlord I get the original intent but it's soooo awful it would be fantastic to have a forced fullscreen windowed thing at least as an option, since I can comfortably run things in fullscreen windowed anyway
@BenBrocka You can't just tell it to use Windowed mode in your monitor's native resolution?
@Powerlord It should't completely break down when you click in some other monitor though. Ideally.
@Powerlord Still some bar on the top
@Arperum "But you should have taken that into account!"
@Powerlord I could, if I wanted the bottom and top of the game cut off
@Arperum It exits exclusive mode when you click somewhere else. An artifact of when Exclusive mode didn't have to deal with multiple monitors, for sure.
Any way you look at it, it's never the client's fault. Because no doesn't mean no. It just means go tech-shopping.
I'd be much happier if it just didn't flicker and take several seconds to minimize the fullscreen app really
>Win + PageDn (or PageUp) swaps full-screen Windows 8 apps to different displays.
> The focus window alerts Direct3D when an application switches from foreground mode to background mode (via Alt-Tab, a mouse click, or some other method). A single focus window is shared by each device created by an application.
that actually sounds possibly useful...I usually want the game in the middle monitor though
It doesn't know why you switched apps, only that you did and that it has to exit exclusive mode
@Frank "I did, you told me to disregard it anyway, I warned again and you still made me do it."
@Arperum Sadly, that rarely, if ever, works. Those that asked for it are usually well connected enough to escape the consequences.
As is, this salesperson is the same one that plugged in the laptop with the cryptolocker virus on it.
@Frank True, I tell them anyway.
I don't suppose that's something direct x 12 could help fix? Not that multiple monitors seem to be a focus for MS
@Frank Oh god why.
@Arperum I DON'T KNOW!
But this is also why we try to insulate IT with a ticket system. No ticket, no work.
That way, everything is documented, and time is accounted for.
And tech shopping does not happen.
> You can now show different background images on different displays
@BenBrocka It's the future.
oh hey didn't know about that one either. To their credit they did more for multiple displays than I expected (I expected nothing at all) but it's still annoying
One thing I don't understand about self driving car efforts is the focus on city driving. I mean, highways should be infinitely easier and safer to deal with, given that there are so many fewer factors of danger.
@Frank Luckily the people in the dev office here do.
People who mostly do highway driving probably also have a lot less reason to want a driverless car
@badp People driving at higher speeds are actually an added danger.
There's no pedestrians, no bycicles, no crossings, road works are well signaled and usually they simply take lanes away
@Wipqozn Then your salespeople probably realize that attempting to shop around their latest greatest idea is a no go.
@Frank There are a lot of times people from other departmants will come to us with big huge week projects which are launching in 2 weeks, and they get scaled waaaaaaay back, with us telling them "We could have built you that, if you gave us a lot more notice"
Sales people are the worst.
and there's probably few extra considerations for highway driving going from city, while designing for highway then trying city driving would require a lot of extra changes
@Powerlord You would think that a computer driven car, refreshing its state of the world ~20 times per second, would be way better equipped than any human in handling hairy situations
@Wipqozn Yeah, notice is a bygone thing these days.
We're just making it easier for Skynet to get rid of us when it takes over.
Which is wierd; we will do our damndest to get it done, especially if they give us enough time to do it.
@Sterno Skynet got scaled back because the salespeople didn't give enough notice.
@BenBrocka I suppose that could be the case, although there's still a few considerations like toll roads, stopping, emergency lanes.
@badp Until you reach critical adoption, said automated cars need to take those human drivers into account. For instance, as a human, I can see things going on a ways ahead of me and react accordingly.
@Frank People are starting to learn, which is good. Some are anywyas. one guy came to us last month saying there was aproject he wanted to launch in the fall, and wanted to know how much work it would be, what do we need to do, et cetera. That does that almost all the time now, it's good.
@Powerlord So can automated cars. Actually the units Google has been testing have their laser shooting beams from quite high, giving it quite the advantage over what a normal driver can see
@Wipqozn If everyone did that, being a developer would be smooth sailing.
I'm not sure they're even planning driverless cars 1.0 to work on highways--there was a lot of talk about less range, less people, less storage space
(I'm going to note I drive on both US-127 and I-496 on a daily basis and people drive dumb on those)
It seemed to be strictly a commute car
@badp As a driver trained on the principles of 'defensive driving', ie. driving in such a manner that you won't get into an accident even if the other drivers make a mistake, I agree so much with this sentiment
@BenBrocka Who said commuting doesn't happen on highways?
Human beings suck at driving. That is a fact.
@PrivatePansy Honestly the safest part about driverless cars is the other people will hopefully ALSO be in driverless cars
@badp I take a highway to work.
@PrivatePansy That sounds fascinating and mindbendingly boring
@BenBrocka Actually that could become a problem as those little towers where the cars mount their laser shooting revolving thingadongdongs start obstructing each other's view
@badp It helps that we're restricted to driving slow enough that we're almost always the slowest vehicles on the road
@PrivatePansy I've seen a car going too fast down an exit ramp (toward a highway that had an accident 1 mile-ish / 2km-ish down the road), hit someone whose car made a 90 degree turn and shot across the other lanes.
I've been overtaken by loaded tow trucks.
Because I was paying attention, I managed to avoid hitting the car that literally shot across the expressway in front of me.
That tower thing there was propped even higher on the steering-wheel-less car video they published last night
@badp I don't see how it's any more of a problem than the fact that cars in front of you obstruct the cars in front of them
@BenBrocka Well if I figure it's a problem because they're propping up the sensors to begin with
The idea might be mesh networking with other cars so that they can fill each other's blanks, but I am scared of those cars having any amount of networking
(which they probably do anyway)
well top is the only way that makes sense, otherwise you need one sensor for front and back...and the sides
(It helped that I heard a car slamming on their breaks and I immediately started hitting my breaks, then slammed them when I saw the other car shoot out)
We are supposed to be done with this project by Friday and we just asked "Is this thing A or is it B? We need to know which." and got back "Yes, make it A or B."
Make it both
No, make it C.
so long as C is both
C is a set of all features A and B do not share
@AshleyNunn you there?
All the pony lovers should note that today's free Comixology comic involves MLP.
@JasonBerkan I'm not sure what Comixology is. It sounds NSFW though.
There is no such thing as C
@Wipqozn Steam for comics.
@JasonBerkan That sounds almost like an insult.
@OrigamiRobot C is always another option.
@JasonBerkan except without the sales, it would seem
@JasonBerkan why would you put your comics in steam? I think that would ruin them.
@JasonBerkan how very Amazon of them, I suppose
@Wipqozn Actually it's an important preservation step. Kills bacteria. Flattens crinkles int he pages.
@JasonBerkan Oh, well, colour my mistaken then.
@Wipqozn Your mistaken is colored in green in your avatar (both shades)
Although that might just be because I ate an egg sandwich.
Bacon and egg sandwich?
One of these days I should go back to my Mega Man gravatar.
cc @GraceNote
@Wipqozn MegAlot
@OrigamiRobot I love it when they come back with, "I expect you to be an expert in your field. Can you not figure this out?"
@Frank that's when you burn down their house.
@Wipqozn We're all outta lemons.
@Wipqozn Yeah, sorta. (all the tennis todaaaaaay, curse you French Open!)
@Wipqozn Nah. That's overkill. Just hand them a grenade and walk away.
@AshleyNunn but think of all the love! The fifteen-love, I mean.
@AshleyNunn Okay, because I heard about a new job opening up where you live. It's only part time, but a friend of mine says it's a great place to work. She loves it to bits. supposed to move into a full time position at some point though.
@Wipqozn Funny, I've heard the same thing!
@badp facedesk
@AshleyNunn the joke you see, is that I'm talking about the opening a tyour work, and you're the friend!
guys, guys, I'm making comedy gold over here.
@Wipqozn I followed, but I am glad you explained it in case I forgot about a Facebook post I made like half an hour ago
@AshleyNunn Jokes are best when you explain them, especially when they don't need to be explained.
@Wipqozn If she loves it to bits will there still be a company there to apply to or will it just be dirt in the dust pan at that point?
@Wipqozn You wouldn't know comedy if it came up and gave you a grenade.
@Frank I think you'll find I'm the funniest person who has ever existed.
@Wipqozn It's comedy bronze at best.
@Frank That's because comedy would hand you an anvil, if anything.
@Yuuki My word sir. you changed your gravatar.l
@TimStone So far it is holding together! Even if hte building vibrates sometimes.....
@Wipqozn Judging by everyone else's reactions, I'm surprised you haven't noticed what else I've changed.
@Wipqozn I was immune to this for a while but then chat was evil and logged me out and I had to refresh all my tabs.
@Yuuki you changed your name as well I see. What a scamp.
Q: How does Gauntlgrym work?

The SasquatchIn the Neverwinter MMO, there is an endgame area called Gauntlgrym, that is supposed to have PVE and PVP areas. When my friends and I have ventured there, all we ever see is an area that is full of locked gates and maybe a few AFK guys standing around. Is there a specific time that events occ...

@5pike Work is blocking that image on me apparently.

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