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@BenBrocka Yeah. Kids will find a way to get their booze.
@5pike They've learned to ask for a card in the last couple years, because the penalty for selling to kids has been ramped up or something.
But they didn't 12 years ago.
@Yuki Same here! highfive
@badp I've been in holland all my life without touching pot, beat that!
Anyone getting a Surface Pro 3?
@BenBrocka Huh. That actually looks pretty nice
Price aside it looks fantastic. Enough it might justify the price, since I'm looking at a laptop replacement, would like to keep pen input if possible and dont' really like "dumb" tablets
Just wish they included the type cover in the basic price (why would you not get it) and had a few more options. I don't need 256 GB of storage, but I do want 8gb ram
want to hear more about the processor specs though. I'm not sure how to compare the i3/5/7 for mobile procs. Are they 4 core just like desktop?
@BenBrocka Yeah, that would be nice
They seem to mostly get where Surface should fit in (laptop replacement with being a tablet as a feature, not a focus). They didn't even bother to release a surface RT 3. I don't think there's much point in that line anyway
Though they have a marketing issue. Most people still compare the surface pros to iPads and Android tablets, not midrange laptops
MS really should have done this a year or two earlier, before the idea of what a "tablet" was solidified and people decided it was okay to have a completely passive device
@BenBrocka Why not lead the effort?
I doubt anyone would hire me for marketing
Well. THAT was fun.
@Frank Oh? What was?
Oh, also, if anyone is on the fence about buying Transistor, do it
It lives up to the hype
Atmosphere is gorgeous, music is beautiful, great story, and the gameplay is incredible
16 hours ago, by Frank
Root cause: Our idiot salesperson brought in a laptop infected with Cryptolocker.
@Frank Oh god
I think we've resolved the issue at this point. Now just doing cleanup and paperwork.
@Frank And glaring at the salesperson every time you pass
@SaintWacko Well, no need for that. We had to confiscate the laptop, and are probably going to write it off.
And the higher ups will know what happened, and why.
@SaintWacko Is it as surreal as the trailer makes it look?
@Pvt.Grichmann Yeah
Beautifully surreal
And the way the skills work is incredible
@SaintWacko Eh. I don't really like surreal. Still buying it soon™.
Just brilliant
It took everything that was fun about Bastion, and made it better
@SaintWacko I am still trying to resist it til I get paid again :P
I racked up a solid day's overtime yesterday.
Good for extra time, but bad for getting stuff done at home; all day yesterday was work. All I did was work, sleep, roll out of bed, and go back to work.
@BenBrocka i3 is dual core, no hyperthreading, i5 is dual core with hyperthreading, i7 is quad core with hyperthreading
current gen i7 is approx the same performance as desktop i7 2 gens ago
oh that's weird. I was expecting it to be like desktops where i7 is only hyperthreading
I would assume i3 and i5 are similarly powered to i3 and i5 of desktops 2 gens ago as well
that makes the i7 more valuable than expected...then again I do alright with a dual core on the current laptop
really depends onw what you plan to do with the device
@Frank And play 8 hours of Diablo 3. :P
I got i7 on my laptop and I'm loving it, but I use it as my main rig
if you have a main rig and you gonna use the surface for "other" stuff, the i3 should be just fine
@Fluttershy Well, closer to three.
TBH probably mostly web browsing. If I game on it I suspect I'll be using in home streaming anyway so processing power is almost moot. I want responsive writing and browsing though
But I still was stuck at my desk, babysitting the process.
you can game on i3, as long as there's a decent dedicated gpu
@Chippies hm really? I was afraid I'd have to go with i5 at minimum. But yeah I have an i7 4770k desktop
It's integrated graphics only (is the integrated graphics different?)
@BenBrocka do you know what model of i3 surface has?
I've only ever looked and desktop i3/5/7s and only considered i7 because I need hyperthreading for vid editing
@BenBrocka the difference between desktop i5 and i7 in gaming is minimal
i3 on desktops can handle pretty much everything as well
although i5 is better
as long as the integrated gpu is HD4600, it can do some fairly decent light gaming
yeah the i7 was just to squeeze out some more paralellism for encoding. Though with XB1 and PS4 more games might start using more than 4 cores
I'm sure you won't be playing Crysis and the likes on it
"4th generation Intel Core i3, i5, or i7 Processor options"
it should be HD4600, unless it's some low power version of i3...
I was hoping they'd share more specs but they seem to be taking the Apple approach on the store microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/en_US/pdp/Surface-Pro-3-i3-64/…
not sure if these specs are true, but if it does indeed have Iris Pro igpu then it's actually pretty powerful
@PrivatePansy This took a while to parse that she was asking for the moon and not to go to the moon.
iris pro is on a similar level as GeForce GT650
I hate pressing quick save when meaning to quick load
which is more than enough for plenty of games
MS store makes zero mention of graphics (hd4XXX or otherwise)
but I doubt any model other than i7 would have the Iris Pro
well, i5 and i7 has at least HD4600
oh really? definitely hoping to avoid that model
@badp I did that in Civ V once. Undid an entire afternoon worth of the game
some models of i3 have HD4400, which is slower than hd4600
@PrivatePansy No autosaves?
Also I resent having to swap out the shock plasmid in Bioshock
now I can't hack turrets
And it was complete unintentional, because I was trying to take a screenshot with F12
HD4600 is around the performance of GeForce GT630, slightly slower than GT640
If it can do youtube 1080p and in home streaming at 1080p I suppose it's fine (can it stream 1440p if my desktop's monitors are 1080p?)
@JasonBerkan The last autosave was centuries ago
@BenBrocka any i3 can do youtube at 1080p
and I would assume you'd need to be able to run a game at 1440p on your main rig to be able to stream at that resolution
Well the gfx can surely handle 1440p (4770k and 6950) but I have 1080p monitors hooked up to it
I suppose you could trick the game to think you have a 1440p monitor and just run it and not see anything on main desktop :P
it should be able to handle it, but it won't let you run at anything above 1080p unless you trick the game that you can support that resolution
I've never used steam streaming, but from what I've read, it basically just duplicates what's shown on the main rig to your stream device
Yeah. Eh 1080p should probably be fine. I don't even use it currently, would just like it to be an option
@Chippies It's effectively just VNC in fullscreen.
@MBraedley yeah, that's how I figured it works
And since both machines are (presumably) on the same LAN, input lag is insignificant.
I WISH VNC ran as well as in home streaming...
though screen connect is tolerable
My VNC connection to our linux dev box at work is fine. There's some input lag, but not bad for development work.
I run teamviewer across the ocean and there's not a lot of lag most of the time
But I use RDP at home for... reasons.
but it's no good for games
It's like 10FPS and frequent lag here at work. Windows though
Screenconnect is better but not quite perfect. In Home Streaming is so good it's hard to believe it's streaming
@Chippies I could never get teamviewer to work in a manner I liked for adminning my HTPC
then again I'm VNCing to virtual PCs not a gaming desktop
@MBraedley At home, I just use RDC
@MBraedley how so? You just install it, set it up for remote access, set up password and connect from your other machine
pretty simple
Though, I don't have an HTPC; I use a WD TV Live device to output to my projector.
but Idk, RDP might be even simpler, I've never used it
@BenBrocka That's patently absurd: Twitch probably streams at a decent framerate for you
I just run an hdmi cable from TV to laptop, simple and cheap
or, more accurately, you have to be able to do much better than that
@badp twitch isn't necessarily "live" and no-lag
there's 20-30 second delay
I dunno our VNC software just seems bad. Screenconnect works acceptably so we've almost killed VNC, but not all PCs have SC installed
@Chippies irrelevant: the network is still capable of streaming at 24fps or more
@Chippies Can't tell the client to use a specific resolution, and the quality of the server UI on the client was lacking. The only reason I wasn't using RDP to begin with was that I had Win7 Home on my HTCP and not Professional or Business or whatever it's called.
Your "time to first byte" on Twitch is still way less than 30 seconds
@badp idk how VNC works, but Twitch can sacrifice quality for fps
Most VNC clients drop the desktop bit depth to 8 bits
although 24 fps isn't a lot either way, but I'm sure the optimization is done different for twitch and vnc
VNC sacrifices a lot. It's occasionally happy to forget to refresh large segments of the screen
@Chippies I wish they'd do quad core with no hyperthreading. Hyperthreading is incredibly annoying :(
So many things will only work on a single thread
So all hyperthreading is doing is cutting in half how much power it can have
See: Dwarf Fortress
to be honest VNC is "optimized" for text
@SaintWacko does HT actually use any of the power if it's not actively used?
@Chippies What do you mean "not actively used"?
@SaintWacko the virtual cores aren't used at the time perhaps? Idk, I'm not 100% sure how it works
Hyperthreading doesn't actually cut down on your power, if you're referring to the "CPU %" in task manager. It's basically, but not quite, a lie
OS will prioritize real cores over virtual cores, so hyper threading shouldn't be used at all until all real cores are in use but more parallelism is possible
I've heard of major overclocking being done with some cores disabled
isn't that what the OS does anyway?
@Chippies yeah a single core will always out perform (on a per-thread basis) multiple cores, won't get as hot. but if you have any degree of parallelism isn't not very useful
@BenBrocka but if I'm running a demanding single/dual-thread application, wouldn't the OS give more power to the stressed cores and take away from the less active cores?
Today's Listening | Electronic/Glitch/Dubstep
yeah a single thread will run faster if everything else is idle. Though having the program use all cores will still be faster overall
@BenBrocka so, a quad core with hyperthreading wouldn't be noticeably, if at all, slower than a quad core without hyperthreading, right?
It should preform basically identically if the virtual cores aren't in use in either case
though an actual i7 is just barely faster than an i5 of the same type I think
10 mins ago, by SaintWacko
@Chippies I wish they'd do quad core with no hyperthreading. Hyperthreading is incredibly annoying :(
this is what I was kinda referring to :P
@BenBrocka Hm, interesting. I have a quad core, but the most DF will ever use is 13% of CPU power. I assumed that was due to hyperthreading
@SaintWacko I don't think quad cores ever go above 25% in task manager
@Chippies Right, exactly what I'm saying
The % of CPU power is misleading-- it assumes all CPU cores are equal, including virtual
It should be using up to 25%, but instead it's using up to 13%, which I'm guessing is actually 12.5%
it just means it's equally spread through the cores nvm, was thinking something else
All that number REALLY tells you is dwarftress is using a single thread to the max. It wouldn't necessarily be faster if you disabled hyper threading, though that number would increase. it's a theoretical maximum
@BenBrocka Oh, so if it's using all of an actual core, and the virtual core that normally runs on that core is off, it will still show as if it's only using half of the physical core?
Q: International(Uncut) version of Wolfenstein The New Order in Switzerland?

MööbAs far as I know there is no law here that would forbid the use of the symbols which are forbidden in Germany and Austria. Steam says clearly that the available version is cut and just in German language. So why can't I activate the game in Switzerland* even if there shouldn't be a reason for th...

I don't think windows knows the difference between real and virtual cores
they're all treated equally
yeah, the %s act as if virtual cores were real cores (which they're not).It's still running the process at the same speed it would even if it were a single core or non hyper threaded proc with otherwise identical specs
it's a rough measure
you can trust the OS to use the processor correctly (mostly) though. Like I said, it's smart enough to use all 4 real cores before even thinking about hyperthreading
If I uninstall steam to reinstall it, will anything I have downloaded get removed too?
It's not working on my laptop any more.
Save $30 on a new PS4 free shipping. ebay but looks plenty legit http://www.ebay.com/itm/PlayStation-4-Console/201094385441?customid=8d1df039de4f4846b073448218bc8b14&pub=5574652453&afepn=5335869999&campid=5335869999&afepn=5335869999
@GnomeSlice You should be able to say that you don't want the games uninstalled, but I'd still backup the games with Steam's built in functionality.
@GnomeSlice yeah I think it does that. Rename Steamapps or move it and it should be fine
Oh is there a "don't uninstall my games" option?
moving steamapps is easy enough though
I can't launch steam so I can't use that option I guess
@GnomeSlice just remove everything but steam.exe and steamapps folder and let it re-download itself
@GnomeSlice Then yeah, use @BenBrocka's suggestion
now it's fuct
Just installing over the existing install might work too
I think there might be some .dll's you might need to keep for it to work
installing over it is what I would do
yeah installing over existing shouldn't delete games...no idea if it lets you do that tho
I think it pretty much does that every time it updates
@BenBrocka I've (kinda) done it before when reinstalling OS
@MBraedley I think the concern would be that there's registry files saying that it's already installed
speaking of updates...is In Home Streaming out of Beta yet? I want to get off Mr Steam Beta's Wild Ride
I don't think steam cares though
daily updates
@Chippies Simple: delete the registry (keys)
@MBraedley seems like a lot of work, may as well uninstall steam
I'm 99.9% sure it leaves your steamapps folder intact, unless specified not to
@Chippies the keys was in parenthesis for a reason
Deleting the entire registry is easy
I'm sure a lot of people would bitch and moan if they 'accidentally' lost all their downloaded games because they uninstalled steam
I have 415GB of stuff in my steam folders
that's more than some people bandwidth caps
I thought it didn't work before because my dad's work internet blocked it
but I'm tethered to my phone right now
because his workplace got rid of their guest wifi :/
are you trying to create a giant phone bill?
We have 10GB of data a month
shared between my parents and I
@BenBrocka heh
But I'm not sitting here for the next 4 hours with no internet
$369.99 + $62.85 - (€ 399.98) = -113.692672 US$
($62.85 being what PayPal says it would cost to ship that here)
@badp you might have to pay tax on receiving the item
@Chippies hm, good point
(($369.99 + $62.85) * 1.21) - (€ 399.98) = -22.796272 US$
I've ordered from japan without having to pay customs/tax
dunno if EU is different
Even if I pay VAT on shipping costs, I still come ahead
@BenBrocka it also depends on price
cheaper items are less likely to be taxed
Was $90
I don't know if you need to pay VAT on shipping costs, though... no, VAT doesn't apply to shipping costs
my friend from EU has bought some stuff in 90-100$ range and soemtimes they charge tax, sometimes they don't
@badp I think it's only on the item price
shipping is a service
well, idk, it just makes sense to me that you pay tax on the item only
Well, the difference comes up to $35.99 then
@badp what about warranty tho?
So Transistor was fantastic, just very short. Beat it in about ~5 hours.
@Chippies hm?
I'm in Italy, I buy something IT from you, you have to give me 2 years' warranty free. AFAIK
@badp yeah, but do you get any of that if you order from US?
I would assume not
Apple was forced to give us 2 years' free warranty for free
I dunno though in general
@badp but isn't that only if you buy from within Europe?
Not sure!
not to mention, if it breaks down, wouldn't you have to send it back to US for warranty?
Oh snap. Roller Coaster Tycoon Deluxe, and Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 just got put on Steam. :3
@badp Yeah, they do have a physical retail presence there though.
in Europe warranty is pretty good, the warranty is seller's problem
huh, actually Apple have 2 warranties
One that's the bare legal minimum for 2 years and their "standard" for 1
I guess that's kinda fair, after all.
@badp I assume the "standard" is for non-EU countries, where the legal minimum of 2 years is not enforced
"Standard" being what I assume Apple gives, yknow, in the US and otherwise in general
The 2 years thing AFAIK is Italy, not EU
@badp the 2 years warranty thing iirc is a EU thing
not just Italy
so I would assume they have to provide 2 years warranty wherever they sell their stuff within EU
@BenBrocka > the performance per clock has been improved by almost 10 percent compared to Ivy Bridge. Therefore, the i3-4100M is about as fast as the former Sandy Bridge model i5-2430M.
According to these benchmarks, the haswell i3 is approximately same performance as AMD Phenom II X4 (Desktop) 905e
Q: How can I have my door stay open until I go go back inside

aslumI want to have a pressure plate beside my door on the inside. When I step on it I want it to toggle my door open or closed. So if I walk out my door should stay open until I (or someone else) walks back inside.

Q: What are the missable equipment/items in Bravely Default?

FlawWhat are the missable equipment by events? (such as changes in landscape; changes in area accessibility (if any)) What are the missable equipment/items in boss fights? (Those that can only be gotten from stealing) I need the thief job and its related job skills to make stealing efficient, but I...

@GnomeSlice interesting
@Chippies IS that pretty decent? I've barely used any integrated GPUs. Just....whatever garbage my x200 lenovo tablet has. In theory my 4770k has integrated graphics but I don't use 'em
@BenBrocka that's the cpu power, not gpu :P
Huh, Gamejolt has a payment widget?
oh, right. I'll have to find WTF my proc is. I think it's just before the i3/5/7 thing
I wonder if they have a library feature for paid games too, then.
@BenBrocka for the igpu performance you can scroll to bottom here
there's results of quite a few of popular games
Core™2 Duo processor SL9400 (1.86GHz,
6 MB L2, 1066 MHz FSB)
that's what my current tabtop has
I have... a thing for y'all.
@GraceNote am I listening to Yoshi's New Island
@BenBrocka it's less than half of i3's cpu power
@GraceNote That's f--king beautiful.
Oh really? nice
@GraceNote oh good. I played enough of that game to recognize that theme.
I think I'll be fine with the i3...if only I could get 8GB of ram with it though
@GraceNote Not what I expected.
(I didn't like the actual game though)
@fredley indie games didn't really exist in 1992, and without publisher backing a lot of indies do their own art
@GnomeSlice Oh really? You mean that's not what AAAA games will look like in 2030?
Probably not.
Yay. Cleanup of servers and associated processes is ongoing. Should (hopefully) be almost done.
Q: Trigger Discipline Perk - Good for Snipers without VATS?

TrudleRI started to play a sniper but I won't use Vats. I heard, that a shot with a sniper rifle hits exactly where you aim. If that's true, the perk "Trigger Discipline" would be completely useless for me, right? Moreover a disadvantage, because of the lower fire rate. If I'd use Vats, I may get more...

Attention everybody I gave a copy of Out There Somewhere (there's five of you): you can now redeem your Steam key from the Desura page. Just click 'play now' and then click the 'view keys' link in the popup.
@GnomeSlice Might be more effective to actually ping them so they ever see this.
@StrixVaria I don't remember who any of them are.
@Ullalluloo was one
Q: Do Distant Worlds AI Players Have The Same Restrictions As The Human Player?

mxmissileDo the AI players in Distant Worlds have the same restrictions as the human player when it comes to colony expansion? Specifically the Colony Influence Range and Colonization Range Limits setup on this screen:

Q: how to add top hat pedal to Rock Band 2 wireless drum set?

user77048I saw here: How do I get the hi-hat to the right place in RB3 Pro drum kit? the drum with two pedal in the pictures from BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft answer. I'm looking a way to achieve it without the electronic box. Any one knows what is the use of the black input between the pedal one and th...

This is pretty good
QUBE is decent, One Finger Death Punch is awesome, SOTS is good, Ultionus is great, Isomer looks great.
@Chippies facedesk
@Frank admit it, it's kinda clever
@Chippies It's @Wipqozn levels of bad pun.
@Chippies OMG that is an awful pun and I love it
> so long as you're not any more awful than Wipqozn
I think I'm good
Q: how do I get my love to games back?

kingOnce upon a time I was a great gamer, I was the most powerfull in the whole world. But one day, I have reached a website that teaches programming, I could'nt resist because it was like a game so I started learning programming. From then, I lost my love to games. I tried some of the games I playe...

@Lazers that question is...
@Chippies NO
@StrixVaria YES
Puns are mandatory
@badp I really want to try streaming, but I have no practical use for it :(
Hardlinking gifs from Giphy:
@BenBrocka what is the best way to tell a YouTube uploader "please stop making videos like this"? I figure something like "skip ad, thumbs down, leave video immediately"?
@badp stop watching their videos
@badp I suggest this gif.
@GraceNote This is acceptable.
@badp What if the download happened too fast for me to cancel?
@badp Is this for some sort of not-dickish reason? Thumbs down can be a bit annoying, but the bounce will just be a minor blimp in analytics that doesn't indicate much unless it happens en-mass
@badp What if we get a, "A plugin is needed to display this content"?

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