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Q: Better max Q or R or Udyr?

zETOSo I would like to ask since I just started Udyr, what is the first ability that I should max? I've seen many builds of pro players that max R first but I would like to know the reason. Why R and not Q since Q does more damage in battles? Just so you can have the faster clear time on camps?

@KevinvanderVelden Looks terrible...
Well, it is based on BMO
Q: How many structures in clash of clans can I build

user76629How many of each structure can I build in clash of clans.

Q: Minecraft 1.8: Check if player is at a specific Y position?

Kim-Yannick JürsHello! Is it possible to use the testfor command to check if a player stands on a specific Y position? I tried it with /testfor @e[type=Player] {Pos:{Y:57d}}, but it won't work.

I has a pizza
No cheeseburger? =[
the real question is: "not two pizzas? =["
@KevinvanderVelden Pizza >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheeseburger
I don't really like pizzas
Or at least, those I've tried I've not liked
@KevinvanderVelden Have you tried to make your own? It's surprisingly easy.
Q: Nvidia Optimus Not letting me start games

JonathanI have a packard bell gaming laptop. Its an i5 quad core, 12 gigs of ram. and a gtx 750m The problem is that it has nvidia optimus(for those who dont know, Nvidia optimus is a feature that lets the intel hd graphics be the primary graphics processor while not using heavy 3D demanding apps and g...

@5pike It's on the list of things I'll do when I've got access to an oven and noone to judge me when it turns out to be black!
@KevinvanderVelden When you make pizza, make sure you snap all the spaghetti in half to annoy @badp
@KevinvanderVelden thatsracist.gif
@fredley I... sure, all the spaghetti on the pizza
@KevinvanderVelden Yup
@badp Naah, that's charcoal-ist
@badp Mamma Mia!
Did some basic research on Italian food
Think I nailed it
That's clearly ricotta
@badp I poured an espresso over the top for good measure
I... there are apparently recipes for spaghetti pizza! Who knew
@badp ...no
@KevinvanderVelden The things with pizza - You can put everything you like on it. EVERYTHING
@5pike true true
@KevinvanderVelden With surprising good results, even.
You are allowed to make your pizza as wrong as you want
@KevinvanderVelden I challenge you to find a case where a recipe does not exist for x y, where x and y are both foodstuffs in their own right
But it's mostly the tomato sauce I don't like
Q: Data with same name has been uploaded from another PS4?

NolonarI just turned on my PS4, and received a notification to tell me a saved game could not be automatically uploaded. Looking at some more detailed information I was told that "Data with same name has been uploaded from another PS4". Considering I only own 1 PS4 and you can't even activate more tha...

@fredley @Yuki's sandwiches don't count
So much wrong, so little time
All of the wrong
All of the time
A tunnel of wrong
in a doomed timeline
'Fish and Chips Calzone' is proving more difficult
A light at the end of the tunnel
Can't find a recipe, but there seem to be plenty of takeaway joints that will oblige
@fredley ... why not?
@5pike Obviously a market opportunity
leading right into the next tunnel of wrong
@fredley I'd try it, but I don't think that's something for a fast food joint to put on the menu.
@5pike It is in Britain
the island of wrong
We pride ourselves on abusing other cultures' cuisines
This is a fun game
I am stuffed full of honest-to-goodness pizza
Your efforts are futile
Cephalopod pancakes:
Although I regret today's pizza did not have any mushrooms
That counts right?
weren't dinosaurs vegetarians?
@Wipqozn All over Imgur
@5pike I am the slowpoke in this case.
@5pike Is that the same as 'on Imgur'?
@Wipqozn Slowqozn
@Wipqozn Wasn't posted on the bridge yet, so no.
as seen on
~ reddit ~
Soon that'll be a thing
as seen on
~ The Internet ~
@badp when Yoshi swallows a turtle and spits it out again, only the shell comes out, clearly he devours the turtle
Yoshi the natural enemy of @Wipqozn
@Blem can @Wipqozn confirm or deny this?
@badp @Wipqozn could not currently be reached for comments: He is hiding in his shell at the mere mention of dinosaurs
@Wipqozn see! Look at what you did to the poor turtle =[
@KevinvanderVelden Has a zipper. Not a real hoodie.
@OrigamiRobot but you're not denying it's your new hoody sweater?
I am not BMO right now, I am Canti.
@OrigamiRobot well a sweater wouldn't really fit on BMO, it'd fit better on Canti!
oh good infinitely respawning enemies
Q: Close reason external resource

JutschgeNow Lately I've seen a lot of Questions like "Where can I find a website with..." or "Which forum discusses ..." And I think there should be a VTC option based on external resources (or whatever you want to call it in the end). I know that there is the "Software recommendation" close reason but ...

Q: Taking the risk to fight Malthael again?

NinjakrebornIf you have a character that is in Hardcore mode...and you are 100-150 hours in. Started on Normal and beat it, then went to hard, expert, master, and now Torment 1. Currently fighting normal enemies and normal bosses in torment one. Is it worth taking the risk to try to fight Malthael again on T...

Xbox One could see its graphical performance catch up with PS4 now that Kinect has gone, Microsoft suggests: http://go.ign.com/1k0twQX
lol no
Meanwhile, from the better with kinects dept.
@badp jesus his hands
@BenBrocka yeah, but imagine the same done with Kinect v2's
they're 1080p cameras if I recall correctly?
So mostly the same but more expensive
I think the v1s are 480p?
@badp It doesn't sound like it's improved accuracy that much
@BenBrocka he's not using skeleton recognition
just the 3D picture data
at least, that's my understanding
Jup pretty much, he's using 3 kinects hooked up together to create it
If #winnipeg votes me for mayor, I promise to change city infrastructure to my liking! Sam has been doing a good job though! #sinkhole
Yes, let's lose an entire lane to a sinkhole. There's a car eater if ever I've seen one.
Q: Grand Theft Auto 5

MTAanddrop2299Can anyone give me any help on how to buy money for Grand Theft Auto 5 off of the Playstation Store? I do not know how to do this.

@Lazers Poor soul.
oh dear.
Seriously Yusuf Mehdi comes off as a total jackass
@Lazers For only $5 I will show you how to spend real money on video games you've already purchased (best value)
The Dear Leader of Best Korea is now a game:
@badp Yeah. It's kinda big.
@BenBrocka He also has forgotten the stuff that happened during the Xbone announcement/release.
> People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3
PRs gonna PR
Q: What are some of the best missions to do on Grand Theft Auto 5 online

MTAanddrop2299What are some of the best missions to do on Grand Theft Auto Online, like which missions will give you the most money/rp

@5pike Such a prick thing to say
@BenBrocka Totally
and the "13 countries vs 40!!!" is something only fanboys spout. Most of the countries Xbox One isn't in will be completely negligible for sales, which is why they haven't launched there
Also the Xbox One is apparently readily available in some of those countries since "tier one" countries in the same region have surpluses
@BenBrocka Xbone is piling in local stores - PS4 has a waiting-list of at least 1 month
I guess people REALLY hate their PS3 </sarcasm>
It's such marketing BS, you could use the exact same numbers and logic to say Xbox One isn't as appealing an upgrade as PS4
The most appealing upgrade for me would be a 3rd monitor
A 3rd monitor is a good upgrade
oh wow Pyro Pete was a pushover
I honestly find my third monitor more an annoyance than a help except for that I use it to play a console game at my desk with the other 2 as PC monitors
I thought this fight was tough as nails?
Eyefinity is...pretty annoying and I don't usually use more than 2 full monitors, but sometimes it's alright. But not as game changing as 1> 2. I wouldn't wish one monitor on anyone
@badp The Invincible or normal?
oh, there's two versions? that'd explain it.
the story mission fight is pretty meh, the raid boss version postgame is tough, but still one of the better/saner raid boss fights
Kicks DLC1 raid bosses repeatedly
@gamespot @IGN Wolfenstein doesn`t work on my PS4 without the day one patch :(
wolfenstein is apparently literally unplayable without the 7GB day one patch
(last gen patch may be/probably is smaller)
@BenBrocka What the fuck? 7 GB patch?
I wouldn't mind the size given you can start PS4 games without the patch, and the patch downloads as you play...but if the patch allows the game to WORK...that's kinda pointless
@BenBrocka and aggravating.
YEah I think this is the first I've heard of that
@BenBrocka Ugh, this reminds me that I need to find a way to wire my Xbox One to the router because the wireless signal in the living room is terrible.
I think Forza was initially planned to be unfinishable without day one patches (I dunno if it shipped in that state or not, people were pissed), but I think it was going to be playable
@TimStone augh no wireless for consoles
My desktop and the Xbox One are too far apart. I'm just going to get a really long cable and make it happen though.
I feel sorry for my Wii U, 3DS and Vita having to use wireless. And the Wii U doesn't even have an excuse it just doesn't ship with ethernet
you can get all varieties of length for ethernet
Yeah, I've just been a bit lazy about it.
It's not an issue usually, except when trying to play games for the first time.
my Wii U is like 15' from my HDMI splitter too...in the middle of the house to expand it's range
Since they all seem to have patches that get pulled on the initial install. Luckily you can start playing after so much has been downloaded, but ugh.
@TimStone does the xbox make you wait to patch before playing? That's one of the PS3 "features" I was most excited to leave behind with the PS4
I haven't spent too much time with it but the games I've tried so far have all let me start playing after around 15-25% completion.
omfg Yum Yums are the best thing, like, ever.
The progress bar gives exactly zero information about what the hell is happening though so I don't know what it's doing.
download or install? PS4 installs superfast and lets you start without any patches (er, wolfenstein excepted), just downloads that stuff as you play
(see above)
@fredley With a name like that, they better be.
People who retract stars are the worst thing, like, ever
@fredley mistakes happen.
It doesn't even give you an estimated time remaining, which sucks. Since it's a Microsoft product, the fact that it doesn't given you an estimated time remaining is also great.
PS4 just shows a "before you can start the game" loading bar, which is usually complete in seconds (with Infamous it was done before I sat down). It hides the full install time since you can play straight away. It's all pretty seamless. Hard to tell how long it actually takes to install...but if you can play without interruption, who cares
Q: What combos are available and what are their effects?

kalinaI have noticed on multiple playthroughs that evolving certain symptoms can result in a combination symptom, as follows: In this instance, sneezing and diarrhoea are causing "unwanted accidents", which draws additional attention to your plague. What other symptoms can be combined to create a ...

Downloads give you %s but not the game installs, they hide that very well (and Im' glad they do. I got a new PS3 game tuesday. It installed for 20 minutes and I played for 10)
@BenBrocka Yeah, it's not nearly as good at that. It'll just say it's "installing", which you can tell obviously involves downloading all of the current patches, and there's no indication that there'll be a point where you can suddenly start playing except for it going "Oh, actually, you can play now if you want."
@TimStone Ah I think there's the difference. PS4 will start downloading a patch AFTER you launch the game (or if it's in sleep mode). It'll never block you from playing to get a patch (though you usually can't play online without the latest patch)
classic BL2
I wish they'd update the Vita to do the same. Vita patches are a bit odd. The PS3 I excuse because of it's age
Spawn enemies infinitely in Pete's pub
I don't know if that's the case for every game, or if I've just been unlucky, but based on how irresponsibly long it took to complete for some of the games I have to figure that's what it's doing in these cases at least.
survive through a few waves of enemies for the experience points and challenges and tokens
@badp I don't think any map is ACTUALLY infinite except for the rakk in The Warrior's den
eventually go down to last wind
no one in sight
@TimStone I've heard pretty negative things about the Xbox ONe install process so I assume it's just universal
minimap is still choke full of red dots
@badp but I NEVER DIEEE
Speaking of BL, I wonder if The Pre Sequel™ will have a Siren class
@BenBrocka yeah, there was a definite build up in the action - the super badasses only spawned five minutes or so in
Is that the bar fight repeatable quest thinger?
@BenBrocka Hopefully it's something addressable at a later point, at least. I was surprised though, seems like they should have remembered the whole PS3 business and gone "Yeah, we don't want to be those guys."
I don't recall it actually taking that long, but I don't think I ever played it solo
@TimStone yeah it sounds like they went from 360's super light patches only (though I'm not a big fan of the limits that puts on developers) to basically the PS3's system of wait forever before playing a game
Also it's totally assinine that current systems don't automatically download free DLC
At least it doesn't have to get to 100%, but it was sure taking its sweet time.
Some devs go majorly overboard with free DLC and it's a huge pain in the ass to download it all
I think Hyperdimenion Neptunia 2 and 3 each had 30+ free DLC items to download one by one through the PS3's super slow store
Ouch, heh
it seems to be a problem with many JRPG devs really. Xillia had a few too I think, and a couple other NIS games. Also little big planet, though they had sort of a weekly free costume thing going on
But it would be much nicer for free DLC to be treated like a patch, especially since patching is so much less painless
Right on
First, if you’re artificially boosting your sales to fake the demand needed to score a favorable chart position, you’re robbing someone else, someone more deserving, of that same spot. You’re doing more than cheating. You’re stealing. You’re lying. You’re taking false credit for something you didn’t earn, and you’re hurting someone else by doing so.

Second, chart-boosting rarely works. There are some very easy and obvious clues that help us spot the scammers. These scammers talk a good game, but they’re really just preying on the desperation of aspiring DJs in order to line their own pocke

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