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Eh, like I said, it seems to work pretty well here from firsthand experience.
Firsthand experience is good experience.
We'll just summarily declass you to casual for unironically playing dance games with kinect :P
@badp ... how do you ironically play a dance game?
I didn't say I played the games, just that I was witness. :P
@Lazers Poor guy, two questions in a row entirely off-topic.
That's Mancs for you.
yeah sadly kinect seems fated to be a Dance Central (or whatever) accessory and little more. They should have gotten more indies making full use of it. Stuff like Octodad, at launch
Imagine Octodad Kinect, where you can flail around in your own home to get the virtual experience of flailing around in a home
Your body isn't ready
@BenBrocka That's why the WiiU is fated to fail - lack of ideas
@5pike yeah the parallels to the gamepad are a bit too clear
If your body should become ready, please contact medical emergency personnel at once
Q: MMR dropped in League of Legends

Valentin GrégoireIn League of Legends I am Gold 5 or 4 (depending on when you will read this). My MMR was really high since I had more than double of wins compared to my losses. This made me play against high gold and low plat players. However, I was on a losing streak and I started playing duo queue with a frien...

I'd wonder if this made Nintendo consider dropping the gamepad, but I doubt Nintendo uses MS or Sony's actions in their decision making process
They were apparently unaware of PSN/Xbox live's proper workings
Flash the Cash! Sony Discounts Hundreds of PS4, PS3, and Vita Games in Europe http://bit.ly/1jfGCuN #PSone #PSN #PS3 #PSNVita #PSVita
commies stealin' our MERICAN deals
@BenBrocka Why is it this never happens here?
In the US? They have flash sales here. I'm unsure if Europe got the big one a month ago
though this one is wider in breadth than I've ever seen on US PSN
What do I do with this "answer", it's mostly semi-related chattyness.
@Arperum comment at best it sounds like
@Arperum Downvote and comment
@Arperum It's NaA
Welcome to Arqade, this is not a forum, but a Q&A website. Since your answer doesn't answer the question, and at best contains a single assumption it will probably be removed. Don't let that kick you down though! Find a couple questions you know the answer for and answer and you'll be able to add comments pretty fast! — Arperum 2 mins ago
> but a Q&A website though
> but a Q&A website though
@badp I done goofed english again?
> __but__ a Q&A website __though__
I think you broke the mod, good job!
@badp There, happy now?
@KevinvanderVelden That mod can't get more broken.
@5pike is this a challenge?
@badp No, this is a fact.
[butter.se] butter Q&A website
@KevinvanderVelden but synonym magic and though
keep the longer destroy
We now need a butter.se
Oh great, the @badp is spreading his broken-ness again
backs away slowly
@KevinvanderVelden Your name is longer. Fear the auto-targeting.
@Arperum naah, he'll just auto target "Kevin van der" and won't find me
@badp see?
(you have no idea how tempted I am to rename you Kevin van der Wipqozn)
... I stopped a client from doing a copyright breaking thing... speechless
@badp I'll prep the "Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" signs
@Arperum Yeah, you'll get that a lot.
I have no idea what just happened.
Not sure why IT is expected to be the ethics and legal police, too.
@Frank Not with this guy, he generally doesn't give a fuck and rampages all over copyrighted stuff.
@Frank Because clearly if you work in any field remotely related to IT you are capable of doing anything in IT, and this is vaguely IT related
"copy this from that website". makes thing that looks alike, but is still unique "No, make it more like the other website"
ARG I keep finding MS Surfaces on sale but it's always the RT
But it's still useless to me
@BenBrocka Wait til they announce the release of the Surface Pro 3
Heh, Microsoft sent me an email like that a while back. "Look at this great price on Surface! You know, the original one. With the terrible battery life. The one that no one wants."
@Krazer has the pro 1 even gone on sale that much?
Pro 2 > Pro >>>>>>>>>>> Surface 2 > Surface RT
I'm pretty interested in the Pro 2, but definitely not at that price. The Pro I'd buy for maybe $300-$400 with a typecover
@Krazer Oh, huh. If they do that to the pro 2 and include a type or battery cover I guess I'm in
@BenBrocka you could always ask your work to see if they'll subsidize part of it
Nah I don't need it for work
@BenBrocka Yeah, I said the same thing. I couldn't bring myself to pay even that much for the original Pro, but the Pro 2 at that price point seems worthwhile.
I also hate asking for that stuff otherwise I'd have asked for/to split paying for a mechanical keyboard
@KevinvanderVelden I am constantly surprised that not all software developers can troubleshoot and diagnose hardware issues, or other general IT issues.
@TimStone a pro 2 at $500 or $600 makes it one of the best laptops out there under $1k...and it's a tablet!
Not sure what to think about the type cover and the screen size, but other than that it's a perfect replacement for my x200 thinkpad tablet
I've been kinda thinking about a large screen chromebook instead though
@BenBrocka My friend uses it for work and he loves it
man even approaching 90% completion in any area of Just Cause 2 is insufferably tedious
@badp don't let perfection consume you
95% of my work is typing and window management. I'd die on a surface
@badp you know it's bugged and 100% is impossible, right?
in no single area of the game?
@badp CC @GnomeSlice
There's a reason the cheevo pops at like 70% and even that's tedious
I'd gotten 100% in the demo in the past in one area
@badp no worldwide 100% is impossible, with a few areas missing items necessary for completion
Why would you want to 100% Just Cause 2? After the first 100 bad guys you attach to airplanes, the game starts to get boring.
Forever pissed because my JC2 save file bugged and it's no longer possible to use the parachute
You know the unanimously best feature of the game
please tell me it saved that bit of progress
please tell me
It probably didn't
@badp I guess your PDA crashed
get it
the mission I just completed isn't on my map anymore
so I suppose it did save!
@KevinvanderVelden correlation != causation
TRICK people into looking at your boring holiday photos by tweeting them with the words "Camera found. Please RT to help find owner".
@MBraedley the dog doesn't care
@MBraedley try explaining that to the dog
@KevinvanderVelden touche
the dialog options are the primary reason I'm interested in this game
@BenBrocka Dialogue seems fun, but I fear the social stuff is just a grindfest, like it was in P3
The "Be an ass and leave" option is always a good one
JC2+ mods = full-blown awesome
@agent86 which ones?
@badp superman flight is crazy
also really-long grapple
@KevinvanderVelden That's a dangerous option to take in a fantasy game. See also: Pleasure Island.
So apparently the new Moto E is toting the fact that it will have at least ONE system update as a major selling point
plus maybe an infinite ammo mod or a "everything is available and free on the black market" mod
@MartinSojka heh true enough.
I mean, if you're playing it for the challenge or whatever, then these are game-breaking. but if you just want EXPLOSIONS then mods are craaaaazy awesome
Q: Minecraft world is not saved in library

bahama girlI am trying to put a mine craft world on a USB stick. My problem is when I launch mine craft the world is there, but when I go into mine craft saves it is not in my finder. I need this for a school project and cannot take my Mac with me to school. Any suggestions on where it might be?

> Moto E runs Android™ 4.4.2, KitKat®, the latest version of the world’s most popular mobile platform. And with a guaranteed upgrade,2 you’ll know you’re always up to date with the best Android experience.
the flight mod essentially takes the parachute, removes the parachute model, and then makes it so that you have more control over your forward momentum. the end result is that you can just fly like a lunatic wherever you want to go
there are several "long grapple" mods that let you attach yourself to some far-off mountain and reel yourself in super-fast
That footnote 2 says "2The device will receive at least one software update to the current KitKat 4.4.2 operating system"
then infinite rocket launcher + rocket launcher damage boost means you're a flying angel of destruction
raining rockets down on the lesser mortals below
ptchu ptchu ptchu EXPLOSIONS!?!
I guess they're trying not to commit themselves too much, but hell... ONE software update? That's pathetic
And is that not what Just Cause is all about? Random mayham and destruction, just 'cause!
in. deed.
I wonder if that's a random stat of the now, or if somebody on the ground surrendered himself to physics
is age of empires considered a 4X game?
@badp get used to random destruction stats like that. I was once just flying along and it told me I'd destroyed 10 things in the last 60 seconds, although mostly I had been flying and not destroying anything.
@BenBrocka Age of Empires is an RTS.
@BenBrocka WOuldn't that make most RTS's 4X's?
@BenBrocka I don't think it is.
also I hope those long and uneventful trips across the islands are just necessary once or twice
@BenBrocka Not in any meaningful definition of the genre, no. Although if you look at it in some way you could say the game meets all 4 Xs
@Powerlord I guess, is 4X generally for turn based stuff then?
@BenBrocka wiki article that kind of discusses how technically they might be similar, but most folks think RTS does not fit under 4X
> Gaming sites have stated that 4X games are distinguished by their greater complexity and scale,[8] and their intricate use of diplomacy beyond the standard "friend or foe" seen in other strategy games
@badp eventually you unlock a fast travel option.
@agent86 I was really looking forward to the JC2 MP mod until I found out it removes all NPCs
but there is a decent amount of travel. get good at parasailing with the grappling hook, it's a fast way to traverse.
Not pictured: a faster alternative to helicopter travel
@agent86 I like riding cars
@SaintWacko yeah, I was kind of hoping there was some kind of co-op in there somewhere, but no :(
@badp Jet fighters
@BenBrocka Almost all, although Sins of a Solar Empire would like to differ I would say in the end it's still a RTS game played on a much larger scale, like SupCom
4X games don't have to be turn-based, but the sheer amount of info you have to process means that they usually are.
@PrivatePansy SoaSE is so much fun
parachute + grappling hook + ridiculous ingame physics is usually faster than driving
mostly because it saves you the effort of getting a car and actually using roads, like a loser
lern2chute n00b
@agent86 It's fun, while being chased, to hop on top of a civilian car, and then, when you go across a bridge, grapple the jeeps chasing you to the edge of the bridge, so they whip around and fly off the bridge
Not pictured: success
@SaintWacko It absolutely is, although the AI isn't very fun to play against after a while
@badp Nooooooo
@SaintWacko yes, grappling things to other things is a fun pastime
Somehow I don't think adding mods is going to improve the crashing rate
recently I grappled a sports car to a jumbo jet for great justice and cheevs
@PrivatePansy Yeah. Plus, it's a little too easy to win by just making a fleet of capitals and wiping the map clean
@badp is this a bad pc port or is your new PC unstable?
@BenBrocka This has just been JC2 so far
@SaintWacko Hmm, actually I'd say a fleet like that will perform poorly against any reasonably informed opponent
A couple level 6 Marza Dreadnoughts using their ability at the same time will destroy any size of enemy fleet
Q: Got a Playstation Classic (PS1) and Games list shows two icons for it, is it safe to delete one?

RodolfoI recently installed Chrono Cross from the Playstation store to my PS3, but there are two icons in the list now, if I click one it installs the game again, the other one is the actual game. They look similar and like half the time I click the one that re-installs the game instead of the one that ...

@PrivatePansy Maybe. I meant against AI
@BenBrocka Woohoo!
I can't wait for the BL2 pre-sequel
That's almost one hundred!
For the same amount of resources a pile of heavy cruisers or LRM platforms will severely outgun any capital ship
Capital ships rely on their abilities, which get stringer as they accumulate kills, and the ability to buff and debuff surrounding units to win. They may be strong, but they're not the cheapest form of firepower
@SaintWacko same. Sad it's shackled by last gen, but oh well. At least they showed they can do a good PC port this time
Which is why heavy cruisers are a hard counter for them
3 legendaries, 4 plans in ~2 hours of running on normal on my DH...
yet when I run my other characters on Torment, I get like 1 leg per day
You're obv bugged
@Unionhawk forrealz
Q: Hellgate: London Client Closes on Start-up Because of an Error

brain56I downloaded the T3Fun client for Hellgate: London Global. I installed as usual, but when I launched the client, it gives me this error: How do I fix this so I can play Hellgate: London? I'm running on a Windows 8 machine with more than adequate hardware power. I tried running on compatibilit...

@Lazers dat error
Wee! Someone calls a meeting. Delays it by 30 minutes.
I show up, nobody there.
Wait five minutes, shrug, and go back to work.
Well that was one way to spend 30k$
reloads save file
1) hook to something reasonably far away (something with height preferably, ground is for pros).
2) while being pulled towards the object, press the open parachute button
3) hook the ground or an object in the general direction you want to go
4) keep hooking to gain speed and use your speed to occasionally gain height
5) profit
@agent86 I made 3 km of progress that way
@badp repeat until you have arrived at your destination.
I did find 1 skull though.
another protip: if you go take over a military airstrip and get 100%, I think the military tends to stop spawning there. you can raid it occasionally for the free helicopter or jet.
there's also some early stronghold takeovers for each faction, and those zones will spawn friendly copters you can jack
buying black market vehicles is pretty much a late-game thing for high-rollers only
and then the game crashed again
uninstalls Just Cause 2
and thus your career comes to an end. RIP, game
@Lazers I'm going to blame t3fun.
Panau status: stopped working
in more than one way
I wonder if I should undertake the always entertaining task of running Memtest for x hours
Bacaroni and Cheese.
like if it succeeds once it's good enough right?
Pretty sure that's how it works
@badp ~pc master race~
I thought the thing was supposed to be left running for at least 12 hours?
@PanicBomb as if consoles didn't have ram
At least I get to check if everything is all right
They don't. Consoles are just magic.
If it doesn't work, then everything is broken.
well yes. See also: apple products
I know, I just enjoy the rare opportunity to jab about it (not including you in that, necessarily)
...and mobiles in general
The iPhone isn't just magic, it's patented magic.
Wrong. It's patent magic
It's both.
In other news
I need to do science. Somebody post something
I'm scared
Science successful
I'm confused
Bonus science
did you ever run furmark or anything? I think that's what I used for burn-in testing last time.
Is it about wolf overalls?
@badp My dad has over 95% total completion.
which includes the shit not part of any village or otherwise defined area
@Unionhawk "I fucking love science. SCIENCE!!!" takes homeopathic medicine, gets colon cleanse
100% completion mod ^, fixes the missing stuff so you can complete it to 100%.
I just need something to make it not crash
@badp It very rarely crashes for me, how bad is it?
try running Skyrim in the background
Four times last hour
@badp Hm. :/
don't have Skyrim
I can't help you with that, sorry.
I can't help but pronounce that game "just 'cuz"
it seems to describe the gameplay I've heard about better
@badp Do you have any of the DLC?
Perhaps? I don't know
Q: What types of attacks and actions *must* target an enemy with taunt?

JaydlesI know that hero and minion (or beast/pirate/etc.) direct attacks must target an enemy with taunt, if one exists, but what about other actions: Spells that target someone for damage? Battlecry attacks? Hero powers that target someone?

Extra weapons, vehicles, plus the parachute thrusters.
Also you should get Bolopatch.
It lets you give yourself as much money as you want, because buying gear is stupid in that game.
it's one of those games I got ages ago
and only now have the hardware to run
Also lets you do some other things, like unbreakable wires, multiropes, infinite ammo/health, etc.
The air gun is hilarious with inf ammo.
@GnomeSlice I was hoping this would just give every character Bolo Santosi's voice
@PanicBomb no no no no no no no no no
Oh God her voice
You can get a bolo skin if you really want
The game says she's supposed to be really sexy and seductive and trap men etc but she wears a moomoo and sounds like she's handicapped
This is pissing me off
that's, like, a twice-a-year occasion anymore
Spotify won't play any music
I thought that game was done
@fredley O.o
that is awful
@AshleyNunn Yup
Now your internet connection literally has an ad-free premium version
That's just icky.
If you're caught downloading, you get a letter telling you how naughty you've been... and that's it
Q: My minecraft won't launch

Geoff saintI open the launcher and press play, minecraft comes up and the screen shows mojang but then after about 3 seconds it's closes down and takes me back to the launcher. What am I doing wrong

Q: How can I mod GTA-V on a PS3?

OctopusIs there some way to apply mods to GTA-V on a PS3. I have found plenty of mods online but are these strictly for the PC version? Can I somehow copy the mods to a USB stick and transfer them to my PS3? I've tried several times, but haven't figured it out.

Looks good.
Looks good.
@Lazers GTA V has a PC version?
Bought the latest Storybundle. I will either love it or hate it. (It's all authors fron NaNoWriMo, which, well, is no guarantee the books are good or not....just that they finished.)
@PanicBomb :o
@PanicBomb Guess what
It's such a good game
Freaking Meatbags from @WildFactorGames looks like a mix of tower defense, twin-stick shooter & Pikmin http://bit.ly/1fC4zMc @RockPaperShot
@Lazers My limited research seems to indicate that this requires a jailbroken ps3 with custom firmware. not sure if this is something we should be helping with.
@TrentHawkins Well, mods in and of themselves aren't illegal. I'd say help them with how to install mods, but they're on their own for jailbreaking their PS3.
Furmark's pushing my GPU to about ~80 C with 50 fps
The computer is now noticeably more noisy but otherwise handling fine
Also the ram tests were passed with flying colours
I guess I needn't worry
JC2 is just sort of wonky in general
probably moreso when you add mods
It's vanilla
@badp Add mods.
JC2 has a lot of annoying things you can fix with mods.
I suppose it's more likely that these are the nVidia drivers at work
There's one that keeps the camera from getting locked when you fall or do other shit like that.
@GnomeSlice Like the camera control with mouse while driving..
Which is nice.
It's annoying that JC2-MP disables all of those
@3ventic I play with a gamepad.
It's the way to go.
@Frank mod abuse should be illegal
@GnomeSlice This
Gamepad for flying, sure, but driving and shooting and running, no
Normally gamepads make FPS games more difficult to aim in, but JC2 has really good aim assist
@Krazer Did you mean: mandatory
@3ventic o.0 do you drive with keyboard/mouse?
I can't drive properly with a gamepad
May 9 at 22:42, by Unionhawk
badp is mandatory
@badp Mod abuse should be: MANDATORY
I've been using keyboard for driving for the last 9 years..
I'm glad I have that guy saved
I have no qualms with the k/m controls in JC
I can't drive properly with a keyboard. analog steering/acceleration is no good
@badp Which do you use in SR3?
I use controller for both
@badp Ergh
There's your problem
Actually, for SR3 I switch back and forth
k/m for on foot, and controller for driving
I don't like SR3 because the driving is too unrealistic
@SaintWacko wtf
My only problem with SR3 vehicles is them exploding
@3ventic Oh, yeah, that's what's unrealistic about SR3
@Krazer pretty intense
@GnomeSlice more if you enjoyed it: youtube.com/watch?v=Wfs-JT0ZJFo <3 FM tracks
@SaintWacko I don't mind unrealistic things as long as it's not the driving
Reading CV, saw 'Voldemort' listed under Skills. Should I be worried?
@GnomeSlice Easier to aim. Although, in SR4, I just used my controller
@fredley That depends... is that the only skill?
The only 2 game series I play 100% with a controller are dark souls and trials
@fredley Do you have a no wands policy?
@badp Voldemort can do wandless magic
@Krazer Other skills include MySQL and Postgres
Q: GTA IV: EFCL crashes after loading screen

JosephBrockI've just installed GTA IV: EFCL and it was crashing just after the Rockstar blue logo so I installed the windows live games then it worked and it showed the 2 episodes: The ballad of gay Tony and the lost and damned. Whenever I choose any of them and click play it loads showing me some pictures ...

"BURN-IN SCORE: 4552 points"
@fredley Is Voldemort some sort of weird open-source project?
Nerds have a habit of naming products after things like that
@fredley oh that makes sense now
@GnomeSlice still getting over the last one :p
@Krazer The second one is actual chiptune.
I think.
@GnomeSlice excuse me while I drown out other external stimuli with this

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