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@Yuki I've escaped!
There's a zoo about an hour and a half from here with a walk through kangaroo exhibit
@OrigamiRobot That sounds amazing
I want to do it.
Take me!
I love animals.
@AshleyNunn Come on down here!
But I will get sad if the kangaroos don't like me. :(
What if they think you are amazing
Then I will be the happiest.
Now I need to decide what to eat.
@SaintWacko That top answer is pretty awesome
@MBraedley Yeah, I was really impressed
@GnomeSlice That looks cool. Kinda reminds me of Trine
@SaintWacko Would up vote again
@MBraedley I'm considering signing up for the site just to upvote it
@AshleyNunn Do you know if @Frank is online, need to apologize
@Tweakly I don't know any better than you do.
@AshleyNunn ah okay, also want to apologize to everyone I involved, tried to have a laugh, then turned it ugly and made it dumb
@Tweakly Hard to say, he's not been as active on the site during the day at his new job. I suspect they keep him busy.
Q: What is a flaccid grab?

fredleyI see balls getting chastised in chat for performing a 'flaccid grab'? To what manoeuvre does this refer?

@Tweakly If you ping him and he's in the userlist (as he is right now), he will see it eventually.
@Lazers @fredley wtf
@GnomeSlice tagpro
@TrentHawkins those jerks, making him do work
@fredley Sorry, but I have to downvote that
@MBraedley :(
@fredley I will never know why tagpro is so popular.
It's okay I guess
@GnomeSlice Because it's a great game
@fredley It's okay I guess.
@GnomeSlice Each to their own
It's a simple game to learn, but a very difficult game to master, that you can play on almost anything (my Nexus 7 handles it fine)
"manoeuvre"? googles... you mean to tell me that's how you people spell "maneuver"?
Can room owners delete/edit other people's posts or is that just mods?
@Unionhawk No. I will not accept this.
@fredley Sounds like something that's mods-only.
@Yuki Ok
Doing some ChatSEy work
@fredley Yeah, I don't see that as a power one would grant to room owners.
Trying to work out how to detect modship
I need a sockpuppet to roomowner
@fredley Me!
@GnomeSlice You are not my sockpuppet
Are you sure?
tagpro is awesome
I can't believe there's an indie game you don't like
@fredley Technically speaking, you are one of @AshleyNunn's sockpuppets, seeing as you are a member of the mod team.
Like I said, it's okay.
@Yuki I... what?
I dunno that I'd say it's "great".
@fredley Oh wait, you haven't heard my Grand Unifying Theory of Modship, have you?
@OrigamiRobot I'm dead serious. It's by far the worst britishism I've ever seen.
@Yuki ...no
@Yuki "Mods are evil"
@Unionhawk No. This is not a thing.
@fredley Essentially, every mod is one of @AshleyNunn's sockpuppets. Once you become a mod, you are deleted from SE and @AshleyNunn takes control of your account.
Until you are a mod, then you become Enlightened and see that all modship is for the greater good.
The greater good
I really don't know why I got implicated in this sock-tastic scheme
@AshleyNunn Stemmed from my realization that you are a mod on, like, way too many SE sites.
@Yuki ...only one!
I was a Pets mod, and a Library mod when that was a thing
@AshleyNunn Oh, you aren't a mod on Pets anymore?
but I gave up the Pets one for reasons
Yay! I can finally add extensions to chrome at work without tethering my phone
Not sure what this means for my theory now.
@OrigamiRobot Yuuuuuuuup
I don't think it's possible to work out who you are from the page :(
Not until you've posted anyway
My original theory was that your modship on Pets and Library was your initial attempts at takeover of SE, but it was a little too obvious. So now you just take control of newly elected mod accounts like some kind of Q&A Mass Effect Reaper.
^ Every mod election
@Unionhawk No. Stop this foolishness.
How can I be @AshleyNunn? I'm evil.
@fredley You're a porkchop. Porkchops aren't evil.
I think another important aspect of why it has to be @AshleyNunn is that nobody would suspect it.
@OrigamiRobot Blame the porkchop!
@Unionhawk Yeah, that's the other part.
@AshleyNunn Was one of those reasons bad tags? Because they have/had bad tags.
Yay, no more annoying ads at work!
@Unionhawk I blame you.
I'm not even british! That makes no sen-- sigh
All right, time to get ready to head to campus.
WHOO OS FINAL WHOO facedesks repeatedly
As you can tell, I'm really excited for (read: dreading) this.
@Yuki I hated that class
That's the class that made me not finish my degree
@SaintWacko I'm almost entirely certain that I'll fail the class even if I get an A on this final.
Makes me not want to try at all.
@OrigamiRobot I know :(
Huh, I'm at a nice and even 3500 rep on arqade now :o
what's "OS"?
@Unionhawk You're the one who brought it to my attention.
Bridge, I have no air conditioner. It is dead. :( And it is currently... 78F out and climbing. The high for today is 85.
@Braiam Operating Systems? I'm not sure if this is serious or not since I swear I've heard you talk about programming.
@GnomeSlice What is this?
@Yuki operating system final?
@fredley A game where you build machines to move objects into goals.
@Yuki ^
I played the shit out of the first fantastic contraption
why there's a course called OS?
@Braiam Because it's a course on how operating systems work?
This works.
And how different parts of operating systems work?
@GnomeSlice Not tagpro, dislike
@fredley Uh. Okay, nevermind then.
I loved my OS class. For every topic - there's this way to do it, which trades space for time, or this way to do it, which trades time for space, or the way Microsoft did it, which makes no sense at all.
@JasonBerkan awww. We just looked at Linux
@JasonBerkan My favorite part was when we discussed page replacement policies.
@Krazer Listening
> "What policies are the worst?"
> "Local and global FIFO."
> "What policies are partially based on FIFO?"
> "Windows."
@Krazer This is pretty nice.
@GnomeSlice I'll give it a try
@GnomeSlice is there a soundcloud for this?
@Krazer I looked. No. :(
aww I'll have to listen later
@Krazer Here's one of the tracks though soundcloud.com/thrupence/thrupence-voyages
@GnomeSlice this is an old game
@JasonBerkan at any rate chances are it's probably about backwards compatibility
@fredley Eh, so.
It's still great.
Q: Why is hacking such a problem in Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2?

Ginsu23So I got this game a week after it came out for PC, and I was kinda looking forward to pvp, but the first guy that invaded me was a hacker. He stood still and let me hit him like 30 times which did no noticeable damage, then he punched me once for an instant kill. Why is hacking so prevalent in t...

why can't I answer any questions :/?
@badp For sure. Microsoft was big about that back in the day.
@OrigamiRobot Is that a dry ice AC?
@Fluttershy No, ice water.
@Lazers That was posted before
no time to find original tho
@OrigamiRobot Oh. Still acceptable. But I don't have the copper tubing I'd need.
@Fluttershy Well, go get some!
@JasonBerkan Have you read the bonus chapters of The Old New Thing? They're free and mindblowing/hilarious
@OrigamiRobot I have no moneys!
Also a fish pump and plastic hose
@JasonBerkan They're 1 and 2
@badp any reasons I can't post currently?
@badp I have not. I used to read the blog regularly, but stopped some time ago.
@OrigamiRobot To pump cold water into the copper tubing?
@Tweakly Where can't you post?
@Fluttershy Yes.
@badp Newest questions *I can't answer
@Tweakly There is a thing where people can be banned from posting answers if they are detected as bad apples, but if this is your Arqade account then you should be fine
@Krazer The thing I linked isn't chipmusic. Guess you still can't see it. :/
What's the error message you're getting?
Q: Can someone please tell me how to beat Knight Artorias in the darksouls dlc or at least what he is vulnerable to

poopmasterSHAGGYI mean I have been trying it with all combinations of weapons and armours but nothing seems to even bring his HP down to 1/3. Any help or tips or vulnerabilities about knight artorias would be helpful. Thankyou!

@badp yep that's me, but I wrote an answer, posted, got the error saying "an error occurred submitting this answer"
Nothing more specific?
Did you perchance get this page?
@Tweakly Sounds like a good ole bug to me :)
I would try and post about it on meta where developers can look at it
@badp Used the word hacker, is there a profanity list? word ban list
@Tweakly While I'm not a fan of the word, there's no profanity list
right now the only thing that's blacklisted is a tag (for the curious: /)
Can I get a link to the question?
Harmonix is trying to make a new Amplitude!
Q: Can’t submit answers

minitechSince a few minutes ago, I haven’t been able to submit any answers on Stack Overflow: This seems to happen on every question; I tried using both Firefox and Chromium. According to my profile page, I’m not blocked from answering. The question isn’t deleted, locked, or closed. I can comment fine...

I just backed Amplitude on @Kickstarter http://kck.st/1fMau1o Hoping to get the dinner with TIM SCHAFER!!!
This made me lol.
@GnomeSlice I signed up for the alpha last month.
Whaaaat there was an alpha invitation
@Yuki A third of my OS class didn't even show up to the final, because it wouldn't have made a difference
@GnomeSlice ... it's in the link you posted...
I showed up, but I failed it miserably
@Fluttershy My internet is bad, the page didn't load.
I just needed the URL
Collateral! Metal Drift!

HarveyI understand that there are questions related to this subject already on the site but I feel mine is different as I have a different problematic frame etc.. My error is, as mentioned in the title, an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION that is thrown whenever I start up any form of Minecraft (Vanilla, m...

@Lazers Props for being thorough, not sure we'll be able to help (although it looks like it may be a filesystem permissions issue).
We have 103 questions tagged
That's more than most games have questions
Minecraft has the most questions too
@TimStone diagnosis status: nailed
Q: Where can I sell items in Dark Souls 2

TweaklyI have gathered so many items over my playtime of Dark Souls 2 but I want to know where I can sell them, if I can sell them, any help would be appreciated, thank you :)

@Lazers dupe
@SaintWacko What five word sentence ends with the word "nugget" and is something a mother would say to her son/daughter?
@Yuki I found a gold nugget
I want a chicken nugget
I think one of my animal crossing villagers calls me "nugget"
You want a chicken nugget?
@PanicBomb That's more than 5 words.
Lots of sentences
@Lazers The answer to this is a direct copy/paste from the minecraft forums.
@Yuki My friend calls me nugget
Also, "nugget nugget nugget".
Maybe "nugget" is also an autocorrect entry they added?
@Fluttershy Yay plagiarism!
@Yuki Yeah, I was curious about that
In any case, I'm getting better at fighting the Smelter Demon.
Getting practice through co-op is best practice.
I accidentally words in the middle of my sentences all the time. I need to fix that.
Hmm, I need to think up something witty but work safe as a name for our new conference room here.
@Powerlord The _____ Bungalow.
Put in one (1) Halo figurine for added effect
Well, to give you an idea of how terrible the names for our existing conference rooms are, they're named "CGI Resource Room", "CGI Small", and "CGI Large" in ascending size order.
Or if you're super-nerdy, find a Marathon figurine.
Well, Resource Room isn't technically a conference room as we don't let outside people use it.
This new one is tiny.
@Powerlord The CENSORED Room
@Powerlord CGI Small is larger than CGI Resource Room?
@SaintWacko Yes.
@Powerlord Huh
New one should be CGI XS
@Alex Why are you randoming again?
...now I'm tempted to suggest CGI Tall poking fun at StarBucks sizes.
@SaintWacko At this point, you stop asking questions and just put him on ignore.
@Yuki I thought I had. Apparently not
Also, he seemed to be doing a little bit better
@SaintWacko Every time I can bothered to check (which is when people actually reply to him saying something other than "stop spamming"), it still doesn't seem much better.
I'm debating whether to ignore or flag
@badp I submit my vote for MOD ABUSE.
Like I said at the bottom, glossed and formatted, no credit is required unless requested. Also try this link java.com/en/download/help/minecraft_error.xmlTweakly 5 mins ago
> no credit is required unless requested
@Unionhawk I don't like this guy
@badp, can you ban him?
Alex, not Tweakly
@SaintWacko if it keeps up, then yes, self-deletion of messages is not going to help him.
@badp Excellent, thanks
@Alex please stop before @badp does ban you
I'm having trouble flagging as spam
It gets deleted just before the flag goes through
And my patience is gone in an instant
> This user has been temporarily suspended by a moderator and cannot chat for 2 hours 59 minutes.
Thank you
You can move deleted messages. IT WILL KEEP HAPPENING
Magical. :)
@Unionhawk That's wrong.
So very wrong.
@AshleyNunn I know.
I don't know what his "glossed and formatted" crap means, but it doesn't mean he gets to copypasta without attribution.
@badp you missed one
@AshleyNunn I would have assumed it meant he paraphrased and rewrote, but apparently he didn't even do that
@SaintWacko Yeah, that's why I am like extra confused
because it is a direct copypaste without any attribution, which, oh hey, plagiarism
@badp oh, THAT guy
@SaintWacko There's tiny wording differences, and tiny formatting differences, but it's not a paraphrase.
Does his comment mean I can copy-paste his answer, say "glossed and formatted" at the bottom, and get upvotes?
@Yuki As a mod I can't condone this, but...well.
And he can't say anything about it because "haha, gaming Q&A site don't need no attributions"?
@AshleyNunn this user is rapidly using up my 'new user goodwill'
@SaintWacko He used up mine last night
@AshleyNunn I am a big fan of taking people at their word and messing with them. Even if it makes me do horrible things like plagiarism. Fight fire with fire and eventually they'll get third-degree burns.
Granted I never actually go through with it because I'm a giant coward...
@Krazer ?
@Yuki Breath in... breath out
@Yuki Breathe! Slow and deep.
@AshleyNunn According to the ToS it might be that he's got a license from the post author and thus he's in the clear, but the chances of that are vanishingly low
I'm kinda dubious about the value of support droning on Stack Exchange in general, anyway
@LessPop_MoreFizz Finally watching this. This is hilarious
@AshleyNunn This is my first contact with him. What did he do last night?
@badp (One of his deleted messages wasn't moved)
17 hours ago, by Tweakly
@Frank I am openly admitting I have more that one account, I have several accounts, which can +1 my own posts on the other accounts thus allowing the downvote to be given
ITG alert
Ultimately came to nothing, and he tried to apologize for stuff earlier today, but....eh.
@Krazer science is no less triumphant!
Q: Breeding the Yeti

Peter V.In Zoo Tycoon you can get the Yeti as a downloadable creature for your zoo. They cost 10,000 each and are very difficult to maintain. The question is, what are the requirements for getting these animals to breed. When they do, what is the price for selling them?

Q: My monkeys are escaping

Peter V.In Zoo Tycoon you can't use chain link fences to hold apes and chimps. You can only use iron bars. However they still are escaping regardless of what type of fencing I use. (I stuck them in a dinosaur exhibit and they stayed). I need them for a Scenario and I don't want them to escape (I can't us...

@AshleyNunn oh joy. I've only had to deal with one of those on UX
Mainly though, ignoring @AshleyNunn's "Stop." (which, from a blue, is a final warning) was quite the spectacular self-launch-into-the-sun.
@BenBrocka He has 191 rep and most of his answer scores are 0 or worse.
@Unionhawk Oh, yeah, that was fun. And mocking me. That was also fun.
@AshleyNunn I'm almost sad that I was polite to him a few minutes ago
@AshleyNunn Wha- What the hell? He openly admitted to upvoting his own posts?
And "thus allowing the downvote to be given"
What does that even mean?
@SaintWacko I checked it out, though, and a lot of it, afaik, was meaningless
I think he just wanted to rile people up
I'm guessing it's "you can downvote me all you want, because I can sockpuppet upvote myself to cancel them out"
@AshleyNunn Pretty sure this means his account can be deleted now due to sockpuppetry, right?
also "I am 13 years old and am desperate to feel like I'm rebelling against authority"
It was more because Frank pointed out that he didn't have 125, and couldn't downvote, so threats of serial downvoting him were dumb.
@Unionhawk burrrrrrrrrn
For that and every other reason threats of serial downvotes are dumb.
I'm just sad that with his profile he's trying to bring down Microsoft with him
I'm fairly dubious that any of that is right
@Unionhawk If you call my reason for threatening dumb one more time, I'm gonna change my avatar to @Wipqozn's! :P
@Fluttershy oh teh noes
are we discussing last nights rebellion? (me being an ahole)
@AshleyNunn the transcript from last night is amazing. Watching him poke at every mod he can find...
@Fluttershy I better star this so people realize I wasn' the one who starred it.
Today is sound logic day
@badp All the logic?
Now that I think about it, it's probably about time for me to change my avatar again. It's been, what, three months?
Wait did someone else do what I done or
@Fluttershy Change to a robot
@Frank Hasn't been doing a very good job of delivering the daily dose of drama. Thanks for stepping in to fill his shoes, @AshleyNunn
@AshleyNunn Refrigerator
@SaintWacko I need new shoes anyhow ;)
@AshleyNunn @badp are you guys mods/staff?
@AshleyNunn And now @Frank does too!
Avatar changed.
@Tweakly I told you last night I was a mod.
We already had that talk./
@AshleyNunn I'm guessing the reason he stopped talking after you told him to stop and he didn't was because of a ban?
@SaintWacko Yep.
@Fluttershy refreshes like mad :P
@Tweakly You could say we are community ambassadors and enforcement!
@AshleyNunn It could take a while to show up!
@AshleyNunn "Don't move! He can't see you if you don't move!"
@Fluttershy Not a robot :(
@OrigamiRobot @Fluttershy would this be an acceptable robot? fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/221/a/5/…
@Yuki break a leg
@Yuki Good luck!
@Yuki Good luck <3
@KevinvanderVelden That's actually kinda badass. <_<
@Yuki good luck!
@Yuki Good luck, you'll do fine
@Yuki I hope you fail!
(This is to inspire you to prove me wrong)
@AshleyNunn then you will know, stack make it very clear that the discussing of staff decisions is strictly not allowed? which I have copied this chats transcript of you doing so.
@Tweakly Good thing they aren't staff members! :D
@KevinvanderVelden I think @Fluttershy should change to that avatar regardless
Yeah, mods aren't staff, they're community member volunteers
@AshleyNunn Open sharing of rulings between staff/mod is not aloud, he is mod/"staff" deemed by stack and its people
@SaintWacko Too late. Already changed.
@SaintWacko Agreed
@Tweakly blues aren't necessarily staff members
That are voted and accepted based on the fact the know the guidelines
@Fluttershy A terrible decision.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, robot fluttershy is cooler
Though bagged Fluttershy is cuter

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