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Q: Cant play simpsons tapped out while signed into my origins account!

Cody ClarkIm trying to sign into my origins account while playing my simpsons tapped out, but everytime I try I get the screen with Bart holding a cord saying "cant connect to server then an option try again witch goes right back to the cant connect to server page. I can play anonymously and I can log int...

I'm fucking crying. Wow. I have never been so harassed on a game in my life
I'm done with Diablo. And with Blizzard. Forget this.
@spugsley D: What happened?
@spugsley Were you talking on General Chat?
@spugsley oh no! Sweetie, what happened?
@spugsley :( Wha happa
@Chippies I joined a public game,
and they were so hateful
I wasn't even talking to them
@spugsley that... sounds... even worse than general chat...
they said horrible, horrible things that I'm not going to repeat, told me that I should just give up and kill myself in real life, and then booted me from the game
@spugsley wow... you shouldn't take those people seriously, you have to realize that they are probably sad people that have nothing better to do than bully someone online
people that say such things usually are miserable irl
@spugsley Oh, lovely, I am so sorry people did that to you. If I could reach through the internet and hit them all with my angry moderation stick, I would.
@AshleyNunn hahaha I wish you could just moderate my life
@spugsley bans all the meanies FOR LIFE
@AshleyNunn those stupid meabies.
closes them all as offensive, destroys
I just didn't want to play alone :/ guess that'll teach me
@spugsley logs on to Diablo 3
@Yuki you don't have to do that :/
I may only be available for 30 minutes though.
it's fine, I think I need some time
I'm going to write
thank you though, it was a sweet thought <3
@spugsley Fine! I guess I'll just go back to my shrimp and caviar!
P.S. I don't actually have shrimp and caviar.
@spugsley Good luck writing, lady! :D Write some smut if it'll help!
@Fluttershy Oh, well, that always helps ;p
@Fluttershy Good advice. :)
@spugsley give me their usernames
@GnomeSlice I already reported and blocked them :/
Q: Demon maze boss not appearing. (HMH2)

ValityI have just reached the final floor of the demon maze in half minute hero second coming. I opened all 5 gates to get into the last area but can find nothing. It is just an empty room. I thought there was supposed to be a bonus boss there? Am I doing something wrong? How can I make the bonus boss...

I'm getting bored of D3 but I know if I play something else I'll never go back to D3.
@Sterno Dark Souls
Q: How do I limit how far from a stockpile a dwarf is allowed to go to fetch items?

JoshSIdeally, for a particular stockpile I want to be able to specify how far from the stockpile a dwarf is allowed to go for items. Alternatively, it would be nice to be able to assign a stockpile to a burrow, and only allow it to collect items from that burrow. For example, Say I'm excavating se...

Q: What is this Gen system in multiplayer and how does it work?

GmoneyrocksI noticed that some players have Gen 1, Gen 2 etc. next to their name. Is it like prestiging? Do you get bonus abilities? How does it work?

Time to find out how badly Rogue Shooter sucks
Q: After clearing cache/storage, won't let us create a new profile

DallasMy son's Xbox's storage was full and so it deleted some things. Trying to follow some guidance, I was advised to clear storage, which I did. This included all profiles. He is now trying to create a new profile and it pops up this message: "Couldn't sign in your profile. Please try again." He...

Q: I started dragon assault DLC at low level came back at a high level

Xx dragonoth xXI was wondering why my enemies continued to be low levels after i left and came back a higher level in borderlands 2, tinas dragon assault DLC? i was like level 30 than i left and came back at level 44 and they are still weak enemies how do i fix this? I'm playing in true vault hunter mode by the...

@spugsley Put them into your story and then violently murder them.
Endless Legend looks pretty.
@Sterno It looks so bad, yet so fun.
Hey guys, how's it going?
Chat search does not like the word "rogue" apparently
@GnomeSlice I've seen that happen with some other query (don't remember what it was), it works if you add "when said by"
I got what I'm guessing is the new equivalent of DOTA 2 invites for the Dead Island MOBA. Anyone played it yet?
No, but given what I know about zombies and MOBAs as a genre... I'm automatically skeptical.
Wheee done work :D
yeah, me too
Anyone on hearth?
It seems everyone just wants to jump on the MOBA success train, or at least, that seems like it's going to become a thing. Which... Yeah.
"Hmm... LoL and DOTA 2 are like, the most popular games ever, let's do something like that and achieve automatic success"
@Chippies Nope.
Q: Where do I find sacrifice?

EnderI have a level 45 Witch Doctor in Diablo 3, and I haven't played in over a year. Maybe even two, it's been a loooong time. I distinctly remember a cool strategy back then was to sacrifice your zombie dogs, but for the life of me I cannot seem to figure out how to do it now. The Diablo 3 website s...

Q: Minecraft alpha 1.2.6 lags when loading new chunks. Anyway to tone down the lag?

user3487713Recently I've noticed that when I'm loading new chunks in minecraft alpha 1.2.6, it lags. Since this is an old version, there might not be a way to combat this, but if there is, how can I tone down the lag? I have 4G RAM and the latest version of Java.

@Lazers Question: Why the hell are you playing Alpha 1.2.6?
Is anyone else having issues with Netflix?
Q: PS3 psn online id trouble

user75603Okay I have created a sub account on my ps3 as a new user. I wanted to change my psn online id. So I have copied all game data from the old account to my new account, but when I go to play the game it still says the trophies and data belong to the old account. I don't want to delete the old one a...

That "You guys ask stupid questions" line is golden. "Are you still on drugs?" "That's a really dumb question..."
@Unionhawk I know, right?
I feel sorry for that man's lawyer.
Whatever he gets paid is not enough to have to deal with comments like that one.
yeah, "Rob Ford's lawyer" is a job I don't wish on my worst enemy.
@Ktash That's.... a really good deal. o_o
Woah, I'm in a weird state. Firefox won't let me switch tabs
It also doesn't know what tab it has open
this is fun
be back soon, gotta crash FF
@Fluttershy yes it is. If I didn't have 6 seasons already, I might consider it, even if just to see the last 4 seasons
Orchard CMS

Proposed Q&A site for Orchard CMS developers and administrators. If you write modules or themes, or administer an Orchard site then this is the Q&A for you.

Currently in definition.

bootstrap overflow

Proposed Q&A site for web developers who use the bootstrap framework but do not understand the basics of CSS positioning or many of the other concepts that could help troubleshoot, anything that happens differently then they intended, while designing with bootstrap.

Currently in definition.

I am going to see Lindsey Stirling in June!
@OrigamiRobot fffffffffffffffffffff I am so jealous
@AshleyNunn Feel free to road trip down here to join me
@OrigamiRobot I wishhhhhhhhh because that would be awesommmmmmme
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am about to buy a Hiram McDaniels shirt.
@OrigamiRob I think you should listen to the debate first.
The Faceless Old Woman makes several compelling arguments, and I suspect you will be swayed.
I would get all the posters, but I'm not into posters.
@OrigamiRobot I don't even know who that is.
So I don't really care.
@OrigamiRobot Very impressive
In other news, it is finally warm enough to sit outside on the porch while it pours rain.
Which is basically my favorite spot in the world to sit around and read and surf the internet on my iPad.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, this.
Though at 55 degrees it is only JUST BARELY warm enough.
I can't wait for the next storm in a few weeks with another ~10-15 degrees on the thermometer.
Then it will really be perfect.
omg @OrigamiRobot I just got a legendary that gives me experience every time I pick up gold
@spugsley Custerian Bracers.
You get roughly 1.25 XP per gold.
@Frank it was still better than what I'm using :p
@spugsley I'm also using them. :P
@Frank :p
@spugs Your computer blow up on you?
@Frank oh yeah. Massively
Q: What does the 'Confidence' stat mean in Endless Legend?

stoicfuryWhat does the "Confidence" stat in Endless Legend mean/do? It has no mouseover explanation and it's not one of the primary stats. (click to see full version)

So, the soundtrack to Child of Light is flippin' gorgeous.
@Fluttershy Indeed it is. The environment aesthetic is beautiful too.
@Yuki Also true! I'm really enjoying it so far. The combat is fun, despite lacking depth.
@Fluttershy I've been having fun playing it with my sister.
She likes being the firefly.
> Notice: Purchases made in Singapore can only be added to your library if you are in Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.
What does this mean?
I'm looking at the Steam page for the game, and that's what's written there
I guess if you're simultaneously in Singapore and somewhere else? Somehow?
I don't understand space and time well enough to know how that would work.
But I guess Steam does.
Holy crap I forgot how much 12pt Times New Roman pads out a paper over the new default.
User to burn cc @AshleyNunn @badp @LessPop_MoreFizz (or whoever sees it first I really don't care)
Q: What's wrong with a question about the rarest Steam achievements?

dancekI asked this question about the rarest Steam achievements, and it got put on hold for being too broad almost immediately. While I disagreed with "too broad", I realized the question might be "too localized" as the answers would change over time. So I rewrote the question to not ask for any speci...

1 hour later…
Q: NBA2K14 - How to get drafted by the chicago bulls, pick 20?

EZcheezWhat numbers to get, what teammate grade to get?

@PrivatePansy it's so that people can't buy steam keys online and activate them in countries where the keys are more expensive
So if you buy something in Singapore you can only activate the key in one of those countries
Also, morning bridge!
Uugh, having a headset in which one side is dead is so annoying ><
Hmmm. It's USD15 where I am.
If regional pricing is in effect it should be different
@PrivatePansy should be doesn't mean has to be, you can turn on regional pricing and still set everything to the same price
Q: is there a mod that clones a place from a world and transfers to another world

jakobaindreas_11i downloaded a world in Minecraft, inside of it is a 4-bit computer out of Redstone. i want to put it in my other world but i don't know any mod that can do that. is there a mod that can do it?

@kalina ... wat
@PrivatePansy :D
@kalina hmm, cannibalism
@KevinvanderVelden I don't quite think that's where she was going to go
@badp it's grandma flavored, I don't want to think about the other options
@badp I still disagree with them being called robots, they're part of the robot
As far as I can tell they're basically magnetically bound actuators on the track
@KevinvanderVelden Well yes, the full robots are shown off in the second half of the video
They are still tiny.
@badp no, they're still just actuators
actuators schmacturators
As far as I can tell they're magnets with rods attached to them
The awesome bit is the substrate they're being moved by
@AshleyNunn I kinda want this now
I'm scared
Ah, yes, the government initiative where they just go "Here's a stupid crazy thing we want you guys to do. First ones to do it gets a crapton of money. Go."
@badp that's not good!
Mod abuse whatever you're scared of! That'll teach it to be scary
@KevinvanderVelden I can't mod abuse a basket full of computer parts
totalling over 1k€
Computer parts :D
and yet if I put in the order now I would get to have 28 hours to cancel it
so that's plenty of time yes?
@badp putting computers together is pretty simple now a days, it'll be fine
Then go slowly, don't use a lot of force and if you're unsure ask the bridge!
The only part I found tricky was the damn push pins of Intel coolers, but that is also not that bad if you know how they work
@MadScientist those push buttons are annoying
If you make sure that one part is completely through the holes before you push them you also don't deform the pins and the whole thing is much easier. I learned that the hard way
@badp Is that including the monitor?
@MadScientist No
What I've been working on: http://blog.snapchat.com/post/84407744185/putting-the-chat-into-snapchat #finallyreleased
Then that sounds like a pretty nice system you're building
(if you don't know who tzenes is, lurk moar)
@MadScientist eh. I just copy pasted the parts list from logicalincrements.com except Italy is not there so I just found the amazon links for each part from the Spanish list and blindly threw it in
and of course every single part costs more than it's written there as a result
(I'm targeting the outstanding level but traded a notch down in GPU with twice the RAM)
(I also brought the case one notch down)
@badp That is pretty much what I'd buy now if I would buy a computer from scratch.
I'd probably go for a 500 GB SSD now, but the rest looks like what I'd choose.
500gb ssd is probably a little overkill
better to invest the difference in some spinning rust
I'd have gone for a 250 GB SSD but budget
considered that I want to fit both Windows and Ubuntu in there, it might be really tight
I'd also go with a stock heatsink initially
the intel ones are pretty good
@JourneymanGeek It's also not that expensive anymore compared to when I bought my 240GB SSD. But it is certainly luxury and one of the first things I'd downgrade
oh whatever I'll put back the 240 GB one in. I really can't hope to fit Windows in 60 GB
my current build is quite similar to the current very good ;p
@JourneymanGeek which one of those has a Core2 Duo and a 9200M? :P
The one thing I'd do different is buy a bigger case now, my smaller Mid Tower with a huge heatsink was a pain to install.
@badp: I picked up something like that in the trash and ran it for a while
@JourneymanGeek At least it's not cancer tier yet, then, borrowing a 4chan slang I'm not particularly fond of
just garbage tier
core2s are ok
The 9200M isn't
All it does well is heat up
yeah, thats the tricky part
and its a laptop
btw @MadScientist do I want to buy "accessories" like cans of air or whatnot?
This video says all you need is a screwdriver
as a desktop you can get a little more life off it
@badp: canned air is for maintainance
all you need is a medium crosshead
@badp You don't need that, not at all in the beginning and later it is simply a convenience
in some cases not even that
you occationally will need small crossheads
and either a pair of needle nose pliers or a suitable pair of tweezers for jumpers
@JourneymanGeek I haven't needed to set a jumper in quite a while, I doubt that most mainboards currently have more than the reset jumper at most
the part at 10:00 where he installs the fans and presses down the button and the motherboard bends that much are positively scary
@MadScientist: oh its rare
this is what I run
@JourneymanGeek information overload
lol, the first section's what's important
and it looks like this, sans the USB wifi dongle and with a different mouse
@JourneymanGeek Dalek victory posters :D
lol, naturally ;p
Q: is it more difficult to obtain the demonic organs by yourself in diablo 3

Aaron124345I have tried repeatedly on master five difficulty with no success on obtaining any organs is this because I'm doing it by myself.

Q: Why do some players sometimes get double the amount of money after a mission?

keepinitrealSometimes, some players get double the amount of money after a mission in GTA 5 online. What affects this amount of money? Is it randomly doubled? Or do I only get the doubled amount if I haven't played that mission ever before? And if I ever replay it, I only get the regular amount (respectively...

Q: In which areas do I have to be to get choppers delivered to specific airfields?

keepinitrealWhen I buy a chopper in GTA 5 online, I can call Pegasus to get those choppers delivered to an airport or helipad. Unfortunately, if I get myself next to an airport and call Pegasus, the chopper isn't delivered to the current airport I'm at, but to another one on the map. But they aren't deliver...

user image
@Blem no
Just, no, bad @Blem
If English was a sensible language with sensible pronunciation of double letters, she wouldn't have had to do that
unfortunately, sensible handling of double letters seems to be almost an Italian exclusive
it's okay, though. You are all allowed to be wrong
Each and every one of you
Q: Razer Blackwidow vol shortcut hitting other keys

user700077When in games such as Dota 2 or Battlefield, hitting the key assigned to razer Vol Up mulitmedia shortcut makes it hit the B key as well. Anyone experienced this before?

Oh lord. Today's going to be running-on-caffeine day
Also, I'm like, 1 answer away from a silver badge in
and now your favourite moment of the week
The question of the "week" is:
> Why are black people so hot?
Why does @badp do this?
Damnit you were faster
Honorable mention goes to:
> What people in history are overrated?
This has been your favourite moment of the "week"
Please enjoy the rest of it because it's all downhill from here.
(I hope you liked the logo!)
I thought the digests are personalized, or? So Quora thinks badp is interested in trash questions
@badp well, at least you're exercising your right to be Wrong.
@MadScientist "You like making fun of our shit questions? Here! Have more shit questions!"
omg iphone chat is awfu
every gime i type if uckib scrolls the while aceewn
@GnomeSlice It also seems to majorly break your english.
i sukc ar ruijg on a ohien
i suck at typing on a phone
> Y, QUORA, Y?
@GnomeSlice: you need a better keyboard. Oh wait, you're on an iphone...
/me has no idea about those
There is likely no alternative.
If I recall correctly, stock iOS doesn't support alternate keyboards.
Stock iOS doesn't support much of anything, really
then you're just so out of luck
And even if it were technically possible it would never be approved for sale on the App Store
I kinda take it for granted I can replace vast parts of my phone experience ;p
This is going to be an interesting day...
Alright: Plan: Caffeine until sentience, study, inevitably fail the make-up exam anyway, pull out another page of a paper, go to bed at 4pm. Then get woken up by a bunch of asshats who don't understand 24 hour shut-the-hell-up-it's-exam-week time.
(because seriously, they're all like "I'm done with exams today! PARTY TIME!" and I'm like "...I've got an exam on Friday. Shut your face or go away.")
@MadScientist I'm only following the Stack Exchange "tag"
im with my dad in a uhaul truck
my sister is moving today and we're helping
everyone in the fuckin uhaul place was in a couple
how dare they all be happy
@GnomeSlice indeed! Being happy should be against the law
@badp Ban @Unionhawk! I was renamed right?
@KevinvanderVelden are you happy?
@badp not particularly
then you're not particularly banned
@GnomeSlice Solution to not being happy: be happy anyway
then it's all gear grinding
you could be playing for hours on end and not make your character one bit better!!!
improve your skills instead
somebody cheer me up
If Tetherball Bear can't do it, I've got nothing.
This is beyond my skillset
It's day 11 in the office. I still haven't gone crazy, and the end is close. But not near. No, the end is not near. I expect to do this again starting in a week and a half. I'm going to have lots of extra vacation time.
If @GnomeSlice likes I can go back in my email archives and fire up a new extraordinary Quora Digest Digest edition!!
women are the source of all happiness
k gtg
"Can one of my DJ/MC/producer friends please turn the frozen song let it go into a happy hardcore/ decent dance tune!????"
I can't tell if that's a serious "I'LL GET RIGHT ON IT", and I also can't tell how scared I should be of these things.
@kalina Shouldn't be hard, just need to add a dance beat.
there is always more to it than that
@Unionhawk quite, "happy hardcore" is 172-180bpm
oh dear
"decent dance tune" at 172-180 bpm?
how rude
I mean, it could be worse, the process could involve sacrificing @Yuki with fire, or something.
@kalina it was a real question; I'm rather clueless on the topic
@badp dance music goes much faster than 180bpm
but at around 180bpm it starts to become noise
you can still do quite a lot at 172bpm though
Maybe not the greatest, but I'm not a purveyor of dance music.
Cellphone vibration grade bpm
meh, musical tastes are super subjective anyway
my favourite track ever probably sounds like noise to most of you and vice versa
Actually, it's pretty bad once you get into it. Beats aren't synced at all at some points
Yeah, just the first bit sounded like it was going to end up being a "you tried" thing
the low end on this bassline I'm working on sounds like it unintentionally distorts in my headphones but sounds fine on every set of speakers I've listened to it on
I hate life
That's a problem with a lot of dance covers that I hear, and it makes me not want to listen to good dance music
This is better produced, but I would have upped the BPM to about 144 (I know it's not typical in dance music) from the current 120
@badp there are multiple genres that inhabit the 180bpm range, and a lot of genres double up to 180bpm too
like drum and bass, hardcore, freeform, etc etc
hiphop and rap double up to around 180 depending on the track too
music is hard
but a bunch of other genres which don't have a generally accepted bpm (like rock) sometimes end up that fast too
@mbra i think your problem with dance might be thsat you're listening to frozen remixes
@GnomeSlice Too me it all sounds the same. They all use the same sets of beats, synth, and chord progressions. It doesn't make for interesting listening.
@MBraedley This is 95% of music that makes radio play too.
From my own skewed perspective of what I like in music it seems that I either want songs with brilliant lyrics or songs with no lyrics at all
Everything else is kinda secondary
@StrixVaria Which is why I don't listen to the radio anymore.
Maybe that's because it also rules out 95% of music radio plays, too
I find guys get more enthusiastic about dance music when they're in a club full of girls in fluffies
It's okay. I hate clubs
@kalina I find guys get more enthusiastic about dance music having sex when they're in a club full of girls in fluffies
I don't even hear lyrics when I listen to music.
@MBraedley I think that applies to pretty much everything.
Usually when I find out the lyrics of a song I enjoy it makes me dislike it.
@StrixVaria "WE'RE UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY" × infinity
@badp ugh daft punk
Mar 29 '13 at 3:42, by StrixVaria
@LessPop_MoreFizz Around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world around the world
@badp okey....
@Braiam "CHIHUAHUA!"
I think our mod is breaking, can someone reboot him?
Preferably with an actual boot
@KevinvanderVelden Reboot time takes much longer per distance when using an actual boot.
@Unionhawk but it's so much more satisfying
@KevinvanderVelden Well, then, in that case, as far as distance is concerned, I think that'd be @FEi's responsibility.
Q: Are the following Use Case Levels determined correcly?

Romantic ElectronI am confused about use case levels.All I could understand was that use cases that are contained in another use case fall under the level which is below the level of the container use case. I have identified the following use cases for an e-commerce store and I would like to know if their levels...

@Unionhawk I think we have people closer to him then that, he moved back to Italy iirc
@RomanticElectron wat?
@RomanticElectron Why are you asking us about this? We play games.
@KevinvanderVelden I am aware, I can't do geography at this hour, and @FEi's at least in the general area, sort of.
Not really.
@Unionhawk only about 1300 km distance
@KevinvanderVelden @MBraedley Seems like i m in the wrong room
@KevinvanderVelden Close enough.
Oracle ATG Commerce

Proposed Q&A site for developers, Architects, Ecommerce professionals, Users, Merchandisers, Implementors and Multi Channel/Omni channel professionals

Currently in definition.

Beginner Programmer

Proposed Q&A site for all new programmers, or those wishing to get insights into new languages... its for the novice questions, its to be a teaching space, where conversations can occur over variable usage etc.

Currently in definition.

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