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@FEichinger It's only fair, since early Cyrillic lacked lowercase too
@badp It still doesn't really have distinct lowercase characters. It just has smaller characters.
@FEichinger This makes the "mixed case" bar all the more arbitrary.
Latin has developed a distinct set of lowercase characters, which is in common use today. Cyrillic hasn't.
Latin script was in use more than a millennium and a half before cyrillic came to be, but you are allowed to continue being wrong.
you guys want to set aside your differences and pet my cow?
@agent86 Is your cow sufficiently kittenlike?
Q: Tf2 Tinting Screen Blue OSX

BlueSpudEver since I downloaded tf2 the screen is tinted blue whenever I launch it. I'm on a MBP 13" early 2011. The same problem has happened to a friend of mine who also has an MBP, but it doesn't happen on an iMac I have. I've narrowed it down to tf2 changing the color profile. Its not just tf2, all t...

@badp possibly. I also have a goat, and that goat is off the hook happy, all the time.
So, for a comparison of the scripts as they're in use today (and, more importantly for the purposes of our original topic: implementation in a character set), you need to look at early mixed-case Latin compared to early Cyrillic. In which case, depending on what you consider influential to nowadays' Latin, they're either contemporary, or Cyrillic is older by a century or two.
I just realized how complimacated our org chart is.
I don't think I could even comprehend the Bridge's org chart, now that I think about it
The origin of the discussion was
19 mins ago, by Ben Brocka
Everyone stop making up alphabets
I work for the Application Development group, of the Center for Geographic Information, part of the Center for Shared Solutions, itself a part of Service Development and Delivery, a division of Customer Service (formerly Application Services which made more sense), itself a division of the Department of Technology; Management; and Budget, of the State of Michigan.
nothing about implementation of character sets
Did... Worf just have a stroke?
Can I delete all memory of a game from Steam's Inventory? I'll never touch this Spiral Knights crap
@agent86 cluck cluck?
@BenBrocka I'm not sure what happens if you delete everything in said inventory.
I don't see a way to delete, andi t's not tradable/sellable/etc
That seems like a silly reason to pick the games.
They actually look like pretty sweet picks though.
Every time I look at one of these bundles I think oh maybe I will like something but...nothing ever catches my eye.
And I am starting to hate bundles because then I am stuck with stuff I never play
@AshleyNunn You might like Dead Hungry Diner, but other than that, I'm not sure it's really your thing.
Chiana is awesome! So glad she became a regular character on Farscape
@GnomeSlice yeah, there didn't seem like much in there I would want, and one game isn't enough to justify the piles of unwanted crap I would have to be stuck with to get it
@AshleyNunn not even To The Moon?
...you probably have that from previous bundles
@badp Pretty sure I have it someplace, yeah.
@GnomeSlice That Unearthed game is a real piece of work
Also, rum and pizza is a great way to relieve stress due to work.
@MBraedley That does sound pretty excellent.
@AshleyNunn turns out you don't. The lowest it's been singularly priced is $2.49
but it's been in 3 bundles.
@GnomeSlice This gonna be sfw if I click it?
@badp Creeper :P Is it something I should pick up?
@AshleyNunn It's on Steam, so yes.
@AshleyNunn I dunno.
I think you can get a demo, perhaps through OnLive.
@badp To the moon? What were the three?
The Trading Cards Bundle
Humble Indie Bundle X
The Fall Bundle
Oh, der, the new one I just linked.
@AshleyNunn unfortunately, I have to head into the office tomorrow to finish up some work.
@MBraedley I work 6 hours tomorrow and 8 on sunday, so I feel you ;P
Is there anything in the HMB5 worth getting?
Q: Is it possible to chop down trees?

toryanIt's possible to attack plants and deal damage to them, and it's possible to dig through rock, but is it possible to cut down trees? I thought of using an axe but didn't have one to hand, and setting them on fire doesn't work either.

@AshleyNunn yeah, but do have days off, right? Although I suppose I'm only working tomorrow by choice.
@MBraedley I have Tuesday off this week
And most of next saturday
I don't have the strength to will this into English. Halp
@GnomeSlice Free.... what?
@Powerlord Visual Novel.
@badp I tried to edit it into words and stuff, but that doesn't mean I have any diea what teh words are saying
Early Access for a visual novel? That's a new one on me
@GnomeSlice "You already own Narcissu 1st & 2nd" sounds kinda creepy now.
@badp NAA
@MBraedley Is it?
@GnomeSlice Oh. Is it a good one?
@badp Yeah
Amazon - Kirby Triple Deluxe for $30 http://goo.gl/6p4w0n
@Powerlord Beats me, I'm not a big VN guy. But it's free, so it wouldn't take much to find out.
> I'm looking at the word of power,but I'm not getting the word of power. I guess some are glitched.
Same problem
I saw that Mangagamer has both parts of Higurashi - When They Cry in English, plus both parts of Umineko no Naku Koro ni in Japanese with a link to a fan translation for both parts.
@MBraedley This is in answer at "Are there quests you can get locked out of?"
@BenBrocka Oh, that comes out soon, doesn't it.....
so... um... it doesn't seem entirely off-mark
I kinda wish the second half of Umineko got an anime, but it looks like they canceled it after the first half.
@badp That was my thought as well.
@AshleyNunn may second
Oh yeah, it's going home time on a Friday. Why am I still at work?
I said two hours ago that my ISP didn't suck
and now requests are failing randomly
@Powerlord Haha, and here I just got to work (for the second part of my split shift) 40 min ago :P
btw, here both Monday and Friday have been off :P
@Powerlord it was going home time over an hour ago. At least for me
@badp holiday, compressed work week, or normal work week?
@MBraedley both of them holidays
Monday was day-after-Easter and today's our equivalent of July 4th I guess
Since I am technically contracting, there is no such things as holidays in my world :P
@AshleyNunn do you get time and a half?
(I don't have a job right now so it doesn't matter anyway.)
@MBraedley Nope.
@badp ?
I get normal pay, afaik
@GnomeSlice This is what I think when I read "japanese visual novel." (slightly NSFW and obnoxious)
@badp but you have more time at university, don't you?
@MBraedley I'm not following lectures.
I've already done that in past semesters.
So it's just senior project or something?
Thesis o' clock, yeah.
Also, this is probably the third best episode of the first season, after the preceding episode and the season finale
Actually, not the season finale, episode 20
Huh ... "Go! Go! Nippon!" is actually a Japanese VN. I thought it was US-made.
(also one of the top tags for that game is STAR)
@badp There are also comical and dramatic ones, like dangon...dragon...that Vita game with the bear
@AshleyNunn but compared to Facebook or Google?
@MBraedley Oh, I am not arguing that other things aren't creepy.
I mean I know that my data is likely being used by a pile of people for a pile of things at any one time.
@AshleyNunn But at least Google and FB don't charge you so they can be creepy.
@Coronus touché
@Coronus Truth.
@MBraedley I don't think any of those silently install new software either onto people's computers - although from the article it's not clear how that would happen.
(btw: Apple Updater's kinda got close with its past attempts to sneak Safari, QuickTime and friends with your iTunes update)
@Coronus Ping!
Man, gravatar, u creepy. (I was on a wordpress blog and I typed my email in because I had to to comment and before I even pressed anything it was like BLOOP HERE IS YOUR AVATAR)
> “I’m kind of pissed off that the cyclist has hit the side of my car. I don’t agree that people texting and driving could hit a cyclist. I wasn’t on my phone when I hit the cyclist.”
What even.
@AshleyNunn aka, "I'm not responsible for my actions, but now I have to pay for them."
@Frank I just am really, really baffled by the second sentence
@AshleyNunn "I had just finished using my phone. Clearly I wasn't using it the instant I hit the cyclist."
@Frank No, of course not. :P
Those nails, man. They creep me out
@AshleyNunn and not the face?
I fail to see any room for opinion in the statement "people texting and driving can hit a cyclist", since there's not room for opinion in "people driving can hit a cyclist". Like... wat.
@MBraedley The face is kinda cute but with those nails it is like a "I am so cute you won't expect me to attack your face off"
@Unionhawk Yeah, that was my issue with her statement too
@AshleyNunn Cue Paperbot
@FEichinger Oh, yeah, he hates them.
@FEichinger I'm just going to pretend you said "Cute Paperbot"
@Frank I agree with her, to be honest, if the cyclist didn't want to get hit by a car then he shouldn't have left the house.
@Wipqozn you! Your the one that's been hitting pedestrians and motorbikes in this city!
@MBraedley They deserve it for having the nerve to be outside where I am!
You know you work at a startup when your supervisor shows up with awesome mixed cocktails in a giant juice jug for your evening shift. :D
@Blem D:
@Blem wtf?
@Blem I do not think this clarifies things :)
@James basically, his methane tank accidentally.
@badp Ahhh
I'm still trying to wrap my head around $4500 and a 9 month suspension for that whole thing. Like... I don't get it.
Thanks :)
@Unionhawk ?
@badp The thing with the person who ran a dude over, above
@Unionhawk I was horrified that that was it
@AshleyNunn I know in the U.S., they'd be looking at a lot more than just "Dangerous Driving"...
I feel dirty for sharing a video from a YouTube ad, but hey.
EA are patching microtransactions into PvZ: Garden Warfare http://bit.ly/1mMmTUY via @The_B
"So we're not going to have any microtransactions at all at launch"
@BenBrocka phew. I'm sure that was a nasty bug there that prevented best value from working.
@BenBrocka Yuck.
> I don’t agree that people texting and driving could hit a cyclist.
@GnomeSlice That is by far the best part of the article.
@AshleyNunn She's right, though. So long as you have a cell phone in your hand you're immune to hitting people with your car.
It gives you super powers!
> sory just paly [redacted] my name is [irrelevant] on this game discribe any proplem on this game and wait for the answer leave mine craft its kids game man up kids as cristhoper walken said . sory for bad english — user75242 1 min ago
I don't think I want to mane up just yet. Or ever.
I love the preemptive astroturf comment from EA too
> Thanks for all of the hard work on Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare so far. i can't wait to see what lays ahead in the future for this game, especially when we eventually see it on PC down the road as well. I'm not upset at all with the introduction of buying coins, since in the end it's just a way where people who want to progress faster, can. If I spend a few hours a night, I can get the same packs that people have to pay for now, it's just a matter of how you want to support. Free DLC ftw!
So... Death Polka is a thing?
@BenBrocka "I'm not upset at all that they added microtransactions to this $40 game"
@badp "cristhoper walken" does not qualify as "bad english".
Cristopher Walk'em
My Monkeys always have a death with
Oh well never mind
I have clearly underestimated my companions abilities.
@BenBrocka HTML 1.0 is mandatory
My monkey died a valiant death of a thousand cuts.
My dance class has nobody show up. Boo.
@Frank Did you have to dance alone?
The class I'm teaching.
I have an unwise idea...
Q: How can you see the ghosts or invisible people in the shaded woods

SorcyWhen going through the foggy part of the shaded woods you are often attacked by some unseen attacker. I'm assuming ghosts or invisible attackers. Is there any way to make them visible to have a fighting chance?

Q: How do you increase spell use in dark souls 2?

SorcyWhen playing a caster character in Dark Souls 2 most of the spells have a very limited use amount. Is there a way to increase these besides using restorative items like rouge water?

I'm such a bad person
@RedRiderX FIRE! @kalina @RedRiderX started a fire!
@Frank what kind of dance is it?
Welp, time for a death wish
@RedRiderX nethack, or something similar?
Wait a minute, I picked up a thing for this
@MBraedley Brouge with Tiles
I hope this works
Here goes
Does burning do more than 20 damage?
You know, I think this might have been a bad idea
It turns out that explosions do damage as well as fire.
The water is even on fire
What did you dooo
3 mins ago, by RedRiderX
user image
Note to self: throwing an incendiary dart while in a room full of explosive gas doesn't work out how you would expect.
@RedRiderX I think it worked out exactly how you should have expected
@RedRiderX what are you playing?
@Wipqozn pay attention, turtle
@RedRiderX Depends on what you were expecting. If you thought "summon bigger carp" was the result, I think you should go see a neurologist.
@MBraedley Oh, Brouge.
Oh, Chiana, I love you for your childish curiosity, but it's going to get you killed seriously hurt
How long does it take for a potion of descent to work?
What do you think might happen?
@RedRiderX you'll go mad
I'm not sure which would be faster
@MBraedley Hah
Wait really?
@RedRiderX hell if I know
Will just throwing it at my feet be fast enough?
Brogue? Pretty sure it's instant if you use it
@GraceNote O really?
If I'm wrong then you die, that's all.
Stand next to a wall, and throw it against it
too late
At least you had lots of money...
Yeah, that's true
And at least I went out with a bang. Multiple bangs, actually.

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