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Hey man, I think Fallen's been through enough crap lately for it to be entirely fair
Fair 'nuff.
(well, grandmother-in-law, but that's the next best thing when you've no grandparents of your own)
modified the question
Q: Burying the dead

WipqoznOne of my dwarfs recently went mad and starved to death, and his corpse is starting to stink up the place. I read online that corpses are disposed of in the graveyard, however it appears to have been removed in the latest version of Dwarf Fortress, 0.31.25. According to this question and this art...

@Wipqozn Now it sounds like a death metal song.
I could see Dwarfs starting a death metal band.
\m/ >_< \m/
Obviously it will stop the miasma. That's the entire point of a coffin.
@ArdaXi Removed the second part.
finally, stupid Volcanicrab
@Fallen hi-fives
Also, are you getting the secret treasures before you do the bosses?
In other news, I was swimming in Egg Toast.
No, not all of them. My patience only goes so far.
I had spawned maybe 8 pieces of Egg Toast in one set of Air Tornadoes.
I know that in level 3, one of the secret treasures makes the level a heck of a lot easier
I really want to see the story. :<
@Mana A lot of them do. They also save you a pretty penny.
Did Carpe Fulgur have any patches for the game?
Yeah... I bought like all the level 1 equipment before I did the treasures -
Because I'm running into a nasty bug that's kinda in the worst spot imaginable for me right now
Gameplay-wise, EGS is taking the porting opportunity to tweak some stuff, iirc.
What kind of bug?
A "Things kinda lock up sorta when fishing up a specific kind of fish that happens to be one you need a lot of" bug.
Ah ha
I believe that's been mentioned in the thread, one sec, lemme peruse.
@GraceNote Is it in the Emperor-Bug's room for medium-sized fish?
Yes, specifically the Tiger Fugu (or "Pufferfish")
If that's the one, they are aware of it and have passed it along to EGS
Mmkay. Tiger Fugu can be caught in another room, it's just really annoyingly hard.
Hm, Ferromin FX now, eh?
and Big Shield and Popular Charm...
Four monitor power!!!
looks at wallet
looks at treasures still needed
looks at max health
At least you're buying Ferromin
argh I should probably clear the Ignan Ruins of treasure before I move on...
but so much testing T_T
Well, which ones have you gotten so far?
1st 3 in Ignan
Aww. I took screenshots of 2-2, too. But that one is one of the easiest to figure out, so I guess it's a bit too easy.
Is there any way to have vertical camera movement?
@FallenAngelEyes Only by locking onto an enemy at a different height
Yes! 1/32!
That's what I was afraid of :(
only 31 more to catch!
To give up more health or not to give up more health...
I only started giving up health once I got past the 200s
I'm at 148 atm
part of me feels like asking on the site to circumvent health loss is cheating :x
I have a horrible purist complex sometimes :( I very often feel like I need to play a game as the developers intended it to be played
to the point where I have difficulty modding things
@FallenAngelEyes I know just how you feel
Like for Chantelise, one could theoretically Save, go get the hint, then reload your game so you know it without giving up the health
But I don't like taking shortcuts like that unless there's something like a game-breaking bug in the way or something
Oh, wait, I only need 25. That's a bit relieving
This wouldn't be so bad if Pirahnas were worth anything!
oh yeah I can use 3 gems at once now
...*glares at the game* Stupid cryptic hints...
@FallenAngelEyes Bahaha, which one?
2-4, Entrance to the Ruins
well, don't worry, that one's actually not that bad
I am a moron
blah, I should not be trying to do this now
I totally should've been able to find that without having to get a hint. I'm not being properly thorough.
I would recommend getting the hint for 2-5 though
yeah I did
I thought it was going to be kill all the monsters that aren't skeletons without waking any up before I grabbed the hint lol
That was not fun to try and do.
Also, not possible to do.
As I'm moving deeper into the game, I'm finding I have less patience for trying so many things because there's just so many variables :(
yeah, really
I discovered that if an enemy knocks you into lava, you don't take a health hit, but if you jump in of your own volition, it's 3HP damage.
I find it consistently amusing that drowning in lava, water, or endless void results in only 3HP of damage
Gah I dunno what to do! Go into Aquan Ruins or finish off Ignan's treasures...
@Mana You should fish in it
@GraceNote i do all my best fishing in the endless void
(i don't know what game we're talking about but the truth still holds)
@AbbyTMillerΨ The game we're talking about is the only game I can triumphantly claim that I can use my (self-proclaimed) sexy older sister as bait to catch octopi in lava.
@GraceNote what is it i need to play it immediately
@GraceNote i used to be a champ at throwing my sexy older sister into lava to catch octopi but then we moved away from a volcano and they passed a law with my name on it :(
@AbbyTMillerΨ It's a game called Chantelise. You can get it off of Steam or Gamers Gate
@AbbyTMillerΨ Haha
13/25. Suddenly I got very lucky.
...*muttergrumble*stupid hints*grumblemutter*
(The sexy older sister isn't actually sexy @Abby)
@Mana Really depends on who your audience is
@Fallen No way, according to my egotistical view of life, I am always the audience.
@Mana So you're telling us you don't have a fairy or size fetish then I guess!
@Fallen ...is...is that a bad thing? scratches neck
THERE! 26/25. Now I'll never need to catch another Tiger Fugu
I'm trying to sort my Steam games into categories by genre and I somehow have 62 games that I can't decide where to put :(
Q: Can you help figuring out the name of this old-game?

emagutThe game is a classic point and click game from the 90's where you are a human look a like duck and it has some adult content like finding the best way to kill two cute baby squirrels and try to flirt with your receptionist..i don't remember much more but i do remember that you had to choose betw...

Yay! Paralysis Crystal in possession!
chyea bro, hi-five
@Mana DANG
I know, right? Total disappointment. I was expecting A Tale of Two Buxom Sisters
instead I got A Tale of Two Sisters. What's with that?
what is life without buxomness?
terrible, that's what.
Q: What are the different endings available in Batman: Arkham Asylum

splattered bitsI played through Batman: Arkham Asylum a couple times, and remember getting two different endings: one where Killer Croc's hand shoots from the surface of Gotham Bay, and the other where its Bane's hand. What are the different endings available? What do or don't do you do to get each endi...

Hate. Sea. Cucumber.
Which one's that again?
@Mana Tiny small black slug-like thing.
Specifically, the easiest to catch because the gauge moves slower than a snail. Which consequently makes it the worst thing to catch whenever you're trying to catch something else.
And Chante's fine with fishing for that thing?
She questions its edibility
I mean, having a tiny, small, black slug-like thing...latching on to her and uh...
It just sounds kind of indecent!
If it's not a sea cucumber, it's a Fire Sea Cucumber
this game is ridiculous
Q: How to clear the stage selection area on Crayon Physics Deluxe?

WesleiI bought this game on HumbleBundle and I let my eight years old neice to play it for a while. However, she drew many ugly looking stuff on the stage selection area (inside the first island). I tried to clear it with the right mouse button, but it deleted the drawing that came with the game too ...

So I'm waiting for my new cool domain name to be registered.
It's the coolest domain name ever. It's going to revolutionize everything.
Are you guys ready to hear this?!?
brb, rebooting into Windoze to play with chandeliers
I don't know which is worse, that I'm able to find trash in the lava, or that I keep finding trash in the lava.
Lava does seem like a good place to put things you no longer want.
@TimStone See: Minecraft!
Headed to bed. G'nite all~
nini @Grace
@FallenAngelEyes There is an absolutely horrible anime scene that I associate with the word nini. This has nothing to do with anything.
I and a lot of others I know just use it as a sort of shorthand term for "nitenite"
For those who are interested, the Desktop Dungeons online beta is open now. (You have to have pre-ordered the full version to get access to the beta, though.) Looks pretty cool, wish I had more time tonight to play it. (I'm GMT -4, so it's pretty late here.)
I've never played any Desktop Dungeons
@Dave Thanks for the heads up, bro!
@Fallen It's great fun.
How much is it? Or is it free or...?
So like, there's a free version, and now they're making an expanded version you can buy
there's already a lot of content in the free version though
I remember there being a wave of questions about it
Q: What are the elemental weaknesses?

ManaPretty straightforward question here. Which elements are super-effective against which other elements?

perhaps I shall check out Desktop Dungeons, hrm
@Mana so from what I glean from the download page, the free version's no longer going to be updated?
That's too bad. Still, it's a very solid package.
desktopdungeons.net/?page_id=11 That's what it sounds like I think
From what I remember it's not that buggy at all
1 hour later…
welp got to level 7 before my first death
hooray, beat a... Super Meat Boy clone...
Q: Darksiders | XBox 360 storage devce issue

MMRUserI'm in to Darksiders for Xbox 360 recently.Playing it for sometime now and noticed that when I starts the game in the main menu where it says "Press Start" always trigger me to select a Storage device. Why it always asks? is there a problem in my system? or is it just normal.I never had this expe...

@badp I just saw that blog post you made.
> Most primary gun alternatives aren’t worth it; you shouldn’t be using them anyway.
If I'm ever in a tight spot as a Medic, the Blutsauger has more than once saved my life.
@ArdaXi except you're basically not regenerating health anymore
If I need to save my own life, I'll just use the quick fix uber
from 1 to 140 in a little over one second
Desktop Dungeons is neat
and time to try to sleep, night all
@badp That depends. If you're not hitting anyone with it, you're not regenerating health.
@ArdaXi That's most of the time.
@badp That's most of the time when you shouldn't have it out.
The Medic's primary is used when you have no other option, like when you're cornered.
@ArdaXi When you're not wielding it you're still not regenerating health
@badp CNR.
AFAIK it's a on wearer attribute
> -2 health drained per second on wearer
Exactly. Just like the GRU.
That one says.
> -6 health drained per second on wearer
So it's a fair bet it's only on wield.
1 hour later…
Q: Should I play Saints Row before Saints Row 2?

DzinXShould I play "Saints Row" before playing "Saints Row 2"? Is the story there a continuation of the first game? Will I feel lost if I start with SR2?

Q: What is station turnaround time?

jznIn railroad tycoon 2, certain buildings and managers allow decreased "turnaround time" for your stations. Ive never quite understood it. Do your cargo generating buildings churn out cargo that much faster? Do your trains load and unload faster? Does it increase the rate that demand builds ...

@Mana I lol'd
@Lazers I think I'll spare this one for a day and let someone else get the jump on it.
XD I've found a blog about league of legends called : surrender at 20 :P
Oh good, Diablo 3 will still have an auction which uses in-game currency. I was concerned they would just have the real money one.
> 5 *15 = 8 - 19h ago by @Powerlord
I feel the urge to change that to "5 *15 = 75"
@ArdaXi I'm trying this on tr_walkway
Changing weapons doesn't change the heal rate
@Mvy 5 * 15 = 75.
Well I agree with this.
But WTF is the quote?
@Mvy *15 = 8
Is it just a mistake? or is there a joke behind this?
I'm not pleased at all. My laptop's started overheating even when upside down
This has to be a feat
Am I the only one that doesn't consider this posters program to be impressive for someone who has only been programming for a month?
Quite a few people seem to think it is, and I'm rather shocked. It sounds like all he did was make one giant if statement.
That's the kind of program I would think most programmers could do in their first week.
Oh, I thought what he actually did was take the ASCII value (char vs int is likely explained early on) and use that
and the dad was expecting, like, some ERP connector between MySQL and SAP
or a Facebook killer
That would be impressive for someone only programming for a month, but he said "assigns values to each letter" which sounds like he just used an if statement.
I know someone linked to this, so maybe everyone just has really low standards. Then again maybe everyone just thought the same thing you did, and used the ASCII values.
@Wipqozn I loved the comments with people showing off their fizzbuzz.
@badp Yeah me too lol. I can't fault them though. Whenever someone talks about a program my mind always jumps to what the solution would be.
Us programmers are funny like that.
When I first read the article by Jeff I was shocked. Then I stopped to think for a minute and I realized something: most of my fellow comp-sci students are terrible programmers. I don't mean that they don't know all the ins and outs, because that's to be expected. I mean they struggle with basic logic problems after having been coding for a year, similar in difficulty level as the problems cited by Jeff.
I dunno, I for one can get confused easily by stuff like linked list reversing algorithms, and play games like Cogs quasirandomly
I haven't concerned myself because on the former, it's standard stuff I don't have to invent myself, and on the latter, eh, I just haven't spent enough time to grok sliding puzzle and how to handle situations where you're almost there but there's like just one piece out of place (grrr)
I guess I should be a little concerned though?
I'm not talking about something like linked lists. I mean something even more basic.
Actually upon reflection I should have rephrased what I said. Programs which would be considered as basic for someone programming for a year, as programs that would be considered as basic for someone programming four four years.
The wording could be improved, but I hope I got my point across.
I hate it so much when I put off the DR by accident
Yeah that can be annoying.
Also, good get. brb.
Hi guys
This can't be
I'm playing with my laptop upside down
in a eye-strainingly fucking small window
with external mice, keyboard and monitors
and all of a sudden it can't hold five minutes of TF2 without giving up to overheating?
This is so ridicolous
This has to be a fucking joke
Have you tried cleaning out the dust? Laptops are kinda hard to take apart but I found a good chunk of dust that was making mine overheat a lot
Yeah, I think I should do that as well, but I'm so scared of not being able to put it back together
This stuff is made so that if you screw back too loose it won't work and if you screw back too tight it also won't work
and if it does work then it's shoddy or something; I just don't trust myself enough
yeah, I'd recommend taking it somewhere, but they'll probably charge you half the price of getting a new laptop, so I'm not sure i'd be worth it
Nevermind I count one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ways for heat to flow out of this
Other than that, a cooling pad might help
@Davy8 This is why you should strive to get cool warranties with free repair deals
@GraceNote I used it. Once. To replace my keyboard. Absolutely free. Only took a few days. They reinstalled Vista. Now it's expired.
@badp Oh, I remember that day
@GraceNote I would if I bought expensive laptops, but paying like $100 for a warrantee on a <$1000 laptop isn't really worth it in my book
When I had mine for my previous laptop I used it... maybe 10 times. The only thing I never replaced was the harddrive.
since problems don't tend to happen until after it expires
Somehow Windows thinks my laptop deserves a reliability index of about 4
@badp how long have you had the laptop?
A little over two years.
Dunno how much exactly
Got it a few months before the Windows 7 release
So let's eyeball 2¼ years? Roughly?
so not that long really
Although long enough for some game breaking hardware issue to arise.
DOn't you just love computers?
I'd love to say this would be my last laptop
but starting on the 22nd I'll be in Amsterdam for 5-6 months
My heavens. Why are you going there? School?
Let's see if keeping the laptop half open rather than closed while upside down makes it easier for heat to go through the keyboard.
Sounds like you might need a new laptop :/
Could look at getting one of these amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=2243862011
Without taking it apart I think that might be the best you can do short of getting a new one
@Davy8 This, actually.
MIne as well invest the $30 into the cooling pad.
Even if it doesn't solve the problem it's not like you won't get any use out of it; you can just hook it up to the new one.
I crashed in the meantime
I think it might not be heating though
Just a general hardware failure?
Sure, the video card side of the laptop's hot, but when the laptop shuts off due to heating then it refuses to reboot for a while
I now think the fault lies with the power system
I plugged in my heavily worn, mostly useless battery
let's see if it makes a difference
starting now
I'm developing great skills in putting off the DR right as I start getting damage
You should probably start a class or something.
Right Click and You: How to Fuck Up Royally With The Dead Ringer.
General strategy. Accidental activation. Accidental deactivation. Accidental activation and deactivation. Getting killed at 99% cloak. Decloaking while on fire. The French Double Fail (backstabbing with the dead ringer on, pulling it off then getting shotgunned). Extra topics: Disguise during cloaking, and lack thereof. Accidental backpack opening. Sap backstabbing. Humiliation domination (receiving).
All proceeds go towards the charity of getting badp a new laptop
Yeah, either plugging in the battery OR opening up a few extra windows made a huge difference
I'm still up and failing
Man, torrent traffic seems to be blocked by my university :(
oh god, today everybody seems 1324912094123× times more paranoid about spies, and it's working
@Mvy yes, but I hoped
@badp are you shouting random number?
@Mvy that seems pretty accurate for me for all practical purposes
hm I see. 5*15 = 8. Got it.
Hooray, the beta for the greatest RPG of the decade has officially begun!
No, not THAT beta. This one: desktopdungeons.net
> Just so we're clear, when you're bored on a plane, and you have your laptop, and you want to play the game you bought in order to fight boredom, Blizzard's official recommendation is that you play someone else's game. That's pride, right there.
Ironically, Diablo 3 isn't a port...
@badp I've noticed that too. People seem to spend more time shooting their allies until they would have died if they were a spy then actually going after an objective.
@Powerlord Great. Wonderful to see yet another one of those persistent connection things. Even Single Player, assumedly, which is aggravating.
Ooh, another great quote, this time in the comments.
> DRM is is a cause of piracy, not a solution.
(and yes. they said is twice)
I'd love to star that, but that double "is" kills it, I'm sorry
You can edit it away ;)
DRM is a cause of piracy, not a solution.
@Oak It's a comment on a blog post, I can't edit it! Then that'd be misquoting
How about them $sportsteam?
And I can't star @badp because he be plagiarismigating.
@GraceNote What? I agree with that.
@badp I needed an excuse to not star you, so I just used a fake word that looks like a real word.
And I really dislike the auction house fragmentation. Ultimately there will be some gold <-> $ conversion ratio, so those two AHs are trading with what is effectively the same currency
But if I find some neat item, where would I publish it?
And @Mana dropped from heaven, Hi!
holds arms out, evangelical music Morning, children.
G'mornin', @Mana!
@Oak I don't think so
I wonder what's the median/average age on gaming
@Oak There might be a $ → gold conversion system, sure
@badp could you explain some more?
@Oak There are some rough demographics here: quantcast.com/gaming.stackexchange.com
but I just can't see you being able to turn ingame money to real money
@badp so wouldn't that effectively mean they use the same currency, more or less?
@Oak yes, it would, I was looking at the "<->" bit
@badp if I buy a great item from the gold AH by spending 1M gold and then sell the same item on the currency AH for 1$, I just effectively converted 1M gold to 1$.
@Oak Yes, but that's not a "Press button, get bacon" kind of system
@badp no, but I think it's close enough, so over a lot of transactions some average conversion ratio will surface, until people know that 1$ is roughly 1M gold
Did someone say... giggles ?!?!?
Of course, I'm just speculating
But that's my feeling
insert coin
Also, while I was reading the article @Powerlord has quoted I couldn't help but think about Chantelise
Yes, you, Chantelise
What were you thinking? Keyboard based camera management? Really?
It's an Ocarina of Time clone, including the controls
Nevermind the fact that it's a PC rather than N64 :)
Indeed the article is titled "Ars Guide: How to ruin your PC port in five easy steps"
It's a game-pad geared game. You don't usually translate that to a mouse/keyboard, but you give the keyboard all the functionality.
(Also, in case you were unaware, @badp, use A and S to turn the camera)
I think we have read the same one @badp :P
@GraceNote Yeah, I've rebound the keys and everything to WASD + QE
One of the worst ports I ever played control-wise is Final Fantasy XI
Made worse in that it's an MMO.
but... I have a fucking mouse right here
I gave the demo a go and was appalled
(From FFXI) Separate controls for movements and choosing menu items, and you can't use the mouse to choose menu items?
left click attack, right click magic, both clicks dash (when you're lucky), turn with the mouse. How hard can it be?
@badp Designed with a different aesthetic. It'd be an entirely different control scheme.
Then make it so I don't ever need to adjust the camera direction or something manually, dammit :)
@GraceNote I agree that converting such a game to WASD+mouse-aiming requires some tweaks, such as adding strafing animations and (perhaps) removing the target-lock mechanism. But these are precisely the tweaks a good port should do!
@Oak Actually the game can do strafing already (just move left/right without turning)
Oh right, it has target lock so it must have strafing
but you get my point
@Oak It's not a port, though.
That doesn't help ♫
@GraceNote sure feels like one. It feels exactly like running OoT in an N64 emulator :\
It's closer to Ys, as it were.
I understand the control scheme wants to be closer to the japanesey (?) Z to shoot, X to special shoot, arrows to move
@badp That's just a traditional "Gamepad" arrangement
(actually I think the original control scheme was Z to shoot, X to camera center and C to magic)
Z is slash, X is jump, C is magic, V is lockon, A/S is move camera.
oh, right. Jump, not camera.
I changed it to WASD + QE camera + Space jump + C for lock on + Z to fire + X to magic
That seems pretty busy for one hand
although I need to tweak it, because slashjumping becomes incredibly hard
and you need it in the third stage for those hard hitting flying cyclop bats.
perhaps make it... WASD + Space + F lock on + mouse :/
you're really hung up on that

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