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@Mana I know what you need to fix that... .
Good morning badp.
I state this it is morning to assert my timezone's dominance over your timezone.
@Mana Your assertion is false. Your execution is terminated.
Let me reboot you maaaaaaaaan.
@Mana: Did you hear that? You're no longer going to be executed! :D
I know, that's why I thanked him!
TZ=CET maaaaaaaaaaaana.man
Q: Idenity, Game was out around the same time as Hexen

JamesI remember it had a singleplayer and a multiplayer components. There were weapons, i remember a baseball bat that had a special attack that launched baseballs. There were power-ups that gave you powers like god mode (shot energy balls that fried opponents) or dog-mode (you turned into a dog and...

@Powerlord Reboot is termination, followed by execution.
posted on August 01, 2011 by Ronan Forman

Recently the 3rd Humble Bundle was released. It’s a set of 5 games which would normally be worth $50 but can now be bought for what ever price you chose! But don’t pay less than a dollar or the developers involved don’t get a cent! Crayon Physics Deluxe A great casual game to waste your [...]

Just saying.
@RonanForman As long as you pay $0.05 and give everything to the developers, the developers do get a cent each.
@badp Reboot is termination, then killing anything that failed to be terminated, then execution.
@ArdaXi Does paypal not take stuff?
@RonanForman If you use PayPal, I suppose they get a cut. I thought it was like $0.25 + 3.4%
@StackExchange 3 games I have, 2 that I'm not interested in... let me think about this for a minute...
> There aren’t any full games in it, just some mini-games and time wasters to play
1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 USD
@badp And which game do you reckon challenges that assertion?
Pretty much every single one of them?
@badp Okay, let's run them one by one.
VVVVV is a Flash game. It's even up on Kongregate.
VVVVVV is not a game inside something else that is different from it and thus not a mini-game, but a game proper.
CPD is basically a sandbox game with some objectives.
CPD is not a game inside something else that is different from it and thus not a mini-game, but a game proper.
@badp I resent the usage of the term mini-game, yes.
I do agree with 'time-waster'.
What game isn't a time waster?
Then again, mini-game has multiple meanings.
A game inside something else that is different from it is one.
@badp The ones you get paid or graded to play
@GraceNote That's 99.999999999999% of them, then. ;)
Just because it isn't a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA++++++++++++++++ production it doesn't mean it's not a game.
Just because it isn't written in Assembly it doesn't mean it's not a game.
Likewise, if you make it a productive use of your time, then it isn't a time waster.
@badp No. The fact they all have player retention of roughly 5 minutes does.
On average, I mean.
I reject your average and replace it with my own.
Every single one of these games I've played, and I'm not the only one to say this
The gameplay mechanic is introduced in the first level, and the rest of the game is just more of the same.
Sounds like Tetris or Puyo Puyo
I've played VVVVVV and Cogs enough to know that's not true
Dunno about the rest
@badp I've finished Cogs. Only played a few levels of VVVVV before I got bored of it all being the same.
Or, say, Devil May Cry 3.
Fall, fall, fall, try to mash buttons to avoid obstacle, flip, fall, fall, fall.
I mean, what about portal? Yeah, on level 1 you see you can go through the blue stuff and end out of the yellow stuff.
And it's twenty levels of that.
@badp Nope.
There's the cubes, the combine balls, buttons, turrets.
And that's just Portal 1.
Plus it has a story.
Oh, so the bells, the pipes or the gravity flipping lines, the missions and the wrapping don't count but the cubes, the turrets and the buttons do?
How interesting
@badp What, you have to play for 5 hours until you reach that or something?
No, in cogs that's like the 3rd or 4th level and the other is in the second level of the VVVVVV demo
Whee, badp and Arda fight! I haven't seen one of these in a while
@badp I was talking about VVVVV at the moment.
I've seen the bells and the pipes. They're the gameplay mechanic I'm talking about.
I see you keep selecting out information that doesn't contribute to your point
@badp Not really.
I did answer your Cogs bit too.
@Mana Hey, if you're making some popcorn, could you make me some, too?
By Cogs' 3rd or 4th level you've basically seen all there is to it.
@Powerlord That does sound delicious right about now
Yeah, so feel free to focus on the other half of that sentence before ignoring it saying you were talking about its topic.
Everything beyond that might as well be procedurally generated.
@badp They're two completely different subjects, I'll have to focus on them separately.
Right; I don't have the time for prolonged discussion however right now. BBL
grabs his share of popcorn
That was...abrupt.
@Mana Usually is.
@Mana: Yeah, we didn't even get that far into the popcorn.
Now we have to go watch a DVD or something while we finish off the rest of it.
Oh man, Gaming Movie Night?!
Oh yeah, anyone remember me talking about me Wii controller problem yesterday? It isn't the controller. The other controller + nunchuk was doing the same thing after about 2 hours.
Oh no. :(
@Powerlord So it's the sensor bar?
So, next I need to replace the rechargable batteries with regular AA batteries and hope it's just the batteries being flaky (I used the same ones in the other controller).
grabs bowl of popcorn and cloaks
Sign up to the Keyboard fanlist!! XD
@GraceNote Nope, because it affects the A, B, C, and Z buttons as well.
(haven't tried 1, 2, -, and +)
What's the problem again with the controllers? Is it like a delay, or mismapped inputs, or...?
@Mana Pressing a button being recorded as holding down the button, if my memory is good
Oh, right
Not just that, but it ignores it sometimes when I press a button.
Essentially, input lag.
Weird, yo.
Well, what's really amusing is that the pointer starts jumping, too.
Basically you're losing packets. Look for sources of interference.
DECT phones, micro-waves?
I'm not sure what could interfere with Bluetooth (I guess it's bluetooth right?) except more bluetooth, but I haven't really researched this
@badp Anything can interfere with anything, it's just stronger if it's the same frequency.
Bluetooth uses 2.4 GHz, same as Wi-Fi.
Electromagnetic interference at 2.4 GHz can affect various devices. This article details the different users of the 2.4 GHz band, how they cause interference to other users and how they are prone to interference from other users. Phone Many cordless telephones and baby monitors in the United States and Canada use the 2.4 GHz frequency, the same frequency at which Wi-Fi standards 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n operate. This can cause a significant decrease in speed, or sometimes the total blocking of the Wi-Fi signal when a conversation on the phone takes place. There are several ways to ...
There's an entire Wikipedia article about it.
Well, the thing is, I'd never had this problem before. And this is with the Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360 sitting right next to each other with the Wireless router a room or so away.
I suppose I could disable my laptop's WiFi (because I have it connected to the wired network now) and see if the problem persists.
Still, the laptop was on before I turned on the Wii, so I'm not sure why it'd be fine for the first hour or two.
Oh yeah, I need to pick up an eSATA cable before my new computer arrives.
No sense running my external drive off of USB or FireWire if the computer and drive both support eSATA.
@Powerlord So long as you don't need hot-swapping of course.
Nice. Only my laptop supports it, and I use the eSATA port as a USB ;)
@ArdaXi Not normally, no.
The only reason I'm hot swapping it now is I ran out of USB ports on my laptop.
@Powerlord With eSATA, you need to plug the drive in before you boot, and if you remove it while it's running, it's not going to be happy.
So, if I need to plug in my Flash Drive, I tell the system to shut down the external HDD, then swap it for the flash drive (and vice versa when I'm done)
Oh, and to clarify, this drive is usually not connected to the laptop ever, it only is now because my desktop is pretty much dead.
Except an eSATA port doesn't recognise a drive that's plugged in while the system's running.
Should I edit the blog post to say something like "The game aren't exactly long, the longest took me 2 1/2 hours to finish, so if your looking for something to fill you summer, this isn't where you'll find it"
@Grace Guess who just asked another Chantelise question...:(
@RonanForman Not sure, but you should definitely mention somewhere.
Q: Where do I find the fishing rod?

ManaYesterday, I learned of the existence of the fishing minigame in Chantelise. However, I'm fighting the last boss already and haven't heard anything about fishing yet. Googling this, I determined that I need to obtain the fishing rod item to be able to fish...however, it's not mentioned anywhere h...

@Mana Checked the shops? :D
@Powerlord Is it okay if it's in code?
...really? I did, but I didn't see anything in there.
Unless I'm blind. It's possible.
@Mana I'm not saying that's where it is, it's just the place I'd check.
I'm not very far in the game... I was just playing it while waiting for my rechargeable batteries for the Wii to charge.
Strange thing: I prefer playing PC games on my desktop that actually runs things at faster than 10 fps.
@badp: That reminds me, you use a TF2 high fps config? Which one?
I still need to try out some new HUD for TF2. I've been looking at videos and I rather like... something different.
@Mana Done
Q: What are the lyrics to Droopy Likes Your Face?

KeaanuI recently bought the Minecraft soundtrack, and can't make out the lyrics to track 24 - Droopy Likes Your Face. There's clearly a voice track in the background, though I can't tell if it's English, another language, or just random noise. Can anyone make out the lyrics, or have a source citing t...

Q: Where do I find the fishing rod?

ManaYesterday, I learned of the fishing minigame in Chantelise. However, I'm fighting the last boss already and haven't heard anything about fishing yet. Googling this, I determined that I need to get the fishing rod item to be able to fish...however, it's not mentioned anywhere how to obtain this fi...

Basically, I try to play TF2 in dxlevel 8.1 at 1280x768 with everything set as low as it can be set in the game options, and it's still not enough to raise my framerate to acceptable levels.
@Grace Thanks!
@Powerlord maxframes or whatever it's called
The only change I've made is:
I'm only starring that so I can find it after work. ;)
glow_outline_effect_enable "1"
It was funny yesterday... I was playing on a 32-player Payload server (was on pl_badwater). On offense, I was one of maybe 2 engineers. On defense, I was one of 5 engineers.
I decided to keep minisentries on defense.
I think I scored more points using minis than most of the other engys did. :D
I'm actually surprised that with 5 Engys, they managed to cap the first 3 points. We nearly stopped them on point 2, but they managed to push through.
I was smart and set my exit between points 2 and 3, so as soon as it looked like they'd get 2, I built the entrance.
I think another engy pulled his level 3 through it, and we slowed them down another two minutes there because of it.
(I also got to punch a soldier to death who didn't notice the teleporter)
Time to figure out if SMB is right.
It was fun at point 2. I'd place a mini, pick it up, then run around the corner, just on top of the wall, drop the sentry, then jump off the wall back the way I came from.
Does anyone actually use soldier?
@Mana In TF2? Yes. It's like THE primary distance damage class.
I always hear engie, spy, scout, pyro, heavy, medic
@Mana 'use'?
Being the standard class, a lot of people already play it.
That's because it's boring, so only boring people play it. The Bridge is just full of super interesting people.
The soldier has laserguns! How can you not play him?
Also, Valve just gave Soldier like 15* new weapons in the last month.
I want to kill whomever thought up these shrinkwrap packaging for electronics.
*15 = 8
@Powerlord Of course. Everyone knows that.
@ArdaXi Those things are annoying. :/
@ArdaXi They really are an evil genius, whoever they are.
Posted by Korneel Bouman on August 1st, 2011

Among other things, we sell job listings through our Careers 2.0 service, and we thought it might be helpful to determine some of the factors that impact the success of a listing. So we crunched through 6 months of data and these are some of the things we found.

[Note: This post is perhaps primarily geared towards companies that list with us, but we would love to get some feedback from the community on this: Do you agree? Did we miss any particular points? What is important to you when evaluating jobs? Please go ahead and comment away.] …

Wikipedia doesn't list the creator, so it would appear that is knowledge which shall be forever lost in time.
@Wipqozn It was invented by... thinks of a sufficiently bad person... Hitler.
@Powerlord You're probably right.
My brother just tied his demo's destruction record using the 1001 demoknights kit
@Powerlord Or maybe... it was you all along!
@RonanForman When I first read that, I misread it as "My brother just died"
Well he must of to get that message
Oh yeah, I forgot to check on SPUF if you can apply the 1.1 update to Evil Genius.
I remember @FallenAngelEyes wanted to know that, too.
@Powerlord Oh wow. Didn't realize Evil Genius has such good music.
@Wipqozn The game only has like 7 songs total, 4 of which are in menus.
I suppose when you have 7 songs, you make them good songs.
Maybe it's 8 songs. I forget.
Super Meat Boy is a million times better with a gamepad.
Q: GBA emulators for lion?

Matt BettinsonAre there any GBA emulators for OSX lion that I can download for free? I've tried all the others, but they have to be played on a power pc. I have a MacBook pro.

It's a lot lower-res though, suddenly.
Q: When is it OK to start talking about new games?

bwarnerSo while I anticipated some push back surrounding What new systems exist in Diablo 3?, I was surprised that the push back seemed to be about the timing rather than the fact that is was a "list" question. So I'm curious to get people's thoughts on this policy. At what point is it OK to start ask...

I wish spies were like that little bit faster
like 105%
but then again that's only when I do play spy
@badp That would be a game-breaking change.
like UUURGH I have this pyro dominating me just outside knife range
@badp Been there, done that. :/
What I really hate is when I'm within knife range of a medic, but my DR is out, and since Medics move faster than Spies, by the time I put it away, they're ahead of me.
You know, I think I actually do worse with the DR than the other cloaking devices, but I still like the DR because it requires a more aggressive playstyle.
I can also live really long lives with it, provided my timing doesn't stink.
DR fits my playstyle really well
Running around aimlessly?
I will say this, the C&D is WAY more useful when Alltalk is off.
Probably why I rarely use it on OCR servers.
Q: Repopulating Multiplayer in Red Dead Redemption

DavidGroveFairly new (And late) to Red Dead Redemption. When entering Multiplayer (Xbox360), there are times when there are 15 other players online in my session. Some formed up in Posses, some not. If I just go off and try to complete a Gang Hideout (or several) on my own, it seems that the number of peo...

@ArdaXi No, playing aggressively and failing often
@badp Potato potato.
when written in text, that just looks like 'potato' pronounced correctly, twice
@Jez That's the joke.
Wow, now I know why Portal 2 had no quick-reflex puzzles.
Well, the first part of my computer order has been processed.
It's in phase 1 stress testing now.
Also, why the f do other state departments think they need to mass mail all state employees? I don't care if DNR has a new place to buy hunting and fishing licenses. This is stuff that the local news should cover, not a state-wide employee broadcast.
Is it just me, or have we had a lot of new users come through the site over the past few days?
@badp, @Powerlord - I agree - Viva la Dead Ringer!
When did they start limiting how much people you could mention?
How many people you could mention? No clue.
@RavenDreamer Right.
Diablo III is going to have a real-life money version of the Auction House‽
New TF2 update coming this afternoon.
Of what‽
> We will release an optional update this afternoon. It will fix the crash bug caused by the Righteous Bison. It will also throttle the diagnostic spew about invalid positions / angles. We'll look at the specific types of entities causing the check to trigger and fix them to avoid it. The spew is alerting us to entities with suspicious positions / orientations, and helped us identify the crash.
This may only be Linux server related, since it's from the Linux server mailing list... not sure.
I think I'm just going to start dropping interrobangs into everyday conversations.
@RavenDreamer WHAT‽
@Powerlord This is like the fifth fix for the victory pack?
@Powerlord - I think you mean "WHAT‽"
@badp Something like that.
Great. Your ninja edit makes me look redundant.
I can't even see the inverted version: ⸘
I can.
I cannot either.
And suddenly "cannot" suddenly doesn't look like a word to me.
This computer is still WinXP, though... without international support stuff installed.
I saw this image on a message board and lolled
user image
New business plan: Create the Diablo section of the Wall Street Journal. Track exchange rates, prices for various commodities, trends in item prices, etc
Nice plan
New wide-area wireless standard was announced... IEEE 802.22
IEEE 802.22 is a standard for Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) using white spaces in the TV frequency spectrum. The development of the IEEE 802.22 WRAN standard is aimed at using cognitive radio (CR) techniques to allow sharing of geographically unused spectrum allocated to the Television Broadcast Service, on a non-interfering basis, to bring broadband access to hard-to-reach, low population density areas, typical of rural environments, and is therefore timely and has the potential for a wide applicability worldwide. It is the first worldwide effort to define a standardized air inter...
It sounds like, in the US at least, it uses the now-abandoned analog TV spectrum.
> So if I pick one up at Best Buy should I change the password and enable WPA? Or allow my neighbors in a 12,000 sq mile radius to share my connection? I like sharing, it seems neighborly.
I didn't know Best Buy sold carrier grade equipment
@badp They don't, it was a joke.
So I had 22 reddit karma
I linked to my blog post about the items
get 8 upvotes and get 8 downvotes ( :( )
...and my karma is now 26.
I can do maths me!
Where are the stack exchange minecraft servers hosted?
The ip's in the minecraft talk room but you'd have to ask @Thomas for the host
will do
Q: In which language was X3tC originally designed?

Tobias KienzlerSince egosoft is a German developer, I wonder if X3TC was developed for German or English play originally? I'm asking because basically I want to know which language I should pick with German being my mother language while I prefer original language versions, but that's probably too subjective...

Q: How can I get past corruption?

bwarnerI have a golden pickaxe and mostly complete golden armor. I also have an enchanted boomerang. I'd like to go find the dungeon, but while I can make short work of most individual monsters, I can't get past the swarms of monsters that descend on me whenever I reach the corruption that exists on e...

@badp So, erm, not sure if you're still interested, but SMB is definitely much easier with a gamepad.
All Humble Indie Bundle #3 customers get a free copy of Steel Storm: Burning Retribution! http://t.co/NcNDZka
@ArdaXi 'kay, do you actually need to be able to fling yourself in arbitrary directions?
@badp Hmm?
It still only works in four directions really.
It's just that, the whole game plays better with a gamepad.
The whole reflex-movement type thing is much easier.
Figures, hitting reload on the error page just reloads the error page not reconnects to chat.
Going to reboot my linux server to an updated kernel.
@Powerlord SE doesn't understand that server error is 5xx, not 3xx.
I swear, Ubuntu releases a new kernel at least once a week.
@ArdaXi Apparently not.
Someone pointed out to me earlier that the 12,000 square miles thing earlier isn't as impressive as it sounds.
Since that would mean a base station only has a 62 mile radius
Q: Help IDentify This Game

JosephOkay so this game is defiantly from 96 back - it was a rpg type game kind of like diablo - all i can remember is being able to summon creatures. it looks kind of medieval and i think it had a few classes - it might of even been like Dark stone it wasn't necessarily a dungeon crawlers it was more ...

OK, wtf, why is my server responding to ping on its primary IP, but SSH isn't up, nor is it listening for connections on its other 4 IPs.
This is what I hate about administrating remote servers.
I can't see what the server is actually doing.
@Powerlord This is what I like about VPSs.
Even if SSH goes down, I get virtual KVM.
@ArdaXi Yes, that'd be nice.
Machine is responding now
Wow, there is a storm raging here, and the windows in 75% of the offices are leaking profusely...
@sjohnston You should patch up your memory, then.
Sounds like somethings wrong if that many are leaking. Bad cocking job? :P
Caulking, I think, you'd want to say
+1 for sexually explicit homonym confusion.
And yeah, the windows were replaced less than a year ago, so I'm guessing that was not done very well.
@Powerlord 62 miles' radius is not impressive?
@badp Well, yeah, but 12,000 square miles sounds way more impressive.
@GraceNote Ah thanks, wasn't sure how it was spelt.
62 miles being approximately 100km.
Oh, and that's just the radius, so double it for the diameter.
Perhaps 100km is a bit too wide, actually.
> the approximate maximum bit rate is 19 Mbit/s at a 30 km distance
Consider that 512 kbit/s is barely enough to stream YouTube at 240p
And it's 1/38th of your available bandwidth.
I hope you have more than 38 customers in a 30km radius...
Hey Arda.
You work with C at all?
Really gaming? Are we so uninteresting that we've taken to starring LoLCats?
Harsh words.
@Mana I have. Not a lot, though.
@Mana what's up? I program. C's not my strong suit, but I can give you my best effort.
I got the "kill three snipers in a life" achievement
on the same sniper
<3 dead ringer
Oh, no, I was more just curious.
Right now I'm just looking at how the C compiler translates C code into asm
That's funny. My eyes saw "Arda" and read that as "Powerlord".
@Mana I'm being forced to deal with C++ for SourceMod extension development. Does that count?
Hey guys, how is Dungeons of Dredmor? I saw Drake was asking a lot of questions about it.
@Fallen I was meaning to ask the same thing
Drake asks a lot of questions. Peroid.
It's pretty cheap on Steam :o
True enough
@Mana I've programmed in both, but I wouldn't know how a compiler works to be honest.
How do you clear Steam Cloud data?
@ArdaXi I'm... not sure if you can. You can overwrite, but I'm not sure about clear entirely.
@RavenDreamer Sound slike the US patriot act.
People don't need to actually be terrorists, we just need to say they might be.
Yay. My computer shipped a few hours ago, \o/
websites don't need to be engaging in illegal activity, we just need to say they might be.
So, Diablo 3 requires a constant Internet connection.
Did Activision Blizzard join Ubisoft when I wasn't looking?
Yeah, not thrilled about that either
3 concurrent dominations might be my record
@badp As which class?
Any. I got it as engie tho
Nope. I appear to have dominated 4 people in a single life as a Heavy
wtf, I suck at heavy.
It's like my second least played class with a mere 7 hours.
@Powerlord That's annoying.
I understand why companies do things like that, to stop piracy, but doing something which also punishes people who paid for the game isn't the way to go about it.
Essentially, your Diablo 3 characters are saved on the Battle.Net servers. Even for single player games.
@Powerlord That brings the game from 'meh' to 'blech' for me
And people used to mod characters and stuff for D2 a lot and that's not going to be allowed for D3
@FallenAngelEyes Of course not. Then you wouldn't have to buy equipment from the real money auction house.
It's like the whole banning people in SC2 for modding/cheating at their single player games
Ok, for MP, that's completely understandable
but your single player experience doesn't impact anyone else negatively
@ArdaXi: See? There is a company that cares about their achievement system and cheaters who unlock them that way.
Well, OK, Microsoft does too on the Xbox 360, as if they catch you cheating on achievements, they'll reset your gamescore and label you a cheater. :P
That's because of the ill conceived idea of gamerscore
on Steam there's really no point in getting all achievements except personal satisfaction
@badp Which is what achievements should be.
Blizzard gives out... wait for it... wait for it... AVATARS for its achievements!
Or at least for the SC2 ones.
(can you upload your own?)
@badp No.
@Powerlord I hate it when they do that.
SC2 only allows you to use the avatars you unlocked or four default ones (two male, two female)
lol. I guess I overestimated them.
@badp Steam Summer Sale? TF2 items?
The avatars are based on your number of wins though, which I think is a nifty way of doing it.
I assume that here, by avatar, we're talking about that usually square image by your name
rather than, what do I know, model skins
@badp Yes. Since SC2 is an RTS and you don't have a character representing yourself...
You are the HAND OF GOD
Come on Valve, you said you'd have an "optional" update this afternoon.
I'd like it if you released said update BEFORE the time my servers get players.
Why on earth do I have a game called Speedball 2: Tournament?
@ArdaXi Steam sale goggles? (like beer goggles, but for games)
@sjohnston Nah. I remember now. Some Polish site gave away Steam keys for it.
Okay. How do I set all TF2's settings to default?
@ArdaXi Delete TF2 download it again?
@RonanForman Tried. Steam Cloud redownloaded my settings.
@ArdaXi Start with -autoconfig in the parameters
Alright, judging by the fact TF2 is now running in tiny tiny window, that worked.
Many thanks!
No problem, enjoy :D
Or... hrm. It doesn't seem to have touched anything other than graphical settings, let me try it out in-game.
@ArdaXi Which settings do you want restored?
@SimonSheehan config.cfg, so controls, visibility of weapon.
My weapon is still invisible now.
Yes. Not drawn.
Ah. Have you gone to options > keyboard and hit "use defaults?"
Yep, only touches controls.
Well, I managed to get it drawn.
Still invisible?
I enabled drawing!
i got an idea
Ah. Fixed.
Oh? what'd you do?
I clicked cancel instead of OK -.-
Lol xD
Only thing is that my gamepad won't quite work, but that's no major concern.
Also, don't forget to remove -autoconfig from TF2's startup, or it'll reset the settings again the next time you start.
I did immediately.
Q: Biggest Prize Pool for a Competitive Video Game Tournament?

Michael BurgeRecently Valve advertised a $1 million prize pool for the first DotA 2 tournament as a marketing move to introduce the game to the public(DotA 2 Website). This leads one to wonder about similarly large tournaments: Question: What was the largest prize pool offered for any competitive video game ...

rolls his eyes
Seriously SourceMod? You use a lookup to get the name of a UserMessage that is the same in every single Source-based game that supports it?

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