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@RedRiderX Dude, it's evil in liquid form. It's a huge jerk.
Snapshot livestream is best livestream.
oh he got to the bonfire ti seems
Oh, and btw, it might not be your fault the stream is stuttering @Gnome (Twitch having some issues
@GnomeSlice It gives you a button prompt. If it doesn't and you're in human form, good luck.
I was in hollowed form
no prompt
@GnomeSlice There can'tbe any enemies around
also, I was laughing so hard when you found it and couldn't activate it.
You should just stream dark souls non-stop
I could watch listen to @GnomeSlice play Dark Souls all day.
I want to be playing Age of Wonders 3, but I just can't look away.
@GnomeSlice from left to right: Physical Damage, MAgic Damage, fire damage, lightning damage, max durability, weight.
@Gnome: Change VBR to CBR, set your keyframes properly and fix the streaming framerate (a Twitch admin checked your stream) :p
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 2 mins ago, by Qantas 94 Heavy
> I know I could make that function from scratch myself, but I'm feeling lazy and was hoping a StackOverflow guru could bail me out by providing a 1-line Regex solution like you guys always do haha
@GnomeSlice On the equipment screen you'll see the remaining durability on your weapon. aka the item where you equip weapons and stuff. Actually it might be the detailde item page... it's listed somewhere.
(that's the delay btw)
Good night people
"Fuck this game is hard" - GnomeSlice 2014
I, for like, 7, am also having a freaking awesome time watching this. This is amazing <3
I can't believe I've watched gnomeslice be stuck at the same place in dark souls for an hour now
@Wipqozn don't tell me is twitch playing...
@Braiam No, gnomeslice is playing.
So, Gnomeslice < Twitch
man, what you make me to do @GnomeSlice, now I have to install flash just to see you playing D:
D: Locke is 10 levels behind
@GnomeSlice You get your souls back.
@GnomeSlice Whenever you die all the sousl you had are put into your bloodstain. If you get the bloodstain back before you die you get your souls back. If you die before getting it your blood stain is replaced with anew one.
Actually everybody but my main four are 10 levels behind
@Braiam And the voting behaviour on that question is exactly why I'm not posting on SO.
how do you get unpoisoned
@GnomeSlice Purple Moss Clump.
Or bonfire.
guys help me
the big temlpar guy
how get past
Big templar guy?
Not a good weekend on twitter for airlines.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yep... and I'm assuming you heard about... US Airways, I think?
@Fluttershy The Balder Knights.
@Wipqozn halp pls
I was afk for a bit. IS @GnomeSlice still stuck at the same place?
what do I do
oh, looks liek it.
@GnomeSlice Be better.
@GnomeSlice Parry and riposte. Or get behind and backstab.
You can also punish them when they attack.
iirc I dealt with them by waiting for them attacking and then attacking them back.
@GnomeSlice You're welcome
@fluttershy indeed I did.
I guess what we're trying to say is mindlessly wailing at them isn't the way to go.
Good job!
@GnomeSlice There's a shorcut in the church back to the first bonfire
@GnomeSlice: Yes, it is a meme of sorts.
Oh, did @GnomeSlice get Dark Souls?
@Yuki Yes. See the starred list.
@GnomeSlice boss
@GnomeSlice yes. Get that other bonfire first.
@Wipqozn Oh, this'll be fun.
Lots and lots of lag for me.
@Yuki and everyone else
And by "lag", I probably mean "framerate issues".
the audio isn't choppy though
whichsi the best part
Yeah, it's a twitch stream and it's gnome's internet
One or both are causing issues
He did it.
@GnomeSlice But yeah, you're going to be doing a lot of shielding at first.
Gaaaaah! Agents of Shield!
@GnomeSlice level up
Oh, I was wondering where the ping sounds were coming from and then I realized it was from @GnomeSlice's stream.
@Frank Nono, we're talking about GnomeSlice's shield
@Unionhawk You are.
I just finished watching the latest episode.
@GnomeSlice You should totally increase your Dexterity.
Or Faith.
Q: How to get a good K/D in Call of Duty Ghosts

XboxKing024I have been playing ghosts for a couple months and I cant seem to get a bunch of kills. I have been playing different game modes for this whole time and cant get more than 20 kills in a round. Can someone give me tips?

Yeah, dex is the way to go.
A: Making Dark Souls just a little bit easier?

WipqoznI'll start off by pointing out that the Graveyard you find near the start of the game is intended for a higher level player, so you should avoid it for now. Both the Cleric and the Warrior are excellent beginner classes. The Cleric has healing, which is very helpful, but has very weak armor. T...

A: What is the best class to use for a beginner in Dark Souls?

WipqoznThere are three classes I would suggest for a new player: Cleric: The cleric starts with good stats all around, so you shouldn't have too much trouble dealing with early enemies. However, the most important thing about the cleric is that it starts with the healing miracle. This will grant you f...

A: What effect does upgrading a particular skill have on my character?

Wipqozn Stats What they do Vitality determines your health. Attunement determines how many spell slots you have. Endurance determines your stamina and equip load. Strength/Dexterity determines your attack power with weapons that scale with strength/dexterity, and is also required for wielding certa...

@Frank Did you even see that coming?
A: What are the best stats to focus on for a warrior?

WipqoznYour starting class just determines the equipment and stats you start with, and so you are able to grow the character in any direction you wish. The most important thing to keep in mind when building your character is the following (source): When it comes to developing your character, there i...

Well, aren't you fancy
Dex is a bit of a meh option, in my opinion. It increases damage on bows (which is why most people would pick them) but any occasion where you would use bows a lot, you can replace high amounts of Dex with a large amount of arrows.
@Coronus I hate all the double and triple crossing.
@GnomeSlice: Don't worry, that's just the mini-boss before the real boss.
Oh, is that a Black Knight?
@Frank It was ok to start with, but I just ended up more confused than entertained.
@Yuki No. IT's the mini-boss in the church.
@GnomeSlice hit him with your sword
"are you joking, this is a mini-boss?!"
@Wipqozn Psssssh. Strength build all the way!
Oh, gnomeslice just attacked a friendly npc
@Wipqozn FUN TIMES!
Was it the Blacksmith?
@Yuki No, but he attacked him too...
@Wipqozn FUN TIMES!
Oh god there is a delivery place near me on seamless that does Mofongo.
Oh, did he kill the Fire Keeper too?
BRB getting fatter. Much much fatter.
@Yuki I have no idea.
He attacked the knight outside sens fortress. Can't remember his name right now.
@Wipqozn The guy with the fat armor?
@Yuki Yes
Blisters suck. Just putting that out there.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Does what?
@Wipqozn It's Sieg-something.
Can't remember.
@GnomeSlice: No, that's just an optional super strong enemy.
The real boss is on top fo the church.
@AshleyNunn Mofongo is the best food you have never eaten I suspect.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Considering I am asking, I'd think I'd at least not eaten it.
Best is still up for debate
@GnomeSlice Although beating that miniboss lets you get a Fire Keeper's Soul, which you can use to upgrade your flask.
oh no it's back
I'm trapped again
It is the best which I suspect. I do not know everything you have never eaten. Basically, take deep fried plantains, fresh garlic, and meat (traditionally Chicharrones, but I have seen shrimp and chicken and steak and all manner of other things.) and they are out into a mortar and pestle thing and literally just mashed into a gooey starchy garlicky meaty mush.
Home time!
I'm done for now
fuck this game
that forest place was fuct
@GnomeSlice Forest place? Darkroot Basin?
I ran in there
I honestly wasn't expecting you to get past the Titanite Demon.
and there were these giant fucking crystal tree dudes
Oh, you ran past him?
so I ran past those and a fucking giant hydra thing killed me instantly
@Yuki It's pretty easy to run past him.
You need to kill the boss in the church to beat the game, so you'll need to go back to it.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I don't know why but I assumed @GnomeSlice tried killing him and wasn't expecting him to do it.
Titanite Demon?
Is that the church boss?
@GnomeSlice No, it's the guy below the blacksmith.
@GnomeSlice That's the giant guy you found next to the blacksmith.
I won't tell you what the church boss is. I want you to be surprised.
I thought you said he was optional
@GnomeSlice The guy next to the blacksmith is.
You can just run past him.
oh right
Why doesn't the fucking blacksmith help
he just sits there and listens to you scream
The boss inside the church is not. He's behind a fog gate. If I remember correctly ou need to kil the mini-boss to get to the fog gate at the top of the church.
That miniboss was fuct
@GnomeSlice He'll upgrade your weapons and armour in exchange for souls and crafting materials.
I barely hurt him
Can you backstab him?
Upgrading your weapons would bea good idea.
I never have any souls
I've only upgraded my stats like 4 times
You might want to do some grinding.
You probably don't want to fight the boss of the church until about level 20.
Which most people are at by the time they get there. You need to spend your souls more.
@GnomeSlice Just farm those three or four skeletons outside the church then.
I get it now
That way, you also get practice with gameplay.
@GnomeSlice That's not what that's referencing, haha
@Wipqozn Horvald
@GnomeSlice Oh boy, I can't wait until you meet the guy that gif is actually referencing.
I got his ring
I met him on my own once though
You mean Havel?
Yeah whatever, havel
It didn't go well for me
If you kill him you'll get his armour
I summoned a friend who knows dark souls inside and out and he killed him
He just gave me a ring
@GnomeSlice Boring.
Isn't his armor like the best thing
@Yuki Yeah I know
I didn't really want him to
@GnomeSlice Not really. It's good low-level armor, but it can't be upgraded.
@Yuki It's actually a pretty good armour set. It has really high poise, which is the main selling point of it.
@Wipqozn True. I was never a big fan of the heavy armors though.
@Yuki Me neither, but it's good for tanky builds.
@GnomeSlice Poise determines how easily you stagger when taking damage.
@GnomeSlice Poise is what determines how easily enemies throw you around.
And how well you can shoulder attacks when shielding.
If there were no railings in the world the game would be a lot easier
You could just kick everyone over the side
Before I discuss armour, I should give you some details on what Poise is. In a nutshell, poise determines how many hits you can take before staggering. A higher poise results in you taking more hits before staggering. Due to this having an armour with high poise is very important for a tank build, and this is reflected in my armour suggestions below.

Although all the details of poise are still not known, a user from gamefaqs was nice enough to do some extensive testing on poise and made a thread about it. Although I would suggest reading the thread for more detail, the key things to take a
A: What effect does upgrading a particular skill have on my character?

Wipqozn Stats What they do Vitality determines your health. Attunement determines how many spell slots you have. Endurance determines your stamina and equip load. Strength/Dexterity determines your attack power with weapons that scale with strength/dexterity, and is also required for wielding certa...

Not doing any reading on it tonight, sorry
gotta go do dishes
thanks though
And I need to go to bed!
also reading is for nerds
^ Me right now
Man, I never ended up playing age of wonders 3 again tonight. Too busy watching @GnomeSlice play dark souls.
Was the video terrible?
also, the entire starred list is about @GnomeSlice streaming dark souls except for @RedRiderX being shocked at tasha ar dying.
@GnomeSlice What video?
@GnomeSlice The quality was horrible, but the commentary was hilarious.
The video in my stream
It was really choppy.
@GnomeSlice Thatsthejoke.jpg
@Yuki Oh.
That's weird, I've streamed like this before: youtube.com/watch?v=rjlNWAFtwEY
also you guys were commenting on shit like 2 minutes behind in the bridge
I'll take that over a boring streamer with the whole "720P 60 FPS HD GLORY" thing
@GnomeSlice Huge delay is huge. The twitch delay tends to get longer as someone watches.
Television and Movies

Proposed Q&A site for those interested in discussing television shows and movies.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Isn't this already a thing?
Okay, I'm going to pack my lunch then head to bed.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Isn't this literally a dupe of everything?
@GnomeSlice Yes
My commentary probably sounds idiotic
All I do is curse at everything and scream
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment .....you inverted the words. That does'nt make it not a dupe :P
@GnomeSlice That's what makes it so hilarious.
Since it's Dark Souls, you scream and curse a lot.
I once broke a controller playing Dark Souls.
It's expected and completely hilarious.
Such a great game.
Like, that's the most blatent exact dupe I've seen
Q: Skyrim spouse trying to murder me?

RunnyPruneI was out doing a bunch of Thieves' Guild stuff and i decided to drop by my house in Falkreath and as soon as I walked in, Marcurio started attacking me. I just got done doing the special job at pinewatch, would that have anything to do with it?

It's by a 51 rep user, so I assume they have no idea movies.se exists or how to find it.
I just flagged it.
Let robert what's his name deal withi t.
@RedRiderX and I wish it was Troi!
Seriously. Troi is the worst.
@Wipqozn I did the same.
I take nap now. Zzz
Okay, I need to go. Good night ladies and gents.
I should stream goat simulator
When I get it downloaded
this looks really fun
k time to go do dishes
The nostalgia.
72 degrees yesterday
snowing today
FU, weather
@Frank Tidus has finished the sphere grid, save the empty nodes which I am in the process of filling, and some Luck nodes.
Q: How can I get flawless square gems to drop in Reaper of Souls?

ThariusPrior to Reaper of Souls flawless square gems were the highest level gem that could be dropped. With the expansion Marquis gems are the normal gem pop for a level 70 character. How can I farm flawless square gems to complete some achievements?

@StrixVaria I am jealous of his whistling
@Fluttershy That is some patience.
@StrixVaria You pretty much have to if you want to fight the new stuff.
New stuff?
Ugh Smooth McGroove, please revisit your bandcamp colour scheme.
@StrixVaria The HD Remaster adds all the international/PAL bosses like Penance, Nemesis, and the Dark Aeons.
@Fluttershy Oh interesting.
I would not have the patience to play through FFX again, but that is neat.
@StrixVaria Audio Only Link for those with my internet.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This has the Witcher Games.
I already own them.
Wasn't sure if you had them on pc or a console
If they're even on consoles, actually
Witcher 2 is on a console. That said, the only consoles I own are a launch Wii and a PS2.
Why am I so astonishingly bored tonight?
@LessPop_MoreFizz But... Mario actually hits the block with his fist. :(
That's not a misleading chart or anything.
I was wondering why it seemed upside down.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ....oh my god
It's... It's so dumb that it's almost beautiful.
It hurts me
Wait, upside-down graph..? And here I thought there was a sharp decline because 'stand your ground' meant they were no longer classified as 'murder' somehow. This is much worse.
Here's the non-stupid version.
Stupid Reuters...
Why the hell did they flip it?
@ashleynunn depends on whether you want to blame incompetence or malice.

user74364I have downloaded a trailer and have looked at all of the maintenance shops that I have garages at and have not found it. I have found a truck that I downloaded at one of them, which i don't know how to get into. If anyone can help or have any information into helping me find my trailer please...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, this is Reuters? I thought it was some far right-wing conservative publication, not some respectable international news agency...
That's even more disturbing.
What day is it. Where am I?
Q: What seals would suit my Torterra?

OreoI want to get seals for my Torterra but i have been unable to find some that suit him. I am looking for brown or green colour effects to suit his type and colour. I would like to know if there are any seals to suit my Torterra and how to get them.

Monday. Ohio. Basically, as spacetime coordinates go, that's a solid approximation of hell.
I literally woke up from a nap of sorts, and honestly didn't realize that it was Monday evening rather than Tuesday morning.
That's probably... yeeeah
My roommate is trying to remind me that someone came by to wake me up to tell me to work on lab, and I only vaguely remember that.
Q: Happy street: Where do i find the button that tells my friend i need help finding a idem?

IsabellaI need blue dye and I need help because I have alot of test that require blue dye. And I need my friends help. Can someone tell me how to ask my friend for help?

Just for you, @gnomeslice
@Frank Show-off :P
@SaintWacko Hey, I worked hard to amass those!
Mostly, I want to bug @spugsley.
@Frank Are they all from a specific act?
You want to bug @spugsley with "LOOK I'M PLAYING D3 DON'T YOU WISH YOU WERE PLAYING D3!"?
You monster
Just wondering if you're farming for a specific cache-exclusive legendary.
@Yuki Nope, from all over.
And no way to tell which comes from where.
Ah. I've been amassing Act I and IV caches.
Like most people, looking for the set bonus reduction ring.
@Yuki If I get one, I'll be sure to gloat over it.
@Frank I just don't have any particular goal and that seems like a fairly generic one.
Q: PAD Rank up grind locations

Stupid.Fat.CatSo I'm rank 104, and I'm finding it very difficult to rank up. Weekend Dungeon seems to yield out nice exp, but is there another dungeon similar to Tower of Giant's where it's the most cost efficient?

So. Much. Grinding.
well, it's my birthday
@spugsley Happy birthday! :D
@spugsley Happy Birthday!
@Frank annnnd did you pull anything worthwhile from those?
thankies :3
@spugsley Dunno. Haven't opened them yet.
@Frank do itttttttttttttttt
@spugsley Nah. I'll wait until I have fourty or fifty.
all the attention @GnomeSlice got while streaming makes me want to stream
I like attention
@spugsley pays attention
@Fluttershy but let's be real, it would mainly just be me singing songs and cursing a lot
@spugsley pays more attention
@spugsley not as much as me
@spugsley I see nothing wrong with this
@GnomeSlice I wouldn't challenge the @spugsley
I should totes stream Goat Simulator. The University would just love me if I did that
@Unionhawk maybe I'll stream Goat Simulator
@spugsley I never see you on Steam anymore. :(
@Fluttershy I've been on Vacation
That would probably beat @GnomeSlice playing Dark Souls, tbh (no offense)
@spugsley Oh! Are you still on vacation?
won't be home till Wednesday
@spugsley D:
@Fluttershy :p
@spugsley You naughty, naughty girl.
Samantha Pugsley, I never.
@Yuki oh :3
The Bridge: After Dark
alright. Bed for me.
night Bridge
@spugsley G'night!
Goat Simulator has to be the best $10 game I've gotten, like, ever
Best in the "stupid fun" sense not best in the "this is a great game legitimately" sense, really.
Good night, Bridge
I am done crusading for tonight
@Yuki I think this would be a good use of mod abuse editing
Q: Created mojang account, but can't buy minecraft

Max VanderhoftI have created a mojang account, verified my email and was logged in to mojang.com. I then clicked on STORE. I clicked on get GET MINECRAFT for PC. It took me to the inecraft.net/store/minecraft and asked me to sign in with my mojang account info to begin the purchase process. I log in and it tak...

@spugsley Happy birthday beautiful lady
Q: All items not removed from brewing stand in automated brewing system

ShadowZzzI am making an automated brewing system and it works well for most part. The items are being added to the brewing stand in the correct order and another hopper is adding bottles of water. there is a hopper at the bottom with a chest to remove the finished potions. Problem: When brewing is done,...

I have Yuna dealing 99,999 damage. :3
Q: How exactly do I install Minecraft Mods and what is this Forge thing? HELP

KhzunaraI'm having a really, really hard time figuring out how to install mods on Minecraft. I've looked everywhere I can think of for help but the information is almost always outdated or unhelpful. I've seen on several sites about the use of something called Forge. The Mod I want to use requires 1.6.4...

Q: What are all the pokemon pearl ribbons?

OreoI would like to know all the ribbons you can get in pokemon pearl and how to get them. Currently i have competition ribbons, footprint ribbons, effort ribbons and ribbons from julia. Have i missed any? Do ribbons have any effect on your pokemon, or are they just for display?

Twice now, TWICE I was not even given this option, just 'vegan'... grumble grumble
@TrentHawkins bring your own protein~
the moon is being eaten~
@TrentHawkins These are the kinds of vegetarians/vegans I dislike: the ones who are intolerant of other people's diet choices (and the Dutch).
@Krazer At the more recent one, between the ceremony and the reception, most of my family, including the groom's parents, went out to a restaurant so we could have some meat.
Q: Clash of Clans multiple accounts

Shawn de WetI downloaded Clash of Clans to my iPad (IOS7) this past weekend and started playing. Of course after a couple of hours I realised I made some newbie mistakes that are fatal to my future success. I wanted to restart, but it seems the only way to do so is to Reset the device, which I really would...

@Yuki The first time the meal was surprisingly delicious and varied (butter lettuce salad, some kind of bean soup, something I don't recall, and a saskatoon based desert. Everything was even presented nicely, it looked like a fancy meal). The second one was godawful, the main course was a compressed disk of mulched stuff.
Q: What is the most efficient gift card earning app? ANDROID - Canada

user64124I currently am using "AppNana" and am earning points quite slowly. I'm just wondering if there are any other gift card earning apps that work faster than "AppNana" or are at least more enjoyable. If I'm correct it's more efficient to use more than one gift card earning app at once because even ...

@TrentHawkins That's awesome. And can count as a statement I think.
@Arperum I think the better statement was on the RSVP under "Dietary requirements" (or something to that effect), I wrote "Meat."
@TrentHawkins YUp. That one is even better.
Also: I missed all the fun of @GnomeSlice streaming. DAMN YOU SLEEP.
> If you want to simulate sitting in a room watching a TV, you'll be able to do that.
That's the stupidest thing I've read today.
Q: Dropping Incriminating Letter in Skyrim

EllynI'm trying to drop the incriminating letter on Gaius Maro and it won't let me. Any idea's why?

@badp As silly as this is, the amount of people you see in restaurants with their eyes glued to their smartphones rather than the people they are dining with lends some credibility to this otherwise laughable article (sadly).
@TrentHawkins If you are dinign with someone your phone has no business being anywhere else then in your pocket (except if you were forced to do the dining thing and don't like the company).
@Arperum I agree 100% with this statement, I'm just telling you what my family and I see others doing when we go out for a meal.
@trent this sounds like an argument for google glass and augmented reality, not going the other way around
...or just a smartwatch with notifications on it
@TrentHawkins I've seen it happy too many times myself. I don't do it though. When I'm with people phone can die for all I care.

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