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> When summoned, thirteen medieval knights appear and slash the enemy party.
@OrigamiRobot New cardframe?
@OrigamiRobot Why is the bottom so black? :(
@StrixVaria Because WotC are awful :(
I liked the "new" cardframes (introduced in 10th edition I think) over the old ones.
This is just arbitrary and dumb, though.
@StrixVaria I prefer the old old ones.
Huh, I get to leave in 57 minutes, and today just flew by. That makes me happy.
@OrigamiRobot I never had an issue with them when they were all that existed, but I did like when they changed it up.
@OrigamiRobot Maybe I'm not recalling the rules correctly, but why would you need +1/+0 if you can't attack?
I actually like the cardframes of "futureshifted" cards from Time Spiral the best :P
@StrixVaria The black at the bottom is for machine readability. Rares will also have a holofoil mark on them
@OrigamiRobot Why is this important?
@StrixVaria Reasons? idk
@badp yes, each with a separate attack. I think it might even be longer than the god forsaken Eden summon in FF8
Nothing is longer than Supernova though
In the lower left of the card is a series of letters and numbers that indicate the card's collector number (122/269), rarity (R), set (M15), and language (EN). The little dot between the set and the language will be a star on premium cards, so just about everything you'd ever need to know about a card's edition is in one easy-to-read place.

Making the bottom of each card black to accommodate this information was not an easy decision, and may be the most disconcerting part of this frame update, but it was done with the best of intentions. This information is machine-readable by recognition
@OrigamiRobot Ugly.
@StrixVaria The ugly part is that the colored border doesn't go all the way down the the edge of the text box. If it did, I'd be fine with it.
okay final boss gains 2/3rds of a KotR hit if you have KotR. Barely giving him enough to survive 2 hits. He's still a joke with that OP mess though
@StrixVaria The colorshifted frame from Planar Chaos is actually the best.
@OrigamiRobot Like Damnation?
@StrixVaria Yea
That one is pretty nice too.
I love all the textbox designs and the white text.
Damnation is my favoritest card ever.
This is my beautiful playmat with my beautiful lands.
You use Unhinged lands?
I'll have to get more if I want to build a new deck though :(
I don't remember FF7 being that hard, even the really optional stuff.
it takes some tactics to beat ruby/emerald, but that's about it
I don't think chocobo breeding was super rough either. if you had a guide, anyway. doing it randomly would take for freaking ever.
@agent86 Chocobo breeding takes a long time, and the weapons can be majorly BS, I Think there's cheap ways around both though
KotR though, ugh. That and the FF8 summons were just annoying FMV that padded out the game
I think I abused 7777 with Tifa to beat Emerald
perhaps I've forgotten the grind. I used to have more patience for games.
I liked the summons for the most part, only KotR and Eden were really excessive
well, Doomtrain was boring, but short
disgaea broke me of that. that was the first game where I went "okay, that's crossing the line" and since then I've been very reticent to grind in games
I think I just gave up on shin megami tensei nocturne or whatever that game was
@StrixVaria I just realized how much value I have tied up in basic lands and got kinda sad.
I preordered it and bought it at a game shop that specialized in not-very-popular titles, and just... could not be assed to finish.
But then I just look at the lands and I feel better.
@agent86 Dragon Fantasy Book is a cute game completely ruined by grinding. It even has a cool speed up feature, which I would really enjoy but it's basically REQUIRED that you use speed up and randomly plow through enemies to get through the first scenario. I haven't bothered with the others yet and I might now
Q: Mob farm much slower in CraftBukkit

Tom HartI made a mob farm in Minecraft (1.7.5 or 1.7.8 I can't remember which) which worked great. Now I've switched over to CraftBukkit Build Number 3050 and it doesn't seem to working at all, I've been stood around and nothing spawned. I made sure doMobSpawning is true, diffuculty is Hard, I made it da...

It's weird because the enjoyment of the game is mostly all in the writing, there's no need to pad/grind because the combat is extremely basic
@BenBrocka these days it's like, if a game is not entertaining me, It's getting buried in the "completed" section of my steam library. get my interest, be better than the other options I have, or DIAF, kthxbai
or, y'know, make me money.
@BenBrocka So it's a game that would be better off as a movie?
I do make exceptions for games that are profitable to write about.
JRPGs are very slow at learning to respect players time
auto-save is only now becoming somewhat standard
@Yuki not quite--the mid-combat and "examine" dialogs are funny and enjoyable, but once you've read all the funny lines from a new enemy, combat is just about mashing attack with speedup on
and there's not much in the way of strategy or equipment you can do to avoid grind or make grind interesting. At least in say, FF9, grinding got you cool new equipable abilities and stuff
@BenBrocka 2 minutes 5 seconds of cutscene for sub-thousand damage?
@badp supernova or KotR? KotR is...much more than subthousand
I might be in time to give up the "legit" version and get an emulator with a turbo button instead
I forget how much Supernova does. It's pretty underwhelming
It's basically an OHKO if you're speedrunning though, heh
Arg I can't afford to spend $60, but Stick of Truth looks so fun. SOMEONE STOP ME
@Unionhawk Stop it
oh wait
FF7 has parties of 3
@Unionhawk Don't do it!
so that's not 743, 893, 749 and 212 damage I'm seeing in this video
@Unionhawk Just realize that South Park sucks and all your problems will be over.
@Unionhawk STAHP.
Alright, I'm good
@badp For Supernova? If you're lucky he'll only use it once or twice tops. It's not particularly common
Yeah, I've been talking about Supernova.
In my defense the kerning there is terrible
Re: Purple Wedding: They went all out with those effects...vicious.
Oh, yeah that's a really bad angle considering how it shows damage
I don't recall it doing party-wipe level damage. Might be an unprepared team I guess
@GnomeSlice You keep going everywhere except the place you're supposed to go.
@Unionhawk It's a really short game not worth the $60 price tag.
That's what I'm thinking
@Yuki So it can kill what it's blocking.
@Unionhawk Spend $20 and get Banished instead.
@OrigamiRobot Given the speed that everyone seems to get burnt out on Banished... yeeeah
@Unionhawk I'm not burnt out on it, I just prefer playing games with people rather than on my own. Therefore, Diablo
No, I definitely get a sense of it being a game of "...now what?" from other people.
@Unionhawk If you wait, it'll go on sale.
@Unionhawk Even if I had gotten burnt out on it, 28 hours from a $20 is pretty damn good.
Or, I can not spend money on games, and have $20 more dollars to spend on other things.
That works too :P
@Unionhawk I'm just saying if you really need to spend money on a game, there are far better things than $60 for Stick of Truth.
...and by that I mean "get Goat Simulator at $10 and be done buying games for a while"
@Unionhawk I can't see spending more than 2 hours in that game.
@Unionhawk I do not get the fascination with that game
And that's being generous.
Challenge accepted, I guess
Oh, I wasn't saying I can't see you spending more than 2 hours. I just meant me.
Fair enough :P
Play more Don't Starve.
Buy the expansion for Don't Starve.
Spend a whopping $5 and play Binding of Isaac
Or wait a bit for Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.
HLTB says 16 hours for completionist on Stick of Truth. That's $3.75 per hour.
@Fluttershy Or do both.
@AshleyNunn it's youtube bait
^ That
@OrigamiRobot Definitely both. I'm going to buy Rebirth whenever it releases.
And @Unionhawk has only spent 5 hours in FTL. What a monster. Are you trying to be liek @Sterno?
yeah looking forward to rebirth, not sure how much I'll play, but it'll be nice for item interactions to work properly/ridiculously
I probably spent less than 5 hours on FTL because I didn't like FTL.
@StrixVaria A valid reason.
I'm not sure how long I spent on FTL. I should check.
I spent 0 hours on it.
I've only done like, 2 FTL runs, overall, and I totally failed them both
I spent 14 hours on FTL. I am therefore morally superior to @Unionhawk.
@Unionhawk That's the way I'd expect someone's first two runs to go.
I've spent 48 hours in FTL.
I'm the kind of person who gets fixated over one game at a time, usually in a cycle of only a few.
I've spent over 900 in EUIII
@WorldEngineer o.O
@Unionhawk Me too.
@AshleyNunn I told you that already :P
@WorldEngineer I've only spent 60 hours in IV
@WorldEngineer And I am still making the same face
I need to play that again.
I like the idea of FTL and most of the execution, but I don't like the mix of how long runs are and how suddenly and randomly they can end
Because that is still a large number
I can't run IV Q.Q
@BenBrocka l2ftl noob
@agent86 That's more or less a more energetic version of @AshleyNunn 's cat's reaction to everything.
@BenBrocka You don't play roguelikes much, do you? :P
@BenBrocka "how suddenly and randomly they can end" is why I don't like Roguelikes in general.
@Powerlord sort of, though for example BoI felt less random after you got off to a decent start
FTL it's like 99% of the run doesn't matter because one random occurrence during the final boss fight can be almost impossible to recover from. Like your teleport room instantly exploding while 2/5ths of your crew are onboard. Grump
@agent86 cats are such graceful creatures
Q: I keep losing my wife in Skyrim

EllynI married Janessa and I keep losing her. I went back to our house to look for her & The Drunken Huntsman's place too but I can't find her anywhere.

Q: How can I get out of Corel Desert?

badpWhile roaming around the overworld, I found myself into the Corel Desert, an area that loops in all directions. How can I get out?

@Lazers That's because I killed her mwahahaha
@OrigamiRobot same here. I might go back to it once I'm done with Age of Wonders III.
Are we going to have to found Steam Sales Anonymous?
@Wipqozn I'll probably play more Banished before I go back to EU4
@Lazers Well, maybe you should stop your crazy adventuring and stay at home. She left because you're never around!
I played the tutorials in Banished, and then started up a real game and had the same problem I have in every game of that genre.
I only have 6/103 games in my steam library that I bought with the intention of playing and haven't yet.
There are too many things to do and not enough resources to do all of them so I'm just not going to do any.
Holy balls this game is hard
The Taurus Demon killed me twice and I gave up
System Shock 2, Spelunky, Shelter, Quantum Conundrum, Endless Space, and the two STALKER games. So I guess 7/103.
Don't quit Shelter too early if you play it. It doesn't have mid-level checkpoints apparently
I played Guacamelee all the way to the final boss then gave up because that fight was really dumb.
My problem is I get really really into a game and get burnt out before I finish it. I have 49 hours in Deus Ex: HR and I've only finished two levels.
What a terrible boss fight.
@GnomeSlice Oh, you finally foudn the correct path.
Hated Deus Ex: HR.
I gave up on the final boss in Valdis Story
@Wipqozn Yes.
@GnomeSlice You can take off a lot of the demons health by attacking it from above. As soon as you enter the bridge, turn around, and you'll find a ladder.
Deus Ex: HR had like 1 stealth path through a vent in every level, if you could find the vent.
@StrixVaria I hate bad final bosses. I gave up on assorted 16 bit era games because of bosses + no save feature
Or I get distracted by another game and by the time I want to go back to the previous game, I've forgotten what I was doing.
@Wipqozn I did that then he cornered me against the door, the second time
Dishonored is much better stealth level design.
@GnomeSlice In that case just be better at the game.
I have the same issue in Dark Souls that I have with a lot of third person hacky games
I don't know how to parry
I can never ever do it
I haven't done it once yet
@GnomeSlice Solution: Learn how to parry.
@StrixVaria thxz
@StrixVaria Dishonored was great
Wish it had more "idle banter" for guards though
Dishonored is the only stealth game I ever played that I liked.
I must have heard that "Think you'll get your own squad after what happened last night" line like 500 times
I didn't even play it guns blazing style either. I actually did the stealth thing.
Moving the rug from under a cat is great entertainment
no need for laser equipment
The ability to blink and see through walls helped tremendously.
Thief 2 FTW
@StrixVaria both styles are fun in Dishonored though. And how you do stuff changes the game a lot
I've only spent 70 hours on EUIV. I really do need to play it more.
@StrixVaria Blink is the BEST
@StrixVaria I never even want to use my knock out darts in that game.
If I get the house to myself some time this week, I will try to stream dark souls
Blinking through someone's line of sight felt so good
@GnomeSlice I could count on one hand how many tims I parried in dark souls. Just dodge.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I started playing through again killing all the things but never bothered finishing :(
But it will mostly be full of me dying and wrecking all the furniture.
I prefer to just two-hand a weapon and dodge everything.
Home time!
@OrigamiRobot they're important if you want a no-kill run in some maps. Though you can usually choke/sneak past
@StrixVaria The grenades are pretty funny to use
my taskbar just vanished
I think I may start a new game. I'm not really liking thehumans or the arch-druid. The class revovles around animals, but all the animal units in the game suck.
brb rebooting I guess
Dishonored is another example of Problem #1. HLTB says a completionist run is 30 hours. I've played for 35 hours and I don't think I'm far at all.
which area are you in?
No idea.
The last thing I remember doing is poisoning the ale or sommat.
I haven't fought one of the stilt enemies yet.
That's...how are you 35 hours in? Lots of idling?
That doesn't make sense.
@Sterno I only played Deadly Shadows and it was great.
@BenBrocka I play stealth games very meticulously.
@OrigamiRobot It was okay but the main problem it had compared to 2 was that it was designed for console, so levels were much smaller and more linear
The stilt guys are cool but unfortunately pretty bland stealth-only, since all you can do is avoid them
@OrigamiRobot You've got quicksave for a reason. I usually get a good vantage point, quicksave, screw around to scout stuff out, load and make my move
blacklist rocks.
@Sterno I played it on xbox. That orphanage literally had me seeing things.
that is all.
@BenBrocka I don't like screwing around to scout stuff. I always try to do it "properly"
@OrigamiRobot I try, but if I get seen a lot I'll just try and scout a bit. I did much less messing around in the DLC, but by then I had the hang of the game much better
though the final level of the DLC has FAR too many enemies
@BenBrocka I restart as soon as an alarm goes off.
Yeah, I'm going to start a new game. Not liking the arch-druid or human. I was just going to make an all dwarf army with dragons as my tier iv. I mine as well just restart as a new hero with a class and race I enjoy.
Q: Gift's for kid's in Skyrim

EllynDoes anyone know where I can find some gift's to give to the child I adopted? So far, all I can find are dolls.

Okay, so new game!
I'll go Dwarf. Should I just use my Theocrat, or play as a Warlord? THinking I'll give warlord another go.
@BenBrocka Hi Parker!
In fact I might play my Goblin Warlord...
Nah, I'll go Dw- although...goblin warlord...MAN, DECISIONS ARE TOUGH
@Wipqozn Make an army of robots with me as the leader.
@OrigamiRobot That would be the Dreadnought class.
6 rifts in a row and the only legendary is... the other ring of that shitty 2-ring set.
At least now I have a complete set I'll never use!
@Sterno A set which will never be used seems fitting for a man with games he'll never play.
My cat ous outside my window staring at me... this is weird.
@Wipqozn people who have outside cats are weird
She's not an outside cat. She justs managed to get out sometimes.
same same
@agent86 My post in r/buildapc dropped to #147. WAT DO
So the fact she managed to get out and is just staring at me is part of why it's so weird.
@badp rip
@Sterno I get nothing but those from ring gambling
@Wipqozn you're an enabler!
@Wipqozn That fact makes her an outside cat and that makes you a person with an outside cat.
that effect could be cool for ranged classes :O
hey do you guys see anything if you go to twitch.tv/gnomeslice
it looks fuct on my end
@GnomeSlice Just to be funny I'm going to say no. But that's because work blocks twitch
@Powerlord Thank you for your funny response.
Buh it's doing both monitors
I don't know why isn't strange that @GnomeSlice fuct his end
seriously, get another internet!
@GnomeSlice Says you're offline.
I have no idea what I just read.
@Wipqozn WAit a sec I turned it off
@Wipqozn How about now
frig it's still showing both monitors
I'm not even using xsplit
No I'm not
Twitch puts prerolls on everything
Why does it show xsplit
I see both screens.
I'm not even using xsplit
fuck how do I make it only show one screen
@Wipqozn Do you hear anything?
are you using OBS?
Playing music to test the audio
@Chippies Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder
Negative, no audio
@GnomeSlice I already closed it.
I see both your screens and don't hear anything
@GnomeSlice get open broadcaster software if you want to stream
@Unionhawk now?
@Chippies how do
k wait a sec
Right I don't know how to make it do audio I guess
OBS lets you pick audio source
OBS is pretty neat
So does this
but it only has 2
goes really great with dxtory
Something something OBS.
but dxtory isn;t free
I'm downloading OBS
which sounds like an STD
ffsplit is pretty good
only problems I've had with OBS have been trying to work with Mercenary Kings (it doesn't play nice with overlays or something) and my capture card (the video lag is very hard to compensate)
@GnomeSlice I'm curious where you got your STD knowledge
@Chippies Yeah, my friend's trying to get his hands on one for his DH.
I was going to say I heard things, but it's an ad. Damn twitch
@Yuki I imagine it would be really good for DH, considering all that dodge chance and skills that let you avoid damage
@Chippies Where do I enter the url and shit for it to stream to
nvm found it
k why is it blank
frig shit it's not going to my channel
OBS sucks
wait yes it is
Do you guys see/hear anything?
@GnomeSlice there's certainly sound coming from your stream
screen is black though
you gotta set that shit up, yo
obs crashed when I stopped the stream
@GnomeSlice that used to happen to me until I set it up right
@Chippies and how is that
there's a pick scenes thing in the bottom left that lets you pick your video source
I don't remember, I set it up and then never used it again
@BenBrocka scenes don't appear to do anything
@GnomeSlice they do if you set them up right
@GnomeSlice add scene and then add sources
@GnomeSlice add scene -> add monitor capture
Still blank
monitor capture is under sources btw
yeah, cuz you're offline
I already tried that
The preview thing is blank
you can preview the stream
did you press preview?
there we go
any sights or sounds?

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