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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Here I am, madly refreshing the page in hopes of a question...
Okay, I give in!
EGS you have beaten me. :<
Went back for another try and cannot find it. I just know I'm going to facepalm.
Oh, you may very well... ♪
Isn't it time to go home yet?
This day is one of those looooong dragging out days.
Hrm. Should I put a spoiler tag on it or just ask for a hint and request the full answer be behind a spoiler?
@FallenAngelEyes I don't think either is necessary. It's assumed when looking at that kind of question that it is going to have the answer on it.
I'd just use [puzzle] [chantelise]
You can get hints in-game so trying to get even more hints, you may as well take the whole line.
Question: If I asked a question that involved collecting pork to make bacon in a game, would you guys remove the bacon tag if I put it in there? :D
@Powerlord I would, but I'd need to make sure I got there before GnomeSlice propogated the tag to things like the pig-hit-by-lightning question.
@GraceNote Ooooh yeah, I forgot about that.
...You donate vitality?!
Hahaha, yes, you do. Now you know why I asked you how Ferromin was called in English. ♪
@Fallen You've gone back in after buying the hint, now, didn't you?
@GraceNote ...........maybe <_<
You could ask nonetheless. ♪
I shall
And just not read my answer until after you give it a few more tries, now that you've gotten a hint.
EGS is evil
How would you do that without the hint flail
I got it, but... I got into the evil thinking thing very early.
So, since you know it's so vicious without the hint, you should still ask the question ♪
@GraceNote Should I just phrase as if I didn't purchase the hint then?
@FallenAngelEyes Up to you.
I think what'll bug me the most about that system is having uneven health
"Please give me more free rep, because I need it despite having mod powers." ? :P
You can't buy hints until Chapter 2, so it's not all that surprising to ask about this one.
This is true
@Powerlord It's about the votes, not the rep ♪
I'll ask as is
clicks the Research button and researches laser reinforced doors
Oh wait, that's Evil Genius.
That reminds me, I need to find out if I can patch that to 1.1 using the EU 1.0 to 1.1 patch.
Since Revolution games didn't put 1.1 on Steam.
(and the version on Steam is the EU version in all regions)
(which makes sense since the EU version has more languages)
Hey, a fellow Alex! What's up, fellow @Alex?
Answered ♪
Oh, what is the name of the item, by the way, @Fallen?
@Powerlord Hm, I have that on Steam, didn't know that about the patch versions. Are there a lot of differences?
@FallenAngelEyes Mainly bugfixes.
@GraceNote Speedboots
1.1 crashes less for starters.
I'm doing this the same way I wrote the solutions to Lethal Crisis, so I include the item you win, so I figure.
No space? Gotcha.
@Powerlord Ah, okay. Hm, guess I'll have to look into that as well.
Also, it fixes a bug where the Research button disappears, and another where scientists drop something they're researching and then never pick it back up, thus blocking you from ever producing whatever they researched.
Alright, revised with the proper name. Yay ♪
There was also a 1.2 fan patch, but that includes a few game balance changes as well, notably doubling the max minions.
Dunno if I'd go for 1.2 but 1.1 definitely sounds necessary.
omg speedboots so niiiiiiiice
Whoops, I was wrong... it WAS 1.0.1, not 1.1
and 1.0.2 for the fan patch.
n1nj4.com/EvilPlanet/Downloads/Patches.php <-- has some notes about what the 1.0.1 patch includes.
Huh, weird, I don't see mention of the dropped research fix, although I know I saw something about it being fixed before.
Also, if you think that that was evil, really, you should see the first 3 puzzles in the Ignan Ruins ♪
Why are they evil @Grace?
Unfortunately, I didn't bring my flash drive today! Argh! I won't have screenshots!
@Mana They are enticingly evil out of their difficulty yet elegance. A lot of thought was put into it.
@Grace powerful reasoning
Oh, and @Fallen, one tip - all puzzles can be solved by the time you find the stage. This isn't one of those annoying "go and get something late-game and come back" type of games.
@GraceNote This does not make me feel better
@GraceNote Ah okay, good to know
I think the only complaint I have about the game is that it's a bit difficult to tell how close flying enemies are to you
@GraceNote Are you complaining about Metroid games? >:/
@Powerlord Metroid games were all about "forgetting all the late-game stuff and beating the game anyway"
Or, more appropriately, "getting the late-game stuff early-game so that you don't have to backtrack"
@GraceNote Wait, is this assuming you have all the treasures from previous areas too?
@FallenAngelEyes Uehehehehe ♪
@GraceNote ...:|
@GraceNote In Metroid games, you're constantly going to an area, then backtracking to where you can use it to continue the game.
I just want to get to the fishing game!
This is really obvious in Metroid: Zero Mission and Super Metroid, where you have to go get the High Jump from Norfair and head back to Brinstar to use it.
(and to a lesser extent in the original Metroid)
@Powerlord In Super Metroid, you could go to Norfair and grab the High Jump Boots, then go beat Kraid in Brinstar, then go get the Power Bomb in Maridia, then go get the Grapple Beam back in Norfair.
@GraceNote I didn't think you could get to Maridia at that point without already having a power bomb.
OR, you could grab the High Jump Boots, then grab the Wave Beam using a wall jump (which otherwise would be gotten long after the Grapple Beam), and then get a whole bunch of the stuff far earlier. Sequence breaking is what defined the original Metroid games.
Then again, it's been a while since I played Super.
@Powerlord The water tunnel area, which is part Maridia part Brinstar to an extent
Q: Where is the Treasure located in the Cave area of the Terran Ruins (1-5)?

FallenAngelEyesI cannot find it. Things I have tried include (all attempts were after enemies were cleared): Running around the stone column and hitting it Breaking all the barrels and torches Breaking all the barrels then breaking all the torches with Icicle Edge Breaking all the torches with the Hammerball ...

bbl gamebros
So, what's new in the world of gaming?
I mean, besides me being bored of working on the project I'm coding.
Gotta jet! Later all ♪
That's cute. My HandleType_t was never set. I wonder why, as soon as I tried interacting with a handle, the old version of this would crash!
Jul 26 at 16:34, by Thomas McDonald
Why does @Gnomeslice never work.
attempts to access a null pointer
@Thomas Huh?
> @GnomeSlice got his Gaming SE swag in the mail a few days ago.
Hi Nitromians! We've chosen a game name for our, until now, untitled game! Find it out here: http://t.co/MBnY4QU Have a great weekend! :D
Browser Game Pick: The Last Stand: Union City (Con Artists) http://bit.ly/q58uBK
Sweet, the first two were great.
What do you guys make of Unepic?
Q: Language options in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 (European 360 version)

tenshi_aAre there options for language audio in the European version of Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 for Xbox 360? English dub only? Japanese with English subtitles? Options for either? DLC language packs? As far as I know the first game had both language options, and the second was dub-only.

Hmm, if I concentrate on finishing this tonight, I might be able to start testing it soon.
It looks like I'm nearly finished, but I still have some old references in this file and some functions are missing...
For the League of Legends players: pleasedontbanme.com/protip
FFFFFFUUUUU... I hope I didn't overwrite the work on did on the TF2Vote, L4DVote, and L4D2Vote classes. I just noticed their methods all seem to be missing from my .cpp file.
Despite that they are still in the .h file.
Oh wait, maybe I wrote them for the old version.
(Which I kept around before I started making massive changes)
Yeah, that's it. They're in the old version.
2 hours later…
Chantelise rocks, yo.
Q: How much extra damage does using an enemy's elemental weakness inflict?

ManaIn Chantelise, I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to use up one of my equipment slots with an elemental crystal when I could be stacking up another weapon or defense item instead. How much extra damage will I inflict on an enemy with their elemental weakness? Is this is a constant percenta...

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