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Virgil's is good in the sense that they try to replicate the styles of the BBQ capitals of the country. Mephis ribs, Owensboro lamb, Texas Brisket, etc.
Problem is the location.
Too touristy
Barbecue... lamb...
Daisy Maes is good.
Q: Do magicka abilities always benefit from critical spell chance?

TrollwutIt is obvious for me that casters are profiting from critical spell chance from the light armor passive skills. When I look at the Nightblade, most abilities say they inflict magical damage. Do all of these magicka spells benefit from critical spell chance or is this misleading? Do all magicka ...

I've had my eye on this one...
Q: Sleeping/Narcotic Gas Alarm

ran8I intend to travel through rougher foreign parts on the cheap. To protect me from being robbed or raped I am going to buy a gas alarm. What do I need to know when buying one? What gases should it detect and at what thresholds? Why do only independent online stores from Europe sell them? Should I ...

@DavidM ^^
adsf people are so paranoid about being murderized in Europe and other not-America places
@Unionhawk To be fair, people are also paranoid about being murderized in America places too
@Ktash Not quite in the "People are going to break in and steal my kidneys while they also steal my wallet so I should use a money belt to keep them at least away from my money" sense
though sometimes
they are with New York
and DC
and Detroit
But it's not like "I'm in Europe, Europeans can't be trusted to not steal my wallet"
As a blanket statement of Americans' attitudes traveling
I mean, take @FEichinger for example
Heh, I don't know. I've heard people with that mentality about those American places lol
But I don't disagree it is ridiculous
I'm now looking for the C&H where they literally show a guy who had his kidneys out, and was all like "Hey, she took my wallet!"
so. sleepy. and. hungry.
I am going to eat some cereal
Gambled a set belt, found a set fist weapon, completing the Shenlong set.
cc @OrigamiRobot
I got an awesome set helm :D but the rest was shitty :(
@spugsley And you got that before I joined, I think.
@Frank I did :(
@spugsley I bet I leeched all your luck.
My base damage is now at 600K, with no buffs.
It's right there, in the code: if frank then RNG=HAHAHAHA
44% crit chance, +445% crit damage. That is...silly.
@Unionhawk :o
@spugsley It also sets RNG to HAHAHAHA by default, so...
are you guys still playing?
@kalina Just finished.
time to edit hundreds of wedding picturessss
did I miss drama with a new user earlier? Booooooooo
It wasn't very dramatic
I was still out being professional instead of in here with the drama. Boooooooooo
tell me what happened~
I need my drama fix
He wanted to know why he was getting downvotes, stuff went down
I caused drama earlier
it sated my desire for drama for a bit
@Ktash Which is funny because New York has a lower crime rate than where most of the people who are terrified of it are from.
I got bored and started randomly joining public D3 games on high torment levels
Only a bit? Oh god.
finding the ones that had completed their rifts and spoke to Orek for the XP
quit the game, repeat
@kalina hahahahahahaha
@kalina that's amazing
did it like 5 times, nearly got a full level out of it
also @AshleyNunn I am stealing the word shitmonkey
No but seriously should I waste several hours just getting to a theatre to see Under The Skin this weekend, or should I be patient and wait to see it at a better and more convenient venue in a week or two?
Basically, Scarlett Johansson plays an alien who picks up hitchhikers, seduces them, and then murders them. Repeatedly.
(Film features real actual hitchhikers!)
> The mundane parts of Under The Skin are even more daring in their way. To document Laura’s hunts, Glazer sent Johansson out in a van equipped with hidden cameras and microphones, and had her stop and chat with ordinary guys on the street. Johansson never breaks character; she fakes her way through social interactions, repeating what people say to her with a thin smile and a blank stare.
> Between the thick accents of Laura’s potential victims and her own inability to understand humanity, Under The Skin becomes like a documentary, made by aliens, about life in Scottish cities and towns.
I love the whole idea of this
3 hours later…
Q: What is the best way to start NBA2K14 PS4 My Career?

EZcheezMy question is how should I make my player. For example, what is the best position, what are the first best things to upgrade, and so on... Here we go. What height? What position? What to upgrade first? What signature skill to buy? Oh and another thing if you guys can answer is, my NBA2K14 disc...

blame the Americans
I do.
Doesn't change the fact that you have a terrible sleep cycle. Even if it is their fault!
my sleep cycle is fantastic
I am also looking for jobs working nights
@kalina ...
Q: Classic Elder scrolls guilds in TESO?

JutschgeI Found a Fighters guild in TESO and now I wonder whether or not some other guilds are in the game. As far as I know there are 4 guilds that are always present in Elder Scrolls games (Fighter, Mage, Thief, Assassin). I'm really Interested in the Dark brotherhood since I Play a rouge but it woul...

1 hour later…
@kalina what sort of things do you do?
Welp, I guess it's too stormy to make it to my FLGS for tabletop day
Mega Ultra :(
Q: How to determine correct difficulty to play at level 70?

John GaughanHow do I determine which difficulty my level 70 Diablo 3 character should play? The easy answer would be try a few difficulties and see how hard they are and how I feel about playing character X at difficulty Y. But that is subjective. I am looking for something as objective as possible: I know ...

Q: FTL Advanced editon all ships

SimonHi guys can some one give me a save file with all the ftl ADVANCED EDITION ships unlocked? I have look it up but there is nothing yet.

Q: Demon's Souls: I keep dying.

Izaya OriharaIn Demon's Souls, I keep dying. I gave up on the game eventually, but its really addicting. I try to gather souls, but when I upgrade my character, I feel no change. I know it's really hard, but how can I get past 1-2? A dragon keeps killing me. My class is a Knight, and I use a club and a long s...

Q: LOZ Windwaker HD scene never ends

ZCoderfor some reason the LOZWW HD for WiiU when I get to the part at the beginning with the telescope aryll keeps asking "hey,what's that? playername! are you looking at the red postbox?", plays a chime and then a bloop as if the message was accepted then displays it again. no mater where I look and h...

Q: Adventure Mode legendaries on first boss kill

John GaughanDoes the improved boss loot on first kill occur in adventure mode? If so, does it count toward the first kill loot in campaign mode? Since it seems to be tied to resetting the campaign I am not sure that it should or would work that way but I have not seen anything that documents how this works.

user image
for peoples of good taste such as @ashleynunn
Q: What Makes Portal 2 Fantasy?

EthanBaconGamingI have had Portal and Portal 2 for a long time now and have loved both of them. One day I noticed the ratings of the two games: The E10 rating is for Portal 2 and the T rating is for Portal. I then wondered, why does Portal 2 have fantasy violence and portal just has violence? What define...

Q: My crafters are addicted to Death's Breath! How can I help fulfill that need?

FrankThat Mystic is such an addict. All I want is to tweak my items, and she refuses to do so much as get up unless I wave one of these under her nose. It's gotten so bad, she sometimes wants two or even three of them! She's lazy, too. She'll only provide a couple tweaks, neither of which are usef...

A: Where do I go next?

Alan HazeldenYou can get past both C & D. C: what you have been trying is not going to work. But perhaps there is a less obvious way to get past? D: you need to gain a small bit of height, is there a step anywhere? (Sorry for the vagueness, I made the game so I have a built-in aversion to just telling peop...

Wow the guy who made the game answered my question!
@RedRiderX But he didn't actually answer it; he just gave tips. So even though that's really awesome, it's still not a good answer for our site :(
Hmm true
But if it helps me get past this bit, does it not deserve an upvote?
Holy crap, tweaking my armor costs 50 Veiled Crystals per.
Q: Using scoreboard objectives as arguments for commands

Kendall FreyIs there any way to use scoreboard objectives as arguments for commands? For example, say I have a command block that should teleport a player to a location based on their score. tp Notch score_Notch_Deaths 0 0 This should teleport Notch to an x-coordinate based on his Deaths score. If this ...

@Lazers Do we want a ?
I mean, we do have ...
@Chippies It's funny, becasue people are stupid.
@Wipqozn People are too eager and passionate about commenting on everything. Can't waste time on reading the article when there's commenting to do!
I guess it makes them feel important...
@fei the Redstone tag is enough.
Also... I'm not... Sure that particular solution works.
At all
Q: How do I get xbox one party and Skype voice through my headset?

SashleyWhen I join a party or go on Skype, the audio of the people talking to me comes out of my tv, but the microphone on my headset is being used. How can I set it so their voices come through the headset?

fuck yeah, victory!
my oh my. What next.
So many good choices.
Because they're all good chocis!
You know what I needed? A webcam of a birdfeeder in Norway decorated as a coffee shop http://www.nrk.no/piipshow/about-the-piip-show-1.11575642 #nrkpiip http://t.co/EaAeqJh43c
Cat will sit still while eating treats. She is then off to the races as soon as she realizes no more are forthcoming.
@GnomeSlice what is that?
@GnomeSlice What class should I try next?
@Wipqozn Out of what?
Rogue? Dreadnought? Sorcrer? Arch-Druid?
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@Wipqozn Druid
@GnomeSlice There is no Druid class.
There's an Arch-Druid class.
Pick your own class then
We got to play @HapaGames Ascendant today @FIEA If you like rogue like brawlers then make sure to help green light it http://bit.ly/1e7C1U8
huh, does the rogue not have a Tier IV unit..? That's strange.
oooo, shaman look really handy.
> Entangling Touch: Attemps to entangle target unit for 2 Turns. Entangled units cannot take any actions. Cooldown: 1 Turn.
Maybe I will go ARch-Druid. That's really handy.
oo, their tier 2 melee unit is nice too. Ancestral Spirit.
> Inflict Spirit Breaking: Attacks have a chace to inflict Broken Spirit. Units suffering from broken spirit suffer -2 physical strength, -2 defense, and -2 resistance for 2 turns.
and they can pass through walls and have 60% physical resistance... That's quite handy
oh, and immune to spirit attacks. nice.
I wonder what kind of spells that have.
oh, that spell could be handy.
> Call Beast Horde: Summons a random wild beast at the start of every combat round. Duration 7 turns.
Could summon some really bad units, but could get some decent ones.... plus they could always just be cannon fodder.
Use up enemies action points, or set up my units for falnking attacks.
Fertile Domain looks nifty. Boosts a cities growth by +200. That could be really handy for getting a lot of cities for income.
Plus since growth doesn't matter once a city hits metro level I could cancel it on cities to save the upkeeep.
ooorrr, hornet sworm
> Hornet Swarm: Unleashes a swarm of giant hornets on enemy troops. Deals 20 Blight damage to target enemy unit. The effect jumps a maximum of 4 times up to enemies up to 3 hexes away from the previous target.
I wonder if it'll bounce between two targets.
If so it would be 25 mana for 40 damage to two units. Not bad.
Also good for just weakning off or finishing weak units.
groups of hem that is
holy snap. That's ncie.
ARch-Druid has a spell which gives all archers inflict bleeding wounds.
oh nfty. +8 Movement for all support and archer units. That's handy.
Reviitalize is nice too.
Man, arch-druid has some nice spells.
I might try it next.
That was a good suggestion @GnomeSlice.
17 mins ago, by Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice There is no Druid class.
I think I'd want to match it up with a race with archers I like, which would probably be goblin. I think elves have good archers too.
@GnomeSlice There isn't though.
There's an ARCH Druid class!
oh, they have summon random animal skills.
I now have an actual mod hat.
So I can put that on when I moderate.
@LessPop_MoreFizz None of us will see it.
@Powerlord Sucks to be you then.
Q: Where is this shadow coming from?

ヴァイシャリI am playing Citadel and am confounded by a shadow that shows up in the den where the private terminal/invite someone over/invite to party terminal is located. It is clearly a female shadow and my Shepard is male. It looks like this : And here you see me turn around. The shadow silhouette is s...

Q: How to change the difficulty of a field in GemCraft Chasing Shadows?

Arlaud PierreGemCraft Chasing Shadows is finally out, after months of waiting! For some reason, I don't manage to change the difficulty of a given field, even when I try redoing them. It seems I need more shadow cores for it, but I can't find how many, and the difficulty stays at "Looming". Anybody knows mo...

Q: Adding a new highscore before or after an equal score?

Leo KingI'm making a highscores list for my 2048 replica. An entry in the list consists of a name and a score (e.g. "John" and 2100.) When I add a new entry, the code runs through the list and inserts the new entry when the score for the new entry is greater than the currently indexed entry. So imagine t...

Q: Where did I go wrong in creating a new tag?

Kendall FreyWhen I asked Using scoreboard objectives as arguments for commands, I created minecraft-commands, since I thought that such a tag would be useful now and in the future (especially since the Minecraft command system has received significant upgrades recently). However, the tag was removed from my...

Q: How does time work in the Final Fantasy 10 universe?

EvylentI just bought Final Fantasy X/X-2 remastered and its been a while since I've played it, I was 11 I think, so I didn't understand things then like now. I wanted to know the age/time setup on the events in this game. If I recall, Braska defeated Sin 10 years prior to the events of FFX. However, the...

....where is everyone?
@spugsley Hiding.
I'm here though, don't worry, and we all know I'm the best.
@spugsley I'm here. maybe.
@Wipqozn :/
I kind of want to play Age of Wonders, But I also kind of need to sleep.
Q: a short explenation on spider mod for TBOI? plz

user73405i think about downloading the spidermod for TBOI for the cool tweaks i heard it has but i cant find info about them... can anyone please explain shortly about it? would be highly appritiated! tnx :D

Q: What is the behavior of the Artillery Beam targeting?

EnderThe Federation Cruiser's Artillery Beam fires automatically without allowing you any targeting preferences. I've had it cut through most rooms of the enemy ship, or just a few. Is there any means or method to how it chooses to lay the line of it's beam or is it random? Is there a minimum\maximum ...

@Lazers Nice edit @spugsley.
@Arperum hah thanks. It needed some help :3
@spugsley Yes it did.
@Arperum it's actually a pretty good question though. There's not a ton of info readily available for it
@Arperum That's always the worst.
I'd choose sleep though.
@Wipqozn I have skipped thursday on friday night in favor of gaming, and had to be at my parents this morning at 8 because I had to babysit for my little foster brother.
Sleep is fantastic.
So sleep.
I took a little nap already this afternoon.
I think I'll try the Dreadnought class.
Either Draconic or ORc.
So I'm a bit better state right now. The headache because dead tired and slightly dried out is gone because both points have been remedied up to some point.
But I want to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and if I start the game up that won't probably happen.
(Inflammatory title aside, it's actually pretty fascinating research.)
@Arperum Orc Dreadnought.
Going to ORC IT UP
@Wipqozn I killed of one of the two AI's that attacked me. The Orc Archdruid is dead. And suddenly around 15 cities are at war with me. She really had a ton of cities. And killing the player reveals them on the minimap because they all declare war on you.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is terrible, but I love it
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, because that's not what sexist means, but that is an interesting read.
Pretty much anything involving the brain is usually really intersting.
Q: Will my pets get eaten by aliens?

Ashley NunnI noticed that when the aliens appear they eat my fish if they get close. Will they just eat the guppies and the carnivores, or do they eat the pet fish as well (such as the snail, the swordfish, etc)?

@Lazers Probably.
@Wipqozn You are wrong.
Q: Prison architect graphics problem

joeI bought the standard prison architect game of steam and not all the graphics are loaded? did i buy the wrong one? I cant see any of the objects/prisoners/guards etc. should i download a different version of the game? please help.

Hey has anyone here played Kinghts of Pen and Paper?
@RedRiderX I have :)
I have some grindstones
The DM says to take them to the blacksmith
But I can't find the blacksmith
Am I just stupid or something or is the blacksmith not in Default Village?
@RedRiderX I can't find him either
@GnomeSlice Have you asked a question about it?
That reminds me, I'm going to ask a Q about what all the stats mean in that game.
@RedRiderX Not yet.
Go ahead.
@GnomeSlice This seems weird. He's trying to show a pattern from like two or three points. It's more like they just chose numbers that sounded good.
@GnomeSlice Hey, maybe the devs will appear and answer - they did that for a couple of the questions i asked about it :)
Without any real benefit to showing any of this stuff he's assuming exists.
@AshleyNunn :o
Goll darn now I just feel stupid...
Where is it?
@Ullallulloo what are you talking about?
Q: Where is the blacksmith?

RedRiderXI've just started a new game, and haven't really left Default Village that much, but I did manage to acquire some Grindstones. I am apparently supposed to take them to the Blacksmith, but I've checked out what I belive are the shops in Default Village, and can't seem to find my way to a blacks...

Dang those Galaxy-class starships
They're pretty fly
If ya' know what I mean
@GnomeSlice where do you find this stuff? how do you know if todays listening is for today or next week?
@Alex @GnomeSlice just gives a daily music recommendation of stuff he likes?
Wow dat Data
He's pretty cool
Q: What exactly is LoL? Why is it so appealing?

Izaya OriharaEveryone I know has been playing League of Legends, and I looked at some gameplay of it. I wasn't impressed. It's a really popular game, but I don't understand what's so appealing. I'm thinking about playing the game and seeing how it is, I'd like to know what LoL is and why it is so appealing.

@Arperum that's lovely
@Lazers ...
@Arperum obviously... gnomeslice in tune
@Alex I just post new stuff I find that I haven't linked in here before.
@WorldEngineer We don't have Kroger here. That's a bit further east of us.
I sometimes try to tailor the tune to the day as well. Monday generally gets more upbeat stuff.
@GnomeSlice well, i must say, i really like what you do
@Alex I'm glad somebody appreciates it. =]
Matthew Wegner made a robot that plays Threes
Oh Wesley.

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