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@Wipqozn There are multiple areas interconnecting with each other in a "world"? SPOILERS!
You are such an awful turtle, you're almost a human being.
@StrixVaria Mutable floor <3
Q: Hovering over the community links changes the header height

3venticThese 3 links in the top-bar: When you hover over the links, the height of the whole div.header changes from 28px to 29px, which is caused by this rule: Tested in Chrome 33 and IE 11 in case it matters. Only happens on Arqade out of all the sites I checked (MSO, SO, SE.com).

@StrixVaria neat. My cars are developing spikes on the rear to correct themselves when they fall over
@BenBrocka I can (and have) watched this for hours.
@StrixVaria How many clones do you usually do?
@OrigamiRobot I just found this version, so I haven't really messed with these specific options much yet.
So far just one.
what's mutable floor do? IT looks about the same
@BenBrocka The floor is different every round, so instead of generating cars specific to one track, it generates cars that are good all-around.
Once you get past distance ~140 the track starts to get pretty jagged.
Oh, cool
@StrixVaria The last time I ran this, the track had this one really steep spike followed by a deep valley. I developed cars that were great at getting over the peak and them floundered about in the valley.
@StrixVaria Let's start a population with the same parameters and same seed and see how it goes
@OrigamiRobot That's a good idea.
Seed should be "gir"
Floor: fixed
This is acceptable to me.
Floor fixed? Interesting.
I like clones: 3 and mutation rate: 20%
gravity: uranus
I think that about covers it.
Mutation size 100%
Not even sure what that does
100% is good.
Like percentage of population that mutates?
I am ready
No, that's how much it can mutate.
Ready, clicking Go!
switched to moon gravity, they barely operate
@StrixVaria I have a fairly normal looking car right away
@OrigamiRobot Same. I think we're going to get exactly the same cars due to the seed, but not positive.
Ok, maybe not.
I have this car that looks like a dog scooting its ass across the carpet.
I've got one that just backflips the whole way
I have 2 spikes in the floor that have spelled death for every car to approach them so far.
Wow thanks SE.
Like that but not bold and italic I guess.
@BenBrocka I can see how, technically, the Mother series of RPGs is not considered as hard as say, Chrono Trigger (which wasn't even that hard), but Mother 3's battle system made each and every battle both more interesting and more draining
I literally could not bear fighting each and every opponent for each and every item box, so I started skipping crappy pickups and the associated fights, and that probably meant I was underleveled in some boss fights. As soon as I cheated the interesting part of everyday battles away from the game, the problem fixed itself immediately.
That... is a shitty problem to have, I guess.
I just didn't bother with the "beat" system at all, it's too slow and fussy
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that's it!
I don't think we have the same cars, though.
@StrixVaria I think we might have, but the initialization could spell instant death for cars taht otherwise would do well
Like if they spawn upside down
I just had 2 cars each get stuck on a different spike.
Q: In Pokemon X/Y is there a way to quick slect an item?

NolanNiteIs there a quicker way of selecting and item instead of having to navigate through your items to use it?

@StrixVaria Realistically, the best hope is for one that jumps the pit in between.
@OrigamiRobot Definitely.
Just had another crawl over the two, though, and then immediately fail on the next incline.
@BenBrocka You take way too much damage in the alternative
I mean, it's enjoyable to beat the crap out of enemies to their own beat - to a length.
Oh damn just had a car blaze past it. Missed seeing it but hopefully the next gen does it too.
Aha! It did a frontflip over the 2nd spike.
OTOH, games like Chrono Trigger present you with hundred of battles, of which only 99% or so requires more sophisticated input than holding A.
On the other hand, the end game is about 9 boss fights in a row, bring your own health and magic refills.
Does fixed give EVERYONE the same track or are we all getting different fixed tracks?
@BenBrocka If you used the same seed as us (gir) then you should have the same track.
Otherwise it's random but it's the same for you every time.
Troll spike :(
This be the beast that be killin me cars
I am way too lazy to crop screenshots to show you how mine is doing.
@StrixVaria scrot -s
@StrixVaria I use Greenshot to crop the screen as I take the screenshot and automatically upload to imgur
@badp Should I man scrot to know what this is?
@StrixVaria SCReenshOT
-s says you just want a selection of the screen (click and drag)
you can also add -d 3 to give yourself a 3 seconds headstart
> The program 'scrot' is currently not installed. To run 'scrot' please ask your administrator to install the package 'scrot'
You will have to enable the component called 'universe'
snipping tool is awesome in win 7. Though it doesn't work well with keyboard shortcuts
You might need to install it separately.
'universe' sounds foreboding.
Dunno if there's a freer alternative
Q: Importing games back into steam

Marriott81Recently got a new pc, put the HDD from old pc into new one, reinstalled Steam however I want to use the library from old pc on new one but keep it on external. New pc has a SSD which I do not want to fill up so going to put everything going to the external. Any ideas please?

To install scrot from scratch you must first install the universe
@BenBrocka This is essentially command line snipping tool without post-fact annotations - manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man1/scrot.1.html
I just press Print Screen, select the area I want to capture, and select imgur as the destination
if I go mutable then fixed will I get a new track? This chasm is unfair
I have Jawas
@BenBrocka Yes I believe so.
I have an obstacle at 186 meters only one car in generation 15 got through
I'm not at generation 25
I'm not sure any car at all can get past this point
@badp I'd be amazed if anything ever passed that
@OrigamiRobot I love this game
Has there been an update recently?
spikes are op
@SaintWacko Mutable floors
@StrixVaria Oh, that's a new one
The original is here: boxcar2d.com
Although this one looks way better
I had a really promising mutation that lasted 2 generations before mutating the wrong direction and losing itself... it made me sad
It's a toddlermobile
so far it's the only one that makes it past one particular obstacle
Playing with Moon gravity is fun
@OrigamiRobot Generation 86 and my best is 180.95 distance
Which happened in generation 61.
Top distance is 217.43 so far
On the "gir" seed?
was using jupiter gravity, now trying earth again
no not gir
@StrixVaria What? I'm only on gen 11...
@StrixVaria If you're using the same seed then surely you should be getting the same cars?
@OrigamiRobot click surprise and it goes faster and doesn't draw
doesn't use much CPU though, it must be able to go faster
@badp This I'm not sure about. That's definitely possible.
@BenBrocka Even so my computer is a complete beast at work.
Are the cars in this one breakable?
Even if I were animating I'd be much past 11.
@SaintWacko No.
@StrixVaria Aww
@StrixVaria My work computer is a butt and Im' way past 11. Surprise speeds it even though it's not CPU throttled. I'm not sure what is throttling it, probably something in the code
@badp I think the seed is just for the world.
@BenBrocka Probably DOM updates that the thing does anyway
> Create new world with seed: The same seed always creates the same track, so you can agree on a seed with your friends and compete. :)
(like distance travelled, the bars, etc.)
how the fk does one do block quotes in chat?
> like this
@Chippies with a space after the > sign. Also, no newlines.
Wait, so what does floor: mutable do?
what do the three lines on the graph represent? The red is pretty obviously best...
@Sconibulus I guess it's 2nd and 3rd best?
@SaintWacko mutates the floor
@OrigamiRobot Alright, it didn't seem to be changing much. Also, does that mean that with a given seed, it'll always have the same floor mutations?
@badp nah, frequently secong best and best are about the same
okay I'm trying the Gir seed. Are you guys not messing with gravity?
the low one might be Median
@BenBrocka uranus
Even the same car will perform slightly differently every time
#1: 185.9 d:181.17 h:0/15.74m (gen 9)
#2: 185.6 d:180.85 h:0/15.74m (gen 8)
#3: 185.54 d:180.83 h:0/15.74m (gen 11)
#4: 185.52 d:180.81 h:0/15.74m (gen 7)
#5: 185.52 d:180.81 h:0/15.74m (gen 10)
So is there a particular seed everyone is using?
it says at the bottom that it's not deterministic yet
and a particular gravity
@SaintWacko gir
@SaintWacko Speed?
@BenBrocka scrolling is cheating
Ohhhh I think it's only simulating while the tab is active
@BenBrocka Or at least only while it's visible
If you drag it to a second monitor, it'll keep going
top score is now 194
This track is brutal
yeah split the tab into a new window and just leave it in the background and it'll keep simulating
almost made it past that, then fell in.
yeah I see that
one final note about Mother 3
It just stopped a car that was still going
@OrigamiRobot Way past the spikes, yes.
I wonder if the credits are... cut short (given the sequence of images in the background) just so the US localization team had the headroom for their own credits?
or if the devs just kinda ran out of money towards the end, which is the vibe I've been getting.
the spikes are nothing

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