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Q: Killing everyone in the Mojave Wasteland

FabianIs it possible to kill every last person (and non-person) in Fallout New Vegas? Or are some NPCs unkillable? Not that I would advocate or condone such a monstrous action, just idle curiosity.

Now that that ones out of the way, how long before someone asks about a total pacifist playthrough I wonder...
(Yes, it's possible to finish the game without killing anyone or anything. You need to get to 100 Speech and Barter by the endgame, and some sneak/stealthboys helps, you also need a female character with the Black Widow perk and I think that's it.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was just about to ask the question ;-)
Both of you go post the q/a already! Sounds worthwhile.
I was just kidding
I'll ask/answer myself once I do it myself.
that'll be my next playthrough. Currently doing my low-int Legion asshole run.
Gonna sell Arcade into slavery, feed Boone to the cannibals, hand over Cass to the weapons smugglers, and generally be a jerk. AVE CEASAR.
Just don't forget to pronounce it with a K
That's the proper Latin pronunciation.
That's my favorite part of the legion tbqh.
they speak proper Latin, and not francophone latin.
"However, I feel like this question is similar to asking: How can I stick a Fork in a light socket. If you know enough that it isn't dangerous for you, then you know enough to figure it out on your own."
True True
Eclipse now has the dubious award of "Most error messages generated on first run from a fresh install" 0_0
Good piece on why Arcade Gannon is such an amazing (gay) character for videogames. - I'm just not sure whether it's an awesome thing, or sad that the author makes no mention of Veronica.
That's an excellent article, thanks @Lesspop
@Macha I'm sure SAP beats that handily.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, I'm just not sure if it says something about how well crafted they are, or how dim the author is that he doesn't mention that ANOTHER one of the primary companions is also gay.
And a third could be described as a 'three-beer queer' if you wanted to really look across the companion spectrum.
Ah, I haven't played New Vegas yet
@FallenAngelEyes There are 6 humanoid companions in the game. There's the gay doctor who that article is about, the gay brotherhood of steel scribe who likes to punch things and wants nothing in this world more than a pretty dress, the alcoholic cowgirl (aforementioned 3 beer queer), a schizophrenic Super-Mutant who thinks you're her grandchild, a mexican ghoul handyman, and a strong silent war-scarred commando/sniper dude.
Q: Easy PS3 games for beginner

SilverM-AI am looking for good PS3 games simple and not too complicated for my girlfriend! I found her a young kids games, Mini Ninjas, and she loved it! She also liked Costume Quest available on the PlayStation Network. Now that she has completed both, I would look for another game she can play. When I ...

1 more close vote needed!
Always late to the party :(
It may be admittedly a bit of bias on my part, but any question that starts out asking "what are easy games for a girl to play" need to die in a fire :P
@FallenAngelEyes We agree. :)
They make me Picard facepalm.
And time to eat food and watch Big Bang Theory, later all
@badp: This times around 50: pastebin.com/H8k3w2Z2
You were saying?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hmm, I guess I'm kind of in the middle.
I'm an Apple-loving, .EPS file-fearing font snob with a caffeine addiction
I'd bring my own keyboard to work, but it's never been the same since I spilled a martini all over the numpad last year.
I'm firmly in the developer cam p:P
I'm firmly in the developer camp
@Macha That's 5 error messages
Q: Holy PvP Paladin Weapon/Gear Enchant

Neil HickmanWhat is the best enchant to focus on getting on weapon/gear for PvP as a holy paladin?

They come with a stacktrace, so each one is really long
They're still just 5.
@badp: No, that's one error message. It's just a sample from the error log
@Feeds Too Localized.
(not really, it's just that the answer is going to change completely in about 4 weeks.)
So edit the answer in 4 weeks. :P
All MMORPG questions have the same problem.
@Brant this is true, but it's also true that now is a particularly bad time because the level cap is rising.
And the stats are changing, notably mp5 vs spirt
which is a biannual event, rather than a quarterly one.
also, being a PVP question, resilience has been totally rebalanced...
Oh, @less, now you're here, could you answer my comment here?
A: What are the rules of Caravan?

John RudyYou're right that both the in-manual and in-game introductions to Caravan are not very effective. This is what I figured out via a combination of trial-and-error and the instructions. (Also, I keep the Caravan rules card from the deck that comes with the special edition out when I play New Vegas...

I tried to ping you last night
I actually tested that specific behavior before I made my edit
I went and started a game, sold 2 caravans while abusing Jacks to keep the third unsold
Weird, I did too.
the game did not end until caravan three broke 21
not before the patch though, might have been patched
Is there some awesome mod (free) for HL2?
@badp there are lots of awesome mods for HL2
@LessPop_MoreFizz one you'd recommend?
This is chat =)
I was going to say Portal before you edited in the "free" part
@StrixVaria Portal's not a mod
It's kind of a mod
Not in the Steam way of "free games you could have if only you'd have bought the base game".
It's just a super fancy mod
fair enough
I just automatically jump to Portal even when it's only half-relevant
Yeah, I heard about that one a year ago now.
I hoped it'd be out by now :)
and you've played around with Garry's Mod, right?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not free.
There's a free version i thought?
I know I never paid for it...
and twitter.com/BlackMesaDevs shows the game is quite dead.
There used to be
Like 5 years ago
There's also Minerva
Whoops, Link should've been to here: hylobatidae.org/minerva
@LessPop_MoreFizz Looks like an Ep1 mod...
Now you're just being picky!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know. It's just that I don't have Ep1.
You know, those nasty details tend to get in the way and ruin the day.
Somebody: upvote this guys answer, it totally rocks and deserves a plug
A: How can I improve my paw detection?

Joe KingtonIf you're just wanting (semi) contiguous regions, there's already an easy implementation in python: scipy's ndimage.morphology module. This is a fairly common image morphology operation. Basically, you have 5 steps: def find_paws(data, smooth_radius=5, threshold=0.0001): data = sp.ndima...

@IvoFlipse Upvoted, but if you feel the answer really is that awesome you know where the bounty button is :)
Q: Will gaming.stackexchange.com remove any need for cheat books?

Andrew SledgeOn the surface, I'm thinking so. Outside of the diagrams, there's nothing that can't be answered quickly.

don't bounties have to be awarded to NEW answers?
(ie after the bounty was started)
I thought it was just that the auto-reward only works with new answers
@Feeds Ship to meta!
@WillfulWizard you can reward as you like
only autoreward is for newer answers.
Need to more close votes for our first ever Community Move To Meta.
go go go
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm missing 1 rep for that ;-)
I had flagged it already
1 more vote now
@Fabian We don't need mods, we can take care of it as a community!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll do my part
I voted now, it's nearly done
Q: Will gaming.stackexchange.com remove any need for cheat books?

On the surface, I'm thinking so. Outside of the diagrams, there's nothing that can't be answered quickly.

So I can't log into chat at school with my google account.
But my openid works on the first try.
@Fabian Really? Doesn't look like it anymore :)
Q: Does a lake count as a coast?

OakI have a city built on the shore of a large lake. Does that count as if the city is "on a coast", for the sake of things like buildings that I can build? Notice that if I hover over the water tile it distinctively say "lake" and not "coast". For example, can I build a lighthouse on a city situat...

Q: What's a fast way to get built up in Black Ops multiplayer?

Michael PryorI know there's probably not a "best" path to buying perks, but there is probably one that is more optimal than my current naive way ("Oh! this looks neat!") I'm familiar with COD (MW2), but not sure what a good strategy is to build up (i.e. save all your points and buy expensive things, what thi...

@Fabian Fabian as in Fabian socialist, or Fabian is your name?
@CRoss It's my name
@CRoss You know, I'm going to be stuck on wikipedia for the rest of my lunch thanks to you. I hope you're happy.
Q: Which FPS came up with the hologram effect first?

Ahmad MageedI was watching a multiplayer video of Crysis 2 and noticed they have the "Hologram Decoy" effect (see the first 2 videos on their SOS New York site). I never played during the Halo: Reach beta so I didn't find out till later that Bungie also added a hologram armor effect. Two questions: Which ...

@Feeds wtf?
@badp It was asked on gaming.se main, so we migrated to meta
@WillfulWizard that doesn't make it any less of a wtf question. :)
I suppose not
@WillfulWizard If I've helped to enlighten the youth of the world, I am happy
ocremix.org - Remixes of video game tracks. Some of the stuff is brilliant.
Just thought I'd leave it here - It's where The Escapist's Extra Credits is getting its stuff
A: Will gaming.stackexchange.com remove any need for cheat books?

badpGaming doesn't aim to kill anything. There's a void and we're trying to fill it.

@badp That depends, whenever I'm gaming I usually aim to kill.
@Macha I have found some awesome stuff on OCRemix. However, a lot of it is also pretty blah. At one point I downloaded the full archive and went through them to weed out the good stuff - probably kept 1/10 of it. But that's a large time comittment...
@ArdaXi Depends. If you're playing a CTF, killing everything is a bad plan.
Exactly, as I said, that depends.
@sjohnston I wasn't suggesting looking through the whole collection.
@Macha I am, provided you have the time and determination
I've known a few people to sample some tracks, express disappointment, and never go back. But there's so much variety that you're very likely to find something you enjoy, regardless of your tastes
Let's say you've upvoted a comment... is there a way to remove that upvote?
I tried clicking it again but it didn't go away...
@JavadocMD Nope.
@badp D'oh.
It's just a comment. Don't worry too much
I'm so worried...
Just in case you thought you undermined your own point somewhere :P
Oh wow, I don't think I can go much further off-topic on that meta question
@LessPop_MoreFizz lol... Fallout is so random sometimes.
Wellp, I know what I'm doing on MY current playthrough...
lol. that almost makes me want to play, not for that, but to find other such things
hidden amusements
You would not be wrong to suggest that weird and random stuff is a central principle of the Fallout universe.
sigh I disagree with someone and now I'm invalidating their opinion? Oh well.
@JavadocMD ?
A discussion in meta. It would be handy if people would come to the chat room when such a discussion is brewing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Too many spoilers! :)
> This hidden challenge perk was not mentioned even in the Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide.
Gee, I wonder why.
The Kings are the best gang.
I haven't even made it into Vegas yet. I'm so behind. :(
@JavadocMD The highway between Mojave Outpost and Nipton is tough to get through at first
After that, getting to Vegas is easy
It's not a toughness issue, it's a time issues.
Stupid Minecraft and stupid TF2 Halloween stealing all my gaming hours.
@GraceNote, however you're reading this, yes I'll try to be around later. :)
@ArdaXi I actually usually sputter out and start wasting time around the Novac->Freeside run personally.
Q: PC Black Ops: Why aren't my games being saved in theatre mode?

MrVimesForgive me if this has been answered elsewhere or if it's a stupid question somehow. I can't seem to find the answer elsewhere. I have the PC version of Black Ops. I've played a few games now (at a rough guess - ten or so games. I can't actually connect to the server to find out) but my theatr...

Q: Is the Rocket Jumper droppable?

Bruce ConnorDoes the Rocket Jumper weapon drop randomly as other weapons? Or is it only obtainable trough crafting and buying?

@JavadocMD Do you want the truth or the other truth?
@GraceNote Truth it to me.
Q: Can I still earn accolades without Stella?

KatieKIf I don't have Stella (she's not hanging out in front of the Defeated Monsters list anymore), can I still earn Accolades?

@JavadocMD Okay, so @badp was close with diamond vanity searches. Except it's not exactly that.
Vanity searches?
Rather, we can choose to be notified of any of the following events:
- Someone mentions our name or anything like it.
- Someone we were talking to recently speaks up
- Someone in chat mentions anything about: votes, questions, answers, favorites, close, delete, comments, flags, or bounties.
You mean to explain "how you were reading this"?
Aye, aye.
Ok, understood.
I wasn't offended or anything, just surprised. :)
As for the actual thing you called me to discuss, I'll reiterate I'm sorry for my reaction.
It hurts just as much to have one's stance be misconstrued as yours was, as it does to feel like one's argument is dismissed. So I shouldn't have done that
And I'm sorry if I seemed dismissive or offensive, I did not intend to be.
I certainly agree with the fact an incomplete heart can be used to illustrate striving for completion, which is what we provide
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