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This is what I get for not doing it.
You should know better than to announce that you're a room owner! I'm on mobile chat and hadn't noticed!
And now it's time to work. BYE CHAT.
@Arperum I hate the good morning stars but I haven't cleared them
@LessPop_MoreFizz You agreed to stop when I hit 20k! You monster.
Are complaining about star clearing?
Did I miss that?
@OrigamiRobot the details are, ironically, on the star list
Except the part about me not caring either way.
No one cares about that either way
I am in favor of clearing the stars on malicious lies.
@OrigamiRobot Except it's not a lie.
Every morning is good.
It's always a lie.
@Frank define "good"
Zero mornings are good.
@KevinvanderVelden I look forward to getting out of bed and starting the day.
I don't think our definitions are the same if you can apply yours to mornings
@Frank define "morning"
@Unionhawk When I get up.
Stop telling me how I should feel about my mornings. Who do you think you are, Blizzard?
@OrigamiRobot Probably
@Frank so, 1PM? That could be a good "morning" I suppose
@OrigamiRobot I'm not saying how you have to feel about mornings.
Though I wouldn't call it morning
speaking of Blizzard, I wonder if we're going to get another RTS after Legacy of the Void
Just that I feel that they are good.
@Sconibulus Nah, probably Starcraft 3.
I personally am not a morning person, I bloody hate getting up early. I still think one positive message a day won't hurt anyone.
I'm slowly dying of positive messages
@KevinvanderVelden Today, 8 AM. With my internal clock deciding 7 was a good time.
@OrigamiRobot Morning are the best part of the day.
@Frank I was at work at slightly before 8AM today
@Wipqozn More lies.
@OrigamiRobot you're just crazy, that's all.
If you guys love mornings so much, why don't you marry them?
@OrigamiRobot Maybe I will!
@KevinvanderVelden I usually would be, too.
I wake up at 6am and get to work at 7am.
Things a typical morning contains:
Waking up.
Getting out of bed.
Putting on pants.
On weekends I usually wake up between 8 and 9.
Look at all those terrible things.
@OrigamiRobot waking up should definitely not be before getting out of bed. I'm perfectly capable of being at least half asleep when I stumble out of bed
@KevinvanderVelden I did not mean to imply any order to my list.
@Blem Heard about that; that'll show that little punk to get bullied
@BenBrocka Yeah, what an asshole!
I hope he gets a good ol' fashioned ass whopping for being bullied. what a wuss!
@Blem Ugh. People are stupid and awful
Q: Feed The Beast launcher crash on adding Calclavia mods

user2029727I used to play the voltz modpack in minecraft when I heard about the ftb Monster modpack. But unlike voltz, it does not have Atomic Science and ICBM mods, also , I wanted to add the galacticraft mod. So I downloaded these ---> Universal Electricity; Calclavia-Core-; At...

WTF is up with Glenn Beck's face.
@KevinvanderVelden cynical response: how many redditors defending this poor kid have made remarks about the attire of a sexual assault victim? (Hint: if i wanted to work at it, I'm sure I could find a nonzero number.) :(
So if I'm understanding this, the message is:
1) If you don't like something, bully people who participate in it.
2) Keep doing this until the school takes notice.
3) Celebrate your victory as the school outlaws the thing you were bullying them over to prevent you from bullying them over it.
@Sterno Basically, yeah.
@LessPop_MoreFizz just because bullies are defending someone who is being bullied does not mean he is not being bullied
@Sterno sunburn?
@KevinvanderVelden He was just pointing out the hypocrisy of some people.
@Sterno Actual process should be, "Come down like a hammer of god on anyone caught bullying"
@KevinvanderVelden That's not what LPMF is saying.
Nvm then, that's how I read it (though not in a hostile sense from LPMF)
@Frank can't believe schools are still so amazingly terrible at handling bullies
Heck, when I was bullied in school they tried to force me to take classes to learn how not to be bullied >.>
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's a frustrating issue, too. I'm wondering how to one day approach this subject with my daughter, because obviously it's not her fault, but at the same time I want to find a way to explain to her that there are behaviors she can engage him (getting really drunk at parties, dressing provocatively, etc) that put her at higher risk.
@BenBrocka It involves a method of discipline schools nowadays are loathe to implement.
Since everyone's a special unique snowflake, and you can't trample over their delicacy.
@BenBrocka I've read some article this week about a teacher who got suspended because she grabbed a bully by his arm to prevent him from hitting some other kid...
@Frank Unless they get bullied for it. Then trample away.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Redditors are the worst of people :(
@Arperum Not surprised
@Sterno Because that's easier than actually going after the root of the problem.
In other news, yesterday I don't even remember what I was reading on the Internet anymore but the comments were filled with a very heated discussion about the eco-friendliness of various prisoner execution methods.
WTF, Internet.
Also: Don't read the comments on that news article. Or any news article. Ever. Those people are literally worse than reddit people :(
@Sterno just don't kill prisoners (or people in general really..)
Problem solved!
Some folks just need killin'.
@KevinvanderVelden For some reason I imagined an "I" after that ping...
@BenBrocka yeah, we're tier 2
@FEichinger pff, I'm a gamer, I kill people constantly
@Arperum So in a sad, twisted way, this is really the best they can do to prevent the bullying. Granted it's not like the bullies will just go "Oh, he's not wearing it, I'll leave him alone."
Q: How do Morphling's replicants work?

CheeseburgerI know that he can replicate another hero, and that the skills of that hero are available to you. What I don't understand is (and I've tried googling this but I can't find definitive answers for this patch) how do skills work? Say you replicate Lich, and you drop a chain frost on the enemy team...

Also Wii U already surpassed Xbox 360 life-to-date sales in Japan so that's probably why they're launching there in september
@Sterno he's gone hipster
@Arperum Zero tolerance is a brain dead method of enforcing no bullying.
It means no one uses any judgement, and it's all about the rules.
@Frank zero tolerance of anything is a brain dead method
@Frank If my kid (once I have one) ever gets hit by some bully because the teacher wasn't allowed to stop the brat from hitting my kid. That school is going to see a raging mad parent. And after that at least one less student. + big media coverage. Because fuck that.
@KevinvanderVelden Indeed. But it's what we get when people yell at politicians to DO something.
@Krazer Turn X was never my favorite; didn't really like the design.
@Arperum I'd probably teach my kid to fight back, and fuck the rules about it.
@BenBrocka Aww :/
@Frank I liked it better than the Turn A
@Frank That too. But that doesn't stop bullying. I've tried (Been bullied for 10 years straight)
@OrigamiRobot he's barely even green
@Arperum I had a bit of bullying myself, but nothing compared to that.
@fredley I can't think of a good situation to use any of these.
I was bullied till I was like, 15 or so. Then I became friends with my bullies somehow
@Frank I kind of don't have many good memories of my schooltime as a result.
@Arperum Yeah, I can see why.
I once have been bullied. I'm a patient person; always was. But I'm also a big, strong person and was such as a kid. After a few weeks, I went and broke that kid's nose. The bullying stopped.
As in, nearly 10 years later and I'm going on vacations with them
I was bullied until I was 18. And then I finished the damn school and went to university.
I got lucky; my bully wasn't in my grade, and my classmates yelled at him whenever he tried.
The few times my friends weren't around, I tore a strip off of him myself. He didn't find it fun if I fought back.
@Frank 90% of my year was the group that bullied me, the couple friends I had were in another grade.
@Arperum Yuck. That really bites.
@Frank Yup. I did grow a thick skin in the end though, by now, it'll be more efficient to get me angry by verbally attacking people I like then by verbally attacking me.
@badp what's the highest number you've gotten in Threes?
From the BBC: Me and My Codpiece Me and my codpiece bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-26480358
Which sounds more like the name of a renaissance era soap opera than anything else
cc @Yuki
That is impressive
> He said the site crashed again when he uploaded the app to Google's publishing system a second time.

> "I just wanted to be sure about (the) vulnerability," he said.
@MattЭллен solid test on reproducability. 10/10, should test again.
It's not science if you can't reproduce the results!
@Unionhawk INB4
@Frank Yeah, it was pretty cool.
The Roz voice had me in stitches.
Nitrome won three awards in the 2014 Pocket Gamer awards including best overall game.
That's including releases on 3DS and PS Vita
I just got a mail containing the text ..." on the page we realized an alphabet, but dumb issue"
how do you even realize an alphabet?
like you'd realise a dream
I suppose
build it out of wood?
@MattЭллен I want someone to build all the chinese alphabets out of wood
That'd be an amazing collection
Welp, I just gutted one of my best answers. Thanks, Blizzard.
yes it would
@MattЭллен We are talking about a website here.
@Arperum I suppose you could call a website a realisation of something. Not sure if that would include an alphabet...
@KevinvanderVelden Worse yet, it can exploit autofill.
@KevinvanderVelden I like how the image doesn't specify which one is fake.
@OrigamiRobot second to last paragraph
> That's the fake log in page pictured above to the left and a real Google log in page to the right. So if it seems strange that you have to log in again, beware
@KevinvanderVelden The 2nd to last paragraph is not the picture.
Wait, is that called second to last? I don't actually know if that's the correct term
@OrigamiRobot agreed, I was pointing to where it was :)
Also, THE LEIDENFROST MAZE dramatic music.
It looks pretty damn cool =p
@GnomeSlice UAV drone with costume
If I recall correctly
@KevinvanderVelden Doesn't it still need wings?
@GnomeSlice nope, think quadcopter
Oh, huh...
part two discusses it.
Q: Want to Get Back Into the Original Pokemon Games

WhitechapelI want to play through the original Pokemon games (blue and red) and was wondering what I needed in order to get going with it? Game Boy? Game Boy Advanced? Game Boy Color? Game Boy Pocket? I don't know what the best buy would be. Where should I buy from?

@KevinvanderVelden Hexcopter, apaprently.
Oh, the copter is above it, it's on a fishing line.
@GnomeSlice Yes sir.
It's pretty nifty.
I just want The Forest to be out. cc @GnomeSlice
@OrigamiRobot Also Stranded Deep.
I haven't looked into The Forest much.
Q: ways to get conjuration and destruction up fast

jason valderramaI am all around character ,And i don't want to be a full blown battlemage or conjurer is there a way to level up destruction and conjuration fast like you can do with illusion and alteration? I have looked it up but can't find anything. I was hoping someone here would know.

Q: restoring the thevies guild

user72080I have all the merchants including the khajiits and as far as I know I'm done with all the side missions, but when I go talk to Brynjolf he give me Sorry las I've got more important things to do. Is there something else I'm not aware of?

ugh, wordpress website with an autolaunching video on the homepage with really loud horrible music. This website is getting worse every day.
@Arperum Sounds hitleristic.
Man, now I miss @MarkTrapp.
@Arperum adblock and/or no-script
He was such a cool guy.
@MBraedley I am making the goddamn thing. It is horrible.
@Arperum for the love of god, think of the children end users!
@Arperum And I'm banging my head over responsive design withous JS.
The best part is that the wordpress theme is terrible and now the whole website loads like a snail is getting every bit personally from the server or something.
The video is ~140Mb too...
@FEichinger Pure css I assume?
@FEichinger There's a reason we use JS, warts and all.
according to a danish tabloid news paper Russia is invading Crimea atm
@MBraedley I would, but i have no say in this. This is a website for the client of a client, who happens to be a somewhat famous football (european football) player or something.(or so I've been told).
@Arperum Yep.
I think I might get to finally play Dark Souls 2 tonight!
They also keep telling me that .ogv or doesn't exist or something, or that you can't make a video in it. So all I have is .mp4 file of 140Mb.
@Blem Dunno about invading, but the Kremlin just annexed Crimea.
@StackExchange You're the worst.
Well, they recognize Crimea as independent from Ukraine, which is pretty much just a step towards annexing them.
@Sterno It's so good.
> A Ukrainian military base is being raided in the city Simferopol on the Crimean peninsula. A soldier reported injured, according to Ukrainian sources told Interfax news agency
@Blem More specifically, the referendum passed, and a treaty was signed
...so did Putin win that Nobel Peace Prize yet?
@BenBrocka I hope so. The man is basically Gandhi.
@BenBrocka He will win it after he has invaded Scandinavia
@Blem The West calls it "invading", the East says they're securing Crimea's independence.
@FEichinger And the Far East is wondering where that plane went.
And given how much nonsensical shit the West pulled during this whole thing, I'm much more inclined to believe the Russians.
@Yuki Well, yeh, there's that, too.
More news on the plane, apparently Thailand may or may not have received radio data from a plane that may or may not be the missing jet minutes after it may or may not have disappeared.
Scratch that last "may or may not have".
@Blem Well, it's hard to find cell towers in the middle of a sea.
@Yuki you don't say....
@Blem That actually is the weirdest part. We have satellites all around us, but not a single one of them picked up that flight?
@FEichinger Conspiracy!
So far I've looked at hundreds of thousands of square feet of ocean. Empty, desolate ocean. The world is a bigsmall place. :/
It's kinda scary that we did lose track, because the plane is supposed to be equipped with ADS-B, which you aren't supposed to be able to turn off, and which can be picked up by satellites.
@TimStone heard about some crowdsourced projects like this, cool stuff
@MBraedley It's really starting to look more and more like a hijacking.
Why do most Blu-Ray movies come with an included DVD version now?
@Yuki But at the same time it's likely the plane is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean somewhere. So it's like a super sophisticated plane hijacking with a totally half-assed end game.
Having said that, there is no requirement at the present time for that plane to have ADS-B, so it may not have even been installed, but the fact that it could be tracked by amateurs suggests that it was active when the plane took off.
@Sterno Because more value! By paying a little extra!
@TimStone Isn't that how it is in movies? The hijackers always seem to pull off the hijacking magnificently without a hitch and then completely screw up the endgame.
@Sterno Kinda makes sense if they only made one SKU. Which I don't think they usually do
@Sterno Not everyone owns a Blu-Ray player, or owns one in their home theatre, but might only have a DVD player for somewhere else they want to watch said movie (e.g. a laptop on a flight)
... or they fail to consider that even a long-range model of the B777 won't be full of fuel when all it has to do is a (relatively) short trip to Beijing.
Q: What can I do with UFO in openttd?

JánosI play often in multiplayer mode with openttd. UFO is really annoying. How do you deal with it?

Q: Are we ever going to be able to make our own server on Battlefield 4?

Matthius SlimshadyMy friends and I want to make a server, so I was wondering when or if they were going to do it?

@AshleyNunn WHOOOOO!!!
runs around in circles
I mean it is shilling credit cards but it is something!
@AshleyNunn Doing what?
Trying to get people to sign up for credit cards
I am trying to find something more suited to me, but for now, this is yay because it PAYS MONEY
Q: EVE: nullsec exploration for trial?

user72083Just created 21 day trial account. Only reason I want to try this game is exploration. Nothing more, nothing less. Question is, what do I need to start exploring null sec? Should I skill something up, or get adequate ship? General TO-DO list before I go? I'm still doing the tutorial. Didn't sta...

@PlayStation Do you have to announce games EVERY DAY?
It's official, PS4 has too many games. Shut it down
@BenBrocka Obviously that is a massive error on someone's part, they should be fired ;)
@AshleyNunn Earning money is always a good thing
@AshleyNunn congrats!
This makes me the happiest, you have no ideaaaaaaa
I mean they don't guarantee full time or anything but I don't even care. My bank account will have an upward trajectory, and I can breathe a little easier.
And the basic pay (before commission) is something I can live on!
@BenBrocka searches "Now Available" on Steam's twitter
pretty much same result
@AshleyNunn So now if I get a phone call to sign up for a credit card the one calling could be you!?
@Wipqozn sadly nope, I am the weird kid wandering in the store shoving info at you
I mean I never answer the phone for long distance calls anyways, because of telemarketers, but still1
So the "more games on xbox one" thing is totally false. Unless you count a bountiful 9 exclusives over a paltry 8
so unless you are in a store in my city (or the other two in my region) you won't have to deal with me :P
@AshleyNunn do you get to wear a sandwich board with the name of the store on it?
@BenBrocka Nope! Just normal clothes!
I think I fixed my code!
@AshleyNunn Oh goo- errr I mean, oh no!
@MBraedley yay!
@Wipqozn snorts shut up turtle you'd love talking to me about credit cards you know it
And of course the song that's playing right now is Code Monkey
Dammit, it's not working anymore
Q: How do Banners get Caculated for "Today's Events"

DarylToday's Events are 24-48 hour PVP events within the game that give increasingly better rewards for earning more "banners". Sometimes I'll find players on level 60+ with a single common hero on their team worth 20 banners. Other times, I'll see a team full of legendary heroes, and it's only wort...

Bundlestars presents The Underground Bundle
That's a pretty good one.
Knytt, Kairo, and Bionic Dues
Okay, launching heavily modded KSP
This could take a while
Q: Zerg Counter for tank marine drop

user72086I find that I keep getting destroyed to a tank/marine drop in my mineral line. This generally happens early game before I'm two base saturated and have roach ling bane. (for the obvious MMM deathball from a scout.) When you do a scout for terran initially (10 supply), you can't tell this is goin...

still loading
Q: What is the system requirements for dark souls 2

Armi ManiI am excited to play dark souls 2 and i saw this video about dark souls 2 crack. Can someone give me the exact dark souls 2 system requirements?

@Lazers Spam. Burn it
@SaintWacko What? No it isn't.
@GnomeSlice It was before you edited it. It was a link to a Dark Souls 2 crack...
@SaintWacko The core question is still fine.
@GnomeSlice There's been discussion before to not edit spam out of a question, but instead to leave it. We don't want a spammer getting more rep and abilities
Q: Please, please, please, don't edit out spam links

LessPop_MoreFizzSo, a Wild User Appears. He posts several answers of dubious quality, all of which include a wildly unrelated commercial link. In other words, SPAM. Now, in each of these cases, well intentioned community members edited those posts, removing the spam link. Problem solved right? The answers, wh...

The creator of the original X-COM has launched a kickstarter for a new game, Chaos Reborn.
Thanks, @Wipqozn
@Wipqozn It's a lot of fun!
@Fluttershy Yeah, I'm thinking in a couple months I'll check it out some more.
I might wait until I get a new PC, which I'm planning to do sometime after I move out.
This Chaos Reborn thing looks amazing
@GnomeSlice Don't really have time to look right now, but being mad eby the original xcom creator has grabbed my attention.
I have never played an X-COM game, but they're pretty popular.
I played UFO: Afterlight, which I guess is sort of similar?
Don't rollback edits on spam/offensive posts.
Don't edit spam/offensive posts.
@GnomeSlice 'cept it's not turn based.
@JasonBerkan It's not turned based? I thought it was
How is that even still alive? What's the requirement for automatic action on spam flags?
@Wipqozn According to Wikipedia, all the UFO games are "Real Time Tactics".
@Wipqozn It's like frozen synapse.
@Unionhawk Rollback clears spam/offensive flags since the edit that was rolled back.
1 min ago, by FEichinger
Don't rollback edits on spam/offensive posts.
Well fuck
@Wipqozn You can pause it at any moment to reissue orders, but enemies and players all move at the same time.
It's gone now
@JasonBerkan Are we talking about UFO: Afterlight?
Or are these the UFO:Extraterrestrial games?
@Frank Afterlight specifically.
Good game.
One I should get back into
@SaintWacko What mods do you suggest?
I just purchased Enemy Within when it was on sale last week. So far I'm finding it easier than the original - the MECs are ridiculously powerful for how early you can build them.
That reminds me, anyone who is a fan of TBS games should check out Age of wonders III which comes out at the ende of the month.
Looks like it's going to be really good.
@FEichinger Oh, didn't realize that!
@Arperum I've been watching Scott Manley's LPs, so I'm using his list
@FEichinger @SaintWacko @OtherKSPpeople I'd like to adda couple mods to my KSP, any suggestions? I don't mind the difficulty going up or something.
Q: Safely harvesting water from the caverns?

ThebluefishI just began my first glacial embark, and realizing that I have no water is proving to be a challenge for my crops. I was able to breach the first cavern and wall it off, then I was able to dig to an area adjacent to the cavern lake. Now I want to harvest this water from the lake to build a depen...

@Arperum Depends on what you're looking for.
I'm running Kethane, Final Frontier, Persistent Trails, SCANsat, Kerbal Alarm Clock
@Arperum Also, /cc: @MBraedley, I guess.
@Arperum Kerbal Alarm is pretty much must have, as is Docking Alignment Indicator. B9 Aerospace is important if you want to make space planes. KW Rocketry and/or KSPX for more rocket parts. Flight Engineer if you don't want to use MechJeb. Kethane and Kerbal Attachment are nice, especially together, but I don't currently use them. FAR and the life support mod to up the difficulty
Also, enhanced nav ball is a must have

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