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wait what the fuck is this
what is this 'anti vaccination movement'
This editor is insanely powerful
@GnomeSlice Something incredibly stupid and harmful
@GnomeSlice exactly what it sounds like.
That site sums it up nicely.
This is insane!
@WorldEngineer ...?
@WorldEngineer It's not the kids fault their parents suck complete and utter balls, my dear.
Fair enough
The parents, however, deserve terribleness.
@WorldEngineer Remember, one cannot choose the people whose DNA makes us.
@LessPop_MoreFizz OMG why do I love this so much why
@AshleyNunn Have you never seen the video that it's from? Because it's adorable and sad and heartwarming.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have not!
This in-game editor is at least as powerful as most CAD type programs
8 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
It is a whole music video about Milky's big adventure!
Yay, How It's Made is back!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm pretty sure mrmilkcarton used to use that as his avatar
@LessPop_MoreFizz The first time I saw this music video, I was in Iraq. <_< I don't know why I remember this, but I do.
@GnomeSlice Either that, or one of the other dozens of gifs clipped from that video.
Actually it was that
It's prt iconic.
@GnomeSlice If he used that specific variant, I'm wondering if it's someone I knew once in another corner of the internet under a different name.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not sure, it was a long time ago (for me). Maybe he didn't even use it. I used to use that one in MSN like a billion years ago.
I dunno if a long time for me is a long time for you
you're old and stuff
hahahahaha the bing guy in that video
@LessPop_MoreFizz @davidM mildly concerning
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nick Tomassetti?
I just, twice in a row, tried to apply to jobs I had already applied to. :D
I am pro much.
@GnomeSlice I wouldn't know his real name.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Was he from boston?
@GnomeSlice I don't think so, but I really don't remember, it's been a decade.
@WorldEngineer This freaks me out.
It's probably not somebody you know
@WorldEngineer Chernobyl is a terrifying tragedy.
@GnomeSlice Hence, my support of Thorium salt reactors
@GnomeSlice It makes me feel so icky inside when I consider it as a thing that happened in human history
and my disdain for Hyman Rickover
who pushed light water reactors which are very dirty
This seems like a Big Deal, but I am not enough of an IT nerd to fully grok how big: arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/03/…
@LessPop_MoreFizz Big Deal.
@Chippies I give up, I can't get recon arena to work
@LessPop_MoreFizz That would be like the RIAA moving to a collectivist model
@GnomeSlice the gods don't want you to play that blasphemous game.
@WorldEngineer I know enough about both entities to know that that's a pretty shitty metaphor. :P
@Chippies Make a better one then
But I get that it's huge.
@GnomeSlice pay me
It doesn't have to be a good game to be fun
@Chippies hahahahahaha
Recon Arena is free
it wasn't free to make
@Chippies I suspect it was.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Big Deal. Very Big Deal.
Some nerd probably made it after school
Q: How can I get another crew member?

SysDragonI specialized by two basic crew members in Survival and Combat, and I have the spot to have another crew member who will develop Diplomacy. I'm already in Kapello and there is no sign of a station where I can buy crew members.

time is valuable, regardless if it was a nerd after school or a serious game developer
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is fucking fascinating. Big fucking deal. Like a lot.
@Arperum Can you explain? I'm in the same boat as @LessPop_MoreFizz
Also, it's nearly 4:30AM why am I still awake?
(also holy balls I understand more of this stuff that I expect)
Or you, @AshleyNunn
I could be playing videogames, why should I be making a game for you for free?
@Chippies for me?
You said you could make a better one
I haven't ever heard of the DNS root zone thing before
doesn't mean I have to
@SaintWacko Do you know how DNS works?
@Arperum Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's pretty much linking domain names to IP addresses, right?
The way your hosts file works, but on a bigger scale
I know you can choose which DNS server to use
@SaintWacko Yes, but I was more talking about how.
@Arperum Oh. No, I don't
@Chippies IT'S WORKING
I assumed it was pretty much just a list on the server
I think the jungle level is broken
Similar to the hosts file
@SaintWacko You can see your hosts file as the last chain in the DNS chain.
@SaintWacko A server holding ALL websites ever made isn't going to happen.
@Chippies Play with me? Before the IGS thing?
@Arperum Oh, I thought it was a DNS override. If a domain was in the hosts file, it didn't check the DNS server for it
@Arperum I did wonder about that
How that worked
@GnomeSlice one match
Your pc basically checks his hosts file to see if that knows where to go, if it doesn't, it asks his DNS service where it is.
@Arperum Okay, yeah, that's what I thought
@SaintWacko Okay! In the words my brain uses - basically since the US kinda was the people who made the internets (see ARPAnet, etc), they are kinda, for all intents and purposes, in control of internets things, like DNS, which works like this. Now they are like yo, we are not being all in control of it, and we are welcoming people to share in the controlling of all the internets things, which means...
Because I've done stuff with my hosts file to make things work before
This DNS service does the same thing.
I suck at explaining this at 4:30AM.
I'm going to take an example.
@AshleyNunn So when you choose a DNS server to use, are you just choosing which one it hits first?
that like the US can't just do things all secret like behind closed doors, and so on. It is basically becoming a more open model of internet stuff, rather than the closed model it is now.
(referencing the howstuffworks link)
rms.sexy is a thing
@SaintWacko afaik, yes. (Mind you, I am not a CS or anything type person, I just read. A lot.)
Generic TLDs are scary. Very scary.
@PrivatePansy Root Mean Square is pretty sexy
Let's assume your DNS server is the DNS server for *.saintwacko.com So it has to know where www.saintwacko.com, ftp.saintwacko.com, randomsubdomain.saintwacko.com is.
@AshleyNunn I am a CS person, but I never learned much about networking
I do find it fascinating, though
@SaintWacko Computers fascinate the fuck out of me, so I just teach myself stuff. (I read a lot of simple Wikipedia to get the basics, which is why I threw that in there.)
@OrigamiRobot wrong rms
@WorldEngineer My point stands.
So if you ask for any Ip related to a *.saintwacko.com website, your DNS will know the correct IP.
Also, it's still raining!
I don't know enough about any one thing to be useful, but my breadth is kinda....breadthy.
The first real rain in a month or so. Finally the grass will be green again.
But you don't need randomthing.saintwacko.com, you need rand.arp.be
@AshleyNunn I know exactly what you mean
@PrivatePansy isn't it the start of monsoon season?
@SaintWacko Oh good :)
@SaintWacko I've forgotten most of the stuff I know beyond home networking.
@WorldEngineer Yes, but this year's dry season was really dry
Oh, and I still remember the TCP/IP model.
@PrivatePansy Had our first real rain today... While I was moving...
Someone once told me having conversations with me was a series of very odd breadth-first searches.
I couldn't tell you what the layers mean anymore, but I can recite them.
so your *.saintwacko.com DNS server has no clue where that is. So he tells your PC: Go ask my boss! He knows way more then me, his boss, being the .com DNS server.
We didn't have any real rain since the end of January
@Arperum How do these lists get built?
Actually, that site @AshleyNunn linked to looks like it explains a lot of this
@SaintWacko Yeah, it is good and explain-y
this server (serverfarm I assume) knows where all the .com domains are. So this .com DNS server knws where the *.com domains are. again, not rand.arp.be, so he too send you on. Too the ICANN (the root) because he doesn't know .be, ICANN DOES know .be and tells you to go ask for arp.be at the .be DNS server.
@AshleyNunn This is me except with tons and tons and tons of subjects.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I know! That's why talking to you is awesome :D
Because I can ask you almost anything and you have at least a passing understanding and it makes me so happy
this .be server then send you on to the *.arp.be DNS server. AND this server finally gives you the IP for rand.arp.be
The problem of course, is that lots of shallow knowledge, at times can end up making for very shallow conversations sometimes. :(
my knowledge is vast and deep
it's a tad frightening
@LessPop_MoreFizz I suppose so, but I have always found you are awesome to talk to. We've never really run out of things to talk about :P
(even when I am drunk and trying to make pterodactyl sounds!)
@WorldEngineer Kinda like the ocean!
@AshleyNunn That's kind of a kinky pet name....
... I have no idea where I was going with that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Toki Wartooth taller than a tree
@LessPop_MoreFizz giggles Sweetie, we've met, yes? :P
or some such
@Arperum Why doesn't it just go straight to ICANN?
34 secs ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
... I have no idea where I was going with that.
@WorldEngineer Toki Wartooth not a bumblebee, IIRC
@LessPop_MoreFizz Me neither, but I thought the trip might be interesting
@SaintWacko Because that server would be overloaded by requests then.
(There is also caching involved, but I lkeft that out for simplicity)
@Arperum Ah, okay. Would I be allowed to point my DNS lookup to ICANN?
Or does it not even accept requests directly from personal PCs?
@SaintWacko That would be a bad idea, even if it was possible. I have no clue if it's possible.
speaking of music
@Arperum Okay
This is fascinating
I love learning new things
@Arperum What would happen?
@WorldEngineer This just reminds me how much different music I like
Because ICANN doesn't cache anything at all. ANd your DNS hosting does, so that one has a large list of stuff it doesn't need to go ask other servers.
@Arperum Oh, I see
So ICANN doesn't actually know anything, it just knows where to find it?
@SaintWacko Or it knows someone who will tell you where to find it.
@WorldEngineer I like, like, none of these.
That's also the reason why there are a limited number of TLD (top level domains like .com, .be, .sexy)
@WorldEngineer Showtunes?
@Arperum Not really all that limited now!
@Yuki Flying would be closest
@Ullallulloo what do you like?
@Ullallulloo Do you just like... not like music?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Still limited, There are what, a couple hundred different ones? That's very limited.
@WorldEngineer Boring stuff, I guess.
@Ullallulloo examples?
@Arperum Ah, okay
@WorldEngineer I'm Steel, Rock, Dragon, Dark. But only partly of each. Nu metal is awfull
@Ullallulloo any particular bands?
@Arperum It's majority
@AshleyNunn Not really.
Psychic/Ice here
@Arperum Ground/Rock or Ground/Dragon
Susumu Hirasawa is a good example
@WorldEngineer I don't know. I like lots of video game music, blue grass, some folk, some classical.
@Ullallulloo The other version of this chart has game music under Bug
Okay, so now i know how DNS works. Now what sort of difference is this ICANN change going to make?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Based on what you tend to talk about here, I'd say Fire/Dragon
@SaintWacko The root was controlled by the US, so it was very simple for them to just listen in to it, and see everything that goes through it.
@Arperum Oh, okay. So it's not so much that it's going to change how it works, as that they no longer will have the ability to watch who's doing what with it
In theory, anyways
@WorldEngineer Dragon? really?
I can guarantee you that if you restricted me to two, Electric would be one of them.
@WorldEngineer I see no Prog. Rock. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz was split between that and Dragon
@Fluttershy Dragon
@WorldEngineer Yeah, definitely not dragon.
So if one IP keeps asking for some arabian sites, they can be randomly decide that that person is a terrorist and go fuck up his life. Or just add software that blocks of all use of the arabian stuff.
@OrigamiRobot I am apparently blind!
I guess I would be closest to Grass/Ground.
I am totally not a prog rock person, nor am I all that big into psychedelia.
extreme censorship available.
nor am I much of a classical music nerd.
I would end up with Steel/Rock I guess. ALthough, NU-metal is horrible and an abomination for having the word metal in it's name.
@Arperum Hm, alright. I see
@Arperum it's majority, not all inclusive
I mean there's no particular type for Korpiklaani for instance
@WorldEngineer Korpiklaani is awesome.
@Arperum They really are
What is Contemporary Folk?
@WorldEngineer Have you seen them live?
@Arperum Not European
perhaps one day
They were my first live-band I saw.
What is World Folk for that matter?
@OrigamiRobot Would you like examples?
@WorldEngineer I'd say, come over here sometime :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Please do, this should be good.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Probably better than a description.
Example Korpiklaani for the unenlightened
(For example: End of june there is GMM, a pretty big metal festival, or end of july there is metaldays, and then wacken begin august I think)
good single player free downloadable offline games?
@isthisbetter define good.
@isthisbetter Wikipedia has a list of freeware games
@WorldEngineer Unexpectedly, I like this.
It might just be the bowler though.
Personally, I like freak folk stuff that is only marginally 'contemporary folk', since I'm sure that the creator of that image was thinking of stuff like Nickel Creek, but I'm more fond of Akron/Family
@WorldEngineer yeah something not on that list
@Arperum anything above complete shit
@isthisbetter I think @Gnomeslice is the one to ask
lolololol I got to do some cosplay photography today :o
it's actually kinda fun :D
@spugsley :o
@isthisbetter define "complete shit"
Did you dress up? Or did you shoot someone who did?
@Arperum pure excretement
@LessPop_MoreFizz Negative.
my friend Jane :)
As for 'world folk', it generally just means contemporary traditional styled music from people what don't speak english. Especially if they're poor (or at least from places where lots of people are poor.)
A more "metal" entry
@isthisbetter In that case:
@spugsley I recognize those steps!
@Fluttershy yup :) that's where she wanted to shoot!
@WorldEngineer Nope, not this.
(Caps are very intentional.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nope.
@OrigamiRobot You didn't ask me to find things I thought you'd like, you asked me to find things that meet a categorical term that is vague and kind of dumb.
@OrigamiRobot You might like the music from shaman then, (the band that ended up tunring into korpiklaani), but more folky, and less metal.
what kind of metal are we talking about?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I know. I didn't go in with any expectations.
@isthisbetter Finnish Folk Metal
@Arperum Less squeely guitar from the 2nd one, more awesome bass from the 1st one.
I mean, if your tastes tend closer to metal, you could always go for neofolk, though i find most of it is kind of over the top for my tastes;
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ground?
That surprised me slightly.
that one might be better. They only have one or two cd's anyway.
@Arperum I can't decide whether I like this or not.
@AshleyNunn I dig blues a whole lot, and I'm also reasonably fond of a lot of rockabilly and alt-country stuff. Nashville stuff, I can take or leave for the most part.
@OrigamiRobot I can't even find a legal CD copy of it :(

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