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@Unionhawk Most games do refer to them as quests.
But, missions would be perfectly apt.
I do understand that it sounds dumb though, I associate "quests" more fantasy-rpg-like and missions more modern.
@Chippies Most of the early games of the type were fantasy based, hence quests > missions.
@DavidM the word "quest" itself just has this... old... fantasy vibe to it...
@Chippies Absolutely.
or maybe that's just because I'm used to it being used mostly in fantasy setting
Quests seem to harken back to the days of chivalry.
The real difference comes down to the word origins:
Quest is from the latin word meaning to ask/find
Mission is from the Latin to send
So, a quest is something that you go on for yourself in search of something. A mission is something you're sent on.
Q: Minecraft saves: Is there a way to find which version it was created in?

Harald KorneliussenI have quite a bit of old minecraft worlds lying around. With the new launcher, I understand I can create profiles for older versions of minecraft, give them their own folders, and copy the saves over to these. I don't want to load a save with a newer version than it was made. That usually gives...

Q: I've killed the guy (Cale) who has the key open the door to the locked house in Mejula, is there a way to get it?

Lenin_the_LemonI accidentally killed him and now i have no way of getting the house key of the building Mejula. Anyone know of another way to get it?

Gotta love family events. sigh
@AshleyNunn Yay
@AshleyNunn I sense a tiny hint of sarcasm.
. @feichinger oh yeah. Loads. When I am not getting ignored I am getting yelled at. So I have claimed a couch corner and am playing Yoshi's New Island.
@AshleyNunn Preaching to the choir.
It's even more "fun" when there's family friends.
Mobile games that that don't let you rotate the screen are awful
Q: Where to find blood orgy?

ArremerIn Stan's room on the floor there is this invitation to the annual blood orgy,followed by some arrows. The arrows are obviously directions but from where to start ?

@RedRiderX I finished season 1
and like 5 episodes of season 2
Jesus Christ
that finale
Oh I think that's about how far I've gotten
@RedRiderX Depends on the game.
It's sort of tailed off for me
On occasion, I'm annoyed at games that let you rotate the screen.
@Yuki You can lock the rotation of your device
Mostly because they set the rotation a titch too sensitive.
Well I guess OLO doesn't matter since it's literally a table you shoot pucks on
@GnomeSlice Yarp
Q: Can you be sent on a quest or does it then become a mission?

David MA discussion on the Arqade sister site brought up an interesting question that I thought I'd share here. What is the difference between a quest and a mission? Given the roots of the words, quest from the latin quaerere (to ask/seek), and mission from the latin mittere (to send). It seems tha...

cc: @Chippies @Unionhawk
@FEichinger I sense a tiny bit of understatement
@DavidM Really? How come?
@DavidM yay, I was sending telepathic suggestions that someone should ask that question to the appropriate SE site. I'm glad someone picked them up!
@Chippies Try out ELU, if you do your google homework first, we're really nice to newcomers
@Yuki Don't know, but no less than -1. I wasn't braving at all.
@DavidM But I hate homework
@Unionhawk Well, there's that.
@DavidM well my issue is that I don't like to ask questions. I can either find the information on google or it's not that important to me to be asked on a forum. It's different in a chat though, because I feel like the information gets moved so much that a small question or two in chat won't do any harm.
@yuki oh man yeah. So far it is just family but even then I am like...so the odd one out.
also since English is not my native language, I feel like often my questions aren't worth being bothered with.
Q: How do I take a snapshot with a laptop on 1.5.2 in Minecraft? F2 makes it dimmer

DuckTummyI'd really like it if someone might be able to help me. I need an answer so that I can make a picture for another post.

@Chippies That doesn't stop anyone. Some of the highest rep people are not native English speakers. And, given that I had no idea based upon your chat in here, I wouldn't worry.
SethBling, you, sir, are a genius.
@DavidM yeah, I know there are some people that will ask questions regardless if they even care about the answer -cough- @GnomeSlice -cough- rep hoarders
@Chippies Hahahahahahaha
I just usually want the answer to my question immediately, so I either look it up on google or I forget about it. Sometimes I have the attention span of a goldfish...
and I kinda don't care about my rep :>
@Chippies What?
I don't really see how getting rep for asking a question even makes sense
I don't do that...
@GnomeSlice <3
Q: What's the point of more than two gateway security systems?

Brendan LongIn Uplink, the later gateways have space for 3-4 security systems, but there's only two security systems available (motion sensor and self destruct). Having both security systems is useful so you can detect activity and nuke your gateway, but is there any advantage to having more than one of each...

@Chippies A well asked question expands the site. Getting rep for a shitty question is a different story.
This user does not appear to understand how SE works.
@DavidM I guess it makes some sense.
@Chippies The rep for a question up vote is half that of an answer.
I'm generally better at finding answers than asking questions :|
@Chippies That has its value.
I don't feel like doing anything right now
@GnomeSlice Wow. Going for the nihilistic existence. Cool!
@DavidM What?
You don't feel like doing anything
I was going to be impressed.
OK, I goofed. Not really nihilism.
Maybe extreme minimalism.
Q: Is there a way to know what color eggs I am going to get?

Ashley NunnSometimes when I swallow things I get red or yellow eggs instead of green ones. Is there any pattern to getting those special eggs?

@Lazers It depends upon the color of the hen ...... Oh wait, that's a different conversation.
@davidm I love this game because I get to ask ridiculous questions
@AshleyNunn Stick of Truth has that beat.
How to fart, etc.
I finally got to 7 again!
Ohmigsoh this game is fun but unfair
I am dog's-ass bored.
Have you played Attack On Titan Tribute Game?
@GnomeSlice depends on if you want to play Recon Arena or not
Can we play something
Also why do you hate that game
I'm listening
because it's bad.
I agree
but it's fun
why don't you like good games? :(
and by good I mean games that I like and want to play with you
lets play Left4Dead1/2
I don't have them
If I did, too big to install
that sucks, they were free for a day in like august or something
I'll probably grab L4D 2 on Xbox 360 eventually, it's pretty cheap now
why would you do that
Because it's cheap? And I've played it a bit with friends, it was pretty fun
maybe I could convince my dad to do the co-op with me
probably not
ew splitscreen fps :(
Eh, better than not playing at all
If he liked it he'd probably get a second copy so we could do LAN anyway
you have 2 xboxes?
ew splitscreen fps with a gamepad
My dad has one and I have one
you people and your consoles
He got one cheap so we could play stuff like crackdown together
That game is awesome over LAN
was that the open-world one with superpowers and crap?
kinda reminded me of saints row
You can jump like over buildings and throw cars and shit, yeah
do you own saints row 3?
They took out LAN in Crackdown 2, only online MP in that one. Sucks.
it was bundled at some point
@Chippies Nope. We got a saints row 1 and 2 double disc at a used games place a while back but we haven't played them yet
I've played SR2 at a friend's before though. It's hilarious.
SR3 is great
SR4 is eh still fun
I've been trying to finish SR2, but got distracted by other games
But SR3 was great
and I refuse to play SR3 before I'm done with SR2 :(
Hey! People are decidedly talking about games in here!
although for coop I could make an exception
@DavidM Chippies is just complaining because he doesn't think I should like the things I like
@DavidM Oh shit! Uh...
@GnomeSlice I didn't say you shouldn't like things you like
I said you should like things I like
6 mins ago, by Chippies
why don't you like good games? :(
@GnomeSlice It's like you're Unionhawk and wrong.
5 mins ago, by Chippies
why would you do that
@GnomeSlice I don't see your point. I'm just asking why don't you like good games? I don't mind that you like bad games (:
@DavidM Okay, real talk, this meme has to be done right now.
@GnomeSlice playing games with you is very limited, because with your internet, you are limited to games under 100Mb
@Unionhawk Don't let it get under your skin, kiddo. I'll lay off if it bothers you, though.
and 1) I don't own many of such games 2) I don't like many of such games
@Chippies @GnomeSlice Owns his OWN internet?!?
@DavidM judging by how shitty it is, I would guess he does actually own it
it just HAS to be a homemade internet of some sorts...
@Chippies Hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhahahah‌​ahah
on a floppy disk
I really did LOL on that.
@DavidM No, my parents pay for it
I live at home with them
@GnomeSlice Whoosh . . .
@DavidM The joke wasn't funny
I just find it difficult to grasp how someone living just outside of a big city like Toronto can have an internet like that
fuck it I think I'm just gonna go watch more arrow
@Chippies Please say connection or ISP. I hate when people say internet as if it's a small personal item.
I don't feel like doing anything else
It's a pet-peeve
@DavidM okay, just for you I will change my ways!
@DavidM It's just really annoying sometimes
when I say "internet' I usually mean "internet connection" btw
Like, certain people will argue pointless points with me and pull the "LOL UNI IS WRONG"
@Unionhawk Well, take a deep breath and learn to laugh with.
@Chippies I knew that.
It's a pet-peeve, as I've said
I can understand that :>
@Chippies Where are you from originally that English wasn't your first language?
@DavidM Latvia
@Chippies My cleaning lady is from Latvia
I hope that didn't sound conceited.
She really is.
Latvia in Europe?
I recently found out there was Latvia somewhere in US
@Chippies Yes, otherwise I couldn't explain her accent.
that's pretty cool
@Chippies Her daughters just came over last year. She's been here for like 15 or more years, though I think.
She's worked for me for over 7 years.
for most Latvians, English is their third language, and the older generations probably didn't learn it until later years, so they can have horrible accent
@Chippies I want to say she's about 50.
I got lucky, I had Cartoon Network from age 7 to 10, so I have to say I had an advantage. :P
I assume #1. Latvian, #2. Russian, #3. English or 1&2 are reversed.
@DavidM yes. 1&2 can be reversed, depending on what family you are born in.
@Chippies That explains why you speak like a Powerpuff Girl.
Makes sense.
there are families that speak mainly Latvian and some that speak mainly Russian
@Chippies Is that primarily based upon the family's origin?
Or is it a hold-over from the Soviet era?
@DavidM there's a lot of Russian families from Soviet era that speak mainly Russian, so their children keep that going
so I guess it's based upon their origin
@Chippies But, they'd call themselves Russians who live in Latvia, rather than Latvians, I assume?
@DavidM mostly, yeah.
I guess they would call themselves Latvians if the question was more of aimed at their nationality
but generally speaking they refer to themselves as Russians
I can't speak for all of them of course.
"when someone decides the most interesting part of their existence is where their parents decided to have sex, that is one horrible mess of a person" - random article on the internet
some people have a lot of pride for being Russians in Latvia, some Latvians have a lot of pride for being Latvians. I have none of that.
A: Can you be sent on a quest or does it then become a mission?

DougMIf you want to be pedantic: A quest is where you set out to find something. King Arthur sent his knights out on a quest to find the holy grail. A mission is where you set out to do something. King Arthur also sent a few knights out a mission to slay a dragon. The difference had blurred over...

@Chippies I get that.
Especially in light of Ukraine these days.
@DavidM So in this context, it would be a quest; you're sent on a quest to find this mysterious redguard woman because some mysterious redguard people want to find her because important reasons you don't need to know yet.
Yeah, it's crazy how patriotic, or whatever the right word for that is, people can be. But I guess some people have to be or else everything would collapse.
@Unionhawk It's a mission because you're sent to find her. A quest because you are trying to find her.
Now that's just confusing
it's a mission to go on a quest
@Chippies Another good word for it is jingoistic. Look that one up, and you'll see.
@Chippies That.
@DavidM oh that is a fancy word I would like to remember, but will forget anyway. I wish I could remember these fancy words.
@Chippies I filed that one away waaaaaaaaaaaay back in High School. Back before @GnomeSlice was born.
speaking of which, how do you people teach yourself to remember big words?
You learn the root words
if I don't get to use words often, I forget them.
If you want to learn a big word, try to understand why it is the word:
Jingoistic is a bad example: the root jingo is too obscure.
jingoistic sounds funny and the meaning is nothing what I would have thought it is, so that's not helping :P
The Diablo RNG really hates me right now. I decided to try forging a Hellfire ring for the first time, and I killed the third keywarden 6 or 7 times now and I didn't get a single key
You'll have to appease the gaming gods.
Go on a rampage and sacrifice a bunch of low exp. creatures.
@MadScientist Diablo RNG is a bitch at times.
@Frank One more quest in MH3U and I'll have done them all!
@Arperum The key should have a 25% chance to drop, I didn't calculate how unlikely it is to never get it in 6-7 tries, but I'm pretty sure I'm really damn unlucky
@MadScientist 17,7978515625% to not get it six times in a row.
@MadScientist The drop rate increases with Torment.
To 50% at Torment 6.
@Yuki I'm only at 1
Also, is the Mumble server just permanently down or something?
Q: Mjoll the Lioness is gone

ZevroHelp I can't find mjoll after I told her to go home Here's what has happened that might have done something I turned to werewolf form and and aerin was killed by a stray arrow from the guards She joined the blades She is nowheres to be found, not in riften not in sky haven temple not where I dis...

@Yuki I think so.
Maybe I should get anyone else join the Arqade community on the EU D3 server, but it seems that most people play on the US server

 Mumble Server Hosting

Room for discussion of Mumble going forward. And maybe other s...
Q: I didn't get Anomen back to investigate her sister's murder in time... so he left my party :(

daspianistI am playing BG2:EE on the iPad, and its wonderful to relive some of the stories and battles that I have when I originally played it as a younger teen. With Anomen, I had forgotten that some quests are truly time sensitive, so he left the party while I was in the middle of exploring a dungeon, an...

@Arperum More generally, the gods of RNG are assholes
@Unionhawk D3 RNG is a skillfull god. He really hates some people.
(I have now given myself bad randomization for the next 7 years or something, haven't I?)
@Unionhawk You just broke a virtual mirror.
@Unionhawk I don't mind stabbing at them, I have the bad randomization anyway.
Ah well, if that's the case, I should already have bad luck. I curse the RNG gods every time I see a runner get bad luck
Like, any time cosmo's WWHD route turns sour
@DavidM I think I broke every item for sale in multiple virtual mirror shops then.
Since that route has one major RNG moment that can destroy a run if it goes wrong
Like, over an hour in, or something
@Unionhawk That's terrible.
It's like, a 1 in 7 chance that it goes horribly, though
I'm now at 9 failed attempts, according to Wolfram Alpha this has a 7.5% chance of happening
@MadScientist Still not as bad as the dozen monsters I had to kill to get two 75% chance drops from them.
@MadScientist for that same reason I played on the US server, even though at the time I lived in Europe. That's usually the reason why I play ANY online game on US servers...
@MadScientist I joined the community :)
@Chippies Same. Pretty much all my friends play on US servers, so my online gaming life is permanently at at least 100ms lag. :P
@FAE 100? I don't think I've ever had 100 in an online game even within my country, much less my continent! 160-180 seems to be as low as it goes and I'm fine with that :)
@Chippies Yeah, now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've ever had 100ms either... it's usually closer to what you say. Most of the stuff I play, it doesn't matter in, but I do notice a difference for online FPS play, unfortunately.
@Chippies If I connect to Dutch or German servers, I usually have a nice, low ping.
@FAE I guess lucky for me, I don't play competitive FPS games much, so I've never noticed that much of a lag. For most of the games, if it's under 200ms, I'm happy :) under 300 is playable with many games, but over that I'd rather not...
@FAE the thing is - there are no online game servers in Latvia, and there are no online game servers here in Newfoundland, so either way, I can't get a "local" server unless it's a home hosted one :P
@Chippies I don't play them either, they're not really my thing. I considered playing Defiance (an FPS MMO) but they were going for like "pixel precise" aiming as part of their whole gameplay spiel, and there was a really big difference in my play experience between trying EU servers and NA ones. All my friends would've been NA, so I decided to skip on it.
@Chippies I like co-op FPS stuff though, like L4D and such, so it can still end up mattering there.
@FAE have you ever tried Warframe?
that game is ridiculously good with friends
but really sucks to solo
@Chippies No, not a big desire to really. Friend of mine played it and when she told me about the amount of realtime it took to build frames, I was kind of meh on it (though admittedly that was back in beta).
@FAE well, to be fair, there's no benefit in having different frames, other than having a different "character"
ideally, you would invest few dollars to get a frame you like and play with that forever
@Chippies Honestly, I'm not very good at FPS games in general, and the ones I do like, I prefer kind of arcade style FPS (like Quake, Unreal Tournament style, not so much stuff like CoD style)
but yeah, it is quite a grindfest if you don't invest any money
@Chippies Yeah, that's what I heard. :/
funny, I would've tought CoD is more arcade than UT and Quake :P
but I know what you mean
Xonotic is awesome and it's free
Gnome and I sometimes play it and I kick his ass
I guess that's why we don't play it anymore...
@Chippies I like fun, weird guns that are all available right away and creative arenas to try to find powerups in and all that stuff.
Yeah, but there's no progression in that
@Chippies I can't remember if I have that or not. I think I remember seeing a couple reviews of it and it looked fun.
which is cool for a quick match with friends
I had friends that played Warframe with me and then they returned to having "life"
"life" is overrated, if you ask me >.>
@Chippies Yeah, but I'm fine with that. I don't really want to have to grind out levels or have to deal with people who have way better gear than I do simply because they have more time to spend grinding.
yeah, the grinding part isn't necessarily fun, but the combat and going through the missions is surprisingly enjoyable.
I'm not trying to sell it to you though, just trying to explain what's so fun about it :P
I haven't played it in months myself
only the first few missions were doable solo, after that you kinda need friends...
@Chippies Yeah, I understand. :) My statement was less in regards to Warframe itself and more on those types level-based FPS games in general. Just not quite my thing.
@FAE oh okay, because that's kinda what I imagine a co-op FPS is like :)
@DavidM Just flag it if he rolls back again, don't get into an edit war (and from a first look I'd almost guarantee that he'll roll back)
@Chippies I played the multiplayer for Mass Effect 3 with friends (which is 3rd person shooting, not FPS, admittedly, though the same applies) and enjoyed it moderately, but mostly only because my friends were playing. I never played it solo and didn't feel super motivated to excel at it because shooter games just aren't my forté anyway.
@MadScientist What would you flag it? And, where?
@Chippies Warframe is fun
Q: Why isn't my minecraft PE working?

Cupcake1059Me and my sister can't connect,I can't go in her worlds and she can't come in mine. The server keeps saying "unable to connect to world." NEED ANSWERS ASAP

Q: Can I remove the blue tunic?

OmegaPlaying Link Between Worlds, I just found the blue tunic. Is there a way to revert to the green standard one? I checked on the Gear menu, but it doesn't seem like I can remove it.

Q: Riven spinning dome combination

user71858I'm having trouble with the sliding link combination to the spinning domes. I have the marble grid puzzle done and I have written down the five numbers in the lab journal written down. When I try to slide the links and push the button, nothing happens.

@FAE is there an actual co-op in ME3? :O I always thought it was just like a team/deathmatch kind of thing
@Chippies I love Borderlands but mostly because that's more focused on Diablo-style lootfest and RPG type builds than actual shooting skill.
@DavidM flag for mod attention, custom reason.
@Arperum Ah. Can you do that on something that's been put on hold already?
@Chippies Oh no, no deathmatch at all, it's only co-op. Just Horde mode, basically, co-op vs. AI waves.
@Lazers flagged as "Demanding twit."
@FAE you said like like L4D, which is basically running through levels with friends on a shared mission
@KevinvanderVelden Flagged for truth.
@DavidM "other". As a regular user, never get into an edit war, always flag for a moderator. You don't have any of the necessary tools to deal with a user that wants to vandalize a post.
Oh wait, that's not how it goes.
@FAE oh I loves fighting waves of enemies
@DavidM Someone want to point him to wherever it is that says once you post a question, it is the property of StackExchange?
@FAE This
@MadScientist Makes sense.
@SaintWacko In this case simply nuking the question is probably the easiest way to deal with this. It doesn't look valuable enough to keep it if the OP doesn't want to
@Chippies Yeah, that was fun for me mostly because of the setting and stuff, zombies and semi-horror and whatnot.
@SaintWacko He's an ass. I would down vote the question if I thought the rep loss meant anything to him.
@Chippies Yeah me too. I really like co-op vs. AI like that.
@FAE makes sense :) I personally enjoy co-op missions vs. AI.
@FAE One of my friends and I buy games primarily based on whether they have Co-op
which is why I mentioned Warframe :P
@Chippies Have you played Splinter Cell: Conviction?
@SaintWacko I do believe I have, I have to check to make sure if that's the right one...
@Chippies I do like those too, but when your friend circle's kind of done with the game and wants to move on, you're kind of stuck with no one to play with.
Meanwhile, I was so jazzed to see that data had a rep cap calculator. But, it's like 5 days behind, so it's not helping me.
@Chippies It has a really great co-op play
@SaintWacko yep, I complete the co-op mode
@Chippies Same here
My favorite mission type is where if you get detected, game over
@SaintWacko that's hardcore in co-op though.
one of the players WILL eventually get mad at the other if you fail enough times
@Frank If I joined your party now, would you be able to trade it to me?
Q: Can you come into combat in tiny death star?

user71860Can you actually attack planets in tiny death star? And do you ever come into more conflict with rebels then just their spies and hero's?

@Chippies I've only ever played it co-op
@MadScientist Gone now.
Although it wasn't pug coop, it was with my co-op gaming buddy
@SaintWacko I would never play coop with a pug. But Idk, getting detected can be frustrating especially close to end of the mission.
@Chippies Yeah, I generally prefer not getting cursed out by random jerks on the internet.
pugs don't even have opposable thumbs.
I really dislike playing with any randoms in any game
@Chippies Yeah, I suppose. Fortunately we've both been playing SC games for a long time
I've played like half of the mmorpg's out there and I end up quitting them because 1) my friends don't play with me 2) I'm too stubborn to communicate with randoms
@SaintWacko ah makes sense. Conviction was the first SC game I actually played, because I didn't have the hardware to run previous games at the time.
Q: What tool does Digital Foundry use to graph frame rates?

W DevauldDigital Foundry has a lot of videos comparing video hardware and configurations youtube link. An a great deal of them there is a line chart moving across the bottom which shows the frame rates and frame times as seen in this crop. Is this a software video capture tool that is available to the p...

@SaintWacko Nope. Account bound.
Q: What is sufficient mating material?

Morten ZilmerThe FIDE chess rules describe that "The game is draw when a position is reached from which a checkmate cannot occur by any possible series of legal moves" (FIDE rule 9.6). This rules is sometimes referred to as "Insufficient mating material rule", and the material that results in draw based on t...

Well played, Chess site.
@FAE That's why I loved CoX.
So awesome.
@Frank I really miss having a game where you could set your own scaled difficulty if you wanted to.
@Chippies Yes she does.
@OrigamiRobot she's an exception :P
A: Why use "on-pass" instead of "pass on"?

fdbI would call it illiterate jargon. And David, please do not abuse the word "culture".

Wow, the asses are out in force today.
I almost never down vote answers.
....what are they calling you out for?
@AshleyNunn Did you read the nonsense?
@AshleyNunn He called office culture a culture
@GraceNote How dare he?
@davidm I did now. That is just ridiculous.
@GraceNote I'm such a rebel.
OK, I gotta go put some preggo lady out of her misery. Talk to you all later.
Q: How do I farm Human Effigy's?

ReafexusIn Dark Souls 1 there were several enemies that would commonly drop Humanity that were within a reasonable farming time. There are more than a few enemies in Dark Souls 2 that drop them as well, but now enemies can only be killed 12 times before they disappear, meaning you only have 12 chances (s...

user image
Sometimes, I feel like that's totally accurate.
As a Winnipeger I can attest to the accuracy of this image
Q: What effects do Token's of Fidelity/Spite have on summoning/invading and being summoned/invaded?

ReafexusThe game seems to encourage multiplayer more than its predecessors did. When I get summoned and kill a boss successfully I have been given Token's of Fidelity. Does having more have any effect on my Summon Sign? Am I more likely to bubble to the top or the bottom? Do I gain any boosts? Or are t...

Florida pothole
@WorldEngineer Looks about right for what we deal with.
Except ours would be filled with snow and ice.
@Frank Karst?
has anyone encountered such a thing? when activating a steam key I am notified that I already own the game and proceeds to installation, but searching for the game in library yields nothing puu.sh/7wLsJ.jpg
the game title is Axis Game Factory and I tried searching for "axis", "game" and "factory" and none returned the game
@Chippies Try restarting Steam.
I think I figured out the issue here.
I just redeemed 2 keys that I definitely did not own and it said I owned them
so I guess it does a double check or something and glitches the library
restart should fix it...
hm it actually did not fix it

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