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Is my chest armour showing up weird for anyone else?
K, maybe freenode isn't actually supported.
@SaintWacko Do you use chrome? chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/circ/…
@SaintWacko Looks fine to me.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I'll try that out
@FAE If I could do that I wouldn't have lost touch with my IRC buddies :/
nevermind that the group of IRC buddies of mine disintegrated on its own
That's what it looks like for me
Speaking of which, new Twitch app for iThingies.
@badp My second monitor is pretty much always irssi in half the screen, browser in the other half. I know too many people on IRC, many for over a decade now, to leave chats.
@SaintWacko Same here.
@SaintWacko What's the server address for freenode? irc.freenode.net?
@Arperum @Fluttershy What browsers do you use?
@FAE Most of the people I knew was from a bunch of gaming clans revolving around a game that used to have 700-1,000 monthly players and now has 100
@SaintWacko Chrome.
@SaintWacko firefox.
@badp aw
@john actually I think you followed my sock puppet :-$
Hm. I use Chrome
@badp What game?
@FAE SE chat is so much better than IRC though
@RedRiderX confirmed sockmaster
For a game that's best played in 10v10 or 20v20 and can go all the way up to 64v64 (IIRC) that was a death blow.
@FAE Allegiance.
@GnomeSlice Amen to that. It also helps that people here tend to be a lot friendlier and junk.
Of course the community claims the game is not dead, but...
@Unionhawk *Stock master
@GnomeSlice I'm... not entirely certain
Yep. This last 30 days, all of 90 people logged in
I can't get any address working
@GnomeSlice My IRC client uses fewer resources and I don't have to keep tabs open especially for it. Also I can use it on mobile just fine. :P
@SaintWacko Yeah, it is. Weird, Mibbit doesn't work with freenode either
@AshleyNunn It's really a matter of the community though, not just our use of this chat engine.
something about that server is weird
This very community on IRC would probably act the same
@badp Very true.
@badp Yes, but I hate IRC and how it works. So.
@badp Minus all the goodies we can do in here like stars, oneboxes, transcripts, and shit
@SaintWacko My chrome has a single blue armor as a picture. It's actually the picture that's fucked up.
Yeah, no, without stars, this community would be completely different.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, but it'd be nice to have the option to have something more minimalist. Also you can log on IRC just fine and have transcripts. I have transcripts from like 2001 still.
@SaintWacko CTRL+ F5 and it's fixed.
Stars around here are an incentive to innuendo and whatnot.
I can just grep for whatever I want to find.
@Arperum Yeah, it's clearly pointing to the wrong location in a conglomerate image store
@GnomeSlice There's plenty of things that can give you a permanent transcript. True, there would not be a star list; also, there wouldn't be a flag system. We'd get to have owner- and voice- adding and removing fun. Also better control of bans.
@FAE Yeah, but you need like an always online thing for that
@FAE you can't reply, you can't edit.
I get that it is supposed to be all nice and perfect, but I hate it
@Arperum Ah, there. I had tried refreshing, but hadn't tried force-refreshing yet
@AshleyNunn I'm not saying it's perfect, I'm saying it'd be nice to have more options.
@SaintWacko No, it did that for a short time, and now your browser has it cached.
@FAE I get thatr
I never said it wouldn't
also, yeah, colon-replies, message editing.
SE chat is far and away the nicest chat service I've ever used.
@badp This?
@FAE Yup.
@badp Yeah, being able to akill is lovely.
I am going to go...not here, before I blow up over something that is inconsequential and minor just because I cannot regulate my emotional responses today.
The development story is way more interesting than the "plot" of the game, but this being Wikipedia, of course...
@badp Ah, never played it.
@FAE I'm not entirely surprised. Most people discovered it through a glowing review on Home of the Underdogs
(that would also be me)
@badp Wow, I haven't thought about that site in a while.
@SaintWacko Kiwi will still ding if somebody mentioned you directy, but I haven't found a way to stop the tab from always telling you people are talking
@SaintWacko Kiwi also seems to support desktop notifications in chrome
...and now I can't disable them
I ended up being recognised as a volounteer for the wiki, the training system, the events organization team, the development team, the stats team, plus assistant squad leader for our clan. Then this website happened and the writing was on the wall and I quit while I was ahead.
Q: How can I get the Mechanist's suit back?

ProdiasShort story, I sold the Mechanist's armor to a caravan and then entered the Ant-agonizer's lair. Can I get it back? Long story, I was scavenging when I came to the town where those to guys whose names I find too long to type again, have their fight. I went for the Ant-agonizer first then realiz...

Q: Do Assassin Recruits die if the Templars retake a Den?

Memor-XWhen i liberate a Den from the Templars i normally fill up by new slots right away however i am wondering, if a den gets contended and i fail to repel the attack, do Assassin Recruits die if a den is retaken and what effect does this have on recruits out on missions. Also if recruits do die, how...

Our squad disbanded a year later or so.
@FAE @badp this looks awesome
second nagelring get... one with 49% magic find though. out of max 50%
@GnomeSlice You should've discovered that 5 or so years ago.
@badp is that the game?
dat 3D
@GnomeSlice that's the cinematic intro
@badp Well, yes, it's in the title
I would give you links of gameplay but YouTube is 500ing right now.
@badp I'll check it out later, my internet isn't really supporting streaming right now
Q: When does the first recruit come back?

Memor-XDuring the tutorial about Assassin Recruits, after completing a mission with him about a former assassin killing off Assassin's i sent him on a mission as part of the tutorial. The mission name is The Little Prince, the description says something about the Sultan's third son who's been held host...

Basically it was a mix between real time strategy and first person "underwater" piloting sim
The map is arranged in sectors and you can view each sector from your own perspective or from a top-down view similar to the one in the thumbnail
that sounds cool
And also familiar
Hold on a second
Most players brawl against each other, but one on each team is a commander. They usually just stay in base, buy upgrades, manage drones and herd cats order their teams around.
@badp you should check out Galactose. It's not multiplayer, but it sounds like a simliar mix of strategy and combat
Development is going slow though
It does sound cool and TF2 was originally heading in this very direction. Turns out, you just can't make the commander role work, so TF2 abandoned the concept. Allegiance didn't, and so didn't Nuclear Dawn on Steam.
@badp Oh neat
@badp Nuclear Dawn?
I've heard that's good.
The commander has too many responsibilities, too much effect on the team and too little fun. If he leaves base, he essentially can't command at all.
The best team can be gimped by an incompetent commander and the best commander can be gimped by incompetent dogfighters.
@badp Nuclear Dawn? Or Allegiance
The drone AI is full of quirks (drones will override commands every 40 seconds or so) and the learning curve quite steep.
that sounds cool though
The stealth tech tree never really worked, either, and balance was a huge issue.
old games man
Since commanding is hard, unfun and high profile, few want to learn, let alone try
@GnomeSlice That looks cool
The in-community command school gave their pupils alternative nicks so that they could train "in secret"
@badp wat
Q: Are there any other factors to Mediterranean Defense Mission which could cause 100% success to fail?

Memor-XWhile reading the perks for completing the Assassin Guild Challenges one of them was that Recruits would be more efficient in Mediterranean Defense Missions. Since i always make sure that i don't send Assassins out unless the success rate is 100% (which is what i did in Brotherhood, at most i ne...

Q: No description on equipment stats

please delete meI have some idea of the stat icons and what they mean like poison resistance etc. But for everything else it's a complete guess. No text, and so far after searching online, nothing posted on it. Anyone have a link or a breakdown of the stat icons actually are on the equipment status menu of the g...

That's just how much pressure there is on commanders
If you aren't a trustworthy commander, people won't fly for you
or they will and they will mutiny you
so in order to break the catch22, they gave them "hider nicks"
what, like nicks that appear to be reputable people?
like commander21@intraining
that sounds nuts
and at the end you say "hey, commander21 was me all along! You can trust me I know what I'm doing now! Please! I beg you!"
@3ventic link?
sounds like something slipped through the cracks of Stack Overflow.
@badp Well, nevermind about Galactose then, sounds like the multiplayer stuff is a huge part of that
@GnomeSlice Personally I don't have a desire to go back to competitive gaming anyway
@badp Well then try it!
Competitive gaming isn't really fun in my opinion.
I mean it depends.
I have fun with Metal Drift and Aerena and shit like that
Well you just need to find a group that's just as laid back or hardcore as you are
Yeah, exactly
Metal Drift is pretty dead
I prefer my fun not to be directly proportional to my team's results if possible
the only people who play it are the top players
of which I guess I am one
But it's pretty chill
although a long losing streak is no fun for anybody
@badp this
Unless losing is fun
@spugsley Rub some bacon on it
@3ventic Losing can be fun, short-term.
It can be fun long term too
four hour nap :/
@spugsley Rub some bacon on it.
It stops being fun when your teammates start hating you
@badp I think you're confused...
I should play some of this
@spugsley Rub some bacon on it
I have it, the guy gave away a ton of copies on twitter a while back
@spugsley That's how I nap!
That's how I sleep.
@Fluttershy ughhh I'm never going to sleep tonight
@spugsley Good thing you have Diablo 3 to keep you entertained! :D Or Drag Race!
I had an anxious week and when that happens I kind of just won't get better until I take a ridiculous nap. Anxiety is gone, sleep schedule is all fucked up
It should be coming up on Steam soon too
It's march, after all
@badp why is @OrigamiRobot worshiping a piece of bacon?
Dev of Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball. Coming to Steam March 28!
4.5k tweets, 1.2k followers, following 725 users
I should've taken a nap today too. :(
Oh, March 28
@spugsley Wipqozn rubbed some bacon on it.
@Wipqozn stop rubbing your bacon on @OrigamiRobot
So Steam's bandwidth time limiter doesn't work any more. thx Valve
@spugsley But I like rubbing my bacon on @OrigamiRobot.
Bacon is a euphemism, right?
This is weirder than talking about @spugsley's ass if it's a euphemism
So I hope not
I look away for five minutes. Five. Minutes.
How about we talk about video game
@FEichinger always has the best timing.
@GnomeSlice wait, my ass is a euphemism?
@FEichinger it's because I got here :3
@spugsley No, the bacon
@spugsley No, it's pretty plain text, really.
I was responding to @Wipqozn but I didn't use the reply thing
Speaking of @spugsley's butt ... Where's the paperbot?
@GnomeSlice oh ok. I was really curious what my ass was a euphemism for.
@spugsley you would know better than us
Starlist is full of bacon and butts? Must be the Bridge.
@FEichinger is @OrigamiRobot the paperbot?
> RUNNING WITH RIFLES is a top-down tactical shooter with open world RPG elements. In RWR, you join the ranks of an army as a common soldier, just like the thousands around you.
@spugsley Yes.
@3ventic You know where to apply the bacon.
It's true, you're like a meaningless pawn
@FEichinger his is playing Magic tonight
The game can be won or lost regardless of how well you do individually
pixel piracy anyone have it
RwR really deserves a lot of attention
@badp You didn't write the answer
@isthisbetter Not yet, but I've heard good things.
It's on sale right now (on Steam). 33% off.
Q: newspaper story on Alan McNeil creator of Berzerk

vznfound an article yrs ago in a newspaper about Alan McNeil the creator of Berzerk (Stern electronics arcade standup game, 1980). it was a profile and possibly was syndicated by the AP and probably dates to the early 1980s. looking for an exact ref. has anyone seen this article/profile on Alan ...

Hey is there a way to see the highest starred post(s) on here?
It's currently in active development though, so stuff is changing around a lot, from what I hear.
Pixel Piracy, that is.
yeah alpha
INB4 @Kevin
You guys, why isn't Running with Rifles on your wishlists yet.
@spugsley I see, I see. So mentally scarring him shall be done through pings he has to comb through.
@FEichinger You evil bastard
@FEichinger yes, it will be most satisfying :3
@isthisbetter I think so, but not without some jiggering. I don't know how to do it.
I'm going to run out of stars before they reset. This is the new goal.
@GnomeSlice play?
@isthisbetter What?
@GnomeSlice do you not know how to play?
@isthisbetter How to play what?
pixel piracy? @GnomeSlice
I'm talking about finding the most starred messages.
@3ventic Haven't I?
@isthisbetter If you look at that message, there's a little arrow on the left and you can see what I was replying to if you click it.
@spugsley ... Uh ... huh.
Q: how to have minimap for mobile artillery like on pc bf3?

oStarZDo they press M for it, or is it automatic? If it's automatic then how do you do it on consoles?

@LessPop_MoreFizz you missed some bacon and some butts
Also, I am decidedly not inb4 @Kevin and it makes me sad. Or you could look at as I'm really inb4 him. Either way, you make me sad.
Do @spugsley got a booty?
@badp ;)
@spugsley On the one hand, this is disappointing. On the other hand, as the star list notes, here on the bridge, those are not really finite commodities.
@GnomeSlice She doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@spugsley Best answer
but really, she doesn't
@spugsley pfffft
I have been planning on doing some work for the past like week and I've done basically none of it
@GnomeSlice Go do some work.
@FAE I tried earlier and I can't.
I haven't even played any games in the past week either
Something is going on
@GnomeSlice Stop reading video game news! :P
@GnomeSlice Focus problems?
@FAE Yeah, I don't know. I've always had issues with that but like the past week has been nuts
@GnomeSlice Have you tried taking some time away from external stimulation?
@FAE Well, no.
I'm gonna go heat up the rest of my hamburger helper as a snack and try to do some more though
anyone here play spelunky?
Maybe I'm just lonely
@GnomeSlice Like, step away from chat for a while, close FB/twitter/news sites for a bit. Just for a little while, like half an hour or so.
@isthisbetter Like everybody.
@isthisbetter Yep.
Don't say "I'll ignore it all day" because then it'll sound impossible.
Q: How to nab the golden idol on Spelunky Classic in Temple?

isthisbetterOn the Temple Level of Spelunky Classic there is a "Prayers to Kali" level feeling where there is a damsel and an idol suspended over lava by a thin bridge. If you try to take the idol the floor falls out and you almost certainly die or lose substantial health. Is there any way to safely nab the ...

I actually think it might be impossible
Do we have a special tag for spelunky classic?
@isthisbetter @IanPugsley plays a crazy amount of Spelunky.
@GnomeSlice no
@GnomeSlice Nope. There's for the original, and for the new one.
Oh, sounds good.
I want to play spelunky
@Fluttershy oh good tagged correctly then
I can't afford any of the cool popular games everybody else in here plays
like banished
and rogue legacy
and spelunky
and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
Q: How to nab the golden idol on Spelunky Classic in Temple?

isthisbetterOn the Temple Level of Spelunky Classic there is a "Prayers to Kali" level feeling where there is a damsel and an idol suspended over lava by a thin bridge. If you try to take the idol the floor falls out and you almost certainly die or lose substantial health. Is there any way to safely nab the ...

@GnomeSlice best game
I don't have the time to play them...
except for rogue legacy which I totally exhausted myself with
Fun fact: my first answer was on a rogue legacy question
@badp My friend who tried to join TPP at peak just got back, he said that his main problem was that he runs irssi on a raspi, so that's probably why it crashed for him.
oh, yeah
I'm running it on a VPS that I rent for about 1€ a month
So I imagine @3ventic, that you should be fine.
It's not much better than a raspi..
@GnomeSlice :o this looks fun
I upgraded the RAM to run a terraria server though
@spugsley Somebody in here preordered it. @SaintWacko I think?
He played it a bit, said it was good
10 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
I'm gonna go heat up the rest of my hamburger helper as a snack and try to do some more though
@Fluttershy It's heating up
I'm on my laptop now
Probably just gonna sit here and eat and continue to do nothing though
That looks pretty fun to play with friends
Also Spice Road
I've heard a lot of good about that
@LessPop_MoreFizz Vegetarian is a personality?
Fuck it I'm gonna go watch Arrow
back later
@spugsley foiledgame.com
@GnomeSlice already play it p
@spugsley buh
you win again
@GnomeSlice I like it but not as much as samurai gun
@GnomeSlice Technically she won yesterday when she told you that. :P
Q: Do all Nintendo DS game cases have a GameBoy Advance cartridge slot in them?

animusonI recently got into the mood for upgrading all my GBA games into Nintendo DS cases because they have that nice slot that fits them perfectly and look much better on the shelf. If you didn't know, it's nearly impossible to find authentic Nintendo DS cases on the Internet. Most of them are the chea...

Note: I'm not 100% sure if this question will be on-topic here, but it's easier to just post the question and find out than go to Meta and ask if it's on-topic and then later post the question if it is. [/meta-experience] — animuson 6 mins ago
... :|
@Lazers This feels overly broad.
@Fluttershy I'm kinda torn on it ... The official cases are pretty much universal, though, aren't they?
@Lazers I have a feeling the answer is 'yes', but I can't be entirely certain.
@SaintWacko What the ... two years in development and I have never even heard of it? Wow.
@FEichinger Right?
That video is impressive
is there foiled single player forever alone
Wow that... looks pretty cool
I really don't need to buy more games right now, but...
Man, that looks amazing
Creating your own buildings, vehicles, and even weapons?!
I especially don't need more early access games in my life right now
@Unionhawk No kidding. But the multiplayer coop modes sound awesome...
Oooooooooooooooo... I mean... NO
I'm going back and forth between "No, I don't need to spend more money" and "Holy shit I want to play this"
I blame @FEichinger
I'm torn on it as well. It looks really awesome.
@Unionhawk Why?
@SaintWacko Arbitrary assignment of blame.
@Unionhawk Fair enough
Which for some reason only ever picks @FEichinger or @Wipqozn with rare exceptions
@Unionhawk I'm popular.
I like to blame @FEichinger more though. @Wipqozn gets enough blame in general.
@Unionhawk It makes me feel popular, so I don't mind.
Full character customization
@Wipqozn I know. I figure @FEichinger minds a little, and I honestly expected a "stop pinging me" a while ago.
At this point, it'll be an <insert quote of ignore image> coming up
Looks like I missed some bacon rubbing.
@FEichinger Not as much as you would think (as indicated in my answer)
Facebook is being dumb today and only loading half of things.
Oh man, some ~drama~ going on over in game dev
Q: Foiled Game Singleplayer?

isthisbetterIs there a single player mode of Foiled where you face an AI instead of having to have another person? I can't find one anywhere.

@Wipqozn Workin' on that Drama Llama: The Game: The Sequel: Part 2
Holy flags, GaveDev. o_o
@FEichinger Whatcha doooooin'? :3
@TimStone +Electric Boogaloo
@Fluttershy eye twitching
@Fluttershy ~ Drama ~
@Wipqozn link?
Oh, nevermind
I should stop watching Planet Explorers LPs
This is not helping me not buy it
[drama intensifies]
Q: What are recommended wireless headphones for Xbox 360 E (2014)?

LadislausWhat brand & model of wireless headphones are recommended for use with Xbox 360 E? My primary use for this device will be for post-prime time television watching* (that is, after young family members have gone to bed). The Xbox is connected to the television via HDMI. Secondary usage of the hea...

Guys, stars are resetting, and I haven't run out of stars. Bridge, you disappoint me.
Actually, they might be reset already. DST and whatnot.
12 minutes
good night
@Unionhawk The reset 50 minuts ago.
That's what I thought. CURSE YOU DST
This is all @FEichinger's fault, clearly.
It's not my fault you guys do DST early.
Yes it is. Clearly.
@Unionhawk Rub some bacon on it
Welp. Saw that star clear coming from 3 miles away.
inb4 cries of mod abuse from a certain person
@Unionhawk You do realize that, after you failure with Kevin earlier, I'm not giving you this one, right?

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