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$row['messageText'] = wordwrap($row['messageText'], 42, "\n", true);
@RedRiderX I have G+-ed you. You should be able to G+ me back through that.
Something you may be interested in
aka surreal weird shit
Greetings all.
@GnomeSlice augh I hate when devs have no Twitter listed
@BenBrocka I hate it when they have no indiedb page.
@John that sounds painful. G+ing people and getting G+ed.
@BenBrocka Here's one for you twitter.com/TulpaGame
@GnomeSlice Twitter is ideal for outreach or just following them passively
@BenBrocka Better for outreach, yeah. IndieDB is better for following and keeping track of stuff.
@feichinger is FF not color corrected or does it just render color differently. I see a huge difference between it and Safari on the same screen.
I use twitter to get in touch with developers all the time
@DavidM Safari looks weird imo
Why is it only 3:10?
I want to go home
@3ventic You look weird.
@DavidM I ... think I'll just let this article explain.
@3Ventic I can tell you that it renders my photos better than FF or IE ever have.
Because that would get way too elaborate.
@GnomeSlice yeah if I want to ask about a game I always try twitter first
It crashes if I have dxtory running
@BenBrocka Most developers are pretty active on Twitter, it seems to be a popular thing for that.
I rarely even bother with facebook
(And I suppose you're just talking about pictures. Because there shouldn't be an actual colour rendering discrepancy.)
@GnomeSlice Got my Constant C Steam key! :D
@Fluttershy Wooooooooooo
Now I can actually play it!
@GnomeSlice yeah, most seem to be on Twitter, it's very useful for that. I don't even consider FB relevant for it
@Fluttershy Does that mean you'll actually play it now?
@Fluttershy You could actually play it before.
Except for FB games people I guess
Well, once I can actually activate it on Steam, that is.
@Fluttershy Play Operation Smash
I paid for that shit
@FEi thanks. That makes more sense. I wonder why the rest don't use color profiles. What is the advantage of not doing that?
@GnomeSlice And the gift was appreciated! I'll get around to playing it soon.
@Fluttershy lol
I've had background color discrepancies just like in the article.
Augh it looks like he doesn't HAVE a twitter
@BenBrocka Who?
@DavidM Well, nowadays I believe the problem no longer is supporting colour profiles, but that Firefox does its own colour correction on top.
the dude doing Fallow
@BenBrocka Yeah, he's just got the devblog. No presence on IndieDB either.
I'll just email him
Holy crap. Nagelring with a perfect Crit Chance roll.
This is why I like IndieDB @BenBrocka
@DavidM At the time (back with Firefox 2 and 3) it was a matter of simplicity. Firefox never really cared much about external media, so there was no reason to integrate colour profiles and stuff like that. Then the workaround was using colour correction instead, and now it's kind of a mess.
@BenBrocka Are you getting Nom Nom Galaxy?
@GnomeSlice oh, that's interesting
Man, Firefox 2 and 3 seems like forever ago, what with Google's trend of a new major version very quickly
@FAE I bought it today, it's $9 for early birds
@BenBrocka It's a really nice setup. it shows you have many updates you have, you click it, and it shows you them with links to the relevant stuff.
@BenBrocka I'm torn. On one hand, I love everything Pixeljunk does and want to throw money at them any chance I get. On the other, I don't know if I really have the time/energy to put towards alpha builds.
Also indiedb pages for games show recent tweets by the developer if they have it linked
@Unionhawk Hey, don't forget that everything is still a Mozilla 5.0 :P
I'm going to be telling my grandkids about the time when browsers didn't have tabs
@FAE You could buy it and wait for release. Or just wait for the formal release. TBH I've barely looked at it before buying, and I'm a bit turned off on playing early access, even when done right it's pretty frustrating when you finally realize you're at the end but want more
I just wanted to have it and was happy to give them money though so whatever
@Unionhawk I think you'll already be able to tell your kids those stories.
They need to hurry up and finish Darkwood
I remember when Steam added tabs to the chat and everyone was outraged by the change.
Kinda hope they haven't completely abandoned Playstation. I know they're making an enhanced? port of Shooter 1& 2 for PS4 at least
Then again, they probably won't listen because they've been physically merged with Facebook ...
@GnomeSlice Yes they do.
@BenBrocka All I did was watch the video. It looks like Pixeljunkified Terraria kinda, I guess. I nearly died when I saw Baiyon in the soup though, haha.
@Fluttershy I backed it.
@3ventic I can't stand windows per chat. It's like friggin 1996
Facebook is dying, and will likely be dead by the time my hypothetical/eventual kids get that old.
Whoa, since when is Gang Beasts coming to Ps4 and Xbox One?
By that time, I'm pretty sure I'll be old enough to be considered a dinosaur
That's gonna be amazing
@Unionhawk Well, replace Facebook by whatever comes next.
Gang Beasts is one of the funnest local MP games I've ever played. right up there with Quadsmash.
@BenBrocka Yeah, having a new window for every chat seems absurd nowadays
@Unionhawk I'm going to tell my kids about life without the internet and/or cellphones
I mean, the progression form MySpace to Facebook was already uncanny ... Now imagine the next iteration and then weep in a corner.
Speaking of local MP games, I was some streamage of Towerfall the other day and... it looks good, but I was kind of expecting more.
Quadsmash still seems like more fun.
@OrigamiRobot OLD
@GnomeSlice I like the idea of short matches but I was actually pretty turned off by how long it takes between matches
@OrigamiRobot Those were awful times.
If your "you win" screen is as long or longer than the match you screwed up
I was getting pretty annoyed with that in Divekick too
@Fluttershy Not really.
@BenBrocka My biggest 'issue' was that I just didn't really see anything that set it apart from other, similar games, aside from maybe some more polish. For example, Gentlemen! looks just as fun. I've played it and it's a blast.
foiledgame.com is another great one, and free to boot.
@GnomeSlice There's certainly been a surge in sorta similar local multiplayer twitchy things it seems
But PS4 really needs more local multiplayer so it might do well there
The website for Quadsmash appears to no longer exist... guess that's a sure sign the promised online multiplayer is never actually coming. I have it on XBLIG and it's by far the best XBLIG title I've played.
@BenBrocka I just went ahead and got it because when it releases, I would've bought it anyway
Was kinda disappointed Resogun doesn't have local co op, but I can see how splitscreen wouldn't work well and tying two players to one screen really wouldn't
@FAE Same
@BenBrocka Yeah, that's a good point. Have you been following Gang Beasts? It's coming to Ps4 as well. So much fun, even in its current state.
@BenBrocka Pixeljunk has my wallet and my soul.
@BenBrocka IGS streamed some of that a while ago too.
I'm glad I didn't write pixeljunk off after Racers. It's not bad for what it is but...not enough to make me really love what it was either
luckily it was early in PS3's digital games and hell, at the time still one of the best on there
@FAE Buy it and wait for it to be finished.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.
@GnomeSlice Resogun? It's fantastic, really impressed with how they used voxels. Good shmup design too
@BenBrocka Here is everything you need to know about Gang Beasts in one video:
@BenBrocka From what I saw, it reminded me a lot of Syder Arcade and Aqua Kitty
@GnomeSlice I guess I just sort of feel a little bad, because like... I'm sure they expect most people who buy it to test it, and I won't be doing much of that really, if any.
Similar gameplay
@BenBrocka I really want to play that game.
@FAE heh
@FAE Have you played any Aqua Kitty yet? I liked it.
@GnomeSlice Kinda makes me think of Gish multiplayer but with 4 limbs
Wasn't quite as polished as I'd hoped though.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I played a bunch the night I got it, remember?
@BenBrocka Yeah, sort of. It's hella fun though, you can download the current alpha on IndieDB.
man that multi was fun, wish they'd put it on a console with online maybe. Gish needs more exposure. Or a Gish 2
@FAE I don't remember, but col.
@BenBrocka Gish is pretty well known already.
@GnomeSlice It's fun enough, but yeah, not super polished. I like it though. It can be decently challenging.
Last Chance: Download Pokemon Bank TODAY and Get Celebi Free http://buff.ly/1go1L2K
@GnomeSlice I like how you can complete the levels even if you don't do it perfectly, so you can still progress, but you can also replay and such.
I'm kind of sad the upgraded desktop edition of Quadsmash appears to have died.
That game deserved a lot more attention than it got.
I could see it being an esport game, like street fighter, even.
@FAE I am a fan of that because I suck at shmups
@GnomeSlice haha
Quadsmash is hands down the best local MP I've ever played for the price I paid. By a wide wide margin.
Even if I've only ever played it 1v1
That must be an older version, mine doesn't have that inception sound effect when you score
Such a fun game
I need to get my xbox hooked back up to the internet so I can play it again
Q: Is crazy craft and orespawn mod the same thing in minecraft?

minecraft geekIs crazy craft and orespawn mod the same thing in minecraft? My friend told me about crazy craft, but are they the same thing?

Does anybody know if you can tether an iPhone to an Xbox 360 for internet?
choices choices
@GnomeSlice if the iPhone is allowed to wireless tether and the other device has wireless I don't see why it wouldn't
I can even use my Android's tethering on my DS
@BenBrocka I meant over the cable actually, my xbox 360 is pre wireless
like, through USB
@badp Good thing they grandfathered you in!
@GnomeSlice Oh, hrm, not sure about that
@badp Heh. Dropbox?
Stupid Xbox 360 won't let you play indie games without an internet connection
@GnomeSlice That looks cool
@badp lol
@SaintWacko It is. Very cool. There's a demo. desura.com/games/quadsmash
@GnomeSlice o.0
I've not tried the PC variant, but ignore all the stuff about promised LAN and online play because the game is long long dead
@SaintWacko Yeah, it's dumb.
@BenBrocka The thing is, the blog says "If you already pay for storage, you’ll automatically move to a better plan at no additional cost." So I don't know if I just haven't been upgraded yet automatically, or if there's some catch that makes my current plan still not worse in every possible way, or if they just didn't bother to touch grandfathered plans
@badp Oh, damn
@badp What is this, by the way?
Hopefully that's just not shown on the thinger
@SaintWacko Google Drive.
@badp Ah
Yoshi's New Island review: bringing up baby http://sbn.to/1oPVTjy http://t.co/7kswW8TIaN
Hey, does anybody here like the oldschool beat 'em up games
like river city ransom
or whatever
Because Radical Heroes looks awesome.
If you have an @IndieGameStand forum accout than send rex rocket some votes on this thread! https://indiegamestand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1739&view=unread !!
Pay no attention to the man behind the link curtain.
Dead Nation interactive test stream! @indiegamestand live at http://www.twitch.tv/indiegamestand
I don't get it
Combo breaker.
@Fluttershy ?
Wow, I filled like an entire page of chat
@GnomeSlice You had 13 posts in a row. I couldn't allow the combo counter to keep building, so I had to interrupt. That's all.
@SaintWacko I really like Dropbox, but I've always found their storage options expensive
@badp Yeah, I don't have enough stuff to store to need to pay
Plus, I keep a 16gb flash drive in my pocket and a 2TB pocket external hard drive in my Camber
I have 32.6 GB on Dropbox, but 25 GB of it are from the Dropbox Space Race and I think that'll expire some time this year
...and I'm only using 4.1 GB
I just use dropbox to sync small ROMs and save files to my phone/tablet/PC. I'd love a cloud backup solution but I tried Crashplan and it was far, far too slow to meaninfully back up anything
I mainly use Dropbox to store my library
And I have it set to automatically upload any pictures I take on my phone
And any screenshots I take on my computer
I have google+ auto-upload for photo syncing
which is great except for the incessant Google+ notification it causes
So Steam thinks Dino Horde is downloaded when it still had like 700 MB to go, so it doesn't launch correctly
and verifying files on steam hasn't worked in several versions
Guess I have to delete it and start over
@SaintWacko Isn't it technically against the ToS to store copyrighted material on Dropbox?
Won't be playing this weekend then I guess
(I'm not trying to "gotcha" you, I'm legitimately asking)
> You currently have 99.25 GB of Dropbox space.
@BenBrocka We use Crashplan but for not for like, savegames and stuff like that. I use it more for media/files and such that I want to save long term.
(48 of which are tagged as expiring in late 2015)
Q: is my minecraft corrupted or glitched? mobs duplicate

MittyMoxxFancomment on www.Youtube.com/MittyMoxx and in the comments tell if it is glitched or something then tell how to fix it watch "Clouds Dale" MittyCraft ep 55 and you'll see what I'm talking about. also tweet in this format: your minecraft is ___ so you have to do this: ____________. plz help save M...

@GnomeSlice Congratulations! You're already having more fun than you would have actually playing that game. :D
@Fluttershy I really enjoyed it many versions ago. Haven't played it in some time.
@FAE I meant Crashplan for an everything backup. Attempting to store a terrabyte of data in Crashplan is apparently futile since the best it would ever upload at was like 16KBps
It got worse at one point but I hear it's actually a lot of fun now
A group of people from indiegamestand were going to play it tomorrow
They were hoping I could join
guess not
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, it is. A few people have had their accounts canceled because of it

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