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Lol I just scored 190
me pro much
Q: How To Get Clock App In Pokemon Y

user63732I was told by a girl that you can get a clock app in Pokemon Y how do you get it

@Lazers Told by a girl? Must be true then.
@fredley @3ventic My kongregate highscore is 6,221
Q: Pokemon Y How To Tell Time

user63732How do you tell time on Pokemon Y? I have tried the main menu.

Okay then
Pretty sure there is something like a "clock app" on the lower screen that you can get. Try the screens down there. Also you can hit the home button and you can check the time without closing your game. — Dupree3 13 mins ago
Is that 'the girl'?
this guy is weird
that is so cute @agent86
his new question should be closed as a dup of his first.
@fredley getting better
Q: How To Duplicate in Pokemon Y

user63732 How do you duplicate in Pokemon Y. Gaming.stackexchange

Q: What Are Some Advantages of Different Usages of Jokers?

GnomeSliceI was wondering if anyone could give me some insight into the pros and cons of different uses of Joker tiles in Lock-n-Roll. So basically the way I've been playing, is I'll play until I fill up the board, and am forced to use a Joker to continue. I do my best to set up to board so that each Jok...

@Lazers Is this guy a bot?
@Blem :)
@Lazers Clock app. "How do I clock app?" Marked as duplicate. "How do I duplicate"?
@agent86 :D
@Lazers inb4 "How do I unclear"?
I hate it when this happens and you can't place it all together
@fredley 4784
gaming.stackexchange.com/posts/159866/revisions I thought this was the kind of edit we weren't supposed to make.
Adding tags to question titles rather than the game tag
@Sconibulus read his summary of the edit. Seems appropriate to me
@Arperum 4935
@fredley You're gonna beat mine at this rate.
I wish they had released LnR deluxe on the web too. Great game, although a little less intense.
@GnomeSlice Oh, I get the reason, it just seems like there was a better potential edit out there somewhere
@Sconibulus It's fine, having the title in the name is not always an instant no-no
Bah, 4576
@3ventic @fredley Also, if you earn a joker while you already have 2 jokers, you just get 1000 points instead.
@GnomeSlice I see
@Sconibulus No, no, it's very much the kind of edit Stack Exchange wants us to make.
Q: if multiplying mobs and holes in my minecraft world is my minecraft glitched

MittyMoxxif the animals multiply or the mobs from mods duplicate and form a flash mob what does that mean? is my minecraft glitched or corrupted? if there is a hole in my world is that a glitch? what does that mean? plz help if there is nothing I have to end mittycraft.

@Lazers What?
@Lazers it's questions like these that make me wish there was a literacy test before asking questions...
Oh, I missed @spugs talking gutter? sadface
@FEichinger don't worry, we all know where your mind would have gone
@GnomeSlice 5190, and so close to another joker
@fredley I'm over 7k right now
@fredley That's the worst though, when you almost make it
those are the best ones to aim for
@KevinvanderVelden You mean @spugsley's butt? Not today, no.
especially the bottom one
/cc: @OrigamiRobot ♥
Do @spugsley got a booty?
such meab
very @fei
Much wrong
So @Uni
@Unionhawk ♥
@Unionhawk Oh god they stack
I was just hitting the tag:ಠ_ಠ button over and over
@GnomeSlice over 9.8k, still going.
You have a button?
@Arperum Same for me.
@BenBrocka That is cheating. Do we ban cheaters?
I just pretty much cleared the entire board too
pretty rad
@badp kickban the cheater!
Q: ಠ_ಠ button for chat

GnomeSliceI think this would be really useful. There's a Chrome plugin that provides some great functionality, but sometimes you just need to break out a disapproving look immediately in another browser, and I think SE chat needs to support this. Can we have a ಠ_ಠ button please?

Just think, we could all have a button.
@BenBrocka @RonanForman wrote a script
@TimStone We could all have soundcloud oneboxing too.
A button? For ಠ_ಠ? ಠ_ಠ
@FEichinger I don't want to touch your button, I don't know where it's been. D:
You probably don't want to know.
@TimStone It's multiple buttons, in fact.
10k broke
@GnomeSlice just over 10k, and I lost. and I quit trying.
@Arperum =[
@Arperum y u do dis
A variable amount of buttons, even.
@GnomeSlice Because hungry, and need to prepare food.
Yaeh I'm gonna go eat soon too
@FEichinger So it could be just one?
match game will be on in 12 minutes
God, it's almost 1PM already
@Unionhawk It could also be none. Or, as I currently have it, 6.
@GnomeSlice s/1PM/6PM
The past few days I've been having a lot of trouble getting up in the morning
@GnomeSlice nope, nearly 6PM
I have done nothing all day.
I was doing better for a while
@Arperum Different time zone
@KevinvanderVelden YOU. GO AWAY.
@Arperum Also INB4 your reaction, kinda?
The similar colours on @Arperum and @KevinvanderVelden's gravatars makes this even better.
33 secs ago, by Arperum
@KevinvanderVelden YOU. GO AWAY.
@FEichinger Right?
I have no idea how to use this, but thanks I guess. — GnomeSlice Aug 27 '13 at 17:13
so @GnomeSlice
2 days ago, by Unionhawk
Oh good, @KevinvanderVelden changed his avatar to something that kinda looks a little bit not really like @Arperum's, thus solidifying that they're the same person in my head (yes I know they're totally different, but, similar colors when you look at the tiny picture)
@FEichinger I got this one first! @KevinvanderVelden has to change his.
@Braiam No, he explained it later.
@Arperum nuhhuh, mine's a happy dragon =]
Plus, you think it's a downside to confuse @FEichinger and @Unionhawk?
I mean, they only look similar at a glance
@KevinvanderVelden Mine's a mage me.
@Braiam Fun fact: sescripts has full Chrome integration!
@OrigamiRobot Will watch soon.
Plus, avatars aside, they're already the same person in my head.
@Unionhawk Weird headcanon is weird.
@GnomeSlice 6125
@fredley Nice.
I'm gonna have to go eat before I finish this
@Arperum just @Unionhawk in general
I don't want to miss match game
I already missed it at 11 and had to wait till 1
@GnomeSlice are they playing match 4?
@KevinvanderVelden What? No, have you never seen it?
@KevinvanderVelden @uni is being wrong again.
> Were going to try some algorithm changes to the hot network questions which will try to guess which sites you like and don't like, and give you more of the sites that you like.
@KevinvanderVelden It's always a downside to confuse me.
@GnomeSlice "The Match Game is an American television panel"
Well, it's Canadian
the new series, that is
It's pretty funny
They're all comedians
@GnomeSlice still not on dutch tv
Not that I watch tv actually but meh
@Braiam Oh, look, tailored ads. >.>
@Braiam Worst idea ever. I look at those sites myself thank you very much. The hot network list is to see if you vcan find good stuff somewhereelse.
@Braiam Yes, that missing apostrophe was horrible. I fixed it now, don't worry.
@KevinvanderVelden =[
@TimStone THANKS!
@fredley I added you as a friend on Kongregate. (Yes, that's me. Old account and stuff.)
@Unionhawk Does that mean you have 60 eyes? I would get that checked out
I messaged kongregate trying to get my name changed to Gn0meSlice a while ago and they said no
I want my old account back...
Somebody stole it or something
or got into it somehow
@GnomeSlice They are kinda stupid about namechanges.
They gave me some crap about how it messes up their database
I made another account with the name instead... may switch to it at some point
doesn't have all my stuff, but I hate xGnomeSlicex
@badp It's a condition.
Or something
> Reiterating statements from DICE, Mirror’s Edge 2 is a total reboot.
It goes back to normal eventually
JEAH, a reboot where they do not just use the same name
@Unionhawk Man, that can't be right.
You've got to do something about it!
@StrixVaria I can't actually watch the video from work :(
@StrixVaria "Open World with seamless multiplayer".
@OrigamiRobot Video is meh, whole thing is meh. It requires specific legendaries.
I'm still going to try to do it, but it'll be annoying if it really requires specific items to make it viable.
I don't like the idea of having to build for whatever items I happen to find.
@StrixVaria hm?
@StrixVaria I love the idea of building around items, but not when there's no trading.
@OrigamiRobot I like the idea of building around items.
What I don't like is that if I want to make a thorns build but don't find the right items, then I can't have a thorns build.
I guess trading would solve that problem.
I hate dealing with other people though.
@StrixVaria Adventure mode might make it more manageable.
@OrigamiRobot I'm really excited to try adventure mode.
I wonder if it will still be worth resetting quest progress and starting over in normal mode once adventure mode is available.
@StrixVaria It probably will. The thorns items are kinda silly.
@StrixVaria The menus make it seem like adventure mode is separate from the questline
@OrigamiRobot It is, but what I mean is more like, "Once adventure mode is available, will there be any incentive to play the other mode?"
Ah, I see.
I like the idea of the guaranteed legendary from Diablo, and it'll take a few hours or so to get there each time.
So a few hours for whatever farm you get in that time plus a legendary.
Or, I wonder what the rewards are for the same amount of time doing whatever it is you do in adventure mode.
@FEichinger Huh, I could have sworn I saw Arqade metas saying the opposite
Q: How efficient/inefficient is PC gaming under desktop virtualization?

agent154I'm not certain if this is the best board to ask, but I debated between here and superuser.com, and thought that since this is gaming related, people here may know a bit better. I'm going to be building a rather powerful desktop computer in the coming months, and I'm toying with the question a...

I wonder if the Adventure Mode vendor will be like gambling from D2. If you can see the model, at least you know what item you're getting.
@Sconibulus Yes, because the site communities don't want to do this (as pretty much every answer on that MSO Q shows).
@fredley @3ventic
@OrigamiRobot It'll be interesting to find out.
@StrixVaria I am also really excited for higher gems to drop because I wanna put dimonds in all my armor sockets
@badp What's your high score in Mini Metro now?
@StrixVaria the same as yesterday's
I broke 400 2-3 times but it felt like there wasn't much more I could do and things were definitely doomed shortly thereafter.
I didn't play it since
I don't know who else was playing.
@StrixVaria Yeah, it does feel like ~400 is the natural limit
unless @Sconibulus knows something we don't
22 hours ago, by Sconibulus
user image
@badp Impressive
I got over 500 once
I got bored at 493
23 hours ago, by badp
user image
@badp @gnomeslice posted an 800, I think
@Sconibulus That's not from the publicly available alpha build; probably one of the screenshots on Greenlight
I've found that making them loops keeps you alive drastically longer
22 hours ago, by GnomeSlice
user image
The public build doesn't have rivers and lines like that
"I don't care where I'm going, as long as it's a triangle"
There is no way I'm not buying the full game.
@Sconibulus I'm not really sure I see why
I can't even explain why.
do you guys know that the lines are flexible?
Q: Skyrim's ingame sound gone after playing a while

JunAfter starting the game and playing for a while, suddenly the screen flicked, there's another white cursor, and THE SOUND IS GONE, all of it. There seems to be a lot of factors that caused this to happen -fast travel, fighting, strolling, etc. So maybe I can say it is affected by the ingame time...

@badp because that way you hit every station an equal number of times
@Braiam hm?
Otherwise the ones at the end will take much longer
@badp It keeps the stations visited more often
@badp It's because it visits each station in order over and over, rather than the end stations significantly less frequently than the middle stations.
@badp you can change them after being set
@KevinvanderVelden not all stations are equal! You need to hit the squares all the time, because passengers wanting to get there spawn all over the place.
@Braiam Yes.
I try to also minimize river crossings
usually only 1 or 2 of my 5 lines will cross the river at all
@Sconibulus One thing I've tried that seems useful is that if a line crosses a river, that one side of the river has either 1 or 2 stops, and all the rest of the stops are on the other side.
Apparently if you click the clock it pauses, though?
Knowing that makes a world of difference.
Then you can actually have time to think.
@StrixVaria wow... that helps a ton
and you'll be able to redraw lines without interrupting service
You can change lines while paused
It's only really important with, well, loops
@turbo I'm pretty sure they patched that command.
Huh... It appears Steam is down.
@Fluttershy UR A STEAM
@Fluttershy Interesting timing.
@FEichinger How so?
@Fluttershy Shortly before deal switch etc., if I'm not mistaken.
Or shortly after ... DST discrepancies and all ...
Woo! Another piece of the new Blackthorne's set.
@OrigamiRobot they actually are except A ! and ? I think
which is...a pretty puzzling failure
@BenBrocka unf
Hello! I am looking to remember a strategy game name. I saw that such questions are not allowed on Q&A, so i created a reddit post.
@afaf12 I have that game!
It's by stardocks, looking for the title
Wait not stardocks crap
Sooo...they moved a Chick Filet here...but only for lunch, for two hours. And only for tuesdays and thursdays. And the prices are higher than normal (a can of pop =$1.75, fast food chicken sandwich=$5). So...good luck with that
who the hell are you and why do you need to be connected to my network
@fredley It's really impressive they went and animated all these, often based on only one real frame of artwork, but damn those transforms and scale effects are rough on the eyes
@kevin yes, thank you :)
@afaf12 I have the CD rom over here :)
@badp Just connect the red to it.
I think part of the reason I don't understand that game is because Cincinnati doesn't have a subway. Just some unused tunnels.
@StrixVaria Red line is already at limit
It's a tie between red and blue getting the next capacity upgrade
Connect both red and blue to it!
(Blue is not cyan)
I need to play again now that I know you can pause.
@afaf12 hold on while I karma whore on reddit =p
oh well. 632
@KevinvanderVelden ok
The blue line overflew one second after being upgraded
Loops do help.

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