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In other news... Threes is made with Unity.
@badp On Android?
Really? Huh
This came up in the reviews for the app
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
@SaintWacko Unity is really popular for Android game development.
> Hi Ignazio! Unfortunately, due to it's experimental nature, we (along with many other Unity-based apps) don't currently support ART. That said, we hope to do so in the near future! In the meantime, you can always run the game using Dalvik as your default runtime. Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have any other issues!
What's ART?
@SaintWacko Wait, Threes is on Android?
I honestly don't know.
@RedRiderX I pinged you with it
I've played threesjs.com too much
@GnomeSlice Android Run Time, new experimental runtime
@BenBrocka Oh, experimental. Sounds like it shouldn't really be a problem anyway then.
That's good
@GnomeSlice Really?
11 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
CC 2048 people, @AshleyNunn, @badp, @RedRiderX
@GnomeSlice Yeah if you don't know what ART support is you don't need ART support. Saw the comments complaining about it
oh god the tiles speak
do not want
I haven't done experimental stuff in ANdroid since 2.2/2.3 days when it was basically required
@badp yes
@GnomeSlice Oh
Now they just need to port Puzzlejuice to Android.
Q: When low on food, should I sell beef to buy other cheaper foods?

ARRGMy village has a lot of cattle and thus produces a lot of beef. Beef has a sell value of 3, and many (non-meat) foods have a value of 1. Is it a good idea to trade n units of beef to get 3n units of some other stuff ? This is not something I would necessarily do normally, but right now a food ...

@RedRiderX It's a great game. Same guys who made Threes. Super difficult after a while though.
just a random link
Q: Are "go on"; "go for it"; "Carry on" and "go ahead" synonymous?

Michel AyresI saw “Carry on” vs. “go ahead” A friend of mine said this to me, and it sounded kind weird for me... If you know a better way "go on" I would say If you know a better way "go for it" Are they synonymous? and Carry on and Go ahead could also be used on this kind of phrase? "Carry...

@Michel For the example you give, I'd call "carry on" the least appropriate.
@badp What. Seriously? Well, I'm glad I haven't bought it yet
The great thing about it is how simple it is
Why on earth would they feel the need to make it less simple?
@SaintWacko They say "hello", "yay", "nope" and "ummm".
You can turn it off.
@badp Oh, okay
Woo, finally beat 2048
And with that, I'm headed home.
I like bowser laughing at a bunch of video app icons
Hey, author here! I'm pretty overwhelmed that this made it to the top of HN without me even thinking of posting it here :)
I made this game as a fun weekend project, inspired by another game called 1024 (itunes.apple.com/us/app/1024!/id823499224) and a spinoff called 2048 (saming.fr/p/2048). I did mine to add animations to the latter, which was a bit hard to play without them.
I discovered Threes only today, and I had no idea it looked so similar. I searched a bit and it appears as if 1024 is also inspired by Threes, so my game is probably the last of a long chain of clones :P
@GnomeSlice What is "HN" in this context?
@StrixVaria Hacker News I guess.
2048 multiplayer, what a useless addition.
Somebody play this with me
Look at the scores and who won ><
@KevinvanderVelden haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax
What is even the point of a multiplayer version of that
honestly, when something gets popular in the programming crowd they do the dumbest shit
@StrixVaria thanks for the answer. I'll wait a little more for extra answers. But I'm probably accepting yours
@GnomeSlice I think it's more that even their dumb stuff is popular
not famous programmers do dumb stuff too
@OrigamiRobot "@Michel For the example you give, I'd call "carry on" the least appropriate." Shouldn't be gave instead of give ?
@KevinvanderVelden Thanks ^.^ could you tell me why?
@Michel because I wanted to say no
Just ignore me :)
@KevinvanderVelden <3
@Michel Either works, actually. Give, because you are talking about it right now. Gave because the example was given in the past.
@JasonBerkan Understood. ^.^ Thanks again
I think I really piss off you guys with those silly questions >.<
@Michel Nah, don't worry about it
@GnomeSlice Let me know if I'm being a burden. In any topic at all =D
@2048 people it looks like somebody released a very similar game on Android recently play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prasio.even
CC @StrixVaria @RedRiderX
@Michel naah, FEi isn't threatening you with ignoring you so you're fine
~felling happy ... this weekend I'm moving from my gf's to my own place :D (Change cities is not that easy T_T) new bed at least Queen size \o/ (one bed that I fit at least! after all those years!! Uhuu)
@Michel huh, I usually hear about people moving in with their partners
@KevinvanderVelden relieve
@KevinvanderVelden after my ex changed me, and I saw myself homeless... no thanks... nope train here I go
@Michel aah see, the ex bit was missing
traumatized :X
@JasonBerkan I think pretty much any non-future tense works, actually.
@OrigamiRobot unless you're a time traveler
Or could be made to work.
Time travelers are allowed to use any tenses they damn well please
@KevinvanderVelden >_> <_< Who have you been talking to?
Cause if you piss them off, they'll just go back in time and make sure you are never born
@KevinvanderVelden in this case, the "present tense" is the right one...
@OrigamiRobot I'm just tired and sick
I am nearly falling asleep at 9:47 PM
Oh God, there's a web version of Drop Zap
gg work
Q: What can the Petrified Something be used for?

Panic BombSince I'm a sucker for mystery gifts in Dark Souls, I chose the "Petrified Something" as my starting gift. Knowing what I knew about the Old Witch's Ring in Dark Souls, I figured that the item's usefulness (if it had any at all) wouldn't become apparent until much later in the game. Imagine my s...

@Wipqozn How would you say DS2 compares to DS? The videos I've seen made it seem more dual-wield friendly!
@Fluttershy It does, in fact I'm dual-wielding.
Q: Quick money in gta

DonmicsI am just starting gta 5 online, and I really need money because my friends are so far ahead of me, they all have all of the great guns and cars, and I have jack. How Can you make money fast in gta online?

There's something called a "power stance" now which you can do if dual-wielding weapons (provided certain conditions are met). When in power stance your L1/L2 attacks use both weapons.
@badp I don't suppose there's any chance you could repackage the .apk and send it to me huh
Supposedly you can parry too when dual wielding depending on the weapon in your left hand.
Oh hey, I got a Puzzle Ring. Isn't that the one @spugsley has with the treasure goblin?
As for a more in-depth comparison, give me a couple minutes
@GnomeSlice If I had a way to make you a proper gift...
@Wipqozn That's the important part, I think. Being unable to block/parry would be difficult for me.
@badp Not supported by google play I'm afraid
I love dual wielding.
@OrigamiRobot I know! That was my reaction too! :D
@Fluttershy I always wielding my weapons in two hands in DS2, and I never parried, so it doesn't bother me :P
I think the whole concept of dual-wielding is misunderstood by the video game industry.
I should really learn to parry though. Probably.
It probably would make things easier than being a dodgey mcdodgerton for everything.
@Wipqozn I know you could kill the last boss in DS with two or three parry/riposte attacks. <_<
@Yuki YES!
@Yuki I hate you. :O
@Fluttershy Yeah, which is why I should probably learn how to do it, haha
Would make it a lot easier
@OrigamiRobot There's a class which starts off with two weapons so you can dual wield.
@Fluttershy Mine's scaled for L35 though.
Going to type up a more in-depth comparison of it in a minute, but it'll be on my cell phone, so it'll take a bit.
Q: What am I doing wrong? Why can't I win in BNW?

AJ.LI can't win in BNW :( I have tried both a science & culture victory with no success and I have tried different numbers of cities (1,2,3,4). What am I doing wrong? In BNW I am playing King but in Civ 5 (normal) I was winning at Emperor level :/ My biggest prob is that I run out of time or that th...

Q: Is there another way to transfer my village to a new device?

OmegaI'm getting rid of my current iPhone and change it for another iPhone 5s. The thing is, the Game Center account I am using right now is not the same one my village is linked to, apparently. I have tried like four different Game Center accounts I might have used to no avail - the game keeps sayin...

Q: What's with the symbols on the main menu?

badpIf you swipe all the way to the left, this sequence of symbols appears. (Do not pay any mind to the white circles: it's where I was holding my finger.) What gives?

@Yuki Doesn't the goblin loot scale with your level though?
(cc: @spugsley)
@Fluttershy uhhh not sure
@Lazers I thought this was @StrixVaria again.
@spugsley Well, I mean like... Your ring is a level 29 item, isn't it? But it still gives you level 60 gear? Or is that because you found it at level 60?
Whoo, Act III!
Ugh, getting bored of solo play though.
@Fluttershy yes
@Yuki get to level 60 :o
Q: What Are Some Advantages of Different Usages of Jokers?

GnomeSliceI was wondering if anyone could give me some insight into the pros and cons of different uses of Joker tiles in Lock-n-Roll. So basically the way I've been playing, is I'll play until I fill up the board, and am forced to use a Joker to continue. I do my best to set up to board so that each Jok...

What with the recent popularity in here of games like this, I kind of feel like somebody might actually be able to give me a good answer to this
@Lazers Dupe
Well I mean I already have one but still
@KevinvanderVelden @fredley If either of you can make an AI for Lock n' Roll I will be impressed. Probably not gonna work though because it's a flash game.
Love that game
@Yuki This was my problem as well.
Wtf where did my message go. Fucking mobile chat.
Well fuck. I'm not typing that up again until -km on a keyboard.
@GnomeSlice it should be possible, screen cap and mouse controlling
Q: Total number of zones, dungeons and bosses in WoW since its creation

EuphoricAre there any statistics about how many zones, dungeons and bosses exist or existed in WoW? Especially those zones, dungeons or bosses that got changed, removed or replaced thanks to new expansions?

Q: Spawn Herobrine without mods

user71595Is Herobrine on minecraft pe? I looked every where and tried everything. So can you try to help me get him in my lands?

@KevinvanderVelden Get to work.
@GnomeSlice you really want me to do it don't you, 3 pings =p
@KevinvanderVelden I tried to edit it but I missed.
Edits reping, sorry.
Not a problem :)
I doubt it's even possible
game is far too random
So much probability shit
You can always optimize it
Calculate all the possibilities and get the maximum points
blank stare
@KevinvanderVelden Well, the game can be downloaded (it's still an swf though), so I guess you could try if you really wanted canned-bananas.com/lock-n-roll
Q: blessing of sylanna And the Crag

DoomsknightI defeated the earth elemental, and got the blessing of Sylanna... I reported this to the king, and he wants me to talk to the pirate king in The Crag. However, I have no idea how to get there. The boat wont travel me, and from what I have read, i need to walk there somehow. But I have found no...

@GnomeSlice I just got 300 points from clearing things o.o
@KevinvanderVelden Clearing stuff gives you a ton of points.
It's also essential to get a high score.
@BenBrocka Granted, Tetris has a WHOLE lot more history for it to fall back on.
Because otherwise the board fills up
But even with that, it's easy to see that facebook and mobile games don't have staying power.
@Frank Tetris is more there for a baseline, it's peak would be way before the chart even shows
Appropriate that flappy bird drops like a rock
Towerfall looks fun, but I don't know, Quadsmash still looks like a better local MP game
That game deserves may more attention than it gets
I see options in building an AI for this, maybe friday if I have some time
@GnomeSlice Suddenly more interested in whatever Threes is.
Would have thought Draw Something would be a bigger peak
Let's try this again!
It's out on android today as well
Q: What am I doing wrong? Why can't I win in BNW?

AJ.LI can't win in BNW :( I have tried both a science & culture victory with no success and I have tried different numbers of cities (1,2,3,4). What am I doing wrong? In BNW I am playing King but in Civ 5 (normal) I was winning at Emperor level :/ My biggest prob is that I run out of time or that th...

Anyone who plays Civ 5, am I missing something here?
Q: How does the marriages that I bring about (through the relationship option) affect the game?

CybersonI noticed that when I got Owain joining my entourage, he had the same hair color as my character. Are there other effects that come about by different marriages?

Q: How does the exp work?

CybersonRecently I have been trying to increase my team's power and noticed that I level up much faster when playing the later levels than when I play the early ones. I know that in pokemon it gets harder to level up because of the exp increase from level to level, but in Fire Emblem: Awakening each leve...

Four cities doesn't seem nearly enough for end game.
@GnomeSlice Ah, I see. I mostly just love Big Giant Circles.
@FAE He's awesome.
@FAE If you don't have it, I recommend music.biggiantcircles.com/album/impostor-nostalgia
@Frank Probably not for a science victory. Diplomatic should be possible, provided you have enough cash to buy votes from all the city states.
@JasonBerkan I'm mostly looking for if there's enough information in the question to be able to answer it.
Towerfall does not look as good as I was expecting
it looks good, but I don't see anything to really set it apart from games like Gentlemen!
@Fluttershy So far I'm really enjoying it, and I'd compare it favourably to Dark souls 1. The major differences would be:

New stats have been added and others have been changed. For example, encumbrance and stamina are now controlled by two separate stats.

Enemies also only respawn a limited number of times, although they can supposedly be reset with an item. This means you can't farm as easily, and also that dying when losing a bloodstain is more meaningful (see also: annoying as hell) since you can't really get those souls back easily by just farming. On the flip side, it does mean that
Dying also results in your maximum health being decreased, to a minimum of 50%. Using an item to restore your "humanity" will reset your max health back to 100%.
@Wipqozn That sounds incredibly difficult. :o
You come across the blacksmith earlier in this game compared to the previous one as well. Also, you can teleport between bonfires right from the start of the game. Quite handy.

Also, you no longer level up at bonfires. You need to go see this person in a town new the start to do it. Realy bad idea imo, since it's just tedious and annoying. She's right next to a bonfire so it results is you spending more time at loading screens teleporting between bonfires.
der, wrong room
that video is not safe for life
@GnomeSlice Is this just single player? Sounds like the game is pretty pointless without local co op
@BenBrocka What? No, he's playing with somebody.
I don't think it has single player
oh p2 was just dead I guess. And this must be the co op quest
Yeah, looks like.
And I meant versus, isn't versus the main event?
I dunno, the game looks good, but I was expecting it to blow me away from all the hype
@BenBrocka they did that first, you missed it
I think they're trying all the modes
@Wipqozn Stop saying fire. It still pings me every time.
@GnomeSlice ah
@FEichinger Maybe you should fire that script
@GnomeSlice lol I've seen that before. Having played Bayonetta, it's pretty amusing.
Q: Enchanting Items above 37%

Chud37I've gotten my Enchantment up to 100, and my smithing up to 100, So I was wearing Vampire armour which alloed 125% magicka regen, which I thought was pretty awesome. Anyway, I thought well wouldnt it be nice to look cool and also have the armour AND regen, but it turns out I cant do that? Afte...

@FAE I haven't played it but it's still pretty amusing
Definitely nsfw though
@GnomeSlice aye
@Yuki wtf is he doing lately
@GnomeSlice Once you get a tank, you have certain... urges.
Not those urges, you disgusting person you.
@Yuki It's not just that
Considering he's promoting after-school activities, I don't mind.
Q: How to fix the issue of Civilization V not launching in "Direct X 10 & 11" mode

kinglimeI launch Civlization V from steam and the launcher appears, it gives me the option of Direct X 9, Direct X 10 & 11 or Windows 8 Touch Enabled Mode. I wish to run it in DX11 so I select that, the window then disappears then nothing happens. How can I launch it in DX11 mode?

@GnomeSlice jeah 2799, almost beat your highscore!
Also now it is a good time for bed :)
@KevinvanderVelden Which game?
@KevinvanderVelden Where do you see that highscore?
@GnomeSlice This Week on kongegate
I'm not 'GnomeSlice' on kongregate anymore anyway, that account got stolen
You are xGnomeSlicex as I recall?
Also I'm over 3k right now
I've played this game a LOT
3107 this week
I got like 30k on my phone
@KevinvanderVelden that's what I'm at right now
still playing
Welp, I'm gonna head to bed
I have lost many many hours to this game and the sequel on iOS
@Yuki I wouldn't mind joining you :) I have a lvl 40 demonhunter or a new monk :)
@Arperum My Bnet ID is Yawus#1636
@Yuki New character ort the level 40?
@Arperum Probably the 40.
I'm ~36-ish.

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