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@Chippies Well okay, a couple lawyers and a few dozen engineer hours to detect and prevent streaming :P
@Yuki Apparently it caps at 50% of your max HP, if I'm parsing this correctly.
@badp well that's just bad resource managment :P
why not allow streaming instead, no lawyers required for that :P
@Fluttershy So, it's like a temporary debuff? Once you go human or something, you get your lost health back?
@Chippies Because the TV companies are silly people stuck 30 years in the past.
@Frank we're talking about steam game streaming and xbox one, hopefully they're not as stuck in the past as TV companies are :)
@Yuki Something like that, I think. It's a question on the site, but I'm not sure how much you wanna look into it before release, in case of spoilers, so I won't link it. <_<
I ain't afraid of no spoilers!
I saw the question, but it had no answers then...
Hm. I have a terrible habit of winning. This is a hard habit to kick.
@GraceNote It's because you're a Witch.
That is indeed a thing
@Frank Ok so it's probably my own confirmation bias then.
That's a pretty good selection.
@OrigamiRobot I gave it my best effort, but alas, I can only win.
Casual alarm blares
@BenBrocka Can I clone them now? :D
@BenBrocka I wanted to like this game so badly
I was so excited for it at GamesCom, too.
@FAE Sadly, NCSoft has burned me too much to ever trust them again.
@Frank The art direction for the female characters really turned me off. :(
@FAE It sounded really cool when it was first being talked about
@BenBrocka I was really interested in this game until the NDA and the monthly fee.
@StrixVaria It'll go F2P within the year, I'm sure.
They HAD to do an NDA for a beta honestly. I don't judge them for that
Sub fee is a turn off and why I probably won't look, but I don't do MMOs otherwise
@OrigamiRobot Pretty much. The female characters look very homogeneous in comparison to the male counterparts. :/ All of them are kind of sexy-fied, even the ones that are like... zombies, essentially.
Q: Why Game Centre does not show my achievements?

Pratika RanaI have completed Tomb Raider 2013 successfully with many completing challenges. But the Game Center does not show any of my achievements. Why ?

Interested because it sounds like they might have actual real gameplay in an MMO instead of clickspam hotkey garbage
@Fluttershy True.
@FAE Chainmail bikinis for all, I say!
@BenBrocka Do not agree.
NDAs don't make any sense.
@BenBrocka Yeah, gameplay's fairly active.
(I'm joking. Chainmail bikinis are dumb!)
@Fluttershy :P
@BenBrocka So many MMOs have tried to claim this and then not been any different.
Bring on the chainmail mankinis!
Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World come to mind.
@StrixVaria WildStar uses a MOBA-esque targeting system, iirc.
@StrixVaria It's an MMO, it NEEDS to be beta tested extensively, and they don't want tons of half-baked impressions while it's in a highly volatile state
@BenBrocka have you tried Tera Online?
@BenBrocka This.
@JasonBerkan Where is this test, I'm curious if I would qualify. (probably not, but whatever)
@Fluttershy Which means there's no static target? You have to manually target every ability?
@StrixVaria yeah, that's why I'm content to sit and watch what other people think
@StrixVaria I dunno about every ability, but there are some, yeah.
Q: What is the optimal algorithm for the game 2048

nitish712I have recently stumbled upon the game 2048. You need to merge similar tiles by moving them in any of the four directions. By similar, I mean tiles with same value. After each move, a new tile appears at random empty position with value of either 2 or 4. The game terminates when all the boxes are...

@Arperum cic.gc.ca/ctc-vac/getting-started.asp - Click on Start My Application at the bottom of the page.
@Fluttershy Depends on the developer. Usually not too long.
@BenBrocka People will form half-baked impressions anyway
@badp I mean, impressions on a half baked version of the game. Now they're playing on something they apparently think is close enough to final to talk about
@GnomeSlice that game is old
I heard it wasn't complete utter shit.
it was quite shitty tho
@JasonBerkan TIL I learned that the US has an official document called "Alien Registration Card".
> Did you get married, or begin a common law relationship before your 22nd birthday?
Damn. Microsoft's store had an accidental promo code with $100 on any item. Invalid now. Was thinking of a surface 2 pro
Curious about the relevance.
@BenBrocka Would have been service abuse anyway, no?
well we didn't know if it was accidental. People initially thought it was $100 of Xbox One, then it worked on everything, then they killed it
Q: How do you use Boss souls to ascend weapons

MondrianaireKilling bosses yields boss souls that hint that they can be used to create new weapons, however there is no available option to do so at the blacksmith. How do you create boss weapons in Dark Souls II?

@FAE Didn't get that question. I'm also not qualified.
@FAE Have you eaten ice cream on or about the 4th of october on a leap year?
@Arperum I'm not either.
@Arperum I know some people who have Alien passports.
@BenBrocka I could probably definitively say no to this for the entirety of my life.
@Chippies Fun fact, I was a legal alien of the United States until my 18th birthday and I didn't realize it.
I found out when I went to fill out my FAFSA for college and they said I wasn't actually a US citizen.
For those of you who want to see my cat "helping" me with my laundry:
@FAE did you get to visit Area 51? :P
@Frank She's got ups
@Frank haha
-1, "Bella" has 2 l's in it!!
@GnomeSlice Did you forget what NSFW means again? <_<
@Fluttershy what's nsfw about that
Oh, I guess there's a few pics
@badp You fail at identification.
@GnomeSlice Apparently that's a yes. >_>
@Fluttershy To be completely fair, kalina has talked about this for extensive lengths of time, including her acquiring and enjoying the device
@badp This has pictures
@badp Yes, but kalina has not posted pictures of her doing this.
why is that a thing
@FAE It was just so cute watching her go after socks when I was sorting them.
@GnomeSlice ~Japan~
@Frank she's so springy
Q: How do you access the Shrine of Winter?

MondrianaireIn Dark Souls 2 there is a 'Shrine of Winter' near Sinners Rise. When you approach the shrine it will not let you open the door and a message pops up that says Seek Mightier Souls What does this mean and how do you open this shrine?

Q: How do you acquire more Pharros Lockstones if you have already used all of them.Ph

MondrianairePharros lockstones allow you to open certain areas and manipulate certain contraptions in the game. Merchants sell a limited amount of these items yet they are integral in progressing through the storyline. There are far more Pharros Contraptions than there are lockstones and using them will dest...

@FAE Is that supposed to answer the question
@GnomeSlice It was not its intended use.
@FAE Oh, no doubt.
But what did they expect
Also I can't believe that same article's still up. It's super old.
@FAE I usually throw my socks at Carter when I get home. He just lets them land on his back and then he just goes into sensory overload mode and falls over.
@Frank AWW SHE STANDS I love when Parker does that but I can never get a good pic
He stands on his hind feet for pets
My cat never stands, unless she needs to reach
@BenBrocka @TrentHawkins is doing some construction stuff downstairs, and she heard it. She got distracted really easily.
and that's not really "standing"
@FAE what would be the intended use then?
@FAE 21 is the legal adult age (at least as far as the immigration laws are concerned).
@Chippies Just as a regular sensory aid, given the game's focus on "synaesthesia", but if I had one, I probably wouldn't use it for its intended use either. :P
@JasonBerkan Ah okay, thanks.
Q: What other game has a similar risk/reward mechanic as Galaga's double ship?

ScottAs far as I know, Galaga is the only game where you can risk one of your own lives to reward yourself with double firepower. Even when you give up your own life, it's not guaranteed that you will get the double ship as you can shoot your lost ship or lose your current ship only to have your game...

Q: Where can I farm Titanite Chunks?

MondrianaireWhere can you farm Titanite Chunks in Dark Souls II? Titanite Chunks can ascend +7 weapons to +9. There do not seem to be any chunks accessible early in the game, where can I farm this item?

Q: Modded Minecraft COFH skin set

Binary XI have recently installed the Monster FTB pack on my server. In 1.5.2 (Unleashed) we were able to use the command /cofh skin set When we use the command on the server, a message appears that the skin change was successful but the skins just always stay the default Steve. Is there something sp...

@FAE well, where are you supposed to... put it?
using it as a masturbatory device seems like a good sensory aid indeed.
@Chippies You're supposed to put it under your feet or hands or in your pocket or something
Wow, it only took two weeks of sales for the new Harvest Moon to surpass its expected lifetime sales by 10k. That is incredible.
Sweet. Haven't bought it but glad the series is doing well
@badp Haha, apparently Albert Heijn has free wifi now
puts the children in opposite corners
Let's change subject, shall we?
@badp That's a terrible subject
@badp Did you get the sword for Poo?
@BenBrocka Bad estimate is bad though. If you pass your expected lifetime sales in two weeks, you sold really good or expected nothing. Or both.
@FAE Yeah, I forgot to talk to him about that.
@BenBrocka Yes, yes I have.
@badp Cool. Not sure I'd recommend doing the same for the...gutsy bat? or whatever it is
I'm at the point of no return wondering if I've missed anything. I've mostly followed a walkthrough to be completely honest, but I didn't scrape every last bit of the last Your Sanctuary
@BenBrocka Isn't the latest only out in Japan?
@badp Gutsy Bat and the sword are the biggest missables gear-wise. Not sure there's much else that's relevant, just some consumables, trash weapons for Jeff
this fucking trailer is amazing
The ending gives me chills
@FAE hmmm...
@badp Is the goal to make getting between 2 arbitrary points as easy as possible, or are there hubs that are more important destinations than others and getting to/from the hubs is more important?
of all the places I wish I had free wifi in I'm not sure supermarkets is one of them
@StrixVaria At present, the former.
@badp I'd say for smart phones but...cell data is usually fine for that
Q: What items and covenants increase multiplayer chances?

MondrianaireWhat items and or covenants increase the chances of finding both targeted (looking for a specific player) and general (looking for multiplayer in general) chances to play with others online? Specific items help different types of multiplayer. For example, the white sign soapstone will only help...

@GnomeSlice Ok. That's actually significantly harder.
@StrixVaria triangles want to get to a triangle, squares to a square,... or that's what I understood from it.
@StrixVaria I think the goal is getting from any starting station to any kind of destination as easy as possible
@badp I'm okay with this because there tends to be a lot of metal/concrete in most supermarket buildings that make the cell signals kind of dodgy sometimes.
@Frank I dunno, maybe. I did'nt know it was out, so that would explain why...
Ugh why do I want to play this subway game so much.
Localization has never been their highest priority on Harvest Moon
So you need to connect all stations to a circle, a square, a triangle, a star, etc.
Confirm the origin of fire!
@BenBrocka Yeah, the latest one was just released on February 27th.
@StrixVaria because it's sexy! In that swiss design kind of way.
@Arperum actually it's rare for shape x to want to get to shape x
not even sure if possible, because I think all shapes x are treated the same, it seems
@Chippies Not FROM shape x to shape x.
oh, nvm
misread that
The tiny passengers have a shape too. so triangle passenger to triangle station.
yeah, that's it
They don't care about reaching a specific station. They just want to go to any of the right kind
@badp That makes it sound...too easy?
Of course, square, plus, quarter-circle and star stations are unique if not very rare, so at the end of the day it does not really matter.
@badp Oh ok.
Jesus Christ that trailer is good
You occasionally get a second square station
@StrixVaria Does that Daibo reduce the cooldown by a flat amount or by a percentage?
Also, @StrixVaria, the game ends when a station has more than 5 people waiting for too long
(that is what the circle around some station means)
It feels a little luck based..
you can upgrade stations to hold more people; you can upgrade lines to carry more people at a time; you can unlock more lines; apparently there's an upgrade that grants you faster but smaller cars.
@Fluttershy Yes. This was in Demon's Souls too, albeit in a slightly different form. In Demon's Souls if you were a hollow you were at 50% health (aka you died). When you die In Dark Souls you lose health, and it can't go below 50%. You can get back up to 100% again by using a certain item.
Q: What factors influence movement speed.

MondrianaireIn the original Dark Souls, movement speed was only affected by equip load. In DSII, they introduced a stat called 'Agility' that influences movement speed but also still have equipment load. How is movement speed calculated in Dark Souls 2?

@3ventic Well yes, there are luck elements.
@OrigamiRobot 48%
This is a pretty awful start e.g.
@OrigamiRobot Wave of Light got a huge nerf, though.
Every other skill had increased damage except Wave of Light which was halved.
@StrixVaria It's still pretty strong since it has no cooldown
Oh god this is terrible
@OrigamiRobot I want one of these:us.battle.net/d3/en/item/the-fist-of-azturrasq
It would make Exploding Palm even sillier.
Yea, I might use EP if I had that.
I have 3 legendary fist weapons waiting for sockets.
I just created a Diablo 3 community called "Arqade" on the EU servers as I didn't find any existing one. EU players are welcome to join.
Coincidentally, the three with the lowest "natural" level
@OrigamiRobot I've just been sort of holding onto all my level 60 legendaries.
No real plan in mind for them at all. Just packrat mentality.
I can't wait to put three diamonds in my chest armor.
Damn, I just lost with 177 people. :(
Yeah, it's got a learning curve to it
oh god oh god oh god
gtfo circle no one likes you
@badp Definitely connect the green line to the new circle.
@StrixVaria The cyan line overflew anyway.
@badp overflowed?
@StrixVaria Lines can't cross.
Oh you lost the game already?
@GnomeSlice I guess except at stations?
@StrixVaria Er, yeah.
Why did that get starred?
because we hate you!!
Who is doing that
Someone found the star button again
Whoever cleared those stars is literally Hitler.
Stars are a form of self-expression.
and like all forms of self-expression on this website it is heavily censored and mod-abused!
@GnomeSlice Lines crossing apparently has nothing to do with what it looks like on screen. It seems to be that theoretical straight line segments between stations aren't allowed to intersect.
@Sconibulus What? Yes it does.
@Sconibulus Oh, weird.
It's pre-alpha
aaaaahhhhh 449
Did better that time at least
I hope that's a script and someone isn't still doing that.
Mini Metro doesn't have an IndieDB page. Sadface.
@FAE That circle looks troublesome.
@tongodeon Mini Metro will be coming to Android tablets, hopefully around the same time as Steam. Phones later once we squeeze it on.
Please to be DRM-Free, not just steam
@StrixVaria Yeah, I ended up not being able to expand there because my green line stations were waiting too long and I got a game over. :( Thing were going well before that though. I should've maybe expanded my red line a little to get the stuff in the bottom left instead.
"Lines can't cross" got unstarred :(
@OrigamiRobot Some people are the reason why we can't have nice things.
Not me.
Q: How to play movies on Xbox One or Wii U from a USB stick or an SD card?

kacalapyI want to be able to play movies I have on a USB stick and an SD card on my Xbox One or Wii U because my PS3 died. I'm finding it impossible on both. What am I supposed to do to play my movies? Streaming from a computer is not an option. I have kids and they want to turn on their stuff.

@StrixVaria I'm much happier about my 493
I wonder why this game blew up in popularity recently
@GnomeSlice Because it's really actually a great concept for a game.
@StrixVaria There's lots of games with great concepts.
And, having not played it yet, it looks really simple.
There's no overhead.
You just start playing.
You know what I've decided I want? A gundam TRPG.
@StrixVaria It's going to be a really nice tablet game, yes.
@GnomeSlice It's simple, the concept is great and it has a free version that you can play in your browser.
although sometimes you need mouse accuracy to grab station handles
@3ventic Except on Linux :(
but you can still download it on linux
@badp Yeah, I noticed that as well
@3ventic Yeah but I don't want to download it onto a work computer :P
Q: Why can't I stabilize a critically wounded solider in XCOM: Enemy Unknown when standing right on top of him?

Ghopper21In XCOM: Enemy Unknown, I have a critically wounded solider that is bleeding out, with the red cross and turns-until-death counter showing 1 turn left, and the message saying the solider can be revived or stabilized. Another solider, a high-ranking support unit, has used his first action to move...

Working on Linux? That's something I haven't seen yet
except linux servers of course
@StrixVaria Does unity not have a webplayer for linux?
That stinks
@3ventic bluh
@Chippies you need shorter routes.
@GnomeSlicemy routes were fine until more stations popped up
@Chippies then you need to adjust them. they are no longer fine
it's lame that you can't make loops that aren't full circles
@Chippies What, yes you can.
I always make loops
your yellow one is a loop
@GnomeSlice they have to be full circles to loop them
you can't have a circle with a path hanging
@Chippies Yes... how would you loop the train otherwise?
Q: If the game crashes during a match, do I still get Experience and Credits?

Dan CHawken's Siege Mode is the most fun aspect of the game, but the matches also take the longest of any game type to play out. Recently, I was a good 20 minutes into a Siege match when the Hawken .EXE crashed to desktop. I assumed I wouldn't be getting any credits or experience for the time I did sp...

@Chippies y u no upvote
@GnomeSlice puu.sh/7sQGG.png
you can't do that
@Chippies Huh. I guess that kind of makes sense.
@GraceNote If I complained to you about text grip points vs snap points, would you understand?
Underground trains don't usually split like that though
well, I don't see why they can't do that, if they can do a full loop
they can go back and forth on from A to B and they can do full loops, they should be able to combine that
@Chippies Yeah but they're in tunnels right
@OrigamiRobot Yes.
they don't usually make tunnels do that
@GraceNote And overzealous object snap in general.
I would still understand
Well that's what I'm doing here.
@Chippies Did you upvote
@GnomeSlice what about this? puu.sh/7sQYx.png
yes I upvoted
@Chippies same problem, they don't usually make tunnels do that
don't subway systems usually not have track splitters?
Maybe I'm just full of shit
@GnomeSlice well damn you...
@GnomeSlice Do you mean where the trains can move from one track to another?
Because literally anywhere there are trains, there is that.
Okay, maybe not then
@GnomeSlice This explains nothing.
path A and B
2 tunnels
why can't that work?
@GnomeSlice They're called "switches".
@StrixVaria It's a picture of what I'm talking about.
I mean, if there's 2 paths, it works, right?
why can't it work with a single line?
Can you use words to explain it since the picture has no meaning.
@StrixVaria ask @Chippies
He's the one who asked in the first place
I'm not good at using my words
anyways, gotta watch a show and eat some homemade pinwheels
This looks pretty good
This is how it's done in Brussels. Look especially at the "Simonis" station (The Leopold II and Elizabeth are the same station
I'm assuming you'd want to create something like line 6 on this map.
Q: How are the packet boundaries in the Source engine DEM format determined?

Nick TI'm trying to write a program that reads Source DEM files, and about all I can at this point is the header which is a magic string, few ints and floats and 280-long strings. The last field in the header is an int which specifies the length of the "sign on" data in bytes, but after reading that...

if anyone knows anything about that, pls halp
@GnomeSlice We’ll definitely be available elsewhere DRM-free.
Mini Metro ^
@NickT Are you sure the sign-on length value doesn't include the header?
didn't try that
That would be my guess. Similar data that I work with does something like that: a length for the entire data page (header included), length of the header, length of the primary payload (sometimes multiplied by some factor, also found in the header), and then length of the secondary payload.
@spugsley Hi
CC 2048 people, @AshleyNunn, @badp, @RedRiderX
The 100% original, all natural, homegrown Threes! is now available on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vo.threes.exclaim
@GnomeSlice 2 bucks though? I can play 2048 for free. I came really close to finally winning today
Q: What exactly, is a "day"?

EnderI have collected for myself several 'summons' and I'm very interested in trying them out. However, I'm hesitant to do so because they say they can only be used once per day. Well what defines a day? Is this a real-life day or a Southpark day? If it is the latter, then what makes up a Southpark da...

@GnomeSlice I like 2048 better.
... I've watched total biscuit "review" Titanfall and now REALLY WANT TO PLAY IT
@KevinvanderVelden Is it on PC in such a way that I can play it without Origin?
@StrixVaria no, it's Origin
I guess I could just look this up.
I don't think EA does anything not on origin anymore
In the XBox family, is it XBone only or is it Xbox360 too?
@StrixVaria nope, origin exclusive =[
@BenBrocka I guess that's good since it means I can't play their games now.
It's not even an exercise in self-restraint any more!
@StrixVaria 360 was delayed to sell more xbox Ones but it's coming
@BenBrocka Oh interesting. I could still get it then.
@BenBrocka I am also severely disappointed that you of all people typed out "xbox ones"
and the game honestly isn't beautiful on any platform, so as long as there's no major flaws the 360 version is probably servicable
"xbone" got old I'd say
@GnomeSlice Oh, good! I've been looking for something else to use my free credit on
@StrixVaria I guess I'm feeling sheepish after a joke bombed
@badp I don't think it was ever a cool thing to say.
@badp It's way easier to say and type.
@StrixVaria tough

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