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@fluttershy oh good. I was scared I would have to do it for like each game or something else terrible like that.
Night all
And good luck on your thing tomorrow @Ashley!
@ktash thanks!
@Fluttershy Hungrier Games is obviously better, but Hungriest Games is clearly the best.
I still need to see Catching Fire.
you need to feed your games.
eh. I probably should find another series to binge read ;p
@spugsley Worried? :(
@AshleyNunn It is good!
@Fluttershy my brother is meeting with a lawyer tomorrow and I am worried about it.
I'm going to be there too but it's just a lot
@spugsley I am awake worrying about my cat :( it's smaller worry, but still, I understand the suckage
@AshleyNunn oh no :( What is wrong with Norbert?
He spent the whole day hiding and didn't really eat. So I don't know if I need to like call the vet tomorrow, or not. I can't really afford it but he is my kitty. So I will make it work. Also not sure how we would get there and I also have an interview tomorrow.
@spugsley Understandable. I'm sorry your brother has to go through all of this. Just know that there are some genuinely good lawyers out there. Not just good at what they do, but good people.
Needless to say my brain is all over the place.
@spugsley I hope it goes well for you guys. Know I will be sending you good comforting thoughts all day.
@Fluttershy I hope this one is. I think at this point no one really cares about money more than just someone listening to him :/
@AshleyNunn thank you <3 If you happen to look at the clock at 1:30 think a couple of happy thoughts for me
@AshleyNunn maybe he just has an upset stomach or needs to cough up a hairball. Sometimes our kitty gets quiet before he needs to
@spugsley will do :)
@spugsley yeah, I am debating leaving it for another day to see if anything changes or he gets worse or better. I might also call my mom and ask her advice (she has a lot of cats and two special medical needs cats so I trust her to judge)
@AshleyNunn good idea :)
I asked about it on Pets, too. Dunno if that will do anything, but I figured maybe someone can give me good advice.
I feel silly being all pancake over my cat when you have such huge stuff with your brother. I don't mean to be a bother.
...panicked, not pancake.
@AshleyNunn lol I know serious issue but pancake is very silly :3
@Fluttershy oh good fucking god
fucking fuck fuck
how does this man even exist
@spugsley I might have giggled when I saw my mistake.
@Fluttershy oh I know alllllllllllllllllll about that
@spugsley I am starting to wonder how he exists myself. Like how can one guy be so... Well.... Him.
@AshleyNunn so....so....so....something.
A lot of somethings
He makes my brain go yay
@AshleyNunn he makes my everything say yay
Q: Do weapon strap-ons only take effect depending on which weapon (melee/ranged) your character is holding?

galacticninjaFor example, I have a melee weapon with the 'Iron Crossguard' defensive strap-on (deflect 15% more damage when you block): And in combat, I attacked with my ranged weapon, so I'm now holding my ranged weapon. If I get attacked while holding the ranged weapon, will I still deflect 15% more dama...

@Lazers Oh, South Park... You so cray.
This is ridiculous. I was up until 4am today, slept until 9am, and I'm not at all tired.
That's surprising. If that was me I would be so zoned right now.
@AshleyNunn I should be! But I'm not. :(
@fluttershy that is odd. Hopefully you can sleep soon?
@AshleyNunn I hope so. I'm gonna lie down and read a bit, methinks.
Thanks devs, I keep forgetting what the play button does
Oh hey, got my first legendary.
@Yuki Pokemon?
@Qwertieϟ D3.
@yuki that is a good thing, right?
@spugsley I moved Norbert' wet food dish closer and he came out of his hiding hole to eat more so that is good I think. Good enough I feel okay to sleep.
@AshleyNunn I think so. Legendary items tend to be good. I think. This could also be Blizzard saying "Yeah, this is the only legendary I'll give you ever."
Because Blizzard hates me.
@yuki hopefully you have more good luck.
Q: Benefit in entering Halls of The Dead?

Black HawkIs there any particular benefit in entering and clearing (and looting) the Halls Of The Dead present in cities? Or is it just like clearing an ancient nord ruin? Also, what special items/loot (if any) is present?

Q: Is ascended gear worth the effort?

AndroidRookieI have the following question: Is ascended gear, especially ascended armor, worth the effort of crafting it? I totally see the benefit of ascended trinkets as their cost-effectiveness seems reasonable. But the massive amount of resources, I mean really massive amount, seems to be in no relatio...

Q: How does loot work?

DavidYellSo I have been playing Path of Exile on and off for a while and have a Witch in the 'Normal ' league at about lv16, just got to Act2. My expectation is that loot will drop which will be useful to my character. However I'm finding that most loot drops are grey, in fact, pretty much all loot is gr...

Do we have a D3 clan/guild/whatever thingy? No idea how they work, but as far as I understand the last patch introduced something like that
@MadScientist There is a arqade community on the US servers.
@Arperum And on EU?
@MadScientist AFAIK, nothing yet. If you decide to set something up: please set up a community, a clan is one clan per person max. And I'm in a clan already.
@MadScientist You are playing on EU?
Q: Can anyone confirm Titanfall language change?

Andrius LukminasNow can anyone confirm that Battlefield 4 solution to cahnge the language by copying native GDFBinary_en_US(64).dll to installation (from beta etc) and changing registry keys asociated with origin from ru_RU to en_US? Until the game is not released ofitialy i can't confirm but internet sources co...

@Arperum yes
@MadScientist I'm arperum#2758 on there!
Q: Does switching affect the probability of waking up?

sceniaI sometimes get the feeling that a sleeping Pokémon I just switched in tends to wake up faster than if I hadn't switched it out. There are no Abilities (like Healer), Attacks (like Aromatherapy) or Items (like those wake-up Berries) involved, just one Pokémon being put to sleep, then I switch it ...

Q: How many pokemon are obtainable in XY

JutschgeHow many pokemon are legitimately obtainable in Pokemon X and Y? I'm talking about only these 6th gen games and by legitimately I mean by catching, breeding and trading only between those two games (no pokebank, hacking or events).

Q: How to check whether a game is popular and/or actively played on Xbox Live online?

acalypsoThere is a couple of great multiplayer-focused games on Xbox 360 (e.g. Dark Souls, Armored Core, etc.), but the eternal problem with such titles is that they are pretty much dead and less fun to play if there is no active online community playing it. This makes it difficult to decide whether is i...

Q: Were to get legendary clasd mods in dlc?

user70408I cant get any legendary class mods Ever since ive goten the dlc's in bl2. They arent in the typical spot in uvhm. So if you have any tips on were to go Or what to do to get these would be great.

303 on Mini Metro, is that good?
@fredley 303 is a pretty nice number, ooh you mean score? No idea
@KevinvanderVelden Everybody needs a 303
@fredley I just got 392 on my second try, my first was 268 I think.
@Arperum That's good!
I keep accidentally adding lines instead of extending, which doesn't help
How do you avoid far-flung stations becoming overcrowded?
@fredley Make your lines go in circles, that made everything better.
@Arperum eh?
@fredley Make the start and endpoint of a line the same station, it'll go in circles then.
@Arperum I see
And don't be afraid of redoing a whole lot of line.
Wait, you can rip up lines and replace them?
How do?
> Instructions

Drag the mouse from one station to another to create a line between them.
Drag a line's terminator to another station to extend the line.
Drag a line's terminator over the last station in that line to remove it from the line.
Only found that out after my first try though.
@Arperum That should make things easier
I'm kinda happy the game is in Unity, that way it can't eat my productivity
Q: Is ATI Radeon R7 240 compitable with my motherboard

ElectricRougeI have Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H motherboard with 400 watts psu. I am planing to buy a ATI Radeon R7 240 DDR5 for gaming purpose. But I am not sure whether my motherboard supports Radeon R7 240. Here is my current system specs AMD Phenom X61055t 2.8ghz(6cores) 4gb ddr3 1333mhz GA-880GM-UD2H mother...

@Lazers so... off topic because shopping recommendation or off topic because it's about hardware and not about games
@KevinvanderVelden There might also be a standalone .exe available.
(Yes I know we allow some questions about hardware but this does not seem like one of those cases to me)
@Arperum is at work
@KevinvanderVelden Isn't this something for Superuser or some hardware focused SE?
@Arperum exactly, it does not seem like one of those cases to me
Dark Souls 2 is so good.
you guy are all drunk alcoholics for thinking you should wait for the PC version. You should be playing it now! (cc @OrigamiRobot @Fluttershy @Sterno @YourMom)
@spugsley ಠ_ಠ
56 secs ago, by FEichinger
@spugsley ಠ_ಠ
@FEichinger I think you should it it to your watchlist hides
3 mins ago, by FEichinger
@spugsley ಠ_ಠ
@Wipqozn Buy me a console and I will
@3ventic Make @GnomeSlice do it.
I think the PC version will come out before anyone buys me a console.
Maybe not... the PC version will be released 2 days after my birthday
@Wipqozn I'm pretty sure @GnomeSlice is too broke to send a couple consoles to all over europe.
@Wipqozn Too much fun with Banished, but I'll take your input into consideration.
@Arperum You just need to belieeeeeeeeeeeeeve!
@MartinSojka I need to get back to that. I kind of sidetracked with other games.
@Wipqozn Sorry, I'm an unbeliever.
mostly Diablo 3, and now Dark Soul 2.
I still blame @OrigamiRobot and @StrixVaria for that.
@Wipqozn Good.
Speaking of which, I wonder if you can use a jsfiddle link to load a Rebecca Black video.
@fredley best clock ever
@KevinvanderVelden You can really feel the seconds slipping away
@Wipqozn I agree. You should wait for the game to sell for $1 on Steam first.
@badp Makes sense.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The Unity Web Player is Mobile Hitler's incestuous child with Flash
Also I feel the need to add I'm not waiting for the PC version
I'm waiting for games I'll find fun to play, not for dark souls
I don't have time for your star list!
@Wipqozn Did the link description in Gnome's message confuse you? Hmm? HMMMM?
@badp I'm just a failure :(
Also to be fair most of the links gnome posts are just to games we should buy and not news, so I usually just ignore them.
@Wipqozn :(
I should take a sick day because of this, and play Dark Souls 2 all day to recover.
@Wipqozn then take a sick week to recover from playing dark souls 2?
@KevinvanderVelden Wait, what if is a couple years old? feels old
Q: Original CD not recognized for old game

sceniaThe game in question is SpellForce, which is a few years old, but this might apply to any PC game. I want to play that game on a rather clean Win-XP laptop (no emulation software or other stuff that likes to mess with CD-checks) that's a few years old itelf. After installing the main game and bo...

I think I'll be buying more games from GOG for now on in order to support them.
I'm having an argument about the power of Excel with someone
Would it, in theory, be possible to write a webserver in Excel?
who is the one saying you could write a webserver with excel? You or your friend?
Song Meanings

Proposed Q&A site for finding the meaning of songs, poems what have you...

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for anyone interested in Scouting. Scouting is a movement that aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society, with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for devops programmers, developers and architects

Currently in definition.

Groovy & Grails

Proposed Q&A site for this site is for professionals who's technological environment based on Groovy, Grails and related technologies.

Closed before being launched.

Ocean Modeling

Proposed Q&A site for scientist and researchers who use computational modeling software (e.g. COAWST, ROMS, HYCOM, ADCIRC, Delft3d etc.) and numerical tools to study the science of oceans, coastal waters and estuaries.

Currently in definition.

Color Science

Proposed Q&A site for color scientists, programmers and any people interested in color science concepts and methods.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for drumming enthusiasts.

Currently in definition.

Electronic Design Automation

Proposed Q&A site for this site is for people in EDA industry and will encompass topics like synthesis of RTL to net list, HDL Languages, Power estimation, Lint, Formal verification tools, Clock Domain crossing.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for 所有有关前端问题的汇集.javascript,html,css,css3,html5,js

Currently in definition.

Jesus fucking christ.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment uhm... It's called Stackoverflow.
challenge completed
@fredley pure excel? Yes and no, it is a turing complete language so with the automation to read/write data to a TCP string you could do it
@KevinvanderVelden Shall I post it on codegolf?
yesterday, by Kevin van der Velden
user image
Challenge completed before you, by AI =p
Then I'm still the best human orc
@fredley only if you want to horrify them
Also, if you count VBA (which I assume you don't) then it's fairly trivial
Q: Why does every game producer want to redefine RPG?

bioSharkThis may be a very generic question, but to be honest I haven't seen it discussed anywhere. I hope I will not break some rules here :) There is an issue that keeps bugging me. A lot of times, when a new RPG game comes out, or is about to come out, one of the main idea of the trailer is something...

@Wipqozn My problem with GoG is that I keep buying games from them and then forgetting about them
@badp I've done that before too.
@badp and this is different from steam how? =p
@KevinvanderVelden I check Steam much more frequently.
You use Steam to launch games, so you see your game list. You can't do that with GOG
I'm pressing enter when I want to press ' constantly...
not used to this keyboard yet
The annoying thing about Mini Metro is that the automatic routing system seems eager to run your metro line under a river whenever possible
Music time!
In other news, I've got a couple questions about Dark souls 2 I should ask.
@badp You can kinda fix that by moving your mouse over land while connecting the stations. That does have some influance.
Q: What are the benefits of agility?

WipqoznThe in-game description of agility states that it increases the time it takes to perform certain movements, and searching around online it seems that it might increase invulnerability frames as well. I'm having trouble finding consistent information on exactly what actions agility affects, and ho...

@badp *sigh*
Q: What items are only available once?

JutschgeI noticed that the item Metal Cloak is only available once per game/save state and that means you can only evolve a single Scizor or Steelix. Now are there some other items that occur only once per game?

@badp It's so perfect.
Q: How does enemy respawning work?

WipqoznI've noticed that enemies stop re-spawning after a while, and searchning oline suggest this will happen after an enemy has re-spawned 15 times. I'm currently not in a good spot to test this myself in-game though. I'm also interested if there is anyway to make enemies start re-spawning again after...

Q: What is the possibility of finding a HA shiny Pokemon in the Kiloude City Friend Safari or horde battles?

John doeI mean what is the chance of getting a shiny AND an HA pokemon in Kiloude City Friend Safari or horde battles.

Q: Sound lag in DeSmuME

Prinny BrockaI'm getting around two seconds of sound lag in DesMuME in all games I tried (Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent, Pokemon Heartgold, Lost Magic) and it's basically unplayable. I tried every single combination of the audio settings and nothing fixes or gets very close to fixing the sound issue. Framerate is...

@fredley evil
Good morning, Bridge
Q: Why do I stop eating corpses? Should I keep eating them anyway?

DoorknobOccasionally, when I try eating a corpse, I get the message The {monster} corpse tastes terrible! You stop eating the {monster} corpse. Why does this happen sometimes? All corpses "taste terrible," but usually the character doesn't stop eating them. Should I ignore this message and finish t...

I'm surprised we haven't received more questions about Dark Souls 2.

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