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@AATTVVV he was just trying to help me out. He knows the baby talk makes me uncomfortable.
@GnomeSlice non-married people make these too.
@Arperum a fair point.
@Arperum Yes, but especially married people.
user image
@Sterno a little of both I suppose.
cc @badp and other people in Germany right now.
@Yuki I was gonna say...
@Yuki wait.
@spugsley And the penny falls.
lol. A lesson to read the whole thing before squeeing in all caps
@Yuki Google is pretty close. My german isn't perfect, far from that, but it's definitely not the the thing that poster posted.
@Yuki Somebody is epic trolling.
@WorldEngineer I can't help but wonder what the consequences would be!
@Sterno that's the goatee stroking part. Also badgering about adding context to things :)
@spugsley My kid is only 1 and I already want to do this to all her friends.
@Yuki This is a perfect explanation for the Holocaust. "We really were just trying to hug all of you!"
Everyone else's toddler is a little shithead. Mine is sweet and wonderful and perfect even when she's biting them.
@Sterno bahahahahahaha
Q: Why can't I blit shape whilst text is blited?

user70975the text i write appears on the display of but the shapes containing the text does not and also the key event return to the title display though i want to move to next display here is the code import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode(...

@Sterno lol
@Sterno I'm pretty sure I haven't congratulated you for getting a second one later this year. SO congratulations!
@Lazers wat?
@Arperum Punch them.
@GnomeSlice how would that help the shapes getting blited while the text is blited?
@Arperum Oops.
@GnomeSlice naah, you're just saying punch the people that asks questions like that!
Which is always a good plan
Just sold 400+ Perfect Squares. Damn, that takes no time at all.
I do not believe this to be a mod-rec (as far as the problematic class of questions go): gaming.stackexchange.com/q/158815/3062
@Frank how much gold you up to now? :)
His core question is "how can I modify my control scheme in Skyrim?"
@spugsley About 150 mil.
@Frank Woooow :D I'm only at 95
With most of it currently in emeralds.
And some of them up in the RMAH, hoping someone is stupid enough to actually buy them.
She guards the wireless router :D
@James Wait, cats do that too?
@Garan Ofcourse!
@spugsley I was at less than a mil when the patch dropped.
Oh, wait. That's a router, not a laptop.
This is somewhat of a perfect storm for me.
Japanese people are so friggin' weird.
@Yuki amazing
@Frank If you want a break from crafting: I wouldn't mind playing for a bit :)
@GnomeSlice It's from one of many Japanese prank game shows.
@Arperum But but but monies!
> "To me, Japan seems to have an odd culture. They seem to waver between fairly conservative and bat shit insane."
@Frank True. I can't help you though.
I'm even forgoing FF14 and other games to make cash in D3!
@Frank Have you made any cash yet?
3 mins ago, by Frank
@spugsley I was at less than a mil when the patch dropped.
@Arperum I'm playing now in Act 3 on Torment 2 if you wanna play :)
4 mins ago, by Frank
@spugsley About 150 mil.
@Frank Oh I thought you were going for real money to buy the expansion.
@GnomeSlice Obvious science reasons and film goofs aside, the "employee" is also Nelson Cheng
@spugsley My max level on US servers is a lvl 21 I played up to that point with @Frank. I don't think I'll survive your game :)
@Arperum @spugsley is really good at murdering things super fast and then falling over dead.
@AATTVVV Have to work on seed money, first.
@Arperum oh hahaha :)
@TimStone Hah
@Sterno it's true :D
@spugsley What class do you play as?
@Arperum DH
My EU wizard had that habit too, if someone keeps stuff from my back I can murder everything in sight.
three tiny spiders and I'm completely and utterly dead.
Survivability: 0. DPS: loads.
@Yuki Wat?
I swear, Russia's getting as bad as China.
@Frank Anyone can nominate someone.
Q: Ben 10 protector of earth (ps2)

user30231977I just bought ben 10 for ps2 last Saturday and now it's Wednesday and I finished it, but the promblem is that there are only 5 aliens. Heatblast, fourarms, xlr8, wildvine, and cannonbolt. I was wondering if you can more aliens. Like diamond head, wildmutt, graymatter, upgrade, ripjaws, stink fly ...

@Yuki That's like the Onion, isn't it?
@GnomeSlice I want to believe! Unfortunately, I can't.
@MBraedley Not actually the Onion, but I am a little suspicious as it's called the "Voice of Russia".
@Yuki "like" is the key word in that sentence
@Sterno high-fivE
@Yuki Wait, if invading people nominates you for the Nobel Peace Prize, shouldn't the PA be nominated as well?
> Being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize is relatively easy, since thousands of people can suggest candidates: lawmakers and ministers, university professors and former laureates.
@Yuki I'm not in germany anymore, but that's awesome.
@Garan well, obama already got a nobel peace price so...
@KevinvanderVelden True. In that case, shouldn't a substantial part of the Iranian government already have one?
I'm sad because that was such an easy thing to fix if they really wanted to sell the joke. :(
@Fluttershy Post-processing fail.
@Fluttershy You needed to find an error in the video to determine it was fake?
also I can't even tell what that is
@GnomeSlice No. Did you even read what I said? O_o
@Garan sadly the rules limit how many can be given :(
@Fluttershy Yes. I was typing before you said it. =[
@Fluttershy I can't even tell what that's supposed to be.
@Yuki It's the rig for the wires.
@Yuki It's an editing artifact
@Fluttershy Ah, now I see it.
@Yuki YOu're buying D3?
@spugsley what is your battletag? So I can add you to my friendlist.
@Wipqozn After the xpac comes out and my midterms are over.
@Yuki Have you decided on when already?
@Arperum #1528
Gang Beasts got greenlit
that took like a week
@Arperum spugsley is my username
I'm not sure what that is.
I dislike the name though, so therefore I hate it.
@Arperum That wasn't a reply to @Wipqozn.
Watch and be amazed.
@spugsley I was already assuming that. I'm Arperum#number.
@Arperum k :)
@spugsley Why does everyone have such absurbdly high paragonlevels? My EU paragon is 5 >_<
@spugsley Garan is obviously my first name.
I have someone on my friendlist with paragon 120.
@Arperum We played a ton when it first launched.
@Arperum bc I'm obsessed :3
@GnomeSlice What in the hell...?
@Wipqozn It's a fighting game where your character is kind of rubbery and there's a lot of physics interactions.
I tried the demo with a friend and it's hilarious fun.
So quick question for you D3 people that I'm too lazy to test: If I spend paragon points on one character, does that mean other characters can't use them?
@Frank So did I, I assume I played more hardcore though, and since I have the bad habit of dying, I didn't get all that much paragon. Also: most playtime before paragon was even introduced.
...my ten Flawless Star Emeralds on the AH just sold for .25 each.
Q: Bloons Tower Defense 5 Deluxe Save File?

DarakathI just want to know where it is, and if someone knows, how you can edit them. I tried Google, but only cheat engine results turned up. :( Thank you in advance!

@Wipqozn D2 didn't have paragon points IIRC
I was going to go there but I refrained. :P
@Frank Go you, only 37.5 or something until you can buy the xpack.
@MBraedley You guys are the worst (but also the best).
Wait, never mind. $0.40 each.
Big Path of Exile update.
@Wipqozn You get paragon points on an account basis, but you spend them on a per-character basis. Each character gets to spend the total number of points.
@spugsley don't get pregnant
@spugsley WOO! 3/5!
@GnomeSlice HAHAHAHAHAHA I <3 you
@AATTVVV Thank you. I didn't want to ask on the site since it's something I could test really easily but am too lazy to.
If there's no Battle.Net fees, I'm 10% to buying the xpac!
@Wipqozn I didn't know that was an option...
@Arperum Right click on a storage tab.
@Wipqozn yea, it's kinda stupid that you have max three tabs of inventory and can choose a characterface as an image.
Also, I wish there were more options or tabs. There isn't enough tabs for one per character. Being able o have a "split" image would be good, since I could use half an account for one char et cetera
I NEED AT LEAST SIX TABS OF INVENTORY. Preferably infinite, or at least enough to store each and every legendary in the game.
I'm sure there's a micropayment just for your storage needs
I think you get a fourth tab with RoS.
@badp Nnnnnnope.
@AATTVVV That would be slightly better.
@AATTVVV four is still lower then number of characters. And way lower then number of tabs I want.
It would be nice if you could have as many tabs as you want but still hada limit number of squares. That is let you choose the dimensions of a tab with the condition that the max number of squares didn't go over a certain threshold.
@Wipqozn an improvement for sure, not perfect yet though.
@Wipqozn For organizational purposes?
@MBraedley Yeah, exactly.
remembers his (modded) 65k tabs of storage space in D2
I reallyl ike keepintg things organized, but there isn't enough tabs to do that in D3.
@Wipqozn Exactly. I need all the storage.
@Arperum It's not even about space, but about the oragnization system.
@Wipqozn both for me.
@GnomeSlice yaaaaaay
@Frank I like that you're charging the entirety of North America a stupidity tax.
@Wipqozn At least things stack past 100 now
Except potions, for some reason
btw Swordigo is now out on the Play Store for $0 without in-app-purchases or in-game advertisement. It's... a decent platformer and an okay time waster and the price is more than right.
@badp Starred because yay games
I'm especially befuzzled by the complete lack of monetization
@badp Does that mean more than Drew Carey made it?
@Powerlord If he works for "Touch Foo" then yes?
@Sterno It's the one way I'll compromise my principles.
If NA is stupid enough to fund my gaming need.
Q: Can i save A gta5 saved game to my usb for 360

Aaron BardenCan i download a save for Grand theft auto and put it on a usb and play it on Xbox

@Frank This is what I do for buying stuff in free to play games like Marvel Heroes on Steam. I sell my cards, which are just meaningless to me anyway and use that to buy stuff in other games because I don't want to spend actual money.
@Sterno The silly thing is that gold is currently $5 and change for 50 mil. I made $4 (before fees), so roughly 40 million worth. Actual cost? ~20 mil.
So it would've been cheaper for them to buy gold, and use the gold AH to get the same gems.
Clearly you should just spend real money on gold, go to the gold AH and buy the already-crafted gems, then turn around and sell them for real money on the RMAH
Then cash out at the end with enough for expansion + initial buyin
logged on Diablo III and after killing 5 regular monsters and finding a better weapon than I was using I suddenly realized everything I own is now shit.
You could be a real life millionaire by tomorrow!
@FAE <3 cards
@Chippies I hadn't played since patch 1.04. I went from 16k damage to 60k damage in about an hour of playing 2.0
@badp It's like credit! Imaginary money that actually gets me what I want without spending real money.
waits for it
@Sterno I don't remember what version it was since I last played, but I know I haven't played it for almost 2 years...
@FAE I mean, it's still mostly premium currency because you very much buy it with videogames
...but you would've bought videogames anyway!
@badp Exactly!
@Chippies If Inferno was still hard when you played, it was probably before 1.05
I'm only on Hard. :(
@Sterno well, I remember when they nerfed inferno, but it was still hard... Idk if they nerfed it more after or not... Either way, even with my crap equips now I'm facerolling act 3
@Fluttershy Almost starrable.
@GnomeSlice That's really cool.
There's a lot to re-learn it seems... Everything is different.
Someone should create a Arqade community in D3
I keep meaning to and then forget about it
@OrigamiRobot @spugsley @Sterno @Wipqozn I plan to play D3 tonight from the time that I get home until the time that I pass out, with a short break for food whenever my wife finishes making it.
@Sterno That's a good idea.
@AATTVVV sounds like every night since the patch came out :p
I plan to play from whenever my daughter falls asleep until whenever I fall asleep. Past experience indicates that'll begin about 8:15pm EST and last until 8:16pm EST
@spugsley Those weren't dedicated nights.
We should do Torment 3 tonight so we can watch @spugsley die more.
Maybe I'll spec to have a taunt.
@Sterno And also kill everything for you before said death
@spugsley That part is important, yes.
You kill an elite in about the same time it takes me to kill white trash.
I won't be on until later tonight because DATE NIGHT!
@spugsley is a tissue paper nuke.
It still makes me sad that I can't figure out how to solo kill a treasure goblin with my barbarian
@Sterno Just because you can live through anything doesn't mean that we do enough damage to make Torment 3 more efficient.
Even if I doubled my DPS I'd spend too much time chasing it
@Sterno This is why I specced my Monk to be entirely team-oriented defense.
@AATTVVV Are you sure? Because you guys kill shit really really fast
I just use seven-sided strike to kill treasure goblins.
I have the Serenity rune that gives teammates a shield, the Mantra of Healing rune that gives teammates a shield, and the Inner Sanctuary rune that gives teammates a shield.
@Yuki :(
@Sterno Also yes, it might seem fast to you but Torment 2 felt painfully slow to me :P
Well then I guess Torment 1 ftw
@AATTVVV it's about right for me. Torment 1 was easy peasy
I just actually enjoy facerolling.
I'll just drop my War Cry skill
That might be it.
I'll try out Torment 3 tonight.
I might use my WD if we do, though.
Maybe Torment 2 is happy medium
Torment 1 felt like most things were dead by the time I hit melee range
My WD deals more damage than my Wizard if we're not facerolling, it just takes time to ramp up since it's all DoT.
I've got War Cry runed for +10% health and +1651 life/second. I'm not sure if party members get the rune part of that shout
If not, I should probably just drop it
@Sterno They do for other runes, so I think it should be the same.
I've also got a passive that gives you 1% of your max life per second
20 minutes until hometime.
Then 90 minutes of travel.
@AATTVVV I might join you guys. I think I might focus on getting my wizard up before jumping back to my DH.
@Wipqozn Wizards are so fun right now.
They should keep Wizards right where they are and then make all the other classes that fun.
@AATTVVV Yeah, I've heard. I want to get him to 60 before the expansion.
So, @Sterno's tanky as f--k while the rest of you are glass cannons?
@Yuki No, glass cannon = constant death.
@spugsley is the only glass cannon.
My casters have decent survivability.
@OrigamiRobot is the most fragile Monk I've ever seen, though.
@StackExchange Nooo, why did I neeed to be afk!
I'm just wondering what class I should go with when I get the game.
I guess I'll go with Crusader.
@Yuki I plan to make a Crusader when the expansion hits.
@Yuki I will be rolling a Crusader when RoS launches also.
Literally. Mobile Hitler.
For the name change
@Wipqozn I was inspired by you.
@AATTVVV yup I'm absolutely a glass cannon
Okay, so a small town in Nova Scotia decided to dissolve today. It's no longer going to be a town, and instead will be directly governed by the county it resides in. So do you think this was todays top news story?
Nope! It was something about cell phones while driving.
@Wipqozn No-longer-townspeople don't kill people. People who fiddle with cellphones while driving kill people.
When I came in this morning and saw our active visitor count I thought someone died, but no it was an article about the RCMP saying people need to be careful with cell phones while driving.
It's currently illegal in NS, and has been for a while.
wtf Windows
NS = where I live.
>>> os.chdir("G:\Music\rymdkapsel\\")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#33>", line 1, in <module>
OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: 'G:\\Music\rymdkapsel\\'
>>> os.chdir("G:\Music\Rymdkapsel")
@Wipqozn Funny, today's top news stories over here were something about Ukraine and Russia being almost at war.
@Wipqozn "Active visitor count"?
@GraceNote People currently on the site
I think our front page story was about snow.
@badp \r
@TimStone ...
@JasonBerkan Was the article titled "Yes, you still live in Canada"?
@TimStone I could be using decent operative systems
@Wipqozn Heh - it should have been. (We've been receiving persistent small amounts of snow for the past few days, so the roads are disastrous - hence, front page.)
@badp It doesn't work out if you just use forward slashes instead?
@TimStone I'm using copy path from Explorer
I'm doing extremely complicated majicks
>>> import os
>>> os.chdir("G:\Santi\Music\The Swapper")
>>> for fname in os.listdir():
	newfname = fname.replace("Carlo Castellano - The Swapper Original Soundtrack - ", "")
	newfname = newfname[:2] + "." + newfname[2:]
	if newfname[0] == "0":
		newfname = newfname[1:]
	os.rename(fname, newfname)
@badp I feel like it takes longer to write this code than it would to just manually change it.
@AATTVVV Sometimes it is, sometimes the OST has 40 songs in them
The thing is, I didn't need to debug that code at all. I just wrote it and ran it and it worked, except for the part where it changes "cover.jpg" to "co.ver.jpg"
but I fix that manually
and once I've written the code I can just copy paste lines from the history
@Wipqozn I don't know enough about your occupation to parse this meaningfully enough to determine how an active user volume change equates to either a local death or a town's disfounding.
@Wipqozn Do you work at a news place?
@AATTVVV Yes, I work here.
@Wipqozn Web Development?
@AATTVVV Yes sir.
That's more interesting than my first job.
oh shit, that reminds me. I forgot to tell my boss I committed that change. Oh well, I'll tell him tomorrow and we can push it live.
@Wipqozn Always the sane choice.
My brain conflated the headline with the image of the cat and I was very confused.
@TimStone Oh, okay. That makes sense.
@TimStone So you read "Sex abstinence targeted for cats"?
Isn't that just what spaying/neutering is?
I thought you were posting it without realizing that was cut and not cat, and then we were all going to rain on your parade.
OKay, I'm going to go shower and all that jazz so I can just play Diablo 3 until I go to bed.
@Wipqozn And all that jazz!
@Yuki AGH, now it's stuck in my head
@FAE Stuck in your head!
@Yuki >_>
@FAE ... >_>!
@Yuki ...now I'm trying to figure out what the subtle nuances of that face would mean.
@FAE Everything I post is really cool.
Hey Diablo'ers! If I have paragon level 2 and have kinda crappy equips, is exp gem better in my helm or magic find?
G:\Music\organtrail_ost_mp3_1370892706\Ben Crossbones - Organ Trail- Director's Cut- Original Soundtrack\Ben Crossbones - Organ Trail- Director's Cut- Original Soundtrack - 22 Wait, I'm Still Myself (Bonus Track)
how about no
@Fluttershy Dat face.
@Chippies Exp is generally better with Loot 2.0 unless you are max paragon.
@OrigamiRobot okay, thanks for the info!

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