@Fredy31 Free is one of the most powerful words in advertising, so even if they find some cutesy buzzword it could really impact their downloads if they lose "free"
Just like the title says, my wait times are starting to grind on me. I want to try installing to the harddrive, but if i do this, will i still be able to continue on , or will i lose my progress? Thx.
Trying to find out some information about the Mines and Quarries Happiness debuff effect.
I know it's been said that they effect near by houses, but what is the actual radius? Has anyone been able to test this?
Also, is it only houses that are nearby or is it anywhere that people spend a decent...
Singapore spends more than a quarter of her budget on defense. It spends more than her two large neighbors does on defense, combined. If the money spent on defense was to be evenly distributed to each man, woman and child living on this island, each of us would get S$3300 more every year
And somehow they still can't pay their conscripts a living wage. Fancy that.
@PrivatePansy Given that Singapore's relatively close to China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, all of whom are having a giant pissing match over a few hunks of rock, I'd say it's at least marginally warranted.
And the giant pissing match is between China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and a few other South East Asian countries whose names I can't quite recall at the moment
@Yuki new accounts are screwed; the opt out option exists because the existing agreement includes a clause allowing you to opt out of changes within 30 days, as I understand it.
Your bird is randomly assigned a colour every time you start playing. When you die and start over, you get a new colour.
The colours were not available at launch, but were added in a later update. Your friend may have an older version of the game. Since the game is no longer available for dow...
Do I need to delete this to make you stop upvoting it for no reason
@GnomeSlice Yeah, um, their dispute resolution clause in their TOS is actually worse than Dropbox's new one that you can opt out of. Holy shit this is monstrous.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know why that person chose that site as a source. I'm automatically distrustful of any article that changes font size repeatedly. And bolds and italicizes with little rhyme or reason.
I decided to stop caring that Google has all my data a long time ago. Because frankly... I actually don't give a shit. Should I? Maybe. Do I? Absolutely not.
But still, “Let Google’s algorithms read my email in exchange for near-unlimited storage space and great spam filtering” is more palatable than “let some startup read my email and do who-the-hell-knows-what so I get a slick iOS client with a cool workflow"
@LessPop_MoreFizz They got rid of a lot of the features. Particularly the gallery. Until Dropbox came out with their gallery feature, I had a hard time replacing it.
@GnomeSlice I was kinda referencing the latter part of @Brant's message. (“let some startup read my email and do who-the-hell-knows-what so I get a slick iOS client with a cool workflow")
> I’m pleased to report that the new version of Mail in 10.9.2 (version 7.2, build 1874) is far better than its predecessors, about which I complained mightily in “Mail in Mavericks Changes the Gmail Equation,” (22 October 2013) and (to a slightly lesser extent) “Mail in Mavericks: Is It Safe Yet?,” (11 November 2013). That meant I was able to delete quite a few paragraphs from my book detailing bugs and other infelicitous changes.
I've been quite pleased with everything to do with Mac's mail app. The only thing I don't like is that the rules don't quite work the way they're supposed to.
I have a rule to move certain recurrent emails to the trash and mark them as read. It moves them, but doesn't mark them.