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That's odd. Daisy chaining HDMI splitters a PS3's input is crackly and glitchy, but a Wii u's input is okay
Oh my goodness it loaded
This is crazy
and absolutely ridiculous
Well its an idea
not that dumb
@Yuki I kinda liked the name "pay and play" which Nintendo used for Wii Ware
but they'll find a way to say it that is not free to play
though it was really just DLC/microtransactions not F2P
But still its a dumb debate since every gamer knows that free to play means there's some point where you need to pay
The people playing F2P mobile games with microtransactions aren't your typical "every gamer" in that respect.
Not always, anyway
11 hours ago, by Private Pansy
People? Who are you calling people? People are terrible.
@Fredy31 Free is one of the most powerful words in advertising, so even if they find some cutesy buzzword it could really impact their downloads if they lose "free"
Q: Skyrim working slow on 360 - if i install will i lose my progress?

RolexJust like the title says, my wait times are starting to grind on me. I want to try installing to the harddrive, but if i do this, will i still be able to continue on , or will i lose my progress? Thx.

Q: Mines and Quarries Happiness effects

Prototype958Trying to find out some information about the Mines and Quarries Happiness debuff effect. I know it's been said that they effect near by houses, but what is the actual radius? Has anyone been able to test this? Also, is it only houses that are nearby or is it anywhere that people spend a decent...

Thanks Amazon
Microsoft must have paid a lot of money to DC for Arrow.
> “It’s kind of like SimCity, if the cities were in space and you could crash them into one another and blow them up!”
@Frank That looks somewhat interesting.
Hope there's no always-online DRM though.
Yay. Got website company to upgrade version of PHP. Promptly breaks other functionality on site. sigh
@Frank Sounds like you're using PHP.
@Yuki Yep. Now to localize and fix the problem.
Borderlands 2, XCOM Enemy Unknown, Civ5, Bioshock Infinite + Borderlands, Civilization IV Complete, X-COM Complete Pack, BioShock for free for only $30 (-20% with OQE4LG-WEQPSE-SMCME1): greenmangaming.com/s/sg/en/pc/games/strategy/…
Well, I guess nothing says "job security" like being a PHP developer.
Good evening (or whatever the hell you are experiencing) all.
@PrivatePansy Have you been otherwise occupied lately? I haven't seen much of you on here.
@PrivatePansy would so buy that bundle and save loads, but I already have all those games. World 1-1 Problem
@Yuki I just threw up a little in my mouth
@DavidM Conscription, duty and shit
@DavidM All according to plan...
@Fredy31 Well, you do get keys to send to all your friends
@PrivatePansy Makes sense. How's the Singaporean Army getting on these days?
@DavidM Basically the government drafted me in the name of national defense because they can't afford a real army
@PrivatePansy Is your argument that you are not an instrument of defense or that you just work cheap?
I would assume that Singapore has mandatory military service? Or were you just lucky?
Mandatory. And I think that would be unlucky :P
It would be. I was just demonstrating American ironic humor.
@DavidM Needs <sarcasm> or <ironic humor> tags if you're doing it over the Interblag.
@Yuki Nah. Not in the case of mandatory conscription. That should have been relatively apparent (at least to a speaker of American English).
@DavidM Poe's Law.
@Yuki I understand the point. But, I would say that that is a standard joke.
Unless you blatantly say it's sarcasm or humor, there will always be at least one person who doesn't get that it's a joke.
@Yuki And, that one person is my mark.
Singapore spends more than a quarter of her budget on defense. It spends more than her two large neighbors does on defense, combined. If the money spent on defense was to be evenly distributed to each man, woman and child living on this island, each of us would get S$3300 more every year
And somehow they still can't pay their conscripts a living wage. Fancy that.
@PrivatePansy That's because they are paying American prices for their military equipment. <sarcasm> (cc @yuki)
@PrivatePansy Given that Singapore's relatively close to China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, all of whom are having a giant pissing match over a few hunks of rock, I'd say it's at least marginally warranted.
I'm just gonna leave this here...
@Yuki Giant pissing is a really dangerous sport. Getting the giant in the first place is the hard part.
Not by much, but I at least somewhat understand the government's hesitancy.
@Yuki You need to focus a bit more on the relative part
@Frank There is a solution.
@DavidM Torch everything?
And anyway, the reefs are located in the South China Sea, not North
@Frank I was going to suggest leaving Canada.
@DavidM That's crazy talk!
And the giant pissing match is between China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and a few other South East Asian countries whose names I can't quite recall at the moment
@Frank How did he know I was using a douche . . . Oh wait . . .
China, Japan and Taiwan are pissing over an entirely different piece of rock
@PrivatePansy Basically, everyone in Asia is pissing over something and trying to beat the others at it.
@Frank Well, you could move to somewhere that has white sandy beaches, and a much higher average temperature. Say, Singapore.
While Japan, Russia, Korea and China are having yet another pissing match over some other piece of rock
Wow. I just realized that could be considered starbait.
@PrivatePansy As opposed to the usual pissing match over the rock called Taiwan
@DavidM Oh yeah, there's that one too.
@DavidM It's Formosa, you godless heathen!
@Yuki I'm not Japanese!
It's the true ROC!
@DavidM "Formosa" is actually Portuguese.
East Asia is just turning out to be the Balkans of this century.
The amount of hate and xenophobia over there is just astounding. And a little bit terrifying.
Let It Go is stuck in my head and I blame my daughter and @Yuki, but mostly @Yuki.
Just don't google Asian pissing. You're going to get much different results!
@Sterno I have a few more songs to replace them with if you want.
@Yuki It probably won't get to that. Probably.
No thank you.
Then again, humans, blagh
Well, gonna try the mighty quest for epic loot
This is just dumb. About 3 hours of D3 has quadrupled my Damage and tripled my Toughness
@LessPop_MoreFizz How does this work with new accounts? Can they still opt out or are new accounts automatically opted-in for the Arbitration Clause?
@Yuki new accounts are screwed; the opt out option exists because the existing agreement includes a clause allowing you to opt out of changes within 30 days, as I understand it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, thank god I had to create a Dropbox account way back when for reasons I don't quite remember.
A: How do you get the different color birds in flappy bird?

GnomeSliceYour bird is randomly assigned a colour every time you start playing. When you die and start over, you get a new colour. The colours were not available at launch, but were added in a later update. Your friend may have an older version of the game. Since the game is no longer available for dow...

Do I need to delete this to make you stop upvoting it for no reason
It's like the lamest answer ever
It's getting upvotes because Flappy Bird is a popular thing
Like, people-will-pay-millions-of-dollars-for-this-shit popular.
@Unionhawk That is not how votes are supposed to work UIGBHAKSJBVSKLDBKHRFBESREB;RX
@GnomeSlice Yeah, well. Like I said, I'm pretty sure all of my top answers are also my least researched.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Switch to Jumpshare
I use dropbox, and will continue to do so, because I have like, 20 gigs of storage with them, for free.
Oh cool they added new options.
Self destruct is cool. Lets you make it auto delete after a period.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, um, their dispute resolution clause in their TOS is actually worse than Dropbox's new one that you can opt out of. Holy shit this is monstrous.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Uh oh.
Okay, maybe don't do that then.
@Ktash In high school jazz band, we played Tank!
@SaintWacko Clearly you had an excellent teacher
@Ktash We really did
He was awesome
And when I graduated, we had a senior in each section, so the group of us played Tank! at the graduation ceremony
Tank! was probably one of the most challenging pieces I've played
Actually I made this last year for @Mana but he never used it
@SaintWacko It is not an easy piece of music to be sure
You love it.
@Ktash Especially when you're the sole trumpet
Lots of octave jumps
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know why that person chose that site as a source. I'm automatically distrustful of any article that changes font size repeatedly. And bolds and italicizes with little rhyme or reason.
@yuki I doubt there is another source. It is a crazy person claim.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, the person thought it was credible, given the fact that he/she asked a question.
(Note that the linked article includes lots of stuff about 9/11 being an inside job and FEMA camps and various other terrifying wingnuttery as well.)
I don't know. Rosie O'Donnell made a pretty compelling argument, what with her background in science and demolitions.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm finally getting around to watching Ripper Street from last Saturday. You watch?
Nope. I'm behind.
Ugh. Why do people feel like they have to post GIFs when a static image will do?
(Yes, I'm aware that I've been guilty of this before)
Did you watch last season? I really liked it. Better than Copper.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I’m just kind of waiting until ownCloud matures a little more, then I’ll buy a cheapo vps or something
But, I mean like GIFs that are literally just a half a second long.
Gifs rule, bite me.
sigh, I have to wait until tomorrow to get my free copy of pokemon
@Brant eh, with the ability to opt out, I'm more than happy to keep using Dropbox/Mailbox.
I liked the Mailbox client but I was too uncomfortable with giving some random company access to all of my email
@LessPop_MoreFizz Dropbox rules. I'm glad to opt out, but I doubt it ever would have come up for me.
@Brant hope you don't use gmail then!
I especially like that it automatically galleries your photos without forcing you to use some bullshit UI like that of Flickr.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, I know lolololol :|
seriously need to ditch google at some point soon
I kind of miss paying for .mac. It felt more accountable.
Though, i suppose given what I pay in device costs every other year, I'm still paying for it.
I decided to stop caring that Google has all my data a long time ago. Because frankly... I actually don't give a shit. Should I? Maybe. Do I? Absolutely not.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah. MobileMe had it's flaws, but it worked.
But still, “Let Google’s algorithms read my email in exchange for near-unlimited storage space and great spam filtering” is more palatable than “let some startup read my email and do who-the-hell-knows-what so I get a slick iOS client with a cool workflow"
I mean the NSA has copies either way but still
It's either Gmail or write-your-own-email-client at this point.
@davidm still does work! It just has a new name.
It is freaking cold outside.
Did someone say .gif?
@yuki what? I literally use four other email providers and clients. [citation-needed.]
@LessPop_MoreFizz They got rid of a lot of the features. Particularly the gallery. Until Dropbox came out with their gallery feature, I had a hard time replacing it.
I'm going to end up continuing so use Dropbox forever, because, between referrals and .edu... I've got a lot of storage.
Ah, true dat. The loss of mobile me webhosting sucked.
@GnomeSlice I was kinda referencing the latter part of @Brant's message. (“let some startup read my email and do who-the-hell-knows-what so I get a slick iOS client with a cool workflow")
@LessPop_MoreFizz That, too.
Still quite nice for email though.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes. They have one of the best iMAP emails out there.
The push function works really smoothly.
And, I know you're a Mac guy, too. The integration is sweet.
As an aside, Airmail on OS X is a pretty solid replacement for the shitshow that Mail.app has become (if you use Gmail at all)
I've actually started using Pages and Keynote in place of MS Office. Not missing anything.
@Brant I've never understood people's hatred of the mail app. It works really well for me.
@DavidM I like it too! Or did, until Mavericks.
But, then again, my inbox never has more than 5-10 messages in it. I file things in separate folders if I'm keeping them for any reason.
Otherwise I delete. So, my inbox becomes my to-do box.
Mail.app’s idea of “Archive” always seems to differ from every other client’s (including gmail.com’s) idea of “archive"
I don't use gmail. Perhaps that's why I never hated it.
It worked fine until 10.9.
@brant Mail.app got fixed In a big way.
Ever since then, stuff I archive in Mail.app would still be in my inbox everywhere else, and vice versa
even after they supposedly fixed it a few months ago
@Brant They released a new fix like last week.
That's a pic of my nearly pristine inbox.
well, Airmail was only a couple bucks, and it seems pretty nice for the low volume of mail I deal with
hmm, that’s cool.
> I’m pleased to report that the new version of Mail in 10.9.2 (version 7.2, build 1874) is far better than its predecessors, about which I complained mightily in “Mail in Mavericks Changes the Gmail Equation,” (22 October 2013) and (to a slightly lesser extent) “Mail in Mavericks: Is It Safe Yet?,” (11 November 2013). That meant I was able to delete quite a few paragraphs from my book detailing bugs and other infelicitous changes.
The problem is in using gmail. ;P
@DavidM inky.com
@GnomeSlice Overkill. Take a look at the pic of my inbox above.
@DavidM Yeah, inky is great for small amounts of mail.
I've actually found the interface too large for large volumes of mail.
I've been quite pleased with everything to do with Mac's mail app. The only thing I don't like is that the rules don't quite work the way they're supposed to.
I have a rule to move certain recurrent emails to the trash and mark them as read. It moves them, but doesn't mark them.
Make your own email client
with blackjack
and hookers
Good gravy I cannot wait for this game bloodcrusher3d.com
Actually, forget the email client.
@Yuki It would make your parents happy if you did more blackjack and hookers type stuff.
Tonight's Listening is absolutely not the kind of thing I usually link.
Well, Twitch did just used Thunder on an Onix five times.
CC Whoever likes orchestral, celtic, epic music, etc.
@GnomeSlice Hmm... sounds pretty good so far.
Pretty sure I'm way overcommitting but here's the battle mock up #cyberpunkjam idea. Lets call it Cyber Punkemon. http://t.co/y6WF4bDiFf
@Yuki It's pretty excellent.
Little bit cliche at times with the piano and drums though.
@GnomeSlice Sounds like the soundtrack for a mattress commercial.
@Yuki Forgivable, in my opinion.
@DavidM ಠ_ಠ
I didn't say it was bad. It just sounds like the base music for a commercial for something soft like a mattress or high end chocolate.
@DavidM Eh, too much "action" for commercial music.
@Yuki OK. True. How about an informational video for how to use a piece of exercise equipment.
Somebody needs to bridgify this gif
@DavidM Yeah, I can see that.
@GnomeSlice That tune sounds familiar...
@Yuki I posted it like 20 minutes ago
Mattress commercials usually just have people yelling loudly where I'm from.
@GnomeSlice I didn't click on it twenty minutes ago.
@Yuki Weird.
@Ullallulloo Wait, you're from Texas?
@GnomeSlice I keep expecting it to break into something epic, and then it loops!
@Yuki I'm from Illinois.
@DavidM Yeah I suck at that
@GnomeSlice It was a compliment. It just needs an epic bridge or something.
This Is It Furniture
@Ullallulloo Ah, we have Gallery Furniture and "Mattress Mac" here in Houston.
He's actually a fairly big name for a mattress/furniture mogul.
@GnomeSlice +1 for Boss Chiptune Sketch!
@DavidM :o that one sucks!
@GnomeSlice I liked it.
Me too
But, I like chip tunes.
@DavidM Me too
Check out the first thing listed in that ^
Initially, I'm always like . . Ow, it's fucking my earholes. But, then I start to like them
Also Cheap Dinosaurs
Which I really need to prune
@SaintWacko You say you willing to do random tattoo, yet you no accept.
y u do? <sadface>
CC @DavidM
@Yuki I've been trying to figure out what tattoos do
What are they?
@SaintWacko Apparently, they give you bonuses to either Bizarre or Dreaded, depending on which one you get.
It's off the storylet you get from their Twitter.
A historical moment. Will forever be remembered. RT @TwitchPokemon: We did it :') http://t.co/q3KBNr3yUD
It's essentially like another piece of equipment, except you can't switch tattoos.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, that's beating Lance. He goes on to say "Well, you normally would be, but Gary/Blue beat me first. So you have to go beat him."
...Did they actually beat the game?
@GnomeSlice ... I addressed this already.
@Yuki That was earlier.
I thought maybe they actually beat it now
@GnomeSlice It was the same case. They've only beaten Lance once and that was awhile ago.
@Yuki I know zero about the game
@GnomeSlice Don't worry, I'll mention it if I'm on and they do beat the game.
I don't even care about it, I just want to be popular
Plus, I wouldn't post this:
12 mins ago, by Yuki
user image
If we already beat him.
@Yuki right but that tweet came after you posted that
@GnomeSlice Safe to say, I'd mention it if they did beat the game and I haven't gone to sleep.
OK. I can't take any more chip tunes. I feel like I'm stuck in a 90s video game.
Would any of my delicious friends accept if I spammed them with invites to join me at Caligula's Coffee House? (gives Confident Smiles)
@SaintWacko I got the Cheesemonger! Bizarre +1!
@DavidM ok. How about this, then? nervoustestpilot.co.uk/album/steel-and-glass
@Yuki I got Someone You Loved
Also Bizarre +1
@SaintWacko Well, at least you got a tattoo of someone important to you. I got the face of an old lady I helped put into a convent.
Unless, of course, by "Cheesemonger" they actually mean her daughter.
@GnomeSlice I like this.
@Ullallulloo Me too.
@GnomeSlice Softcore porno music.
@DavidM ... I have to say that I kinda agree.
@DavidM is the new @GnomeSlice?
@Unionhawk In what sense?
@Unionhawk I thought I was the new @GnomeSlice with all my imgur feedbotness.
@DavidM Probably in the connoisseur of porn sense.
@GnomeSlice @Unionhawk I was remarking about this.
@Yuki I'm no connoisseur.
More of an appreciator.
@DavidM I know, that was a connection that-- meh nevermind. cba to continue this
@DavidM uhhh?
@GnomeSlice You usually need to watch Cinemax late at night to hear music like that.
Unsurprisingly, newgrounds says that was used in a... pikachu hentai...
@GnomeSlice You can just hear the breast implants sliding around on that one.
@DavidM Yeah.
I used that in a video in college, lmao.
It was an 'interview' video with this blonde chick.
It was super terrible.
@GnomeSlice Ummmmmm . . .
We did it like the night before.
Did the interview go something like . . . "I really need this job . . . what if I blow you?"

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