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@GraceNote :/ it sucks I think this is my first down-vote answer that I'll not delete, this is (my opinion) a good answer.
@GraceNote thanks for the time to explain
@Michel Well, if you didn't think it was a good answer in your own opinion, I'd ask why you posted it in the first place. ♪
@GraceNote I think that's the first time that you've misread something.
I didn't misread it.
Eh? Then I missing an interpretation.
He said it's a good answer in his opinion. I'm noting it as obvious because (etc.)
@GraceNote Oh, derp. I totally misread your statement.
That's how it happens when we talk about approaches or strategies that aren't straightforward with a single clear answer. There's variations in approaches, and naturally people will agree and disagree on what is the right way to do things. Don't take the downvotes to heart.
One thing that I notice is that most of the LoL answers get down-votes
I mean, if a question has 5~6 answers at least 2 are down-voted
@Michel There's a reason I have the tag ignored.
Probably downvoted because it's Tuesday. Studies have shown that downvotes are 4737% more likely on a Tuesday.
@Frank ROFL
@Frank aah, misreading a comment so you comment on their misreading.
Nicely done!
I probably would've done better to use "hadn't thought" instead of "didn't think".
@GraceNote sometimes I think I made a good answer, but in reality I misread something. After someone point that out, I fix it or delete the answer.
@GraceNote this one, I don't think I made a mistake nor it's bad quality. so I'm keeping.
You should keep it.
FML. Last year I followed a course about scientifc calculus using numpy and pylab, but I couldn't take that exam because stage and other conflicts. Now my schedule is clear, but a year has passed and the teacher changed and she's going to have the exam in Matlab only.
The following tables list languages of the world with the largest number of native speakers, as estimated in various ways at different times by various sources. Since the definition of a single language is to some extent arbitrary, some mutually intelligible idioms with separate national standards or self-identification have been listed together, including Indonesian and Malay; Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbian; etc. Half of the world's population speak the 13 most spoken languages, the other half speak the rest. For a list of languages with the smallest numbers of native speakers, pl...
@badp That's pretty lame. Matlab is fairly easy to work with, but I imagine that the switch basically forces you to relearn a lot to transfer the knowledge over from numpy/pylab to take the exam.
@OrigamiRobot Probably the most useful language you could pick, honestly.
Q: NC MAX Anti-Infantry weapon choices

ParalyticTrying to figure out which MAX left hand weapon isn't a shotgun. looked through the wikia and only saw like 6 weapons and they were all shotguns, was pretty sure there were more choices. Are any of them a minigun or anything but a shotgun, just doesn't work for my playstyle. With the low mag and ...

@StrixVaria I know, but being forced to take it in school left a bitter taste in my mouth.
@OrigamiRobot No other choices or just the "best" choice available?
@GraceNote Best choice available.
I remember some of the basics well enough and the pronunciation makes sense to me.
Irish pronunciation is really weird to me.
@OrigamiRobot In high school there was no option. Everyone took Spanish.
And everyone started at Spanish I.
So I took Spanish I-II twice each.
I know Spanish in the back of my head. I'll stutter it if I try to actively use it, but a friend of mine over in Spain, he sent me a comic once and I read the entire thing without even needing to ask questions.
s is like sh
bh is like v
th is like nothing
@GraceNote Same.
I can understand a decent amount of Spanish, but I can't speak it at all.
Spanish is too close to home to be interesting :P
ithe (eat) is pronounced like ih-he
If I had to rationally pick a language to learn I'd probably go for japanese and hate myself forever.
Q: why the jetpack joyride android version doesn't have same items than iOS?

SoiltimI can't see Dj Barrys and some other clothes then i can't see for example afterburner jetpack

It would generate a shitty blog where I look at kanji, try and rationalize a meaning (any meaning) from the shapes.
Spanish pronunciation is pretty easy. There are a couple extra letters (3 IIRC) and you kinda shift e > a and i >e.
Spanish pronunciation is easier than English
Since it has ACTUAL RULES
I was going to say, English has actual rules. It's the exceptions that are the problem.
ll and ñ are the same as l and n but with y sounds thrown in. rr is just like r but you roll your tongue more.
Most rules are so wrought with exceptions that there basically is no rule. The only sticking point is "Any word is pronounced how that word is pronounced".
@JasonBerkan And tons of loan words
But fortunately if you screw up most things you can still get an understandable sentence out of it
@StrixVaria In my school, Spanish I was broken up into two courses, A and B. I tried to test out of taking Spanish B and I got failed by the language teacher because I didn't know things that aren't taught until Spanish II.
@GraceNote From what I remember, a handful of Spanish verbs don't follow the normal conjugation rules, but that's it.
(Specifically the imperfect tense)
@OrigamiRobot Conjugation has its nuances but you see "soy" and you know it's a sauce!
@GraceNote I am sauce!
@GraceNote The root verb there is tener, right?
@BenBrocka That's honestly the reason why English has so many problems.
@OrigamiRobot ser
It's not the language itself, those rules are fairly straightforward, IIRC, but the loanwords screw everything up.
@GraceNote Ugh, I was thinking ber at first, but I knew that wasn't right.
Tener is Tengo/tienes/tiene/tenemos/teneis/tienen
@GraceNote I thought the vosotros form was "tenais"? Then again, all I have to draw from is my ages-old 1st year Spanish.
@GraceNote Yea, I remembered tienes and thought it went with soy.
@Yuki There's an accent over the second E that I'm too lazy to input.
So I'm mostly likely wrong.
Looking up ser, now I remember.
tener is "to have" right?
ser is "to be"
@OrigamiRobot Yep.
The witch is slightly less alive! The people behind Candy Crush have withdrawn their trademark on the word 'Candy' http://bit.ly/1ck8Ooc
@BenBrocka Only took massive public backlash for it to happen.
Although tener is used in some translations of "to be", that's more due to idioms rather than actual transliteration ("I am hungry" -> "Tengo hambre" -> "I have hunger"), IIRC.
@BenBrocka ...what about "Saga"?
@Yuki Aye
@GraceNote dunno, it's not mentioned, so probably not
@Yuki Yes because Soy hambre means I am hunger.
@OrigamiRobot Actually that means "I am man".
@OrigamiRobot No, "Soy hombre" means "I am a guy".
@Yuki French does the exact same thing. J'ai faim.
I misspelled
I have hunger.
@OrigamiRobot Twice now
@OrigamiRobot Well, if you were less wrong, then we wouldn't have to correct you.
Anyway, I like saying "Soy hambre." anyway because I like to think "I am so hungry, I ma the literal concept of hunger"
@Yuki Man, it's been 10 years since I had any Spanish.
@OrigamiRobot I hear "soy hambre" and think "soy hamburger? That doesn't sound appetizing at all".
I'm lucky to remember this much.
Sorry, but we can't let the Giants of Mispelheim win Wordnarok.
Misspell has always been hard for me because my brain reads "miss pell" I don't know why "Mi spell" is any better, but hey, my brain don't not make no sense.
@OrigamiRobot Hey, Ms. Pell was a very nice English teacher, thank you very much.
It's not her fault she was born with that unfortunate combination of name and vocation.
@OrigamiRobot I imagine the former is kinda how it works for a lot of folks who make the error commonly.
@Yuki What tripped me up as a kid was that you couldn't combine the direct translations of words to make the equivalent of the English word. Like you can't combine the words for mail and man to make mailman.
My teacher explained it to me as "That would mean a man made of mail"
Uh oh.
Uh oh.
I... may have made a giant mistake.
I just bought Frozen on Google Play.
Now it's on my phone.
Where I can watch it... wherever I go.
@Yuki Well, it was nice knowing you
@GraceNote I also have no idea how to spell necessary. I always want to double all the consonants and throw an i in there.
English is stupid.
@SaintWacko The good thing is it's downloading rather slowly and I set to download on wifi only.
So I may still be here for another day.
Quick! Someone go break @Yuki's router!
R.I.P. @Yuki
1992-or-so - 2014
@kalina, now I want to watch Stargate at work
13% complete. The end is nigh.
8 mins ago, by Unionhawk
R.I.P. @Yuki
And by "nigh", I mean "87% away".
@Unionhawk I might come back after a year, you never know.
A day late here, but:
You should announce your return by having @Sterno announce that he's taking his @Yuki sockpuppet out of retirement.
@Yuki Frozen?
You, sir, have issues.
Or the one after.
Considering it though. Probably not going to. Like I said, I'm a bit iffy about ink under my skin.
@Yuki the one after is nearly perfectly aligned I think
@Yuki You'd have to go talk to an artist to see what they think about how much detail you'd actually be able to have and what challenges they would have with it. Not sure how precise you'd want it to be.
@Unionhawk At least it's for something he's passionate about.
@FAE True
If I ever got a tatoo, it would be my avatar
i want that in my mouf right now!
@Jin I just... eugh. I dunno, man. It just seems like a bad idea.
needs bacon for sure
@Jin Ew.
@Jin mmm... Don't listen to these fools, that sounds awesome
@Jin I appreciate the idea but there's no way to eat that like a taco and properly syrup the waffle
It'd get messy, but, I mean, it could be done.
@Jin Heh
@Jin This makes me think of the Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich my roommates and I cooked up in college, except this is more of the "Summat of a Good Breakfast Taco"
Ugh, now I want a breakfast burrito
I could probably cook this up myself from the materials in my dorm's food-get place
@GraceNote Followed by the "somewhat acceptable breakfast tostada" that's just scrambled eggs on a pancake
Q: Problem with Icewind Dale character creation

Linda MillsWhen creating a character in Icewind Dale, I have no problems until I reach the biography and name entering. In both these screens I am unable to enter any letters, a small "b" enters continuously until there is no more space left and if I press delete another "b" takes its place. This happened w...

Q: Why did the Play Station company make the PS4 and newer PS3 not play earlier generation games?

bob at bob dot bobI have always been really confounded why the play station company stopped making the older PS3s that played PS2 games, and why the PS4 doesn't play PS3 games. I also don't get what is different with the PS4 than the PS3.

Since, I kid you not, we have one of those hotel waffle makers there.
@Unionhawk We had one at our college too.
Oh, well now I feel marginally less special.
Though it only offered those gigantic-well'd waffles and not the finer sized ones like demonstrated on that taco.
@GraceNote when I worked at taco bell, I made an 8 deck mexican pizza once. it was glorious
...and now I'm sad because I realize I just passed up the opportunity to say "Waffle? Now that's what I call a Taco!"
@Jin Taco Bell? Did you overload the hairnets?
@BenBrocka what's a hairnet?
I'm pretty sure they just wear hats in fast food everywhere
@Jin Sounds like my kind of pizza.
Also, just to make sure you know about it:
Model Hobbyist

Proposed Q&A site for all hobbyists interested in model building, including cars, motorcycles, war vessels, rocketry, planes and other replica kits, as well as scratchbuilding and painting/finishing techniques.

Currently in definition.

@Frank woooo nice
@Jin Thought you might like that.
@Frank If this gets going I might be poking at it some time.
@GraceNote Woo!
It's been kinda stagnant for a bit, though.
And I suck at telling people about it in a non-annoying manner.
It's been so long that I forget if I can follow without committing.
@Jin cc @Fluttershy
@GraceNote I wouldn't know, because all other proposals I've followed have been deleted.
I know normal people can follow and not commit
I don't know if @GraceNote has some special thing that makes that not possible or not
No, we have the same restrictions as normal people
I just haven't followed a Proposal since Gaming and Game Development
@GraceNote So follow! We need lots more people!
@GraceNote what do we not pay you for???
Also, I have the highest upvoted example question!
@Jin Following proposals.
@Frank Give me your referral link
There. That should be it.
There we go
@Frank I have some interest in this.
I really should go airbrush my Unicorn. I haven't done any modelling for a month.
Also, I bought a modded PS3 yesterday, so I need to find and download Shin Gundam Musou 4.
@Frank Oh what does it look like?
@RedRiderX Just a fat PS3.
Ah okay
oh god
I just looked at Software Recs and didn't realise it was Software Recs and thought "who the hell is asking all of these recommendation questions?"
@Frank you...don't need a modded PS3 to play japanese games
@kalina oh dear...
@BenBrocka I...don't? I thought they were region locked.
Japanese is still NTSC iirc
No, the only region locked PS3 game in the world is that Persona one
Oh, or that
BDs aren't region locked, downloads aren't region locked (the stores are tied to region accounts, but you can get a Japanese account on a US playstation and download and play the games)
@BenBrocka Well, that's certainly a change. Guess I gotta find a copy of it.
@BenBrocka I remember looking this up back when I was in Taiwan a couple months back.
It's been true since launch IIRC
I've been under the impression that it was region locked from day one.
Only region locked Sony device still on the market is, oddly, the PS Vita TV. And that's sort of a technicality; only japanese accounts can use it, the carts still work
> All PlayStation 3 games except for one are region free.[4][5] Even though publishers could choose to region-lock specific games based on a mechanism that allows for the game to query the model of the PS3, none did so during the first six years after the launch of PS3
And with all the paranoia Sony's displayed with the PS3, I didn't bother double-checking to see if they hadn't region locked it.
region free was actually an important aspect of Blu Ray back then
I forget if HD DVD was or not. I just remember it was smaller
Q: Kills During Setup

Austin MohrIt was possible at one time (I believe it has been patched) to shoot through a tiny crack in Blu spawn on pl_upward during setup (see images). Are there still ways on other maps to get kills (either as Red or Blu) during setup?

100% complete. Goodbye, my wonderful friends.
@Yuki :O
Oh no!
@Yuki Nooooooo!
@Yuki is finally completely Frozen.
Welp. Good to know you
@Yuki This got a lot more sad when I read this as if it was a computer voice, and I just picture this very, very sad machine on its last days saying goodbye to the wonderful band of misfits it just spent the last four years hanging around with...
@GraceNote Well, I am an imgur feedbot.
@GraceNote As in its work is 100% complete and it has nothing else to "live" for?
Also, the reference you're making probably went completely over my head.
What a downer. :(
@OrigamiRobot I have no idea the story started writing itself and now I want to watch Short Circuit.
@GraceNote Today Crosby, today.
Do you want to build a snowman? <cries>
Remember how you can't watch Attack on Titan because your sister talked so much about it? That is what is happening to me right now.
Yeah, sorry about that.
<insert random topic>
Did Retron 5 ever release? Kinda wanted one
TIL that on most twitch channels, subscriber gives you slow-mode bypass (not on TPP)
I do still owe @RedRiderX a manner of brutalization.
@Unionhawk ... why is TPP excluded?
@Yuki Because that's an option
I mean, I guess because of all the people watching it?
What is slow mode bypass?
@OrigamiRobot If a channel is set in slow mode, you can only send messages so fast (sometimes it can be like, 2 minutes). Subscribers usually don't have that limit.
@Yuki big events still might need slow mode
Or, the streamer has an option to make that a thing.
> Subscribers do not get to bypass the slow mode restrictions on chat. The reason for this is because unlike most Twitch streams the chat is an critical component of the content. I think it's best if everyone has the same capacity of input.
I wouldn't know, I'm not a twitch partner, let alone a streamer.
So many things I am learning about that could have had an impact on my chat experience, as my subscription to the one streamer I subscribed to is about to lapse.
607 MB update for Loadout.
Wonder what it is.
@GnomeSlice moar gunz?
...Looks like they added "T-Bone's Steak" which presumably is a naked skin for the black guy, and body paint for Helga.
I feel like a weirdo because I don't subscribe to anything.
And some mardi gras beads?
@GnomeSlice ... They have naked skins?
What kind of game is this, Rust?
@Yuki Yeah, there's like a blurry jangly penis.
"Axl's Rod" is the white guy's.
It's kinda dumb.
@GnomeSlice What the actual f--k.
It's censored with a pixel box.
The game is pretty crude.
@OrigamiRobot Subscribe is distinguished from follow on twitch. Subscribe is $5/month directly to the streamer for various benefits, follow just lets you know when they're live.
Hella fun though.
@Unionhawk I know. I don't do any of that stuff. For anything.
New games added to the humble bundle
Starseed Pilgrim and Beatbuddy!
I don't subscribe/follow anything on twitch or youtube. I don't use twitter. I don't have any RSS feeds.
I have StumbleUpon and I don't even use that properly.
@OrigamiRobot your event loop implementation is terrible, robot.
@OrigamiRobot :( you could have been my 5,470th Youtube subscriber. You monster
@GraceNote Yes that is still very much on the to-do list
@GnomeSlice :O
@BenBrocka I don't even know if I've ever seen your videos.
And I'm pretty sure I've been in at least one
@badp Wow, that was tight.
Ni no Kuni is now $6.99 for US PS+ members (or $9.99 reg.) on PSN https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-us/games/ni-no-kuni-wrath-of-the-white-witch/cid=UP0700-NPUB30932_00-NNKDLFULLGAMEPTA
@OrigamiRobot I was just coming here to post this when I realized the place I saw it was this message.
Q: FTB: Unleashed crashes on startup

Tater TotIt starts after I click Launch on the FTB launcher set on unleashed, and it goes to the Mojang screen, but once the console gets to the point where it usually stops and the Minecraft title screen comes on, it simply closes. This is the error log from the folder FTB resides in. It's in link form ...

@Wipqozn I am such a rad dude.
@OrigamiRobot oh woh, rad is still a word?
MS finally bringing Streaming ot Xbox One march 11th. They're really getting off their asses for Titanfall
@BenBrocka Some BluRay discs are region-locked for movies, just not for games.
I found @Wipqozn's baby pictures:
user image
Q: Strategies for dealing with disasters

David McDavidsonHow can I setup my village to optimize its resiliency against disasters? So far, I've experienced a fire and a tornado. After the fire destroyed my village, I decided to make house clusters a little distance from one another, so the fire won't spread so easily. But I don't know what's the minim...

...that is... a very shiny looking title.
@StrixVaria I'm really waiting for Simulator Game Simulator. That'll be fun.
@GraceNote hahahaha what
Walter White vs. Godzilla.
TIL my psych professor is a Mass Effect fan.
TIL @uni's psych professor is a Mass Effect fan.
TIL @uni is taking psych.
@Yuki Neeeeeeergh I want to see this so BAD
@FAE sad
@FAE ... I'll allow it since it has sourcing.
Q: My minecraft wont launch

user70319When i start up minecraft the launcher works but when i click start minecraft wont start up i hear the music but it wont show any screens it just shows whatever was behind the screen help?

There's a (dutch) commercial on youtube that is specifically designed for @Sterno
@KevinvanderVelden which one?
It is literally a list of Lifehacks and them saying our product will also do this!
As in, improve your life ala a lifehack
is YouTube not loading videos for just me?
cc @StrixVaria
@FAE the nivea one I think, I tune it out so I don't know 100% sure for who it is
@KevinvanderVelden Ah, I usually tune them out too
@GraceNote wat
Greetings all.
@Garan Nice to see you have a real gravatar now!
@DavidM What if he's not actually using gravatar?
@GraceNote You know what he meant.
@GraceNote As a frequent pedant myself, I salute you!
@GnomeSlice The art of snarking involves a whole lot of knowing what people mean.
@GraceNote nudge nudge, say no more, say no more
@Sconibulus Is your wife a goer? Does she go, eh?
@GnomeSlice Wishlisted. Man, that and Ikaruga make me wish I had a monitor I could rotate into portrait mode. Jochem's does, I'll have to play on his PC sometime.
@FAE For a horizontally scrolling shooter?
@GnomeSlice Both that game and Ikaruga have support for doing that. There's settings in the game that let you switch the display orientation.
@FAE Wouldn't a portrait monitor make a horizontally scrolling shooter much more difficult?
@GnomeSlice I'm assuming Procyon just switches to vertical.
@FAE it's in the options
the only monitor I could do portrait on, I think, would be my tablet pc and that's certainly not ideal. It's old and I think 4:3 or something
I need to get a 3 arm monitor mount sometime for my desk

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