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but how do you see the vote thing?
@badp Yeah, but who wants that?
@MartinSojka Reduce, because the government wants babies
@MartinSojka Schadenfreude
And Singapore happens to have the lowest fertility rates anywhere in the word
oh, it got reversed.
@PrivatePansy What about infant mortality rates?
@PrivatePansy ... as long as they are not from uneducated people, foreigners or people who already have enough and would just stretch their resources trying to care for more. Makes ... sense. In a very inhumane way.
Supposedly peope protested and they removed the voting system? I don't know man
@badp Very low. People simply don't want babies.
@MartinSojka It's very... Singaporean
@PrivatePansy The two things are actually tied (low infant mortality and low fertility)
Pragmatic to the extreme
I'm not sure why but it seems they are.
@badp Only by a third variable
@OrigamiRobot @TimStone Banished is no available to purchase on GOG and the Shining Rock Software website.
@PrivatePansy ?
@badp Because low birthrate is the result of better healthcare, which is generally associated with wealth, and wealth means better education and access to birth control
@Wipqozn Really? Awesome.
@Wipqozn Oh, they pulled it off the GoG store? How come?
@PrivatePansy how about the US then?
@badp That should have been now... zeus damn it. Why must you curse my typing, Eevee?
@badp The US does have a higher birthrate and worse healthcare than most European countries, right?
Typing Eevee?
@PrivatePansy Commas they're important sometimes™.
You guys are the worst.
like German sausage :D
@MattЭллен waust?
goes rename @Wipqozn to @Wiqpozn, just to see how long it takes for him to notice
@PrivatePansy yeah!
or not!
@badp You should actually do that at some point without telling me to see if anyone notices. Including me.
@Wipqozn it would break three-letter pings, so people would notice.
Oh right
@MattЭллен do you mind if I ask you for a romanization of "Эллен"? Is it like "Eppeh"?
@badp Ellen
oh. okay. That makes sense.
п = p, л = l or w, depends.
I'm in disguise on Arqade
@MartinSojka Hey, that was at least a little better than "Enneh"
also what I want to see is Twitch plays Gameboy
Commands are "up" "down" "left" "right" "press" "depress" "pinch" "release" and "blow"
Seems rather tame. What about "crush"?
You must pinch a cartridge, release it into the console, press the battery cover open, pinch some batteries and release them in the battery slots the right way, press them in place, press the battery cover closed again, turn the console, turn it on, turn the console and play.
@MartinSojka when you press on the display it shows pinkish led waves. Press too long and it crushes.
(or whatever those things are called)
if you pinch a button you lift the gameboy. If you forgot to close the battery department thing, the batteries fall out when you release
That doesn't really help for those times when you want to get all rough and throw your Gameboy against the next wall.
pinch up up up up up up up up up up up release
also the batteries run out every six hours.
I don't know if the gameboy had a slow and painful kind of battery death or it just shut the console off immediately.
@badp I remember it being the kind of death where it'd shut down and then you could start it back up again for a few minutes (and then a minute, a few seconds etc)
@badp slow and painful
@Wipqozn I boughted it!
@OrigamiRobot Shining Rock or GOG?
Shining Rock gives you a steam key.
Shining Rock.
I plan to play it via Steam for tracking and all that.
I'm trying to decide between GOG or steam.
Probably the Steam version.
@OrigamiRobot You can't play the steam version until it unlocks though.
so don't go rushing home right now to play it.
I'm not even at work yet. I just woke up!
What time is it for you?
@OrigamiRobot So I assume you won't be playing minecraft tonight?
I didn't think the time difference was that great between us.
And if I wanted, I could just play it via the stand-alone. At least for the tutorials.
@Wipqozn 7:30
@OrigamiRobot Oh, didn't go into work for 6 then I see.
@Arperum Unlikely.
It's 13:37 here
@Wipqozn No, Minecraft ruined that plan.
@OrigamiRobot I blame @Arperum
Also, look on the bright side @OrigamiRobot, now I'll get to play it before you!
@Wipqozn Blame @jochem
@Wipqozn Not if I leave early anyway!
@Arperum In that case I blame @FAE. She should have stopped him!
and @Fluttershy should have made @FAE stop him so.........
@Fluttershy is to blame!
Why are we trying to assign blame here?
@OrigamiRobot It would be cool if we both started playing at roughly the same time.
I thought the answer was obvious. It's @Wipqozn's fault
@Wipqozn Oh crap, I can see how @FAE will return the blame to me for asking her to ask @jochem to fix the server.
@Arperum You're a monster.
@KevinvanderVelden @Wipqozn has been assigning blame to me lately.
@Arperum pre-emptive blaming, smart
> You're a monster mage.
@Wipqozn Shining Rock purchases go through Humble Store and are likely to get the most money to the dev.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, they do? I thought you had to purchase it via paypal.
God they're still in rocket HQ
@BenBrocka NO ESCAPE
@Wipqozn Yes, but the paypal goes to the Humble Store and that's who give you your game/key.
@OrigamiRobot ah okay
well I lack a paypal
so that's not an option
You don't have to have an account or anything.
and I'd rather not get a PayPal since I don't trust them.
@Wipqozn D:
@Wipqozn I don't trust you
If I want to give the dev more money at some point I'll buy another copy of the game.
@OrigamiRobot It seems like almost every day there is a new story of PayPal kidnapping peoples children and holding them hostage.
@Wipqozn You can also use Amazon Payments.
@OrigamiRobot I've never use that before.
I'll just stick with Steam or GOG.
@Wipqozn You've never bought anything through Amazon?
No sir.
I'm a strange fellow.
@Wipqozn In that case, I have no idea why you'd use GOG.
Yeah, I'm going to just get the Steam version.
GOG was mostly just passing thought.
I do have a GOG account though.
Either way, I am a more loyal fan than you. /smug
@OrigamiRobot One could argue that the amount of revenue I've generated due to telling people about the game makes m more loyal!
in fact, any revenue he gets from you is because of me!
and anyone who knows about the game because of you is because of me!
and so on and so forth!
@Wipqozn You were only able to tell me about it because I deemed you worthy of speaking to me.
@OrigamiRobot more like I deemed you worthy of hearing it!
Please, you'll talk to anyone! You're Canadian.
It would be rude to ignore someone.
Zeus damn it , you're right!
You can also use just a credit card of Google Wallet on Humble Bundle
@fredley Neither do I. Give it to me in g or ml, please.
@BenBrocka It's not on the humble store, that's just how they payments get processed. It's weird.
Oh, they're at the wrong puzzle again.
I've been thinking of playing Pokemon HeartGold again.
You should finish Pokemon black 2 for me so I don't have to
I still need to finish white 1.
Also X.
I'd rather just play HeartGold though.
@StrixVaria Not according to his profile.
XY is great, I recommend it strongly
Thinking I'd with the fire starter. Also have Jolteon, Espeon, Murkrow and then either Piplup or Helix Fossil in my party. I'd need a sixth.
@BenBrocka I own it, I just never finished it.
I got about half way through before stopping.
Playing B2 after Y makes it pretty obvious why they went to 3D, the sprite effects are awful
@Sterno I'm too lazy to track it down, but agent numbers is 32, right?
I always figured he was 86 years old
@Wipqozn SoulSilver*
@OrigamiRobot HeartGold is what I own. SO TAKE THAT!
@BenBrocka Yeah, the Polygon review mentions how hard it is to go back to any previous game after playing X & Y just because of how good the graphics are in the latest iteration
@BenBrocka No, that's @Sterno.
@Wipqozn You own wrong, obviously.
@OrigamiRobot no u
@PrivatePansy The sprites still seem fine in other games. But gen 5 uses these dreadful animations and scaling effects that look awful, especially on such low res sprites/screens
@OrigamiRobot No. I refuse.
Therefore I win.
Why is the chat spamming democracy...?
@Wipqozn Who what?
@PrivatePansy twitch
Oh, maybe he set some sort of voting system up to enable the voting system.
@Wipqozn Meter above the commands.
@Wipqozn voting system?
Maybe I just can't read that fast but I see way more democracy than anarchy but the needle keeps moving back/in the same spot
@BenBrocka At one point he changed how it worked. It would choose the most popular command over a certain time period.
@Wipqozn 34
I don't see any metre or needle.
oh, wait.
I probably need to refresh the page.
I am physically younger than @JasonBerkan and mentally younger than @FEichinger.
the one I have playing (dev rom) has been running since yesterday,.
@Wipqozn Oh, one of the clones was doing that. Most popular command every second. Was surprisingly slow,but that might be because of how few people
I have, to date, never yelled at kids to get off my lawn. So @FEichinger has me beat.
@Wipqozn if you leave twitch open it slowly gets more and more delay
@Sterno Give it time.
@OrigamiRobot oh wow
Very fancy and modern feeling
I bought it on SUnday!
I can't get the video to open anymore.
It just shows a black screen with an"arrow" on it as if the ad isn't going away.
There we go!
This Pokemon thing is growing on me.
I wonder if they will ever escape this hellish maze.
@Sterno will you soon evolve?
@Sterno Good.
The key was learning enough about the game to know the train wreck you're looking at.
@Sterno Get off my lawn
@Sterno yes, and there are generally maps of what they're trying to do lately
I feel like "train wreck" isn't a strong enough term to describe what is happening.
oh, stream is donw.
I wonder what he's up to.
@Wipqozn Well, it's like a train of trainwrecks, and that is having a wreck with another train of trainwrecks.
that's a first
And that is having another wreck with another train of trainwreck trainwreck.
It's a trainwreck where trains are hitting the first train to try and clear it off the tracks
@GraceNote are you sneakily trying to explain string theory?
In the last 4 days, I have eaten:
1) Half of one bagel, plain.
2) 2 pieces of bread
3) One can of chicken noodle soup. THIS WAS A MISTAKE
4) One potato. THIS WAS GLORIOUS.
Being sick sucks.
In total? How are you not starving?
@Wipqozn Doctor TRAAAAINS
@PrivatePansy I am. But when I eat, BAD THINGS HAPPEN
Also, it helps I'm fat. Plenty of reserves!
@Sterno Great way to lose weight!
@BenBrocka From Trainsyvania
Oh, they managed to deposit Drowzee and Rattata.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, they did that this morning.
What's with the "democracy" spamming?
@Sterno They have a little vote thingy going on
@Sterno A new voting system was implemented where the most popular command over a short period is chosen as the inputted move. If enough people spam democracy then it'll activate.
Won't that ruin all the fun?
Or will it just make the trolls more hardcore?
It might. It could also make getting past this possible.
@Sterno The trolls would have to organize with other trolls.
Also, good morning, Bridge
It's not even a problem of trolls.
A large number of people have no idea what is going on.
They've spent most of their time of the past 2 days stuck at the wrong mze.
They still need to get the lift key.
@Wipqozn And some are actively attempting to sabotage progress.
@Frank Indeed, but I don't think that's the largest problem.
holy shit
my tablet battery charger just literally flew across the room with a loud springing sound
...with the tablet attached to it
that's not good.
and also confusing.
The tablet suffered no damage.
Your room is made of jelly?
That's good.
@PrivatePansy No. Maybe the double socket adaptor thing is.
the other plugs are similarly a little ways out of the socket thing
should I be concerned?
Maybe you have previously-unknown superpowers.
I don't remember being bitten by a radioactive superman.
That's weird they would physically shoot out from the socket rather than like... start smoking or something
I'm kind of glad I'm back at work and can't actively watch Twitch Plays Pokemon.
@Sterno Everyone and everything is mentally younger than @FEichinger. Even the universe.
@Arperum That might be true.
The rest of the source is slightly NSFW
(and not as good)
Today is Banished, isn't it? :3
@Fluttershy Indeed it is!
@Fluttershy For cool people.
Yayy! Even though I spent my Banished budget on the FFX/X-2 CE, I am happy for my friends who get to play it. Except that @Wipqozn guy. I hope it crashes for him.

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