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But physical boxes are so much better, anyways.
Well yes a box is always nice
@Frank The house I'm going to look at tonight is pricey.
@RedRiderX I guess they want to get rid of them. Storage is expensive...
@KevinvanderVelden Nah, I'll think about monthly fees then go play TF2.
And maybe they have more leeway to put "physical" stuff on sale rather then muddle with digital rights too.
@Arperum Yeah, I know. That should come first.
@Powerlord which is why I was talking to Arperum, you non-minecraft playing heretic
Also, I bought Lightning Returns, and have ordered the hardcover strategy guide, to sit with my XIII-2 collector's edition strategy guide.
@Frank Is there a monthly fee?
2 mins ago, by Frank
@5pike Yes
@Frank You poor, poor fool...
@Frank It's actually slightly above my budget, but it looks really good. And maybe I can convince my parents to help some more then already planned >_<
@Arperum Buying a house is a huge step.
I'm playing FFIV right now and it's so terribly designed that I keep wanting to just throw it away and play something else.
Especially when you get a mortgage for it.
Just fought a boss fight that I lost because I didn't prepare properly ahead of time (although how could I have known?)
I'll probably win next time by actually knowing what to do beforehand.
@StrixVaria Bravely Default?
@Yuki Not yet. I still have Link Between Worlds and Etrian Odyssey to play before I get there.
Which I already own.
@StrixVaria This is a big problem with a lot of FF games.
@StrixVaria The old Final Fantasy games are a throwback to earlier days, where grinding was an expected action.
@Frank I don't mind grinding. I'm way overleveled right now.
Gall darn I've gone insane again.
@StrixVaria And you still lost? Bleh. Which boss?
I don't recall that being a problem I had.
Despite being overleveled, the boss is still designed so unfairly that I had no chance on a first try.
Golbez in the underworld.
@Frank With mortgage. But half june I have to leave this house and move back in with my parents. I don't look forward to live on their lip for years. And keeping hiring things feels so much like I'm wasting money.
He summons a dragon that kills 3 of your 4 characters, then Rydia comes back.
Then you have Cecil and Rydia (who doesn't have nearly enough HP to survive for long without constant healing) alive and 3 characters dead. Golbez uses AoE attacks so frequently that if you use a phoenix down or Raise on somebody, they'll die before you get another action.
So you have to specifically time your phoenix down with a high potion to get one character into a state where they might live.
@Arperum Yeah, renting is just throwing money down the drain.
I did that for five years.
My goal next time is to have Cecil hasted and hopefully Golbez slowed so things become slightly manageable.
@Frank One year now.
Is Bravely Default good?
@StrixVaria AoE spam is evil when it happens like that. It does occur in Bravely Default, but the bosses that use that strategy tend to depend on highly on using Brave.
@Sterno It sounds like a FF game with a turn shifting mechanic.
But I have no real idea
So, you alternate healing and Defaulting on the one character you have left until they attempt multiple AoEs in one turn with Brave.
@Yuki If I can get my white mage alive, I can probably heal everyone fast enough to offset it.
@StrixVaria I don't recall having that problem when I got to that part.
And then you Phoenix Down/Revive while they're recovering all the BP they spent.
@RedRiderX That sounds like you're describing Radiant Historia.
So I'm probably useless about how to get past that.
@Powerlord Eh it could be
@StrixVaria From what I dug up - This fight is broken by design. Luck is your only ally.
I don't really follow jrpgs
@5pike That's stupid.
@Yuki No! Game cheap right now! It only costs you a whole month of subscription time, which you get with the game anyways.
@StrixVaria Yes, it is.
The two bosses I've come across so far that use AoE spam are fairly easy to manage with that strategy.
@Yuki Yeah but I feel like those battles may be designed around the brave/default mechanic.
FF4 doesn't have any fancy combat stuff.
@StrixVaria Most of the battles seem to be.
And it's very nicely done.
@StrixVaria If you have one or more characters petrified beforehand, you can just throw a soft and they'll be at full HP.
@GraceNote Huh.
@GraceNote Can you petrify your own characters?
I don't think I can petrify anyone with my current party, though.
Well, "at whatever HP they were turned to stone", to be clear.
Q: Does bonus damage stack?

YukiMonsters can have multiple weak points due to elemental weaknesses and what monster family they belong to. When you exploit these weaknesses, a prompt appears that says "Weak Point!" and you deal bonus damage (usually an increased 50%). However, does this 50% increase in damage stack when you hit...

I also need to equip a different sword on Cecil because apparently the one that has a petrify effect heals Golbez instead of damaging him.
@StrixVaria Well, you seem to be on the right track. A guide says to slow golbez and hasten cecil, if possible. The rest is rewive/heal and pray that you make it.
@Yuki I can't remember how I pulled it off but that's what I did on a later playthrough.
And I need to make sure Kane is in the front row for the battle since it didn't automatically do that when Cid left.
Also, Bravely Default is fairly obvious about when the boss battles are. The only one that's surprised me so far is the Red Mage.
The most annoying thing, really, is that this is the second boss battle in a sequence, with no chance to heal/save between.
The first battle isn't really an issue, but it takes time.
So I have to go through a long dialogue scene and combat, and dialogue again before re-attempting this battle.
@StrixVaria ... I hate boss battle sequences. That's what I've always disliked about the Final Fantasy series.
Thank god for save-states ...
My white mage knows Reflect (because I'm way overleveled)...
@StrixVaria The final battle in Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door was like that. Two battles, with a 10 minute unskippable cutscene between them. Ugh.
I wonder if that would do anything.
Repeating cutscenes and dialog before hard boss fights is the worst.
@StrixVaria Try it, but if it's scripted, you get blasted.
@Sterno Repeating an easy boss fight before a hard boss fight on top of that is even worse.
Morning, Bridge
@Sterno You can skip pretty much every cutscene in Bravely Default and re-watch them later through the Encyclopedia.
Oh, if I do reflect the magic then it would heal Golbez anyway, since any and all elemental damage in this fight heals him.
It's great when I have to redo boss fights because someone (usually Ringabel) gets KO'd and misses out on a lot of EXP.
I was ready to ignore Bravely Default until Yuki mentioned that it goes horribly dark
Now it sounds interesting
@Sterno I'm not sure at this point if it keeps that tone, but that subquest was really f--king dark.
I'm unclear whether or not I like the idea that you can play around with the encounter rate
I literally put down my 3DS and stared at it for a few minutes after that cutscene.
I can always choose not to use that option, I guess, unless the game's difficulty is designed around the idea that you will.
@Sterno Honestly, it's not a bad mechanic.
@StrixVaria You could try jumping with Kain. If he is in the air at the right time, he won't get picked off.
@Sterno So far, doesn't look like it.
I liked what The World Ends With You did about battle encounters.
You could deliberately delevel yourself to increase the chances of getting rarer items from them.
@5pike Ooh, that's a good idea too.
Saves time on grinding because you can increase the encounter rate and avoids cheap deaths when you're running back to town because you're low on health after a mid-boss fight or you're hit with Poison and no MP or antidotes.
@Sterno Many FF games let you alter encounter rate, usually through abilities
Loved me some enc-none in FF8
@StrixVaria Want more tips? I have a guide open.
@BenBrocka That's different, since it requires resource expenditure.
@5pike Can you just link the guide? :P
@BenBrocka I think @Sterno is a little more iffy on the fact that you can change the encounter rate through a slider bar in the config menu.
Let me ask a question on the main site.
And you can have some rep.
@StrixVaria Yeah, rep
Yeah, from what I understand in Bravely Default, I can overextend myself in a dungeon and then just turn encounters to none to get back out safely
Which is fine as an option. I just wouldn't want the game balanced around that idea.
I prefer having to buy items or use skill points on abilities so that there is a cost to that.
@Sterno You also have Teleport Stones to warp you to the beginning of the dungeon, but most JRPGs have those.
@Sterno It doesn't look like the game's balanced around that so far.
Well, you convinced me at "children murder each other", so I'll be picking it up at lunch.
The only time I've lowered the encounter rate to 0 is when I just want to walk through a dungeon I've grinded in so I can get to the boss or when I'm backtracking to pick up items that I missed.
Also I missed some Veronica Mars discussion in here last night and now I'm sad because I was busy watching Veronica Mars while it happened. And I agree with whoever said they liked it but feel like they shouldn't.
Q: How is this Golbez fight possible?

StrixVariaGolbez is the big bad guy so far in FF4, and now I have to fight him for the first time. This fight is...unforgiving, to say the least (horribly designed and meant to make people stop playing, more like). At one point, he automatically kills Yang, Rosa, and Kain, before Rydia rejoins (with barel...

> We are unable to display shipping details at this time. Please visit the Canada Post site directly to track your order. Tracking Number(s): ****************
Dammit, Chapters, GIVE me a tracking number!
Q: How do I get the costumes for FF13 and FF13-2 save files?

Bryan DennyI'm on Xbox360 for FF13: Lightning Returns. My save files are in the cloud for FF13 and FF13-2. My LR save file is also using the cloud storage. When/where/how do I get the 13 and 13-2 costumes? They aren't in the store when I picked up my free Cloud and Yuna costumes? Am I missing something?

Q: How is this Golbez fight possible?

StrixVariaGolbez is the big bad guy so far in FF4, and now I have to fight him for the first time. This fight is...unforgiving, to say the least (horribly designed and meant to make people stop playing, more like). At one point, he automatically kills Yang, Rosa, and Kain, before Rydia rejoins (with barel...

All asterisks don't help me!
@Lazers Apply bacon to forehead.
I forget what summons Rydia has at that point in the game
@Powerlord Doesn't matter because they all deal elemental damage and heal Golbez.
I recall Golem being my favorite summon; not sure if that was for FF4 or 6, though.
@StrixVaria Done
He absorbs damage like a champ.
slaps @StrixVaria for getting the Dancing Calcobrena theme stuck in his head
Or whatever they're calling it these days... Calcabrina now I think.
@Powerlord I didn't even hear the music because I don't have headphones for the train yet.
@StrixVaria mist dragon is non-elemental
@BenBrocka Mist dragon healed Golbez when I tried it.
@Frank I'm happy to see that you didn't carry through on your plan to leave Arqade for an indeterminate amount of time.
...and now Youtube won't load that video for me
Oh, is this the remake? They might have changed it
@StrixVaria Use Libra to expose his weakness
@5pike I'm going to worry about that once I get the party back up.
Libra? Back in my day, Scan was good enough.
Golbez will absorb all magic except one
My fighters do enough physical damage that I can probably get by on that.
@RedRiderX People would have to write a Python module for their world
Following a certain format, and with access to certain functions, like user.giveItem()
Also they'd have to submit a list of item definitions, which would have to be unique
It would not be doable live, it would need to be integrated by me, essentially
:O If you had the music muted, you also missed Golbez's theme, which is one of the better FF4 music tracks
The lecturer talking about pain control for hemorrhoid surgery just said "It's a butt-load of information" Uggggggghhhhh
@DavidM kill him with fire
Or her, also possible
@KevinvanderVelden It's a dude. And, that would be awkward with so many witnesses.
@DavidM they'd probably just cheer you on after that pun
Besides, I think it's more of a beheading offense.
And, I didn't bring my execution sword . . . :-(
@DavidM baah, you don't even bring your execution sword to class?!
I always bring my execution sword, and my stabbing knife, and my distraction crossbow
@KevinvanderVelden I'm at a conference, and they wouldn't let me carry it on the plane.
@KevinvanderVelden I prefer weapons of mass distraction.
@DavidM you don't have to use regular arrows, I find arrows filled with a small explosive that create a nice cloud of deadly neuro toxins distract fairly well
@KevinvanderVelden Too much twitching. It's . . . well, yucky.
Not to mention the vomiting, etc.
@DavidM depends on the neuro toxin, if you get the good one (don't get the discounted ones or the home brand! They're just not as effective) it's one good wiff and they're on the floor being dead
@Sterno Another game to add buy and not plaY?
@BenBrocka NSFW that.
Not sure if serious
@BenBrocka well it is a dating sim
@StrixVaria Edited Answer - now with TVtrope link.
@kalina I am the 61%
@kalina the disagree/agree is really throwing me off there
@Wipqozn totally
@Wipqozn jeah for the 61%
I don't want you guys to know about the fucked up shit I'm into.
@kalina The volcano is way more interesting.
@Wipqozn Who isn't?
My fetish is divulging my internet history while living near an active volcano so I'm not sure which to choose
@BenBrocka It's because one option is already picked, silly!
The 39% are probably just damn city dwellers who couldn't appreciate the raw beauty of nature if it flooded them with lava.
@MartinSojka I just don't think they've discovered the dark places of the internet yet.
@Wipqozn I just don't think they've discovered just how beautiful and awesome Sicily is.
@5pike Uh oh.
Linking to TVTropes should be a bannable offense.
@Wipqozn +star
The 39% are trolls who want to deliberately pick the option they wouldn't really pick to fake statistics
@Wipqozn I play most of the DS games I buy. The only exceptions are Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem Awakening, Monster Hunter 3, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, The Dark Spire, Etrian Odyssey 2, Dragon Quest IV, Dragon Quest V, and Dragon Quest VI.
But I mean, I totally played 3 EO games, Chrono Trigger, and a Zelda game.
@Sterno uuhuh
Go buy pokemon! :D
@Sterno Those are some of the best games!
@Sterno ...isn't there only one EOU game out?
(Especially Fire Emblem)
@GraceNote FIXED
The spam my work email gets is interesting. It always follows a pattern. For a month it was "rebates", then it was "summons notice", now it's "eviction notice". It's quite increasingly mean
@Frank This is why I own them!
Oh, and I played Chrono Trigger too.
@BenBrocka next it will be kidnapping your family and holding them hostage
@BenBrocka Watch, it's not spam. You are actually getting evicted.
That would be embarrassing since I rent from my dad and he doesn't know my work email
@BenBrocka That you know of.
@fredley Ah okay
@fredley Testing might be... difficult.
Oh, @BenBrocka, from one UX person to another...
How do you feel about smoke detector low battery signals?
I never notice them
@RedRiderX Yeah
I'm not sure
It would be less of a public feature, more of an invite only thing
Right, you could almost have a sandbox server for that or something
@GraceNote I hate them, but not enough to buy a $200 Nest smoke detector
@GraceNote Worst invention ever.
@3ventic then they're not doing their job are they?
@BenBrocka Not familiar with that one but I assume it includes some sort of actual ability to locate the offending smoke detector.
@GraceNote You can't find yours? I guess I only have one per floor so it's easier
@BenBrocka Our home is mostly a single floor.
It's a "smart" smoke detector that would be brilliant if it were only say, twice the price of a normal one
Q: what is vanilla, FTB?

bob at bob dot bobWhat is the difference between vanilla and FTB minecraft? I was playing minecraft and my brother asked if it was vanilla or FTB and I said i didn't know. So now I am asking this site to see what the answer is.

To have proper coverage with one per floor I can only conclude that you live in a tower and are a wizard.
@Lazers Clearly vanilla.
@GraceNote It's in the middle room and there are no doors to that room
@BenBrocka I also have one per floor, and they are in easy to find locations.
@BenBrocka That you have a room with no way in or out is further proof that you are a wizard.
@BenBrocka Yeah, no kidding. The ability to see at a glance which detectors were close to being on low battery would be awesome, and the whole hand wavey thing to silence them when you burn the bacon like a heretic is convenient. The wallet-shattering price is not, however.
It has doorways, just no doors
well two of four have doors but they're never closed
@TimStone Yeah. Especially when it's designed to have one per room
@BenBrocka So instead of doors you have portals. WIZARD.
I'd probably bite, for one, at $50 though
I never denied the wizard part
@GraceNote Can't be. Electronics smoke and die when around a wizard.
(I know; they've done that to me with disconcerting regularity)
@KevinvanderVelden I guess not. That or the batteries have actually died off completely
@Frank I apparently have a flip switch of some sort. I will make some things die if I go near them, while other times I will bring to life things that do not work.
@GraceNote Wish I could ressurect stuff. It gets annoying to just have stuff die at random around me.
Q: Will adding Featherfalling to my protection 4 boots help?

CubicaeI am having a little trouble understanding how the protection enchantments work, so my question is, will it help any if I put Featherfalling IV on my Protection IV boots, or does that exceed the cap? All my armor is diamond and with only protection IV

Street lamps, too, often die as I get near them.
@Frank I know, right? Printers, light bulbs, children...
@Frank That sounds like a super power.
You should become a super hero!
...although that sounds more like the power of a super villain...
@BenBrocka Luckily, biological things tend to be immune.
@BenBrocka Children are the worst.
@Wipqozn I made a joke when I went to Japan: "If you want to know where I am, just find the blackout. I'm in the middle."
I was unaware you had ever visited Japan.
@Wipqozn Yeah, a few years ago.
@Wipqozn bleh, a lame super villain. What kind of super villain are you when your giant deathray of death and kittens keeps breaking!
A few months before the tsunami, actually.
@Frank Woo Dresden Files.
Dresden files! :D
I should read one of those books before the new Sanderson thing comes out.
@KevinvanderVelden The best kind! I can extort millions of dollars from governments to NOT visit their power plants.
@Frank Well, what are you going to do if they don't give you the money?
@RedRiderX Duh. Go visit their power plants.
Running into the plant seems like a no win option for you.
@RedRiderX That's presuming they know who I am.
Oh! And another mistborn book this year possibly
@KevinvanderVelden I said that before he pointed out it didn't work on biological things.
So I just imagined @Frank walking along the side walk with people dropping likes flies all around him.
@Frank Well it's just that... running into a nuclear plant in which you are about to turn off all the safe gaurds...
@Wipqozn still not as good as a death ray
@RedRiderX America doesn't really have nuclear plants.
Uh... really?
@Frank Yes we do.
Clearly @Franks powers would make him immune to a nuclear detention.
@OrigamiRobot No you don't.
@OrigamiRobot Compared to other forms of power generation? Not really.
@KevinvanderVelden Good. A chart of places not to visit.
@BenBrocka I use 2 separate emails for family and other internet stuff (like this place) and I started getting emails at the other internet stuff one for my dad apparently signing up for notifications for this auto garage and these crafting events my mom goes to. I haven't figured out how to ask "How did you get this email address you're not supposed to know about?" yet.
@KevinvanderVelden That image is just a conspiracy cover up of the puppy mills.
@Frank properly build and maintained nuclear power plants are perfectly safe and probably less harmful than coal
@KevinvanderVelden Until I visit them.
However given that this is america I'd not assume they're well build and maintained so yes. AVOID
> producing a total of 790 TWh of electricity, which was 19.2% of the nation's total electric energy generation in 2011
@Frank meh, maybe it'll give you more superpowers!
@OrigamiRobot I stand by my puppy mill cover up conspiracy theory.
@KevinvanderVelden So I can fry even more stuff! The walking microwave.
Anyway, hometime now
Cya guys
@Frank Guess you can never visit me :(
And girls
And others
@OrigamiRobot You can always visit me!
I only visit places with nuclear power plants nearby
Nuclear Power is fine until things go horribly wrong.
@FAE Somehow my work email gets spam even though i've only ever used it for business-related accounts. I think people must spam the whole domain or something, I don't think it's anywhere public at all
Q: Balloon Popping mini-game on Pokemon Global Link

sceniaFor a while now, the PokeMileage Club on Global Link has been offering the minigame "Balloon Popping" where you can spend 100 PokeMiles to select one of 3 levels, click 10 Balloons, receive a score and end up with an Item (a list of the possible items is viewable before you select the level). The...

@BenBrocka I've probably mentioned this before, but for some reason I always assume you live in the UK.
I don't
@BenBrocka Well why the hell not?
Would you mind moving to the UK so my assumption will always be correct?
Cheaper video games and earlier release dates
And whole born here and got a job here thing, there's that too
but in the UK you get to live near @RonanForman!
@BenBrocka Yeah, that is a reason.
Or maybe just get your state renamed to "UK"
@BenBrocka Yeah, I have no idea how they got it and now I'm all paranoid.
Whichever is easier
@RedRiderX That would work too.
@RedRiderX Somehow I don't think Iowa would go for that.
@FAE Just tell them it's a favour for me. They know me there.
@RedRiderX Oh hell no, there are enough places in the USA named after places here as it is.
Price estimation

Proposed Q&A site for experts in estimating the monetary value of real estate, vehicles, collectables, etc. and for contestants on The Price is Right.

Currently in definition.

In fact, America produces the most nuclear power by a large margin.
@RonanForman UK doesn't need to stand for United Kingdom. It could stand for Universal Kickers!
or Untying Kleenix!
or Ununited Kingdom!
or Underwater Kingdom!
@BenBrocka could become a meremaid.
@Wipqozn But it's neither underwater nor a monarchy.
@RonanForman That can be changed.
@FAE Well just change the abbreviation then.
Q: How much difference does the autoloader make on a tank?

VahxI'm just wondering if it really make a difference in a tank to tank encounter. Its usually which ever tank can get the first shot will prevail unless the other tank can drive, shoot and dodge some shots; But would the autoloader make a difference in that? how many shot would it take before the au...

The full name could stay the same
@Wipqozn I think most americans would think a monarchy would be too similar to communism.
@fredley For some reason this doesn't work for me.
To be fair, some Americans think a lot of things are too similar to communism
@WorldEngineer Goddamn, the one with Calvin is so tempting...
@fredley well at least they tried something sorta different...
@fredley I can't get past two
@RedRiderX I got past 4 once I think
Sadly it doesn't keep your highest score
@RedRiderX I just made it to 4.
Still can't get past 2
Almost at three
It actually took me awhile to realize that you had to press ENTER to go up rather than clicking.
I think any key does it, it was flapping as I typed my name
@Frank Officially licensed Wheel of Time coins We got the 2 pack for a friend of ours for her birthday, they just came in. They look really nice.
Plus proceeds go to Worldbuilders.
Whee, 5000 drops of prisoner's honey!
Now to convert them to romantic notions
@SaintWacko Ugh, I need 20 more Antique Mysteries.
@Yuki Moving into the Royal Bethlehem?
@SaintWacko Yeah. ~16 turns per Antique Mystery is pretty efficient, right?
@Yuki Not the most efficient, but one of the easiest ones
Most efficient is around 10 turns per Antique Mystery
I've been working on gathering PoSI gear
@SaintWacko Well, I'm accounting for failing to rob Feducci and losing more CP.
But I succeed a bit too, so it's more ~13 turns.
@Yuki Ah, yeah, that'll do it

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