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@MBraedley I dunno, everyone enjoys the circus.
Ah, STL, back when generics were a fancy new concept.
@JasonBerkan Yeah, well .NET is hard (or impossible?) to get running on Linux, and we need cross platform code.
I dunno, last I heard Mono was pretty reliable.
They even added EF stuff, although you should feel dirty for using that anyway.
Desperate Atlantans Still Not Willing to Consume Whole Wheat Bread http://t.co/ZlfVPdy0mP
@TimStone There's also the fact that we're using code written before Mono was a thing.
@TimStone Hehe
Q: Bugged bins & barrels after reclaiming a fortress

ParalyticI read there is a bug that makes your dwarves not use bins and barrels after reclaiming the fortress. How do I know which bins and barrels are just clutter. I use the LNP so it might have even fixed the issue since I never noticed it. I know how to check the contents of any bin or barrel, just ...

@3ventic kills self
@uni hush you. <3
For everything else, refer to what @kalina wrote.
Falcon Pro is probably the most clock-and-dagger of Twitter apps.
Q: I dont remeber the name of a game

FlareoIts a 3d person shooter for pc. your mission is to destroy black alien but he infects you with a virus and you start to go black as him. the whole game is shooting and finding him. one more detail you have a blade-boomerang in your right hand , and you can throw it. this is all i remember. help?

BOOL WINAPI GetFileAttributesEx(
  _In_   LPCTSTR lpFileName,
  _Out_  LPVOID lpFileInformation
Yeah, this is really how you want to make an API
Write out to a void pointer, (presumably) without checking
@FEichinger I don't even want to know how many pings total that was
@fredley we were talking about the fact that most people have most of their rep from one game.
So, I just watched the first episode of Mindcrack UHC from Guude and Z's perspective... holy crap this season is going to be fun
@Unionhawk Don't say anything. I won't get a chance until this evening
@MBraedley Let's just say the directional audio is... interesting... in more than one way.
@uni >.>
@FEichinger Hey, @kal started it.
@Yuki I'm listening to frozen songs again. You're the worst (but also the best).
I just went along with it because -- never mind. Apparently I can't continue that sentence without SOME PEOPLE being all perverted about it >_>
@Wipqozn It is a really good soundtrack.
@Yuki It is
@KevinvanderVelden Want a picture in daylight.
Gabe was really panting there
@uni LIAR
@FEichinger But it is a really good soundtrack!
Q: I can't remember the game's name

BogdanI remember playing a game when i was little. It was with fighting like a RPG game. It had lots of armor and i was upgrading from one to another. This is all I can remember. Does anybody have any clue what game could it be?

@Wipqozn Yay!
I was singing along to Let it Go on my ipod when I was walking to a friend's, and a lady started singing with me :P
@AshleyNunn Maybe I should start singing aloud rather than under my breath...
Nah, too embarrassing.
Embarrassment is for others to worry about :)
@Yuki I just belt them out wherever. But for things like that I dont really have shame
I learned some things about shooting in the snow
1) it's cold
2) it's hard
3) fuck snow
@spugsley aww :(
@spugsley You should just... let it go...
@Yuki really?
@Yuki Having not seen the movie, I feel like she's saying "fine" there, not "fuck".
@StrixVaria That's exactly what she's saying.
Your teeth don't come together for the "ck" at the end of "fuck" like hers do.
I'm fairly certain they wouldn't say "fuck" in a Disney movie...
Well obviously she wasn't actually saying "fuck".
The disgusting things I find when searching for Xbone jokes
@BenBrocka sigh
Some times I weep for humanity.
@BenBrocka I'm fairly certain I'm glad the work filter didn't let that image through
And sometimes I just sigh.
They don't even look good, even in a junk food way.
@BenBrocka ... I don't get it.
@BenBrocka Just no.
Speaking of work, thank god for boost. Now I don't have to use the horrible Windows API call posted above.
@BenBrocka Why would you come across that when searching for Xbone jokes?
@MBraedley Most be blocking twitter images. Think Doritos Mozzarella sticks, except with some nasty american cheese looking stuff in the middle
@Yuki I google Doritos and Mountain Dew a lot
for stuff like this:
@BenBrocka I don't see how that relates to Xbone though.
their cross marketing stuff
@BenBrocka Oh so they still call themselves Mountain Dew despite changing their logo to Mtn Dew?
I'm not sure I've ever heard a person non-sarcastically refer to it as "mtn dew"
But it looks like their own marketing can't make up its mind.
Q: Tiny Death Star What does Upgrade Rank mean?

Barmacequestion in the title but it does not appear to do anything. I wonder if it makes things go faster or produce more? both of which I see no change when I do this? please help

The logo reads mtn dew but elsewhere, even in text I always see mountain. I don't think it hit the hip young demographic quite like they hoped
@BenBrocka That's because they should've gone for "mtn dw".
Kids these days don't have enough money to buy vowels.
I think they should just skip all the intermediate steps and start making unmarked bottles and trademark the color green.
Hahaha, they decided to sell it.
CC @Lesspop_Morefizz
@GnomeSlice What really?
@RedRiderX Yeah, apparently. It looks like it's coming to Steam too.
Oh wow
cc @AshleyNunn @Wipqozn @EveryoneElse
Looks like I'm watching the Oscars this year... for the first time in forever...
@RedRiderX Wanna PVP me?
Oh hey
Hmm let me get ready
@RedRiderX I need to get ready too. Then lets do this.
If I have time :P
I think I forgot to check this out yesterday
@RedRiderX Don't worry, I'll be quick
@Yuki I don't remember the vocals sounding so... processed when I saw it in the theatre
@Yuki haha, I see what you did there
@BenBrocka Hahahaha
@BenBrocka Hey, have you heard about flappyjam?
Yes, I'm not a fan
Mountain Dew is disgusting. Doritos are delicious.
Though, some of the Mountain Dew variants are quite tasty.
@GnomeSlice I would venture a guess as to say it's kinda completely against the developer's wishes. "I'm removing this game because I don't want all the attention." "Let's give him some more attention!"
Well yeah, that.
That, and there's already plenty of flappy bird clones
@BenBrocka Ugh, I knew what this was and still clicked it.
@BenBrocka This is the worst.
I posted that a couple days ago.
Worst tumblr
@Yuki <3
@BenBrocka Flappy Bird is already a tiny fraction from a clone itself.
@Yuki Well I guess I just lost to it at chess
I didn't know you only had one choice.
Oh well
@RedRiderX Well, these limited-time events tend to only give you one opportunity.
Q: Can a single imperial item be used to complete several imperial assignments?

Jason G.Several Imperial Assignments contain the same item, albeit with a different goal quantity/inventory. If I achieve the lower of the two inventories first and "complete" that assignment, will my inventory go back to zero on the other assignment?

It's an interesting thing, having one week only storylets.
Or how ever long they are around
Forever Alone Day's only 58 hours and 30 minutes away (Central Standard Time).
I need Bacon 61!
@OrigamiRobot Pretty much. I saw a "defense" of it and all arguments were basically "it's not Helicopter! It varies slightly from helicopter in a few ways! Slightly."
@BenBrocka Helicopter is a clone too!
@OrigamiRobot Cave / Worm Game!
Re: Flappy bird
> It’s a sad day when an artist is lambasted for nothing more than creating something for others to enjoy, and this certainly isn’t the first time it’s happened. It seems to be the first time it’s happened out of sheer popularity, however, and this time, the death threats, the suicide threats and the non-stop harassment from press, despite his pleas for them to leave him alone, was too much for the developer.
I know why they're doing it, I just disagree with...basically every other part of it
Somebody downvoted two of my game recommendations on the new SE site. I'm going to delete my account.
Ask if they know a web app were you can post those questions
@BenBrocka What?
@GnomeSlice There is a gamerec site now?
@Alok software rec
Yes, I know it's inaccurate. But it's funny.
@Yuki funny thing is we already have robots that can do that near instantly
@BenBrocka But those robots don't have AI.
Man why didn't I think of sticking plungers to chicken's butts to make them walk like dinosaurs
absolutely terrifying
This looks incredibly good.
Why have I only just seen this?
@tombull89 It was only revealed like a week ago.
I'm pretty sure they only put it on sale because of the reaction of the internet.
but a week is like months ago in InterNetTime(TM)
A Tim Schafer gem I found the other day: youtube.com/watch?v=wJcQxAHNVXI#t=23m14s
Holy crap that trailer is good.
That's one of the best game trailers I've seen in a while actually
The new darkest dungeon one
@StrixVaria I want to, but alas, I did not make that alot =[
@GnomeSlice maybe he can buy a set of big brass ones, or at least some therapy, with that 50k/day he was making
@Sterno Eh, I'm sure he was just sick of hearing about flappy bird
@Sterno By the way, you like Paper Sorceror, right?
I will talk about flappy bird all day long for 50k/day
You should take a look at Darkest Dungeon
looks amazing
@GnomeSlice if by "like" you mean "kickstarted but never played", then yes.
@Sterno What, it's out on steam and everything
why u no play
Watch the thing anyway
Limited time.
and I watched the video when you posted it a bit ago. I wouldn't say "most amazing tailer ever!" But it does look like a game I'd buy
Trailer is legit bro
dat ending
You need some Two Steps From Hell music like the ME2 and ME3 trailers to compete.
@Sterno Mental health is stigmatized enough lots of people aren't even comfortable seeking therapy. I certainly wouldn't have done what he did, but I can respect it
Is there some kind of Drama going on with Flappy Bird?
Q: Does Anivia's wall grant an assist?

AlokI was surprised to note recently that I apparently got an assist as Anivia for doing nothing other than blocking an enemy champion with Ice Wall, but can't be 100% certain that I did not AA at all. There seems to be conflicting information on whether the wall does or doesn't grant assists when I ...

@BenBrocka You could stigmatize me all day long... for $50k!
Yes, I am saying that for 50k a day, I will become whatever manner of whore you desire.
I'd just hire @Wipqozn as my PR guy for $1k a day, and blame him for everything.
@Sterno I'd be fine with this.
For $500 a day, I'll hire @GnomeSlice to pose as my body double, just in case anyone follows through on the death threats.
Has there ever been a reason in the history of mankind for a developer to take a death threat from a gamer seriously?
I mean, if no one went on a murder spree over the cancellation of Firefly, I figure nerddom is too lazy to bother.
Wonder if he's actually got that money yet. For YOutube I have to wait a full month for payment
@Sterno I'll do it for $750/day.
@Sterno Devs taking them seriously, yes - quite a bunch of folk have left the industry over it. But it's not like anyone ever actually acted on the threats, so there's that.
That said, if you push something to a global audience, you have to expect being pushed into the public eye yourself.
@Sterno It still freaks people out and has a draining effect on you mentally. It's not necessarily the specific threat so much as the hate
Are death threats and harassment horrible? Sure. But this is the kind of thing that comes with any public position. Be that a popular game dev, a celebrity, or really anything else where tons of people look at you and your work.
Man, I'm glad I avoid the "social" areas of the internet.
He didn't particularly mean to be a popular game dev though. It's not like he ran for president or anything
Q: Can I get relic back from ai player

MrFoxI like to play with a computer ally so I can trade for gold. But he takes all the relics. I know it's possible to wall them, but is there a way to get the relic back after the ai has taken it? It would e nice anyway to have some commands to control your ally a bit. I use the addon Forgotten Emp...

He made an iPhone game, people saw it in the "new free games" section, got it, played it, got addicted to it because it was quite difficult, told their friends, etc etc and then it was just a spiral of chaos from there
I get death threats as a mod and I'm a nobody.
I feel like I missed out as I never tried it, but I'm assuming there will be Flappy Bird apks to be found whenever I actually want to check it out
except doge
@Unionhawk There were also people thinking that a lot of the oldest 5 star reviews seem very suspicious.
@Unionhawk Wow and that became popular?
@RedRiderX Yeah, there was some scrutiny, which is a part of the spiral of chaos.
He should be thanking his good luck in making pots of money with that
@Alok I think the thing is it's hard, and replayable. It's one of those things like "this seems so easy but I just can't do it. I'm going to sit here for hours and keep trying"
@Unionhawk Somehow, this is even worse than Flappy Bird.
@Unionhawk Haha I get the attraction of that - hard, replayable and also can be done in small pauses whenever you have few mins free. Basically Candy Crush type :P
@BenBrocka SPORTS! Oh, wait, that doesn't factor in here.
Maybe the Mountain Dew bottles have a popular sports team's logo on them
Risk of Rain is currently 40% off on Steam. It has my glowing recommendation.
@Fluttershy This++
@Sterno Gotta watch lots of sports to work those calories off
The house I just bought had a boy's room that has this wallpaper on it that just says SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS in a ring around the room
I can't walk into that room without thinking of an Xbone
@BenBrocka Ahaha
@Sterno Hah
@Fluttershy And mine
Ugh... I've had this like... acute stabbing pain in my nose all day. It starts off feeling like a really strong sneeze, and then turns into feeling like a needle is being shoved into the inner lining of my nostril. :( This sucks.
@Fluttershy Parasite.
humblebundle.com Sid Meier's bundle has added Pirates.
@OrigamiRobot No. I don't think that's it. I've blown my nose like 50 times today, to no effect. :\
And that Civ 4 theme
@Fluttershy Spikey Parasite.
Man Ultionus is so good
@Fluttershy if you like old school shooters/arcade games, TxK (tempest on lots of drugs) is out on Vita now, it's by Llamasoft
@GnomeSlice Thanks, I'll keep an eye on this.
@BenBrocka Also ultionus
@BenBrocka Ooooh, hadn't heard about this, will definitely pick it up.
@BenBrocka Tempest was so rad
@BenBrocka I don't see a PS+ price though
someone said it was I thought, no idea if it shows on the website
Greetings all.
@GnomeSlice Is this the game where the antagonist is literally a scrotum?
@StrixVaria ...No.
Wait, yes.
Well, no.
Wow I feel like I need to watch this video now
But you kick the antagonist in the balls at the end.
Game is fucking rad
I think I'm going to start playing tiny death star for the rep
@StrixVaria Balzac is a good guy.
@GnomeSlice Oh, the scrotum is a protagonist, my mistake.
@fredley Ugh I tried doing that but I found it hard to keep going because I kept throwing up from the micro transactions.
@RedRiderX Oh. Microtransactions.
Play pocket trains?
Or planes
Or Clash of Clans
@fredley Oh. Mobile gaming.
Very smooth
Tiny Death Star is just Tiny Tower with different art assets
which is annoying, more than half the questions are duplicates but they're "different games"
@BenBrocka It's almost like you can reskin a game or something
I mean
I guess
@StrixVaria Also you can get the game for $1 right now. And you will get a steam key when it gets greenlit
because it definitely will
4 mins ago, by fredley
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