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Would that sort of thing be on-topic there?
likely, seems high quality enough
Is it a recommendation and does it meet the requirements for "contains enough information" = question allowed, pretty much
@Sterno Happens ...
I'm not clear on how the site tags things. Is there a meta on that?
Q: Imperial Assignments "Costume" Reward

user64270My first reward was a costume, so I collected it from the Cargo Bay ... and after that I can't find it. Can someone tell me where the rewards appear after the Cargo Bay ?

@Sterno all over the place at the moment
most of the focus has been on scope and body content quality so far
tag discussions only started... yesterday?
Kind of tricky, since it would be silly to repeat the question for both iOS and Windows, or whatever
@Michel that's an interesting thing about that site, self promotional "spam" could actually make a good answer
@KevinvanderVelden this is why there are quality guidelines in place for both answers and questions
failure to meet said requirements is ground for closure
@kalina jup, I'm aware :)
it means "spam" will still stand out
because it will be crap content
Bla I should get you to invite me when I get home
@kalina You should look into asking for question and answer templates from SE
Cause I can't get on steam at work =p
Answer templates are already implemented
@badp hm?
you mean like the prepopulated things used for community ads?
interesting idea
Sounds like a pretty easy win.
I've already rep capped on mso for today though so it can wait until tomorrow
It's more of a meta.SR question
well question templates would be a feature request no?
Hardly useful on the network
I'll make some noise about it later once I've put some thought into what the templates would actually look like
@kalina If the site does work, everyone on it will be very, very used to casting downvotes on answers.
Because without that, I don't think it can work.
plenty of downvoting happening
@badp I haven't seen that video in years
Hot Dog Stand templates or GTFO
Now I need to figure out how to ask a question about card mapping software
@Sterno you'll feel dirty while doing it
@BenBrocka meowrf
The weirdness I see is that two questions can be nearly identical but with minor small details. One guy lists off a bunch of criteria with the addition "and I only care if it's free"
just cram as much information into it as possible
Someone else doesn't care if it's free or not... two different questions?
> You will recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.
I've heard a lot about this.
Looks really promising.
Q: How to update the character graphics in game "real life"?

RayofCommandI am 28 years old and my graphic doesn't look to good. My graphic card supports 2-eye-vision.dll and it's enabled. I don't have supporting glasses now. So in fact I can see some real nice character outside, but when I look at myself it's somehow pixeled and the nose seems to be displayed in a dif...

@Lazers ...
is this a parody question?
It would appear so
The "the-sims" tag confused me a bit.
Wow they got like $80k in one day.
That's nuts.
> A distinctive game world featuring over a dozen unique playable character classes such as the Plague Doctor, the Highwayman, and even the Leper!
@kalina Now I just need a Software Recommendation Expert who is familiar with RPG battlemap software to join the beta!
It's also coming to Steam.
@Sterno this is an attempt to be funny, right?
@kalina Mostly it's a snarky way of saying that while in private beta, the range of possible software recs seems too wide to provide a pool of experts who can answer a question
The scope of the site is "all software, ever". That's a big range.
the fundamental reason they want to make game recs off topic is because they're not gamers
and they're scared of people asking "what is a fun game that..."
@kalina that one might be a good argument, you can get objective recommendations about games, but they're probably the minority
Q: Looking for First Person, Physics based, Puzzle games

Oxinabox Private Beta Notice: this question is a test question for Would video game related question be ontopic? I recently completed Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers, a Puzzle game, that revolves around it's physics engine. The main game mechanic is being able to slice various parts of the tera...

@kalina jup, I did say it was possible =p
Flappy Jam launched in support of the Flappy Bird developer. #FlappyJam #FlappyBird http://indiestatik.com/2014/02/10/flappy-bird-jam/ http://t.co/TF8nMFbqFU
@kalina DIBS
I do think it can work
@kalina I'm also brewing over a question about Toddler iOS games that meet specific criteria
I'm not sure I can see it working but I'm willing to give it a try just to see.
Q: Android educational games for small kids

MariuszSPlease recommend me games for small kids (4-5 years) Requirements Android platform Tablet optimized No Ads! No in-app payments! Educactional Good for kids from 4 to 5 years Free or paid Good examples: Alphabet Cat Farm 123 ~ StoryToys Jr. Google play is full of crap apps, this is why I'm...

@kalina Except I have different criteria.
@Sterno it's just an example
it's the closest example we have to a "please recommend me children friendly games for somedevice"
It also poses some problems, like "that game just added ads or IAPs. Your answer is now invalid."
I don't want to troll the site but in a way I want to ask the exact same question minus one bit of criteria to see how they deal with that.
@Sterno I don't see how that is any different from "this minecraft patch just completely changed this mechanic, your answer is now invalid"
@kalina Because of the thing I typed right after it.
That particular dude doesn't want IAPs, but all those other criteria can generate an excellent list that helps others.
So do you downvote otherwise awesome answers because that one bit of criteria changed, even though they'll still be helpful to a ton of other people?
As someone who comes to the site after it's existed a while and wants to see a list of android educational games, do I have to ask my own question with my own specific criteria, or pour over the potentially dozens all with slightly different criteria to see if it's a dupe first?
It's not an insurmountable problem but it is a problem.
@Ktash Something that bothered me a bit: Why did she pick Whoopi Goldberg to be the Genie instead of, I dunno, Robin Williams?
@Sterno well, seeing minecraftcrashes.se I think most users are just going to ask a new question without looking
Q: Buy games from Blizzard by USD

Gerelt OdI from Mongolia, which is EU region by Battle.net. When I see payment options I only see RUB there. But we don't use RUB (russian currency). So problem is, since i don't have RUB visa card, I only can pay USD. But if I change my region into US, price will become 39$, almost 4 times expensive than...

@Lazers Hmm... that tag
Also morning people o/
This thread forwarded to epic.org for lawsuit possibility. — Full Decent 12 mins ago
@tombull89 Mod attention flags, GO
@Unionhawk we wanted "op is a moron" but that's not a flag option :(
@tombull89 I... but then he... so that means he'd be....
@tombull89 Other: "OP is a moron" then
I did other: <comment link>
@GnomeSlice sign up, post your own answers
@kalina closedbeta
I am not your posting proxy
@GnomeSlice @Sterno just signed up
put some effort into it
@kalina What, how?
Closed beta's aren't exactly closed any more.
a51 > a miracle occurs > create account
Q: Why am I allowed to sign up on a private beta site I never commited to?

TijesunimiAccording to Area51, Stack Overflow (in Portuguese) is still in private beta. But yet I just signed up on it http://br.stackoverflow.com/users/582/christmas-unicorn (already deleted the profile now) despite I didn't commit to the proposal or recieve any mail. Why did this happen?

Q: Freerunning.exe Has Stopped Working

Gurkamal SinghI Get this error when starting freerunning "Freerunning.exe has stopped working". Will someone please tell me how to fix it ? THANKS IN ADVANCE !!!!!

Q: How many points do I need to earn a medal in Flappy Bird?

Ryan BergerI've scored 7 points so far in Flappy Bird. How many do I need to earn a medal?

@TimStone You and Tim Post are the same person in my head.
@Sterno With our powers combined!
Form of a water dragon!
@Sterno Ice*
@GnomeSlice Holy fuck
@OrigamiRobot Let it gooooooo~
It's pretty terrible.
> It’s a sad day when an artist is lambasted for nothing more than creating something for others to enjoy, and this certainly isn’t the first time it’s happened. It seems to be the first time it’s happened out of sheer popularity, however, and this time, the death threats, the suicide threats and the non-stop harassment from press, despite his pleas for them to leave him alone, was too much for the developer.
@GnomeSlice humans are disgusting...
@OrigamiRobot That's just really cold water.
And people wonder why he took it down.
Dear people on Twitter who make suicide threats: 1) If you're not serious, you're literally the worst human being ever and I hate you. 2) If you are serious, you need help. Seriously.
@Yuki apparently that was interpreted as song about coming out?
@tombull89 For some people.
Honestly, the song has quite a few interpretations.
@tombull89 I could see it.
The movie has quite a few interpretations.
@Unionhawk I wouldn't really cry over people that kill themselves over a game.
Q: How to install 2 instances of Kerbal Space Program from Steam, on one computer?

MołotKSP loads slowly. Sometimes very slowly. More parts and addons, slower loading. So I want to have a second instance, with no mods and only some of the stock parts, to quickly test things. I bought my copy on Steam, so I don't have any kind of installation media. How can I install second instance...

@5pike I dated a girl who was occasionally suicidal, so... :/
@Unionhawk was she suicidal because of a game?
@5pike No, but, honestly, those people need help too. Arguably more help.
@Unionhawk Yeah, help is what they need.
Or a punch in the face if they're of case 1
Suicide is no joking matter, I agree.
Though the people I hate even more, are the asshats who say stuff like "you should kill yourself, LOL"
@kalina I figured out how to sign up.
@Unionhawk Because that's so funny
@GnomeSlice It's not though.
@Unionhawk I know. Sarcasm.
Those people are terrible.
@GnomeSlice Please add </sarcasm> before you're misinter- too late.
@Unionhawk I try to us "Get out", or something...
@Yuki I figured sarcasm
But I don't think it's even sarcastically "so funny -.-"
@Unionhawk I was referring to the people who post 'kill yourself lol'.
Cleary it's hilarious.
just nevermind
those people are terrible
ANYWAY I think this is a good time to distract myself with cat gifs
At this point I just avoid all large collections of people online (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.) at this point because of this stuff.
I might visit every now and then because of links or because I'm looking for something specific, but I don't like to be a part of those communities because of the general asshole-ishness.
@Yuki Yeah, things can get quite ... toxic
Q: How will I be able to complete the event in Tiny Death Star at my current rate?

AntonI was wondering something. I've been playing as much as possible for the last couple of days, resulting in a turnover of almost 500 'medals' per day. At this rate I will not be able to complete the event before the time runs out. What am I doing wrong? (I'm currently approx. 100 medals in to the...

Okay I'm better
Cats make everything better.
Wait one more
"This is mine now--OH GOD WTF"
@badp I WAS JOKING!!!!
"through my internship at Google" Your show off -_- — Michel 2 mins ago
@Unionhawk It looks like it runs away because of the water ... whatever.
@Michel -_-
You know I love you @badp <3
@badp for real, I was joking!
@Unionhawk poor fish had a hole in his fin at the end of the gif
It was barely relevant anyway.
@badp >.< Now you made me feel bad T_T
I just put it there to stop people from saying "no really you're doing it wrong your whole life has been a lie go learn vim"
There, I removed the comment >.< sorry >.<
@Michel don't worry.
@KevinvanderVelden That's the least of its problems...
@5pike poor fish =[
@KevinvanderVelden 2 hours later and it's a tasty fish
Fish is pretty tasty
@5pike depends on the fish (and preperation)
@KevinvanderVelden This
@kalina ?
@kalina he does contribute to this site as well you know =p
@KevinvanderVelden game recommendations are off topic here
@tombull89 CUTE
@tombull89 all the cutez
@tombull89 Animated gifs are the root of a mass of evil. I keep staring and then loose time!
I have a feeling, though, if software-rec goes through, GnomeSlice will probably gold badge in
Remote desktop window has dropped to 1 frame per 5 seconds
thanks @tombull89
@Arperum Lies, you don't look at chat while playing minecraft!
@KevinvanderVelden More Lies. The bridge is scrolling past on my second monitor.
Or however tags work I guess just
brb breaking onebox i.sstatic.net/GMfIX.gif
@Unionhawk I have a feeling that GnomeSlice will be .
srsly? There's no standard way in C++ to check if another process has a file open?
Good morning
Why is the Bridge full of kittens?
@SaintWacko Things.
@MBraedley nope, that's an OS thing
@SaintWacko unicorn-chasers except with kittens
@SaintWacko We're the Internet and it's cats. Are you really surprised?
@MBraedley Delete it and on error, it is open. :P
So can a member of Software-Recs send me an invite?
@SaintWacko You don't need one any more.
> Warning: this site is currently in private beta for at least 1 more day
@SaintWacko Here.
@Yuki ...
@JasonBerkan Yeah, I kinda need to be able to read it...
I don't know what this is, but it's a video
@SaintWacko Go to the area 51 page and find the "visit" link.
Then you can sign up.
@SaintWacko Now that I think about it, it's a little early in the week for Friday...
> Warning: this site is currently in private beta for at least 1 more day
@SaintWacko The other visit link.
Not the one at the top.
Like in the description
@GnomeSlice Ah, there we go
took me a while to find it too
At the bottom of one of the area 51 pages there's an actual like, link
If you just want to read stuff, there is a trick not requiring you to make an account.
@SaintWacko woo
Just posted three game recs on software rec
@GnomeSlice Thanks
Single file, ladies
2 hours ago, by badp
@Sterno http://stackmobile.com/softwarerecs/questions
@GnomeSlice citation needed - where did you steal the game description from?
@kalina fixt
should probably make a link out of "The game's description on Steam" or "so I'll just paste it." pointing to where you pasted it from
@kalina Steam is linked further up the post.
Ugh, I feel like I got punched in the whole body.
@GnomeSlice on your head be it then
The last three days was just sore throat, but I suddenly have zero energy.
@kalina Is that good?
@GnomeSlice no it means "you can deal with the consequences if they arise"
Is that not normally how it works?
I'm confused
And it's snowing, so the drive home will be fun.
Poor guy... (Two GIFs)
PS: I can't stop laughing.
@Yuki wat
Congrats @GnomeSlice, you are today's lucky winner!
@Yuki WOW ...
@Wipqozn What?
@GnomeSlice You won!
Yay! Congrats @GnomeSlice!
wow @GnomeSlice, congrats
After the first one, he's limping away and "I'm okay, I'm okay..." and then SECOND LIGHTNING STRIKE!
This is a huge honour @GnomeSlice, I assure you.
Grats @Gnome
I can't decide if I should buy the Humble Bundle with the Brave New World DLC, or just cheap out and buy the bundle for a buck.
What the hell are you talking about?
Wow @GnomeSlice, nice job.
The contest! You won!
(I'm just trying to fit in)
You're the best @GnomeSlice
@RedRiderX (same)
The only person who truly knows what's going on is @Wipqozn. Full disclosure.
@Unionhawk @OrigamiRobot knows what's going on.
@Wipqozn I was about to say "And maybe @OrigamiRobot, since, after all, @OrigamiRobot/@Wipqozn OTP"
@Unionhawk Well, @Wipqozn's the only one who knows what the prize is. He wouldn't even tell me.
@OrigamiRobot I already gave @GnomeSlice the prize!
Oh, I missed it. let me scroll back up.
@GnomeSlice is luckkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Stop pinging me
@5pike No one's ever gonna keep you down~
@GnomeSlice Aren't you going to thank me for the prize?
@Wipqozn What was it?
@GnomeSlice You got to be the first person I messaged when I entered chat!
Isn't that an awesome prize?
It was a contest everyone entered.
Sure, I guess.
@Unionhawk @KevinvanderVelden now now, don't be bitter just because you lost.
The prize is being told you won by @Wipqozn
@OrigamiRobot It's a huge honour.
@Wipqozn why do you assume my facepalming is about you? There's plenty of stupid things to facepalm about!
@KevinvanderVelden Clearly I'm always the center of attention and the world revolves around me.
@OrigamiRobot So long as you were in chat that is.
I think it's time for lunch before first class. SUGGESTIONS GO
@Unionhawk FOOD.
DAMMIT @Arperum
Jan 23 at 17:15, by OrigamiRobot
If someone says "food" or some other snarky variation thereof, I will eat them for lunch.
@Unionhawk Bacon!
@OrigamiRobot some other snarky variation thereof
@OrigamiRobot you were INB4-ed then as well
@Unionhawk Surströmming
@OrigamiRobot I'll take that as a suggestion for eating-- I'm going to stop myself right there before context goes out the window.
Q: If you run out of time on Crumbling vault, do you die?

NinjakrebornI am on Hardcore mode. If I try to farm the Crumbling Vault event, and do not make it in time...will my character die if I do not finish the event within the timer? Or does it just end the event, and you have to get it to spawn again?

eats @Wipqozn
@OrigamiRobot Oh my.
Well, there goes that OTP
@KevinvanderVelden Are you sure?
45 secs ago, by Unionhawk
@OrigamiRobot Oh my.
@Yuki well jeah, if one of them has been eaten
@KevinvanderVelden "eaten".
@OrigamiRobot The next week is going to go by so slow.
Not touching this one guys
@OrigamiRobot Turtles are not for eating! @KevinvanderVelden needs them for automatic infusioncrafting things!
@Yuki -_____- Congratulations @Yuki! You won
You won being a bigger pervert then I am
@FEi, your crown is being given to @Yuki
Post all the game recs
@Unionhawk no no no, it's @FEi (three letter ping because autocomplete isn't working?) -> @Yuki -> Me
@GnomeSlice My word sir.
@5pike Pick a genre
Granted the margins aren't very large
@KevinvanderVelden Tumblr has done disturbing things to me. I wish to never go back again.
@GnomeSlice Turn Based RPG
@KevinvanderVelden Nonono, I'm taking @FEi's crown to mess with him. Since "messing with @FEi" is like, my favorite pastime!
@5pike Hm. Lemme think.
You have 3 Minutes
I'm not big on RPGs most of the time.
@5pike Dwarf Fortress!
In adventure mode it actually is a turn based RPG so I'm not just messing with you
@KevinvanderVelden ah, I see.
I have gotten no helpful food suggestions. You make me sad, @ori
@5pike adventure mode isn't :)
I suggested bacon!
@Unionhawk What are your options?
That's a component for lunch
Bacon is always helpful, in any possible situation bacon will make it better
@Unionhawk naah, just have more bacon and call it lunch

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