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@spugsley our primary obligation to a new user - especially one who isn't interested in signing up for the site and is unregistered - is to solve their problem. All the rest; voting, closing, editing, is housekeeping for us and our Archive of Stuff that Makes The Internet Better. If they decide they liked getting their problem solved, they'll come back, and then maybe worry about things like how mangy downvotes their question got.
But people reflexively getting upset on some dude who couldn't start minecrafts behalf really does get kind of old, I've got to say, and I will continue to point out that I resent and reject the implication that either closure or downvoting is inherently not nice.
You want to be nice to people? Solve their problems. The rest is just janitorial work.
In this case, dudes problem got solved, so I'm more than a bit puzzled by the third party outrage.
Q: If I leave during the pick phase will I be penalized?

David AndersonToday I just opened my console and used the disconnect command then left the game because my Team had picked 4 carries and it would surely be a loss. If I do this frequently, will I be penalized?

If you're going to upvote, you could at least leave a comment explaining why... — GnomeSlice 5 secs ago
@LessPop_MoreFizz you always get puzzled when I'm upset by something. I think our brains just work differently. I'm going to stop bringing this stuff up when you're around and I think that'll solve the problem.
@spugsley That won't solve any problem, it will just keep them from being discussed.
@spugsley it should also be noted, when I posted that comment, the question was closed with a 0 score.
The difference between that and a -5 is dramatic.
Q: Easy money in Capitalism II

AshirHi: is there an easy way to make money in Capitalism II. I try this and this, but neither works... Any other scheme to try?

Q: What game was it: forest creature escaping from prison

BRPocockI think this was a demo on the PS3 a while back; the player controls an "ancient forest spirit" somewhere between an Ent and a Muppet in an escape from a prison/palace. A bit of a Zelda/ARPG feel to it with some light puzzle solving mixed with some combat. I think the title was the made-up name o...

@Lazers ITG
@Yuki Or not. Plans fell through.
So... Club Nintendo just wiped all my coins, apparently.
Coins that I'd just gotten today.
Good morning peoples! (inb4 pedants telling me it's 3pm)
@Unionhawk It's only 1:45pm.
@Unionhawk IT's 3:45pm.
yesterday, by Unionhawk
I hate each and every one of you.
@Unionhawk It's 8:49pm...
HamStare @FEi
@FEichinger 8:49pm is the only correct time (a minute ago)
Isn't it 7:51pm correct-earth-time (UTC+0)? Or am I totally off?
@Unionhawk clearly
Well dammit.
No, I'm right, you're off an hour.
@Unionhawk nope. You're wrong, right @FEichinger and @Arperum?
Correct Earth Time is UTC+1
@badp Well then... >_>
@Unionhawk Who is?
@Unionhawk I don't think he's disagreeing with me =p
CET is 20:54
I was confused there for a moment because UTC is not correct.
@Unionhawk You're wrong.
yesterday, by Unionhawk
I hate each and every one of you.
@Unionhawk you are also wrong
You're wrong in many different shades of... wrong
@badp This is incorrect. Correct Earth Time is UTC-6.
As a non-user of CET he's essentially expected to be wrong all the time. This can be quite damaging to one's ability to think about time. So I think we can simply settle on wrong.
As opposed to @Fluttershy, who is W-R-O-N-G
UTC-6, otherwise known as Central Standard Time. It's right there in the name. It's Central to all other times, and that's the Standard. Boom.
@Fluttershy This is as cute as it is wrong.
If Central Standard Time was so correct, why do the people in the "Central" part of the world use it 4 months out of 12?
That is not even half.
That is just how much the people assigned to this timezone hate it.
@Unionhawk apparently you're wrong about this to... or something? I don't know I'm kinda agreeing with you
@OrigamiRobot I love this one. :P Clearly, he's had some practice.
@Fluttershy I also like how he closes his eyes before hitting them with the sun glasses
@KevinvanderVelden You could say he saw it coming.
Clearly, the correct time is whatever time zone one is in.
And everyone else can just deal with it.
@RedRiderX I wish I had a head turtle.
@Unionhawk Well now it's past 3pm in your time zone.
@Ullallulloo Well. That didn't work.
@OrigamiRobot ...
@Unionhawk That is fine, you don't have to be right all the time.
why no onebox
You are allowed to be just as wrong as you'd like.
@badp broke oneboxing in his correctness tirade
Q: no minecraft.jar folder? HELP!

MistySo, I have been trying to get this mod and I go to resource files and I have no mine craft.jar/mods/etc files so I can't get the mod and I am really frustrated. By the way I use an I-mac desktop.

@Ullallulloo You were missing the http:// on yours.
I think.
Listen, if @Frank is allowed to say "good morning" in the afternoon, THEN GODDAMMIT SO AM I
@Ullallulloo Oh. Well then...
@Unionhawk you're allowed to say it of course
1 min ago, by badp
You are allowed to be just as wrong as you'd like.
You're just wrong
@TimStone pls
@Unionhawk just give me a couple minutes and I'll edit it back!
Just to be safe
And that was the day when @Unionhawk accidentally himself
Wow, three removed messages?
@Yuki That's just how much @Unionhawk gets to be wrong.
I have just confused everyone in the room \o/
Who wasn't paying attention
I look at another tab for just a few seconds and @Unionhawk accidentally'd himself all over the Bridge.
@Yuki He tried, and failed, to INB4 me.
You can't trust him with anything.
@Unionhawk Nobody ever said anything to the contrary.
@Unionhawk Do you need to be potty-trained?
We just pointed out that it's no longer "morning".
yesterday, by Unionhawk
I hate each and every one of you.
I heard he also hates milk
@Unionhawk ♥
He's just that wrong.
and at a loss for words
@badp Well, I had a message typed about @FEi and his &heart;s, but I decided it was too far.
I'm... a little concerned here...
O...kay, I'm just ... gonna leave now.
Nice reversal there
@Feichinger ain't that many creatures under the sun with multiple hearts.
I suppose he could be a squid. Or a hagfish.
Thanks @LessPop_MoreFizz, I think I owe you one, or something
Also, did not know Octopus have multiple hearts
Fun facts!
Q: How to fix a loose HDMI cable

DacioI've read up on the HDMI questions for xbox-360 - like this one and this one - and haven't found anyone with the exact problem I'm experiencing. Apologies if I missed an obvious dupe. I purchased cheap HDMI cables from a hardware store and I'm generally pleased with their quality. However, they ...

Q: Create a town layout

SamIs there any mod, cheat, or glitch to create your town map in Animal Crossing New Leaf? I'm very picky about my town map but it seems I can never find the perfect one. So I wanted to know is there some way you can customize your towns layout? (Choose where the river flows or where the town hall i...

and now it downs on me that this is my last Saturday here
I mean, here in this office
@Yuki don't we all
@badp put whoopee cushions on everybodies chairs.
@LessPop_MoreFizz don't have enough [well, any], don't have access to the office next Saturday
so unless @FEichinger was sleeping on a huge pile of them... which is not unlikely...
I actually find that extremely unlikely.
Okay then. Put a small piece of opaque (duct f/ex) tape over the trackball/lazer of every mouse in the office.
@LessPop_MoreFizz mmm.
@badp >.>
a colleague in my room has an actual trackball
@Unionhawk You also got surprised by his sudden display of love. So really, you don't have much data to go with.
@badp they are nice... if you are used to them...
@badp "display of love"? No, no, my hearts never mean "love".
@FEichinger you know what I mean, you eight-legged one
@feichinger do they mean "I want to pump blood all over you with the most powerful muscle in my body"?
@badp ... No I don't know what I mean.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Eww.
Because that's what hearts do.
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaat?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know where you were going with this, but still: eww.
21 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
He has eight threads independently reading /dev/urandom. He combines the data together at random until English comes out. When you really anger him, he just spews the /dev/urandom straight at you and it's all like V폧7D�}N��I�kQ痊�f&����y9;}�����C7�
@gnomeslice: loadout has a pretty rough start... not working on the first 3 days is acid
@Unionhawk I was asleep. but you were clearly wrong.
Every time @Mana enters the room, his gravatar makes it look like he's completely terrified of everyone in here.
Everybody inb4 @Arperum
@Unionhawk I was asleep.
@Arperum INB4
@Unionhawk That's normal behavior, even when I'm awake. Of course you inb4 me when I sleep.
@Fluttershy he has all the reasons to do so
i mean look at us
we are the bottom line of the society
I disagree
right @uni is something special he breaks all the negative charts
HamStare @Wandang
@Unionhawk I agree with your disagreeing.
@Arperum No.
@Wandang No.
@badp O@Hg&#8226; O
@FEichinger No.
@Unionhawk No.
@Unionhawk *ªDªÕjšjUd©*ò•?
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
@FEichinger No.
@FEi Don't go removing messages while I'm away getting water!
@Unionhawk ªª”QÏ
@Arperum It was the same string, just with HTML entities instead, because browsers suck sometimes.
@Fluttershy just 'makes it look like'?
That said, @badp, I'm no robot, I don't need no /dev/urandom to work.
@FEichinger DENIAL
We need an expert on the case here.
I'd sit around and argue that @FEi is, in fact, a robot, but I'm hungry/cba.
Ugh... I have to replace the fuel injectors in my truck. So expensive. :(
In other news, I just about walked into a door reading mobile chat. I think I may have a problem.
@Unionhawk you don't have a problem. Mobile chat is the problem.
(too bad apple is abandoning power users)
@FEichinger �[sꀺp��j#bo�5B8�"i[]��{�UE)
@LessPop_MoreFizz No I'm pretty sure it's both.
Q: how do you get a crossbow on skyrim ps3

Minx175I am planning on getting skyrim on the ps3 and I don't know how to get a good crossbow. I would prefer a good crossbow but if u only know how to get the normal one that would be great. Thanks

user image
cc @AshleyNunn
user image
Q: How to get shrines for your cellar

Minx175I know you can get a shrines for your cellar and I am wondering how. Thanks.

Q: How long does a Booster Trooper guest pass last?

BrianI just added Booster Trooper to my library on Steam, and received six guest passes. Each pass says This pass only gives you access to the full version of this game for a limited time period. but doesn't say how long that limited time period is. Does anyone know?

That seems like a really well done dub.
Most people seem to agree that the Japanese version is the best non-English dub.
Which fits, I guess, considering all the practice the Japanese have with synching voices and lip animation from anime.
@RedRiderX a great video of people who have ZERO knowledge what hardware and OS are supposed to do
they most likely only use their SOFTWARE and thats it. no need to claim mac
even more so when mac did not use RISC architecture anymore
@Yuki but with computer graphics you don't have to lipsync
@RedRiderX WTF is that the SAME singer in all languages?!?!?
@badp Except they are, I can tell.
@Unionhawk I... hope it's just for the purposes of the video, where they just switch sound tracks in place.
I don't know, maybe they just didn't want to make 50 versions of the same freaking movie?
@Unionhawk I guess re-rendering the mouths is not as easy as I'm making it out to be
@badp it does not matter. you still would need to distribute 50 versions to cinemas worldwide
@Wandang so what? it's not a big deal.
@badp It really, really isn't.
how come?
@Wandang probably not, but a pretty good job all around
@FEichinger well, we're talking about roughly 1% of each frame
if you just do it for, say, the top 5 non-US markets, it's not too bad.
I'll point out that the original Meet the Team videos Valve put out in 2007 had per-language lip animations.
Most people probably wouldn't notice in the theater tbh
@Unionhawk but you did!
@badp It also didn't require a considerably massive rendering plant.
@badp I had to look closely on a YouTube video, and already know the English lyrics.
@FEichinger Considering that you have to render the entire movie anyway...
I'm just saying, the additional cost is not very high. The worst case scenario is when you're viewing the characters from the side and their mouth open-close status might massively affect the 1% of that depth buffer
If I ignore my prior knowledge of the English lyrics, it looks pretty good.
It's honestly a lot of upkeep for very little gain. The only people that it'll really matter to are the people who nitpick at the animation.
^ What he said
@badp It's more than that. It's not just "re-render that tiny sector", it's "re-render that sector, maintain the edges, and be sure you have actually identified the correct sector to begin with".
Good studios know when the denominator they're pandering to gets way too small for it to really matter.
Either way, to do that, they've spent a lot of labour on something that's ultimately not worth the effort.
@Yuki Some people get really distracted and annoyed by dubbing, like the Dutch, whereas in Italy we just kind of deal with it.
I wouldn't underestimate the annoyance factor in a few markets.
@badp To be quite honest, if I get annoyed by dubbing, I don't watch an imported movie.
It'd be easier to choose certain words and sentence structure to match the lip animations than change the animation.
@FEichinger Kids movies - the kind of which Disney occasionally produces - are usually not dubbed.
@badp Your point being?
... I think you still accidentally a word in there, because I have no idea where you're going with that.
So you still have to dub them for the kids to enjoy, and the parents are groaning because of the lips and whatnot.
I dunno; I think it'd be pretty bad for immersion.
Most of the time you are sweating over much tinier detail than lips being 50% off.
I don't think changing the animation to match the lyrics is necessarily the easier or cheaper option.
"Oh hai we can now model individual strands of hair!"
Actually, I have no clue what the argument is right now.
today has been a good day
@Yuki The argument being that I would be surprised if computer animated movies didn't have computer animated lipsyncs to match the translation.
At the very least English and Spanish.
@badp Ah. I don't think they would implement that because it's more time-consuming and costly than just writing lyrics around the animation.
@kalina o/
@Yuki Humans are usually not cheap.
@badp You need translators either way.
Either they translate and sync to the animation, or they translate and then you let the rendering plant crunch the frames with the new text.
@Yuki They, and your dubbers, could be having a much easier time.
@badp ... How do you think you're going to implement the computer animated lipsyncs then if you're not going to use humans?
@badp The VAs don't really care much about what text they end up using, I'd assume.
@FEichinger They have to mind because they have to also try and do the actual lipsync
You can't just say your line and hope for the best
They have to do that anyway
If the text and the animation are reasonably synced up (which they should be, no matter which way they do it), the VA really doesn't have a harder time either way.
@Unionhawk I would say it'd be much easier if the actual animation matched what you were saying.
@badp And that's what you have translators for who are capable of actually writing the translation for the animation - to a certain extent at least
You won't get it perfect, but it's close enough most of the time.
@Unionhawk And that's why you pay those translators extra
@badp It's a matter of translating it in such a way where the animation matches reasonably already, or translating it however, and then reanimating the whole damn thing.
Render time is not the only cost you have
Once you build this into your pipeline, sinking the cost once, you can reuse this in every single movie you produce
@badp Yes, it may be cost-effective in the long run, but movie studios (animation studios in particular) aren't terribly well-known for their long-term planning.
Especially with animation studios since a single flop can gut them.
I think you're seriously overestimating how simple a "translate the animation" button would be to implement.

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