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@AshleyNunn THEY get spammed a lot.
@DavidM I mentioned my Stack stuff to the careers lady, and she laughed and said "no one cares about that little site"
@AshleyNunn I mean create one for Library nerds. Hopefully, it will attract a person from the industry who has contacts.
@DavidM Oh, yeah, you are new....
We had one
I was mod
It died, lack of interest.
momentary sad for it
OK, then what is the industry website of choice?
And, why don't you have a LinkedIn account?
@DavidM Likely the ALA site or similar but tehy dont even LOOK at you til you have an MLIS, or are trying for one
I really need to update my LinkedIn...
@DavidM I technically do but I don't know what to do with it AT ALL
Yeah, I've got a LinkedIn. That I should update. And connect with people.
I tried making something out of it but I am just like....I dont even know what I am doing and it doesn't recognize most of my past school/work stuff
@AshleyNunn How hard would it be to get a MLIS?
@DavidM I would have to upgrade my degree, for one.
and have profs that actually knew who I was to write references.
It seems to me that you keep bringing it up as the stumbling block.
so...for me, pretty damn difficult.
I'd need a 75 average for peopel to look at me, plus references
and I would have two more years of school
and even then there aren't a lot of jobs in the field for newbies, says my friend who has her MLIS
@AshleyNunn My most honest advice: Go back to school. Finish the degree. Try to get work as a TA, prof's assistant, etc, etc.
@AshleyNunn Soooooo you do have a contact.
@DavidM Oh, I am finishing the degree as we speak. I need three credits to graduate, I am taking those all through DE (two through UW, one with Athabasca U)
I worked as a Library Assistant for 2 ish years
but those jobs are only available if you are taking a 60% or higher course load AT your home institution, and I am not.
I mean work with profs so they'll get to know you.
(I am taking 40% UW, 20% AU)
@DavidM I can't, see above.
Those are all work-study jobs that I don't qualify for.
Go sit in their offices. Bring coffee.
(University rules, whee)
@AshleyNunn get a linkedin and I'll be one of your connections :p I actually look pretty fancy on there
(not that it matters lol)
Okay, I know you are trying to help, but I have let the MLIS thing die because I just....its not going to happen.
I want it like snot, but it is super impractical right now
considering I am at risk of losing my apartment in three months if I dont get a job
(sorry, I am tense and miserable, and not in a good place)
@AshleyNunn it's gonna be ok, sweetie <3
Oops. Wrong tag.
I know it's frustrating but you are doing everything you can do. Something will happen for you.
@Yuki ....I'm not going to be able to unsee that. Ever.
@DavidM Might wanna fix that reply.
@AshleyNunn omg wow
@Yuki it's good, I think we got it :p
Oh god, that's the dude who governs Florida?
> Stephen Colbert: A 29% approval rating low. Though he'd probably be doing better if he wasn't trying to kill Harry Potter.
@spugsley you mind popping on steam? or is that not possible (not sure if you are like, on a laptop thjat doesn't have it)
@Yuki .....oh lord <3
Meh... I've seen better totally looks likes
@spugaroo You're entitled, too.
Damn it, TH, no fair wanting 4 numbers when the damn thing is divided in chunks of 3, so I have trouble remembering the first one you want!
@Unionhawk Well, for one thing, that dude still has a nose....
For what it is worth, I super appreciate how understanding you all are
I'm going to do something way outside my character and say something controversial. I hated the 7th Harry Potter book. There, I got it off my chest!
Also: what the hell is that man doing to have 29%? Or is that fake number?
@DavidM I couldn't get past 6!
@AshleyNunn How could we not be? You're a wonderful human being.
@DavidM That means a lot. I don't feel like one right now.
@DavidM lol @yuki is going to beat you up for taking all his names
Huh. Apparently TotallyLooksLike will stop releasing content on the 24th.
That was an easy one. I call my son Jackaroo . . .
@DavidM ... <scratches off #7>
To the point where he answers to just Aroo, now.
@DavidM that's pretty cute (and I hate children)
(Me, too)
I got talked into the whole thing by my wife . . . Something about having people to take care of use when we're old or some shit. IDK.
I agreed to have one. And, of course, we wound up with twins.
So, there's that.
Kids are fine, it's their parents I hate (no offense, I worked at an amusement park, I'm biased)
@DavidM geez. I'm not up for children. Never ever.
@Unionhawk That is a reasonable, and rational statement.
@DavidM <3
maybe when I'm 45 we'll adopt an older child
@DavidM One to care for each of you? :P
@AshleyNunn Boy and girl. Got the set in one shot.
My mom jokes that I am perfect for when she is old because I have PSW training so I am already used to changing diapers. (The stuff I did in that jjob..... shudder)
@spugsley The problem is that you have to care for them when they're younger, so you don't want to strangle them when they're older.
But hey I can change your bed with you in it and you only have to roll twice
@AshleyNunn Code BROWN.
"What do you mean rules? YOU RUINED OUR VACATION HOW DARE YOU!"
@DavidM Oh, that phrase, so many nightmares
@Unionhawk Oh man, I would poke people in the eye so fast
@spugsley Can my nicknames not begin with @spugs—?
@Yuki I dunno, this is your game :p
@Yuki No, because the ping won't work
@DavidM it isn't working anyway :p
True. @FrederickSpugslass was pretty funny though.
holy fuck lol
That's basically the point where polite explanation goes to "I'm done talking to you leave now"
I missed that
@Yuki I bow to you, sir.
@Unionhawk I occasionally do go all House on patients. But, I'm an anesthesiologist. I can get away with it by giving them drugs and claiming that they hallucinated it.
@DavidM bahahaha that is amazing
when I typed "bahaha" I almost sent "banananana"
@DavidM It needs 3 characters to work. so we could work with @Spu
Heh. Awesome.
@AshleyNunn Oh god, three letter pinging. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE.
@spugsley Orange you glad I didn't say . . .
@spugsley BATMAN!
OK. WTF is the issue with the three letter ping?
alright guys. The stomach gross is coming back so I'm going to go lay down
@davidm blame @fei
@spugsley ....for some reason my brain read that in the sound of Beethoven's Fifth.
@DavidM She-Of-The-Fire-And-Rainbow-Pony tends to spam three letter pings when anybody brings them up.
night night
Yes. I know they hate it, but what's the deal?
@DavidM what do you mean? Like how does it work? Or why does it happen?
@spugsosito click on the the link b4 u go.
Well, it all started when @fre got lazy trying to ping people on mobile...
@AshleyNunn Why is it personally offensive to @Fei and Kalina.
@DavidM snorts I love it.
Damn, I was going to riff off Spike Lee, but then I realized that would just be @SpugsLey...
@DavidM Oh, I have long stopped trying to understand their collective brains :)
I found the Bridge is best when you just stop wondering why :P
@Unionhawk Go on.
(Mostly because people confuse me)
And that's basically the whole story. @kal does it sometimes when bored, and @fei is annoyed by them. Because reasons.
Oh god, I came up with a great one... but I guess I'll save it for tomorrow.
Or rather later today since it's past midnight.
@Yuki Tag me in on it, I want to see it.
FrederickSpugslass was AWESOME.
@DavidM It's somewhat in the same vein as I'm riffing off a name, but it's quite possibly more pun-tastic.
@Yuki Yeah, definitely tag me in on it.
Although I guess it's kinda obvious, so someone might have done it before.
You could get all sorts of nasty, too. But I'll refrain.
There, applied to Tim Hortons as well.
Money is money is money is money.
@AshleyNunn Good girl.
It all spends the same.
@DavidM Can I be a little sad that that's what it has come to?
@AshleyNunn You can, or you can pull on your big girl pants, and soldier on. It's what I would do.
@DavidM I think I will be sad for tonight, and then tomorow, when I get dressed, I will wear the big girl pants.
@AshleyNunn It's a plan!
I cannot express how much better I feel after blithering at you wonderful folks.
Rargh! Time for sleepies.
I should also do the sleep thing, maybe
Yeah, I'm gonna sign off too.
@AshleyNunn Good night.
or at the very least, chamomile tea +bed +romance novel
Sleep well! :)
May Disney songs lull you to pleasant dreams.
@AshleyNunn Make it a Bronte sister. Then you'll fall asleep merely to avoid the horror!
@Yuki not a bad plan, my friend.
@DavidM you are a smart man!
My hatred of the Brontes is well documented.
Mine isn't, but it definitely exists.
Anyway, on that note. Pleasant dreams.
To you as well, good sir.
Q: What should I do with the Dragonstone?

NiteCyperIn my inventory, I have a miscellaneous quest item that looks like a stone baseball base plate and has a weight of 25, the heaviest thing in my inventory. It's "Dragonstone". It has intricate designs on the front with some sort of creature's face at the bottom, and mystical inscription on the bac...

Q: Minecraft.exe server not working

Josh42AI am using Minecraft V 1.2.4 and server v 1.2.4 . I checked on 2 port checkers and got green lights for my external IPv4 connecting to port 25565. I can connect via localhost yet I cannot connect to my external I have tried shutting off my Firewall turning on network sharing. I Was Able to run th...

Q: How to breed a garnet dragon in Dragonvale?

Almond BrittleHow can I breed a garnet dragon in Dragonvale? I already have the island for it, but I can't figure out the breeding combination.

@DavidM I don't find it offensive at all
also morning
@kalina o/
Morning people
Q: More info on Horse Summons Specifics?

SOLIDShift((Been kreepin here for a while finally decided to make a Login)) There are summons for mobs in Minecraft, Ie; /summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:4,Tame:1} Summons a Tamed Skelli horse with full health. So my real question here is; Does anyone know// can list what the specifics are for spawning ...

Morning people and other beings!
@Arperum hi
Q: Tingle Statues | Respawning source of 100 Rupees

SOLIDShiftIn the G-cude version of Wind Waker didn't the Tingle Statues serve another purpose, hinting to the location of a respawning source of 100 Rupees? Do they still do that in the WiiU HD version. Because I went through the trouble of getting them all only to realize I had no Idea whether on not the...

I hate C++ for such kind of constructions: hr = CoCreateInstance (__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator), (void**)&pEnum);
@AshleyNunn "their collective brains"? Hey, hey, it's not that bad.
Well, I suppose I shouldn't have said that mere minutes after @kalina showed up as well ...
@spyder that's not C++'s fault! That's COM :|
That's not even C++, that's C
Add some templating magic and it could be CoCreateInstance< MMDeviceEnumerator >( NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &pEnum )
Which I'd say is a lot nicer
@KevinvanderVelden you mean WinApi?
today is going to be a day full of major issues staying awake
@kalina Still tired? :/
@spyder hmm also plausible, I just googled the function and the MSDN thingy said (COM) in the title
hah, tired
I've never really used winapi
I'm not awake, you're through to my subconscious answering machine
@KevinvanderVelden sometimes it is just horror
@kalina "Please leave a message after the horrendous screams"
I got out of my bed literally minutes before I had to start >_<
@KevinvanderVelden Keep knocking, nobody's home - I'm sleep walking, I'm just relaying what the voice in my head is saying
> Be the wildest of the pack, screaming Amen and Attack
That better?
@Arperum =D Much better
Goes to listen to more powerwolf
@KevinvanderVelden I'm listening to Turisas right now.
@spyder Another normal day in russia
> Sup, I'm a tank!
tut tut rpg room
@kalina Do they need a mass invasion?
I can't do that right now
I have a terrible case of the hiccups and might burn the place down by accident
Failtank fails
@spyder Still less dangerous than your average daily traffic in central Paris.
@spyder The tank and the pole love each other! WHO ARE YOU TO TAKE THEM AWAY FROM EACH OTHER?
@KevinvanderVelden actually this is a paradrop fighting vehicle, not a tank. But who cares :)
@spyder Meh, it has a turret, is armored and from the looks of it has tank threads. I'm calling it a tank
@KevinvanderVelden If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck
@spyder that is indeed the logic I am going with
The Belieber boycott of #supernatural devastated viewership last night. Lesson learned: don't mess with @justinbieber http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2014/01/22/supernatural-has-most-watched-episode-since-2010/231177/
@Blem aaah poor bieber-fans
They like crappy sounds that parade as music and they're made fun of!
@spyder Tank takes its pet for a walk
I'll probably regret asking it, but WTH has Justin Bieber (and/or his fans) have to do with Supernatural ratings (note: I don't watch or listen to either)?
@MartinSojka apparently bieber-things tried to boycott supernatural or something, no idea
@KevinvanderVelden All three of them?
> Jared Padalecki is either very sure of his facts about Justin Bieber, or very crazy. Either way, some ‘Beliebers’ are now threatening to boycott CW’s Supernatural.


The 31-year-old actor went after Bieber on Twitter, publicly accusing him of paying off his pal Lil Za for “taking the fall” over hard drugs found at the Canadian’s Calabasas, California, home during a Tuesday police raid by L.A. investigators looking for evidence to link the pop singer to an egg-throwing incident at his neighbor’s house last week.
That, apparently
Hey @justinbieber, how much are you paying your friend for pretending that it was HIS cocaine, and taking the fall for you?
Oh my god...
@spyder That's awesome
Crazy, but awesome
@spyder archimedes screw is still an awesome method of propulsion
Give it lots of horsepower and make it of something strong and you'll keep moving =p
... and make it buoyant and it'll keep moving even without any ground.
@KevinvanderVelden and you can make minced meat while keep moving
@spyder bonus! Free supper after a days hard work of sitting in that insane thing
You're gonna need it, and clean underwear
Q: How can I invite friend to test range?

ValamasI have heard that you can invite a friend to the test range. How can this be done? I do not see on the battle log a way to do this.

Q: Can I transfer saves between devices?

kalinaI have multiple Android devices each capable of playing Deus Ex: The Fall, and want to know if it is possible to transfer the saves between devices? The devices in question are a HTC One phone and a Nexus 7 (2013 edition) - neither of these devices are rooted. Since I don't want to be tied do...

Ok, Two options here: My English just got to a new low or word is being stupid. "It can not do something" or "it cannot do something"?
@Arperum Context.
> The server can not run in the background,...
Q: "Can not" vs. "cannot"

Jesan FafonIs there a difference in meaning and/or connotation between "can not" and "cannot"? I have read and seen both used interchangeably, but I know people who argue for a slight difference in meaning. That is, cannot indicates that there is an incapability whereas can not indicates the possibility of...

@Arperum Then what @spyder linked to.
@FEichinger Bleh, I'll just take it as me being stupid. I hate languages. Can't everyone just talk in some friggin programming language? way simpler.
@Arperum yeah for unambiguous communication
public static void @Arperum
@Blem hahaha
@spyder What language allows "@" at the start of a token and allows a public static void function?
@FEichinger C# allows public static void
@spyder And @ for the start of a token? Huh, curious.
@FEichinger seems to work without compiler errors
Source: lack of red squiggly lines
Q: What's the use/meaning of the @ character in variable names in C#?

Remko JansenI discovered that you can start your variable name with a '@' character in C#. In my C# project I was using a web service (I added a web reference to my project) that was written in Java. One of the interface objects defined in the WSDL had a member variable with the name "params". Obviously thi...

You learn something new every day. Especially about languages you never ever use.
@FEichinger I love C# :)
@FEichinger heck, even in languages you use on a daily basis
I knew about the @ syntax for using keywords as identifiers, but not this use =p
@FEichinger try it, it very simple and nice
Course, it's the exact same use but still =p
@spyder Yeh, no, I prefer my development mind-numbing and painful.
@FEichinger so, PHP?
@KevinvanderVelden lol
@KevinvanderVelden Exactly!
It numbs the mind from the concussions of repeated facedesking, and facedesking hurts! (At least at first, I'm sure you get used to it)
You have to embrace the hate and come to terms with the fact that it is a horrible mess you will never escape.
Once you do that, magic follows.
@FEichinger yeah, but summoning demons is still bad magic
Magic. Follows.
Q: What is the max level rank upgrade

SpectreMy plan is to rank up levels one by one starting at the button and working my way up. But now I'm at rank 24 on the 1st level and there's no sign of stopping anytime soon so I'm starting to wonder if the ranks are infinite and I should change my strategy

Q: Are the UPlay rewards for MMX balanced?

AssylumDid anyone unlock the rewards for Might and Magic X yet and can say if they are in balance with the rest of the game? Unfortunately UPlay tends to do very overpowered rewards for games like that, which have the potential to destroy the experience. While I do not mind some small startup help, esp...

@KevinvanderVelden demons with forks. If you know what I mean
@spyder better then sporks
(view source on www.kitkat.com)
They link to browsehappy.com, so I opened it to see what that is. It showed me the dutch version automatically, and also a bar saying "There's a dutch version available! Want to see it?"
Which, if I click it, takes me to the english version
@KevinvanderVelden Same here, and then the option to change your langugage disappears.
@KevinvanderVelden Smart design is smart.
@Arperum jeah, but it's just a url thingy, go back and its dutch again
I like how you can't like safari, and like all the others.
@Arperum probably doesn't have a facebook page or something
IE beating Opera in Likes is ... slightly disappointing.
But then again, Microsoft probably paid for half the Likes, so ... yeh, I can feel smug anyway.
@KevinvanderVelden The good part is that if you go to random other languages they always refer to English being available, except in Dutch, there they refer to a dutch version being available.
@FEichinger you can always feel smug about people who willingly use IE
@KevinvanderVelden Meh, you should feel pity for those fools people, for they don't know what they are doing.
@5pike feeling smug does not preclude feeling pity
Q: How do I get the Nightingale out of the water?

NiteCyperI'm at the final objective of the mission "Blindsighted". Unfortunately, I cannot complete it because the person that I must speak to won't stop swimming around aimlessly in the waters of the final room. How do I fix them?

@KevinvanderVelden no shit
@Wandang mitnimmt?
Oh should set autocorrect on English first. Morning
Guys, what does this mean? (void**)&pEnum
Except "da fuq did I just see"
I'm sitting in the social room of our new office waiting for the logistics to bring our stuff
Pointer to pointer to... I'm confused
Oh my god... I just saw something horrible on amazon...I wish I could unsee/forget that such a thing exists
@spyder pointer to pointer to void of a reference, isn't it?
I'm sure it somehow makes sense, but it sure as hell doesn't look like it.
@FEichinger oh, thanks
@spyder pEnum is a pointer to something, you take a pointer to that pointer (&pEnum) and then cast it to be a pointer to a void pointer
@KevinvanderVelden See, that makes sense, yes.
Something* pEnum
Something** ppEnum = &pEnum
void** thing = (void**) ppEnum
@KevinvanderVelden oh... It's... It's... Crazy. Totally.
I guess I'm still stuck on the void pointer. Which is just baffling. I mean, I get it, but ... it makes me cringe.
@spyder it's a C api
@KevinvanderVelden creating of COM-object
@FEichinger basically this is the only way (in C) to say "This could be many types of things, and what type of thing it is is determined by the parameters"
And the double pointer bit is so that you can change the original pointer (so you allocate a new object in the function and then change what pEnum in the calling code refers to)
@KevinvanderVelden As I said, I get it. But it makes me cringe no less.
@spyder jeah, but COM objects are a collection of C structs
@FEichinger you work with what you have =p
@KevinvanderVelden Which is kinda why it makes me cringe ... Bastardizing C into something somewhat object oriented has always made me want to slap people.
Either way, gotta run. Laters.
I hate c ... I'm glad objective c did reduce the need to look for pointers
@Wandang c is awesome for small things (like arduino programming)
C++ is where it's truly at
@Blem Old, but good
@kevin well yeah I needed c for asuro which is a little robot. But it was quite painful.
@Wandang I'm glad objective c. I'm glad objective c. I'm glad objective c.
@Wandang then clearly you are doing it wrong, didn't you just see me saying it is awesome?
Take a look at what you've written and hang your head in shame.
@fredley there there
@KevinvanderVelden or the linux kernel
@MattЭллен slightly less awesome, still awesome though
if([[objectiveC loversOf] contains:wandang]){ [[wandang getPhysicalPresence] ignite]; }
[NSAssert IsTrue:[NSInteger ComparisonWithInteger:[NSInterger sumOf:[objectiveC getQuantity:@"["] andOf:[objectiveC getQuantity:@"]"]] isGreaterThan:[syntax getReasonableQuantityOfAnySyntacticElement]]]
@kalina objective c
Q: Terraria: Do wooden beams separate NPC's houses?

elfinlocks2151Wooden Beams is extremely more functional for me, but I need to know, does wooden beam separate NPC houses? (obviously meeting the requirements)

To-mah-to, to-may-to
@kalina I agree
how disturbing
I got an upvote on superuser
@kalina the horror :|
@kalina Time to delete your account!
yeah, thanks guys, deleting my account
I must point out: this is a joke
because otherwise an entire group of users will bring it up as a point against me at some point in the future
Nov 10 '11 at 4:20, by badp
↑ warning ↑ humour ↑ warning ↑ joke ↑ warning ↑
thanks, @badp
I am going to steal that line and save it in my open notepad
Q: How do I get on someone's good side?

NiteCyperIn light of Raven Dreamer's answer to Why can I sometimes take half of a shops items while the oher half is considered stealing?, how does one get people to like the player-character?? In other words, get their disposition higher (towards the player-character) and get them to allow the player-cha...

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