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@5pike Oh, the fire alarm goes off. First beat this level and then I'll have a look.
@Arperum The guy deactivated the alarm A FEW TIMES!!
@5pike You know he failed his level times and times again because of that stupid alarm? note: I do not approve of his act of stupidity
@kalina juicy
@Wandang ...
@5pike epic fail
@Sterno I'll need to start playing EOU again when you get close to the 30th floor.
@kalina i guess if it would be a coconut you would at least get a good cocktail out of it
You misspole "good morning, Bridge".
And hello.
@RegDwigнt I'm not @Frank.
Exactly. It's easy to tell because you're not even trying.
@FEichinger Morning. Wrong timezone for you, but whatever.
Right on. It's afternoon in Bavaria.
Monday almost over. Yay.
@Arperum It's still morning in UTC!
@FEichinger Either case. You're late.
@FEichinger evening
@KevinvanderVelden SHush, I know about that one.
@Arperum hence the again bit
@3ventic flags
@Arperum No, I'm not. Morning is morning.
In other news, today's announcement is regrettably not about Stab over IP. Work on the implementation is ongoing, but not at a customer launch stage anywhere near you - or your back.
For reference, the current prototypes are using the cd drive.
This approach should be viable once VR does get higher market share.
@FEichinger In a normal situation you arrive on the Bridge hours earlier. You're late.
@badp CD drive? Wouldn't Stab-over-USB be more viable?
@Arperum Not true.
I never leave.
@FEichinger You started messaging later then normal.
UTC is the correct timezone.
@5pike I'd go for "Stab via hypnotised Google Glass users", myself.
inb4 @badp makes A correct earth time joke
@Arperum Not true either. I just stopped earlier.
@Wipqozn To be fair, Correct Earth Time is the better time system. But UTC is best for time zones.
@MartinSojka Yeah, but you would reach a far bigger audience, if you'd use USB.
@FEichinger I had to handle all the @kalina related things. And that resulted in watermelon-sized objects in the starlist. I blame you.
@MartinSojka Stabbing in the ear or neck is not quite the same.
@Arperum Hey, hey, hey. She would have said much worse things if I had been here and you know that.
On that note, I really don't blame her for that watermelon comment. That's a pretty valid point.
@badp No ... What I mean is: Use Google Glass to hypnotise its user. Tell them to go stabbing.
@MartinSojka Hmmm... you'd need a dark environment. Yknow, additive imagery
@5pike did he get the highscore at least?
@MartinSojka KILL THEM
@MartinSojka KILL THEM ALL
@Wipqozn A correct timezone requires a proper acronym, which UTC does not have.
@FEichinger Watermelons vary in size quite a bit. I've seen and eating 10kg+ water melons.
@badp So, is today just the announcement of the thing, or does the thing actually start today too?
are we still talking about watermelons?
@Wipqozn All sorts of stuff happen today.
@Arperum That does not really help a case against that comment, does it now.
@badp Oh my
@kalina We just returned to the subject.
Also today I learned when my conversion interviews date is
@FEichinger Not really, never seen or heard about human childs of that size at birth though.
7 days! :S
@badp is that what today's announcement is?
@badp Conversion? Are they turning you into a robot or something?
@kalina No.
because I'm disappointed if that's the case
@Wipqozn Yes and no.
@Arperum I could go looking for an article now, but I think that would get flagged for eww.
keeping us waiting for an entire week just to tell us there is another entire week to go
that'd be very @Wipqozn of you
and I thought you were better (albeit less handsome) than that
@kalina It's okay; I promise that if there is any amount of waiting after the launch, to really make it worth your time, it's going to be at least two weeks.
Maybe even three!
@kalina I'd be so proud.
Compiling things is the worst
After the year of Luigi, the month of waiting
Why all these linker errors? Why?
@fredley <insert relevant XKCD>
no it's not, some of the best foam sword fights occur while compiling
@fredley nah man, that's when you get to dance around on chairs like a party animal.
This sounds like a good idea actually
@fredley Since when is @Wipqozn a compiler?
Why do you not have symbols for that architecture?
@kalina I ... guess "inb4"?
@FEichinger you got a double inb4 there
both @Wipqozn and I
@kalina True, but @Wipqozn is excused, he was slower than you.
@badp Wasn't the year of Luigi extended to 2014?
you should scrap the fire charts and replace it with successful execution of inb4
@kalina No.
Today's XKCD is relevant to the fire list.
why not?
the fire thing is a bit boring now
it's been >1 year
@kalina Because I'm not going to rewrite it again!
@Arperum so do you also promise not to care about what's going to go down? :P
@FEichinger you've been drinking in the morning, you should just do what you're told to do
@kalina I'm not drunk, though.
Well, yes, that might change later.
also I hate you for being at home today
I'm not at home anymore!
I'm actually at my workplace.
@badp I don't promise anything. I just gave up with being super hyped, or being hypeable for random things.
@Arperum Boooring
@badp Did I ever specify otherwise?
@Arperum It's in the EULA
Section 6 Paragraph C Section 4 Letter D Index XIV Subentry 5
@FEichinger you're drunk at work?
@kalina I just told you: I'm not drunk.
@fredley @kalina is The Doctor?
"The User promises to be as awesome as they are capable of mustering, notwithstanding their obligations in (4)(D)(3)(G)(LV)(ii)(9-bis)."
@badp I assume right above the part where I grant free control over my soul?
@Wipqozn Withnail and I. Look it up.
@Wipqozn it's about time there was a female doctor
Withnail and I is a 1987 black comedy film produced by George Harrison's HandMade Films. It was written and directed by Bruce Robinson and is based on his life in London in the late 1960s. The main plot follows two unemployed young actors, Withnail and “I” (portrayed by Richard E. Grant and Paul McGann) who live in a squalid flat in Camden Town in 1969 while waiting for their careers to take off. Needing a holiday, they obtain the key to the country cottage in the Lake District belonging to Withnail’s flamboyantly gay uncle Monty and drive there. The holiday is less recuperative than the...
@kalina Let's have a non-pyromanic Doctor, shall we.
unlike all of those other casual doctors, I am going to play the game on hard mode and not die to some pathetic end-of-season "we need a new doctor" bull
sonic screwdriver set to immolate
@kalina Female doctor should be Michelle Gomez, end of discussion.
@kalina are you ginger?
you're so hairist
@Wandang Why do you always post such random stuff?
@fredley "We already have one @GnomeSlice, that's more than enough."
@FEichinger Isn't this closer to a case of awkrthingy?
@fredley its a german star :3
@Arperum Yes, but that was the same problem back then already.
we want to be free... we want to be free to do what we want to do
and we wanna get loaded
and we wanna have a good time
that's what we're gonna do
HamStare @kalina
Damn you, @fredley!
@FEichinger Except that @GnomeSlice mostly posts game-related things, and music things. Not completely random stuff.
@FEichinger IMMUNE
@Arperum yeah you're thinking of awxwkrasdbiasb
@Arperum I don't even know what he posted.
HamStare @FEichinger
@FEichinger ಠ_ಠ
Working for me
Problem must be your end
Try turning it off and on again
@fredley PSH!
@FEichinger Praise yourself lucky for that. It annoyed more then half the room until he got annoyed a moderator enough when asked to stop. Or something.
@Arperum Yeh, well, I've become quick to ignore recently.
@FEichinger I've got two people on ignore. I think both are on your list too.
@Arperum Nine now. Friggin nine.
@FEichinger ...
I've ignored more people these last three months than in the entire time on chat before that.
I have zero people on ignore
I ignore them using my brain
@FEichinger You sound like some old dude being angry at kinds on his lawn.
Nearly older then @sterno.
@Arperum ... Do I need to tell that story again?
@kalina I have two people on ignore. I think.
I agree, @FEichinger acts like he's older than @Sterno
Maybe three. Let me check.
@FEichinger Linking to the transcript will do. I vaguely recall something, but it's old.
Nope, only two.
I prefer to not ignore people, even people who try to be annoying genuinely need assistance at times
Aug 18 '13 at 23:42, by FEichinger
@alexanderpas Sure. One day, the scumbag kids of the neighbourhood kicked their ball into our balcony. They rang the bell, asked "Is our ball on your balcony?", I answered and handed the ball back, told them "Next time it isn't on there.", so as to tell them that I won't give it back if it happens again.
and maybe providing them assistance when they actual need it might make them value chat enough to chill out a bit
@kalina As has been proven already, though, they don't want your assistance either.
@kalina Also, why would you say such a horrible thing about me?
@FEichinger perhaps, but then I get to take the high ground
@kalina That is almost correct, you have one user on ignore, but you still don't have any people on ignore ;-)
@MadScientist I have no users on ignore
@MadScientist Oops. :P
@FEichinger I've never understood this. It's not like they did it on purpose (I assume).
@FEichinger This. I even tend to try to stay away from any meta-drama related to them, as I'm not even close to objective in the case.
I have NOPE on ignore
NOPE is a feed, not a user
Feeds are users too!
They don't use anything therefore they're not users
Why are you so discriminatory against negative numbers?
@Wipqozn Considering they hammered that ball into the wall for half an hour before that and managed to do the exact same thing a day after ... Yeh, no.
They use feeds and chat.
@badp is technically correct, the best kind of correct.
I don't, I discriminate against feeds bypassing the spam filter and filling the chat with 30 messages in one go
ignoring NOPE affects nobody
I get a "the very best of..." summary from @LessPop_MoreFizz
@kalina What if NOPE needed some help with something? What then?
if anything, it makes @LessPop_MoreFizz's summaries more useful
@kalina Then you should make an RSS feed of messages you want to post in chat, and use that feed to spam us!
@kalina Yeh ... I prefer not taking any ground and having some more sanity instead.
You get potentially arbitrarily many messages every 15 minutes or so. It sounds rather boring if you ask me
plus we all get to ignore your bot before you start.
@badp 500000 messages every 15 minutes sounds like fun to me
Oh, hey, I just found this again:
Aug 18 '13 at 23:45, by spugsley
@FEichinger Can I be you when I grow up?
@kalina Now someone wasted a star, that's not very helpfull.
Aug 18 '13 at 23:45, by spugsley
Still better =p
@KevinvanderVelden I know, right.
Anyway lunch :)
@Arperum stars are excluded from the "useful" clauses
@FEichinger She's already under your bed.
@Arperum That still makes me very uncomfortable, yes.
@FEichinger just look under your bed and say spugly pls
she'll be gone
I mean, it could be worse. Could be @badp or @kalina under my bed ... I'd have to expect imminent death all the time.
@FEichinger Weren't there some insinuations that @kalina was under there too?
@Arperum No, no, that was just a suggestion.
That was @badp's way of saying "Get a room, you two!".
half the bridge is under @FEichinger's bed
> "An easy game begins with six families. A large amount of clothing, food, firewood, building materials, and tools are provided. Homes and storage areas are have already been built. Seeds for fields and orchards are available as well as a herd of livestock."

> "A moderate game begins with five families, food, firewood, tools, and contruction materials are provided. A storage barn has been built. Some seeds for fields and orchards are available."

> "A hard game begins with four families. A small mount of cltohing, food, firewood, and tools are provided. No seeds for farming are available."
it's pretty cramped
cc @OrigamiRobot differences between difficulties on banished
We take turns
@kalina I never said you needed to be under it, you know.
@FEichinger I think that would be more like in your bed, not under your bed.
25 days btw
23 secs ago, by FEichinger
@kalina I never said you needed to be under it, you know.
@OrigamiRobot I might play around on easy for a bit first, just to get the hang of some of the basics, then start a new game on hard. It sounds like the most fun.
@FEichinger You'd love to find @kalina in your bed. Fire included.
guys, I'm right here
@Arperum I guess I would, actually.
can you not have this conversation when I'm not, maybe?
@kalina We know. :P
@FEichinger Exactly, fully aware.
@kalina Nope, that's half the fun.
fine but if the conversation devolves into innuendo about actions you'd like to perform on me I will burn down the bridge
@kalina No, that's reserved for private conversations.
@kalina I was very carefull to leave all of these out.
@kalina I hope they didn't mean actual shit. Because that would be very messy.
@Sterno <insert old joke here>
Q: Cannot enter safe mode on otherwise working fat PS3 with 4.53

CactusMy PS3 is in working condition: both downloaded and on-disc games work. However, ever since Borderlands 2 crashed on me once, it sometimes randomly crashes. I can reboot it no problem, it goes through a filesystem check in a couple minutes and then either everything works again (and I can play fo...

I'm so glad we output our feeds to chat in the bridge
I hate that stupid popup in the top left
you're welcome
@kalina that popup is the worst
It's more annoying than the DMZ and their nearly daily events
CC GameDev chatroom?
@badp much love
@KevinvanderVelden and EL&U
and movies & TV
Um, how do I figure out the most recently released free PC FPS?
@kalina not in those
I had to argue for a while with others to make them realize that yes, the popup is really much more obtrusive and annoying than new messages in chat
And GM Bridge
and... well... pretty much every other channel on the network
and by others, thankfully, I don't mean others in this room
@badp except when @NOPE really goes for it
which is pretty much the reason I have it on ignore
it's not that I'm not interested, it's that frequently there are 10 at a time
@kalina I don't understand how @NOPE gets so many at once =/
@kalina still NOPE scrolls away on its own. It's no list that grows and scrolls and blinks and waits for your manual dismissal
Also, the lady at the bakery that makes sandwiches now knows my order from memory, good thing or bad thing? ><
@badp true enough, and it would be far worse if it were like that
but it can still completely erase the current conversation from screen
@KevinvanderVelden depends
I just hope that Lazers can scale meaningfully for the foreseeable future
I don't look forward to the moment when we need to reimplement the question bot to something that posts things manually
@KevinvanderVelden Because the A51 feed is crappy.
@badp at that point, we could break the feed bots off into their own channel
@KevinvanderVelden Good thing. Always a good thing.
and start posting all of the "burn <this>" messages into that channel as well
@kalina Might as well shut the bot off
and only have the people who care present in the room
nah, it's still useful
AU does something similar
they have a channel for chat and a channel for regulation/moderation
and they're nowhere near as busy as the bridge in both channels combined
@kalina Nobody ever really uses the regulators room, though.
so it would work for us too
Anyway, break time.
@FEichinger all the people in there handle the flags, pretty much
@FEichinger break time is second best time
it's lunch time
how did that happen
back shortly
since the spam limiter HATES ME
I've been trying to compile OpenCV for iOS7 all day and it's still not linking
@kalina We don't hate you though.
I feel a badp rage coming on
One day until @Lazers becomes self-aware.
@fredley One day until @fredley and @badp merge to form @badPorkchop? Find out!
@KevinvanderVelden "One day" means "today", fyi
Q: How do I reset Quake Live video settings without launching the game?

user1306322I just ruined my client's video settings somehow and my display shows "input not supported" when the client is running, which means I can't see anything. I tried to press ~ and type cvar_restart right after the video disappears, but it didn't work and I had to force-quit the game. Is there a way...

@badp I'm aware
@fredley you're linking murder and arson; it'll take a while.
No it doesn't
Only takes 10 minutes to burn down a house full of people
@kalina well jeah, but you have extensive experience in both, @fredley is just learning the ropes
@kalina Depends on how much gasoline you use
1 grenade
@fredley Pah, gasoline...
@fredley FOOF and/or ClF3 work much better
@KevinvanderVelden ?
Hmm, I wonder how big of an explosion you get if you combine FOOF and ClF3
@5pike Napalm?
@fredley You are really a beginner in this matter...
@fredley ClF3 burns things better then oxygen can burn them
It self ignites with nearly everything, including clothing commonly worn to protect from such things
And also with PEOPLE
@5pike Thermite?
I just walk up to things and touch them... Then suddenly they're on fire
A jar of thermite on a bonnet will go through an engine block easy, I know that much
@fredley jeah but thermite is difficult to ignite, once you get it burning it's pretty awesome though
When I grow up, I want to be a myth buster
2 mins ago, by 5pike
> during World War II, the Germans were very interested in using it in self-igniting flamethrowers, but found it too nasty to work with.
@Arperum jup, so crazy even the nazis found it to horrible to use
Hellow people
@KevinvanderVelden If I ever end up as a evil mastermind. I'll be sure to hire you as one of my lead crazy scientists. And task you to create something interesting out of it.
What does knife hand mean in the context of a jobapplication form?
Or induction hand
Or even pen rider
@Gigili well that googles to hypnosis things, knife hand is the hand with which you cut things, so dominant hand
@KevinvanderVelden And if you dare dieing on the job your ashes will have to fix the problem.
Q: What effect has the unit size in Rome 2 Multiplayer Caompaign?

schreonIf I host a multiplayer campaign (coop or head to head), I can set the "Unit size" (Small - Ultra). What does this mean? Is it only a visual effect? Does this have any impact on the gameplay?

(Note, not using the hand as a knife, using the hand to hold the knife)
@Gigili Are you filling a job application as knife murderer?
Any reason as to why certain games download too slow?
@Arperum you hiring?
@Meraj99 yes
@KevinvanderVelden What...
@KevinvanderVelden Not yet, need some more money first.
That I know! But what should I write in the column? "Yes, please"?
@Gigili usually the hand you write with (left/right)
@Meraj99 I don't know, I'm sure there's a reason for it though
Typically just throttling I suppose
@KevinvanderVelden Hawken is downloading 100ish kbps, my normal is like 1mbps o_O
@Meraj99 Server overloaded? Download throttled?
@Arperum Hawken. That's it.
@Meraj99 steam? Try switching countries, I've got my steam set to download from israel and it manages several MB per second
@Arperum um, I thought I was filling a food processing job application form. But now I am not sure...
@KevinvanderVelden Hawken's site... is it available on steam?
@KevinvanderVelden IIRC my steam is set to Belgium, and downloads at max speed available for my home network.
@Meraj99 I have no idea what hawken even is
@Gigili Ah, that's another place where usage of knives is normal.
I'm just hazarding a guess with a possible solution, hence the questoin mar at the start
@KevinvanderVelden playhawken.com/
@KevinvanderVelden How can you not know what Hawken is...
@Meraj99 At work. and @KevinvanderVelden too probably.
@Meraj99 Don't know it either.
@Arperum ...
@Meraj99 What kind of game is it?
Kinda like Titanfall.
Don't tell me you don't know that either...
@Meraj99 what's titan... =p
@Meraj99 I know the name, and as far as my knowledge goes it's some kind of an MMO.
And that's the point where I loose interest.
It's this huge game where COD mixes with Mechs which mixes with... Killzone?
@Meraj99 Oh, it get's even worse. As I generally dislike shooters. That explains.
@Arperum How can you dislike mechs :P
@Meraj99 No dislike for mechs, just not caring specifically. Or at all really.
Well, as usual, hope it doesn't murder my comp
@Meraj99 2 of these things are HORRIBLE, IMO
@5pike Ok... BF mixes with mechs... happy?
Holy fuck, someone put an iron tube on some train rails yesterday evening and it was driven through the bottom of the train :|
@KevinvanderVelden I don't dutch.
@Meraj99 yes, but other people here do so I linked it
And with other people I really just mean Arperum at this hour
@fredley pandas are the worst, we should just let them die out.
@Meraj99 I doubt it has much to do with BF...
@KevinvanderVelden That looks scary. I don't even want to know what that would do in a Belgian train during peak hours, that would be at least a couple people hurt.
@KevinvanderVelden I know the person who came up with the Panda campaign at the WWF.

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