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@fredley The Wallaby, the one that unlocks the gnoll thing and gives mysticality bonuses.
@Arperum Same as me!
Also, what do my astral energy drinks do?
@fredley I'm hoping for a third elemental gravy fairy.
I have firey and stinky.
@fredley No idea, never took any of these things, must have more karma for perming skills
@Arperum It would take 100 adventures to get enough astral food leftover karma to perm a single skill!
@fredley Shush. I currently have 75 leftover karma, discarding instant karma you get during an ascension adds 11 more to that total, once I end up with a nice round number I might start using these things.
@Lazers Duplicate, needs close votes.
@@@@ test
it was removed? :/
25 mins ago, by Wandang
Q: How does Bristleback's Quill Spray actually work?

evilWhat is the max bonus damage bristleback can deal with his "quill spray" and "bristleback" abilities?

I see no edits by community on that
oh wait that was the wrong one
Q: Scripting a pause in steam

WandangIs there a way to make a steamscript wait/hold for a certain time before the next action/command gets executed? I found the wait command and apparently it was used in TF2 scripts. I tried using it in DotA2 but the console tells me that it does not know the command. Is there any way around this...

how many rep do i need to see the change?
I see no edits by community on that either
sort for active
you will see that question got modified yesterday
by community
whatever that means
that's just community bumping unanswered questions
ah ok
Q: What's the most efficient way to score up?

AntoI'm pretty confused about this game (I'm playing it on Steam, Oculus version, if that's of any importance): what's the best way to get points ? Should I activate as many structures as I can ? Or should I rather try to stick as long as possible to their surface (which makes a little sound, like ...

Debugging webviews in your app with Chrome is magic on a stick
@Blem-baFett Oh no. And I just got a new fancy chess set from my parents... I'm going to die.
Seems like chess players are prone to cannibalism. Very interesting.
@Blem-baFett Such a violent game
i will be the first in line with signs saying "check mate is murder"
Also homophobic with the clear emphasis on capturing and killing the 'Queen'
@fredley Well, it's basically a war simulation.
Where sacrificing your own figures is a viable tactic
@5pike Most strategy guides advise sacrificing your own troops to win, it's practically psychopathic in nature
@fredley HA
@5pike :(
@fredley and it reinforces the patriarchy by having the only truly important piece be the king!
@KevinvanderVelden Terrible.
@fredley it is truly a horrible game, I should play it more
@KevinvanderVelden Have you ever tried to run some king into a checkmate with a king and one other piece? I'd rather use a queen and said other piece (and have my king safely in the back of course)
@Arperum yeah, but if any piece other than the king is at risk the game moves on. The man is in danger and suddenly everything must stop!
More often than not, chess ends in a stalemate, which is bullshit.
@5pike not when I play it, but then I suck and the people I play against play it a lot
As in, one of them used to play it in competitions
When I was young, I used to visit a chess course. I think the guy teaching wasn't very good, because every time he was loosing, he declared that the game was suddenly in a stalemate.
What fun times.
@5pike That sounds cheap and stupid.
@Arperum Exactly.
I am now meat
The guy also promptly removed the pieces, so we couldn't call him out on his BS
@5pike So much BS.
You should leave the pieces be and then see what you could have done different, or if it was still possible to somehow fix it.
Should I be golden meat though?
@Blem-baFett Did you know? I'm from Sicily!
@fredley There is no such thing. Do you feel like existing today?
@badp I've been golden meat for years, pretty sure I exist
Chat avatar sync is slow
@fredley That's not the color of gold. It's the color of meat. Which is not gold.
@badp Does that mean that you kill your opponent after a game of chess?
@badp One and the same
@Arperum I don't like chess and won't play it.
@fredley The color of meat is one and the same as not gold.
@badp And by not playing preventing murder? How wonderfull!
@badp They should give you a medal for not killing anyone.
Gold: 2nd and 4th message
Not gold: 1st and 3rd message
@Arperum Oh, I just skip straight to the part.
@badp Works too.
@badp Incorrect, messages 1-4 inclusive were gold
@fredley You have been thusly certified as gold-blind.
@fredley stop making me hungry =[ drools
Q: How do i sync Xbox 360 Offline Achievement (Not connected to xbox live) that i completed to my xbox live account?

SepehrUnfortunately i was playing gta 5 story mode campaign and then i finished the "FROM BEYOND THE STARS" Achievement where you had to collect all 50 spaceship parts and after i finished it i noticed that i was disconnected from xbox live and i did not get the achievement but i completed it :( i eve...

@badp Maybe it's because I am monochrome now
Meat is definitely not monochrome
@fredley You were not colourful before
@KevinvanderVelden The first picture maybe, but not the second. I don't even know what that is supposed to be.
@badp I was more colourful than I am now
@Arperum Not gold.
@badp I had more distinct colours in my avatar than you do
@fredley As you have been certified gold-blind, you are not qualified to make statements about gold or not gold.
Please locate a gold-not-gold counselor for further assistance.
@Arperum hence replying to the first one, I think the second one is a baby pig or something?
@badp Your avatar could be gold or not gold, the goldness of it is orthogonal to the colourdess of it
@KevinvanderVelden After looking at the url, that's what I would assume too. It doesn't look tasty though.
Here's a pamphlet for your convenience:

Coins - not gold
Bars - not gold
Heavy bars - not gold
Lingots - not gold
Yellow lingots being given to you - not gold
Yellow lingots not being given to you - gold
Meat - not gold
Badges - not gold
Yellow badges - gold
Gold - gold
@badp Lingot?
Is a gold coin gold?
@fredley Ingots but better.
@badp Second life?
@fredley They look like gold but are most likely not gold.
@fredley Second Life is not better. Also, not gold.
WoW gold - not gold
@badp Is the ping highlighting gold?
Reddit gold - not gold
@fredley Not gold.
@fredley pings are always gold
Trello gold?
@fredley Not gold.
"x gold" is not gold.
@badp Pure gold?
@badp 24ct gold?
@fredley Not yours.
@fredley Not yours.
both also not "x gold"
@badp Ownership of the gold and gold-byproducts does not affect the goldness of the gold and gold-byproducts
@fredley it does mean you needn't worry about them
You probably want to have them checked by gold experts if they were to become yours.
@badp I need to worry about gold and gold byproducts?
But according to you I don't own any
No instance for (Gold a)
  arising from a use of `fredley-owns'
Possible fix: learn to English
Q: When does a resource node drop off some profit?

RononDexAs I am playing as a commander sometimes I always ask myself this question: Where is the point, when a resource node starts to create profit? When does it actually makes sense to build a mineral node, when I know it is not in a safe area? A resource node costs 10 resources. I have no idea how ...

@fredley Do you really want to mess with someone from Sicily?
@5pike But he doesn't play chess, that may or may not help.
@5pike I was unaware Don Badp was Sicilian
@Arperum Sicily is the birthplace of the mafia...
@5pike I know.
22 mins ago, by badp
@Blem-baFett Did you know? I'm from Sicily!
@Arperum Missed that.
That would certainly explain the mod-mafia situation though
Looking at the room tags, it's really obvious.
@badp No, but I know you are from Italy, but your are in Germany atm not Ireland right?
> More decorative hats! Yay, hats!
I use poke a lot!
I get poked a lot
now it all makes sense
I don't get poked at all.
Is it a feature that you can turn off?
@3ventic Don't think so.
Maybe it's because I don't use the site
Also: suddenly my brain is taking a nap. do not want
@kalina You should post that picture then
see how many poke you again
I go away to make a tumbleweed gif and Bridge is active again when I come back
Damn you people
27 mins ago, by Blem-ba Fett
user image
@kalina the picture posted above, to facebook
@fredley I bet there will be ample opportunities to use this picture.
@5pike ugh
@fredley About 80% of the time the minecraft chat is open for something like that.
@fredley Don't "ugh" me, meat!
oh no, I don't want to do that
@kalina Afraid of more pokes? Or are you secretly on @fredley's friendlist or something and posting that would expose your identity?
@Arperum I am blissfully unaware of @kalina's true identity
My meat has synced, yay!
@fredley ...what
@kalina Knowing your IRL identity would cause trouble
@3ventic F5
@fredley probably, but that wouldn't be all
You finally burned your meat.
@kalina Well quite, hence bliss
@3ventic It's KoL meat
Still burned.
@3ventic Nope
Black = burned.
@3ventic Mostly worth meat.
@fredley minecraft meat still better meat
> A wise player keeps his mind on his Meat, and his Meat on his mind.
@3ventic Black isn't burned when talking black & white.
@Arperum Meat only becomes black and white if it's burned long enough.
mostly black.
@kalina As do you. In fact you're thinking about meat right now. A nice bacon sandwich. Mmmmmm.
All of bridge today has been colour arguments inspired by my meat.
1 hour ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@fredley stop making me hungry =[ drools
Still a few hours to EUIV expansion's release
@3ventic Not if it was black & white before even coming close to any fire. There are things such as "no use of colors"
@fredley uuh jeah sure let's go with that. It's unlikely that I'm just hungry right?
Things must be made black and white. They aren't that way normally, unless it's very very dark.
@KevinvanderVelden Everything is a fetish these days.
My bill for the steamsale arrived yesterday, it ended up with ~83 €. Less then I feared.
@Arperum I... how do you get a bill for that?
@KevinvanderVelden credit card payment thing.
How can I refresh youtube so that it doesn't continue where I left off?
@3ventic Log out.
@Arperum €83 worth of steam sale is more than enough games for multiple playthroughs ascensions lifetimes
@Arperum logged into too many google things
@fredley I know I shoudln't have bought half of the things I bought, but I'll play them one day. You'll see. Maybe.
@Arperum I thought ideal also works in belgium? Probably wrong though
@3ventic private browsing?
I got it working...
but lost sound
@KevinvanderVelden Not for every bank. Mine doesn't.
@Arperum huh lame, iDeal is pretty handy with steam
Course, I also don't have a credit card so...
@Arperum I guess I'll do this, although I lose my extensions
@KevinvanderVelden Yea, small bank and all that.
@Blem-baFett insert mumbling about games and off-topic here
God fucking dammit. I had to make some website earlier with a couple fancy elements that require CSS3 to do properly. Now I have to make the stupid thing work in IE8. Because the people at insert huge and important software company here still use windows XP and will keep doing so for the forseeable future.
You have an own fucking variant of linux and you come telling me that your godawfull website for internal use has to work on windows XP? I HATE YOU SO MUCH NOW.
@Arperum Some people should just be lobotomised. They don't seem to use their brains anyway.
@5pike Uhu. In this specific case we are talking about a company that owns some stuff that I'm certain you've used. And I'm willing to make that claim about anyone in this room.
@Blem-baFett Dammit, now I'm hungry again, and I only finished eating an hour ago.
And yes they are made with movable jaw!
@Arperum is it valve? Cause that'd be awesome
@KevinvanderVelden Nope, think bigger. Way bigger.
@Arperum other option I'd see is google but that doesn't fit with still using XP from what I've heard
@KevinvanderVelden Not Google no. Nor Microsoft.
@Arperum at least they upgraded to IE8
@badp True. I still want to murder them in their sleep though.
@fredley wrong kind of meat
@kalina You love bacon
bacon is ok
@kalina What meat is preferable?
@Arperum ...Canonical? :P
I see
@kalina is it gold?
@KevinvanderVelden Let's keep it at "The CEO is ranked quite a bit higher then Larry Page on the Forbes Billionaires list."
@badp You can stop now
Q: Update archivements from a banned console

JCalcinesI have a banned Xbox 360 from two or three years. And I would like to buy a new one but all my archivements aren't updated. Is there some method or advice for updating it?

@Arperum Does that mean Oracle? I'm so, so sorry.
Even if you can't confirm it's Oracle.
In fact: I'm sorry, regardless.
Well im sorry for any company that still uses IE8 or earlier
@Blem-baFett I'm sorry for any company that requires operative systems with upwards of 12 year long lifecycles in order to function correctly.
because I think Windows XP holds a record that's not going to be matched any time soon by any sane OS provider.
...correction: RHEL 5 and 6 actually get 13 years of "support" for those paying for it.
user image
@kalina I clicked this, instantly forgot how I got to the page, read it, thought "@kalina would think this is funny", and nearly posted it here.
I think I need more sleeps.
@OrigamiRobot Are you sleep walking?
and people say I'm absent minded
I forget more things every day than I learn.
Eventually I'll have forgotten how to eat and breathe.
@OrigamiRobot It's okay, robots don't have to eat and breathe.
So long as you can allow electricity to flow through you, you'll be fine.
So I hacked to large version of my scalable menu thing together for IE8. It includes images, line-height:0 and terrible code. Add a single space and the hack breaks. I hate it :( Now do the same for the stupid small version...
@Arperum This is why I can't do front-end work. My IE8 version of the whatever-it-is would say "STOP KILLING THE INTERNET" and not be functional.
@StrixVaria I kinda told them that. The answer was: "Make it work."
I had a fancy scalable menu that could easily be inserted anywhere, and was friendly for people with text-based browsers, because the menu was made from text. Now everything is stupid images.
can't... can't they just use Firefox? or Chrome?
Q: Why is steam wrong in its game count?

Meraj99Referring to this image, steam says I have 11 games in total and 10 installed. However, if you count them (Yes, I have counted them a million times.), you get 12 total and 11 installed. What's wrong? Also, for a fact: I haven't got the badge for 10 games owned, but I have it for 5 games owned.

Q: How can I increase spawn rate of mining armor/undead miner?

A1rPunI'm having trouble with finding the mining armor set dropped from the undead miner. <---- This guy The pants and shirt have a 2.4% dropping rate. I already bought the helmet from the merchant. What have I tried? I have explored the underground for an hour with battle potions on but I have enco...

I've also decided that anyone who ever uses IE ever again in a property that I own will be forced to sit through a thorough lesson as to why you should use Firefox or Chrome. And if they continue to use that awfull piece of shit, they will be forcefully removed. I don't care who it is.
@Arperum IE10 is not that horrible. or so I hear.
Even if Steve Balmer comes over to my place to offer me a job (chance of 0% of that happening), he'll better be useing some proper browser or be prepared to leave.
It is stupid however to tie your browser to only one or two versions of your OS
@badp IE10 and 11 still have problems. The least of these is the lack of conditional comments.

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