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@FAE I'd prefer to confront it and come to terms with it, rather than just avoid it and let it fester.
@Frank I am not sure that is what using medication does....
@Frank Yeah, that is kind of a dysfunctional view of medication, and really of mental health in general, IMO.
@BenBrocka KAWAII!!
@AshleyNunn That was my understanding of anxiety medication.
@Frank I think those can both be mutually exclusive of medication use, neh?
"I'd prefer to confront and come to terms with this cavity, rather than just avoiding it and filling it up with cement."
@Frank Wow, yikes, now that makes me, someone who is using meds to get through shit, feel like complete and utter shit.
I...am going to go now.
@Frank Anxiety medication usually works neurochemically for prevention of said attacks, it's not just "letting it fester", you know?
I'm sorry. That wasn't at all how I meant it to sound.
Seriously, if people treat any other medical condition or treatment the way we treat mental health care, we call them crazy whack jobs and cluck our tongues at their luddite ways, but somehow, when it comes to brain chemistry, everyone is SO TOUGH and refuses to engage with professional, or, yes, chemical, solutions.
@FAE From what I understand, anxiety is usually triggered by a lack of serotonin in the brain.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's not that I'm trying to go at it totally drug free; I just don't want that as a long term solution.
Sorry, I'm being completely insensitive right now. I'm just going to shut up.
@Frank right, but my point is, that if you had say... high blood pressure, would you so much as blink at the fact that the recommended course of treatment is to take a daily pill from now on?
Why should mental health be different from that?
My wife doesn't like wearing glasses because she doesn't want to "become dependent" on the glasses.
I'm just like "wat".
@StrixVaria But... by not wearing them, she's making her need for them inevitable. x_x
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's a good question. I don't know why it would be different. But I've always seen it as such.
@BenBrocka Hah so true
@Fluttershy She already has astigmatism. She already needs them.
@StrixVaria if she were a teenager, then maybe. As an adult, there's no question she should wear them
@StrixVaria Ah... yes she does. :\ Or Lasik/PRK if that's something she'd be interested in/could afford.
Q: Single player-How do you make a lot of quick cash on the stock market, AFTER the big missions have been completed?

digitalbumOK, I've already asked this, but apparently wasn't specific enough and got shut down. I've since found an answer so I'm here to share. It's pretty simple, although it takes a bit of trial and error. Before you invest your money, SAVE YOUR GAME. Save it in a slot that you won't touch in case t...

Q: Woodycraft problem

CarsonI play Woodycraft and every 5 minutes or so it quits and says ''Internal Exception: java.io.IOExeption: Connection reset by peer'' It really bugs me and I want to find a way to stop it. This usually starts at 7:50 pm. Please Help.

@Frank Which is exactly my point. this is not just you; this is a large scale cultural problem.
@Frank Take it from the US, you're not the only one.
I can't get this tweet to onebox right now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz THANK YOU
Sorry, I've had a really rough day.
@FAE Images in are bad at one boxing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Seen that before, it's excellent
And yeah, it tends to be a general mindset of mental health that's pervasive through our culture, unfortunately.
@BenBrocka So much of her stuff is
@StrixVaria re: Lasik/PRK, I'd recommend the former. PRK is a more painful/longer recovery process. Just... throwin' that out there.
@Frank CBT is a pretty nice thing
@JourneymanGeek That's what they focus on.
@LessPop_MoreFizz: heh, I chose not to go with medication
(though, rather amusingly, I didn't realise the root cause of my anxiety attacks until much later, after I worked around them)
@Fluttershy Good to know. I wonder if I am still eligible for either, someday, with my eyes being as bad as they are.
There's a place for medication, but in many cases there's effective, non medication related treatments too
@AshleyNunn I'm pretty sure you're younger than I was when I had it done, so... I don't see why you wouldn't be eligible.
@Fluttershy I dunno, my one eye doctor always made noises about how bad adn weird my eyes are
Oh. You're not as young...er... than me as I thought. <_<
@AshleyNunn Get a second opinion. Most places that offer Lasik will also offer a free consultation.
@Fluttershy giggles now I wanna know how young you thought I was ;P
@AshleyNunn I was thinking 24 or 25 for some raisin.
@Fluttershy iiiinteresting. I can't afford it right now, because well I can't afford anything right now (omg I need to look for more job places to potentially hire me)
but I like the idea
I don't think I could stand the thought of lasers burning my eyes. I'm not that brave.
@JourneymanGeek Oh yeah, I'm not doubting that at all, but overall statements dismissing medication as a whole aren't very helpful to anyone, especially the people who are struggling and are taking meds. Often, we tend not to like taking them either, but we have to.
And being awake to hear it.
@Frank There's no burning, just blinking!
@Frank And smell it.
But you won't feel it.
It's a clicky light.
The best part of being sick is getting to take Nyquil.
@Fluttershy See, this would gross me out.
"My eye is being burnt. This is a cause for panic. Body, see to it."
@FAE: I didn't quite see it that was
Also, at least where I had it done, they had me take a Valium half an hour before the procedure, and immediately after, followed by a doctor prescribed 3 hour nap.
@JourneymanGeek There are plenty of good reasons not to. For some people, not using medication is just flat out more effective. For others, the side effects are not worth it. For still others, there are interactions. Very sadly, for some, cost is an issue. What I take issue with isn't not using medication, it's the deligitimization of medication as a method of treatment, or the statement that not using it is somehow 'superior'.
@Fluttershy That sounds.....awesome, actually
medication's probably useful in treating the immediate issue, but I wouldn't dismiss the power of behaviour modification for longer term goals
@AshleyNunn It was amazing. Plus, your eyes look really cool afterward.
@Fluttershy oh?
Hang on.
@Frank This is what anesthesia is for.
@AshleyNunn It'll be a bit. <_< My old phone is dead and has to charge.
@JourneymanGeek I use a combo of CBT/counselling and meds right now that has me making awesome progress. :D
@StrixVaria At least, it is until you get into the awful Dayquil->Nyquil cycle of doom.
@Fluttershy Well, I look forward to it :D
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was under the impression that they need you awake for the procedure.
At least, that's what I heard.
@AshleyNunn: I see them as complimentary
@LessPop_MoreFizz The only bad part is that you go through Dayquil 2-3x as fast as Nyquil.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You have to be awake enough to hold your eyes open and focus them.
So you can't be fully out.
Local anesthesia is any technique to induce the absence of sensation in part of the body, generally for the aim of inducing local analgesia, that is, local insensitivity to pain, although other local senses may be affected as well. It allows patients to undergo surgical and dental procedures with reduced pain and distress. In many situations, such as cesarean section, it is safer and therefore superior to general anesthesia. It is also used for relief of non-surgical pain and to enable diagnosis of the cause of some chronic pain conditions. Anesthetists sometimes combine both general an...
Also, again, in my experience, I couldn't actually see the laser. My eye was suctioned, so I couldn't see anything out of it.
> my eye was suctioned
@Fluttershy I could see mine.
@StrixVaria You don't feel iiiiiit
Q: What determines Psychic Inver's reward?

jwodderIn the Inverse House on Route 18, the player can battle Psychic Inver in an "inverse battle" once a day, after which he gives the player one or three of many possible items. The vast majority of the time, I've only gotten Sitrus Berries from him, and there are scattered statements on the Interne...

@FAE I'm aware. There are other ways to reduce/eliminate pain/reflexive reactions to lasers burning your retinas into place.
Its just like having your eyes gently tentacled....
@StrixVaria Yeah. Sharp, pointy bits close to my eye and anything approaching them that resembles pain is an instant nope.
@StrixVaria They had to crank my eyelids open with an ocular speculum extra far because I'm Asian. :(
They'd have a hell of a time getting to my eyes, but if they had a way to keep them open it would be okay
I'm pretty desensitized, but anything regarding eyeballs in movies I can't even watch.
@Frank But... it's a laser. It's not sharp, nor is it pointy. <_<
That was the worst part for me, actually. It hurt quite a bit.
> anything approaching them that resembles pain.
@StrixVaria Do not ever watch Un Chien Andalou.
But you don't feel anythiiiiiiiiing. x______x
@AshleyNunn Not in English so I was probably safe anyway.
@StrixVaria Don't watch A Clockwork Orange anytime soon.
That will be hard to remember, though.
@Fluttershy You're not heeeeeeelping!
They even asked the doctor if he needed the "Asian eye device" (which is something they actually have I guess) but they didn't need to use that.
Which is a shame, because A Clockwork Orange rules.
@AshleyNunn Straight razor?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I still need to see this.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I read the book. That'll have to suffice.
@Fluttershy Yeah, that part.
@StrixVaria The film is one of those that stands on it's own as a great and separate work of art. What with being Kubrick.
I had never seen any Kubrick until a couple months ago when I finally saw The Shining.
But yeah, if you've read the book, you know about The Treatment, and yeah, there are some eyeball closeups in those scenes.
I've read a bunch of books that he made movies of, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, 2001: A Space Odyssey, but I've not seen the films.
@FAE You are rapidly approaching the point where I am going to feel the need to do a Cultural Literacy Intervention. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was real, too. Kubrick was a real dick to McDowell.
Kubrick is A Master.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm sorry!
@Fluttershy I'm not in the least bit surprised.
@FAE Don't apologize! Just fix it! You'll enjoy that more than apologizing!
New Castle tonight!
To the point that the speculum actually scratched McDowell's eye. A lot of those screams of pain were his actual screams of actual pain.
@LessPop_MoreFizz A psychotic master.
@Fluttershy Have you seen Room 237?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I worry I am not versed enough in Good Cinema to be able to appreciate him properly.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, but I want to.
@LessPop_MoreFizz 237.
@FAE Typo. :P
I've seen that!
My statement still stands!
I watched it after The Shining. It was... interesting, the theories that some of those people had.
@FAE Don't worry. I'll help you become versed in Good Cinema. :3
@FAE balderdash. Familiarity with Kubrick is right at the top of the list of things you should see in order to be properly versed in Good Cinema.
Some were really off the wall, but I loved hearing all the details I didn't pick up on.
(I'd recommend starting with 2001, Full Metal Jacket, and A Clockwork Orange.)
And I suppose also Dr. Strangelove.
War films are hard for me.
The rest is a bit less essential
Risking @LessPop_MoreFizz's ire, I will say that the first half of Full Metal Jacket is infinitely better than the rest of the movie. <_<
@Fluttershy No, I agree with that - maybe not in degree; but the film definitely feels like almost a double feature of sorts, and the first half is definitely stronger.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Have you ever seen Seven Samurai?
@Fluttershy of course.
@LessPop_MoreFizz @FAE told me it was probably a dumb question. So I'm gonna follow it up with another dumb question. What did you think of it?
I kind of think it's overrated though; Best Kurosawa film is Ikiru.
Bust Kurosawa Samurai film is Yojimbo.
Well now I have to watch both of those. :o
Take that, level 347 of Candy Crush! You have been bested!
@MBraedley That game still exists?
@Fluttershy Ever seen A Fistful of Dollars?
Because A Fistful of Dollars : Yojimbo :: The Magnificent Seven : Seven Samurai.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have not. I haven't seen a lot of Eastwood stuff though.
Ikiru, by contrast, is basically The Death of Ivan Ilych: Japanese Edition.
Ran is also very good if you want a Samurai Shakespeare Fix.
I shall add these movies to my list!
I took an entire semester of Just Kurosawa in college, so I have Lots Of Opinions about his work.
I wish the college here offered something like that. :(
@GnomeSlice I like their budget breakdown.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Was it part of a degree or just an elective you took?
Sep 6 '13 at 15:58, by Michael Dunfield
user image
@FAE It counted as cross-departmental credit towards a Media Studies major.
Though it was offered by the colleges Asian Studies/Asian Art dept.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh cool!
@Fluttershy 0% Jet Skis :(
@Fluttershy I wish my college had offered foreign language courses...at all.
@StrixVaria Huh, not a single one? :o
I want to back this game, but I shouldn't.
@FAE None. They had a deal where you could take them at NYU but then you had to commute back and forth to NYU to take the course, which was a pain in the ass.
@StrixVaria Yikes, yeah, that'd be a hassle.
BEHOLD! The question where users go to die!
Q: What bonuses does a "deity" level AI get and how do I deal with them?

Raven DreamerThe "Deity" difficulty level of Civilization V says that "the AI receives heavy advantages". In Civ IV this meant that the AI started with more units, 2 settlers, etc. So my question is two-fold: a) what bonuses does a "deity" level AI get in terms of units and resource production (hammers+cult...

10k+ to see all the damage.
@RavenDreamer Is that a protect request?
@FAE Nay, just a, "Whoa, look at all the deleted accounts answering this question".
@RavenDreamer ...wow, that is a lot.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, I saw that.
Make a playlist with 6+ artists, set it to random, get 4 songs by the same artist in a row.
Q: DragonVale Glitches

RandomWhenever I tap on Habitats in the market, my app goes back to the loading screen and gives me a notification saying 'We're Sorry It seems like the magic in your park got wonky... Please reload as we have notified your PROBLEM'. HELP!!!!

@StrixVaria I had my phone (800[?] songs) set to random one day, and I got all of Coheed's Key Entity Extractions in numerical order. It freaked me out.

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