And I'm having a really terrible week because of seasonal depression compounding with holiday depression compounding with my regular depression and holiday anxiety/stress in trying to get what few gifts I even have to worry about out and just a;lsk;f;af. x_x
It doesn't bother me that other people have them, I just don't want to go after them or else it'll just be another thing on top of all this other stuff.
The wiki page for Statuscolors (and every other resource I can find) shows how to color certain parts of the status line, and gives no information about coloring the rest. Is there any way to color anything else on the status line, and if so, what is the syntax?
@spugsley I know, but I worry about overburdening other people a lot, or coming off as attention-grabby. Also, I worry about what people think too much in general.
@TimStone The cheapest items are generally going for about the same as a single card. So you'd be burning 10 cards for something possibly only worth the same as one card.
@TimStone heh. :/ yeah, my available bank funds were up from previous years this time around, so I was all, "I'M GONNA BE AWESOME AND BUY PEOPLE REAL GIFTS THIS YEAR!" went super well.
@OrigamiRobot I...spent three figures in the Summer Sale. On the plus side it's prevented me from buying new games at their release prices, since I've been too busy playing other stuff.
@winterswift You would have thought that having a child would have slowed me down but I just pretend like I'll have extra time to play. I should probably look into becoming a Time Lord before betting on that plan.
The problem with buying things on the Steam sale is that if it's not a daily sale, a Flash Sale, or one of the Community Choice sales, there's always a chance it will be cheaper on a later day.
Also, for those of you who don't know about it, Enhanced Steam is really helpful during Steam sales. It's a browser plugin that does stuff like highlight things you have already and also show you the lowest historical prices of things. It's great for games with lots of DLC like Civ V and Magicka.
@JasonBerkan For one thing, indie developers have a very hard time making any money from their games until they manage to get through the Steam Greenlight process
@ElfSlice Maybe they should make a better game, rather than relying on the fact that Steam gives you 100 million eyeballs, so that even a meh game sells 300,000 copies.