> By the power of 90's! The greatest gameplay is with me!!! Boobs, shooting, jumping, more boobs, humor, trollface, bouncing boobs, retrogaming and disco music. I'm gonna f***ing love this game!
In clash of clans since townhalls provide 1k gold and 1k elixir upon destruction does that mean it is categorised as a resource? and if so will that mean that goblins take priority of townhall over defences?
Is it bad that I don't trust this previous shuttle company I was booked with enough that I'm putting together a claim for PayPal to dispute my payment when I want to cancel it?
This is the third time I have killed the wall of flesh and it's given me sweet drops but never given me the pwnhammer so I'm stuck there until I get it any suggestions ????
I've created a survival games plugin to host survival games minecraft server for a weekly PVP event every sunday. One of the configuration files I've set my plugin up to take is a list of items, along with details regarding their occurrence, to appear randomly in chests when they're refilled.
It blocks everything from skillshots to even auto-attacks, but is there any skills that go through it? Things I have in mind would be dashes or certain attacks like Lux's ult.
What about other global ults, Ashe/Ezreal/Draven. Do those also just hit the wall and dissipate?
not the last job that I had, but the job before that, I used to go through the product and point out silly things where changing the workflow would reduce the number of potential holes, and then advise on how to plug the remaining holes
he basically read the whole of joel on software, and then repeated it to the directors
when he defined the proposal to change the way development at the company worked, he was actually only a developer - his proposal was what got him the job
There appear to be six unlockable ships. They don't have any tooltips or anything, so I'm thinking maybe their just for aesthetics?
Do the different ships behave any different from one another?
Starting to REALLY piss me off.
I was downloading mods through Nexus for Skyrim, and I was testing the game every once in a while for CTD's on start up. After a few minutes, I was waiting for Wet & Cold Ashes(Dragonborn) to load and once I activated it, I got the stupid 65432/80 error code.
After the wedding ceremony in Riften, before my wife left, I asked her where we should live. After I told her, me and her left and I can't find her at the house, OR at the Temple of Mara. Where can I find her?
I'm trying to build the Inactive Robot, which requires me to build a Robot Head. Only, to build the Robot Head, it turns out I need to get my hands on a Superior Brain. I've been running around Sector B killing monsters and ape-men alike, but when I use the Brain Extractor on them, I just keep ge...
I'm talking about this question of mine for SR4: "What are the fastest vehicles, and where or how can I get them?" - which was closed* as a duplicate of: "What is the fastest car in Saints Row 4, and where can I find it?"
In the latter question, OP asked about the fastest cars only (usually defi...
@Unionhawk There could have been some humour in this. But unless he had a hidden camera to record the exchange and went for the "You can't prove anything! I'm going to eat the evidence!" angle; the execution was off.
Another way is to hack the registry and reboot, which is much more convenient. Of course caveats apply: it might not work for your OS/MSE version. (I'm running Japanese Vista Ultimate, BTW.)
Changing "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Security Client\Market" from JA-jp to EN-nz worked fine afte...
I did this to change the software's language from Chinese to English. That worked well for a while, but now when a major update is released the installer seems to be confused over what language it should be installing
After having problems getting enough crystals I chose the plunder dynasty specialisation which says:
Plunder: +1 Dragon Blood Crystal per Week
I have checked for multiple weeks all of which have no impact on resources. I have tried restarting the game.
There is of course the obvious ones such as Janna's Howling Gale or Malphite's Unstoppable Force. Are there anymore less obvious abilities that Yasuo can use to capitalize on?
The children in my class would like a private lan server set up in school for MC. However I am a noob although I have played it via a vanilla server a while ago.
The school are willing to provide hardware and technical support but no financial for the immediate term until they are convinced it i...
I Sent this message to Terraria E-mail support to [email protected] but the address does not seem to work. Delivery Failure message returned. Please excuse the long message but I am now posting this here because it concerns all console users of XBOX to know this. I am sure owners know the he...
"there's no harassment at play here ps women are dumb by default" - a steam commenter http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/200770535/630799997270829819/
@ElfSlice ugh reading the description for this game made me a little nauseous. I understand the point and thought behind it...but idk it feels wrong when you've lived it, I guess
@spugsley When you get back in the mood, you should check it out. You might like it. It's another torchlight/diablo type game with a really cool setting.
Portal 2: When I am on the main screen, I click on "Single Player". It's on the loading screen, loads halfway, and then it gets back to the main screen. It's a torrented game. Could anyone get it to work with Steam?
this is like a huge plus for me: Unlimited Exploration - No matter how deep you crawl, there is always more to explore in Krater’s open world. Packed full of randomized dungeons and events, more than 60 handcrafted original locations, and 200+ quests. Locations range from small settlements to large urban areas like Solside City, a sprawling regional hub where you’ll find all sorts of NPCs and services.
For some reason I ended up on the site that lists whether or not a movie passed the Bechdel test. But my favorite by far is Kiki's Delivery Service, which does not pass the reverse Bechdel test lol
I've seen reference to a quest-giver NPC called Jack in Highpool (in this thread), but can't find any such person. Where can I find Jack? (I went to Highpool before the Ag Center.)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all battlehome.com users! As a professional Diablo 3 gold seller and other mmo games reputed service supplier,battlehome always try to offer our customers more comfort and surprise, like doing little things to make you spend a happy holiday and good start in ...
@Krazer I missed it, but what little remains in chat is comedy gold. The Engrish, offering customers more surprises (Which I take to mean unauthorized use of their credit card information).
@Krazer And the rest did not disappoint. Although it is sad that there are clearly people who still fall for these things (or this type of shady 'business' would have died off long ago).
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I know how the model works, but the point is that it clearly does occasionally pay off for them. And I weep for/laugh at the people who get fooled.
I just updated my Plants Vs Zombies 2 on my IPhone, it now looks completely different, so hopefully someone understands what I'm asking. I'm on Level 18 in Wild West and I cannot figure out how to beat it. You have 1500 sun to spend but what defense do u spend that on? There's not very much u ca...
I am running a small homeserver with the latest craftbukkit 1.7.2 build.
Whenever they release a new version, I update my server asap.
However the last update somehow "reset" the map.
Spawnposition is now somehwere under ground, our buildings have all disappeared and the whole map looks like a ...
My phone got turned off when the battery ran out while I was playing and when I turned it on again everything was gone... anyone know how to fix this? I had 63 floors and 350 bux! Please!
Recently I downloaded a bunch of mods for skyrim based on Skyrim Beautification Project (the site listed a lot of mods to be downloaded). I followed the instruction and load-order as the site says, and the graphics became a lot better. But now my performance, in terms of fps, goes down. When I'm ...