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[counts pony avatars] Oh, my. This chat is 21% cooler than I expected.
It looks like @badp and at least one other are confused. Anything I can do to alleviate the condition?
Q: So I heard you like Ponies

fredleyAfter the people over at Hasbro made a My Little Pony animated series, I thought it would be fun to pon-ify some of the people here. They were apparently very popular (mostly) and people were asking for more. So here are some of the ponies I made. If you want to make your own, just use Pony Crea...

I would play D&D, if I'd ever played D&D before
@BESW Not really confused. ;)
@fredley I think part of the goal of this endeavor is to keep that from being an obstacle.
@BESW I'd be keen to try it out, although time restrictions may be insurmountable
That... is a challenge I've run into frequently.
Q: Can't connect to minecraft servers after 1.7.2 update

user61524Both server and client are 1.7.2, that's for sure. I can connect to the same server with 1.7.2 client from another PC. But on my main PC I get this in console (using linux, oracle jdk 6, no luck with jdk 7): [14:50:30 INFO]: Client> [14:50:30] [Client thread/INFO]: Connecting to ***.org, 25565 [...

Q: Are questions about unreleased consoles (Xbox one and PS4) on topic?

QwerkyThe Xbox one and PS4 will shortly be released. Are questions about these consoles on topic? I know that questions about unreleased games are off topic, but there is a fair amount of information out specifically about these two consoles.

It's one reason I suggested Roll For Shoes as a good system: it's fast and loose. No prepwork for GM or players, can do a quick game in an hour, and doesn't need to be consistent from session to session.
Oh, man, I totally forgot about Obduction!
@fredley Must... support... Cyan...
@fredley How can this be an accident?
@fredley uuh, what the...
@5pike I suppose it could be some extreme bondage fetish =/
Man accidentally cuts himself into pieces and padlocks himself into a sports bag. What a terrible accident.
@fredley ooh the cutting into pieces bit I did not know
@KevinvanderVelden That or he tried a magic trick.
@fredley I have known people who I'd believe that about.
@KevinvanderVelden Think so
@KevinvanderVelden Oh ok maybe not
Getting real life confused with films again
Also on today's watdar: McRibs
@fredley so, when you gonna change your avatar to the hip new alternative to porkchops?
@KevinvanderVelden No.
@kalina That's awful.
I don't care, I passed
@kalina "No, you got that pair wrong, you can't be my girlfriend"
according to the individual who posted it to me, I am an awesome girlfriend
@BESW you are new here
Why are you here
4 hours ago, by Sepia Lazers
Q: Arqade/Bridge D&D campaign

YukiA late-night conversation had me wondering what we could do for some community-building. We hit upon the idea of a D&D campaign. Right now, I just want to send some feelers out as to who would be interested in a community D&D campaign. Some key questions we'll have to answer if we want to do this...

@kalina @Krazer came over to rpg.se chat to talk about this, and I bit.
I'm gonna place my bet now: @kalina hates D&D
I'm not even going to comment
other than thanking you guys for reminding me that I'm the normal one in here
@kalina you are welcome :)
@BESW Do you have Teeth of Biting 2 now?
D&D is a pretty lousy tabletop RPG to convert to online play, so I've made some alternate system suggestions.
also, biting is awesome
well, inflicting pain on men in general
but biting works
afk a mo
he's gone off to bite himself
@kalina cringe
@kalina "It's like kissing, but there's a winner."
@kalina if you are the normal one here then...................................
@BESW this
@AnkitSharma The sad part is that she really really is the normal one here ...
@kalina @BESW and @AnkitSharma have always been here, don't you remember?
@kalina don't know. Just searching for active chatroom and got here. I love games but never tried discussing then yet.
@fredley no, I would remember such a thing
@kalina Sure?
@AnkitSharma game discussions are off topic in the bridge
@kalina you sure?
@fredley 100%, I know @AnkitSharma from Movies & TV so I would remember him being here
And @BESW is the last person I overtook on chat activity so I would remember him if he was here
@AnkitSharma There are 2 rules on the bridge: No game discussions and
@5pike we ignore the second rule
I wish I could sleep
@fredley yup she is rite. I posted here first time today. But came here few time earlier but as a silent listener.
I am always right
@kalina no, in this case you are 'rite'
@fredley I obey.
@BESW that's not what I look like when I'm sleeping
@kalina needs more daylight?
@KevinvanderVelden Or a SAD lamp
Q: How do I beat Dracul puzzle #3: Rivalry?

user61526Desktop Dungeons, 3rd puzzle of "Fresh Blood", thanks in advance

So here we have more then one pony lover.
@fredley Rainbow Dash is best pony
@AnkitSharma Everyone loves ponies, apart from a handful that don't
@fredley even they love ponies secretly
@fredley no Rainbow Dash is best pony
@kalina Yeah, on a plate.
@5pike ...
@kalina They are just closeting their pony love and expressing it as vehement hatred to cover up the fact
I'm working on either a FiM mod for Fate Core, or a fully independent FiM RPG engine.
Horse/Pony meat is wonderful.
@fredley yes, only somebody embarrassed about their love for ponies would react so negatively to them
@BESW My Little Pony: RNG is Magic?
As much as I love Fate Core, it needs some unusual hacks to remove or redirect the traditional dichotomous win/lose conflict scenario.
I am very neutral to ponies. Not love them but even don't hate them.
@fredley saw url, did not click
@kalina sfw, and excellent
And doesn't even understand most of pony talks
@kalina I'll probably wind up calling it My Little Psyche: Friendship is a Fragile Barrier Holding Back My Seething Neuroses.
@fredley flagged as offensive, gets validated because nobody else clicked it either
The problem is that most RPGs have winners and losers in any conflict. A FiM game needs a third option.
@BESW magic
no, wait, friendship
@kalina same thing
In Fate Core, I think I'd do it by externalizing the cause of the conflict, so that, for example, in one session The trauma of being bullied has character aspects and drives the conflict.
friendship is that thing where you tolerate others
@fredley in related schadenfreude gawker.com/…
magic is that thing where you set fire to others
@KevinvanderVelden Saw that, excellent stuff
So the session's storyline would be about discovering the cause of the conflict and how to battle it, at which point the characters cooperate to defeat the cause.
mmm cake
But until then, the cause is pitting them against one another, creating issues that distract from the main cause.
@kalina I also have as a game-design goal that the system be, like the show, targeted for the show's primary audience but of high enough quality that parents and older siblings could enjoy it too.
@kalina ...
don't ... me
@GraceNote Hi!
@kalina I'll ... you all I want
@fredley no
@kalina Just a humble ellipsis, nothing more
@fredley no
@kalina yes
@fredley no
Oh god, the local couple is at it again...
You know, about a hundred years ago a lawyer cleared his client on a charge of distributing obscene pamphlets because the naughty bits were obliterated so that the smut was purely in the reader's mind.
He won the case by reciting well-known children's rhymes with bits blanked out.
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To ...
Jack fell down and broke his ...
And Jill came ... after.
@BESW and this is how you just flat out WIN at being a lawyer
A diller, a dollar,
A ten-o-clock ...
Why do you ... so soon?
You used to ... at ten-o-clock,
But now you ... at noon.
@BESW Flawless logic.
it takes a special kind of dirty mind to make filth out of nursery rhymes
I am a student of white space, visual, textual, and implied.
@kalina I'm assuming you have that special kind of mind?
@Arperum <redacted>
@Arperum naah, that'd be @FEichinger, right @kalina?
@KevinvanderVelden <redacted>
speaking of dirty old people, hello @Sterno
I'm not dirty.
@Sterno read the above nursery rhymes and then stop lying
I have to really work to make the Jack & Jill one something dirty.
so did I, the second one was far too easy though
@Lazers Let me guess. Downvotes because "not enough context" or said "Thanks in advance"?
@Sterno both actually
People's downvotes are theirs to do with as they please, but man, some of them are dumb.
A 6 word question requires downvotes
Not when it's by a new user and the title literally says everything needed.
@kalina Or copious upvotes. It depends on the words.
Saying "Thanks In Advance" also requires downvotes
@Sterno Downvote for 0 effort put into it
@5pike What would you add to that question?
@fredley I'm a big fan of making questions look like questions rather than demands/statements
@kalina I'm a big fan of making questions misleading
@fredley I'm a big fan of but that was removed :(
@Sterno "I am having problems completing the third puzzle of Fresh Blood, how can I defeat Dracul?"
@KevinvanderVelden I thought was back?
If you've played the game, there is no context needed. There are puzzles. They require pretty much full solutions to solve. You can't say "I got this far, then got stuck" because they don't work like that.
@Sterno WHere exactly he is stuck in the puzzle (if relevant, don't know the game)
@fredley shame that died with it
@fredley not the original , this one is fake :'(
@kalina INB4
@Sterno I thought that we didn't like questions that required knowledge of the game to understand? Context should be provided so that it reads more like a question and less like a demand
I'm not saying write War & Peace
No, we don't like questions that require knowledge of the game to know if they should be opened or closed.
@Sterno this is basically what I said
@Sterno "Can I avoid death forever?"
Anyway, whatever, like I said, people can downvote because it's Wednesday. I just wish people would see "New user" and think "Maybe I shouldn't reflexively downvote this because it says "Thanks in advance"
Votes to close it as unsure what you're asking
@Sterno I didn't, I reflexively downvoted because the user used us like a forum
@kalina Unless you're going to a ridiculous extreme with this argument, it's perfectly clear what he's asking. How to solve Dracul Puzzle #3
@Sterno I was just baiting you
Q: How do I solve the Agbaar's Academy Slowing Pt 1 Puzzle?

SternoI keep running about 3 hit points shy of being able to defeat the boss. Eventually I'll probably end up solving this through trial and error, but what are the steps I need to take to defeat this puzzle?

Other than a screenshot, my question is pretty much the same
@Sterno contains words
I gave context, but it is completely unnecessary context.
It actually could serve to confuse the matter.
Context isn't always helpful.
@Sterno Yeah, I see your point.
For this game, at least.
That question in the format of the question we're talking about would be: "Desktop Dungeons, 1st puzzle of Agbaar's Academy, thanks in advance"
you have actual words in yours
and a question mark
Okay. You're probably right. Downvoting this new user is the best possible action for the site.
The question we're talking about is the epitomy of low quality
It's really not.
There, now it's 400% better
@Sterno yes, amazing what putting actual words into the "ask a question" box does, isn't it?
@Sterno No downvotes left suddenly.
@Arperum strange how that happens isn't it
@Arperum A proper sentence can make a difference.
What particularly frustrates me is that I've seen questions have unnecessary context added and then seen people vote to close based on that context.
Particularly in the case of the word "shopping" or "buy" mentioned, and then people automatically go "shopping rec!"
@Sterno adding a wall of text is completely different from forming sentences in your question
if you can't even be bothered to write a sentence as part of your question, expect downvotes
His title was a perfectly decent sentence. He had a sentence as part of his question.
Technical correctness!
Man, this was lame drama. But it's been so long.
Someone do something awesomely dramatic while I'm getting ready for work.
that's the actual reason you're even defending somebody who put that little effort into a question, isn't it?
You want an explosion
No, not actually.
Well, you're not going to get one from me
Mostly this is a carryover from that "What's the difference between GTA5 and GTA5 collection" one
Which got harped on because it said "Title says it all"
I don't even know what you're talking about
and a comment was left asking for context
"Title says all" requires nukes
Q: What are the differences between the regular and Collector's Edition of GTA 5?

ChargingPunTitle says it all. What are the differences between the regular and Collector's Edition of GTA 5?

I would much rather duplicate the title into the question body than say "Title says all"
@kalina He did both.
my gripe isn't with short questions, it's with misuse of English
form sentences or you'll get downvotes from me
The request in particular for context there just seemed odd to me. What possible context is needed?
No additional context is required with that question
I frequently flag all of the comments on old questions that say stuff like that
I just flagged all of those comments too, but the question is probably new enough that they'll be rejected
sorry, but... Aren't you friends with google? — Novarg 14 hours ago
stuff like that annoys me though ^
@kalina Sometimes it's appropriate, though, but in those cases, the question is deleted quickly.
@5pike It is never appropriate to tell somebody to google it on this site
It goes against the purpose of the site
Plus, it's a dick move.
Sure it is, but some people are just lazy.
Part of what bugs me is that we have edit capabilities. It seems like editing would help new users learn what's desired a lot more than downvoting and moving on would.
You may think "oh this is simple, it would be easy to find on Google", but the fact somebody is here asking means that they want our help and telling them to Google is basically the same as telling them to fuck off
Particularly trivial stuff like this.
@Sterno I used to spend time editing, then we had a number of annoying new users arrive and a separate group of people complaining about me bumping stuff onto the front page so editing questions now to me is associated with not worth the effort
Complaining about the front page is dumb.
You either let me edit, or you complain about it and I cease editing
You don't get to complain about me editing and then complain about people not editing
Some stupidly small percentage of users look at the front page, and even then whatever annoying thing people think you're doing only clogs it for a small period of time.
Have I complained about you editing?
It's ~3 hours on Arqade if you completely destroy the front page
@Sterno I've had enough people complain about me destroying the front page to make me not really want to do it
@kalina Oh, okay. I thought you were saying I specifically did that.
Since I'm currently the one complaining about not editing.
gotta go, time to get ready for work
get some drama going
@Sterno nah, it's not even something unique to Arqade anyway
there are some SE sites that have some real crap posts but if I set about editing I get about 5 in before they start getting rejected with whatever reason they clicked on first because they don't want their precious front page destroying
On rpg.se we try not to necro threads for non-new-answer reasons more than about 5/day because our turnover is pretty low, but questions within a week or a month are fair game. Ultimately it's about trying to be a good citizen, and assuming that everyone else is too.
@BESW I find it more effective to start a group effort to work through everything in one sitting
no matter how many posts it is
Edits that make the site better should be made and welcomed, but if the "welcomed" part doesn't come along, well. I didn't make the edit for the praise.
so that (a) it gets done, and (b) the front page can reset once you're finished
Sure you end up with a bunch of old stuff on the front page for a few days
but get over it
Do 1000 edits in a day if your site needs 1000 edits
doing 5 at a time guarantees you'll never finish the task
Aye, it's definitely a per-site thing based on thread turnover and a number of other issues. The exact strategies don't always transfer, and they're never set in stone.
@BESW Another thing that works in getting any site cleaned up is let the @kalina loose.
Things get done at an alarmingly fast rate.
rpg.se has some very good numbers in terms of citizen participation and good faith, so we have a noticeably different atmosphere and set of procedures compared to many other SEs.
You've got almost 10 times as many questions per day, and only 6% lower on your answered percentages. That's pretty durn good.
@BESW we're also an extremely clean site, very few redundant tags, all of our review queues are constantly at 0
Aye, ditto.
I think our current ongoing tag issue is whether there's something less presumptive than and which would still be as useful.
The presumption, really, is where the problem lies.
Often we get questions which are really just someone asking us to take their side in some social-contract miscommunication in which none are blameless.
Because really, a good 2/3 of the problems which aren't specifically based on mechanical confusion come from the members of the group failing to realize they were all playing a slightly different kind of game until it blows up in their faces.
@fredley ponAphobe? really?
@badp Sounds better
@badp so you're not afraid of "pon"s?
Ponyphobe or Ponifobe doesn't have the same ring
@fredley I don't think it means what you think it means
@KevinvanderVelden \o/______PON__PON____PONPON__PON______PON_______
ponaphobia, (n): fear of toki pona, a constructed minimal language.
@BESW glorious
See also: pwnaphobia, fear of losing a video game.
Oh you tease
@BESW "dark teenage poetry" does sound pretty bad.
@fredley Is it hidden behind some javascript?
@BESW Symptoms: bringing other peoples sexual orientation into question, uncontrollable tantrums, rage-quitting, fictional intercourse with other players mothers.
@Arperum Yarp
@fredley display:none; display:block nonsense? or ajaxcalls?
@fredley does it work without js?
@Arperum ajax
@5pike No
Amex security is a joke
persistent login
@fredley Oh, HAHAHAHA
whole password used (not individual digits)
@fredley That's something at least. The numbers are spread over multiple calls, still hackable, just more annyoing.
And you could, if you accessed my account, add yourself to my account and get a card with your name on sent in the mail
@fredley Oh wow.
@fredley would hack again
@fredley As a sidenote: I'm assuming this is the pin you use for your card? Shouldn't that be kind of inaccessible to everyone, including the DBA/programmers (read some kind of hash or something?).
@BESW Friend of mine could speak this.
@FAE V. cool.
well, the pin is supposed to be stored on the card. lots of digital banking things have a separate pin for logging into them.
@Arperum If there are only a thousand or ten thousand possible values, hashing doesn't really offer much protection
@Arperum Yeah, I did have to answer some security questions to access it
@MadScientist How PINs are stored is interesting

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