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For the Minecrafters in the room, what mods do you prefer?
I don't, anymore.
I personally like vanilla, with only a dynmap.
But if you're going for a FTB-style pack, you can usually not go wrong with the Direwolf pack, since he hand-selects his pack.
FTB is just...wow.
Information overload.
It's... interesting
I haven't had a lot of interest in minecraft since beta ended
Yeah, a little
Bundle-In-A-Box presents The Indie Strategy Bundle.
@Zerofennec Just simple stuff to make the game a bit more playable. The minimap, the one that sorts items.
My kids like mods that add furniture.
item sorting would be fantastic.
My main issue with FTB these days is the whole drama associated with it. I'm just, screw that.
The Indie Strategy Bundle is live and bursting with 11 terrific strategy (and quite tactical too) games - grab it! http://bundle-in-a-box.com/
FTB also feels like Minecraft Auto-pilot edition.
Using turtles to quarry for you.
I find FTB makes Minecraft into a completely different game.
@JasonBerkan And that's the whole point
@Zerofennec There's definitely still a challenge with it (depending on the pack, especially). It's just a different game altogether.
I found a lot of fun with engineering challenges, though I also tended to crash things with such engineering challenges >_>
And that's one of the reasons I stopped, because one of the main mods that allowed me to do that type of stuff, Redpower2, has practically fallen off the face of the earth.
And the Gregtech grind lost its appeal quick
It also replaces item stacks as they get used up. Priceless.
I enjoy Minecraft as it is, and enhancing the small things would make it better. As for making it completely different game...I'd just play a different game.
Wow. That's amazing.
Good job COD4 installer... calculate the space requirements after you've installed the game on my hard drive
I'm mainly interested in pure vanilla these days because screw keeping mods updated.
@Mana Hej.
@Unionhawk This is very true. The game is being updated faster than the mod makers can keep up.
Much faster. Like, every update, the modmakers are like "Guess what? This update is like 1.3... again... T-T"
@JasonBerkan So much for that mod API. :P
@Zerofennec FTB + MOAR mods
@GnomeSlice She didn't notice it, like, squirming or anything?
@Zerofennec jeah but there is no other game like Minecraft+FTB, which is why I play that :)
The speed of updates annoys me, because as a programming father, I would love to create a few simple mods especially for my kids. However, I'm finding it hard to learn things on the "shifting sand" that is the current Minecraft modding environment.
Q: Do spider jockeys have unique drops?

ZibbobzAs of a certian update, each mob has a unique 'special item' that it can drop upon death. Spider-Jockeys are a unique mob, in that they are essentially a pair of mobs combined, with one riding atop the other. Does this combined mob have a unique item drop? Or does each individual 'part' of...

Q: How do I become a Scholar of the Correspondence?

RedRiderXNow that my Watchful Quality is reaching past level 80, I find myself seeking my fortune at both The Forgotten Quarter and the University. However, it seems that to prove my worth at the University, I must become a stated Scholar of the Correspondence. But despite my many wanderings of the Forg...

I hate spiders
I am terrified of them
@GnomeSlice This is the kind of spiders that hatched from the banana:
@fredley Joke's on you, I burned your image before it loaded.
Ponies script, ho!
Thanks, I really didn't want to eat anything today.
Can you please not post spiders or insects or shit like that
I'm serious about this
@fredley flagged as offensive
This is the part where I turn to StartledCats to clear the screen
(To be fair, @GnomeSlice, you started it off with that story ...)
@fredley That's borderline, dude.
At least hide it behind a link.
here's a cat instead
There we go.
@Unionhawk What happened to it's tail?
But, but, but, spiders are adorable
@BenBrocka Iunno.
@5pike it's so cute :o
@5pike Okay, that guy, I can handle.
@fbueckert It's just a big plushie? What's not to love?
@fredley It's not the plushie that's the problem, and you know it. :P
@fredley Nice nswf image to go along with the photoshopped spider.
@fbueckert Just imagine a nice warm 8-legged hug from your friendly, excitable, furry doberman-sized spider!
Slobbering all over your face like that, so cute
Q: How to effectively kill tanks?

Ivan SolntsevIn Battlefield 4 there are wide variety of rocket launchers (guided, unguided). What launchers is most effective in terms of available ammo and dealed damage? What is best weapon to have against tank, without friendly support with additional ammo?

@fredley That's not nice, that's horrifying.
Running in circles around between your legs
I'd love to have a tame, huge spider like that
Okay @fre, we get it.
Giving you an 8-eyed puppy-dog stare when it knows it's been a bad spider
@GnomeSlice hate to tell you, they do grow that big =p
@5pike Me too
Spinning huge webs in which you can crawl.
@fredley Do you actually not see why that image is bad
...hide posts...
What backwards universe are we in today?
@GnomeSlice No? It's a cute fluffy spidery widery
@Unionhawk The one that says I'mma gonna go play video games.
@Unionhawk I know, did gnome and fredley swap places or something?
@fredley It's a woman getting eaten out by a spider.
hiding more posts....
@GnomeSlice You have a twisted mind if that's what you see
@fredley Are you blind.
Also I didn't flag that.
@GnomeSlice I think he has to be.
Ban incoming
Confirmed: we are in a different universe where gnomeslice and fredley have swapped places.
Yeah, well, you kind of deserve it tbh
Wait someone actually flagged it?
I'm all for pictures of women getting eaten out. But not by spiders.
It was flagged 4 times.
Nope nope nope
dammit gnome
Look, guys, the point has very much been made that this is inappropriate here. @GnomeSlice would've been suspended after the first "Nah, I don't see it."
@GnomeSlice I'm missing the more important: "But not in this chat"
This took much longer than it should have.
@KevinvanderVelden Oh... Right.
Here's my entry for spiders. I created this for my graduating portfolio. dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1957578/3D/TABLOID5RobotSpider.jpg
@Zerofennec (Gnome, it's a robot spider. It's okay.)
@Zerofennec nice work :o
@Zerofennec That's neat.
@Zerofennec That's pretty cool. Which software?
@FEichinger agree. Well, depending on who was in the room, anyway.
I took two courses on 3D in college and it was brutal.
Q: Is there any consequence to using "Try Again" after failing during court?

cloudymusicEvery game in the Ace Attorney series has featured a "strikes" or "life bar" system during courtroom phases, where you receive an instant Game Over if you present incorrect evidence or make mistakes too many times. In previous games in the series, you'd have to restart from your last save after e...

Very nice.
looks at star list WTF is going on?
@OrigamiRobot I blame @fredley.
@OrigamiRobot Spider robots
@OrigamiRobot Fredley posted a picture of a woman getting eaten out by a giant spider.
@Zerofennec This is actually pretty good. I'm embarassed to show my final 3D animation.
And for the record, I'm terrified of spiders. If you don't like them, then you'll like my next picture.
I made that too.
@Zerofennec Here was my 3D final jmp.sh/v/1frf7LsIHiRLIUvOq0zp
I wasn't able to rig the model so I had to animate each joint with keyframes
Which is part of why it's so shitty
@GnomeSlice What's wrong with it? Most people would kill to be at your level. I started there too.
@Zerofennec Eh, the walk cycle is horrid.
The arm turned out okay though. I will never do 3D again though.
Unless I really have to.
It was brutal.
> Okay, so I'm playing it, and if Frogatto had come out on the Saturn fifteen years ago people would STILL be talking about it today.
> It'd be a cult classic.
Q: Do abilities stick around after a champion's death?

RapidaSo there are a couple different categories of abilities that I'm wondering about. They may all act the same, but I think I've noticed them behave differently in game. DoT effects? I assume Teemo's poison will continue to tick even if Teemo dies. Anivia's Wall? Does it last the entire duration ...

I also do photo manipulation :3
@Zerofennec I haven't done much of that in a long time either.
Here's a picture of me that I took too much red eye out of.
I decided in my last semester that I wanted to do motion graphics and I seem to have instantly forgotten every single other thing I learned in my entire program.
Which sucks.
@Zerofennec Heh
I mean, hi
don't "SHHH" me
I will burn down your life
@kalina Now, now, calm down.
Sounds good.
You are most welcome to try :3c
that sounds like you're challenging me
I just sat down to eat my lunch, and I forgot headphone so you must all amuse me while I eat.
@Wipqozn Too late, you missed it.
@Wipqozn I can't entertain both you and @kalina. That's too much to handle.
@Unionhawk To be fair, you can't entertain either of them.
Q: How to set a quick weapon access key with a controller in Fallout: New Vegas on PC?

wilIn Fallout: New Vegas on PC, you can set a quick weapon access keys by pressing a keyboard shortcut (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8), and clicking a weapon in the menu. However, I am playing with a 360 controller, then keyboard commands are disabled. How can I set the quick weapon access keys without hav...

@FEichinger Valid.
Also, your face.
@Unionhawk I'm more important.
@Unionhawk Psh.
my work here is done.
@.oO( zZzZz )
@Unionhawk Well, that won't didn't last long.
@FEichinger You know what, your job now.
@kalina naw
@Unionhawk Psh. No way.
Morning, Bridge
@FEichinger Yep.
@kalina or is it 'nay' in ponian?
oh god run
@Unionhawk Nah. You really wouldn't want that.
@FEichinger What?
What on earth did I miss this morning?
@SaintWacko I blame @fredley
@SaintWacko fredley getting banned somehow
oh good god
@SaintWacko Where to begin...
@KevinvanderVelden o.0 Seriously?
@kalina <3
@Unionhawk You wouldn't want me trying to resolve her boredom.
I mean, he does have a degree in Internet Trolling, but I would not have expected him to get banned
@SaintWacko jup, posted an image even gnome found inappropriate and got suspended for an hour.
@FEichinger cough edits cough
@KevinvanderVelden "even gnome found inappropriate" is very fitting.
@KevinvanderVelden Wow
I'm sorry I missed it
What was so inappropriate about it?
@Unionhawk Hush.
23 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@fredley It's a woman getting eaten out by a spider.
23 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@fredley It's a woman getting eaten out by a spider.
23 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@fredley It's a woman getting eaten out by a spider.
Very impressive, guys
flags all of them
@FEichinger Heh.
@JourneymanGeek flagged as your face
@Unionhawk flagged as flag abuse
... Flagged as for god's sake, people, stop it.
isn't sure what is going on
@Zerofennec Kids is what is going on.
flags @ZeroStack too
@Zerofennec: there's a running joke that the bridge flags too much
I see
Gorillaz - Kids with guns
@JourneymanGeek nonsense!
@tombull89: only cause after a while, flags cease to be funny? ;p
@Unionhawk No.
@tombull89 DENIED
@fei Okay, you're right.
Making an app that communicates (in numerous ways) over two Windows domains is hell
Oh, look at the time. Goodbye guys/girls.
@JourneymanGeek We are a gaming chat. What did they expect?
@3ventic that we steal the flags and bring them to our base! Not that we give our flags away to the rest of the network.
@KevinvanderVelden All your flags are belong to us
Q: how many endings does The Walking Dead have?

iMAGEboxi'm playing The Walking Dead and im trying to figure out is there different endings? and who will stay with me till the end of game? does gaining reputation helps you in game?

@OrigamiRobot Explains trade in EU4.
@Wipqozn conquer ALL THE THINGS
@Lazers Note to self: Check for dupes before answering...
@JasonBerkan Just voted the same thing on that question lol
@kalina I feel left out :(
@OrigamiRobot you were left out maybe
such a sad story
now I feel bad
No you don't
Am I missing any drama today?
@Sterno Yes.
@GnomeSlice where?
40 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@SaintWacko fredley getting banned somehow
Q: How is car rating calculated in CSR Classics?

NovargI just finished Tier 3 at CSR Classics. And what I found "funny" is that my Mercedes 300 SL had a higher rating(427) with Engine stage 4 than with Engine stage 5(425). All other upgrades were maxed out(Stage 5). How is rating calculated? Am I better with higher rating(Engine stage 4, 427) or wit...

Q: How to "disarm and kill agile guards with their own weapon"?

NolonarOne of the Abstergo challenges in the fighter category says: disarm and kill 3 agile guards with their own weapon I've been disarming them left and right, but they always drop their weapon and I somehow can't pick them up. What am I doing wrong?

@FRE got banned?
what for?
@kalina Posting spider porn.
39 mins ago, by Unionhawk
23 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@fredley It's a woman getting eaten out by a spider.
@GnomeSlice You're clearly a hacker.
Well, my lunch is over, and I better head off before people start posting more spider porn.
That's not drama. There was no uproar about it.
@Sterno More muted confusion.
But I appreciate the effort.
@OrigamiRobot well, I do not condone these actions and even though I like fredley I'm glad he was banned for posting such disgusting images
CC @kalina
I know better than to watch videos linked by you, @GNO
Huh, whatever.
@Zerofennec Why is the eye in the hair?
@3ventic Because what.
I don't know, ask the internets
user image
@Zerofennec Better.
Q: Is Sheldon right that Superman would have killed Lois when he caught her?

Anz JoyQuoted from The Big Bang Theory: Penny: Yeah, I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her, which one was that? Leonard, Sheldon and Howard together: One. (Raj raises one finger). Sheldon: You realise that scene was rife ...

This question...
so much brain ache
To be fair, though, that seems like a reasonably "answerable" question for scifi.
look at all the whine in the comments though
Oh, fun!
I was perfectly fine just reading the onebox. Why did you have to show me that? >.<
@kalina y u do dis?
@PaulD.Waite It's asking about real world science, though, which is off-topic. — Anthony Grist 1 hour ago
Oh, SciFi ...
They didn't even try to cover the fact that they cloned Delve Deeper.
Utterly shameless
Hey bridge. I need some help. I am afraid a question I want to ask is going to be downvoted to hell. So Perhaps I will ask it here instead
It will still get downvoted to hell
Is there any significant meaning to the majority of games (in the US) being released on Tuesdays?
@kalina :P
I think there might even be a question regarding that
or at least, was, before our last cleanup
or at least, was, before the cleanup before the last cleanup
or at least, was, before the cleanup before the cleanup before the last cleanup
or at least, was, before the cleanup before the cleanup before the cleanup before the last clean up
@kalina Okay, we get it. Snap out of that recursion.
@kalina do you remember the answer? Or did it get downvoted to hell then?
@ZeroStack we have no game publishers on the site, the answer was probably speculative
as such, it would have been nuked from orbit
the fallout from such a nuclear strike would have killed all associated questions and probably the tag as well
@kalina lmfao
@kalina Still bored, I see.
Sternold: Too Many Years
@Sterno That's why they were killed, duh.
and it's best selling sequel
Sternolder: All The Years!
What makes that funny?
Is it really not funny, or am I just too old to get the reference?
it's not really funny
it's just a GnomeSliceism
Crisis averted
It's funny because you can actually play the game like this
> By 'the right way' I mean 'uploading yourself making faces that will both ruin and improve the game.'
no it's not

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